Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 25, 1892, Image 7

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1"H09E dMlrlng the insertion of display ads.,
nr rhunire ol same, must ret their codv lri
not later thai! Mouday evening for Tuesday'))
edition, or Ihuraday evening for Fridays edi
tiUU Tub iATTaMoN Publishing Co.
investing all of it in real estate here aud
eloewticre. He will be h weallby man
copy in , 'u-uuj.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
charged lor "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respei-t," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall hiinsell give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. fotices of church and society aud all other
entertaiuuieuu from w hich revenue u to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
tents a line, l nese rules win oe strictly adher
ed to lu every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown
upon application.
(Jive your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to buitd up Hepp
ner. tatronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Raad "rbe Golden Caves."
Don't overlook tbe Ladies' Bazar,
TOTT'S PILLS are enemies to disease.
Iiipatu Tabules : one gives relief.
Andy Oook took in tbe festivities here
Aud bring in some cord wood on sub
scription. Bob Shaw got baok Thursday from
8. 0. Smith for furniture, and any ihing
else in bis hue.
Jobu Q. Wilson is up from Salem on
business matters.
Cbas. Conger oame in Saturday, on bis
-v to Pendleton.
Fred Miller knows bow to give yon a
good fit in tailoring. tf sw
Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Buoknnm will
shortly locate at Heppner.
Green Mathews and wife will locate in
Bt-ppuer in the near future.
Banker French, of Tbe Dalles, was in
Heiiuner Ihhi week on business.
W. A. Young, of Gooseberry, made a
pleasaut c.ill ou tbis offije yesterday.
Uiil Reed, tbe Arlington liVerymai.,
was iu Heppner last week on busiuess.
Tbe Gem aud Palace saloons for fine
iqnnrs. MeAiep Broc, Props. sw
Prevent and cure Constipation and Sick
Headache, Small Bile Beaua.
W. A. Wisher aud Mr. HiiRbes, of Hay
stack, were over late last week.
Heppner's flouring mill is in operation
aguiu after a briet reason of inactivity.
Mia Annie Fristoe is baok from tbe
valley after more thuu a year's abseuoe.
Col. B. A. Miller has oanoelled all of
bis Eastern Oregon engagements to
Ed. 0. Allen and family got baok from
Portland lu time to attend Heppner'e
Ernest Piper and Oscar Tibbetts, of
Lexington, called ou tbe Uuzette office
last Friday.
Friday passed away with uot a jar, nor
a druukeu man to mar the pleasure of
the vast crowd.
Pap tiimona & Son still shoe horses
and do general blacksmitbing at the old
Btand Mutiock corner. 55.
Our friend, J. H. Eolman, startles tbe
fiubiio in this issue with a Biartliug start
er in tbe Bbape of a new ad.
To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Bean
after eating. 26c. per bottle.
Bev. Bramble! preached to a goodly
number of people last bundsy evening
from Coriutbians, 20:0.
A number of freight teams pulled out
for Loug Creek Saturday, well loaded
with supplies and merchandise.
Shaw & McOarty are selling beef fore
quarteis, at four oents per pound aud
other meats in proportion. 36-tf
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stork should subsonbe for Tbe
HornmiiU Gazette shop, agents.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do
all kinds of nursing. Oil at ber home
in north Heppuer, or address ber at. this
place. 518 tf
Bay, people, give us tbe news. That's
the busiuess we are lu, and we consider
it a tavor to be infoimsd of wbat is going
T. K. Roberts, tbe traveling clothier,
returned ISuuduy evening from a tour
through tbe greater portion of Eastern
Hiyu ketchum whiskers, Hatt &
Mathews, at tbe city barber shop tbe
plaoe to get a first-class shave, hair-cut
or shampoo. tf.
Guaranteed to cure Bilious Attacks and
OooaUpuLiou, Smail Ulle Beans.
A li.ueil or x'ay beard may be colored
a beautiful aud natural brown or black.
at will, by usiug Buckingham's dye for
tbe whiskers.
Jobuuv Olirismaa pulled out yester
day moruiug with freigut for tbe Long
Creek merchants, Jack Parker also ac
compli Died him.
J. N. Brown went below last week to
get an oculist to look after his eyes,
which are seriously impaired, for the
present at least.
Walter Keeney and Andy Wilson ar
rived Friday from Long Creek, leaving
Saturday morning loaded with freight
for tbe inner country.
Wash. Elliott and D Cox are both
marobing around with a proud air. Their
respective families are some bigger, but
we did not lear n the sex.
Master Clay Freud' is the authorized
Reut for tbe Oreitonian at this place.
Subscribe tbrouuh him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palaoe Hotel's north bnsiness room.
Charley Jones, the ha ber, wants to see
bis old friends tbere. Baths in connec
tion. Phill Heppuer oame up Friday eve
ning, returning to Arlingtou nn Monday 's
train. Mr. Heppner is enjoying tuuob
better health now than for some time
Cbas. MaTin, who had tbe misfortune
to seriously wound his left Hand by the
accidental discbHriie of a pistol, a short
time ago, will probably lose the use of
two finders on tbat band.
One Small Tlile Bean evrry nnrht for a
week arous Torpid Livers. 26c per bottle.
Tbe laiesl deutisir), crown autl bridge
work, niost successfully accomplished by
Dr. B. F. Vaugban.' Gas administered
wben desired. Thompson building,
Heppner. Or law-
Meats are wholesaled at tbe Liberty
Meat market cheaper than ever before
known to be sold for in Heppner. Fore
quarter of beef at 4 ets. per pornd and
other meats in proportion. 36 tf
There iB no use Jn suffering with rheu
matism as loug as yon cau get Congo
Oil, It is for sale by alt druggists at 12
per bottle, but it would be dirt cheap at
(our times the prioe. It is a positive oure
for rbenmatism, and no mistake. Try it
and be convinced. f tf
Owing to tbe fact that job stock has
advanced about twenty per cent from
reasons wbicb will be explained else
wb. re. we are oompelled to makes
light advance on all printing. A le
rluction will be made as soon as prices
Of material will justify same.
Condon Globe: Pt Skelly made a
trip to R -ok creek tbis week io the in
terest of nis pro wrty down tbere Pat
has made a barrel f money at Condon,
and baa used excellent judgment by
See tbis issue for explanation of aims
aud purposes or tbe Woniau's Belief
Beub. Sperry, though up at Heppner's
races last week, is considerably under
tbe weather.
Mis James Mollnley returned Satur
day ul lust week Horn ber visit lu rela'
lives iu the y alley.
A good many things not minted oi
printed by Uuule Sam are legal tender
lu Alonow cuuuty now.
Airs. U. E. t ell aud daughter-in-law,
-ills. X. E. fell, lell today for Taoouia,
tiie latter' tuiuie iiuiiiv.
"M. QuuU's" latest atury, "The Golden
Caves,' uuuiuieuuea witn Luis laauo ut our
eiui-weehiy, bee dial page.
Mrs. S. It. Beeves, of La Grande, who
bus mure naim li lauds iu Morrow coun
ty luuu anyUuu), is neie ou a visit.
x. J. Mote, ut Haystack, biought iu a
lot oi nogs last week. lUore ol uur peo
pie sbouid embark iu tbe hug busiuess
Hou. W. K. Elba returned from Port
laud last luursduy, but bis wile aud lit
tle sou are etui visitiug with relatives iu
the metropolis.
bob liiimoie aud family It ft Moud y
f r tUeli Louie near Aluuuuieni, alter
tukiUK lu lUe sights below and tbe races
at i'lio JUallea aud Heppuer.
Those desiring to beoume members
of ibe Heppuer Uuok aud Ladder Com
pany are requesied to leave tueir names
wiiu the presideut, George Cuuser.
We received tbe following a few days
agu wan a request tu publlou : "The ad
dress uf Peter Oumek, wno is iu Oregon,
is desired by his fatuer, 0. Oaiuek, 01
Orescent City, Iowa."
Mies Auuie Ayers is up from Salem,
auu we are luturined tout ber parents
will shortly luoate here again. Tbis is
indeed pleasiug tu tbeir uiauy fneuds iu
Heppuer aud vicinity.
E. H. Clarke,wuu is a familiar figure in
these parts, was uver from ieudietuu
Saturday. E. tt. is as big a fuvurue oi
Heppuer ladles as witu me numerous
olitcpuieu ul -Uol iu ouuuly.
T. J. tioiowgius aud wue, Billy aud Ev..
tjiuwiey, An luuei, Eutiua Kuboi la auu
liraOo Uaidisty, lept'eeeutauvcs ul Lou.
(Jreea, wbu aileuded uur races aud cele
bratiuu last week, left fur Loug Creek
this muruiug.
A lot of cattle from the Gilman-Freuoh
possessions uver at Cuiuuub were suip
ped belu w Fi iday last uu a special.. There
seeuie to be a big demand lur callle tuie
full, aud ibis seutiuu is duiug its ati..re
towards supplying it.
Tbe nights are frosty, aud ueighboriutj
frout yards snow by tueir verdure, "Hie
sere aud yeliOW leal," luut uutuiuu is u
uauo, yet moie be..utilui weuiuertuan lb
ueiug uliutied lu AluiTuw uuuuly at prea
eut oauuul be luiagiued.
Ihus. Moiguu, one of our worthy
scuuul directors, who at prtseut is so
j lUiuiug ut Cauyou City, will piease Call
at aapioustau, van 6i Ou. s lu Jouu Llay
wbeie lie will liuJ some papers awaltiua
bis aiguature. Delay means luss to out
There is no better medicine for family
use than Ayer's Calbartio fills. Tueli
sugur-ouailug makes tbem easy aud even
UKieeable tu lake, aud as ibey Oujtalu
uu calomel ur oiber lujuilous drug, tbe
are peileotly sale lur puueuts of any age.
Tbe great Dr. Boerbaave left three di
reclious for preserving tbe health keep
tbe feet wurtu, the bead coul, and tbe
Duwels upeu. Had be practiced in our
day, be might have added: and purify
the blood with Ayer's Oarsaparilla; loi
he certaiuly would consider it the best.
J. N. Brown returned lust evening
tiom PuruanJ, wuere be had goue tu
uuve his eye examiued by uu occulist.
Mr. Biowu thinks bis eye will be all
riht as soon as me inflammation leaves
aud he bas quit using tue up dioiue, as 11
wus tbis tUut greatly eularged tbe pupil,
Ihus making it aluiusl impossible fur him
to see.
Curds are out announcing the mar
riaiie uf tiiss Beatrice Leuuis,of bulem,io
Chas. M. Wbitebead, of Portland. Wed
diugtooouur Meduesday Nov. 2, 1892,
11 o'clock a, m. at tbe Willamette Par
lore, balem, Oregon. Miss Deunis is tbe
daughter ol Bev. H. F. Dennis, who was
at oue time a minister in Heppuer, but
uow located at Lewston, Idaho.
Sudden Death. Heppuer people were
surprised to learn of the death of Ben
Pressley, step-son of George Vinson, at
5 o'clock p. m last Suturday evening.
It appears tbat he was injuieJ down in
Wasco county a few weeks ago by a
horse falling on him, but be was not con
sidered to be in a serious oondition till
i arly last week, when bis folks at Hepp
ner were notified and he wus brought
borne. He only lived a few days after
reaching here. Deoeased was about 19
years of age, and was well respected.
The funerBl occurred at ibe M E. oburob
yeBterday morning, tbe intermeut occur
ing immediately afterwards in the Hepp
ner cemetery.
Stand bi Oi'R Becobd. Chongh Fri
day was a legal holiday, a few of our
business meu did not observe it bv clos
iug up, though the majority did so. It
bas long been the custom of Heppner
people to close up on legal holidays, and
should a few fall to do so it will oause
others to keep open. Heppner has a
record of being tbe "biggest little town
in the Northwest," and we should not in
any ay lower our standing in the esti
mation of the people.
A New Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord
bas moved iuto tbe former art gal
lery over Messrs. Brown 4 Hamilton's
office, and has fitted up for architecture
work. He is prepared to contract for
all kinds of bnildinus, or will supervise
cojstrnotion. Hnd pnn base material for
tbe same, givinu bis customers ihe ben
efit of bis experieuoe and percntaife.
532 If
Tbey incrense appetite, purif y the whola
System and uclou the liver, bile UeausSmaU.
Runaway J. F. Corliss met with a
runaway over in Sun ford canyon Mouday
of last week. A saddle horse came buok
ing down the hill with tbe saddle under
him, which scared bis team, and being
unable to bold them, awav tbey went,
but we believe an invoice of damages did
not foot up very hiirh. fortunately.
Nabrow Escapb. Billy Hildebrand,
while working out at T. J. Matlock's
ranch last Friday, was severely kicked in
tbe back, and though be esoaped any
broken bones, it is a puzzle as to bow it
was done. He came to town Monday,
and witb some effort was able to get
Fashionablh Dressmaking. Mrs. For
wood has secured a first-class dress
maker from Portland, and fashionable
work is gnarauteed. Parlors. Main
street, one block below tbe National
Bank of Heppner. Si-it.
Roarinsr Success
in Every
Saturday Homing Occupied is Taking In New
llembem ia Their Ranks The Ball
In the Evening.
The program for Friday's celebration
was carried out almost to a letter, ex
cept tbat the address was made by Hon.
W. It Ellis, in the absence of Hon. Geo,
0 Browuell. Tne parade was ably man
aged by Marshal E. L. Matlook,' which
was pronounced a success iu every par
ticular. '
The ode for Columbus Day was recited
by Miss Martha Neville, who wus highly
oomplitoeuted. Miss Neville had .a full
appreciation uf what was necessary iu
the rendition of tbat beautiful pieoe, and
she oaptnred the audience from tbe very
beginning of tbe reoitation.
1'bu fullowing written program wai
carried out in tbe evening:
1. Music by tbe band.
M'lalc by tbe choir.
Prayer by Bev. Bramblet.
"America" by choir.
Weloome address, Frank Kellogg.
Response, by D 0. Ely.
"Glory Hallelujah," by tbe choir.
Reoitation by Miss Bessie Ettea.
9. "Star Spangled Banner" by cboir.
10. Reoitation by Osoar Borg.
11 insic by baud.
12. Address by N J. Sinnott.
13. Musio "Columbia" by choir.
11 riong by Dallas Dimpman, "Vir
ginia Lowland."
15. Song bi Mrs Stevensou.
It. Becitatiou by Myrtle Brown,
"G uug io Ibe Soldiers Home."
17. Recitation by Harlan Stanton.
"Home Sweet Home," by olioir.
"Drummer Boy," Cora Drlskell.
''Soldier's Letter," Annie Webb.
"Diagonn's Saber," Stella Webb.
"No. i," Harlau StHnton.
"Stars and Stripes." H. Stanton.
Music by baud "Marobing Thro'
so. Miscellaneous.
This was followed by an "uowritten
program," but tbe master of osremouies,
.Mr. Willis, failed to band io bis list,
hence we cannot publish it.
Mr. N. J. Siunott's speeob was a
masterly effort and warmly applauded.
He bas ability in this line, rarely equal
led aud seldom excelled by so young a
man, being only la nis i'.a year, we
will, Derbaps, publish, same in fall
io our next issue.
Harlan Stauton in bis Dutch recitations
took the bouae. Tbe whole program, in
fact, was quite good, and the audience
of one thousand people went away well
The U- A K. boys spent tbe morning
in secret session in tbe Odd Fellow's ball
and in the evening occured tbe ball at
which all old soldiers were invited.
The members of Rawlins Post, G. A.
R. No. 31, hereby return their sincere
thanks to tbe oitizens of Heppner, tbe
members of the Cornet Band, tbe secret
sooieties, and especially tbe ladies of tbe
choir and oity for their oordial reception
and entertainment of tbe veteran soldiers
who met in Heppuer in celebration uf
Columbus Day; also to tbe speaker, Mr,
N. J. Sinnott, for bis eloquent and pat
riotic address. We shall always remem
ber with most kindly feelings all those
who assisted as in tbis great celebration.
and will oarrv witb as to our homes tbe
fond remembrance of the kind treatment
we received from all the citizens of Hepp
ner. Resolved, That a oopy of these resolu
tions be furnished tbe Heppner tjaners
for publication.
(G. W. Rea,
Com. IJ. F. Willis,
Id. 0. Elt.
Tbe Omaha Bee, in speaking of Judee.
says that it did fair work in 1884, exoel
teut woik in looo, but that in tins cam
paign it is outdoing itself. Judge was
never makink suob great bits as it is this
year; it is leaving all its rivals bebind.
Such great piotures as tbe "C.evelacd
f araobute ana tbe Durstiug or tne reck
boom are memorable in campaign car
tooning. But Judge has some great
pictures in store, and the five papers for
tbe ntxt five weeks of tbe oampaigu will
be sent for fifty cents. Address tbe
Judge Publishing Co., 110 Fifth avenue,
New York City.
The Ctaeen Aud President.
Who will be presideut? Send your an-
ser, with eiuhl two-oent stamps for a
sample copy of tbe Canadian Queen, oon
turning rules and conditions, aud secure
me of tbe following valuable prizes:
To the first correct answer will be
awarded a Hteiuway or Chiokering piano;
tbe two next, eacb a pair of beautiful
diamond ear-rings; tbe next ten, eacb a
first-claBS sewiug machine, and to the
last ten will be awarded eacb a tall silver
tea seryioe (value 860.00).
In addition to these, every person cor-
rrotly naming tbe next president will
bave tbeir choice of a magnificent dia
mond bracelet, a pair of diamond ear-
rinus, or an imported opera glass.
Contest olosrs Wo v. 7th. Any letter
postmarked that date will be accepted.
Diinuu tne oontest special prizes will
be given to the first ten answers reoeived
eacb day, without regard to name of candidate.
All prizes for the U. S.free of duty.
Address : Dept. "A."
Tua Qlebn Publishing Co., Ltd.,
Toronto, Canada,
The Americas Wool late rest.
Is tbe title of an exceptionally interest
ing pamphlet of 04 panes, just published
by tbe American Protective Tariff Leaaue,
ami edited by Hon. w m. Liawrenoe, Pres
ident of tbe Ohio Wool Growers Associa
tion. Every person who wants to know
all about tbe wool qnastion should send
for a oopy. Frioe, six cents. Address,
Wilbub F. WakkmaB,
General Secretary,
135 West 23d Street, New York.
Shoemakkb. Ed Birbeck, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in tbe Abraham
sick buildtng, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiytbing in bis line.
Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work,
man and warrants all work. Give him a
oall. lt-tf
N I - Are
! ,&L A. Great
You Interested
Has Opened Up at Heppner.
Offers a magnificent new stock for
At prices the lowest yet named for strictly first-class goods. High grades in all
aepartmenta. lru merit in every article, aouest quality, ad luuneuse
assortment nothing missing. The quality will tell it : the price
will sell it. Tbat is the reason you should come early and
secure your BARGAIN'S from our splendid line of
Dry kk .ling, Boots U hi
Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats.
AVE show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the finest seleo
;. tinns in all standard styles We make it a point to have every article in
I stock tbe best of its kind. The dollar yon spend with us roes fartber, lasts
longer, gets more syle, ge's more quantity, gets more quality, and does
more good in servioe, worth and wear than auy money you spend. Our goods
' and pries, now waiting f r your inspection, will prove this. Remember it
is an established fact that it pays to trade, providing you want to save money, at tbe
-bostoi? (psr? STOW
o f and ! Sii
Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator.
First-Class work in All Its Branches. --"-Prices Reasonable,
530- sw
For Trade at the Head of the Procession
With the Right Swing and
We Propose to
;di That Maverick
The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
I Bound up Bargains
Like Tours Respectfully. We are here for business from the
ground up and propose to let yon know it.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Macs oh Hhort Notice and it Popular Pntcis.
IS" Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
Grain Sacks
.(for their Entire Stock, consisting or Remnants of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Hats and Cape, Hoots, Shoes, Groceries, Fanoy
Goods, Hardware, etc., Strictly for CASH ONLY, and at prices that
will Ol EN YOUR EYES. Ct.ll enrly and avoid the rush. Tbis
stock of goods mnst be positively sold by December 15th, 1892, as
we will then retire frutu business. No goods will be exchanged.
Pioneet BricR Store - main Sireei. Heppner
-mmm Mrs.
n i t nn nnrrm
Kill Mi llll I
1 MJttU UV J
Marcaret Von Cadow
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
S I L V E R W A R E,
Eto., Eto.
Trust I3usts.
For T. W. AYEKS, Jr., & Co.
Till NO NEW.
Office, Kwtdeuc.
Contractor I
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
Are stttl allvo and kicking for trlc with a complete line of-
Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, Confectionery,
Guns and A.m munition, Sewing
Machines, Farm Implements.
Also Gents' Furnlshlrifr Oowls, and the largest assortment
ol Tttus In Kantem Oregon.
Speolal Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto:
WE Won'T Be UnotRSolD,
tf. Corner Main and Willow Strools, Ileppner Or.
Change of Ownership
wbicb we propone to oonduot in thu mot SHtiafmitory manner.
Will keep
on bands al all timei the oboicmt
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
85-tt ProDrietora.
its, -:- Candies,
The Finest in the Land.
Oyster JStfi jsoii
AIho is about ripe. We will let you
know about that in the near liiture.
W. L. Matlock & Co.