NOTICK TO ADVERTISERS. very kindly while here, imd wish TWiSK destrlniMheliisiirtton of display adj. ,lk tue KO"(i People of Heppner, i . i B ' muBt.B,'t their copy in , urouj. iiot later than Monrittv evenim. r..p 'r. editiou.or Thursday evening ior Fridays ii boa- I'M! fATTKRsoN FUBUsaiM, to. NOTICE. 1. The sum of Ave cenu per line will be charged for "cards of thanka," "resolutions of ""j"'.'. 01 wllli'K present! and donors, lid obituary notices, (other than thoBe the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news.) and uoticesof special meetings for whatever purpose 1. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five Miits a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upouappllcatlon. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build vp Hepy tier. Patronize those who patronize you. Here Sad There. Don't overlook ttie Lailieii' Bnzar. To eDjoy life use ITJTT'S PILLS. Heppuer will oelebrate next Friday and (Saturday. Alleu Evans Las been in Heppuer sev eral days Lib week. CailCrnw, nf Lexington, paid Hepp ner a visit Tueeday. Fred Miller knows how to give you a good Qt in tailoring. if sw J. O. Williams, f Spring Hollow, was in Heppuer Wednesday. N. K. MoVey, of Gooseberry, was ou our strtets this nmruiug. Charles Johnson xasiu from Peulaud'B mouutaiu ra oh Tuesday eveuing. Dr. E. T. Ougeu bus disposed of bin CbaSe street property to Joe Hayes. Tbe Gem and Palace saloons lor Que liquors. MoAlee Bros., Props. sw Hugh Fields left on Wednesday mum ing'a tr im for Browusville, bis home B. L. Akers, oue of Gotseb-rry's suo oesslul farmers cauie iuto ueppuer last evening. H. M. Tboruton was up from lone Tuesday evening, returuiug Wednesday morning. You Bhonld not fail to attend the Co lumbus Day oelebratiun and U, A. K. Obmj.nre. Geo Miller, the lone postmaster and jusiice of ibe peace, oanie up ou last eve mug's train. Mr. and Mrs W. li. Ellis left this morn- 2 M . I 1 . iug iur roruauu lor a lew uujs visit in tue metiopolis. Heppner will doubtless have the lurg est crowd ever seen in this city, next fc'ii day, tbe day we oeltbrato. I hp ;imuus & Son still shoe borses and do general blacksmitbiug ai tlie old stand Matiook corner. 63. Salem Statesman : David Herren, of Heppi er, is visiting Willi bis mother, Mrs. W. J. Uerreu, of this city. There will be preuchiug af tbe M. E. church, South, tuxt Sunday at Ha. iu. and 7 p. in., by Kev. Euwiu Palmer. Thomas Ayers aud wife returned from their wedding tour Tuesday evening, after a short but pleaant visit with friends and relatives in Puitlaud and Sa lem. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nursing. Call at her home iu north Heppuer, or add less her hi this place. 518 if Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hint & Mathews, at the city barber shop--the place to get a first-class shave, hair-cut or shampoo. tf. Joe Gibson end Alva Leaob, of Lex ington, are assisting the Heppner Silver Corn, t Band in piepaiing music for ibe Uolnmuns Day celehraiion. Master Clay French is tbe authorized agent for (tie Uregoniau at this place. Subscribe ihrouub him, aud have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Veui, Vidi, Vioil This is true of Midi's Hair ISeuc er, for it is the great con queror of gray or faded hair, milking it look ibe same eveu color of youtu. '1 be people of Heppner oan no brpHthe easier, since Koiuian, of the B istiui K fb Store, has opened np, ou account id the low pilots at which be is selliug goods. Newer and neater quarters at the Paluce Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baher, wauls to see bis old friends there, baths in connec tion. Sam Elliot, of John Day, got in Ihsi evening with bis freight wagon. He re turntu today .Joaued with fieight for tbe fiim nt Haploustall, Dart & Co,, of that city. Ibe latest dentistry, cron aud bridge Work, most successfully accomplished ! Dr. B. F. Vanghau. Gas Hdminieti red when desired. Thouipsuu hnilditig, Heppner, Or Wcswo Leader: W. L Hiding of Heppner, whs a visitor to WeHtnii duiluu tbe week. Mr Haling is endeavoring to secure tbe next session of tbe grand lodge E. f P., at Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Conrter were in from Eifht Mile Wednesday. Mr Cour tor inform us that he would move lo Heppner Ibia fall if be could possibly find a linage for rent. Messrs. R M. Johnson and W. D Mat look came over from Lone K ek W ednes day to pnrobase some of the oelebrated Cunningham bucks. They returned home yesterday morning. The Bennett Hotel at Arlington has been moved from the "id locution near the depot, to Main St., about two blooks fiom the depot, where its propri etor will welcome you hs of old. 3 if T. J. Allyn was tipfr im tbe lone coun try last Wednesday. In conversation with bim be tells us that there is no mis take abou. bis being married, though he tbiuks it rather late for congratulations. J. H. Kolman informs our reporter that . ho has bad an excellent traue ever since be opened np, which he attributes to the low prices be is able to jdve them, because of ibe fact that he tuns a strict ly cash store. Bev. Edwin Palmer, the new minister for the M. E church, South, arrived lust Tuesday eveuiug from Anderson, C-d. Mr. Palmer is a very pleasnut gentleman, and will doubtless take well with the people of Heppner. Those members of the old Peppnt cornet bund who bav any properly be longing to tbe baud in Ineir u'Rfle.iin, music, helmets, plumes, pouches, or unif"rms, are requested to deliver Bume to Homer McFarland at once. Tbere is no nse !n snffering with rheu matism as lung a jon can get Congo Oil. It is for Bale by all druggists at 82 per bottle, bnt it would be dirt cheap at four limes the price. It is positive cure for rhenmatii-m, aud no mistake. Try it and be convinced. f tf We desire to call the attention of "nr readers to ths faot that tbe Hisnd Fall b the columns of the Otizetre. for the courtesies almwn them and the mauy contributions given Ihem in Ibis oity. When the hair beeins to come nnt in uoiubiug, it shown a weakness of tbe soaln that calls for immediate attention. T lie best preparation to snest further loss 'of hair and restore the seal i to a health condition is Ayer's Hair Vigor. J Watermelon lieilinutnii. of ITnnnnor Gngette fnmp, sp nt Wednesday in this city looking after his property and slink- j ing bands with old friends here. John left yesterday morning for bis home in I'nyailnp. where he is now editinir a first class family sheet. "Save who can !" was tbe frantic ory fNapplenn lo bis army at Waterloo. health and strength while von CHn. by the use of Ayer's SarHapariila, is ad vice Unit applies to aM, both young and in. u ti t wait nntil disease fastens ou jnn; begin at once TJ icle Thos. Soott, postmaster at Gal low y. was seeu tin our Btreets this morn ing. Iu oouversation with him be in foim our reporter, that, although be sent in his resigiiHtion as postmaster at Gtd lowny, jet on increHse of salary be hHs decided to retain Ibe position. The general merehanilise establish, merit formerly owned by Ci ffiu & Mi Far laud, has lately changed bauds, now he itii under th o-mfrol and management "f The MoFarlmid Moroinlile CompHtiv. (vhioh coutiunes biiHiness at tbe old stand with a largor stock than ever. a Late word from Dan Neville, who is i'h Sum Palmer's large baud of sheep, reports h.m willijn a few day's drive of, Chejenne, with good range, fat sheep and pleasant weather. He will return to Heppner in time for the presidential elec tion, when he confidently expeota to kill his father's vote. of the First National Bank in this city with its endorsement; it was paid. Five days passed' Mr, Renn received notice to call at the bank, notified the paper was worthless aud a forgtrv; for the informa tion be was charged S3 ndditional. Not long since tbe cashier of tbat same ineti tuiinn came near investing $100, bnt for tune was on bis side and the party dis gorged. Bnt not so with mine host of the Alta. He is out and tbe insurance man bus gone where the woodbine twiu-eth. BOSTON CASH STORE. Milton HhIo of WRgner, was in tbe oity several days this week making ar rangements to disposp of some 60 head of hogs whioh he had fattened ou his Wagner ranch. He informed our re norter that he had sold Ihem to Sam Kinsman, and would drive tbem over at an early date. John Zollinger and wife came down from the monitlaius Tuesday evening, retuiniug yesterday morning. John's friends were plpaseil to note that he had discarded bis orntcbes some time since, now being able to walk with the assist ance of two anes. John isu't a dead man jet by any means. Warren Garsner, accompanied hy bis diiughtpr Maud, arrived from Wagner Ust Wednesday evening. Miss Maud will remain in Heppner and attend the pnblio si bnol here this winter. Mr. Cars- ner informs ns that he will also put his hoy in school here if he can secure a hoarding place here for bim iu a urivate family. Bob Shaw arrived yisterday from Grant county with 3.)7 head of cattle which be had purchased over on the John Da, of Henry Blackwell. Bob in turn disposed of them to Messr". Oscar Thom son nd Bob Stiinfield, of Butter creek, the form"r purchasing 100 head and the latter 207 head. These gentlemen will feed them over winter for spring market. In the. last issue of the Gazette we neglected to mnion the fact that J. W. Uawsou and T. R Lyons, twoyonnir law. vers from Portland, had come to Hepp ner with the intention of looating, if ev erything looked favorable. Later we learn from them that they have deoided to remain here, and will open up a law office in the room formerly occupied by (t, I? Halt's harbor shop, next door to K. L W-ittooK's. These gentlemeu will jive their eutire time to collections, law and notarial work, and coming as tbey do, well recommended, we bespeak for tucm liberal treatment. Good News FnoM Eugene From the representatives of Doric Lodge No. 20, Knights of Pythias of Heppner, Henry Blacbman and Otis Patterson, we learn that tbe Grnnd Lodge Conclave, which is now in session in that city, is a very interesting one, a lame number of K'ligntx being in attendance, aiid the ma jority of tbe lodges iu this state fuilv repreeeiited Ed Shnrnu, of Peudielon, who so faithfully served as Grand Vioe Chancellor during the past year, bis been elected Graud Chauoellor for the ensning year. This is tbe liigbrt.t office iu the grand lodge and it is quite acorn olim -nt to Mr. Sharon, at well as the Pendleton lodges. But tbat which was in nt grHtifiog to the members of Doric lodge No, 20, ael interested Heppueritea, was tbe teegram announcing tbe fact tbat Heppuer gets tbe next session t tbe graud lodge, by an almost unanimous vote. This is a great honor to be able to get tbe next annual session of that body to convene in ibis city, and every means should aud will be taken to entertain tbem royally during their sessiou here next year. Verily Heppner has a great reoulation awiy from home, even if some of our people here do call it a oouutry town. Win Get a Warm Rbobption. The members of tbe congregation of the First Methodist obnrcb are preparing a warm reoeption for their new pastor, Rev. Hen ry Rasmus, some evening next week says the Spokane Kvie. Mr. Kasmns was Ibe unanimous choice of tbe congrega tion, and his appointment by tbe recent conference at WhIIu Walla was verVnat- nrally highly gratify ing to them. He is not only exceedingly popular, but m one of tbe most eloquent preaobers in the Northwest. Tbe aeleotion of W. W. Van Uusen of Walla Walla as presiding elder to succeed Mr Basmns. also gives gener al satisfaction among tbe Methodists of Si-okaue. Walla Walla Statesman. THE PEOPLE OF HEPPNER And adjoining sections that I have located here, and to stay. A New NEidHBaa. Geo. , W. Lord has moved into tbe former art gal lery over Messrs. Brown & Hamilton's office, and has tlttdd np for architecture ork. He is prepared to contraot for all kinds of buildings, or will supervise cojatruotion, und purchase material for the same, giving his oustomers tbe ben e&t of bis experience and percentage. ocU tt -I have the honor of anuouucinj to- ajm ; oi ; Tr?is YOUK f ALL PUWJd.Asr.sar want to buy the best go' ds y iare about lo be made. You you can for your money. We d j you should. How to do it then comes next. A safe way is to compare values Bud prices. We take pleasure in sbowiug our goods and telling our prioes. Our Dry Goods Department is full of choice off-rings for this season. In D ess Goods we are far in advauoe of our competitors. Our Styles and prioes prove it. Yon should see nnr Clothing aud Overooats. Children's, Boys' and Youths'Clotbing in an endless profusion. Goods piled to the ceiling, so lo speak. Our prices will move thara. Suits madu to order in the latest styles and patterns. Represent the largest tailoring establishment in Chicago. Our fall stock is now complete and will interest you. We -:- Guarantee -:- Satisfaction. We have in endless quantities and to suit Ibe trade in price, style ag.ft.Tg. latest styles, cheaper than ever sold iu Heppner before. and quality My stock is direct from the East, and is tbe best ever brought to the town. At present looated iu the M. Licbtentbal building, M.iiu street, opposite tbe City Hotel. 529-tt J. II . KOLMAN, VVL ARE' Rustlers! For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to Catch That Maverick The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can Round up Bargains Fashiosablb Dressmaker. Mrs. Foi ward's dressmakiug parlors, on lower Main street, one blook below tbe flopp ier Nutiomil Bank, is a late enterprise in Ueppuer. one haB a Drst olass dri-ns maker from Portland, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in tbe latest style. 33 ,f Shokmakek Ed Birbectc. a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, bus just looated iu the Abraham- ei ok building, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiylbing in his line. Mr. JJirbeck is strictly a nrst-olnss work, man and warrants all work. Give bim a call. . 14 tf PHAS. L, SHERMAN, J T T T T V ,d f and ! Si Hons Pain ter. Victim of a Lovbks' Quarrel. Miss Biidie Morton, bo for many months baa been recognized as the belle of Mount Tabor yilla, a suburb about five miles east of Portland, now lies at tbe point of death, a victim of a lovers' quarrel lliirdelte Wolf, the assassin, watched for some time for Miss Mortou to leave the imuHp, aud wheu t-he did s , be shot her lowu in o dd blood. Wolf immediately raiide bis esoape aud at last reports bad not yet heeu oaptnred, thougu It IS thought by many that be has committed suicide in ihe woods near bv. Bordette Wolf up to last night oommmded high rnnpict. tie studied law in the office of Judge C. 8 Hitiiiium for a long time, und nan regarded a a model voting man . He is oil. ui o het 8 inches in heiuh', 22 vears of age and weighs about 165 pnumla. Yi-sli-rday he worea cine coat, light pants Kinl a D-rbv hat. His ooet bad a brown collar. He bxs a very heavy mustache and dark hair. His most prominent fen lure is a large R on in nose. Altoge'ln-r he is q lite a giioddookiog fellow Bir die Mortou was an exemplary young la d',and lo any that Ihe Oommunity is shocked by her trsgio fate would baldly express it. All ninlit ber borne was thronged by sympathizing friends, and not a lew eOHpiciotis threats against Wol f, in ca-e be was canglit, were made. But it is proliable tint no demonstration will lie miide, although the fctling against lorn is very strong. Much sympathy is expressed for his relatives, who keenly feel the terrible nffl ciion tbat has beeii brought upon them. A Little Girl's Experience In a Light-house. Mr. and Mrs. Lnren Tresoot are keep ers of tbe Gov. lighthouse at Sand Beach Miob. and are blessed with a daughter four years old. Last April she was tak en down with measels, followed with a dreadful cough and turning into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, bnt in vain, she grew orse rapidly until she was a mere "baudful of boues." Then she tried Dr. King's New Discov ery, and after tbe use of two and a half bottles, was completely oured They say Dr. Kiug's New Discovery is worth its weight iu gold, vet you may get a trinl bottle free at Sloctim Johnston Drug Cc.'s store- Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator. First-Olasu work in All Its Branches. Prioes Reasonable. OFFICE IN CITY HOTEL." HEPPNER, 530 I a ' OREGON U033JO 'purt.!OJ 'ANVdiioo dNi'dmovjnuvw y 3 ?-'OJJ SIS YA V 3H1 f) puDdajj sdiiiuoi I Admit v rp ptr 'eqaBpsari-!S 'ssaugKojini 'esj -ipud 'asKoeKj 8,jtfpa jo ejus Btjj joj 'ajiiQ J9AH pun AaupiM sjUHjg "jq 30IUd A Cruel Joks A young gentlemsu hy 'be name of Liwrenoe Hodgmnn, of Elgin, Illinois, advertised in tbe "Heart and Uuud," requesting tbat some fair maiden correspond with him "object matrimony " A cruel j ker. of Pendle ton, who writes a good feminine hand, at once begun a rm and aff-ctionate correspondence with tbe Elin viotim, which was snswered hy letters brim full of love. Of course the proposal wss at once atoepted, and the Elgin "solty," who it seems iR quite wealthy, arrived to claim his hride aud take her on a wed ding tour through Oregon Bnd California, and I lien carry her h ick to Elgin where ihey were to be met by the band and es ooried to their new borne. However, Hodiimnn, soon after bis arrival in Pen dleton, learned that his prospective bride was a cruel youth, who had deceived him with a picture of a beautiful actress, anil at once oonsnlted au attorney with the intention of brp ging suit against the ioker who worked him, to recover dam- noes for misrepresentation Although the Elgin "leiolertoot may nave just coiise lor actio", yet we onld advise him to slip quietly back, to Elgin, and never mention it. aud the next time be feels niatrimouiallv inclined, don't oome went for soft snaps, for tbey don't exist here, down east is their native home, Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong flnr healthy, try Electrio Bitteis. If la uiippi ubb left you weak and weary, use Elec tric hitters This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiditig those organs to perfoim their I'll I'OtMins. If you are i fflicted with sick beadche, .von will find speedy ami pei maueut relief by taking Electric Bitiers Oue trial ill convince you tout this is the remedy yon need. Lnrge bottles only 50c at Slociim Johusoo Drug Co's. Hackles' Arnica tialve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers salt rnenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud all skin e' options, and posi tively onres piles, or no pay required. It id guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or mouey refunded. Pnoe 25 cents per box. f or sale by blooum-Johuston Lrng Co. DltUNKENNKSd. or the LIQUOR HABIT, L'uitxl at Hume in Ten l)us by Adniiina- lei'liijl Pia'-iit'Waj om ,aT,n mow tf" fW If .oiiwm.iuu, Like Yours Respectfully. We are here for business from the ground up and propose to let you know it, MINOR BROS., HEPPNER. OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Made on shout Notici and at Popular Fbicis. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Grain Sacks OSIM 3H1 i mvino 9APN iS3IQ3W3il inJHlQNOM HRO Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. Dr. Haines' tjoldea ?prtin: It cau be given iu a glass of beer, a onp of coffee or tea, or in food, without Ibe know ledge of the patient. It is ansolnte- ly Harmless, and will efjfeot a permanent and speedy cure, whether '.be patient li a moderate driukeror au alcoholic wreck. It has beeu giveu iu thousands of cases, and iu every instance a perfect oure bog followed, it never fails. The system once impregnated with tue speciuc, it becomes au niter impossibility for tbe liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address the QoLDKN Specific Co., 185 Uace Street, Cinciuuaii, Ohio. (!cab:tickS'lice THE WORLD RCN O fj Prevention better than Cure ! Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company Arc still altve and kicking lor trade, with a complete. Una ol Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, Confectionery, TOBACCOS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Guns and Ammunition, Sewing Machines, Farm Implements. DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND , BETTER WOOL "Any Port In a Storm." That's a good maxim, hut it will not work as a rule in the pnrohase of a rem edy for Kh nmatism. Any of tbe cheap nostrums will not effect a cure in faot none of them will. Don't triHe with life and prolong agony. Get Ur. Jlrnmmond's Liuhtniug Kemedy. and a speedy cure is oertaiu. It cosle $5 a bottle, but oue hnttle is worth a hilod ed of am Hung else, and for that reason it is the cheap est when a cure is wauled. Seut to any address by prepaid express ou receipt of price. Drumnmnd Medicine (Jo., 48-50 Maideu Lane, N. Y. Agents wanted. His Game Woukkd Smoothly A gny ai d festive individual lepresenting a p'ominent aocid. nt insurance oompany, worked Pendleto i iu g"od Bhspe few days since, says tbe Oregon Allianoe Herald. Also mine host nf tbe Alt llneninu nf the 'aio street millinery es- tablsihment, conducted by Miss ("''Z t,m,we. bo. beiotf of a confi1iD(i iiHtiirr-. Vorna. will oocnr Monday Bnd laesdy, j . Ntnaa. j tue reprrnentatious of tbe Oct. 17 and 18. at wbioh time yon shouin , n.jhp f,Hllrj ho staled tbat be work vail jonrself of the opportunity to gaze ; . .... i, ,,ta Rnrt Mmnng other promin- on the grand display. See ad. in anoth- ; ( mrn ,J))(j tn H nBfe rX Oovernnr er column. M.mdy, f. r which his honor bad given Two Sis'ers nf Charity, from the O md inm his check (r S180 on Uib bank at MI,nherH'. I.o.oital and orolmo's home. 1 lie IJalles Denig a lone u.r aq i oe .rnhn' refuse, of Portl -nd. were iu siting to settle hiB hill he T.ieodav. akina for cootnhn- tinna I., ni. i.ff the loan with which thi bocpiul was builded Indorsieiiienta t ' Cnoncr Dip Is used and endorsed by the following Orcson and Montana aheeurnen: W. B. nnnnMHrin IlHWllle- W. s. Lee, Jil uctloll City; John Harrison, Mstney; Oeo. (lelis, Ainsnila; K rth MrKae Uayville: Joe Oliver, John Dav; J. W. Byers, New l.lslion; P. .1. Moiile. Bereall; Cook & Clark. Plillhrook; Fairolilld di McCralg, Otipnyer; F. K. Warren. LHica; Boich Bros., Iwlston' F P (;handler, Mslilen; J. Htrschber, (;lioti:ao; 0. B. liuatijibjs, Ubet; Jaiaes Kdie, Dillon: W. .Norton, Stewart; A. Downle, BiK Sandy. Tk Cheapest and Best Dip ever made. Sold Everywhere Ash Your Merchant for Coopers and Take io Other. Also Genu' Furnishing Ooods, and the largest usortmeut of Teas lu fcasteru Oregou. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto: We Won'T Be unoeRSoio. tf. Comor Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. KOHI,ANI H"IW. Portland, Oregon, Gen. Agti. for Oregon, Washington ana Western Idaho. Props. We COOPER 4 NEPIMS. fJalvjlon. Trio. tendered Mr. Keuu 'he ex Gov 's check which was la k n and si c unt squared lo date. Mr Xbey were treated ( Reno presented tbs check tt tba oooutcr j uottle. Beware of Oiiitnieiitu Fur Catarrh Tbat Con tain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy tbe sense of smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering it tbrongb the mucous surfaces. Hnch articles snonld never be need except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as tbe damage tbey will do is ten fold to Ibe good yna obd possibly derive from tbem. Ball's Catarrh Cnre, manufactured bv F. J Cheney A Co., Toledo, O .oontains I no merenrv, and is taken imernally, act ': ing ilireolly upou the hlood and mncoiiB I sni faces of Ihe asrein. . In haying Hall's Catarrb Cnre lie sure you gel the genuine. It is taken iuterndly. and made in lole do, Ohio, by F. J. ChkneT & Co. Testi monials free. i3T-old by Dtuggiate, pnea 75o. per "pH K QITY -OTKL, Change oi Ownership HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF TUE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET. wbicb we propose to conduct iu tbe most satisfactory manner. on bands nt nil times tbe choicest Will keep j. l,bkzi:h, prop, rim J-iB 1HIS HOSTELRY hag been Refitted and Hefokished throughout, and now one of tbe moat Inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to atop with him, feeling that be is able to entertain you in tbe best of style. r n Reasonable First Class House. Rates. ID. BQYED 13 HEPPNER'B LEADING Office, icaidiK Coniraciar ii Bundor Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. snvw & Mccarty, 85-tt Proorietora. fruits P.inflinc Mule and fere ! WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, Tho Finest in tho Ijund. Oyster Senson Also is about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near future. W. L. Matlock & Co. i