Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 28, 1892, Image 2

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    Give your business to Ileppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
you. ' -
National Republican Ticket.
iob Peesidiht,
of Indians.
of New York.
J. F. OAPLES. of Portland.
H. B. MILLER, of Grunt's Pass.
Q. M. IKWIN, oi Union.
D. M. DUNNE, of Portland.
Early Tuesday morning, Caroline
Soott Harrison, wife of President Ben
jamin Harrison, passed peacefully away.
Mrs. Harrison bad been ill sinoe the win
ter of 1890-91, when she suffered severely
from an attaok of the la grippe. At Cape
May the following summer she contract
ed a severe oold which was followed by
a cough the remainder of the season
Siuoe last April she has been steadily
tailing and bar death was not a great
surprise, thongh deeply regretted all over
the civilized world. Message! of condol
ence have been received by the president
from every quarter, Mr. and Mrs. Oro-
ver Cleveland's being among the first.
The death in the White Honse of Mrs
Harrison makes the second case in the
history of the executive mansion in which
the wife of the preside nt died there. Sep.
tember 10, 1842, Letitia Christian Tyler,
first wife of President John Tyler, died in
the White Honse. She entered it in del
icate health, unable to perform the social
duties of the plaoe, but her death, never
ineiess, came as a surprise and shock to
the country. The tolling of church bells
the following day announced her death
The funeral ceremonies took plaoe in the
Kan room.
Mrs. Harrison was universally beloved
She was a busy person, even in the White
House, devoting her spare moments to
embroidery work, ohiua deooration, paint
ing, etc. Her home and family first oo
oupied her mind, and she was truly do
mestic in everything, one of the grandest
of nature's queens.
In itself this alleged oanvnea will amount
to nothing, but it mean 3500 bought
ballots for Harrison. It is a shrewd
dodge to avoid direot bribing." On the
other band the Telegram can find that
the democrats are colon iziDg in New
Tork to carry the state. But this is not
"skullduggery." O, no.
Col. Bob Miller has found that be is
ineligible for presidential elector because
of bis ineligibility. That is about all that
oan be gotten out of it. But in reality,
the powers to be have ordered Bub off
and have also had the name of Pieroe, the
populist eleotor, placed on in bis stead.and
before election day, it is rumored that
others will be withdrawn in favor of the
populists. As muny counties have al
ready had their tickets printed, it will
cause additional expense.
1 hough Gov. Penuoyer has been
abused considerably be seems to be
about right after all, as the democrats are
coming out of the woods aud endorsing
his men. We believe a good, straight
democrat will Vote for Oleve and Hteve,
aud that the Weaver pill will not be
Tub Commercial Advertiser says edi
torially: "We are not surprised to learn
from the Sun that Henry Villard, in the
event of Cleveland's eleotion, is expect
ing a oabinet position. Indeed, from the
interest Villard has tuken in raising
money for the democratic campaign fund
outside of the World's Cleveland fund.
we should suppose he bad the promise
of one. A oabinet position would be of
great advantage to Villard in his miscel
laneous tailroad operations, such as the
Northern Paciflo, Oregon Transcontinent
al, North American, etc. Dissatisfied in
vestors in these stocks might wish to see
their promoter placed in the cabinet, but
they are not a majority of the people of
this country.
Unueb authority of the national repub
lican oommittee an address was issued
last week by the Assembly D. strict Irish
Republican Club of New York, treating
the attitude of the two parties toward
the Irian-American vote and attacking
the demoorutio party. The address con
cludes: "Never since the Irish rallied
around Washington to establish a repub
lic, and again in defense of the union,
has an oooaaion demanded that they
should exhibit patriotism more actively,
aud therefore every priooiple of honor,
traditiou and gratitude demands that
they should stand by Harrison and the
policy oi the republican party."
Sbnatob David B. Hill, of New Tork,
said in his New Tork speech that Wayne
McVeagh was making votes tor Harrison
by bis stupidity. Being interviewed at
Lyuchbuig, Va., he said:
"I am glad you were pleased and es
pecially with that part in which I paid
my respects to that venomous club of
political hypocrites aud mouutebanks,
which seems to crop out in Penusylvauia,
as well as in other states. I canuot suf
ficiently emphasize in words mv con
tempt for this class of pulitioul lenegaJes,
auu as wen ir me malcontents witliiu
ine party, it Mr. MuVeugu wereau bun
est man, as be now claims to be, be would
uoi nave waned tor IB years to give ut
terance to his belief that Tildeu washon
estly elected in 187(5. Knowing thai faot.
as be alleges, aud suppressing it all these
years, while be was the beneficiary 0(
tne party favor, clearly shows to mv
mind he is not of the class of persons the
aemooratio party wants, or should fol
low. ia democratic party, aud certaiu
ly sound demoorals, do not need a set of
egotistical self-lauding upstarts, to un
dertaketo tell them what to do. Every
uemovrat nao made up ins mind in
iNuvember salo, that Tilden bad car
neu a mai.irity oi tne eleotoral vote,
aud this McVeagh was one of the people
wno joined in toe great political tUett.
ine democratic party has prospered
without him, aud the mess this vainglo
rious person had already made will do
the aemooratio party more injury than
good. Our Irish friends are already in
arms and the more be explains the more
he condem s himself. He should be re
pudiated by the party for its own self
respect. It does not need bim and should
not recoguize him by heteuiug to bis
narangues. II is not democracy."
A 1SLAN8AS man who bin turned bis
back upon the third party gives tbe fol
lowing reasons for bis action:
1. Because it is run by lawyers with
out clients.
2. By doctors without patients.
8. By preachers withuut pulpits.
4. By women without husbands.
6. By farmers without farms.
6. By financiers without finance.
7. By educators without education.
8. By statesmen ont of a job.
ed, as was my duty, to guard our nation
al rights and privileges whenever I con
sidered they wers invaded, aud to defend
tbe flag and the uniform of our nation
when I believed tbey were assailed. I
am happy to know that my course in so
doing is favoraolv appreciated by all
reasonable, thinking men in Chili, Chili
ans as well as citizens of tbe United
States, while I have the assnranoe that
at home it is warmly approved by every
patriotio Amsrioan to whatever party he
A Seattle man, wbo bad tried in vain
to catch fish with a hook, oouoluded to
try dyuamite, and his dog, a retriever,
was with bim. Arriving at the spot be
Ignited the fuse and oast the bomb to
.the fishes. The dog iustanily sprang in
to the water, seized tbe bomb, aud start
ed for shore to place it at bis master's
feet. Then began a race thai beggars
description tbe master endeavoriug to
get away from the dog aud the do de
termined to lay the trophy at his master's
feet. The raoe teruiiuated when tbe
bomb exploded which blew the dog into
kingdom come.
A good joke wus bad last week at the
expeuse of a Portland editor. He at
tended an evening party where the
ladies had brought all kiuds of beautiful
plants and flowers for exhibition, lu
commenting on the plants in his next
issue the editor wrote: "Mrs. Smith
has the biggest and prettiest plauts in
town." In setting up the local tbe devil
simply omitted the "1" in tbe word
"plants," and the next day Mrs. Smith's
husband was after tbe editor's scalp
with a Bixshooter and upward of con
siderable gore in his optic.
Tuz Portland Telegram finds that
"one of tbe latest republican schemes to
make votes in New York city is managed
by Dave Martiu. He has employed SO
00 men at 'i per day to canvass the city.
Up at Cayuse the C. d. Engineers will
see a pile of wheat 600 feet long, 70 feet
wide and 20 feet high, awaitiog ship
ment, wbiob will make a page or two in
contradiction of the burned up Inland
Empire. After this year the railway
cannot haul the wheat to tide water.
Six trains a day, through The Dalles
now cannot reduce the piles at the sta
tions along the U. P. R R. Tbis is only oue
pointer amongst thousand similur. Tbe
Dalles Chronicle.
Troubles never come singly. Lately
a Maryland farmer mortgaged his farm
to get bin wile a pair of diamond ear
riugB Tbe wife took iu washing for the
summer boarders to nay the interest on
the mortgage. On the first day she lost
ouenf the diamonds in the suds and
tried to hang herself in the ban), but the
rope briikn and came dowu Oo-wholloo
onto a 8I5U calf and broke th animal's
bank four inches above his tail!
Oveb in Washington, the gubernato
lial contest has simmered down to vile
accusations and abuse. Both meu have
failed in business, which is out strange
stall. A man can't fail in business and
still not be a thief. What good can be
avaueu oy euou prooedures as are in
vogue up iu Washington, cannot be im
We fuel the burden of these tariff lax-
es, etc." says Orover Cleveland. It
must be heavy upon him. as he could
only afford t contribute $10,000 to tbe
diuio ratio corruption fund. K O. Re
MAHK M. tiHICK I'OMKUOT will vote
for Harrison this year, lie baa long
been a democrat and for years was the
editor uf the La Crosse, Wis., Democrat
Sun. Mitchell addressed a larire audi
enoe at me miles Wednesday eveuing
tie was followed by Uoncressmiiu-e eo
I!,lln, who made a few fitting remarks.
Tub Portland Disnatoh oalls onrntten
t Ion to the fact that Hen. Dolpb'a term
does not expire till 18U4. We aland cor
rected- It was a careless oversight.
DOTH parlies are verv aauiruine thai
tbey will oarry New York. Some one
must be badly mistaken, and it looks as
tnongb it migbl be Orover.
Tub republican national oominitten
Is after Wayne McVeagh. 8o is Hill
who repudiates his kind of democracy.
The K. of L. iu New York are wniltino
uaru lor narrisou.
The Awfal Mixifff of a Honey moos Party
near xnovei creek.
From the Klamath Star.
Lately a yonug married couple stop
ping at oue of the hotels between here
and Sbovel Creek, got into a dreadful
mix. When tbe green fanny-mono tour
ists arrived, the bridegroom was so far
ahead of bis bride that the landlord, oon
olndiug tbat they were not related, put
Charles in one room and Sally in another
lnaries to sleep with a ooast clam-
digger and gaily with an old maid com
ing to Klamath Falls to teach olain sew
ing. When poor Charles kioked about
getting into the room without bis bride.
the landlord made the dreadful blunder
of putting; bim into tbe room with tbe
old maid, aud Sally into tbe room with
tbe clam-digger. But Charles kicked
again, this time in a terribly empbatio
way, and brought order out of the worst
state of cbaos ever witnessed in tbat
"Things is mighty badly mixed!" he
snouted as ne new out of the old maid
room, "Wbar'e Sallyf"
bBiiy new out to his yearning arms
almost fainted, though not quite, owing
10 ner nne ciamath constitution, and
iuiug were rapioiy onmixea.
At tbe M. E. church next Sabbath the
pastor will preach, provided Rev. Ford
tbe evangelist, is not present in which
case be will do the Dreacbinir. The
morning subject will be "The Viotoryof
rann.' jcvening suoiect An Oriental
Wedding" as drawu irom tbe parable of
he ten virgins. Your presence at our
eervioes is desired. J. M. OHUL8E.
On Sunday next, the Pastor of tbe
M. Ih. obnrob, South, will preuob at the
usual hours, morning and eveuing, on
bis twofavorite themes. All areweloome.
Edwin Palmes,
Preaching at the Babtist church Sun
day. Theme at 11 n'clook will be
"Prayer" Theme at 7, o'clock "The
Book oi ljife, aud tbe rjecnnd Death.
M. Bbahblet,
The World Enriched.
Thefaoalities of the present dav for the
production of everythiug that will con
duce to the material welfare and com
fort of mankind are almost unlimited
an i wnen oyrup ot figs was llrst Dro.
dnced the world was enriched with the
only perfeol laxative known, as it is tbe
only remedy wbiob is truly pleasing and
refreshing to the taste aud prompt and
etleotua! o cleanse the system geutly in
me spring rime or, in taot, at any time
and the better it is known the more
topular it becomes. 580 643 law.
The Commerce ou Washington Politic.
ibis geutlemau is developing into tbe
greatest squealer, kicker and bulldozer
that ever disturbed the uoliticnl watnr
ot fierce ootinty.
J he habits be learned while bandliuu
mules at i 1 1 tjck to lim, aud he eeems to
magine that t he same k u'k und-cuff uoetb.
ods will work with intelligent voters. Mr.
ueuueu s myie may oe oue way to run
tor tne senate, but it IB a neculiar wkv
hat does not win these times.
Stephen Jndsou, the pioneer war-horse.
once said mm .nr. iseunetl might become
uiooti richer, perhaps, but that be oould
never become a gentleman
Aud many 1'ieroe oonuty people are
now oecoming or ine same opinion.
Mr. Bennett has a right to ruu the Ledg
er Buy ay he sees fit, and to chelate to
r i .
y. Auxiliary ouowuon, run ue Pas no
ngbl to crack lus slave-whip over others
and asi-ume 10 speak for theeulire repub
lioan party of Pierre county.
From the Irish World.
President llarrisou: "The Chiliau in
oideut, now so happily aud honorably
adjusted, will, I have uo doubt, place
our relatious with that brave people upon
a more friendly basis than ever before
Tbis already appears iu the agreement
since negotiated bv Mr. Egan for the set
tlement by commission of the long un
settled olaims between the two govern,
meute. t'hs work of Mr. Egau has been
highly advantageous to the Uuited States.
Tbe confidence which I refused to with
draw from bim has beeu abundantly jus
Minister Egan: "Iu thediltioult times
through which we have so receutly pass
ed, aud which have happily disappeared,
ueter, I trust to return, 1 have endeavor-
On The Way to Paradise.
Let us hope that the people who habit
ually disregard their health will reach
tliat desirable place, and avoid the local
ity which is less desirable as an eternal
leaideiioe no account of the heat and sur
roundings generally. But while weturry
iu tbis vale of tei.rs, why should we vol
untarily endure the tortures of dvsDen-
hib wheji a systematic use of Hosteller's
stomnciJ Bitters will rid us of the atro
oious malady which unless physicians
are very much at faulttends to shorten
tbe term of our existence. Heartbnrn,
billiousuess, constipation almost always
ac company this oomplaiut aud are symp
tomatic of it. These are all extinguish
cd by the Bilters, whioh also conquers
completely malaria, rheumatism, nerv
ousness aud debility. Siuoe tbe appear
ance of "la grippe" it has shown a singu
lar mastery over this formidable com
plaint tbat has carried off bo many of
our brightest aud best.
Beware (if Oliitiiieuta For Catarrh That Cob
talu Mercury,
As meroury will surely destroy the sense
oi smell and completely derange tbe
whole system when entering it through
the muoons surfaces. Suob articles
snouid never ne used exoept ou prescrip
tions from reputable phjsioiana, as tbe
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good you Oan noesib v derive from Ihom
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufacture! hv
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
uo mercury, and is taken internally, act
ing directly upon tbe blood and mucous
surfaces oftheBystem. Iu buying Hull's
vjararrn unre be sure you get tbe genuine
It is taken internally, and made in Tole
do, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney k Co. Testi
monials free.
Tnold by Druggists, price 75o,
Children' Heads
Blankets, Yarns i
Novelties, at 1
W 1
Fasoinators, Dry Goods,
Fanoy Goods,
Ladies and Children's
Columbus Discovered America
But tbe people discovered that at
Was the place to buy
Tinware. Wood and Willowware, Crockery,
Glassware, Larrms and Lamn Fixtures
Pumps, Gaspipe and Plumbing Materials. Goal, Iron and Steel.
Wagona, Hack. Buggies. Eo A oar load of STOVES direot from the factorv that
mn.l U. .-IJ 1 .. I. tlr i J , .. . . - -
uuo. iuiu, uuu fiora. uuue id a woramamiKe manner and satisfaction
OUR STOCK Ib DPwi'D,be 'iDle "'.d' we ask of you a liberal share of
1 g r ' '
bwto vmue mr j-uur uiouey.
Main Htreet, next door to First National Bank building,
HEPPNEB, . - . , .
A- mompion A Blllni
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Coffin & McFarland'i, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men.
Teams to bay per day, 75 ots. Hay end grain per day. 81 25. Meals 26 cti. a
at C. 0. Sargeaut's, neit door to Feed Stable, Grain and
baled hay always on band.
Tlie ll&er
Dou't Take Our Word,
but oall your druggist to one side and
ask bim orivately which of all the rem
edies advertised to cure rheumatism be
would recommend. If be is posted, aud
oonsoientions, he will tell ynu that Dr.
IJrnmmond a Liebtmui; Remedv in ilm
only one tbat offers a reward of 8500 for
a case It will not cure. With sensible
people tins is the strongest reonmmenda-
tinn. . noe 85 per bottle. Seut to any
address prepaid on receipt nf nrice.
Orummoud Medicine Co.. I,M Mai.l.n
Lime, New l'ork. Agents wanted. 87
11 virtue uf a wsrrutit tMnpri hv th. i-ah.,...
Clerk of the rountv of Mnrmu- mat m.....,,.:
dated the 7th day of October, 1W., and to me di
rected, coiiiumnihiiE me to lew upon the goods
Hint chattels ol the delinquent tax pavers as de
scribed In the assessment rolls of said countv
and If siillti-leiit personal property be not found,
then upon the real property of said dellmiiirut
tax payers, or so much thereof as shall be neces
sary to satisfy said tax, together Willi costs anil
expenses, and for want of suthclent personal
miperty tosallsiy said taxes, I have this dav
evlcd upon the foUowlim dt-acrihi-d rp,ii Mryta
situated and being In Morrow county, Oregon
and belonging to the following-named persons'
aud the said real estate beine dnlv amu-iiasui in
said persons and the taws thereon being now
woolly uiipald, vis,: .
A Barnes. S'4 SWV St'i ofSlVk.KM- it
in To 1 N, K rfK . i t n
O. H. Potter. NEV. See m Iu Tp 1 N, K 2.S E au
Lee H. Howell, NH ; In Tp i N g
! . 90
rrans. narvlll, ski,, sec 30 In Tp 1 N, R2fi K 6 60
M. Moore, SKi,, Sec lu Tp 1 X, R &i K 7 Til
Peter Egley, S See 6 lu Tp 1 N, R a K U 10
II I'etre. srt V, See U in Tp J N o( K M K . 9 7J
r . oiiciivi . ra ii aw .v. in i n i rv nt K A- h fi un
Adolph Besstugcr, NK'i of XW V. and NWV
oi At.Hauus.ttol NE', Sec a Tp Is, K
T. E. Braincl, Xtt'H of Sec 2S lu Tp 2 N of
R E 5 50
Mrs. A. ('. Rramel. SI, of NE'i Sec 16 In Tn
1 H of K li K . . 2 64
. B I-efover, SE, of seu Sec 18nd NEvi
of NEH Sec aud MS of Nll'i, ot Sec a)
Tp6S. RSK 2090
Further notice Is hurehv hIvah tti.t i m ..
Saturday the Julh day of Nov. issr.', betw een the
hour, oi ten o'clock a. m. aud four o'clock p iu
of said day. al the (rout doors ol the court house
i n ii-i' iurr, Murro county. Oregon, sell the
right, title and Interest ol the said i1lli.,in..i
taxpayers. In and to the above described real
property, at niihllc mictfmi r, ti i,i..ku., ... i
heal bidder for cash in hand, th nn.-i. k
applied to the payment ot said taxes, together
w Kb cost and expenses of sale.
Paled this Jolh day ol October, lsvr'
You will catch
At the Mallory Corner.
Buy your Groceries and . . .
. . . Read their new ad. soon.
There is nothing like a SLIM FIGURE to put it in
motion. We have laid in a very large stock of season
able goods.
We Bought Cheap and Sell
To offer the very best olotbiog for Men and Boys, the best
grades of goods' at pricts tbat make them JUMP.
Ladies' and Men's Furnishings,
Where can you get
Than, we offer P
There mnst be something you need in onr line, and there oan't be a better plaoe
to buy ban at tbe
Eastern Clothing House-
Herren's Building, May Street,
f than Cure !
Hoe Indorsements I
Cooper Dip is used and endorsed by the following Oregon and Montana sheepmen: W B
Donaldson, Dayvllle; W. 8. Lee, Junction City; John Harrison, Matney; Oeo. Ochs, Amanda'
Kenneth McKae, Dayvllle; Joe Oliver, John Day; J. w. Dyers, New Lisbon; V. 3. Moule, Bercall:
Cook 4 Clark, Phllbrook; Falrchild & McCraig, Pupuver; F. K. Warren, Utlca; Bnsch Bros.
Lewlston; K. P. Chandler, Maiden; J. Hlrschberg, Choteau; D. 8. Hastings, Ubet; James Edie
Dillon; W. Norton. Stewart; A. Downle, Big Sandy. '
Hest Dip ever made. Sold Eyerywhere
Ash Your Merchant for Qoopers and Take 10 Other.
Gen. Agt. for Oregon, Washington and Western Idaho.
Galveston, Texan.
I as
Footwear !
The r.nlr hunt anil shoe Mtshlisbnient of Hennnerhai
moTed from the Kant side nf Msln Htree', to their new
store imm, next . or to H. Blsokin n A I'o 's.
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in neppner.
Mln Mtraet! Hetfne Or.
The undersigned has a
choice lot of Oxford
Grade Bucks for sale
at reasonable prices,
at his ranch, 7 miles
south of Pilot Rock.
sTSMITH, Ilot Rook, Or.
Who Is lust opening up with a stock ot
Hardware, Tinware and Stove?,
Plnmbing Materials, Etc.
In the Odd Fellows' building. Has a thorough
plumberand tinner. See Billv before
you buy. West side Maiu street.
Columbia Beer Hall!
IN tiL 4 S aeWry Vandy Fadory m Main
a Fine Line of Liquors,
otreet. Keen on hand
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer
n , S. ?eLnts Per Glass,
On draught, freeh and cool. Lnoch of all kinds. How
to see all their old friends and many more.
insrvmKiS & HUGHES.
The Heppner Wood Yard.
At laet, and has opened up . Wood Yard, from which he will deliver
eawed or onsawed.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYERS,Sr, Manager. 448
.V7-M4 w
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Roioh Diamond Cicubs.- Wiibont
an equal, and fur years the lending
aalono cigar, will be sold at Kan Fran
cisco wholesale pricea, by lota ot 100 or i
6.000 at J. Cohn'a. 85 44 '
Wood Sawed at Your Residence it cts
(rA in wm,r . 01 An ii
",i. m fi 1 UO. three Km.. tvj . .
delivered at $7.60 per card. T.rd th-dr, "B
; RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor.
Ji LBKZBR, Prop.
Fnr anything naefnl, a aqnare piano in
eood coorlition. al Bennett' hotel, Ar
inKiuu. tuo prioe. nu. tiff, r i..
THI8 HOSTELRY baa been IiRFrrrKD and Repunibhkd throuhoul. and no,
1. 1 on. of the moat inviting placea in Heppner. Mr. Leeaer invite, yoa to .top
ith him, feeling that be i. able to entertain you in the beet of .tyle.
r. . - .
ouse. Reasonable Rates