Oivt your business to Beppner people and therefore assist to build up Bepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. National Republican Ticket tmmmm tOB PBSSOISMT, BENJAMIN HAREI805, of Indiana. FOB TIOE-PEESIDENT, WHITE LAW KEID, of New York. FOR JPBK8IDENTIAI, ELBOTOBH, J. F. 0AFLE8. of Portland. H. B. MILLER, of Grant'i Pass. G. M. IBWIN, of Union. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. 60PVRI8MT BY AMEHIOAN PHE8S ASSOCIATION, 1111 THE CREAMERY MAN TO THE FARMER Bee first page. A STARTLING TRUTB. A large part of tbe interior trade is going to Pendleton. This ma; startle vou; in faot tbe truth may hurt, but it j nevertheless one of those business real ities whioh sooner or later will oome plump down upon ns, when, perhaps, it it too late to repair the damage done We nave taken the pains to investi gate as to the oause, or causes, of this unnatural trend of business in that di rection. If Pendleton had distance or good roads in ber favor it would be asily explained. On the contrary, it is muob further from any part of Grant county than Heppner. The road is a rough one and not completed beyond tbe Qrant connty liue. Tbe Qazette finds that there are two or three reasons why muob of this trade is going to Pendleton. In tbe first place, tbeoitizens of that little city are actively enterested in the minos of Qrant oounty. In otber words, it is more or less a mining oenter, and therefore miner an 3 tbe mining trade are attraoted there. Agaio, Peudleton can and docs accom modate tbe reliable trade whioh asks oredit. This Heppner does not do, even when it is absolutely safe, though of course our merohauta extend courtesies as fur as they are financially able. To bold and increase our trade from tbe interor, we must be alive to their in terests. We oaunot hope to do so other wise. Heppner should accommodate the interior trade at all huziirds, nnd must become more of a miniug center to hold ber owu against ber aotive neighbor, Peudleton. WaTnk MauVmou is doing yoemun service for Cleveland and bteveuaou. He is now speaking in New York, and vast audiences are turning out to lixteu to this man who was recently su prom inent in republican ranks. His shots at tbe g. o. p. are very hot, and the way be broiled Pat Egan and tbe Tribune In his last speeob must have made the minister and the editor somewhat nervous Telegram. lea, and ne Is making re publican yotes every day. Th Cramry Man Tells th Farmer Why He Should Sell the Cream. Remember, the time to make money on packed batter Is past now, stnoe nearly all the creameries operate during the entire year. Some fanners do not sell cream, sim ply because the drudgery connected with butter making on the farm falls to the lot of the ever patient woman, whose health and wishes are often not con sulted or considered. Every time and place we get cream we expect the cream gatherer to measure our cream correctly, in inches, in his cream bucket, mix it thoroughly and then till a tost tube to the mark in the glaes. The cream gatherer is the mid dle man between the farmer Bnd the creamery, awl we must place as much confidence in him as the fanner does, and we invito the fanners to interest themselves aud assure themselves that the work is rightly done. Remember that tho tost taken must exactly repre sent all the cream you send at one time. It will not do to give two or three more buckets of cream and only have a test taken from one bucket, but a test uinat be taken from each bucket, or the cream all poured in one vessel and a test taken from there after thoroughly mixing. Many farmers think they should sour their cream before sending it to the creamery, thinking that because sour cream tests higher than sweet they will lose by sending It while sweet. This is a serious mistake. Vou have no idea what you are losing by not selling your cream sweet at all times, summer and winter. We can count more pounds of butter at tbe end of a month for you if you sell sweet cream during the month than we can if you sell the cream sour from the same amount of milk. Now, in order to get that desirable sweet cream you can make an effort to quickly place the new, warm milk in cans where the air is very cold, or, bet ter still, in cans surrounded or sub merged by water, no matter how cold, so long as the milk does not freeze, and you will notice that your cream will rise very rapidly to tho top, and will all be up in twelve hours, and often less, aud you will have twice as mauv inches of cream on tho same amount of milk as you did in the "good old way." Of course it is not as Bolid a cream, but you have it all out of the milk, and since it is not so solid as the other it will not test so much per inch, but yon can well accopt a lower test since you nave the increased number of inches from the same amount of milk. We can assure you that it will pay you well to follow this plan entirely; besides we can then temper and acidifv the cream to the churning point and be able to make a suierior quality of but ter which will command top prices, and which, if we can accomplish, we can assure you will benefit you accordingly. tsnt remember we cannot make "gilt edgo" from poor cream. 1 wish every farmer understood about the testing of cream. Many think that it is not easily understood, but on the contrary it is very simple, and, as 1 said before, the test taken must be an exact representation of all tho cream sent at one tune. At tho end of each month we pay for all cream received during the month. Open Letter in Hoard's Dairyman. Falsi Alabm Yesterday morning ft I man Do oame riding Into lower Hodd- ner at a break neck spted and informal lha -n. n ; i : V - . I ... suiiiu ue couia una mat a man bad been thrown from his how, down below the Clark farm, and was supposed to have been killed by the fall Several Heppnerites at once hastened to the scene where they found an unknown man lying faoe downward on the ground, and bis horse grazing on the bill near. On swakning bim he informed tbemthat ne naa not been thrown from his hnr. but had turned bim out to ginze, while ne, uimseir. bad lain down for a rest. oeverai empty wnisky bottles on the ground near by told the remainder of me story, and the parties returned to Heppner, though it is safe to say if thev .vcrn,(Bin near or a man of this rl. senpuon dead by the roadside, tbey will have to be thoroughly convinoedof tbe fact before tbey will go to the rescue ADDITIONAL LOCALS. xne amaebaker wagon heads them all. ooio at milium a nisbee s. a X.OOK out tor f ell Bro.'s sale of rem- -" ooiKBius in everythiug. t J. 'A6 baker- B"y ,y" bread and -..a uuu anvo money, iry it, ,hl ga nunfy when the City hotel rat 's 3 8 Ed meul at ,iviDK rieuty of'lonr. hr.. ,;n "Hardware" did yon aavf ffb. ... T n m. . "-.joe ; ,;.mpi!''n & Oo.'s stand, and the Call on Hip to do vnnr va same old price. Also rlli .,,.., any part of Heppner. See ad. m. Jjichtentha A (V i.... ; .. i a . . - "!" u,l,D JUfl re- lot of ladies' kid button aud tie shoes. At bottom n,;.' For oash you can out n .i n. rv.. imr ,,i.. -. v. v,,uug uouse, witb Levi on deok than any other place iu Heppner. a The Palaoe is the leading hotoi , i... iniuiMuea rooms with d entv - lur cvHrvooe. a , ,8!!bntbe ,urnj,ure man. is prepared to sell fine goods at low figures. Full U..,H gUtmEI uu iianas. a ..... J , lu. Jlan to nI your watch or clock. ,e keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to his Don't overlook leading druacist. " 'vnv uciiumcNi purest druuis and the finest toilet artioles a Children' Headwear, Blankets, Yarns and Novelties, at the 1 AT W AW -"' 1 t. I OUR STOCK IS "BOUND TO GQ. f There is nothing like a SLIM FIGURE to pat it in motion. We have kid in a very large1 stock of season able goods. We Bought Cheap and Sell To oBVr the very best clotbiog for Men and Bovs, the best gradi-s of goods at pricts that make them JUMP. Cheap. DRY GOODS Ladies' and Men's Furnishings, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. aoss, soocs, Kasninatnrs, Dry Goods, Fanoy Goods, Trimmings, Ladies and Children's Underwear. Where can you e;et BETTER BARGAINS Than we offer P There mnst be something you need in our line, and there can't be a better plaoe to buy tban at the Eastern Cloth,ng House- N. L. KOBISON, Herren's Building, May Street, Pbopribtob. HEPPNER, 0BEG9N T. W. Aver. Jr.. H, Choicest perfumes. sawins: wood to Ei II. McFARLAND. E. P. VOIifZ. t ' u i n i am i .. . Prctident. . . . Vice President. . Hec, and Treafl vpJgwglBeWjgX "W ' McFARLAND MERCANTILE COMPANY. MM Successors to A .4SZmMaSftm& . COFFIN & McFARLAND. jjSCAB, TICKS POLICE Curry 8 ,al,liue of TH E W ORLD'eN OWN E P 'ggt Onnl t Merchandise. iagtMlifegg -O- , CONSISTING OF- - Y i I l i i . m rrevention better than lure always on hand. n,'f bfMUeli1?r hV' 5 oentB Per ela . T , 'tTp"'' uexl loor o M. Lioh tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. J", 51; kf-' tfe, have .... luclr (jiHuiirms, nave an m ,,., ,BC)a,, 1U9 company now deals iu grain, lumber and wood, a Since Shaw & McCarty purchased the uim&m uiey nave aluays endeavor. eu to Keep on hand tho freshest and oboioest mean, sausages and bolognas, a Thompson & liinimnun ti.o h., i..u 0m f t wu,u n.n.j.. . j ... ... ,. um lao ully U(1(eli Cnt mil aim m "ur pnoes rjeiore buying your ui'mriug io go to train in any part of the city. Leave orders at CLOTHING, ie- Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. And such goods as are usually kept in a first-class store. -We are also agents for MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVEB fall supplies. We Aim informed Unit Col. R. A. Mil lerbas withdrawn asapiesideutial elect or, aud that Nalbau Pierce, one of the people's party caudidates for elector has been endorsed. This is another evidenoe that tbe ouly hope of oarrying tbe country for Cleveland is to vote for Weaver in tbe republican states. juoKHuw oouui) s hBHessmeui roll in iu the hands of tbe secretary of slate, ready fur tbe annual turning over by the board of rqualilaiion. Our total tumble property foots up Jl,910.737: nernptiuue aud debts amount to $700,385, leaving for taxation $1,150,352. Mas. LgasB, the active lady populist, bat come out quarely for Harrison, now that she considers every Weaver vote ono for Cleveland. Her Humbert) tour oon verted ber. Politics is warming up now, and most of the big guns iu both parties are on tbe stamp. ADVANCE IN PAt'Elt. We publish herewith Messrs. Blake McFall & Co.'s circular, announaing au advance in paper: TO THE THUE. Owing to the threatened visitation of ohulera to our ootiuiry, slate aud govern nient authorities are euforoiug very stringent regulations in regard to the lauding of foreigu rags; in fact, some steamship lines are refusing tn carry jbeia as freight, so that tbe supply is limited and the price rapidly advancing We have received letters from many man nfaoturers announcing a great advance in all the raw materials entering into the manufacture uf paper; they generally withdraw all former quotations, aud are uusetiled as to what luture prices may be. Chloride of lime, which is used iu oieaouiug all grades of paper, has ad "wu iiuiu iwu ami a qtiHrter to six and ten cents a pound. Uutil tbe dread of ohulera iu this country is over, rags allowed to be freely imported, and there is a more moderate demand for chemicals, indiestHics are tliat paper pricee will be uiguer ana snuject to many fiuotuatlous. We are under the necessity, therefore, of withdrawing all prices heretofore quoted on all oiasses of paper uutil fur. tuer notice. Me assure our oustomeis, however that our prices wi 1 not be high r than necessary under the conditions of tbe market existing at .be time quota- Aenithif; Milk In .11 lll,,,. We feed no turnips, etc. Milk should be cooli 1 ns soon as drawn. At this latitude aerated milk keeps from six to ton hours longer t ban that not bo treated if the water bo of proper temperature (oa clegs.), and the machine reduces the temperature to within 8 or 4 degs. of mat, or tne water, as our aerator does We have successfully delivered morn ing's milk in the afternoon, and the re verse without the use of ice. If a full supply of water at 55 or 00 clegs, cun be had, no ice is needed for butter pro duction in this cliinute when an aerator is used. Professor Conuell in Rural New Yorker. Mods are made. Yours respeolfully, Blakk, McFall & Co. Pohtland, Or., Oct. 1, M)i Rouuh PiAUONu CiuABa.- Without an equal, and for years tbe leadiug aloon oigar, will be sold at Han Fran cisoo wholesale prices, by lots of 100 or 6,000 tt J. Cohn'i. 85 Dairy nnd Creamery. All milk should be aerated, but par ticularly when the cows are fed on roots and ensilage. The Rural New Yorker pays Its re spects to one department of its home city government thus: "There is proba bly no greater official farce than the millt inspection of New York city under the direction of tho board of health." This designates particularly New York, but we may include in the statement nearly all tho other large cities of the Union. A man in South Dakota advertises to furnish rennet, with instructions how to nse it, so that farou people will be able to make cheese for their own use at home and also for sale. At every place where cows are milked and where cheese and butter are made the liabcock tester should be part of the eijni)inenf. There are improved models now offered for ealo among dairy and creamery furnishings that render the testing easy and simple. On an average a little more than ten pounds of good milk will make one pound of good cheese. In F.ngland the best Jersey butter cerate more than the boat Danish butter, tho Jersey product bringing fifty cents a pound throughout the year. Hut more pople in America than iu England can afford to cat the best Jersey butter. The poor dairymen of Canada! At a dairymen's convention in Outario not long since the inemliers unanimously adopted resolutions asking the govern ment to "give an export bonus" of two cents a pound on all butter sent toUreat Britain. This is iho paternal govern ment idea with a vengeance. What would be thought of dairymen in the United States who should make such a request? Tuachers ' Examination. What will perseverance, pluck and en- ,,, lu lU W,U weBt if cannut get big bargains? However, be- K.v.uK up entirely, visit Minor Bros, emporum. Uilliara & Bisbee, the hardware and tinware merohauta. cmrrv ovurti.; DertaiNino t,. .l,-:. i,-. ' ' "P" .,, , men, ven agricul- Hal implements. Don't you need a P1U " '"IO lUJi I Dr. Orant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia flnnnitnrnp mill i. P" and all its kindred ailmepts. Every bo" tie sold under a rmsiiivo ... 0IT..l- .. r . ..., w w ",."""",ul 'uonnyretunaed, See sd. in this issue. Don't overlook Kirk & Rasmus fur bargains. Thoy haveoun-hii.l ihK... messof J. W. Matlock & Cu. but will soon remove to the Mallory corner, oppo site the Palaoe hotel. , The general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by GVlliu & McKar laud, has lately changed hands, uow be- m .7 1" ,u"n,n" d managnneni "f I he Motarland Merosntlie Compsnv which continues business at tbe old stand niiu n mignr sioca Ml nil ever. a 61'U HAU'-YtAliLY I'UMI'ETITION. i1 Jiiteieslliig contest Ever Offered uy i ne lunniliaii Agncnllai ist. "iu"aiiu aonars In cuh, a pair of hand, .mne Rhetlamt puuie.. eamie a d Liu",. and over two llio,isd uihur val.iablS pr L?e. wTi hhHKr il"1,1:;"'1:1'' "r'"ti'"t "To to,n ,or some year, pu.t'liie8 pub nfacTof The Asneul urlsi now oiler tiu.r lx"h hall yearly literary eo.npeliilon. mi, 'rai"t iSi . pemuM, in o doubt, be the mm git" 'c nr".h"ulTCC,","U,'1 ?"e eU!r framed to the pWp & ol the bulled smtes and Canada one thousand dollars in eaah will be paid to the person aendinK 1 ihe lurKet it ol ub l5h voids i constructed lroni ieuera iu the ord" 'llieL'auadlaii As'ilculmriat." rie lllllKlred doll.irit i ...,.1. ...in i . the second to,, ' a 1 Shetland poul,., carne aud har, eai! will be ',",r, ' 1 'lri Over one thott 7". K'"e a arued In order of mer it: one sraud phino: fmu ornau; ii)U piano dinner sets; htdtes' gold au:lieB; i k ,, palterns; porllere curtains; sliver lea sen ices teunysuu s poems, bound In cloth; iJickens In 1: voluuiUB bound in cloth, et.. ' As there are more Oimh nuu. ..-i who takes the trouble to ,,.' ,. ." Rood hl will not fall to receives valuable prize hi. Is the btBccst il,i ,u ,e contpeS on Inc that we have ever placed beiore the p ."c and W 7 S U I'C'e!"'" P"" ""' "I-PuriuT h1?1'"-1, A .lo",''r l',linot be used oftener lhau It hp pears In the words "Ihe Canadian U rn-ullurlsl." for instanc e the i ll ' not be used, as there Is but one -K- lu iVte tl ree woids a. ,,rds haviiiK more iL. o, e ,' " till! but S.elled the same can be used bul c, ,ce J. Names ol places aud persons barred taeh list ninsi cnutalu one dollar to pav for SU months' subscription lo The Art ci I Utr two or more He, tne larKest list w hlci ows Iheearlte. p,,,,n,rkvv,ll ,k le UrVt ,Vr ,.i, i ieciv prizes in order ol "'.i L.?' taken at t.ar K4t'i cotnpeiltoi euclosiiiK Jo cents tiislamn. "f n'.l ' !"",',',V'J '"" l'H'''hi I. iu! o canaiii Bouveuir spoons ITles awarded to persons residing- in tlie fid ted states will be shipped trout out- Sew York au money letters should be A 1. IT I company's .tAffncuiturai implements. For Morrow and Northern Grant Conntiea. OXFOIU) GRADE BUCKS i The undersigned has aj choice lot of Oxford Grade Bucks for sale at reasonable prices, at his ranch, 7 miles south of Pilot Rock. 11 lot Rook, Or. DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND BETTER WOOL See Indorsement I Cooner DiD is tised and endorsed hv the frvllnwlnw (irnnn i ... I Donaldson, Dayvllle; W. S. Lee, Junction city; John Harrison, Matney- Geo Ochs AmarirU-' Kenneth Meltae. Davville: Joe Oliver. John rise; .1. w ,ri . Si.r Vi..Jf. Cook & Clark Philbrook; Fairchild & McCralK. Uiipuyer; k R. Warren, Utlci B us'ch Broi ' rS'H- E-p: Chandler Maiden; J Ilirschberg, Chot'eau; D. 8. Hastings, rffi; Jame. XZ Dtllou; V. Isortou, Stewart; A. Downie. Big Sandy. lest Dip mmik Sold Everywhere Ask Your Merchant for Coopers and Take 10 Other. n . KOsHt.ANl) BHDS. Portland, nreirnn, Oon. AgtB. for Oregon, itshlnston and Western Idaho. Props. Wm. COOPER 4 NEPHEWS. QalveMton, Texai. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Flour Exchanged for Wheat. tlliil 1 JMiK FLU U KING MILL COMPANY. AYE RS, Sr., Manager. 448 T. W. HELD OUT W. B. POTTER, Who Is just opening up with a stock o( Hardware, Tinware and Stoves Plumbing Materials, Etc. In the Odd Fellows' building. Has a thorouith Plumber and tinner, see mil before g you buy. West side Main street. HEPPNER, 534-tf OHEOON Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CAUL AT I he Lancashire Insurance Co. n, f IA!VClI2'I-'5V, ENGLAND IV .'AIIWiuM. mM Onoof ti.eBe.tl nthevvorlrt DAN OSMERS. MAT HVOBES. JERUSALEM Winter ia not to far, and I" qnite a (rood ways off. .u m meantime oar men oan Bquara op on anbsorip Hon by bringing in oordwood. THE PATTERSON PUB. CO. Columbia Beer Hall! NOTICE IS 11 Kit K hi U1VEN THAT FOR Tlir piinxw ol oxHinlnliiK nil who may iniike tippllcrttlon for eountv or state eertiih'nies. tnte iitpivimiis or stHte me viipiouiHs in the fonn ty of Morrow , stste ol ( ireeon, the m-litH)l super intendent theteoi w ill hold s putiiir uxAttiiiiH tlon lit the court house in llenniier h.inni.,. on WeilliesdrtV Nov. y. ISfJ. at I o'etoek p iu ilevl tli tx Jlth day ol Oet, l.yij. '. I.. Sm iso. fwlC -IO HiiiH-rlntendent of s-hools OJ LKTTKK8 HKl'I'NKR roSTtlKKU-B LIST ADVKHT1SKD AT Oct LM.1MU: Consrd Mrs (vll Miss Mamie KnstuiHti .liieoh Johnson Kill Jakopsott Andrea Ijtnili Mrs Mary C U11 Mrs l.m Inda riease siiy "Advertised" hen ealllng for these '" A. MiLlAlKY, i M. ottiee live ol iltit registered. cit H KiitMKK roju-t-TiTtos-we have elven away U-MW In prizes .Hiring the last St, and hate thousands l letters Iron, prl,e u tn' nets In every state l the union and 'every nart ol I aiiada and .Sew foiindlaiid. Lord Klleonfsi" " 1 lo 'he t.overnnr ueneral ol Canada' riles: -1 shall recommend tnv triends to enter your competitions." M. M. l.rande,., Vancon er II. I ., "received f IHKl In gold." and we hold Ids '!I ''i '.'"''' ' of the prize vv timers: Alias J. holm, son, 1 oronlo, ri: J. j. Hraiulon teneloil l-a Is. tint., t.-i- illW Harrison Wr.' aensc. . ., sVvU: II. Itenv Is. St. I jinls i . . st Piilntn, Minn ,.,; Missv.iKir- vat m Hrooklyn. Iloui: Kr...l ltrlt,L..o.rt.r . -.a , Ihonsai. da of others. Address. Ihe ,,i',',i,. rough, Ontario, canad-.. Jits Haptie. glna Kobrrtsoi tl. Hills, .Ul Xtte t isl, I'eterlK ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING ON SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE TERMS Kppn mi . nr.:. v. .f tsi rr mes, uigars. Etc. We have Ml lifnin a Fine Line of Limivr v 'Reduced the Price of the Buchler Rr tn , Vlats Per Glni On draught, fresh Sunday 7t ! f III 11 Notice of Intention. Hi taiT i'-1" to .h'? Kiven that BLIU IMtfll. I ,11 tlKh rf nil 1. 1 1 TT to see all their old frid.Tnd ny v-cViiiiKS & HUGHES, Props. uon. at HeDDiiir ! ..r.".1': Or. W M ' 'he NE fP- . 8 R 26, E. He names the following witnesses mn,.. t, s,,:is:,;,rse?lde"ce K.uf.M JohlU'Kriniphnol Vaf(A r- . . " "is, Konnter. To Oou.i The nndersiitned health hv sinnde niei eral yeats with a se uujptivosi. havinu !en rmtored to ins, alter soilerlng tor sev- iuu niiection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxlons to make know it to his fellow sullerers Ihe means ol cure lo those w ho desire It, he w III eheerfnilv semi free ol chars-e) a ei.py ol the prescription used, hlch they w 111 nnd a sure euro tor (.'oihiiiiid. Hon, Asthma, c'atarsh. Bronchitis and all throat and limn maladies. He hopes all sullerers will v HIS reilliny.au U Is linaluat.le. those .1. i . '. . f the prescription, which will cost them I jj, , """"". lug, and may prove n hicssltnr. wi.i ,,i..... Hnaton. Cash Dnoe. 800. OtTi r tie. I. Containing more reading matter than any magazine published in America. Addreas TIIH STT3NT. TJcw TorU. FOR SALK OR EXCHANUK For anything nacfnl, a dqitare piano in address. 1-1 a w Ki,w van A. ilon. Hrotkl n, .New Vork. ..ii...i . iw immn Hiit livtus ;''paino iva i is 'iW(iovi wd mis-qoj ju ui dlulu Ar Offtra ft -lic 636 7 oihiy. i'moJI Bii Unuif. 8k. pr buuJa. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DAt.IFO ORF-nnv his elaim. and that l3H'Sn'S.,.,, tore the County clerk of Mormi " LU.,M- ll . ' uiiiiiv, ijrii.. tu,: He immtuthe follow. n, u-ir . Jokii W. Liwu, RioisTia. The Heppner Wood Yard. KIP HAS GOT AROUND ana nas opened up a Wood Yard, from whioh h. ii. j.,, , wed or nn.aw.rl T S.'O-5-tS malic, sawed or nosawed. Wood Sawed at Your Reside Par . de rerpii nt 87 0 . . . - - . .,UUu sswhi boo 528-iw ""O'eretl at 8,.o0 peroord. Yard near tbo depot. - RIP VAN WINKLB, Proprietor. lence, 75 cts JITE Q1TY HOTEL, W. J. LEE2ER, Prop. frmi,. .... L " f. """" f one ot me most inviting olaces in Rn With him. fH.-.K-.s... . . - 70 W itop , ... ,ui ut ib biiip to eDtortain r First Class House. Reasonable Rates in you in tbe beet of style.