Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 25, 1892, Image 1

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Buy advertising apace, because rates are
low generally the circulation is a sight
lower Circulation determines the value
of advertising; there is no other standard.
The Gazette is willing to abide by it.
The Paper. Without it advertisers get
nothing for their money. Tlie Gazette,
with one exception, has tht largest circula
tion of any paper in Eautern Oregon.
Therefore it ranks high as an advertising
i WEEKLY NO. 601.1
SEMl-u.Ki.KLY NO. 53o. j
Some People
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTW PATl'tiRSUH Editor
A 1.8.H' per year. l.Wlrorsix months. 1.U0
fort .ret mounts; ii paid for in advance. fi.50.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The "E.aLS," of Long Creek, Orant
County Oregon, ! published by the same com
pany every Friday morning. Subscription
price, ! per year. For advertising rates, address
I. F.XIBE02T, Editor and
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "tiazette,"
Heppuer, Oregon.
'PHIS I'APKK iekepl on tile at E. C. Hake's
I Advertising Agency, til and 85 Merchants
Ujtcliui.K-, Man Iranchtco. California, where co..
Iracift for advtirtisiiig jui be made for it.
Wagner, .'' B. A. Huiisaker
Arlington I'taill Hcppner
Long Creek, Ine Eagle
Bob Shaw
Camas Prairie,
3 ye. Or.,
Huriluiau, Or.,
Hamilton, Urant Co., Or.,. .
lone, ,
FrairleClty, Or.,
Canyon City, Or.,
Pilot Kock,
laytlle, Or., ...
John bay, or., ....
Ailieua, or
Pendleton, or
OBcar De Vaul
Allen McFerrin
.. .. H. C. Wright
J. A. Woolery
. . .Mattie A. Hudio
T. J. Carl
R. R. McHaley
8, L. I'arrisli
O. P. Hkolton
J. E. snow
... F. I. McCallum
John Edi.igton
Win. G. McCroBkcy
M.niitl Vernon. Grant Co.. Or..
dhelby, or., Miss Stella Flett
Fox, Urant Co., Or., J.F.Allen
Kiglit Mile, Or., ... . Mrs. Andrew Aahbaugli
Ijppcr Khea Creek B. F. norland
DouglaB, Or White
Lone Kock, Or K. M. Johnson
Gooseberry .. W . V. Snyder
Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstead
Lexington W. B. McAlister
Umon Pacfic Railway-Local card.
No. 10, mixed leaves Hepnner 8:20 a. m-
" :(l. " ar. at Arlington 11 !A) a.m.
" 8, " leaves " p. m.
" II, " ar. at Heppner lib p. n daily
except Hunday,
East bnnnd, main line ar. at Arlington 2:50 p. m.
WeBt " ' " leaves " 4:0 p. in.
Night tiaiue are miming on same time as before.
Stage leaves for Monument
xoet t Sunday, at 6:30 A. ftf.
Arrives daily, except Monday
6:00 P.M.
United States Officials.
ipresidnnt Benjamin Harrison
Vioe-ProBldent Levi P. Morion
:Bee ela-y of State .....John w. Fost r
-.Secretary or Treasury Cmirl5? '.!Sr
:8eoretary of Interior J. W-Nohle
ISecretary of War Stephen B. hiking
l8e retary of Navy . . . . .K. F. Tracy
Postmaater-Oeueral 'onn Wanamnk-r
Attorney-General W. H. H. .Miller
Secretary of Agrioulture Jeremiah K .ek
State of Oregon.
Uovwonr 8 Pennoyor
rWlfcry of State O. W. McBrule
Treusnrvr. Phil. Jletsclian
Sapt. Public Instruction E. B. McElrny
( J. H. Mitchell
.Senator, j N.D.lih
J Blnger Hermann
Congressmen W. L Ellis
Pm. Frank C. Baker
rn,t!r IF. A. Moore
Supreme Judges j K B Bean
Seventh Judicial District.
I'if, iundae W. L. adshaw
Prorecui n Attorney W. H. Wils n
Morrow County OlhVial".
Inini Senator... ....Henry Bleckman
Henry BIhcki
....J. N. Brc
'fepreBentative l,;yyr"
..nnty Judge Jnlms Keilhly
Commissioners Peter Bienner
J. M. Baker.
...J. W. Morrow
Heo. Noble.
W.J. L ezer
B. L. haw
Isa Brown
... .W. It. Saline
,.T. W. Ayers, Jr
School Supft
' 'nroner
T.J Matlock
..ui'.'iin.M." O. E. Farnsworth, M
I.ichtentlial. Otis Patterson, S. P. Garnguee,
Thi. ..organ and Frank Gilliam.
..... A. A. Roberts.
I reasorm ' G. Slocum
i'Zi .. .. J. W. Raemus.
Precinct OHlce'f.
r ... l, P J. Hallock
rrXbie.......:r.... j.j.Kberu,
United States Land Officers.
J. W Lewis
T. 8. Lang
.Beceiv r
Al'leevw Regi-ter
A . i ' MoClelland Receiver
rr. Horn Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ey-
RZryK ery lnewiay , Z. u i
t ? their t astle nail, national oana uui;u.
. "V ' imc. Sojourning brnthereconiiallv in-
VtV vited toattend.H. KOHERZINGER. (,.1
" E K. SWIMBUKNE. K. ofH.4 8. tf
a. a. r.
Meet at Islington, Or., the last Saturday of
a. h month. All vetersna are Invited to Join.
('. C. Hoon.
Adjutant, tf
Geo. W . SMITH.
a A. ROBERTS, Kal Escate, Insur
i ftnpp and Collections. Office
Conncil Cliamhers. Heppner. Or
be ref
At Abraliamfiok't. In addition to Ins
tailoring business, be has added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on baud
...m- eleoa.it Datteins for snits. A
Abrahamsiok. May street. Heppner, Or.
Coffin St MoFarland have just received
a car load of Mitobell Wagons, Hacks,
etc , and have also a large supply of farm-
Ota implements in an kiuub.
nnf 1 THt WORLD.
TWKXrviT IHtVE. list
A Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
By a special arrangement with tbe
publishers we are prepared to furnish
FEEE to each of our readers a year's
ubaoripti'io to tlie popular uiouthly
agricultural jourunl, the Aubrican
Farmer, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio.
Tbis offer is made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay np all arrearages
n subscription and one year in advance.
and to any new subscribers who will pa
one yeal in advance, ine amisiucaa
Farmer enjoys a large national oiroula-
iira, and ranks among the leading
gricnltnrnl papers. By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re.
oeive the Amkhioan Farmer for tin'
ear, H will be to jonr advantage t.
oail promptly. Sample copies Can In
en at our office.
From Terminal or Interior Points
fU I lit
Is the l'ne to take
all Points EastaiiilSootli.
It ia the Pininar Car R"iito. It rnns Thronch
Vent. billed Train h every day in the yeur to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No CIibdko of Cars)
CiiinMil 8f DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipuieul
Tourist Sleping Cars
Best, that can be oonstrurted and in which ac-
cmumodtiiint.B an- rmui irets ana rurninn.u iui
holders uf tiiet or Bec-nd-clasn tickets, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Cimfinuons Line conueetiug with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Hulliuun Menper Reservations can be
oecuretl m uuvonue mrunyn
any agent of the road.
To and from al point in Amer!ca, Kngla d
and Europ can be purchaeed at any l lcket oince
if this t.ompany.
Full information concerning ratee, time
of trains. routeB and other detains
furnished on application to auy
agent, or
Assistant (teneral Passenger Ageni.
No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington,
The Original
13 publishers, we are able to obtaiu
of th
above book, and propose to furnish
fifinv tn HMfh of our subscriuerH.
The dictionary 1b a necessity In every home,
school and business house. It tills a vacancy,
and fiirniahps knowledge which DO one hull
Jred otber volumes ol the choicest booltB could
supply. Young and old, educated and ignorant,
ricn ana poor, suoiiiu unt a wumu ivtwu, suu
reler to us coiiienis e ery uaj tn iu yer.
AKHoiue have asked ii this is really the Oritt-
tiiRl velister' Li.abndced Dietioiiary . we are
able to state we have Warned direct from the
publishers the fact, that this is the very work
complete on which about iorty of the best years
Of tne autaor s me worenu nen empiujeu m
writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of
about lnu.iwu words, including the correct pell-
ing, derivation aim aennuiou oi same, ana is
the regular standard size, containing about
auu,iwu square inches of printed surface, and is
bound iu cloth halt morocco ana iLeeo.
Until turther notice we will furnish this
valuable Dict onary
First lo any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber,
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back
stamps marbled edges $:-oo.
Halt Mo occo, bound, gilt sde and back
stamps, marbled edges, 91.50,
full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled
edpes, 12.00
Fifty cents added in all cases tor express
age to Heppner.
VAt the publishers limit the time and
number of books they will furnish at the low
prices, we advise all who desire to avail them
selves of this great opportunity to attend to It
at once.
All who are suffering from the effects
of loathful Errors, Loss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Strioture.Syphiliaand the many troubles
which are the effects of these terrible
disorders will receive, Fbeb or Cbaboe.
full directions how to tieat and cure
themselves at home by xriting to lb
FTkmabt, I,i29 Market Street, Han
Francisco, California. 465-1t.
Webster's Unabridged
scrofulous humor
in the blood,
ulcers, catarrh, and
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
The most
saferspeedy, and
effective of all
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
The Giilobrated French Sure,
Is Sold om a
ts cure any
lorni of nervous
disease, or aur
dlsorder of the
generative or-
taut ul either sex whether arising from the
uceuiveUM of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opiuu,
ortlirough youthiiil Indisoretion, over indulg
ence, Sic, such I.0U of Brau Power, Wakeful,
ness, Bearing down Psius iu the Back, Semiasl
Weskueiw, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Emission. , LeucorrhoM, Dlzif ness. Weak Mem.
ory. lAssof Power and lmpotoncy, whtob If ne
fleeted often lead to prematureohlageaiid lusan
tt.v. Price II.M a box. (boxes lor 16.00 Sent by
mail ou receipt of price.
A WIUTTEN GDABANTF.lt foreveryl&.00
order, to refund the money If a rermasent
cure Is not effected. Thousands of testimonial!
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
red by AmnoDlTisl. Circular free. Address
Sold in Heppner by Sloeum-Johnston Drug Co
Th original and only Ken nine Compound Oiy-
?en Trrtatmnt, that of Lrs, Scarkey & Palen, in
a fciftiitinc f-djustment of the elements of Oxygen
and Nitrogen magnetized, and the compound is
so condensed and made portable that it is sent
ail over the world.
It has been in nae tor more than twenty years;
thousands of oatien'R have been treated and over
one thousand pliysicianB have uSKi it and reeom-
menu it a very igmncant laot, j
The great snccess of our tn -at ment has given
riH to a host of itnitatoro. unscrupulous perron a,
some calling ttieii preparntions Compound Oxy
gen, nfien appropriating our testimonials and
the names of our pntieuttt. to recommend worth
lew concoctions. But any substance madt else
where by others, and called Compound Oxygen,
la BpurioQB.
"(YmiDouiid Oxygen -Its Mode of Action and
TFesults. ' is tlie title o a book uf 200 drupb dud-
lishfd by Drs. Star key & Faien, which gives to ull
inauirerH full information as to this remarkable
curative agnt, and a record uf surprising cures
in a number of chmnio cases many of them
after being abandoned to die by other physicians.
tt iii ue uittueu w uuy ttuuruatxt iu itppuvuituu.
1529 Arch St., Philadelphia, Penna,
Please mention this paper. S14-.M11. w.
Wyandottes, Plymouth Books, Light
Bramabs, Rose and Single Comb
Brown Leghorns, Pn'tridge
Coohins, Hondnns and Sil
ver Bpangled Hambaigs.
1.000 Y0DH6 FOWLS
Beady for Delivery.
Send tor Catalogue.
Boi 65. com. 396. Forest Grove, Or
Tried For 20 Years !
The success of this Oreat Caurk Cur la
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AH druggiata are authorised to sell it on s pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can
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known, the Proprietors, at aa enormous ex
pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Pree Into
every home in the United States and Canada.
If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron
chitis, use It, for It will cure you. If your
child has the Croup, or WhoopingCougb, as
It promptly, and relief is sure. If yon dread
that Insidious disease Consumption, nse it.
Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CUBE,
Price 10 cts. . 50 cts. and tl .00. If your Luncs
are sore or Back lame, nse Shiloh's Porova
Plaster. Price ii cts. For salt by all Dntf
gists and Dealers.
tlmtilnteaUie torplri liver, strengih.
cn t he d laresti ve organs, regulate Ue
bowela, aud are auequaled ua aa
In malarial 4fsH- f ?i-tr vlrfnm are
vi'lely recognized. atley powaedtt pcr
Hilar iripertifl Inlreeiaglbesyslem
from tuat polaon. I.lecranllr Nttg-a
corned. lo.o amall. . i'riee, iticta.
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 110 to 144 Washluptoa St., S. I.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-
11 rxa
cuArrzii I.
, It is ten o'clock in the forenoon of a
June day. 'fen white topped wagons,
drawn by aa many spunsof heavy horses,
are strung out in lino ou the plaiiiB of
Northern Dakota, while fifteen horse
men ine distributed its length to act as
guards. There is a driver to each
Wilson, and you can thiw,covmt twenty
five souls. Twenty-five? Ah! but sharp
eyes detect tho fiuttcrratc of a woman's
dress ou the seat of one i.f the wagons.
Twenty-six, then, with their faces
stonily set to the west, each man heavi
ly aimed and every eye scanning the
eon n try ahead and about for bikhb pf
Who are they? .
The gallant Custer has made Us re
port of gold in the Black Hills, and
fifty thousand seekera after wealth are
moving to the west. The country is
still iu the hands of the savages, and in
furiated at the thought of being overrun
and pushed to the wall. -as has been the
case over and over again, every man
who can bear arms is on the warpath to
drive back-the invaders.
This party has come ut from Brule
City, Dakota. It followed the White
river for more than two hundred miles,
and left it to strike northwest for the
forks of the Big Cheren e two days be
fore w ) f juiii tliein. r tfr tne iast three
days Indian signs have been plenty.
They have entered upon the territory or
the hostiles, and every mile of their
progress will now be watched by keen
'Haiti la there danger aheadr
The wagons close np rapidly, as the
drivers have been drilled to do, and in
ten minutes everything is prepared for
whatever may happen.
Here. Harkins here. Taylor! calls
the leader to two of the mounted men,
and as they ride forward he continues:
The oltl man is going to turn up his
toes, and I've called a halt to let him die
iu peace.. He's been asking for both of
Who was the old man? Be had joined
the party at the last moment, coming
from no one cared where. Ha was an
old hunter and trapper, and had oeen in
the Black Hills country. He could guide
the party by the best and most direct
route, and ho had the money to outfit
himself. He gave his name as Saunders.
and Ins queer speech and actions made
the crowd look upon him as weak in the
dead. He had been taken very ill the
day before, and both Harkins and Tay
lor had shown him many acta of kind
ness. No one expected his death, and
the announcement that his hour had
coine created much surprise. However,
after each bad spoken his mind about it,
the majority of the men threw them
selves dowu on tho trass to smoke or
cliat. and more than one impatiently
estimated the distance lost by this delay.
Harkina and Taylor dismounted and
climbed into the wagon where the old
man lay: A few hours had wrought a
great change in him, and it was plain
enough that hia time had come.
"Look a-here, men, began the old
man as the pair expressed their sorrow
for him, "'this has come a leetle sooner
than 1 looked fur. but I'm not goin to
complain. Fur forty years the Lord has
let me live to roam these yere plains and
dwell iu the mountains, and my race is
run. 1 hain't got no word of complaint."
" Wliy, the old mnn is dt.ad!"
'Do yon wish us to hunt np
friends and tell them where and
yon died?" asked Harkins.
"Friendsl" laughed the old man. "1
never had one. 1 hain't got any."
"But can we do anything?" asked
"Fnstly, prop me up a leetle higher
and then give me a drink of whisky. 1
never sot as ranch by the stuff as some,
but mebbe it will keep life in me till 1
can spin my yarn. Now, then, did ye
ever hear tell of old Bridger?"
"I have." replied Taylor. "He was an
old hunter and Sapper, who was wiped
out at the Fort Kearney maasacre."
Correct: and they've got a fort named
after him aouiewhar' out here. Bridger
and me was pards fur many years. We
waa in this Black Hills country together
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
.. . 0
upward of twenty years ago. t veDeen
wanting to got back thar fur these last
five years."
"Did yon and Bridger iiud any gold
there?" asked Harkins.
('That's what I'm comin to. I didn't,,
but he did. We went thar to hunt, bein
satisfied if vm got enough skins and pelts
to keep us i powder and ball. One day
when a war party made a dash at us we
got separated. I took to the timber and
BriJger hid in a cave in a canyon. It
was three days before we cum together
agin, and then we had to dust out to
save our scalps. It was on the way home
that Bridger told me what he found in
the cave."
The men almost held their breaths,
while tho old man waited a minute be
fore resuming.
"Bridger nevor told a lie in his life.
What he said about that cave kin be de
pended on same as if you read it iu the
good book. Thar was gold thar in heaps.
He said it waa in lumps and bars, as if
it had been melted up mor'n a span of
hosaee could draw. He was in thar a
day and a half, and he bad time to be
"It was the red man's treasure house!"
exclaimed Taylor.
"Waal, no. Bridger didn't reckon the
Injuns had ever diskivered tho place.
He allowed that the gold bad bin thar
fur a good many years way back to
the time when the Mexicans kivered this
country. I've heard tell thar was a
white race all over the west."
"Yes. the Aztecs," replied one of the
"Them's it. It was them instead of
the Injuns who stored up the gold. We
allowed to go bat after it some day,
but the years went on, Bridger got
wiied out and now I'm headed that
way only to feed the wolves "
"And and you will tell us where this
cave is?" anxiously inquired Taylor.
"1 will," replied tho dying man, as a
smile flitted across his face. "Hain't it
curus? One lays a-dyin. thinkin of the
hereafter, and the other is jist a-trem-blin
in his anxiety to git hold of wealth
and spend it? It's like poor humanity.
The thought of that gold never bothered
me an hour, while you will risk your
lives fur a sight of it. But I'll tell ye.
That's what 1 axed yo to cum in here
fur. You've bin white with me, and I
kin reward ye fur it." .
Harkins and Taylor glared at each
other across the dying man. The fiend
of avarioo was already whisporing in
their ears.
"If you strike tho big Cheyenne at the
forks," saitl the hunter, "the mountains
will be due north of yon. The big peak
in front of yo has been named after Cus
ter. About five miles to the right of
that peak isa canyon the one up which
Bridger fled. He said he went about a
mile and then took into a smaller one
leadin to the left. Ho hadn't gone fur
before ho grabbed a bush to pull him
self upon a ledge out of the bottom, and
as ho reached tho ledge he was at the
mouth of the cave. He reckoned it was
eight or ten foot up, and he thought a
path led from it up into the mountain.
It ar' always dusky in those rifts, and
ye might pass up and down a lifetime
and seo nothing. It may take ye a
month of aarchin. but ye'll tind a big
Each man had caught his every word
and sought to impress it on his memory,
and each secretly hoped that the other
would forget. This eagerness resulted
in a curious error. Harkins understood
the hunter aright when he said to the
right of Custer's peak. Taylor under
stood him to the left.
"Ye'll hev to be on the watch fur red
skins." saitl the old man after a long
pause. "They're out and in arms and
they'll show ye no mercy. This rush of
white men will drive 'em hack after a
time, and I counsel ye to let the cave
alone till it's safe to go thar. Then yo
kin make np a small party, bring it off
ami divide it np as is fair."
"Never!" whispered Taylor as be
clenched his hands.
"Divide with him when I can get it
all!" demanded Harkins of himself.
They had been friends in danger. The
prospect of wealth had turned their
friendship to hate. An hour ago tbey
would have periled their live.s for each
other. Now. they wished each other
dead. .
The jiossession of gold may bring hap
piness. The thirst for it may lead to
"Ye hev beon good to me and 1 wish
ye Incl-," said the old man in a whispor,
bnt neither of the men heard him. They
were thinking and planninf.
"About Bve miles to the right of
Custer's peak." Harkins kept repeating
to himself.
"About five miles to the left of Cus
ter's peak." Taylor repeated over and
over again. Two or three minutes parsed
away, -nd then the latter bent forward
aud cried out:
"Why, the old man is dei.dl"
So be was. He had mad- no struggle
even no sign.
"Well, that was white in him not to
delay us," laughed the leader of the car
avan when informed of the event.
"Some men might have Kent as here all
day and then concluded nr. to die after
all. Now the only thing is to plant him.
A couple of men were soon scooping
out a shallow gr&ve with their spades,
and within half au hour after the flame
of life had flickered out the body was
covered and the wagon train moving on.
Then a couple of great vultures
dropped from the sky to earth to wait
Three or four gaunt wolves, their long
bair dirty and ragged, came skulking
over the broken ground.
Five painted and feathered Indians
crept out of a dry ravine scarcely forty
rods away, and with the vengenoe of
devils set to work with hands and ativka
to uncover the body. .There waa a gup.
pressed about as it was rolled out and
another as the scalp was held aloof.
Five minutes . later the ' wolves and
vultures had the body to themselves.
And now, as the wagon train makes
its slow way over the broken country,
let us see with whom we have to da
That our readers
something A bout theobjeots and purposes
of the organization known as the Wom
an's Belief Corps, we publish herewith
the following from their "Rules and Reg
ulations." PREAMBLE.
'We, the mothers, wives, dnughtets
and sisters of Union soldiers, sailors ami
marines who aided in putting down the
rebellion, do with other loyal women,
unite to establish a permanent associa
tion for the objeots herein set forth, and
through a national convention do ordain
and enact the following rules and regula
tions fc;r its govern input.
This association shall bt known as the
Woman's Relief Corns, auxiliary to the
Grand Army of the Republic.
Seo. 1. To specially aid and assist the
Grand Army of the Republic, and to per
petuate the memory 't the heroio dead.
Sko. 2 To assist snoh union veterans
as need our help aud protection, aud to
extend needful aid to their widows aud
orphans. To find them homes and em
ployment, and assure them of sympathy
and friends To oherish and emulate
the deeds of our army nurses, and of all
loyal women who rendered loving service
to bur county in ber hour ot peril .
Seo. 3. To maintain true allegiance
to the United States of America; to in
otilcate lessons of patriotism aud love ol
country among our ohildreu and in the
communities in which e live; and en
courage the spread of universal liberty
and equal rights to all.
Women of good moral character ami
nrreot deportment, who have not given
aid and comfort to the enemies of tlie
Union, wlvi would perpetuute tho prin
pies to which this association stands
pledged, and who have attained the age
f sixteen years, shall be eligible to mem
bership In the Woman's Relief Corps.
From the Umg Creek Paper.
The fall races at Heppner oommenced
Billy Kobbins is out at Heppner this
week attending the raoes.
T'ommie Henderson made a trip to
Heppner this week.
Walter Keeney mid Anderson Wilson
left Tuesday for Heppuer after treight.
Eil. 0. Allen and family and Waller
ISrown aud family are in attendance at
ihe Heppuer raoes.
Tom Scroggiu and wife, Alf Conger
and Wra. Crowley and Misses Emma
Roberts and Grace Hardisty left Sunday
(or Heppner to attend the raoes.
Lee Miller, the John Day liveryman,
was in Loug Creek Monday night, being
enroute to Heppner with Mis. Nelson and
rurally. Mrs. Nelson is the mother of
I'hos. Helson, foreman of the Heppner
GuMte, and will make Heppner her fa-
lure home.
Chris, Belnlngor, who has for the past
summer been looking after the wants of
hand of sheep for D. O. J ustioe, of
Heppner. came down trom the mountains
Thursday .of last week, leaving Friday
lor neppner, to aiienu tne riiuen mere Oregon aud Washington, a larger rcpre
iliis week. Tbe band which Chris, was BentBtion of horses can be had here next
herding was driven to the huncograaa uriug. This is ueoessary.
mils iu axorrow uomiiy inm wee.
Notloe is hereby gien to all members
of Kawlins Post No. 31, G. A. K., and
those intending tn become members, that
there will be a meeting of this Post at
Heppner on Nov 26,1892. All iuvited,
particularly those who are soldiers but
not members of any post.
By ortler of
Gno. W. Smith,
0. C. Boon, Commander.
The members of Kawlins Post No. 81,
G. A B. are reo nested to be in attend
ance at the meeting of the Poet on the
lent Saturday in December, December
31, at Lexington, at which time the elec
tion of ofBoers for the ensuing year no
ours. Please bear II is iu mind, and make
your arrangements to be with us.
36 tf G. W. Smith. Com,
The only Pure Cream, of Tartar Powder. No Ammuni;.; :.-. .-'.him.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Columbus Dav Properly Celebrat
ed at The Association Park.
Toe "Speciol" Won by Coon Dos: And The
Five- Kidhtli by ltoekiand. Friday- ubain.
piiHUO W inner of Saturday's Contests.
Friday's Race. .
The three-eighths race, purse 8100,
tailed to fill, aud instead a "special" was
gotten np, one-fourth mile dash, 845 '
purse, sweepstakes, $5 entrance " fee.
Four horses entered, Dusty Dan, Par
ker Hp, Coon Dg, Harrington up. Babe.
J.i Keeney np and Sprague, Burns up.
Uoou Dog "oooued the works" in 021,.
Dnsty Dan sold favorite in the pool
boxes aud Coon Dog's backers were well
paid for their nerve,
Iu the five-eighth dash, the entries
were: Rockland Boy, Burns up.Haating.
Allen, Sr., up and Champagne, Cannon
np. They gut off with Champagne a
length behind. At the turn Bookland
was leading and in this position they
came down the stretch, though at the
outoume Champagne was closing up rap
idly ou his adversary. Time, 1 :01, which
for live furlongs is exceediuglr fast, and
we believe, has not beeu equaled on the
uo8t. It was a horse race iu every
seuse. (We have learned since that the
dislance was short about 100 feet.)
The dav s sport olosed with a bioy.
ole eoutest, heats, best two in three, in
which there were entered, Harry War
ren, I.ee Mai look Win. Potter, 8. I.
Strattou and Vawter Crawford. Warren
won the first heat, Potter second. The
next was a dead beat between Port
ter aud Strutton. Warren was leadlug
all, and neariug the outcome a dog ran
uoruss the track, upsetting the safety
tbrowiug the rider heavily to the ground.
Fortuuately he escaped with no in
juries to mention, though the wheel was
somewhat the worse for wear. Bor.
rowing another wheel, he went out for
the third heat and won it. Time, 0:51,
0:54 and 0:58, respectively. Distance,
one-fourth of a mile.
Saturday's Kacel. .
Tlie ruoi-a Saturday were opened up
by the half mile bents, best turee iu five,
with tne well-knowu horses Champagno,
Rockland Boy and Hastings entered in
that race. Iu tho place of Cannon, as
in the Friday's race, Champagne's
reins were haudled by Ed. Fortune, a
prin oo of rideis.
The borsee got away on the first heat
with little cermony, Champagne 1 adiog
all the way. The second and thfrd heats
were but a repitition of first. Fortuue
rode like a major nnd oovered with
glory and dust in every finish. Time,
0f, 51 rj and 0:05, respectively.
Champagne sold favorite in the pool
boxes, liocklaud seoond aud Hustings
A raoe was gotten up for Sunday's
entertaiunieuNewington, Sulvadore and
Chief being entered. Chief came out
abead, but the raae was declared off
on a claim of foul.
The Kiol sellers, Messrs. A. Byrd and
F J. Hillock, gHVH excellent satisfaction
by their fairness and prompt payment ot
ail pools.
Tho races wore successful from every
point of view except a financial one.
However, the society will meet every ob
ligation; but it bus been a hard scratch
to make not h ends meet. The raoea lire
a great benefit to the business men of
our towu, but they are slow to oatroniae
the association, henne the liuauoial em-
ineunzette wonui sug-
.at that in the future thae receiving
tu priuoipal part of the benefits, be
nailed upon to assist in making up the
nurses. Other towns follow this ulan.
nnd it is the only way that the Heppner
track oan ever besucoeasful, from a hu un
cial standpoint.
Rv m.iiilinu a renreaentativo nf nor
track to some of the m-etings in E istein
Tbe attendance al the raoes on the
20th lust., whs fair. In the unfinished
2:10 pace Prinoe Almont won the decid
ing beat, with Maywood second and Al
mora third; time, 2:29'. The sura
niaries of the other raoes were:
2:3.) trot-Oro Fino won in three
straight beats, Aitit second, Caution
third; best time, 2:22.
Special trot, unfinished Harry M.
took two heats, Vanquish one, and Hap
py Jack one; best time, 2:27.
Three quartermiledartb -Iobiban wou;
Diehlo seoond, Joe Cotton third; time,
1:17. The judges declared it no race, as
Jtw Cotton was nulled by Jockey ll iyn.
ton, who was ruled off the National As
sociation tracks for one year. Buyuton
was aho declared guilty of answering
falsely to a call for Joukey Tobin.