17 j 14 J ii 3-' 3 1 I r' PjSwiP f AND SUSPENSORY FORT ""SkiV IMP Pll'ri'ii sn Jtfriy have a relief and cure In your ignorance of effects an J vitality which is Fvstem the elements thus Ten;;i!i anJ vigor will fol- cure or money retunacu. Dr, Sanden's Electric after all other treatments SS testify, and from many of fe thp WliW -l-n i-- t- -"'.H iJ&f, YJT.fi f.JLW mrHiiir'''Tiiiiiiiaiar,' J HUM V7W Iwy Kefonded. 7They are iraded tn strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-agedr old men, and villi ci)- the west casus in two or three months. Address aain nnpnMll SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, ORECOM. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. W. AYERS, Is quite a good in the meantime tion by bringing LD. 18 HEPPNER'B LEADING Office, Keildence OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Chiongo, st rot.ti, AN1 ALL POINTS EAST, HOfiTH ffl SOUTH. Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. Arrives (i-f0 p. m. tullimi 8leeoeri Colonlat Sleeper. Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. 8ti luiiers Portlatid to Han every four days. Frauoisoo Tickets TO Europe. For rates and general informal Ion call on Depot Ticket Aueiit. J. C. ITA.RT, Heppner, OrcKon. W. II. HUULBIIKT. Asst Gen,, l'ass. Agt. 2M Waslitnitlou St., I'OtlTl.ANP. Obeoon. QDIOK Tl tVl E! I TO Siii lT'rjuioliiiOo And all points In Cslifurnia, via die ML Hliasta niute of the Southern Pacific Co. The great hinhway tlimuiih Caliioniia ti) all points hast and South. Grand Mcimio ltuuts of the I'lielfio ('oust. I'ullman Huffnt Hleirs. Htieoiid-eliiiui Nleeneni Attached to ejprwiB trains, affontitiil nuiwrio' Mevi.uinitilatiiin for secnid-elaiw puNH'imon,. Kur rates, tickets, alcepilul ear roiervatiolis. etc call upon or address K KOKII I.Kit, Manager. Gen K I" Agt.. Portia K. P. KOUEUS, Assi d. OreROll. Scientific Amprlcaft e, : , .i,, C. 1VEATS, OF; WAUKS, PATiNTr- tUi'VRHl !, etc (Vr ti,fTm.iti''n in i Ml N.N A I'O., i fI"lf!t but uti ',- s ICVOI'V IMlU'llt 111 .I'll WW ViiltK. 1' 1 ten lir"i:k'lll lit tore Ol t'll.UB m Uiu llltt j'UbllL t' '(irulific Swcricnu lirceH cir"iiltit!on ef itf'v sclentttie pswir In tha wf.rld Selfiidl.ilv llbisloued. No I"'.'"'"' mau slieul.l buxltli.'.a II. .WeeJ'v. 0 yoatl MI mom lis. Address MUNN & CO, PCat-IUKa. Ml Hroiidwiur. e York. Mioemakkh - I'M IlirbeCK. a rhoem..k er Bud leiuiiier of many years' expert ence, has just located iu the Abraham m ok luiildiiiK, on May atreet, where Iu ia prepared to do eventual in bis line Mr. liirbeck is strictly li lirat class work, man and warrants all work, (.live him on II. 11' To aid Wiredtlon take one Small lllle Uean Jut eaUug. e. Ir buiile. mm BQ7ED . k.VA Jl a .tfmn, ,'i;i:ncyfar ' Ti WKO ARE NESS.L0SSESPl?AIN5.Lv;poTENC)' ;. Lost Manhood. RHEUMATiSii, PBazk. Kidney 6LEEPLE$SNES5.rcoRMEMORY& General illm the effects of abuses, excesses, i .... ,.l, invrntinn. which renuires but or by excesses, or exposure, you mw have unduly elnotrieitv and thus caused your weakness or drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, am i.-jau,., low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Rend for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed. d.h. i -,,, ,. , have restored thousands to robust health and vitnr S failed as can be shown'by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladi- ...u ' .... u.. .., i,ir lnrintr testiitionv to their recovery after using our Be.l. DR.SKNDEN ELECTRIC BELT Sr., Manager. 448 ways off. Winter is not so far, unil our frien a oan square np on subsoriu in cord wood. THE PATTERSON PUB. CO. Dir. LUMBER! tI7K HAVE FOR BALK ALL KINDS OF UN V drcBscd Liniiber, 111 miles of Heipnor, at what is known as the I'ER 1,000 FKKT, KOI'OH, " " " CLEAR, io on 17 50 F DKLIVKRKD IN HliPHNEK, ?!i.00 per 1,000 feel, additional. WII.L ADD L HAMILTON, Prop. A. Hnmllton.Mon'iir BfleBens Small Guaranteed to eure Bilious attacks, Sick llcaclacho and Constipation. 40 in each ottlc. Price 25c. For sale by druBRists, Picturo "7, 17, 70" and sample dose free. J. F. SMITH k CO., Proprietor,, NEW YORK. TAinAN E 55 E iiW tcitj,aRilBviHUl CURB A new and Comiilete Treat meat, conststlnK of Suppositories, ointment in Capsules, also in llox and l'ills; a positive Cure or External, Inter nal, Itllnil or lUecittiiK, ItehiiiK. Chronic, Keeent or Hereditary Piles, and ninny oilier diseases mid female ivcaknesses; it Isalways a erent ben elit to the Rcneral health. 'I lie ttrst discovery ol a medical cure rcnderloii an operation w ith the knife unnecessary h rentier. Ibis remeily has never been known to fail. !M per box, I, for fcv. sent bv iniill. W by seller from this terrible dts ease w hen a written Kuariuilee is given w ith l' boxes, to refund the money if not caved. Send stump for (rce sample. Ginirniitee Issued by WooiMKo, Ci.aiikk ,: Co., Wbolcsule Itetall DniKiilsts Sole Aitents, rortlaiid. Or. 1 RECULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, NT PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Inillffflitioii, UliloiiMieM, llotlauhe, Consti pation, DjtpcpaU, Clirooto Liver Troublvt, lMctineM, lied Co nip lesion, ly tent cry. OOVntlve Itrenth, an it nil dUordri of the ftlomarh, I.lver and Kowrl. Rlmum Tabula rontMn notiilmr Injurimit to thi mom ili'lioalf o af. oirvotu.tl. til 8o.il by dnwrtati on rvwlpt of li KtltntioU. I'lt'ilMUlt to UULO, mii'itlitU roller. (rial hntlk nont by mail THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 Sl'M'CK STIJKKT, NKW YOKK t'lTY. I0EY SAVED IS MONET MADE. St.s 1 lo tie cent on every dollar you spend. Write for oar mainuioih latslogae, (W-pw twok.cmilsiiiliiR lllu.irsllen ml iv mg lowest tun ulsi'turetn' iTices, witli niAniilsi'tuie.s' discounts ol every kind ol goods sin J supplies iuiiii!cliired uo Iminirled lino Hie Culled Slates. Groceries, lloiiseliold liood-, t'uruuum, Clolklng. Lsdle. and lieius' Cluilnuk and e'lirmsmiig cauls, Dress IkhhIs, While O-kkIs, I i y lioods, list, I P. HiHiu Slid Shoes, Gloves, Nolieas, l,lswn, Sistlonery.Wslebes.llOiks, Jewelry, tnUerwsre, Buggies, Wkips, Acrlcnliursl Implements, eio. ONLY K1US1' CI.Ai.s aillll'S. Csisogu. seat on receipt ot cents lor expresssge V e sre tas only concern wnab sells at msuulactarsrs price, allowing ills buyer the same discount tuM Jb niuufaclarar gives to tin wholes.ls buyer. gusisnlMi all gixxis as represented; If nol louna so. money rerunded. Goods seal by exoress ot freight, wits prmlege o! exanilnslloil Mtors paj Ina A. KAItl e.N lo.. 'in. IK Qalucy sireet, Chicago, WE WILL PAY A MUtT of to $V) nor week to UOOO ipenU to rflWnt lit id t vrv county, mid rll our tciierl HnoI MmvhMu.tif hi ummiUv'turenT prtift. Out. TIKWK U MO WA-T 61BlV KM PLOY H'M NtKD i tln;up ud LariteuiarB wui ou revuiut tanUW"pr.K. a, K.UU-KN A CO. 123 Qulncjr SUOfi, CfcteM. IU. Contractor A! J!) DEBILITATED. AMD S'JfT FROM NERVOUS DEBILITY OEMlNAL V Troubles. Nervous worry and exposure. For rue a trial to convince the most drained your system of ncive iac. lack of force. If you repfc.ee into y.y -. Something New. The new Time Card, which is now in effect, via the" Wisconsin Central Lines. ' in oonneotion with the Northern Paoif 0 K. K., affords the traveling public lie best facilities from all points West to Chicago and points Ean( and South. The nnstirpBHsed equipment offered (o its patrons, combined with speed, com fort and safety, surpassing all its com petitors. All through trauiB are composed of Pullmau Veslihuled Drawiug-Eoom Sleepers, with Dining Cars and Day Ooaohes of latest design. The Daily Thronxh Fust Trnin each way, making close connection at Cbioa- o Wltn Iiains 1U ail nneuuouo, For tickets, time tables, eto , apply to . gt-at of Northern Pacifio R R.. or JAS C. POND. Gen'l Puss, and Tkt. ARent, If C hoaqo. IliL. I HE MODERN VOYAGE. Improvements of the Age for tU Cos- vunlence of Travelers. The reduction of time in the ocean passap;o is the most remarked of all modern steamship advances, but by no means the most important. The mul titudes who are now about to come home from Europe are not greatly ad- Vlllltuyuu UJ tnu nuvuiK 01 a ua,y iu 1.1,0 passage, but tney are enormously ben efitted by the improvements which havo made the passage safe and so much more comfortable than of old. The modern ocean liner is a great machine against which the anger of the sea is impotent. No weather im perils its safety, no wind endangers it, no stress of storm can overcome its strength. The passenger knows from tho outset that whatever winds may blow his arrival in safety is as certain as anything human can be. Hut the improvement does not stop with safety. The form of these ma chines is such that the old distresses of motion are reduced to a minimum. The passenger who walks deck high in air feels far less of the sea's rage than did his predecessor of a score of years ago who sailed just above the turbu lent surface. There are still persons who suffer with seasickness, but their number grows smaller and the extent of their sultering less. With many of them the qualms are due to a pre viously excited imaginat'on. or to some physical condition lor which the sea sickness is as good a remedy as any other. Tho shortening of the voyage is a gain, but the improvements which have made the voyage safe and com fortable even to the point of luxury have contributed far more to the sum of humun happiness. N. Y. World. DIRECTORS Of- PARTIES. A New Industry Created by the Dc- uiands of Fashion. A director of children's parties is one of the latest industries created by the need of the fashionable world, says the New York Times. Tlie young scions of tho "four hundred" and their imitators are no longer content with games and dancing and a supper like their elders, some special entertainment must bo provided. The "director" attends to all this, addresses the invitations, provides the music, engages the caterer and discusses with him a suitable menu, comes early to the house on the day of the fete, arranges Uowers and other decorations, puts away breakable brie-a-brae (for even the little children of tho rich will romp), is on hand at the arrival of the small guests, and after the presdigitator, Punch and Judy, tab leaux, or whatever show is over, starts games and dancing, and in various ways keeps up the spirit of the nfTair More than all this, tlie director returns the next day to superintend the restoration to its normal condition of the house aft er such a visitation as a children's par ty. Of course, the director is a woman, and several of them are tiiuling a fair support in this pursuit, transferring their services during the summer to the out-of-town cottages of their patrons. Volcnnic Naples ',;: I'llt4. iMiuincruU'S siMitluM'u Calu- Tho in;' iition vilkmv !hm' iiili ',1'it.i iiv f;;n,jntv , 1" .1 .' bv wit iv nor Ii;,t til-.' ciirl!"!!!.,!;!1 ii.mvs of the ud ' U'l'iil h;,,;lii;iiaN ;:r l n.-inniti to omil u:M of s-..o..v. In I'lirthipuiUo re- i.mi o1' Vi'iii'iii'lu tin siiiltlfii ilt"-trut I tion of In -t snrinLfs is I'orisidorvil an . 00,11:1 Hv ovil onion, nntl t!io suivrin ! toinl'Mit of tho ohsfrvat'Ty of San Sah'A ! dor .vv:!1; of a poonliur ba.y nppoar- tnoo ol' t'ao atiuosi!u'n on tho evo of a voloaiK oruptbMi. llbtol'llnoan uoim's havo ovoaMonully jrot'odoi.l an oarth .piaUo, 1)ut 1'iin by no mo.tns bo consul-oiv-it an infalliblo symplom, sinot? tho torrifto ruinl'lin-rs Li'own as the "li;mulas tlo tiu.irtajir.ito" t,(loscrtted as roouiMin;: poaN..! lu- ivy onlnalioo) uout it.iioil for six w'ks. and uftorall wero folu'woil hy nt vvor- o r-'xiilts tlian tho fail of a fow Miiall rouk avalaachek from a stoop mountain slope. . A STRANGE DUEL Fought In tho Parlor of a Physi cian's Horue. Th Man of Mlictne Enrr-iRM Deadly Battle with a SoIJUt Dur ing the Ab.noe ',f Family. Thereiaa gentleman in Milwaukee who tells a story that savors more of the days of George III. than of the practical nineteenth century. His carae cannot be given, says the C'i.icngo Times, but were It known his tale, ro mantic as it is, would be accepted with out question, as he is well known and respected. Early in August, he said, two residents of Chicago met at a club. They were Dr. Lee, formerly of. the United States sendee, and l.ieut. Fair child, who still wears army blue. Dur ing the evening they quarreled. What brought on the quarrel is not known. It might have been a dispute over a trifling matter that developed into something worse, or it mfel.t have been a difference ovora social frame of eards. The quarrel was apparent en ni;,-h too much so and friends parted mem. The next day Lieut.. Faiivhild, not very much to his surprise, received a challenge. . lie was a soldier and brave. His reply was prompt, lie accepted and named his friend. As to a place, that was more diilicult. Dr. Lee offered his own home. Lieut, l'airehild, with chivalric confidence, accepted the propo sition. It was agreed that the weapors should be German swords, such as are used in the famous university duels, long straight steel blades sharpened to the keenness of a razor for three inches from the point and dull the remainder. The two principals, with one second and a gentleman who had been selected as referee, met in the parlor of the physician's home. There had been another second selected, but ft t!n last moment he showed the whitj i'witlier. However it was decided the light should go on without him. Dr, Lee had sent his family away on a visit, which gave the duelists a clear field. The furniture was removed from the parlor, leaving the good-bized room clear of evervthiniz but the carpet. Llt- tie time was spent in preliminaries, and as the steeple clocks were hurrying on toward the midnin-lit hour the two an tagonists taced each other in shirt and trousers, while on either side stood the two witnesses, each with sword in hand. For a moment after they had . , .... . ,i bowed to each other courteously the two duelists stood lacmrr cacn oinor waitinfr. men low out Miurp unu mem came, the words: "Heady, tfo." The briuht steel blades flashed and flashed and met j with a wicked clung that sent the sparks flying. In the eyes of bot.li flashed the fires of hate audljattle. I One minute, two, a touch, Die swords were lowered reluctantly. Again tlie blades hissed as .they coiled about each other trying to'reaeh the flesh beyond. The duelists were well matched. Out side of its possible tragical outcome it was a pretty light. So say tlie witness es. The men struggled and fought like vikings of old, with no advantage to either. A half hour passed. Hot and weary, the duelists tried every skill of fencing, every known device, to get in side the other's guard, to no effect. But this could not last forever. Dr. Lee made a sharp attack. His long sword leaped over the guard of his antagonist and the next second a big crimson spot dyed the sleeve of Lieut. Fuirehild. The swords were beaten up and an examin ation made. "A mere scratch," said the wounded man, and he insisted on going on with the fight. His insistence left nothing but to go ahead. The sword of the physician had passed through tlie lleshy part of the upper portion of the arm. The wound was bound up and the duelists again took their places. Now the lieutenant fought more cautiously and stood more on his defense. His opponent, rendered confident by success, attacked savagely. Round and round the apartment, now spattered with blood, the two contes tants went, cutting, thrusting, parry ing, until suddenly the lieutenant'.-, sword glided under the physician's arm and a bright red spot appeared on the breast. Another halt, but the wounded man. as his opponent had done before him inststed on -proceeding. The. end wat. approaching. Fatigued with loss of blood the phy sician failed in his guard and again tlie line of steel sprang forth, and this time when it came back after it poured a crimson torrent. That ended tlie fight. The witnesses declared bruised honor amply bathed in blood. Tlie duelists agreed and slKiok hands as gentlemen should. The physician bound up both his own and his antagonist's wounds, sent out for a case of champagne, and In its sparkling flow the two former an tagonists swore renewed friendship. Both were laid up for a few days, but convenient excuses were found for the care with which the lieutenant used his arm and the physician protected his breast. The parlor was cleaned and furniture restored long before the return of t li family, and they never knew m ;!);.: '.!. 1 tiling as a duel had oecurivii tin r. "i more did anyone outside of t'u our persons who were present tint1' .low. CAUGHT ON EOTH SiDcS. (Toploasant rri"LlUL'nt l:iJo Which a Tio Tula t.vo i.a.lf" '.':l A gwxl stoi-y Is tol:lia ti '.Uuttjart Noue Musik Zoitunj conoorniuj- one of tho most cminont . ormau autivssos and a theatrical critio. equally well known to farao. A number of ladies and gen tlemen wore the other day traveling to gether in a railway carriage from Ores Jon to Leipaie. Only two of the pas sengers knew eueh other, but the eon versation became general, andtlie Court theater at Dresden became the subject 3f discussion. One lady, who had been present the ovonitv,' before at the rep resentation of "Uuryanthe" was loud iu her expressions of disapproval. "Worse rt than all,' she exclaimed, "that Mme. Sohroiloris much Uk old for her part; her sinf;intr i5 becoming unbearable! Don't you think so, too?" she asked, turning to the gentleman next , to her. "Would you not rather toll all this to Mme Schroder, herself? She is sittiuff opposite to you," he replied, coldly. After tha general silence which fol lowed this remark, the critical lady turned to the actress with many con fused apologies. "It is that horrid critic. Sehmieder, who has inilucneed my jud :unU concerning your siniu?. 1 believe .t is he who is always writing against you. Ho must bo a most disairreeable and pedantic person." ''Had you not bettor toll this to M. Sehmieder him elf?" ealmlv asked the actress; "ho is iiuiug next to you." Kipans TabuUn euro dyspepsia. That Your Hair may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it daily with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. L AND OFFICK AT Till' DALLES, or.KGON, litMvbv L'lven that the foUowiniMmmt'd wetller Iihh lilecl notice of hix intention te imike til Hi I ,rnof ill AUlipnrt of tiih claim, ami tluit i-ni'l proof u ill lie niinle be fore tlie roiMilv licrk of ' Morrow County. Ore., Mt Hi'l'l'tier. llr. ijoii. on November 'Jli, W.K!, viz.: MII.'ION li. MDl'liAN. ltd. No. ssm. for tho tt'i ; SKU ami .i SW Sec. j I. Tp. 2, s i: 'Ji E w. m: Me names the follon inii witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon mill cultivation of, stiifi lanil. viz : M. A (Hden. J. H Matliewi. J. M. Baker and Samuel WallicUl, ull of Imie. On-irnn. Xi-:,12 JonN V. l.KWif., Register. NOTICE OF INTENTIVN. LA HoDtembtr 29. 1S!2. Notice in iierebv given that tlie foil own i (Mi nil i I'd stltltr litis men no-tii-e of his intwition to malte tinul proof in sup port of his claim, anrt that said proof w ill he made before W. K. Ellis Cum. U. a. Circuit Court at Hcppuer, Oregon, on November iy, 1892, viz.: HARRISON CHAPIN. Hd. E. No. 3-176. for the NH HW'h NW4 SE& nnd BEVi NW'H 8ec Tp. 5. S R -T E. He nameB the foil whip witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz.: .las. H. Wyland, Abe Luelllng, WaTter Bennett and Harrison Cumminga, all of Hanlnmn, or. John W. Lrwih, VtO-510 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, Ij September '27, 18112. Notice ii hereby Klveo that the follow intr-iiaiiifd sctiler has filed notice of his Intention lo make anal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. VI. 1S1TJ, viz.: '1 KAY I'Hll'P.-i, D. S. No. 9781, for tlie sEli SEK Sec. 7, SW Hw. a. Mi K1W. nee. 17. To. 8. 8 K 2 E. He names the following: w ilnesfit'B to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation 01, Haid land, viz.: W. V Hale, Georce Phlppa, .lames li conor and W H Hale, all of Ui.a, Morrow Co., Oregon. l'aul Schiller take nonce. A. Cleaver, KeglBter. NOTICE OF IN1ENTI0N. f AND OFFICK AT LA GRANDE. OHKGON 1. W.-ntHinticr -J7. lS!r Notice is llcrebv tltvell .hut tlie followitig-niiined settler has filed notice i his intention 10 make nnal piool in support l bis claim, and that said proof will be made cl'in-e the County clerk of Morrow County, Or.. 1 Heppner, or., on November 12, lsy-2, viz: JOHN N. HLKI.KK. lid. No. H177, for the tE! and EVJ BWi, -ce :t Tn. 4. M It 2s. t W M. Me names tlie following witnesses to prove his oniinuoiis resilience upon uuu euunuuoi, ui sum land, viz: Thus. McCullough. Arthur Daly. Jas. W. Lea hev and II. V. Berkley, all of Heppner, Oregon A. Clavek. VJ'J-WO Kegistei AOfCf OF INTENTION. I AND Ol-FICE AT La GRANDE. OHKGON 1 . September '27, lsa Notice IB hereby given 1 hat the follow lug-iinmed setllerhns liled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in Bupport of liis claim, and that said proof w ill be made before ihe County clerk of Morrow county, at tieppuer, Oregon, 011 .Nov. 12. is:tz, viz.: JOHN AI'dl ST NELSON. For the NWSs, Lots 3 and 4 Sec. S, Tp. 3, 8 K '7 K w M. He names tlie following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and culllwitlon of, said land, viz.: 'IbcoUore Anderson. Fred Johnson, James Neville ami James Ilagcr, nil of Heppner, Or A. Ci.k.vvkb, Wfl-WO Register. NOTICE OF INTKNT10.N. Land Oflioe at La Grande, Or., Hept. 21, 1STO. Notice is hereby given that the tollowing-nam-cil settler has tiled notice ol" her Intention to make tinal prnot in support of her claim, and that siiiil prooi u ill he made before W. li. Kills. Com. L'. S. Circuit Court at Heppner, Oregon, 011 Nov. 3, lM'2. viz.: CLKMENTINK CATE. Hd. N . 3770, for the Nli NK", and KJ NV .see. mi, 'lp I S, U. 21 K. W. M. he iiHines the following w itiieRHea to prove hei conlinnotis resilence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: John Edwards, W. G. McCarty, S. N Morgan Clyde filing, till of Heppner, Oregon. Ma y A. saliiig take i.otice. A. Cleaver, !V8-538 Register. NOTICK OF INTENTION. Land Oitice at The Dalit's, Or., Sept. 21. ISO1.!. Notice ip hereby given that the following named settler Ioih Hied notice of his intention to make tinal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner Oregon, on November y, IKii'J. viz: ll.l.IAM J. FRENCH, Hd No. 2777, tor the fcEJi .Sec. St Tp 1, S R 26 E W M. He nameB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Haid laud, viz: J. H. Gentry, J. D. Kirk, A. 8 Wells and Wm. Barton, all ot lie ppner, Oregon, rris-;.;w John V. Lkwis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION IaiuI Office at The Dalles, Or, Pept. 24, 1S)2. Notice is herehv given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof u ill be made before County Clerk of Morrow Countv, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 7, isyj. viz.: t'lllilS PEITEUSON. Hd. No. 40j;;, for the SE4 01 tec. 17, Tp. 3 8, R ti r.. v , yi. He names the following witnesses to prove his coiiiinuouB rcKidenee upon, and cultivation of, siiiil laud, viz: Henry Holdcn, I'at Spillane, Janie Joiiob and John Wood w ard, all of Heppner, Oregon. John W. Lkwis, ,")2s-.j:w tiegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Cilice at The Dalles, Or., Sept. 21, ISM. Notice Ik hereby given that the follow hifi-uam-ed settler hs lileil notice of his intention to make thud proof in support of hiB claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 7. I-'1-. iz. SAM PEL G. MILLER, Hd. No 2m. for the M,., Nbj,, H NW', Sec. U. Tp. US, K 1 E VN . M. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove hiB continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. H. Jones and William Ingrum. of Eight M ile. 'rejioii '1 bon ah I'. t-oan am and M. -aw yer, of tiouhebci ry, Oregon. John W. Lfwir. f.-JS-j;tS Keglster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Und Oftice at The Dulles, or., Sept Ifi. ISM. Notice is herehv go en that the follow ing nanied cctller lias liled notice of her intention to make host prooi .in support oi her cIhIih. and rhnt snid proot w ill he inndc bcnrc J. Vt Mnr rnvi . county clerk 01 Morrow county. Or., at llcppncr, or, on 1 'clolier lv'"J viz: CA- ol INK t.'i ONNKK, Hd. No. 7, lortlie u a NEv, and 'u PEK ce " p 1. 'J'i I" MiY inniie.- the loUnw ing w itnesses to proxe her -onthinoii!' residence upon, and cultiatioii of, niil Ihho. vii m Hughe. A S. Wells, IT. E. Clark and Kansoiii Hart, allot Heppner, Oregon. John w. Lewis, Ml ; Register. NOTICE-APPLICATION To Pt'HCHASE TIM BER LAND?. I T. S. Ind tnnce, The 1 alles. r.. Vpt. S, IS'JC. t Notice in hiT-'hy given tlitit, in compliance : with the pro Moiis ol the Act of Coimress ap- t pro eil J hoc ,v 17S entitled "An Act nr the1 rtl'ol 1 tmricr Ijltiiis in lite MHies Ol smorma, Tenon, Nev nda aud aMiihgton Terrliory, Al tit SITS MALI.ORY. hose postoifice a tdress is HV ppner. Morrow ouMty. i retro . l:a his day tils.1 in this oihce ;i api'iu ;i;ion o p n linse tl1 .-E1 O' tho L. i. .d the , o: ti e NKl , H'O. No. X inTp. o fi S. I s-t. ,, k M. 01 peroi.s h-ddi-.g auy adverse cMm there to s-f n tied tit present the same at thi- ottice within sixty nays from the Qrt publicstiou of i this notice. John W. Lewis, Keytar, S. P. FLORENCE, 1 SS5,,,?- wKS.-tPr-. STOCKRAISER ! lltl'PNKH. OHKGON. THtl le braDiiwl and ar morki-d at shown abovt-. HnrseB F on right Blioulder. Mv cattle ramie in Morrow and Umatilla coun. lo. I will I BJ Jlll".(l for I he HrrcM aid in. met ion of any pevs in -Icalimj ntj ,tock TO TKI)E. I wish to trade dry mares ami neldiniis, fit for work, for cattle. Will (rive t'i"d terms. Call on, or nddres hip, at Moil uiiient, flnint 0' urily. Oretroii 523 38 Emmkt Coi hran. KTOCh BltAM'W While you kotpur nubsciiition paid iip ,e .tnn kep yourhmnj in frepof chHrtf. Albn, T. J.. lone, Or. Hoi-hpf f(l oh hif r-houiilcr; cdtllt hiiip on lfl hip, under hit oh ricltt Hr, ami upper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Armetronp, J. t. Alpine, Or. T with bur nn ir n on loft ahouMer of horflen: entile wuni n lf ' hip. Alliflon, O. D., ICiicht Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and horsea wime braud on right shoulder. Kan Re. Kinht Mile. A.llHnB.T(V Dttvville. Or- ytraiizht mark acroBa the thiKh and two crops and a elh in the riKhtear; horses. X upnide down on the riht whoalilcr. lnce in Grant county and Bear valley. 10 add reus also at Hardinn. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horhns, .FA con iivtatMi on in t Hank: cattle, samoon lert nip. Avfiii .Tnhnnv. Lena. Or. Horses branded trianHieon leti hip; cattle name on rint nip; alao crop on rieht ear and upper bit on name. Blyth, Percy H., Heppner, Of. Horses Homan oroHB on riKlit Bliouider. iiantje m juoitow county. Bloakman, Geo., Hfirdman, Or. Horsen, a na left shoulder; cattle ame on riht ahouldor r.nnniRtpr..!. VV.. Hanlman. Or. Cattle brand- ed B on left hip and thinh; Bplit in each ear. Brenner. Pfter, lio scberry UrcKon HorseB branded f li on lof t ahuuldor. Cattle same on nght sme Hnrk. M Ht C. Ijone Creek. Or On cattle. MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un der half crop oft riftht. HorKen, saino brand on letfi shoulder. Mange in (jrant ana Jiorrow county. BowMiiBii. A.. Mount Vernon and Barns, Or. - Caitln, A B on riht hip, two orops in eaoh ear; tiinie on horses, on riht shoulder. Kange in i i rant and Harney counties. Rronman, Jerry, Lena. Or,- Horaee branded 7 id rigln shoulder; cattle U on the left side I .eft em half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Win., heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on .gilt thi-4 . uatih . same on right hip; split in well ear. Hrown. Isa, LexinRton, Or. Horse- IB on the fight ctirle. uatile same on ritfhthip; rauge, Mor row county. Brown, J .P , Heppner. Or. -Hrser and cattle branded N wit- ox-yoke aliove on let t shoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle willulot. (it on Iffi hip; entile, same. Brown. W.J. . Lena. Oregon. Horses W bur over it, on the lult shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, bo imiiU o hip cattle, same, with split in .itch ear. Borg, 1 O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on lefi nhonlder: Cfiitle. same on left hip. Briulee, V. J., Fox,Or-('Httle. JB cotmecied on left Hide; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses saine brand on the left thigh; Uange iu Fox valley, Grant county, Cain.E., ( laleb.Or. Y D on h res on left stifle; U with quarter circle over it.-n left nhoulder, and on left stifle on all col tc un ier ft years; on I id" I nhoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in CJrant countv. y -tarK, Wm. n.. L,e' a, ur. norsei- win con nected, on left fcliouloer: cattlp t-ame on rilit tup. Ka ge Morrow and Uiiiatdla counties. ('ate, ('has. K., Vinson or Lena, Or. Horse II C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Itmige Morrow and Umatilla counr.es. Cochnm. Cliaa., lone. Or. Horses, HP con uected on left nhtnilder; caltle, C on both left hip and stifle. Hnuge in Morrow county. Cannon, T. B.,Lng Creek, Or.--Ton cattle on right side, crop otf right ear and slit in left ear. Cur horses same brand on left shoulder, Uange in Grunt county. Cecil, W m., Douglas. Or; Ii-tsos JC on Jef rihonldur; ca tie same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. II.. John liay, Or. Doub.e cross on each hip on caitle, swallow fork and under bil in right ear, split in left ear. Itange in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point uli shoulder. Kar marko- ewus, crop on left ear, puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop i ti right and under half crop in left ear. All raugf in tiraiit eouutv. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. HorseB.Wtoii rightshoni- Jei Cattle, same on r ht hip: ear mark sgua : '.np oti left and split in right. I Currin.it. Y., Currmsvilie, Or. - Horses, cp on Leftstitle. Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded ri & A ou left shoulder. Cattle, same on right hip. Bwallow fork in right ear and crop off I eft. Cox Kd. 8.. Haiduian, Or. Caitle, U will 1 1 center: horses. CE on left iv. Cochran, K. ft., Mononieut, (irant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bai beueath, on left shoulder: cuttle same brand on both hips, murk under jdope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., llardman. Or. Horees branded ""ion right hip. Cattle branded the same. Cross, 8 L, Dayville, Ot ( 'atile branded two crops and u split in left ear; ou horses a reversed 2 011 ltt stifle. Also have the following brands on rattle: Ti on iett hip, 7 on right hip, VI on left shoulder, two parallel bars on loft shoulder, Kar marks, two crops. Doonan, Wm., Heppner. Or. IIorHes branded OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat tie same on left hip. Douglass, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, U Lon righ: side, sw;i low-fork in each ear; horses, U i) 011 left hip. Douglaa. O. T , Douglan, Jr-Hort-es TU on the light stifle; cattle same on right hip. lJuiican, VV. P., John IMy.Or. Quarter circle on right shoulder, both ou horses and cattle. Uange Grunt county. Driskoll, W. L., HepMipT, Or. Horses branded K inside of o on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side ol neck. Ely, J. B. A Hons, Dooglas, Or. Horses brand ed b.Ll ot, left shoulder, cattle name on left hip. hole i right ear. Kiliot' , Wasti., Heppner, Or. Diamond on right shoulder. Heek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F counecteti . right shoulder: cattle same on right hip Kar mark, hole iu right and crop oti left. Florence, L. A., Fleppner, Or, Cattle, LF on right hip; lioibMf F with bur under on riniit nlioulder. Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F ou right shoi Uh- ; cattle. F on risht hip or thigh. Guy, Hwnry, Heppner. Or. GAi on left pliuuniei . Gilnmu-French, Iand and Livf stock Co.. Fon 01 1. Or. liotsfi-. anchor 011 left shoiihlei; vent, ame mi left stinV. Catih', same on both hips; tai' marks, crop oft right far and under bit in left. Kwnge in Gilliam, Grant, Crook ai.d Morrow counties. Gi'iari, F.lnier, Fcho, Or -Horbes branded It H. with a quarter circle over it, on left stihV Uange in Morrow and Umaiillacoiiuties. Giltwater, J . t ., Prairie I ii y. Or.- On horses, O -O n left shouldt-r and stifle; cattle, on nght siih'. Bang- in tirani conntj. Hams, James, Hardmau Or. Horses shaded 'ion Jt-f shoulder; caitle same on left hip. Uange in and about Hard man. Haes. l.eo.. Lena, Or, Brand- JH connected, Willi Q.iartt-i1 circi" ov-r it, on le t fhwidder. lttait A. B., Uidgt-, r. tattle muiid-top vithqnaiter circle 111 der it on the ruht tup. Km t.e in Mon-ow and Umalilhi counties. lilt, to; A Jelikf, iliiiliiltMi. Ur Caitle, l wo hm on eiHie r hip; cr-p ii nghi ear ai d wpi.t m left. Hoif.es, J on rigln thigh. Bang- ii (imnt count). Hugln-c, h-iinuci, Wtttfiier, Or I' F L on right houhler ou horst; on cattle, on righ; (dp and on left side, (-wallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Uange ii Husiai-k district. lorf. w county. Oail Kdwin. Jolm bay.Or. Cattle fc, 11 on righ hip; ti rht'i- ixioirj on nghi shoulder, t ang, in brem county. Hughes, Slat. Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Itange Monow ( o. Hunsaker, B . Wagner. Or. Horbeo, y ou left shoiilder,c tie, Won left hi. . Hardisty. Albert. Nye. Oregon Horses, AH coum cied. on left shoulder; t attle ou tht left iilp, cnp oft left ear. iiumphreH. a tl Hardman. Or. Horses, H o le hank PLatt, Wm. F.., Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same on left hi;. Hayes. J. !., Heppner. Or. r-Horses, wineglass en iniun-i toui-, imuiewn hkhi rup. vj. Alfred. Lring Creek. Or K attle 1 D on I right hip, crop off leftear aud bit in right. Hordes same htaud ou left shouider. Range n Grant countv init-ioi.. l.uthi-r, f .i;)jf Mi:e. ' r. lU.rse .,n the left shotiidiTHnd heart 011 Ih stitie ( at- Me -i-.m.' on Iett h Kiitf III li.rroW -oli't H.de, M1I 011, Wagt.er. Oi Hufsew hianded -v--1 ri-ie iu l arai el ta.'s) ou iet's shoulder. ; 1 1 tue sain on left hip ; aiso large circle on left (side. left thoulriwi e pitnio, J on, lta hipmltwq . in 1 wit. oropa aa both Mr. Hwm V-xacd !i Bear vail i Jnnkin. ti. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse. Bhoe J on left shouidw. Cattle, tlie sains, ' Range on KUcht Mile. i Johnson, Felix Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on 1 left stine; cattle, same on right hip, ander half onT in right and sulit in left ear Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horse branded KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left ear; nnder Ioie on the rieht Kirk J- T., Heppner, Or. Horses 69 on left shoulder; cattle, HM on loft hip. Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or. Hones. 17 on either flank: cattle 17 on right side. Kirk Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left shoulder; cattle same on light side, onderbitoa righ 1 ear. ivuwoariana.w, u., mount vernoti. ur. 1 o on cattle ou 1 ight and left sides, swadow fork in U ft ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same hranci or left siuiuliiei lomge ni Orat t eouutv. Keeuey, Kli, Heppner, Or. Horses J L and ace of clubs on leftstitle. itange in Umatilla and y orrow counties Lesley, M C, Monument Or A triangle filwith all hues extending pa t t ody of figure, on 31 hor ses on lefi shoulder, ou cattle tiiumond ou left shoultier, split iu righ . . u . it m left ear lia'ige 1" tirant county and u, ; ufU,of Johu Daj Lc aliey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded L nd A m left shoulder; cati le -ame on left hip; wttie ver right ey thiee sltis in right ear. Iftei,, Slephen, I a- Or. Ci Lou left hip on cat Me. crop and hpni on righ" ear. Hnrseb sauie btand on left should ar Uaage Granl county. ijieualleu, John W., L Or. Horsed branded half-cn cle J L connected on left shoul der. Caitle. sam on lefi hip. Itange, near Lex in tit on. Liord, George. Heppner, Or. Horses branded double H coi.netU( Sometiiuea called a swing H, on Iett shoulder. Max weil, 1 . 8., Gooseberry. Or. Hoi-sos brand ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on lef hip. Kar mark, under bit in left ear. Minor, Oscar, Heppner nr. Cattle. AI 1) on n if hi hip; home. M on left shoulder. Morgan, a. N.. Heppner. Or. Horses. Al ) on ieti shouhw cattle saute on left hip. McCumber, Jas A. Echo, Or. Horses. M .vi.h hai over on right shoulder. Aiann, B. ii , L.ena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on right htf; young stuk. Himdl zz on left tthouhier Morgan, Thos.. Heppner, Or. Horbes, circle 1 on loft shoatder and left thigh; cattle. L on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 ou rigln hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McCiaren, h. G., Brownsville. Or, Horses, Figure Ron each shouider, catUe, hi'i on hio McKern.W.J. Mount Veniou.Or XI ou cattle ou right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop in left same brand on horses ou left hi, . liauge in Grant county. McOariy, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded D Vi connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. RieGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Muie shoe with toe-cork on cattle ou ribs and niider in eacli ear; horses same brand on left stifle. Mcllaiey, O. V., Hamilton, Ur. On Horses, 8 with half circle under on left shoulderjon Cattle, hiui uui a vuiiuuuiw uu top UO V11Q UgUb S1UO Range in Grant County. Neal.Andrew. Lone Uock.Or. Horses A N oon uected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips Mordyke, K., Hilvertou. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thiw:!.: caitle. same ou left hin. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon i Hy, Or. A 3 on cattJe on left hip; on hoi ties, same on left thigh. Range in u ran 1 county Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left shou.de 1 . Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, 0 LP connected on left hio: horses on left stifle and wartle on nose. Range in Grant county, Pearson, Olave, Light Mile. Or. Horses, quar ter circle shielo ou left shoulder and ti on left hip. Cattle, fork in left qar, right cropped, 24 on left hip. Rang on Eight Mile. Parker & Gleasou. Hardmau, Or, Horses IP on 1' ft shoulder. 1 iper, J. H., Lexington. Or. Horses, JE oon. nectud o. left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bi in each ear. fatborg, Henry Lexington. Or. Horses brand ed with a Romai cross on left shoulder; cattle branded with Roman cross, bar at bottom, on iett hip. Petlys, A. C, lone, Or.; horses diamond P ou shoulder; uattle, J li J connected, on the left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the . ight. Powell, John T., Dayville, Or HorBes, J P eon nee ed on left shoulder. Cattle OK cuuueoted on left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear, wattle under throat, liai ge in Grant county. Itiukard, G. l., Canyon City, Or.F C ou left -houider, ou horsoB only. R..uge Canyon creek mo bear valley, Grant county. Kooti, Andrew, Hardmau. Or. Horses, square oru wiin quarter-circle over it on lert stine. lieniuger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, 0 U on lull shoulde. . Rice. Dan, Hardmau, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; caUle, DAN ou right shoulder. Range near Hardmau. liudio, Wui, Long Greek, Or. Brands horses U 01 right shoulder. Range Grant and Morrow counties. Royse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on .eft shoulder; cuttle, same brand reversed on right top and crop off right ear. Uauge in Mor row county. Bush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses brandud X on the rigln shoulder; cattle, IX on the left, hip crop oil left ear aud dewlap on neck. Uange Tl Morrow and adjoining counties. Rust, William, Pemiletou, Or. Horses H oa ieft shouluer; cattle, R on left hip, crop ofl right ear, umlerbit on left ear, bheep. R on weathers, round crop off righ ear. Range Uma tilla and Mori owe tun ties. Reaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. H orsei bramled A It on right shoulder, vent quartei cucie over brand; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow county. Royse, Wm. H, Uairyville, Or HR connected Willi quarter circle over Lop on cattle on right hie and crop ofi right ear and split in ieft. Horses aame brand on left shoulder. Range in Morrow untn l and UilUam counties. Riiter, J F, Rnier, Or Three parallel bar with bar over on horses 011 left hip; on oat lie, left side, two smooth crops, two splits in eaoh eat uange in Middle Fork of John Day. Hector. J . W., Huppner, Or. Horses, JC 01 left shoulder. OaiUo, j right hip. Spicknidl, J. W.. Goosftberrv. Or. Hnriuui j branded .il on left, sh.ulder; lauge in Morrow uomuy. opitij, J. t., Heppner, Or. -Horses branded tt oonnecieu o right shoulder; cattle same on bolt nips. bailing, C 0 Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A on left shoulder; cattle same 011 left hip. fcjwaggun, B. F., LexingUm, Or.- Hurses 2 with dash under it 011 left atitle cattle H with uash unuer it on right hip, crop off right ear and waudled on right hind leg. Uauge in Morrow, Gil hum aud uinatiila counties. JSwaggurt, A. L., EUa. Or. Horses brande 1 J on leu shoulder; cot tie same on left hip. Cro$ on eur, waltle on left tiiad leg. Straight W. K., Heppner, Or, Horses shaded J b on ieii atitle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in righ ear, uuderbit in ieft. happ. Thos,, Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; catu same ou left hip. hliirtz, James, Long I reek. Or. HorseB. 3 on left stifle and over 2 on left shoulder. fehrier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected- on horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip, crop utt right ear and uuder bit in left ear. Range in Grant county. bnnth Bros., 8u&nville, Or. Horses, branded H.Z. 0,1 shoulder; cait.e, ame on left ahouider. bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded JWoulett snouiuer; catile tho same, also nose waudle. Range m Morrow and Gdiiam co ntiee. Stephens, V. A,, Hardmau, Or-; horses 8 Son right sutio; cattle h- nzoutal L in ihe light side otevenson, dlrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattla, ti on right ui ; swallow-fork tn left ear, bwaggart. Q. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on letl snuuiili : cattle, 44 on left hip. btone. Ira. Bi 'klcUai, Wash, Horses, keystone ou left shoulder, hiniin, E. h. Gone Rock, Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on ieft side. Range, Giliiain county. 8perry,K. G., Heppuer, Or. Cattle W C 00 left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses ton left shoulder. lkouipsuu, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z ou Iett shouiu r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tlpi'et8.ti.T.,Luterpris,Or. Horses, C-on left shoulder. Xurnor R. WM Heppner, Or. Small capital T leit bhouidei. hurses; uattle same ou left hip with pht in both ears. Ih. niton, U. M lone, Or.-Horses branded H I connected ou left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or; Horses HV oon noc ted on right shoulder;cattlu, same on right hip. Walbrnlue, Win., Heppner, Or. Horses, U. L. m the leit shou der; cattle same on light hip. crop off left ear and right ear lopped. Whsoi., John y,, tiaiem or Heppner, Or. Uorst branded J9 on the left shouider. Range Morrow county. W arren, W B. t aleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter circle over it, ou ieft side, split iu fight ear, horse same bra .id on left shoulder. Range in Gram conutj. Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on left stifle; on cattle, I on left side and under bit in left ear. Range in Grant comity. W right, ftilas A Heppner. Or. Cattle branded 8 V ou me right hip. equare crop otj right ear ami spl t in leit. Wallace. Francis, Mount Venion.Or Square on catlie on the left hip. upper slop in he left ear and under slop in right ear. 8.. me brand on liut uii right shooider. iiame in Harney and uraui countv. Waoe, Uui. Heppner. Or. Horses bianded ace ot ptuit on le.l shoulder aud left hip. ( artle bra tide same on left side and left hip. W ells. A. S., Heppner. Or. Horses, a-6 on left fhomder: can e same. Woihuger. John, John Oay tlity Or On horsea Luit-o ottuiwi imrs on iert snouider; 1 on sheep. bit iu both ears. ruuige in urant and Maihuer m 1 1 ties. ttoodwurd. John, Heppner, Or. Hoi coiiiiet-u-o. n left Hhoiilii,!- UP JSatkms, Lishe. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded LE connecter on left stitl. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, ho. tn left ear; horses, W on right oiiuumn, imp Niijieon ieri rnouJuer. I ttnittier Rros.. Drewa. Hun .hi y,i,ina 1 ip Hit bntMted W B. iw"iin-Ttei on wf r:tatTd llliamit. MflC... Uumltim Or -Onuri.r i. cle over three bars 01 ieft h p. bi.ib -aitl 4 k h'r--. Range Oraut munij. W dnam. J O Gong t rei. or l ioi ,. Usfcitch ivhi three iit on .-fi Imp ei(t .. Hiiti mi in hiii-Ii Ki-. 11 nn.ii i- , Won. a. A., epptier, ilitrueH ' - A j on sliuuider; alUe. same ol rihi 1... I xouii, J. ft., Gooaeuvrry, Or. Hones branded . T b on the rhtht shooMsr. i