I Some People Buy advertising space because rates are low generally the circulation is a sight lower. Circulation determines the value of advertising ; there is no other standard. The Gazette is Killing to abide by it. OFFICIAL. 'f1 PAP Eli. CIRCULATION MAKES The Paper. Without it advertisers get nothing for their money. The Gazette, tcith one exception, has the largest circula tion of any paper in Eastern Oregon. Therefore it ranks hiuh as an advertising medium. TENTH YEAR IIEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER U, 1892. WEEKLY NO. 499.1 SEM1-W thKLY NO. 533. B SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. Tuesda ys and Fridays BY IDE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALVAH W. PATTERSON ..Bat. Manager. OTIS PATTfcRSON...;, Editor At $8.00 per year. tl.Mfur six months. 1,0G for turee muinns; If paid for in advance. 42 50. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The XXO-LX, of Long Creek, Grant County Oregon, li published by the lame com pany every Friday momin.- Subscription Srlce, '2per year. For advertislne rates, address 3a:UT X. FJLXXSSOiT, Editor and Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette," Heppuer, Oregon, . , THIH PAPER is kept on tile at E. C Dalce's Advertising Agency, Hi and 65 Merchants Exchange, ban Francisco. California, where co.. tracts for advertising can be made for it. THE GAZETTE'S AG 'J NTS. Wagner, B. A. Hunaaker Arlington, Henry ileppuer Long Creek, . The tingle Echo, Bob Shaw Camas Prairie, Ow.at De Vatil Matteson, Allen McFerrin Nye, Or., H. C. Wright Hard man, Or....... J. a. Woolery Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A. Kudio lone, ... . . ; T. J. Carl Prairie City, Or., .R. R. McHHley Canyon City, Or., 8. L. Furrisn Pilot Rock, G. 1. Hkeiton Dayville, Or., J. E. now John Day, Or,, F. I. MeCallinii Athena, Or John Edington Pendleton, Or., . Win. G. McCroukey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Poet m aster Shelby, Or.,. Miss Stella Flett Fox, Grant Co., Or., J. F. Allen Eight Mile, Or., .. Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh Upper Khea Creek B. F. Hevland Douglas, Or..:.... ti. White Lone Kwk, Or R. M. JohtiBon Gooseberry . P. Snyder Condon, Oregon Herbert IIalsHad Loxington W. B. Mi AliBter an aubnt wanted in every 1'keu.nlt, U ' I ; G RAILWAY- L CAL CARD. No, 10, mixed leaves Hepmter 8:30 a. ra. " 10, " ar, at Arlington ll f.0a.ui, 9, " leaves ' 8:47 p.m. 9, " ar. at lleppoer 7ij p, n daily except Huoday. Kant bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:60 p, m. Weat ' " leaves " 4:J0 p. m. Night trains are running on same time at before. HEPPNER-MONUMENT STAGE. HtBge leaves for Monument daily, ezcei t Sunday, at 6:30 a. m. Arrives daily, except Monday, at 5:00 P.M. OFFICIJLL DIEECTOET. - United States Officials. President Benjamin Harrison Vioe-Prasldent Levi P. Morion Hoo )' of Slate John W. Font r Secretary of Treasury diaries Fo-tt-r Secretary of Inreriur J. W. No'ile Beoretary of ar Stephen H. Klktns Secretary of Navy H. F. Ti-Hcy Postmaster-General John Wanamiik r Attorney-Oeneral W. H. H. Miller Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah It iek State of Oregon. Governor '. 8 Pennoyer Secrtaryof Stat, G. W. Mi-H.iile Treasurer Phil. Metsnliaii Supt. Public Instruction K. B. Mchlroy (J. H. Miie.ht-U Senators J N.D.1,1, r, ,, 1 HniKer Hermann ConBreesmen w ft EiB Printer.... Frank Raker !F. A. Moore W H. ..ord It. 8. Bean Seventh Judicial District. Cirt i it Judge W. L. Iradnhaw Procecut n Atiorney W. fl Wiut n Morrow County Official". Joint Senator... ....Henry Rlmikman Representative. J. N. Brown ' ountyjmure Jiilius Keiihly Commissioners Pelei Bienuai J. H. Baker. . Clerk J. W. Morrow Sheriff Oeo. Nohle. Treaanrer W. J. L czer Aaaeeaor K. L. haw " Surveyor Isa Brown' " .School Sup't W.lj. Sating t'oroner T. W. Ayerr. Jr HBPPNCB TOWN OFK1CKBS. i1h,i T.J Mntlnrk rnnni-llmei. O. K. Fari'swnrtli. M Lichtenthal, Otif Patterson. S. P. Oarnguee, Thus. Morgan and Frank Milliaiu. itecnnlei A. A. Roberts. Treaaurel i K O-Htocuro Uarelial J. W.ltaainua. Precinct Offie. p. Joiticeofthe Peaoe F J. Halle ck l ou.lable J. J. U"b' "a United statea Land Otiireln. TQK DALLES. OB. J. W Lewis K iiis r T. S. Lang K. ceiv r LAOBAUDE, OB A Heaver R''i ter A. I' MeTlelbiud Beceiver SECSET BOCIETIES. Doric Lodm No. !0 K. of P. meeta ev er' Tnpaday evening at 7.30 o'clock in their Castle Mali. National Bank huild-1 inn. Sojournina brothers ,oniiallv in vited to attend. H. Sohkkzinger. C. ''. E K.SWIXBUBM. K otlt iH. tf KAWUNS POST, N . 81. 6. A. R. aleetaat Iiextngton, Or., the last Saturday of jach month. A 1 veterans are invited to Join. 4',. C. BHn. Oko. W . Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander. PEOrESBIOlTAI,. A. A. Rt iBKRTS, R. al EihIh, Inanr-Bm-f and O'll'Oticiiis. Oflioi- in C"i oil CliamtM-rB, Re)iiier. Or awtf. J. N. HHttWN. .IAS D. UAM1LTON Attorney at Law. Brown & Hamilton Practice in all courts of the slate, Insurance, real estate collect! in a ul 1 .a i a- iU. Prom.t atuution givui to all bubineaa entrust td to them. Or not Main Stbut. Hiffkm. Obeooh. When? At Abrahanisick'a. Id addition to hit tailoring business, be ha adder) a fine line of underwear of all kinds, tH;!ig-t sliirta, huaiery, etc. Alao bas m band Some elecftut patterns for anils. A Abraham! ok. May atrpet. Heppner. (r O (Hi. A MeFrlnml live jn-i rn-eived oar load d Mnoliell Wauona. Harlta. ell' SD'1 liave alan H tariff supply of furm- ntg implemeots of all kiodt. WIMBLE rV Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Fajier GIVEN FREET0 OUR READERS By a special arrangement with the puliliabers we are prepared to furnish Fr.EE to each of our readers a year't aiibaoriptinD to the popular monthly Hgrioulturu.1 journal, the Ambbicah Fabmeb, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This nffor is made to any of our enb soribers who will pay up all arrearage), u subscription and one year in advanoe, and to any new sabaoribers who will pa one yeai in advanoe. The American Fahiikh enjoys a large national oircula linn, and ranks among the leading igrionlturul papers. By thia arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re oeive the Amrkioan Farjieb for one year, It will be to your advantage to ouil promptly. Sample copies can be s en at nnr office. From Terminal or Interior Points tbe liAI LROADI Is the I'D to take To all Points Eastand South. It in thfi rvininitCar R nte. It rnns Through Vttutibuled Train b every day In the year to St. Paul and Chicago (Nn Change of Cars) Coi!ii(wil of DINING CAItS unsurpassed, ITLLMAX D11AW1NG liOOM SLEKPEUS Of Latest Kquipmeiit Tourist Sleping Cars Bent that can he oouHtracted and In which ac oi)inmdu'iii.s art' both tree and furnixhpd for holders of tiret or seooud-olHBa tickets, and 4 Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. TIIKOIJGIl- TICKETS To and from al points tn Amerce, KtiR-la d and Kurop can tie purchased al any Ticket ottice of tine Company. Full information concerning rates, rime oT trams, routes and other details furnished ou application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON. ARfliatHiit General Haaaentfer Agein. Vo. 121 First St., Vor. Washimjton, tf. PORTI.AS l nliF.HO A' The Original Webster's Unabridged DiGTIQHRRY . HV SI'KCIAL AKKAN.KMENT WITH THE publishers, we are able 10 obtain a nu tuber of tn above bok, and uropotte to fumibh a copy to em'h of our snhwnliers. The dictionary Is a necessity In every home, school ai.d biinir esii house, ft tills a vacancy, and furh tulips' kuovv lt'tif.ru which no one hun dree) other volumes of the choicest books could supply. Yoiingaud old, educated and ignorant, rich and poor, should have it within reach, and refer to Us contenls every day In the year As some have aBked tf this is really tbe Orig inal Webster's I nabndged Lictioiiary, we are able to state we have Uarned direct from the publishers the fact, that this is the very work complete ou which about forty of the best years ot the author's life were so w ell employed in writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about luo.ouo words, including tbe correct spell ing, derivation and definition ot same, and is the regular standard sie, containing about Suu.oou square i itched of printed suriace, and is bound in cloth naif morocco and sj,ceo. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Diet onary First To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Fu'l Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps marbled edges $:-oo Halt Mo occo, Douod, gilt sde and back stamps, mdrbleo edges, $i 50. Fun Sheep Dound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner 4TA8 the publishers limit the time and number of books they will furnish at the low prices, ueadvitw all Mho desire to avail them selves of 'his great opportunity U attend to It FBEETQ THE BFFUCTED. All who are suffering from the effects ofYonthfnl Errors. L of Manhood. Failing Putters, Oooor'boea, Oleet. Stiiciure. Sy I'hilia and t he many trouble vliicb are the effects of these terrible disorder, will reeeife, FltEK op Charob. fail direct ions hnw to t eut and cure Hi- tneh-e al home 1 ritii.k tn tb- ' MFuhNIA VkDI('A!i AND SlBOICAl, Is FIHMAKI, 1 20' Market Street, Sau t'taouiovo, California. 46-ly. Northern Pafific1 A ;n i.-i -it m i in' i ai irtiBSam RHEUMATISM neuralgia. and sciatica can always be successfully treated with Ayer'sSarsaparilla A cure Is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. Weak, neivoiis or in Pain From some lnng-atandin" ailment, or feel that yoiv constitution (nervous system) is failing, or that some affliction has taken, or is taking, permanent bold of von, which yon have been, and are still, unable to throw off or eoDtrol, whether in the first or last atage remember that Dr. Gregg's ELECTRIC BELTS And Appliances. and system of home tiefitroent will en re yn. No medical or other mode of electric treatment can at all compare with them. Thousands of women who surfer for years with complaints peculiar to sex. hare been completely and per manently restored to health. No fewer men' have also been cured. Electric treatment for diseases sueKested, pro perly applied, is perfect and tins no uond substi tute. The tjrcu'K Electric Belt and Appliances are the only ones in existence that supply a perfect mode of Hpplication. The Gri'Ktt EU-ctric Foot Wanner, price $1.00, keeps the feet warm and dry and Is the only ftenujne Electric Insole. People who have paid their monev and been cured can tell yun what has been done for them in a way that will convince you. Complete cat alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., tic. Circular free. BIG INDUCEMENTS TO GOOD AGENTS, AddreM THE GREOO KI.KOTRTO CUKK CO. 501 Inter Ocean Btiililiug, Chicauo, III. in DECISION. SpeaVing "f patent mediO'nes, the J11 ge sajs: "I wish to deal honorably and fj.ii ly with all, and when I find an article that will do what it is reoom menihd to do, I an not ashamed to say so. I am iicqnaiuted with Dr. Valer pool, (having been treated h) bitn fur capcei) and have used his blood medi cine known as the S. li Headache and Liver Cure, nnd while I am seventy five years old and have use many pill and other remedies for tbe blood, liver and kidneya, I nnixt say that for a kidnet tonic in Brighl's disease, ami as an al terative for the blood, or to errot th hclion o( the stomach and booela it is u very superior remedy, and heals any thing 1 ever tried. J. B NELSON. Vahima, Wash. At 5(1 cenla a bottle. It is the poor man's friend and family doctor. T BH 1 1 IDA aiWrlle for our Mammoth MATi S.fl nTlPt.'talogne, a WW-pane F II K il'l I- K V"". Iilainlv Uliistmt I llll lllDriLV'1. ivi"K Maiinlaciur- BSIIISBBSlMirs' lot Prh'f wl'h ma iiiifactu re rs discount ou ail oitds manufact ured arid imported into the rnited .-intes. ih to fiU cents on every lollar von spend. We Kelt only ttrst-clarB ponds i.rnct-ru'S, r 11 rniture, lothiuK, I) r y (.onds. Hals, fans. Knots and Shoes, Notions. Crock ery, Jewelry, Busies and Harucs-, Attricnl tural Implements; in fact Hiiythliiff you want aved by bnyitig of us. jeud J5 cents to pay ex preswape on cataloKiie, a buyer s guide. We are the only concern that sells at manufacturers' prices, allow In fr the buyer the same discount that the manufacturer rives to the wholesale trade. We guarantee all goods to be equal to representations or money refunded. GockIb sent by expresn or freight, w ith privilege of examina tion before paying. A. KARI'EN & CO., 122 Quincey st, tlhlcago. 111. Kationai Bank of nmi WH. PKNLANi). EI). K. BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINGS COMPACTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. K.XCHANGli BOUGHT & SOLD. IF.PPN'ER. tf OREOON 1 tmIH not wr.rk. The ten:- WHAt 14-MU lMbt V'lbt riiyine firorM i,.jw ifct rMalif.' Buw... 4 t, yi ia. Ilia. nTith' IfrBtfTit' (. I nr lfl U itkt.. 40 Id. im. 11 it. HBi.iitw bmr. MM pain Til- ... ST In. Vim. 5. rin. Wtll bMrrMiy r-ply to Iwu'-'-ei irtth lUinp incloW." PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL HUrwIiM. IcSULTTliif. F--n.J Id i-anr.m W rrtk-u:rs t l . . r. Wat. rtrairi taut i x wiicwo. m. i,-'&iya . on.v an t-, i..c n,,i,! TMVyffr --inani-,all w.iiiii. . IVrf Ct yti 1 j'.fc 1 ' J fofTftytni.1" ( v. f! n tr.tr; 1 'tlrBinlK Kye. ivory trocn: pat r, i''.:)- J.ii,4if Uzh or low, si'-, or-nnarj w-t u. to t--t-,i 't or 9 16 trtr-h. pair, Si. ivury. f no -t m- -' l crtmAla.Ww-.Sl,H fS t . pf n rt. iVhlU i f IE MONEY The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Stindard TIIENiCARAGIJACANAL Its Imuortance to The United States Govern ment.: JEALIOUS EYES OF THE FOREIGNERS. Turned Thia Way-8'ime Practical lllnntra. tlons That allow the tVaalbillty ot the Scheme. The committee appointed by W e Na tional Nicaragua Canal Convention a' us meeting in St Lunis, June 2 1 and 31 to prepare an address to tbe American peo ple giving information as to the feasibil ity of tbe Nicaragua oannl and jta com mercial and other advantages to the United States, has just finished the pre paration of sni h nn addr.ss. The com mittee ia composed of John 8, Jones, of Arkansas; ex-ConBressmao Converse, of Ohio; R. VV. Millsup, the prominent banker of Mississippi; Cipt.. J. b. Mer ry, of Manchester, I .wh; 8 H Hawkins, tbe railroad pieaidrfut, of Georgia; Capt Ambrose Snow, president of 'the New York Board of Trade and Transiorlation, and ex-Gov. John 8. Pillsbnrv, of Min nesota. The address is supplementary to the resolutions adopted bv tbe t. Louis Convention, which pointed out the ad vantages of tbe oannl and urged ltx cou at ruction, ownership aud control hy the Anierieiin people rather than the Eug. lisb, French or any otber nation. Il takes the position tb'it a canal, joining the Atlantic aud Paoifie oceans, should be const r noted for the most important onromercial, strategio and "patriotic NIOARAQUA oriL or HIOAHAOUA MtaalMMttSwi, Ukk Mites. ; SnoaSMlM Mi "Jt rt-MM.i.e, anil in luai loe M,lijiu '! such a canal is tbe vital connected with the welfare, growth and prosperity 0' the United States It declares that Ihe only feasible route for such a canal ia by way of Nioamgua, and points ont fiat the conventions of the two great political parties have endorsed the pro ject. It appears that all the engineers have agreed in expressing a deoided prefer ence for the Nicaragua route, because, among other reasons, only 26 miles of the entire dietanoe ol lijji miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific ooen throuuh Nicaragua will hi-Te to be exoavated The otber 142 mi'es consist of l.nke Nicaragua, the 8an Jian river aud de pressions in the smface of tbe earth. Lake Nicaragua - ill constitute a harbor sufficient to acoommodate tbe navies and dimmer oe of the woild. It ia 110 miles Ding, 60 miles wide and ia 250 feet' i 1 its 1I1 pi st point. Vessel en tering the oanal from the Atlantic oce-in will sail on a level with the ooeau fur 12 miles, at the end of which they a ill be raised by three looks to the level of the lake. They will sail along the San Juan river aud the lake on the lake level to a point within three and one ha'f miles of the Pacific ocean. The committee sas the oiat, i in hi i -ing tbe pavmeut of interest dniiiitf the proifreea if the wrk. ill he h'H than SIIM.IMiOiX). an.t the .,n- r-.q.i,r-, ii the .'iiUij-lelloi. nf the work i llliill five jears TiiB clonal" of Nicaragua ia Ufalluy, and out of 1,600 uoriueru uiau CANAL. rWrljl ih - employed in oontrnoling a railroad through a swamp only two died during a period of four months. Or 200 north ern eniiineers aud skilled mechanics ho have woikid for the canal company for three years not one has died from a disease incident to the country. By the Nicaragua canal the dislauce saved is ahnwn by this tahle: Miles Present Koute, via Mile, via McarR'a Canal. N. Y. a"d San Fran Caiie Horn, lMHio S. V. anil Put Sound Magellan, la.ltti N.V.aiid HOIIK Koiik (;ii,eO. H, l:l.7;")0 N. Y. and .Mi-llmnrne Cape Horn, l;t,7IUI L'pnol and san Franlt ape Horn, lo.liJD N. O. and Sail Fran. Cape Horn, lti.ooo 4,!I7 5.lki", lll.li'.li 9.a2 6.627 1,U7 The wheat cropa of the Paotio coast in lo91 was over 1,800 0U0 tons and eighty per Cent of ihe w beat was exported hy sailing veasels and a large proportion of it parsed aiiiuud the Born. Tue Nicar agua Canal hy shortening the route to Atlanlio puns would not only save tut producer 0 ist of freight but the revenue ot the canal at 82 per ton toll would be nearly $3 000,000 on wheat aloDe. It shows that there are 500,0j0,0J0 thousand feet of merchantable timber in Wash ingtnn and Oregou to the yalue of which over 2 prr tbons md feet would be add ed by cheap water transportation via the Nicaragua Canal. Tbe gross addition 10 Ihe value would amount to the en 01 mi ma sum of l.UOO.UOJ.OOO, even al this low eatimato of $2 additional, Thr fruit iudnmry of California would quad ruple in two years from the opening ol tlieoaual for business and fast refrig erator ateamera would deliver fruit froth California to New York in ten days, to Liverpool in fourteen days, and to Ne Orleans iu eiuht davs. The mountains "t the Paoiflo coast are rich in lead, cop pei, silver and gol I, while the plateaux anil valleys nffird a ceral belt with a soil more durable, and more fnvorabh TMf CANAL, WW llwlliwl 4is. St U r. iakjM f Utka. Da. -r a O I i a.oiiiy i.,,0 int. I. IIMg lllal. any part of the world, and the 00m raiitee llunlis the completion of Ihe Nicaragua Oanal Is only needed to de velnpa that 00110 try tn productions of gitiantiu proportions snd double the population of the pacific U a-t ia a few years. I'be cotton growing sections of the gulf states have mdergone a depres sion, and the committee believes that nothing could be of greater immediate advantage than the canal in relieving (hat depression, and making a market for American cotton in Japan, Chiua and Corea, whore already the people are hettiuniiiiiig to manufacture cotton gouila lo machinery. Japan imported over 7 O00.OUO pounds of American out ton iu lHSII, m ist of which was shipped from New Oi leans to New Ymk and then by rail to Vauoonver and steamship to Japan, At prefcenl the coal tradeof South Amer ica and the P-0:fi! coast is monopoliz "d hy ihe E i. 'lull. Tue committee thinks that if Ihe Nicaragua Canal ware opened Ihe Alabama and West VirgiDla coal would bave a deci le. I advantage over Kngliah competitor, not to mention the jeoorfontu amount of coal tbe cioal com , pnv itself ouli ne. Af hn entr-inci I of tu Sn z a mil U-t ye ir l.oOI.O.JJ tons jofioBl wore a ild lu corn i-titiou with I Bnghind for Pic.U) Omd tr.ulo th-i 1 Nnnir ign 0 i'i 1' i t' 1 i 'Q -ri i j .'o n a 'li'- an n Iv i'ii'i ie of 2 7t)0 milea, Willi l III 1 . ml 4M-U1 b it -tit , ilia 0 a nit-e think g'nti gnrl b-n -11 1 I will auoruu Ki tUe eutiro Alimusippi Vai- .. Hoh I 1 ill l-.l :ii II Ef. m turn m & ui a." Grand mm Celepration AND G. A. 11. RE-UNION And Campfire o AT o HEPPjYER, :ON Friday and Satudary,Oct.21,22 BY THE CITIZENS OF HEPPNER and Rawlins Post, G. The Posts of Eastern Oretron bnve been Ihel tibha noli 00 1 of Heppuer will observe Colnmbus D .y in an Bpprnpiiure manner TheG A H will assiat tbem iu raising the Sag on the sobool building. A. GtiteliolL Will be one of tbe THE PARADE Will form on Main street at. 10:3j, headed composed nf the (i. A. K , tleppner public sclinol and otber schools that desire to j .in with them The Doiform R ink K. "f P., the Hepoer Hook and Ladder company, with their truck., A O U W , K of P.. . O. O. F., Masons and other aecrt orders. Mayor and omiucilmeu ; Indii-ti iiil Parade, consisting of floats from all the leading limitless bouses iu the city. Alter parading the principal streets of the city they will march to tbe grove, where an interesting program, consisting of ransio and speeches will be given. After this tbe com mittee on barbaoue will eniertain you. Amusements of Will be indulged in. Itnoing will be in THE CAMP FIUE By tbe G. A. R. will be beld at the opera interesting program rbis will be tbe grandeatvvent ever witnessed in Heppner. Everybody Is iuvited to patticipate. The whole will oonolnde with a GRAND BALL! Saturday evening at the opera bouse. No one can afford to ley, the lake ports, and the Atlantic -oast. Ship building and the shipping interests in Niw England will receive a new impetus. A uew aoasiiog trade will -pring up and Aim'rioan tonnage on the iii"h sens will largely increase. The c unmittee says that great trans Wlautiu powers are lo iking with oov tons eyes toward the Niciragu it projeot uid that foreign governments would very obeerfnlly an 1 e igiirly einbr.ioi a 1 pportuuity to tnko advantage of the uterpriae with unlimited oipital and oronipt euergy, but it 0 nioeives it to be the patriotio aud political privilege ol the Un'.ted Stat -s to 0 aplotd the aanal I'he oiinmeroial an I naval supremiov f Ills nation whioh mulit seoareo mtrol if the canal dein nnl-i imperatively that its control alio ill not pasi away from the people of the Uii'e l Stat-. It 1 nadH plain th it t 'T 1 (1 (its would ha re I'lired t4 block au Americau fleet in NicarHgna wliareoue would bj necea-ary laewbare. As a foothold from which o atiaok or dufen 1, to thre tten or pro tcot all tb cO'ists, lslan la and adj toeni eas, it is a m ire commanding power 1 hau Gibraltar, Am ing thi bm illiiiil result fir-tee'i ire a more praoilitl drawing togethei of tbe remote pirts if the vast dom iin of th world and a firmer c illusion of th.-nlely-8 p ini'ed iisoti on of thD U lite I Siiitrts, a 1 1 1 1 t a atro'ig-ir fuoliug 01 1 oh'i irh 1 1 1 an-l o iin n unity between the Atlantic an I P.ioilin seaboard. The ci isiiinination of the w irk, wh ia feasi bihtv bas aire nly beiu dutnouatrateil, i asserted to ba of far gre iter importanOH to the Welter a hemisphire than the Suez Oanal is to the Eutera. It is said that no preoe leak can be oited up in which to predict the future of Ameriovi commerce when the gateway of the luler-Oceauio Caunl across Nicaragua shall be opeu to it. All surveys and examination of strata requiring removal lnve ben completed. The jetty has been constructed and the barbor of Orcytnwn has been restored so that veashtls of U feet draft bave au easy entrance. Eiteiisive wharves, laud ing placa and perm ment buildings have been 0 iiisiructrtil. temp ir ry camps erected, e leletfniph line made, the canal cleared of timber for twenty miles, and a railroad twelve miles in length 0011- atrnoted and equipped. Ihe higgext dredging plant in America, that former- ly used at Panama, has been purobased, and over a mile nf the canal has been dredged. The exolusive franchise for Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 11 , cw IB m v a. ABSOLUTELY PURE OREGON. A. R, of Lexington. invited lo participate in this celebration Barbacue features of the occasion. by the Heppuer Silver Cornet band, and Every Description progress at Ihe park in the afternoon. house Friday evening, for which an lias 01 en arranged. miss this Celebration ! the steam navigation nf tbe San Juan river and Lake Nicaragua and an ex tensive plant for the Navigation Com pany bave beeu aoq iired. The Govern, meat of NiCinigm bas acknowledged that the company has oomplied with the canal grant, which provided that 82.000, OJO must be expeuded the first year. It is shown th it the amount of inouey sp-'iit to date on Ihe enterprise is over 40,000,000. The euterpiise is endotsed oy the leading biinnnss men of theconn 'ry, and that it will be judiciously and economically in tiingel is assured by the oh iraoter of the o iard of dirdotors, who, by the charter of the oompauv, are ac ini n table to the government ot the Doited States. Tue Secretary of the luteror bus tbe power to mike public -ill the details ot ih corporate mtuage iiient, Ihua protecting the iuveator against misuse of his in niey, Tlie Su 'Z Uanal, it is shown, saves o il v 3,610 miles around (he O ipe of 1) aid dope, as against hit lOOjO miles -aVdd by the Niu iragmt Ciual; ami the following labia shows the uuin wr of ships panning through, the net tonnage and the gross receipts of the Suez Jaual tor all seperale years : Year. No. Not Gross Rec't Ships. Tonnage. (Francs ) 1H70 11 4l,il l,-ll.,.M 2,(H.l,'J.sf 2MM.7M a,U 7,1J1 jM.UJ.ii.'O 6,IS,7.V2 ' 6il,i"i7.25J 6,S.i.t,ti.l7 6s,Jrt.l,.'nlO n.li.l-.l,!!.!) a,IJl,.'HII ln;i . 1,1.11 IMO A0JG 1H5 il.lil IsllO i,.tBil mill mm Tue tonnage tributary now to the Nicaragua Canal, and which would iiass tbrougli after its opening, is over iJ.OilOOOO inns a vear. At 82 per ton, mid hy Hie Sues 0 ii ', this would be 12 01)0.0110 111 loll The cost of opera tion and iii'iiiiten Mine is pi ,oed at less Mian 1.0JO.OJO, and 601)1001 Mas would -ih iw a iinl luu nm if H.DHlOiO par a i uitiu. I'he ooiniui tee is aoutl lout that sotliin five years the iucomu will be over 20.000,uo0. i'ue ooiinuittee says it Is no longer a question whether the oanal will be built or not. The only queetioa as to who .hull build i', and who ahull control it when built ? It saya it has been iu fo'Ui4.1 that European syndicates bave lready made overtures to the canal company, but tbe committee believes the United States oanuot a IT ml by oareless uess, hesitation or negleot to permit an enterprise, ol such magnitude ami ot suoh far reaching advantage to pass under the ooutrol of auy foreign com pany, ''It therefore behooves us," that address concludes, "as a nation con scious of the power we wield aud ot the greater influence we may exert npon the destinies of this continent, to perform tha-'l Iti-s villi nit il-slay wuioh i dy o he1' 11 itio is tin p'lv l-gi of 41m a 11, aud to adopt now the beat means ot se ouilug the early completion of this work, whose advantages we are willing to share with the w irld but whose 0 mtrol should never be allowed to pass ont ot our bands." Powder