Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 25, 1892, Image 5

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lUlJJlilU ll IllLj D1U til 1
A Minneapolis Man Disappears
in Chicago.
The Missing Dootor Said to Havs Been
in St. Louis Where He Left
His Card.
Chicago, Oct. 20. No trace has been
found of Charles Bernheimer, the Min
neapolis wine merchant, who disap
peared in this city last Tuesday. Bern
heimer left Minneapolis Monday and
arrived here next day, registering at the
Palmer house. After sending a telegram
to his wife, notifying her oi his safe ar
rival, he left the hotel and since then
has not been seen by any one that knew
li i in. The city police and I'inkertons
are working on the case, but so far no
trace of him can be found. His friends
fear that he has been drugged or pos
sibly murdered for his money.
He lunched at the Palmer,, saw one
man with whom he had business, made
appointments with others, drew $500
from a bank, and that is the last known
of him. His business affairs iivMinne
apolis are in excellent condition, and he
was a man of most exemplary habits.
Friends believe he was robbed and mur
Chicago, Oct. 20 The friends of Dr.
Cook, who has been missing since Octo
ber 7, learned tidings of him today. A
Mr. Engert, of Lake View, was in 8t.
Louis October 11, and was approached
by a man who carried a surgeon's bug,
from which he took a card and said: "X
expect you'll hear about me from Chi
cago in a few days ; you should tell peo
ple I have gone to New Mexico." En
gert had never seen the man before, but
kept the card, and on his return home
he went to Dr. Cook's brother and pre
sented the card. It was one of the missing
doctor's business cards, and proved that
he was not dead, at least.
Post Office Officials Worried Over the
Provisions of a Reoent Measure.
Washington City, Oct. 20 Post office
officials are likely to bo a good deal
bothered by the act giving 15 days' leave
annually to clerks in first and second
class post offices. The bill as originally
framed was intended to be passed at the
beginning of the present summer, and
provided for a substitute to work while
clerks were away, but was not passed
until the closing days of the session, and
was approved by the president Oct.
1. The provision for substitutes was
stricken out in the passage of the bill
through the two houses, so the other
clerks are left to do the work without
assistance or extra compensation.
This act is mandatory in terms, and
provides that 15 days' leave be allowed
for each fiscal year, beginning July 1,
IsflO. Leaves have already been granted
in some post offices by favor of the post
masters, but where they have not been
granted clerks will be entitled to them
between now and next July. These
leaves were granted in some offices to a
part of the clerks during June, and these
clerks will be lucky enough, if the act is
strictly enforced, to get 15 days more in
the present year. The circular letter will
probably be prepared soon and sent to
first and secon I class postmasters, di
recting them to grant the leaves author
ized by law.
Fort Wayne Radicals Make Application
For Federal Supervisors.
Fort Wayne, Ind., Oct. 20 Much in
dignation is felt here because applica
tion has been made to Judge Gresham
by a number of republican politicians
from this county for United States super
visors for the coming election. There
has never within the memory of the
oldest inhabitant been trouble of any
kind during election time in this coun
try, nor was there ever any fraud
charged by any of the contesting parties.
A contested election case was never
known to occur here.
The people, irrespective of party, are
therefore, justly indignant at the at
tempt to insult the good name of Fort
Wayne. The signers of the petition,
with only one or two exceptions, are all
federal officeholders, and include Post
master Higgins, Deputy Postmaster
Howey, Stamp Clerk Pearson, United
States Leonard and Mail Agent Dough
erty. Wilmer Leonard, one of the
signers, m his capacity of notary public,
certifies that the signers are citizens in
good standing. Postmaster Higgins is
one of Michhner's tools, and it is there
fore believed that the orders for the
political trick came direct from head
quarters. A STRANGE CASE.
A Youth Chloroformed and Partially
Tarred and Feathered.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 20 William
Pryor, a boy of 19, was found on the
Btreets shortly after midnight partially
tarred and feathered and unconscious
from the influences of chloroform.
He said lie was on the way home from
the theater then he met two unknown
men, onck whom grabbed hiin, anu ne
ng further until he revived at
the4 i, 1 Viouse.
V liill and Edward McCafferty
have .-Torrested a9 the Dernetrators of
the deciy They claim Pryor did the job
himself, as he wanted to appear as a
freak iu a dime museum. Later one
Professor Johnson was arrested, and con
fessed to his share in the affair, but said
he would never have given hiB aid had
he know Pryor intended to create a sen
sation. On the other hand, Pryor maintains
the truth of his statement. He was re
moved to the hospital, and became un
conscious several times during the morn
ing, owing, it is believed, to the shock.
Lucky Mr. Balfour.
London, Oct. 20 Cynical Mr. Balfour,
chief secretary of Ireland, seems to be
one of fortune's favoured sons. He has
been ottered 1,000,000 for his shooting
preserve in the north of Scotland, pro
perty which was considered worthless a
generation ago and which has only re
cently been recognized as of any great
value. Next to having been born a
nephew of his uncle, the purchase of
this property may lie set down as Mr.
Balfour's luck.
Filled With Awe at a Locomotive.
London, Oct. 20 Dispatches from
China report the success of the project
of a railroad between Haiphong and
Langson, Tonquin, which will connect
Tonquin with the towns on the southern
frontier of China. A locomotive recent-
I 'y imported has been exhibited in th
I presence of local officials, who were tilled
I with wonder at its workings, while the
curiosity 01 me people was so great and
eager that they had to be driven away
irom me engine ana tracks lor tear of
accident. The1 work on the line is being
rapiuiy pressed.
A Ban Antonio Alderman Decamps With
Much Ill-Gotten Wealth.
San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 20. A sen
sation developed in business and politic
al circles here to-day when the fact be
came public that J. H. Bolton, member
of the board of aldermen of this city, had
flown with about $00,000, which he
secured, it is alleged, by various fraudu
lent means.
Bolton had been engaged in the furni
ture business here for several years, and
about three weeks ago made an assign
ment, when his liabilities were found to
be much in excess of his assets. Shortly
after making an assignment, he opened
an account witn the Maverick liank
here, where he made numerous small
deposits and finally; according to the
statement of the president of the bank,
he overdrew his account $4,000.
At the First National bank of this city
he secured by fraudent papers, it is said,
$2500. He also obtained $1000 from
City Assessor Frish, $500 from M. J.
Kuhns and other persons, it is alleged.
In addition to these he sold lots be
longing to a Daredo man for $1200 and
took that sum with him. He is also al
leged to have absconded with several
thousand dollars belonging to three se
cret societies, organizations of which he
was treasurer. He was also behind
$2000 with his creditors.
Bolton left the city quietly two weeks
ago and is known to have been in San
Francisco a week ago. He came to this
city from Australia and it is believed
that he has departed for that country.
He leaves a wife and several children
The Corn Crop Found to be in a Good
Chicago, Oet. 22 The Farmer's Re
view says that a careful examination of
the estimates furnished by correspond
ents, reveal the fact that the corn crop
is turning out somewhat better than ex
pected. The crop in Michigan and AVis
consin is larger than last year, and Min
nesota and Dakota almost as large.
Other states, especially Kansas and Ne
braska, show considerable shortage in
several counties. Kansas and Nebraska
corn is nearly a total failure. The Re
view gives estimates on the production
in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky,
Missouri, Kansas, Wisconsin, Michigan,
Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and Dakota,
and says after deducting from the gross
product the percentage of unmerchant
able corn, the estimate of the total, mar
ketable in the states named, is 825,935,
253 bushels. The condition of the crop
in the remaining states, not covered by
the report, is-estimated at 85 per cent, of
the average.
Returned From Europe in Bettor Health
Gone to Baltimore.
New York, Oct. 20 Ex-President
Robert Garrett, of the Baltimore & Ohio
railway, with his wife and daughter, ar
rived yesterday on the steamship Um-
bria from a six months' trip abroad
Mr. Garrett declined to be interviewed
yesterday, because he had not fully re
covered from the effects oi the stormy
weather which the Umbria met. lie
had to stay in his stateroom after the
ship was docked. Mr. Garrett and hi
party entered a carriage and were driven
to the Brevoort house, where they took
lunch. Then they went to Jersey City
anu iook me aiternoon train lor Mr
Garrett's home in Baltimore. Mr. Gar
rett appeared to be in much better
health than when he started for Europe,
In Texas Form a State Oganization to
Boom Their Region.
Waco, Texas, Oct. 20 The convention
of real estate men of Texas has been in
session since last Tuesday and have or
ganized the real estate agent's associa
tion of Texas. The object is to secure a
reduced railway rate to tourists and
emigrants, arrange for periodical excur
sions, to provide for travelling exhibits
of the state's products in cars to be ex
hibited north and east and generally to
advertise the state abroad. J. B. oiirip-
son of Dallas, was elected president, and
W. A. Abey of Waco, secretary. The
nexe meeting will be held in Houston
on December 10th.
- Canadian Barley in England.
Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 20 Canadian bar
ley is to be represented at the National
Exhibition at Darley to lie held at the
Royal Agricultural Hall at London,
England. This exhibition is in the hands
of the men who are the largest buyers of
barley in the world. In all 11 large
sacks will be sent, one sack of duckbill
variety, weighing 55 pounds to the
bushel. This is an exceptionally tine
sample, being plump, white in color and
thin-skinned ; but all are exceptional
samples and average 53 pounds.
Farmers Protecting Themselves.
Montickllo, 111., Oct. 20 The Farm
ers Mutual Benefit association in Piatt
county has organized an elevator and
scale company at Cerro Gordo, which
has lieen chartered by the state of Illi
nois, with a capital of $10,000. It will
carry on ft general business of buying
and shipping the farmers' grain.
Devotion to Rome Expressed.
Berlin, Oct. 20 Cardinal Benavides,
president of the late Catholic congress at
Saragossa, has gone to Rome to present
in person to bis holiness the assurance -of
devotion and loyalty given expression
to by the congress, including a resolu
tion in favor of the restoration of the
temporal powers.
To Extend a Railroad.
City of Mexico, Oct. 20 Robert Sy
mon, vice-president of the Central Rail
way and president of the Michoacan and
Pacific, has arrived. Ho stated that the
object of his trip here from London is to
extend the latter road so as to connect
with thelnter-oceanic railway.
A New Colony Dedicated.
City of Mexico, Oct. 20 President
Diaz dedicated a colony at the suburban
town of Coyocan yesterday before a nu
merous and ariatocraticassemblage. The
colony is named Carmen, after the pres
ident's wife, who distributed gold and
silver commemoration medals struck for
the occasion.
Clergymen in Parliament.
London, Oct. 20 A bill is to be intro
duced at the coining session of parlia
ment enabling clergymen in holy orders
to sit as members of the house, from
which they are now excluded, although
a large number of prelates sit in the
house of lords. Lord Coleridge is op
posed to the change.
Excitement Caused in a
Carolina Town.
Detectives Unable to Discover the Per
petrators of Train Wrecks and
Numerous Strange Murders.
Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 20 Consider
able excitement has lieen caused in
Reedsville, a tobacco town in the western
part of North Carolina, on account of
the continual reports of murders at a
point three miles from town, known as
Mizpah switch. Some time ago a Rich
mond A Danville train was wrecked at
this point, the switch being misplaced by
two fiends. Sydney Lee, a brakeman,
was killed. Detectives were employed
to ferret out the wreckers, but discovered
nothing. Pinkerton men were sent there
but they too, failed.
Two weeks ago an old man named
Witcher was murdered at the spot where
the wreck occurred. Witcher's little bov
was with him at the time. The boy
says that as his father was walking along
two men with sheets tied around their
heads came out of the woods and asked
his father if he had any money, and when
he replied that he had not, they hit him
with a club and knocked his brains out.
The boy ran home and roused the neigh
bours. The old man's body was terribly man
gled and had been thrown across the
track. At this point there is a curve and
it is impossible for the engineer to see
the track over 100 feet ahead. A freight
train had passed over the body while
the boy was away, but the body plainly
showed that a knife had been used.
Since that time regularly every week
some poor fellow shares the same fate
as Witcher. Jonathan Robbins was the
next. His body was found about half a
mile further down in a gully, a knife
sticking in his body. Joe Turner, Sam
Houston, Rufus Martin, have all served
as subjects for these heartless murderers.
All effortB so far . to capture them have
proved futile.
His Health, and that of His Family, so
Poor as to Occasion Alarm.
London, Oct. 20 The health of the
Prince of Wales and members of his
family threatens to become a matter of
serious moment to the nation. His eld
est son, Duke of Clarence and Avondale,
whoso naturally delicate health was not
improved by his visit to India, suffers
considerably from gout and eczema. The
Duchess of Fife, since her illness in the
spring, has lieen growing weaker, and
the bracing air of the highlands, w Inch
the queen regards as a panacea for all
special ailments, has not done her any
Now alarming statements are current
that she has shown decided signs of con
sumption. Princess Maude, the young
est of the sisters, who is not vet 21, and
who has always been a sufferer from
hysterics, has for some time past been
euujeui, w an increase ot these attacks.
Perhaps the most Berious cape of all is
that of the prince himself. For some
months past his friends have noticed
that his health was materially changed
for the worse, and his strength can no
longer be depended upon. His failing
health has given him much pain and he
has lost a great deal of his buoyancy and
good spirits. Not long since, in conver
sation with some of his intimates, he
spoke very despondently of his condi
Diplomats Look With Distrust Upon the
Future, However.
London, Oct. 20 Although for the
time being there is much calm in British
relations with foreign countries, it is be
nevea that the Turkish questions are
likely to create trouble. Armenia and
Macedonia are centers to which diplo
matic attentions is drawn. Lord Salis
bury is in somewhat of a dangerous posi
tion with regard to the Armenians, be
cause religious affinity may claim some
strong action on the part of Russia,. He
is one of the responsible authors of the
"insane convention of 1878," a document
which the neglect of the sultan to per
form his treaty obligations in Asia has
made null and void. For this vear. it is
said, there will be no movement likelv
to endanger peace, but diplomatists look
doubtfully upon the more distant future.
A London Minister Urges New Methods
of Religious Worship.
London, Oct. 20 Dr. Parker, the ec
centric pastor of the City Temple, is
making a crusade against the old meth
ods of worship and exhortation. In his
sermon, or rather address yesterdav, he
declared that preaching was no longer
an eitective instrument of the gospel.
Preachers, he said, were living in a fool's
paradise; they were driveling theology
instead of dealing with the daily life of
the people. Dr. Parker reeentlv invited
correspondence from all classes of peo
ple ior me purpose oi learning what the
public thought of the efficacy of the pul
pit ministration. His remarks yester
day were inspired by the result of this
Stabbed with a Tabloknife.
Oyster Bay, N. Y., Oct. 20 Daniel
Dougherty, better known as Daniel Nash.
comedian, was stabbed in the abdo men
by Florence Hanlev. known on' the at mm
as Frank Edward's wife, a member of
the company, during a quarrel about
money this morning. The stabbing was
done with a tableknife and the wound is
pronounced dangerous. Hnnlnv una
arrested and locked up in the city jail.
owe nui ue nrraigneu ior examination
A Deserter Likelv to be Bhot.
City or Mexico, Oct. 20 Another of
the soldiers who deserted from the San
tiago ouBtoms house here with Seaferino
and Trinidad, marines, who was shot be
fore 3000 people recently, has been cap-
mien ai .tiuraii ui micuoacan ana will be
brought here, courtmartialed and will
probably lie shot.
Don't Want the Truth known.
London, Oct. 20. A letter from Rome
saye that the American consul at Paler
mo, Cicily, iBto be transferred elsewhere,
owing to hostility caused among the peo
ple by the consul's statement as to the
prevalenc'e of brigandage in Cicily.
These statements have been substantial
ly confirmed by English authorities.
Irish Voters Disfranchised.
London, Oct. 20 The conservatives
have succeeded in having several thou
sand names stricken from the voting lists
of Cork, thus disfranchising nearly the
same number of liberals. This is a
savage blow at Mr. Parnell, who is one
of the city's representatives in parlia
ment, it is apprenenuea in home rule
circles that the same plan will be tried in
other sections of Ireland with a view of
getting rid of opposition majorities.
The MoCaul Opera Company Said to be
Financially Embarrassed.
New York, Oct. 20 It is rumored in
theatrical circles that the McCaul Opera
company has become financially embar
rassed and will return to this city. The
cause of the trouble, it is said, is th?
continued run of poor business which
began at the Hammerstein Opera house
some time ago. There, it will be remem
bered, thecompany produced the "Seven
Suabians," which proved a failure finan
cially and since then rumor has it that
ill luck has followed it.
The company played in Washington
City last week and on Saturday Mr. Al
liayman, oi tne uoiumoia theatre, Chi
cago, received a letter from the agent of
the company asking that their dates
there, beginning November 2d, lie can
celled. The excuse given was that seve
ral leading members were ill. The re
quest waB granted and the dates at the
theatre were taken by another company.
Mr. Al. liayman is stopping at the
Hoffman house. He is very reluctant
to give what information he possesses,
but finally admitted that the cancella
tion had been made at Manager Joel's
request. "The Tympany,'-' said he,
"was to have appeared at the Columbia
theater Monday, November 2nd. Yes
terday, however, Mr. Frohiuan, my
agent here, received a telegram from Mr.
Atkins, agent of the McCaul company,
asking that owing to the illness of sev
eral of the leading memberB of the com
pany, he would lie unable to fill the
engagement, and he asked that the con
tract be cancelled."
When asked about the financial em
barrassment of the company Mr. Day
man replied he had heard something
about the trouble, but could not say defi
nitely whether it was true or not. "Re
ports have been in circulation for some
time," said he, "that the company has
been playing to very poor business and
that they were in a bud way. Of course,
I don't know how true it is. In my
opinion there is some basis for the
The McCaul Opera Company appears
to have been unlucky since Colonel Mc
Caul was taken ill some time ago, in
business affairs and in a general way.
In Rochester the company lost all its
scenery and effects, and since then sev
eral other accidents have happened
which have embarrassed the company.
A House Containing a Sleeping Family
Badly Wrecked.
Berlin Falls, N. II., Oct. 20 The
home of Public Prosecutor J. E. Bonnet
was wrecked from top to bottom by dyna
mite yesterday. Mr. Bonnet, his wife
and two children were badly hurt, but
were able to leave the building and reach
their neighbors through a drenching
rain. An investigation showed that
some one had waited until the family
had retired and then taken a large dyna
mite bomb, attacked a thirty-foot fuse to
it and strung it upon the side of the
building with the end near the window
of the room in which the- children were
sleeping, then lighted the fuse and fled.
The bomb exploded with terrific force.
Mrs. Bonnet was thrown out of bed to
the further end of the room. The child
ren were thrown entirely out of bed and
severely injured. Physicians, however,
hope to save their lives. Bonnet has
been very active in waning war against
liquor dealers. A heavy reward has
been offered and officers "are engaged in
ferreting out the guilty parties.
Dangerous Oales Predicted for the Fol
lowing Couple of Days.
San Francisco, Oct. 20. Forecast for
Washington Threatening weather and
local rains; winds generally southerly;
warmer, except nearly stationary tem
perature in the extreme northwestern
For Oregon Increasing cloudiness
and local ruins, except fair weather in
the extreme southeastern portion ; winds
generally southerly; wanner, except
nearly stationary temperature in the ex
treme southeastern portion ; frosts on
the southern portion.
The following telegram has been sent
to stations hoisting storm signal: "The
storm center at sea is west of Vancouver
island, moving east southeast; souther
ly, shifting to western winds; station
ary, followed by higher temperature;
rain and thick weather, with dangerous
gales along the North Pacific coast for
the next 48 hours."
A Humor that He Has Been Offered the
Late Justice Miller's Position.
Ciiicaoo, Oct. 20 A rumor was cur
rent about the clubs and hotels last night
to the effect that Judge Walter Q. Gres
ham had been appointed to fill the va
cancy on the supreme bench caused by
the death of Justice Miller. The rumor
was finally traced to a gentleman who
said that Judge Gresham had received a
dispatch from Washington City asking
in in a ne would lie willing to accept the
office, and saying it would be given him
it ne desired it. The mlonnant reluct
antly said this much and declined to give
iurtner pititicuiars. Mrs. (iresham was
found at the Palmer house, but the judge
had gone to his larin in the country and
his wife said t-he knew nothing of the
rumored offer.
Settling Railroad Urtevanoes.
ill n ., Oet. 20 Members of
the grievance committee of the Chicago,
St. Paul & Kansas City railroad tystom
met yesterday, but no conclusion was
reached. President Eagan will return
from the south today, when he wilj meet
me coiiiiniuce anu prooaoiy an arrange
ments will bo made satisfactory to tioth
Belonged to the buiclde Club.
New York, Oct. 20 A sjiccial to the
World from Bridgeport, Conn., says that
Daniel T. Cowell, a incmlier of the suicide
club, killed himself Friday night. He
was a confederate shiirpshooter during
the war and recently had expressed re
gret at picking off so many Union soldiers.
Jealousy Ends in Murder and Suicide.
Evansvili.e, Ind., Oct. 2J Near Blairs
ville Henry Krohn, in a fit of jealous
rage, blew his w ife's brains out and then
committed suicide yesterday in the pres
ence of their three children, who were
fiaralyzed with fright and were power
ess to do anything to prevent the awful
New Russian Railway to be Built.
Berlin, Oct. 20 Russia will begin im
mediately the construction of a new
railway between Bialislock, Poland, and
the Austrian frontier to be available for
the mobilization of troops in case of war.
B. Mullett Ends His Life by
Financial Troubles and 111 Health
Brought on Melancholia Many
Buildings Designed by Him.
Washington City, Oct. 21 A. B. Mul
lett, one of the best known architects of
this city, and for years supervising arch
itect of the treasury department, shot
and killed himself last evening at his
residence. He had been in poor health
for a long time, suffering from rheuma
tism and other complaints, but financial
trouble, it is thought, was the chief
cause of the act.
Dr. J. P. Murray, the surgeon in
charge of the Columbia hospital, who
for many years has been Mullett's family
physician, made a statement of the cir
cumstances of the shooting, substantially
as follows : About 5 o'clock he called at
the house to Bee Mrs. Mullett, who was
slightly indisposed. After prescribing
for Mrs. Mullett, the doctor took his
leave and went to his ofhee, just across
the street.
He had been there but a short time
when a son of Mr. Mullet came running
over anu asKea nun to come to the house
quick. He hurried over in response to
the summons and found Mullet lying
across the bed in his sleeping apartment
and partially disrobed. Ho was uncon
scious and bleeding profusely. The doc
tor made a hasty examination and found
that; the blood came from a wound about
two inches above the right ear. The
dying man gave three or lour gasps and
expired, within seven minutes after the
wound had been inflicted.
When the doctor first entered theroom
he found Mrs. Mullet lying beside her
husband and weeping bitterly, with her
arms thrown around his nec k. The doc
tor moved her gently from the room and
then gave his attention to her husband.
Later in the evening the coroner was
summoned, and after an examination of
the body, gave a verdict of death from
suicide due to melancholy.
Mr. Mullett was 50 years old and yery
well known, lie designed many of the
public buildings that have been erected
in different cities, among them being
the New York City postoflice and the
imposing state, war and navy depart
ment buildings in this city. Mr. Mullett
naa a severe cane of grip last winter.
trom which he still Buffered. For the
past few months he had been despondent
unu gioomy.
Mullett was born in England 50 years
ago. He came to this country when a
boy, and was appointed to a clerkship
in the supervising architect's office by
Secretary Chase, in 1802. Subsequently he
was promoted to the position of supervis
ing architect, a position he held till 1873,
when, on account of a dislike to Secre
tary Bristow, he retired.
Because he Maid She Too Young to
Chariton, Iowa, Oct. 20 Saturday
afternoon Elener Oliver, arrived from
Kansas. He hired a liverv team and
drove to the little town of Freedom,
where he went to the house of Mr. Tuttle,
and requested to see the Intter'B daugh
ter with whom lie was in love. He re
quested the girl to marry him and she
refused, saying that she was too young.
Oliver pulled ont a revolver and shot
the girl through the temple, causing in
stant death. Ho then turned the wean-
on upon nimseii and nred a ball through
his head in the same place where he
shot the girl. He lived in an uncon
scious conuition until this morning
when he died.
The Defense Claimed the Doctors Killed
a Wounded Man.
Bi-tte, Mon., Oct. 20 The case oi
John Evans for killing David R. Dayis
in this city, on July 14th last, has re
sulted in a verdict of acquittel. Evans
is a mining man of good repute and is an
invalid. Davis was a big burly fellow.
The stabbing affray grew out of a loan of
$5, which Davis demanded of Evans, and
on being refuced he struck Evans and
knocked him down; whereupon Evans
drew a knife and stabbed his assailant in
the bowels. Davis' wound was not con
sidered dangerous by three physicians
who attended the wounded man, but
peritonetis set in, and he died 10 days
after the cutting. The defense was that
the doctors killed Davis.
New York Sunday School Parade.
New York, Oct. 20 For the first time
in the history of Brooklyn the children
from all the Catholic Sunday school in
stitutions of the city were out in parade
yeBterday. The parade was given in
honor of the golden jubilee of Bishop
McLaughlin. In all 22,000 children
turned out and inarched by the episcopal
residence, where they were reviewed by
Bishop McLaughlin, Cardinal Gibbons,
visiting bishops and prominent citizens.
No Enthusiasm South for World's Fair.
Chicago, Oct. 20 Hon. Mark McDon
ald, of the California commissioners at
large of the world's fair, has returned
from a southern trip. He says he found
very little enthusiain among the south
ern people about the world's fair. This
is especially so at Natchez and other
points on the Mississippi, where he made
the longest stops. Mr. McDonald, how
ever, did considerable missionary work
in that section, which he thinks will
have a good effect.
The Sultan Protests.
London, Oct. 20 Important commu
nications have passed within a few days
between Lord Salisbury and Rustem
Pasha, Turkish ambassador, on the sub
ject of his Italian-Anglo congress. The
Sultan is understood to have repeated
his protest against the alienation of any
part of the Egyptian territory.
Queen Emma Objeota.
Berlin, Oct. 20 Advices from Hol
land state that the health of Queen Em
ma is seriously affected by her attend
ance upon her husband, and that it is
owing to her reluctance to admit of the
hopeless condition of the king that the
appointment of a regency lias been de
terred. Wants Eight Hours a Day.
Berlin, Oct. 20 The Arlicitcr Ceitung
appeals to the miners' congress at Vienna
to agitate the demand for eight hours a
The Tariff in England,
London, Oct. 20 Naturally enough
the great uproar over the new tariff
comes from the big manufacturing
towns in the midlands. The employers
are already discharging workmen and
closing their mills. The local govern
ments are discussing the results with a
view to urging parliament forward with
retaliatory measures. Gladstone has
already yielded to the public pressure
and will give the new tariff precedence
over Irish affairs in a speech to his con
stituents at Midlothian next week. The
grand old man's friendly feeling to the
United States stops short at the new
tariff bill. He calls it a deplorable
blunder, which must be attended with
severe and cruel consequences to inno
cent persons.
An Engineer's Bravery and Coolness in
Erie, Pa., Oct. 20 A horrible catas
trophe was averted on the Lake Shore &
Michigan Southern railway near Silver
creek, through the bravery and cool
headed conduct of the engineer. A de
layed section of the east-bound freight
had been run into by another section
and a portion of the debris thrown over
on the west-bound track. Just as No. 5.
going west at the rate of 50 miles an
hour, arrived. Engineer Burns, of the
passenger train, saw a truck ahead, and
then a freight car. He saw the attempt
to stop his train and to jump would sac
rifice the lives of 150 passengers. His
fireman had left him.
Engineer Burns resolved to stand by
hisengine. out on all steam ml nnm
hiB sandpipes to get a firmer hold on the
rails, throw the truck and cut through
the freight car and other debris. Burns,
with wonderful fortitude, held the lever,
and in a moment he had cleared the ob
struction, reversed the engine and threw
on the airbrake as the train entered the
wreck. The sides were torn out of three
coaches. The screams of the women
rose high above the screeching of the
Although the engine was dismantled,
brave Engineer Burns emerged from the
debris alive, but covered with scars and
bruises. Stout-hearted men embraced
him hysterically, realizing thai his lir.ro.
ism had saved the train. But one pas
senger was seriously injured, Mrs. Mary
Kane, of Dennison. Ohio, who inav die.
Joseph Meyers, of Cleveland, was badly
injured aooui tne neau, and probably a
dozen others were painfully cut and
bruised. Not a car in the train loft the
track. After the people wore quieted C.
M. Spitzer, a Boston banker, headed the
list, and over $500 was presented to En
gineer Burns by the passengers.
Powers ot Attorney Barred.
Washington City, Oct. 20 A decision
is being put in shape at the treasury de
partment which will be of considerable
interest to attorneys having practice
there, and may make their future fees
precarious. It is proposed to entirely ig
nore assignments and powers of attor
ney in paying claims which have been
passed upon by the department. Sec
tion 3477 of the revised statutes already
forbids assignments and powers of attor
ney unless they recite the warrant for
payment. The effect of this is to require
a specific power of attorney for the col
lection of the warrant after it is made
out, and no general power of attorney is
A Storm Keeps Seamen on Shore.
London, Oct. 20 This morning Ad
miral Seymour and 240 officers and men
who had vfsited the town to attend a
ball given in their honor by the iniivor
again unsuccessfully attempted to join
their vessels, which" on Saturday were
compelled to put to sea in order to avoid
ueing uriven asnore. The storm was
still prevailing and after a determ
ined effort to reach the war vessels the
admiral and his companions were com
pelled to return to hind. Great anxiety
has been felt for the gunboat Speedwell
which was left with but one officer on
Arrived After a Long Passage.
New York, Oct. 22 The North Gor
man Lloyd steamer Spree, from Bremen,
has arrived after a somewhat tedious
passage. She was detained in the En
glish channel by a dense fog and was
obliged to run slow. Afterwards and
clear across the Atlantic ocean she ex
perienced very severe weather with high
seas. She wits obliged to stop several
times, in all about 3(1 hours, owing to
trouble with the air pumps, which gave
out frequently.
Andrew Sullivan Drowned.
San Francisco, Oct. 20 Andrew Sul
livan, manager of Haggin & Tevis' Jer
sey track was drowned this morning,
while coming down from Sto-klon. lie
was a passenger on the steamer J. D.
I'aters and while intoxicated, it is said,
walked overborn!. He had made the
trip to Stockton to engage an engineer.
The body hua not been recovered. Sul
livan was about (iO ye.trs of nge.
Coal Miners Dissatisfied.
Cheyenne, Oct. 21 Employes of the
Union Pacific and other coal mines at
Rock Springs held a mass meeting yes
terday. They are growling, as the car
famine and motive power shortage gives
them only 10 working days in a month.
If there is trouble it will be communi
cated to all other camps on the Union
Pacific and coal will become very scarce.
Mining at the World's Fair.
Philadelphia, Oct, 22 The committee
on mines and mining of the World's Co
lumbian commission has organized and
the first meeting will lie held in Chicago
November 27th. It is proposed to have
buildings erected for the display of the
products of the mines of the world.
Jere Dunn Reported Dead
Boston, Oct. 20 A dispatch was re
ceived in Boston last night from Ismael
town, near El Paso, Texas, announcing
Ihe death of Jere Dunn, the widely
known sporting, man. None of Mr.
Dunn's friends in this city could verily
the report.
Don Carlos Claims to be King,
Rome, Oct. 20 The Italian govern
ment has notified Don Carlos, in view of
his recent note claiming to lie the legiti
mate king of Spain, that he must abstain
from all open claims of his alleged title
or leave Italy. Don Carlos is now at
Original Package Houres Reopen.
Yankton, S. D., Oct. 22 The original
package houses hero have been reopened
on the strength of the recent Kansas de
cisions. City officials will probubly pass
an ordinance licensing such houses.
The Rothsohiids in Mexico.
London, Oct. 20. A rumor is current,
that a French syndicate, headed by the
Rothschilds, has purchased a majority of
the stock of the National Bank of Mex
ico and will take charge of that institu
tion. South Dakota's Population.
Washington, Oct. 22 The census
bureau has announced that the popula
tion of the state of South Dakota was
327,848, an increase of 229,580, or 22.1.05
per cent.
Injured by a Cable Giving Way.
London, Oct. 20 On board the big
warship Camperdown 13 men havo had
their legs, ribs or arms smashed by the
giving way of a cable.
The Consolidation of all the Great
Systems Favored
P. Huntington, the President, Says
Small Shippers are Now Un
der Great Disadvantage.
San Francisco, Oct. 22 C. P. Hunt
ington, president of the Southern Pacific
company, in an interview, has expressed
himself in favor of a consolidation of the
great railway systems of the United
States into one company, and that event
ually such a consolidation would be
brought about, but at present not even a
preliminary step is taken.
Said President Huntington: "Be
cause of these railroad company's com
petition at large competing points, large
shippers can secure rebates, which are
practically cuts, and which are ruinous
to the roads. Small shippers cannot se
cure them, and are at a disadvantage.
The losses sustained through rebates to
largo shippers are made up out of smaller
ones. One of the results of the consol
idation of the large railway systems will
be the reduction of expenses in many
ways, besides the saving in the rebates
now given. The rates could thus be
lowered, and at the same time, even
larger dividends tlmn those at present
paid, could be secured."
Negotiations Looking Toward Their
San Francisco, Oct. 22 Negotiations
looking toward the consolidation of the
California Baseball league and the North
western league are said to be nearing
completion. It is stated on good author
ity that the difl'erenceof opinion between
the magnates of the leagues has been the
entrance fee. The managers of the
Northwestern leiiguo insist upon the ad
mission tariff of 50 cents, and claim that
a lower tariff would not justify them iu
forming an alliance. The alliance, if
completed, will include San Francisco,
Oakland, Stockton, Sun Jose, Los An
geles, Fresno, Sail Diego, Portland, Ta
cotnit, Seattle and Spokane Falls, mak
ing the league 12 clubs. It is believed
the profits of this city, Oakland and Los
Angeles will more than make np the
losses in the other cities, while in the
northwest, in point of attendance, Port
land ranks w ith San Francisco, and the
tin-cecities of Washington would com
pare with Los Angeles.
The Locomotive Engineers.
I'liTsmiiiG, Oct. 22 Business of the
International Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Engineers is progressing rapidly and
an adjournment is expected in about
l.ldays. The sessions continue secret,
but it has been learned from a reliable
source, that the proposition of forming a
federation with the trainmen's organiza
tion 1ms been rejected. A prominent
delegate slates that the assertion made
by a New York newspaper that the con
vention had ordered a strike on the
Uric road was false, as the subject had
not been brought before the meeting.
A Torrible Double Tragedy.
San Antonio, Oct. 22. A terrible trag
edy occurred here last evening. Mrs.
August Mehlin was walking down the
street, when Isaac Weias suddenly
rushed up and blew her brains out with
a revolver. Weiss immediately commit
ted suicide with the same weapon. It
is believed that he mistook Mrs. Mehlin
for his wife, as a note found in his pock
et indicated ho intended to kill his wife
and suicide. Weiss was a deserter from
the United States army, and his wife
left him a few days ago."
Express Companies May Consolidate.
Milwaukee, Oct. 22 A rumor has
reached Milwaukee, which, if correct,
means the most gigantic expresB doai
that ever occurred in this country, and
means tho consolidation of the United
States and Adams Express Companies.
Rumors have been circulating among
tho officers and general agents of the
Adams uud United States Express Com
panies in the west, that negotiations are
pending looking to the completo consol
idation of the two companies.
n-.iin and Lightning in Connecticut.
New Haven, Conn., Oct. 20 A Bevero
and unusually heavy rain and electrical
storm occurred hero yesterday, during
which tht) public library building was
struck by lightning, tearing off a quan
tity of the roofing. Reports -of heavy
rains and thunder are received from
Wiitei-bury nnd other points in the state.
The house of Thomas Derwin, at Brook
lyn, Conn., was struck by lightning and
the occupants severely shocked.
Amerioan Looomotivos for Jerusalem.
Washington Citv, Oct. 22 United
States Consul Gilliuaii at Jeruralum, re
ports to the department of state that
three American locomotives made in
Philadelphia and intended for a new rail
way from Jerusalem to Jaffa have ar
rived. The consul says there was much
interest of our citizens to know that the
first locoiiiotiveHever used in this ancient
land were made in tho new world.
Amerioan Eggs in London.
Loniion, Oct. 22 A consignment of
Canadian eggs reached London yester
day in excellent condition. They bear a
favorable comparison with Normandy
eggs. Several cases found buyers at 10
shillings per hundred. The top price
for best eggs in the market is 11 shill
ings. This consignment should lie fol
lowed tip at once us prices will bo high
from November until after Christmas.
The Indian Commission Coming.
Washington Citv, Oct. 22 Judge
Drake of this city, Judge Kim-aid of Ken
tucky and Judge Ctimbach of Indiana,
comprising the Puyallup Indian com
mission, had a final conference with the
secretary of the interior yesterday, and
received final instructions. The com
mission will at once proceed to Tacoma
and enter u)n their duties.
Rich Quartz Discovered.
Kansas Citv, Oct. 22 The latest re
port from the gold district in Arbucle
iiToiintains, Chickasaw nation, are to the
effect that several carloads of rich quartz
hiive lieen taken out. A company will
put stock on tho market at once. Sen
ator TatKir, to whom specimens were
sent, pronounces it the richest quartz he
ever saw.
Brigandage Still Rife.
CoNhTANTiNoi-i.E, Oct. 22 Six Moslems
have been arrested on suspicion of being
implicated in the plot to rob the Chris
tians. Brigandage is rife along the cara
van route between Erzroum and Trebi
zond. A number of caravans have lately
been attacked and plundered.