Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 18, 1892, Image 3

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THOSE ileilrlng tho insertion ol dliplaj dn
or (.'limine of same, must get their copy iu
Lot later than Monday evening for Tuesday a
edition, or Ihuraday evening tor Fridays edi
1. The um of five ceuU per line will be
charged for "carda of thankl," "resolution! of
reapect," liata ol wedding preienta and donora,
ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give aa a matter of news.) and
notices ol special meetings lor w hatever purpose.
2. rollces ol church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged ior at the rate of Bve
cents a line. 1 hese rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising ratea reasonable and made known
upon application.
Give your business to Heppner peop e,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. tatronize those who patronize
Here and There.
K: ops this week.
Jm. Ku)e is over from Idea.
Uuu't overluot the Ladies' Bazar,
Attend tbe luces at Heppner this week.
Cuuu. McDtraiitt was iu towu Sulnr
day. Hay i eunett ia here to attend the
TUTT'8 PILLS give appetite and good
Billy Potter returned from Portland
liiut evening,
Hppoer will oelebrate next Friday
and Saturday.
Wm. Budio returned from Portland
Friday eveuiug.
Fred Miller knows liow to give yon a
good fit in tailoring. tf sw
J. L. Bejmcr was in the city from
Eight Mile Satuiduy.
Paul Junes, of Arlington, is here to
look ufler aouie cmtle.
F M Courier, of Eight Mile was in
today ou n business trip.
J. D D itnpnian, one of the old soldier
boys, was m town yesterday.
A big shipment of oatile went down
ou a special tram Saturday.
J H. Belle nbrook, ol Eifht Mile was
Been ou our afreets Saturday.
The Oem and Palaue saloons for fine
iquors, McAiee Bmi,, Plops. sw
Don't overlook the Columbian oele-
bratiuu aud (J A. B. reuuiou this week.
J. W. Blake, of Condon, came up
Saturday, aud remained over tiuuday.
W. A. Johnston returned Sntirday eve
ning from a business trip to Portland.
Chas. Lord was up from Ella today.
He reports oopious showers down thut
W alter Brown and wife, of Long Creek
are visiting with Rip Vau Winkle of this
Thomas A era and wife have gone to
housekeeping iu their new property ou
Chase street,
lira. W. P. Soriviuer returned Satur
du evemug from a visit with relatives
over at Condon.
Luther Hamilton was down from the
mill today. He says that there is some
winter in the Blues,
I ap ijimuus & Hon still shoe horses
and do general blacksmithing at the old
stand ftlatiooa corner. aa.
Tbe Union Paoifio officials high in
authority and residing at Omaha, passed
down the main line rjatutday.
Rockland Bay and Hastings, two
horses from The Dalles, were brought
up to Heppuer by last evening's train.
Billy R'.bbins and A. J. Hamilton got
in yesterday morning frcm Long Creek
They will remain for tbe raoee here this
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to d"
all kinds of nursing. Call at her home
in north Heppuer, or address her at tine
place. BIS if
L. D. Boyed and Geo. W. Harrington
got b ck liom tbe mines Saturday, and
believe they have a good thlug over
Sentinel: John 0 Luce, of John Day.
boniibt 760 wetl er lambs and delivered
thim to Thoe. Quaid, ot Heppner. Price
paid 2.
S. P Oarrigues came up Saturday
from below. Ou tbe return trip he stop
ed one dcy at The Dalles to attend
the races.
John and Harry Eenuett and Charley
Jones returned last evening from The
Dalles where they have been attending
the races.
Times-Mountaineer: What istliemat
terwith llie Pendleton Tribune thut it
credits its Heppner i.ems to the Long
Cieek Ege?
Hivu ketchum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at llie oily barber shop- the
place to get a nrst-elass shave, hair-oot
or shampoo. '
Miss Eva Crowley came over from
L 'lig 0eek the latter pan of laxt week.
Blie in u iw makiug her home with Mrs.
E K. insliop.
D. A Herren and wife rt turned from
Portland an.! fjilem, having been abseul
gome weeks, Saturday. They report an
enjoyable visit.
Albert and Edgar Matteson come in
yesleroay from the mountains, where
they report some evideuoes of winter iu
the shape of snow.
Business moo of Heppner, arrange
for the entertainment of the G. A K.
buys this week. Tbe , committees
should be active.
Gov Rea. one dark right recently,
tumbled into an exoavation on Wain
reet, reoeiving a bad bruise on the left
oheek just below tbe eye.
Master Clay Frenct' is the authorized
ageut for the Oregoniau at this place.
Subscribe through bim, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
Newer Bnd neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, tbe baber, wants to aee
his old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Frank HaslingB aud other fsst horses
are upecled up from 'I he Dalles to at
tend the races litre this wefk Our fall
meetiug will be a grand sucoess without
Tbe latest dentistry, crown and bridge
work, most auccessfally accomplished by
Dr. B. F. Vaughan. (las administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner, Or 1-a-w.
Heretofore our bns-inesa men and Iheir
families have not attended our raoes, as
might be expected of sucb enterpMBiug
people as we have at Heppner. Come
out and swell tbe orowd as well as the
1 bere is nn use ;n suffering with rheu
,.,,m loi.o ns nu can get Congo
Oil. It ! ' sale by all druggists at 82
per botlle, but it would be dirt cheap at
four times the prioe. It is a positive cure
for rheumatism, and no mistake, try It
nod be conyinced. '
Dilles Chronicle: John Watermelon
AU xauder Hamilton Redueadington, sue
u.. in .1 Wtermelou Bedington, au
thor ol "Beautiful Suow," himself and
several other campaign lies, passed
through the city todV enroute to Hepp
ner. He is no wielding the pen of
Commerce at Pujallup.
While Bip Van Winkle was attempt
ing to remove the saw from the wood
cutting machine to replace it with s new
one yesterday morning, hit band slipped,
striking the saw, cuttiug a am ill gash lo
the boue aud giviug him a very Bore
D. E. Gilmnre was over from the Wag
ner oouutry the latter part of last week.
M. B. aud Bruce Haines of Eight Mile
were seen on our streets Friday evening.
Mrs A. L Danner, of Little Hock
Ark , is quite sick at the home of her son
Tueo. Douuer.
H-ppuer's school Dow bus a total eu
rolimeiit of 281 pupils, and theie ai
more to come yet.
Miss Let ha Matlook left on Friday
morning's truiu fur Eugeue where she will
visit frieuds aud relatives.
E. L. Patliurg came up from Lexing
ton lust Friday eveuiug, returning ou
Saturday morning's tram.
Harry Warren returned home from
Portland Friday evening, where be re
ports having bud a pleasant vaoatiou.
Waidron Bhea left for Portland last
Friday where he will spend the winter
attending the Purtlaud Business Collrge.
Laige bauds of sheep are passing
tlnough town almost every day now,
leaving their mouutuin range for wiuter
Times Mountaineer: Spray Bro.'s of
Heppner, shipped six enr loads of cattle
to 1'uget souud from Haltmarshs & Co.'s
stockyards testerday.
No greater triumoh in medicine or
chemistry has beeu recorded than Hall's
Hair Keuewer to revivify and restore
gray buir to the oolor of youth.
Andy Tillurd and Towns Mathews Bre
in today to buy buoks, aud we are iuform
ed that tbey were sncoesnful iu getting
the best in the market. Towns is a buck
buyer from 'way back.
T. J. Sonigatns and wife, Billy Crowley,
Alt. C iuger, Emma Boberta and Grace
Hardisty got iu from Long Creek yester
day afteruoou. Tbey came to attend
the races this week.
Tom Boothb.v, of Lexingtoo, was ii
towu yesterday. He reports fall sowing
about over and thai the fall showers art
helping crops, hs well as raisiug to.
spirits of the people a notch or so.
Clay Luoe g 't in yesterdtiy moruing
from Jihu Day loaded with Thomas
Nelsou's household goods. Mr. Nelson
Uus rented the C. M. Mallory property
ou Chase street, where be will go to
hou-ekeeping at an early date.
J. N. Brown is suffrtriug from au affeo
tiun ol toe eye which for tbe time rend,
era bis ouly good optic practically use
less However, bis friends hope lhat he
will have recovered ere this oomes out in
Our people on tbe west Bide of Brew
ery Bluff, Maiu Street, seriously objecl
tn having tbe uutire street graded dowu.
as it will ruin tbeir property. Aa such
a move is not strictly necessary, we
thing the taxpayers are about right.
"Not all is go d that glitters," is a true
sa lug: it is equally true that not all Is
xarsaparillu that is so labelled. If yon
would be sure ot toe genuine article, ae.k
for Ayer'B Sarsaparilla, and take no otli
er Htalth is loo precious to be . trifled
The sports are arriving daily. Satur
day's tiain brought three who tried to
"short fare" Couductor Frenoh, but
was no go, aud tbey put up iu full ul
lone. They can't "come it" on French,
though tbey may be able to catob
If you wish to secure a certain and
speedy result, when using Ayer'a Bursa-
parilla, be careful in observing tbe rules
ol bealtn, or the tienetlt may De reiaraea.
A fair and persistent trial of this medi
cine never fails, when the directions are
J. L. Parish came up Saturday from
Portland, where he had been to visit
uih father. Mr. Parisn, however, was uol
iu Portland, ueing absent on a hunting
expedition, having entirely reoovered
I rum his recent illness. Mr. Parish, Jr
left rfuuday moruiug for Canyon City.
A Germau resident, wbo had not beeu
in this oouutry long, tackled the Arling
ton ageut for a ticket to Portlaud a few
dayB ago, aud upou being told the price,
said it "vas too much," but he would
pay 83.50. It took some time to convince
mm that the regular fare must be forth
The Gazette acknowledges receipt of
an invitatiou to be present at the Colum
bian celebration exercises by the teach
era aud -pupils ot the Canyon City
schools next Friday, though a like cele
bration together with a G. A. it. reunion
and camptire to be held in Heppner at
the same time, necessitate our sending
regrets, as it will be impossible tor us tu
be present.
H Blaokman and Otis Patterson, re
preaentative8 of Diric Lodge, No. 20,
K. of P., at Hhigene last week, returned
Saturday. They were roHlly treated
below, and came h'me feeling juliilau
civer their viomry in securing the uex
se.is 0'i of 'be grand lodge at Heppner
It uiiw remains for Doiio Lulge and
ihe oitiz-tis of Heppuer to fully carrj
out the projiise made by Dorics repre
Jack Parker, an old time horse jockey
came up from Tbe Dalles last Frul ly
Iu conversation with bim Jack says "the
races at The Dalles last week were) not
what they had expected: in fact one or
two days almost a failure because of lb
heavy rains." Jack thinks there will l
good reoes nere this k. Several good
hoises will Come from Ihe Dalles here
as well as a big orowd of sports, the usu
al combination.
Mrs. Ed. Allen arrived from Long
Creek Sunday evenina where she was
met by Ed. Allen, ho hail iust returue
Sa'iuday evening from Eugene, where
be had beeu attending grand lodge, K
of P. as a representative of Hermiou
Lodge, of Long Creek. Mr. aud Mrs,
Allen left yesterday moruing for bel
for a short BtBy, intending howrever t
return for the races the latter part of this
nrased tnimal d;6Bppe ared to tbe woo ji
and Mr. Lee orept from bia hiding place,
and after a little rest resumed tbe cbaae
after tbe elk and was suooessful in cap
taring the animal without any serious
Beautiful CAitPirrs. - While meander
ing around last Suturday our reporter
dropped in at tbe fuuiture emporium of
S. C. Smith's, ou East May Street, aud
there were shown some of the fluent
samples of carpet ever aeen in Heppner.
On inquiring our reporter was also sur
prised to fiul them exceptionally obeap.
Altogether there were more than 80
oatterns, among wbiob were Tappeatry,
Roxbnry and Body Brussels, which sell
fur, from 85cts to$l 60 mnde up to orden
also samples of extras ingrains, and
two aud three plycarpets rauging in price
from 63 cents to 81.15 made up. Mr
Smith also has a complete Hue of carpet
linings, coueisting of felt and stitched
filled paper, which be offers for sale at
respectfully 5 and 6 oents per yard.
These carpets are indeed lovely consider
ing their cheapness, and wn would ad
vise our many readers to take advantage
of tbe Urst opportunity to call around
and carefully inspect bis hue of samples.
-I Lave the honor of announcing to-
A Goon Dance. From Martin Stew
ard our reporter learns that social gath
erings and dances are very common up
in tbe mountains this fall, among which
he mentions a danoe held up at Hamil
ton's mill last Friday evening, which
was a success in every particular About
thirty persons were iu attendance, and
as a proof of tbe faot that all enjoyed
themselves, it ia only necessary to say
that danomg continued until daylight.
Music was furnished by Messrs. Bob
Wntliius, Billy Duncan and Fred Stilli
ng. A good substantial suuper was also
ine of tbe features of the eveuing.
A New Business. Tbe Gaxttte takes
pleasure iu this issue of announcing the
establishment of a new business in Hepp.
ner, lhat of W. B. Potter, who is open
ing up iu tbe Odd fellows' building a
fine .stock of hardware, tinware, stoves,
etc. Mr, Potter will be prepared to do
all kinds of tin and plumbing w irk, hav
ing secured tbe services of a first-olaas
mechanic Mr. Potter bas been with tbe
old firm of Coffiu & MoFarland for some
years, and is too well known iu Morrow
and adjoining counties to need any rec
ommendation at our bunds, and he can
uot be otherwise than successful.
A New Nbiohbor. Geo. W. Lord
baa moved into tbe former art gal
lery over Messrs. Brown & Hamilton's
ifioe, and has fitted up for architecture
ork. He is prepared to contract for
all kinds ot buildiugs, or will supervise
construction, and purchase material for
tlie same, giving nie customers tue ben
efit of bis experience and percentage.
. oaa-tt
Notice of Suites . Given by tbe
Ladies of tbe Baptist and Christian
obnrcbes in tbe room formerly occupied
by the Heppuer Keoord, on Wednesday,
Ootober 19, 1892. Proceeds to purchase
song books for tbe church and Sunday
school. All are invited to oome anil
attend tbe supper, aud don t forget tbe
Fashionable Deessmakinq. Mrs. For-
wood bus secured a first class dress
maker from Portland, and fashionable
work is guaranteed. Parlors, Main
street, one block below tbe National
Bank of Heppner. ir.
And adjoining sections that I have located here, and to stay.
; oi Ti)is
OUK f ALL PUKCHASiiare Bbout to be made. You
..... . - . . T
waut to Du tne best go us you can tor your money, no
do : von shnold. How to do it then comes next. A Bafe
way is to compare values and prices. We take pleasure in
show ing our goods and telling our prices. Our Dry Goods
I Department is full of choice offenugs for this season. In
D'ess Goods we are fur iu advance of our competitors. Our
8tyles and prices prove it. You should see our Clothing and
Overooats. Children's, Boys' and Youths' Clothiug in an endless
profusion. Goods piled to the ceiling, so to speak. Our prices
will move them. Suits made to order in the latest styles and
patterns. Represent the largest tailoriug establishment in Chicago.
Our fall stock is now complete and will interest you.
We -:- Guarantee -:- Satisfaction.
We bave in endless quantities and to suit the trade in price, style and quality.
xc-a-TS. hitoat Btvles. cleaner thun ever sold in Heppner before. My stock is
direct from tbe East, and is the beet ever brought to the town.
At present looated in the M. Liohteuthal buildiug, Main street, opposite the
City Hotel.
29- J. 1-1. KOLMAN,
and Sip Painter.
Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator.
Pirfit-ClasB work in All Its Branches. Prices Reasonable.
530- sw
or Trade at the Head of the Procession
With the Right Swing and
We Propose to
I .Catch T
mt Maveric
The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
Like Yours Respectfully. We are bere for business from tho
ground up and propose to let you know it.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Mads on Short Notick and at Popolab Pmcrk.
Bread 23 Loaves for $1.00.
Prevent ami cure Constipation and Sick
Heuuuclie, Small Uile Jfeuus.
Married. At the recorder's offioe yes
terday BfteruooD, Miss Clara E. Juiikirjs
aud Mr. M. B. Haines, both of Einht
Mile. A. A. Roberts officiating. The
Uiizette extends congratulations to tbe
contracting parties.
Tlie American Wool Interest.
Ia tbe title of an exceptionally interest
ing pamphlet of 64 pastes, just published
oy the American rroieonve isnuunsiiuc,
mid fdited by Hon. Wm. Lawrenoe, Pres
ident of the Ohio Wool Growers AsHocia
tiou. Every person wbo ttauts to know
ll about the wool qndHtion nhonWi xetid
for a oopy. Price, ix oent. AddrnBH,
Wn.Bi K F. Wakeman,
Ueiieral BecreiHry,
135 Wf St 23d Street, New York.
Who Is J ml npenlnir up with a stock of
Hardware, Tinware and Stoves
Plumbing Materials, Etc.
In the Odd Fellows' Imilclinif. Huh ft thorough
plumber and tinner. tK-e Billy before
you buy. West side Main street.
Vebt Narrow Escape.- Cha. H. Lee,
of Lung Creek, while oit bunting
the Li i ii u Creek meauoffs, bad quite an
experience with an elk be had wouudei
aud was fortunate to have enoaped with'
out serious iiijuiy. Mr. Lee had wound
ed a larue bull elk, and wai trailing hi
ktame Ihrou.ti tbe timber and thick
undergrowth, iu view of gettiug auotbei
hot at it. Watohiug its trail and keep
iDg no lookout fur tbe animal at n di
tance. Mr. Lee walked within ten feet of
where it was lying, and was ouly warned
of his proximity by the elk spriuging to
its feet ami giving its pursue! a chase
around tall tamaracks, bellowiug wildly
at bis beels at every jump. Sucb sport
w9 not apprehended by Mr. Lee, and
Ihe position grew rather critical, for
afier do ging aronnd fur ten or fifieen
miuutes the enraged animal was still t
his beels. He was in a manner exhaust
ed aud had to device tome other plan to
evade Mr. Elk, or the animal would
gain that much desired leap and a fatal
oollision would result, .Noticing a log
near by that lay a short distance from
the ground, Mr Lee dropped uuderit,
leaving the elk at a safe distanoe pawing
tbe earth and bellowing furiously for
being thus disappointed, after a time tbe
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
Heppner, in the Utate of Oregon,
at the close of business,
Sept. 30, 1892.
Loans and discounts S 91,220 34
Overdrafts secured and unse
cured 1,864.61
D. S. bonds to secure circula
tion 12,500.00
Stock securities, judgtneutB,
oluims etc 4,331.07
Due frum approved reserve
agents 4.908.95
Due fromotherNatl. Bks 1.7U9.67
Bankiughouse, furuiture, A fix. 2,289 30
Current ex. aud taxes paid... 1.02146
Premiums on U. 8. bonds 2,000.00
Checks and other cash items. . 86.11
Bills of other Banks 200.00
Fractional paper curreuoy,
uickles, and cents .35
Specie 7,134.75
Legal-tender notes 500 00
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treasurer (o per cent, of cir
culation) 662.50
Grain Sacks
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
Total 8130,325.11
Capital stock paid in 8 50,000.00
Surplus fund 6,0tJ0.00
Undivided profits 5.690.19
Nat. Bauk notes outstanding.. 11,200.00
Dividends unpaid 726.00
Individual deposits subjeot to
check 42,373.00
Demand certificates of deposit 5,823.10
lime oertineaies of depoait 6,000 00
Due to other Nat. banks 3,5o3.82
Notes and bills re-discounted
Bills payable
Total $130,325.11
Statb of Oregon, I
County op Morrow, (
X, Ed. R Bishop, Caahier of the above
named bauk, do solemnly swear that the
ab ve statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Ed R. Bishop, Cashier.
Subscribed aud sworn to before me
this 14th day of Ort. lttri
,)as D. Hamilton, Notary Public.
Correct Attest: Wm. Penland, Nel
son Jones, O. W. Swaugart, Directors.
Thev Increase, appetite, purify tbe
nun tad art en U Uver, Hue Bouu.
Iter tl
in Cure
" , '
See Incloraementa I
Soth MclS Pay vllle; Joe Oliver. John Day; J. W. Hyers, New UsUin; P. . . ou ., Ber.: .
miTon; W. Norton, btewurt; A- Downle. Big Handy.
m)U .pi aim dcmui j wu mm. vmi u
Ask Your Merchant for Coopers and Take w Other.
Props. Wm. COOPER
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
-Aroitill alive find kirkiuK for tnvJc with
complete Unv of-
Guns and Ammunition, Sewing
Machines, Farm Implements.
Also Genu' Furnishing Goods, snd the Urgent usortinent
of Tua4 lu Kasteru Oiutrou.
Special Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto:
WC Won'T Be unDWSoto.
tt Corner Main and Willow 8troetn, Heppner Or.
KOHLANn BUOS. Portland, Oregon,
Gen. Airts. Ior Oregon, Washington and Western Idaho,
(nlvviUm, Trim.
. BORG, :
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
Etc., Kto.
Trust I3usts.
Change of Ownership
whioh we propose to oonduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on bands tit all times the obntoest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
fruits, -:- (a
-:- p -:- and -:- ('ps !
The Finest in tho Land.
Oyster JS3fioii
Alsio is about ripe. We will let you
know about that in tho near future.
L. Matlock & Co.