NOTM'K TO ADVERTISE K3. T,HHSK desiring tne Insertion of display ads., nrrhaiiEpnf smie mi,., su i.. not laier than Monday evening for Tuesday's ' emuuu, or iiinmuay evening lor Fridays ear tlon. Tag PiTTKaooN Fobubhiwi Co. NOTICE. 1. The sum of ave cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of respect," lists oi eddlng presents and donors, and obituary notices, lolher liiau those the edit or shall hiuiscll give as a matter of news.) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Jsolices ol church and society and all other entertainments from w hich revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rale- of hvc tents a line. '1 hese rules will be stiiclly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upuu application. Giue your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Duu't overlook tbe Ladies' Bnzir. J. 0. Williams took iu Tuvsd'iy's raoes. Ed, Rood hi rived from IdnLo 'lues dHy. Milt iile, of Wagner, was la yester day. Bill Tilliird got in Wednesday to at tend ttie- rHoea, Fred Miller kuows liow to give you a good fit iu lailoriug. tf bw Wes. and Ed. Matlock came in Wednes day tu attend ibe laces. Mrn. K. J. Gilmore arrived from be bow Wednesday evening. John Shaw Id in troin Lower Batter creek attending t be races. The hrjm of Rip Van Winkle's wood la is heaid iu our little oity. Tbe Gem and Palace saloons for fine iqiMrN. McAtee Broi-., Props. aw Ed. Holloway was in Wednesday from bis poseHions iu lower Morrow. Balpb Uitteuboeftfr ami J. P. Hiiyden, two j ivinl diuuiuiers, are iu towu. S un Morgau i nd J. U. Edwards were over yesierday from Saud Hollow, Joe Woolerv, the Ioue merchant, took in tbe raoes here Thursday and today, Mrs. A. L. Dantier departed Tuesday for tier home at Little Kock, Arkansas. Frank K-llogg, wife and ohlldreu ar. rived home Irom Salem Tuesday eveuiug- Audrew Neel and family are in from Lone Bock to be present at the Heppner festivities. Johnny Chrisman arrived Tueadav nf teruoon Iroiu Long deck to take iu tbe races ibis week. Alf Conner and John Ambrose, of tht LoUii Creek country, are taking iu tne rat en this week. h. V. Gates arrived from SI. Lois TueHday. and departed lbureday mun -iug for Uiilsboro. "Uncle" John Lnoknane has about Completed his tall contracts for hauling wood to deppuer. tl in. A. M il lory and wife left M ind y to visit their diughter and (dimly, at JeiTersoti, Oregou. l ap Simons & Son still ehoe horses and do general blacksmitbing at the old stand Matioek oorner. 65, Jerry Phillips, oamptender for C. A. Bhea, Ims brought iu bie bauds, all in exoelltnt ooudiiion, too. D. W. Luce aud wife and J. F. Harden, of Cuuyon City, arrived Friday going on down to Portland Saturday. Bert Webb, the drillman, who bas been employed on the artesian well, left for Portlaud Weduesday morning, J. M. Smith oame over from Lone Bock Tuefday eveuing to be in attend ance at Ibe races and oelebiation. A Byrd, Walla Walla's affible pool man, is in attendance al the races. Mr. Byrd is iu business iu Walla Walla. Arthur Auimerman came down from tbe Hamilton mill Monday to attend the raovs and the Oluiubinu celebration. A. K Bartholomew was selling pota toes ou our streets this week al 1 cents per pound, i'bey came fioui Miliuu, Or. C. C. Keiuiuger and T. J. Cannon bave oouipleted a summer's rustliug. aud are taking it easy ill Heppner'a metropolis. Miss Powell, niece of the Powell Bros., of Saud Hollow, arrived the first uf the week from a visit to her relatives in the valley, home one "swiped" a 820 piece off the " Gem bar last Wednesday evening during tbe "excitement," but the oalprit is nn knuwu. MrB. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nursing. Call at ber home iu nurth Heppuer, or address her Bt this place. 518-tf Hivu ketohum whiskers. Hatt & Mulbews, at the oity barber shop tbe lilace to get a tirst-class Bbave, huir-ont or shampoo. tf. XJucie Billy Gilliam was io Heppner yesterday, for the first time ainoe he mat' with Hi" accident last spring in which be wus seriously injured. Geo Akin, Alta'e old driver, is in at tend! o at the races, and takes as rnuob interest-in the proceedings as when he H8 king of tbe sulky. Master Clay Fienct ia the authorized agent for the Urenontnn at tbis place. Subscribe through bim, and have your paper delivered free of churge. tf No greater trium b in inediciue or chemis'o lias beeu recorded than Hall's ban Kenewer to revivify aud restore gray hair to tho color uf youth. A. Lilhe, wife and daughter and Miss K. vingner, from M.HpletnO. lowa, ar lived M 'iiriay eetiing "U a vicit io C. 8. and (i. R. Wagner, of Waguer, Or. Married At the residence -Mb brid-i's paienls. at line, October 6 1892 Arthur W. Wills aud Wise Jina Dinar, w Morrow ooauty, Rev. B F. King officiat ing. Sewer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north Dasinees .room, Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old fnendB there. Baths in connec tion. Mm. Joneii. sister of Sana Hardistv, of Long Creek, arrived from Puyallup Wash,, Saturday, and has been visiting with the family, ol 0. W. Richard, of this place, Tbe latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, most successfully accomplished by Vt. b. F. Vanghan. Gas administered when desired. Thompson building, Heppuer. Or l a-w. 'Not all is iio'd that glitters," is a true sajingi it is iqimlly true that not all i fiaiBapsrilla that ia so labelled. If Jon would be sure of tne geunine article, ask for Aver's Harsaparilla, and take no oth er Ht alth is too precious to be trilled with. Ir you wisb to seenre a Certain and speedy result, when nsing Ayer's Sarsa pnrilla, be careful in observing tbe rules of health, or the beuetii may be retarded A fair and persistent trial of this medi oiDe never fails, wheu tbe directions are followed. There ia no use -n suffering with rheu matism as long as ynn can get Cong" Oil. It is for sale bv all druggists at 82 per botile, but it would be dirt cheap at four times the price. It is a po.uive cure for rheumHtii-m, HDd no mistake. Try it and be convinced. ' Meedames Drs. Lewis and Tackmao arrived from Long Creek last Wednesday evening, Mrs. Tackman leaving for The Dalles Thursday morning. Mrs Lewis started back to L oug Creek ou the game day. Morrow county had a flrst-ulaia fruit crop this season anyway, and our people bave bad no trouble iu seeming all they desired at reaBouable figures. The balloon asceusiou was billed to occur on the 19iu lust, but Mies May iVluler ami her company did not appear. Sue is expecteJ late Ibis week. Mr. ami Mrs. J. N. Elder and the little folks aie visiting Mr. aud. Mrs F. O Buckuum in Puitluud tim week, having departed i or tueie lust .Vlondav Prof. A. IS. Furnel, ot Ella, was iu towu this Week, and will shortly uioVm to the Vnlloy, tor the wiuter ut least. TheProl. la still selling some standard works. The Oregon Weather Bureau has been located on the ninth ttmrof .heOregoui an building, tbe old offioe in the Kamm having beeu dest'oyed by fire recently. Mr. C. 0 Wildey, representing C. C. Wihley & Co. of Walla Walla, agents for piauoa and organs, ws in Heppuer this week. The Gazette publishes their ad iu lb, 8 issue. D ive Hamilton is having constructed a good, substantial residence here In Heppner, and 1b moving his family iu this week. Mr. and Mis Hamilton will hereafter make Heppner their home. Through strikes iu the East, it is im possible lor tne Heppner Water & L ghl Co, to get their pipe delivered beloie Nov. 15th or Deo. 1st. This will delay the completion of the works to some ex tent. W. E. Smith and B. J. McKiuuin, cattle raisers of Harney oouuty, arrived iu Heppuer Tuesday from Burns, a die distance of 150 miles, to lay iu their sup plies for the winter aud to attend to other business. A special train took out a lot of cattle Thursday, destined for the Souud section Our reporter noticed that Engineer J. W. Beedy was on this traiu, also traiumeu Johu Sterling, J. J. Burns, J. T. Skiel aud Johu Smith. The supper given at the old Record buildiug, Weduesday evening, by the sis ters of the Baptist aud Christian church es, also assisted by some of the Metho dist sisters, and others who were not members of any ebuiojj, passed o!T very uioely. The net prooeeds, amounting lu 826 85, will be expended for song books for the Baptist church aud ejunday soboul. The Heppuer Coruet Baud also deceives praise for some excellent music reudered for tbe ocoaeion. H. V. Gates got back to Heppner from his Eastern trip last Tuesday eveniug, having beeu away about a mouth, dur ing whioh time he has seen a great deal of the prairie couutry of Iowa, Kansas aud Nebraska, Mr Gates leporla every miug boomiug with the people, better crops then they have had lor veals past, money plentiful with tbe farmers, aud in fact eveiything looking prosper ous. This is indeed fortunate for the people of that section, for il has been sevetul tears, sinoe one bas tailed to hear the cry uf hard times, failure of crops from hot winds, iraisboppers, or some other pest, from these people, Nearly a Smasiiup.A. J. Long, rep resenting the Portlaud house ot Long & Scott, arrived ou Wednesday s traiu, remaiuiug in Heupner over i'uursdu). The traiu on the main line was delayed neatly two hours, about one-halt a mile this aide of Rooster Rjck, caused by a broken rail. A huge rock had fallen down the mouutam side, breaking a rail and dthVciiug it mine than twenty degrees. A young lady music teacher, whu happeued tu pass Ibis way, notioed the brokeu rail and tigged tbe traiu preventing, prob.tbly, a serious suiasbup Mr. Loug'said that the grateful pas sengers made up a purse aud presented it u tbe young ladv. Eobbkb tub ououAuD. Tuesday While VV. G. li'Veis Hoed mull Was absent I rum the ranch up Hiutou cietk some miserable misureauts went into the orchard aud took all the apples from the tiees, except aoout a sacktull. This is thievery with a veugeuce. There were two of them, as was seen by tracks made, and should they be caught in tbe mesh' es of tbe law, Lord pity them. Somb Fink Fbuit. Felix Johnson dropped in yesterday with eooie fine fruit, apples aud a sample of the "Irish oranges," Felix raised tbe apples him self aud they are beauties. The spud grew in tbe garden of Joe Vey, who lives uear him, and is a monster uf Its species being IU lticues in diameter and 13 iuch- es loug. Felix says Joe has pleuty of that sort. Back -From Washington. D. W. Hor nor got back W eduesday from Wilbur, Wush , wuere he bad been for some days lookiug alter his interests op that way. He was welt plused with the growth ot that towu, as well as adj tceut sections Mr. Hoiuor speaks highly of Wilbnr's ciiizens, and s iys they cauuot be excelled an where for hospitality. A Nkw Nbioubjb. Geo. W. L rd has m ived into the foimer art nai lery over Me-brs. Brown & Hamilton's .fHoe, and has fitted np for architecture work. He is prepared to contract for all kinds of buildings, or will supervise cojstruotion, and pntchaee material for the same, giving uis customers tne Den eht of bis experience aud percentage, 532 tf Adjudged Insane. -Sheriff Geo. Noble Ixrtrd (or Hnlcm yesterday moruinx with Mrs. J. G. Young, who was reoeut ly aiijiidtied iusaue. Mrs. Y mug has be-oi in b .d health for some lime. The f.imily n.ive the svo pathy of tbeir many friends aud acquaintances iu this local ity. Fashionable Dressmaking. Mrs. For wood has secured a tlrst olass dress maker from Portland, and fashionable , r i ft it, . r It is miarameea. ranors, m Htieel, one block below the Bnuk of Heppner. Nxtwual 31 tf. Koioh Diamond Cioabs.- Without au equal, and for ymre the leading xaloou ciirir, will be sold at Mao Frau Cisco wboleBaJe prices, by lots of 100 or I5.0U) ar J. Cohu's. 35 44 Fob The Editob's Benefit. A Swiss bus inveiited a clock that talks, and in stead of the sudden outburst of tbe alarm bell, wbicb always rius longer than necessary, it perfoims its duty to awaken one, by remarking: "There Bre eggs and a 1. ice juicy stenk, snd a cold melon, and milk t. ast, aud frii-d potatoes, aud roffce down st"iis for u , aud this is the dv when promised you the money be has been owing yoo so long. Besides, day after tomorrow ia II then. Such promises would arour moat any one, especial I y an editor, a few mornings of disapp untment iu bill of fare and one would then just al soon hear the grating br r-t-r of tbe old ay- n Backieu s Armea Halve. Tbe beet salve iu tbe wurld for cats. bruises, sores, uloers salt rnenm. fever ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud ail skin e'uptious, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfucllou. or money reiuuded. i'noe 25 cents per box. for sale by blooum-JohuBtou Lrug Co. VKBY YOUNU. Jndge's Library for September shows very pioturesque and happv little darky musing a mid-day meal of tbe ever .resent walermelou. Tbis number of the Library will especially please the Ohihlren. What number, lu tact, does uoir And it is hlle I with all those od dities tout ihe great artists are so skill ful in depicting Never was so much hiUuhter put in pages for such a mod erate amouut as in Judge's Library, Every news dealer handles it, aud if be lot g uot, he can make no better invest ment than by sending ten cents to tbe Judge Publishing Co , 110 Fifth avenue, Now loik. 'i lie Ojieen And President. Who will be president? Send your an swer, with eiaht two-cent stamps for a sample copy of tbe Canadian Queen, con taming rules and conditions, aud secure one of tbe following valuable prizes: To tbe first oorrect answer will be awarded a Steinway or Cbickering piano; the two next, each a pair of beautiful diamond ear-rings; the next ten, each a urst-class sewing machine, and to the last ten will he awarded eaoh a full silver tea service (value $00.00). lu addition to these, every person cor rectly naming tbe next president will bave tbeir choice of a magnificent dia mond braoelet, a pair of diamond ear nings, or an imported opera glass. Coutest oloses tiov. 7th. Any letter postmarked that date will be aocepted. 1) n run the oontest, special prizeB will he tiiven to the first ten answers reoeived each day, without regard to name of oan- iiiiate. All prizes for the U. S. free of duty. Address; Dept. "A." The Quekn Publishing Co., Ltd., -Torouto, Canada. PORTLAND KXI'OrtU'KJM TO UCTUBKK UUPTKHBEIi SS2ND. HIST The Union Paolio System will extend to all its natrons the usual reduced rates on round trip tickets, which will include admission to the exposition, selling ou Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week. Detailed information can be had by amdvmii to J. C. Hart, ticket agent at Heppuer, Oregon, or W. II. Hurlnun, Asst. Gem. Pass. Agt., 254 Washington St. Portland, Oregon. 25-34. The American Wool Interest. Is the title of au exceptionally interest ing pamphlet of 64 pages, just published by the American Protective Tariff League, and edited by Hon. Wm. Lawrence, Pres ident of tbe Ohio Wool Growers Associa tion. Every person wbo wants to know all about tbe wool question should send for a copy. Prioe, six Oenta. Address, Wll.Bl'B F. Wakbman, General (Secretary, 135 West 23d Street, New York. A Care For Twenty Cents. Any remedy sold at one dollar a bottle whioh ononis to oure Hiieumatism, is simply an imposition, for when all ex peuaes are deducted it leaves not more thau twenty cents to represent tbe medi cine. Dr. Drumniond'e Lightning Rem edy, which is performing such wonder ful cures that it is being prescribed by the medical faculty everywhere, is com pounded at great expeuse Irom rare drugs, and cannot be Bold fur less thau five dollars a b ill 'e But it nlwavs cures cent piepaid to any address on receipt of price. I)' uuimoud Mediciue Co., 48 50 Maideu Laue, New York. Agents want ed. m 37 DIIUNKENNESU or the LIQUOR HABIT, Cured at Hume In Ten Days by Adminis tering JJr, Haines' Uolden specific. It can be given in a glass of beer, a oup of coffee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolute ly harmless, and will effeot a permanent and speedy oure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoboho Wreck. It bas been giveu in thousands of cases, aud in every instance a perfect oure bus followed. It never fails. Tbe system once impregnated witb tbe specific, it becomes au utter impossibility for the liquor aopetite to exist. CureB guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address the Goldkn Specific Co., 185 Bace Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Beware of Ointment!) Kor Catarrh That Con tula Mercury, As mercury nil! surely destroy the sense of , smell and completely derange the whole system wheu entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such artiolea Boould uever be used except ou prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage tbey will do is ten fold to lb good yon can possibly derive from tbem Hall's (Jalarrh Cure, manufactured bv F.J Cheuey A Co., Toledo, O., ooiitaiio. uo mercury, and ia taKeu imenially, act iug ilireoily upon the blood aud muoous siufHOea of the system. In buying HallV Catarrh Cure lie sure ynn get Hie gen 111 nr. It ih taken luiernally, and made iu lot. -do, Ohio, by F. J. Chbnbt & Co. Teati inoiilals free. t"nold by Druggists, price 700. per bottle. On the Way to Faradiae. Let ns hope that the people who habit ually disregard tbeir health will reach that desirable place, and avoid the local ity which is less deairahle as an eternal lesideuce on aocouut ol the heat aud snr roiindingsgeuerally. But while we tarry in this vle of, why should we vol untarily endure the toitures uf dyspep sia when a sjstematic use of Host-tier's stoniicb Bitters will rid ns of the atro oioux malaily which uuless physicians are veo much at fault tends to shorten ihe term of onr existence. Heartburn, hilliousuess, constipation almost always hi company thi complaint aud are symp tomatic of it. These are all extinguish ed hy tbe Bitters, which also conquers completely malaria, rbenmatiam. nerv ousness and debility. Since tbe appear ance of "la grippe" it bas showD aaiugu lar mastery over this formidable com plaint that has carried off so many of our brightest and best. LIST OK LETTERS DVERTtSKD AT Oct. 17, IMr.!: Beard R L. Fik H L Jonei T I D I'Ariiian Wra S Mewiirt Jamet HKFPNER POHTOFFICE Clanto 1 L (iowant Mr John T J V 8 father Mlu Lettee Thuinpaoi. C F Troedaon Mra Carl lay iHyior i oaa Wilson PB Please say letters. Advertised" when calling fortheee A. Maiuikv. P. M. H ARNEHii-HHOP, ""x-k and fixtures. Good business; established in the midst of a rood lariiiiiia and stock-raising country. Also lor sale a good house and m o lota witb or without the business property. For further in formation address OiLitt, Heppner, Or. Ir3 tl Sunday and you can finish jour si, ep BOSTON: CASH STORE. -I have the honor THE PEOPLE And adjoining sections that I YOUR u'ALL PUUCH.iSl'.!5iire want to buy tbe best go, ds yn do : vou should. How way is to Oompare values nnd prices. We take pleasure in showing our goods aud telling our prices. Our Dry Goods Department is full of choice offerings for this season. In Drees Goods we are far in advauoe of our competitors. Our Styles and prices prove it. You should see our Clothing aud Overoonts. Children's, Boys' aud Youths' Clothiug in an endless profusion. Goods piled to the ceiling, so to speak. Our prices will move them. Suits made to order in the latest styles and patterns. Represent the largest tailoring establishment in Chicago. Our fall stock is now complete and will interest you. We -:- Guarantee -:- Satisfaction. We have iu endless quantities and to suit 3X-&.TS, latest stvleB, cheaper than ever direct from tbe East, and is tbe btst ever At present located in the M. Liohtenthal buildiug. Main street, opposite the City Hotel. J. H. KOLMAN, PHAS. L. SHERMAN, j ; . v y T V T ! I- Hoe Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator. First-Class work in All Its BrnncheB.. -Prices Reasonable. I 1FFTPK IN-CITY HOTEL. s HEPPNER, 530 OUR WONDERFUL REMEDIES! DR. GRANT'S Native Discovery! The Great Female Bemady. Sflcccnnfully used in the Central treiumeuto! womau'B tliseiiMa. PRICE, $1.00. Dr. Grant's Kidney For the cur of Bright') 1)! sens'!), Mmb kidney Prloo, Prepared by THE 0. W. R. 315 Front St , iiCAB. TICKSLICE THE WORLD D, revention oerar DIP YOUR SHEEP HAVE MORE WOOL V (tee liiclorweiiient I r.m nir. Is used and endorsed by the following Oregon and Montana sheepmen: vt. h. nonahr! D?yvl le- W. . Iiee, Junction city; John Harrison, Matney; ieo (tens. Amanda; Kenneth MeKae Oavvil e; loe Oliver, John Day; J. W. Byers, New l.i.lKMi; P J. Moule. Hereall; f-i 4 ('lark PhllWk Falrehild & McCralg, Dopuyer; F. R. Warren, I'll;; Bns.1, Bros., Ilston- E P Chandler, Maiden; J. Hlrachherg, Choteau; U. H. Hastings, Ubet; James hdle, Wllo'i; W. Norton, Stewart; A. Downie. Big Handy. IMIcipt ami IkstDip Ash Your Merchant for KOHLANn BHd". Portland, Oregon. Gen. Agts. for Oregon, Washington aud Western A. Thompson r THOMPSON & IMNNS, PHOI'HIKTOKS Tie Heppner Livery, Feed anil Sale Stable, Bflovr Coffin 6i M - Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men. Tosnn to bay per (isy, 75 ota. Hny i.nd cram per dnv. 81 i'. Menls 25 cts. a at C. C. rjnrgeaot'a, nut ilour tu Kwd Kinblc Uraio and baled buy nlwavs on hnnd. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. of announcing to- OF HEPPNER have located here, and to Btay. inre nbout to be made, xou jinn can for your mouey. We to do it then comes next, A safe the trade in price, style and quality sold iu Heppner before. My stock is brought to tbe town. and Sii f Painter. - w - OliEQON Dr. Grant's CLOALltl The King op fjgf Sold under a gnani rife. PRICE, $1.00. and Liver Cure. -tiM, lliliousness, Sick-Headache, and all 1 roubles. SX. OO. MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Por'l.incl. Oregon. RENOWNED - EVERY FALL AND AND BETTER WOOL to made. Sold Evtrywkre Coopers and Take io Other. Idaho. Props. Wm. COOPER 4 NEPHEWS. llalvKiton, Ttjcat. A. E. Blniis FarlRini'i, Main Street, than Cure ! For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to I C at ch That Maverick, The Frisky Dollar. Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can Round up Bargains Like Yours Respectfully. We are here for business from the ground up and propose to let you know it. MINOR BROS., HEPPNER. OBEGON. aker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR, Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Made on Shout Notick and at PorciAR Pricks. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Grain Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company -Are tlll nllve and kicking TOBACCOS, ware Guns and A.mmunition, Sewing Machines, Farm Implements. Also Gents' Furnishing uooils, and Ihe largest assortment of Teas In Kastern Oregon, Speoial Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto: tt Corner Main and Willow Streots, Hpppnr Or. Change of W1 HAVE TAKEN CHARGE wbiob we propone to conduct in on bands at all times the cbniceat Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tt Froorletors. es, -:- "5 WELL. i Mi mm Oyssitor Setison Alrto aVout i-ipe. We will let you know about that in the near future. W. L. Matlock & Co. -ARE- Rustlers! In all lines of Sacks & T. CO. lor trade with a complete line ot WOOD and WILLOW WARE. We Won' j Be unDERSoLO. Ownership OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the mont RHtinfnotory manner. Will keep him WONG p -:-, and -:- (Jprs ! SHOULD SMILE, Tho Finest in tho Land.