7 IvXHIST T WHY ARE 'YOU ?' !B j&Li-L ill I i ! I 1 1 1 ' i 1 ! m 1 1 1 1 1 ' i ' i if C.Bi .UI 'I'll . have a relief and cure In your ipnorance of effects and vitality which is MUenl the elements thus tfrcngth and vi;;or will fol- .C cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric .fe f.r alt nther treatments & r 5 testify, and from many of THE '"Ums fa a complete galvanic battery, made mio a oelt so as to be easily worn Hurin? work or at ret, and It ffives soothinsr, prolonged currents which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5 000. It has an Improved Electrio Suspensory, the greatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant It to cure any ot the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or Money Refunded. rThey are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-agedor old men, and w ill cum the worst cases in two or three months. Address SANDS! IM ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, ORECOH The- Lancashire Insurance Co. Of MANCUKSTKW, BNQLAND i W I'Ari'EKSIIN. AGLNT q??? ojLtiAjGiri l n wprirt M MIS OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, ANU ALI, I'OINTU EfiST, HORTH B SOUTH. Leaves Heppner, 8 a.m. Arrives 0:50 p. m. Iullii;cti Sleeoer, Colonlat Sleepera, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. SUainern Portlnnd tn 81111 Franoisco every four days. Tickets TO AHS Europe, For rates and general lnioriiuitlon eall on Depot Ticket Aont, J. C. HART, Huppner, Oregon. W. H. RUKLBURT. Aut Uen,. Paw. Agt. A Washington St., 1'ORTl.ANO. OasOON. QUICK rrxivL E 1 TO Snn Prnnolsco And all poiotn In ahfaniiH, via the Mt. tStuictu route of the Southern Faei lie Co. The Kttwt hitrhwHjr ttiniUKh i'alilnrnia to all MiniH hunt and South. (irH ml Hemic Houtu of th Parifli' CoiiHt. PulliiiHii iluffet AttHdtiMl tooiprtws truiiiB, Hffonling fupono aic.miuKxlutionH for Bovontllaee luiBSentforn, fur ratei, tioketn, BliHtping ear recorvations, to,, call apoD or atlilrww B KOKHLEK, ManaRor, E. P. ROGERH, Aist. Oen F & P. Agt. Portland, Oregon. Scientific American Agency for MUClTS TRADE MARKS, tJfer OFS1CN PATINT rTff, COPVKlCHTS. to. (Vr tnformntinn tint free llmulbook writo to MI NN k t'O.. W HifOADWAV, Nl-.W YOKK. OHtost bureau for neonrtnti put "lit In A merle. iCverv rmi nt tnkn out lv un 1 hnni?lit ht'inra the public by novice frt'U of iiliuie la Uia l.ursrent rirculnf ion of so? selenitic papr In the n;!l. SpU'iutt.lly illtit(rftttit. No hitolhcmit him otioitl.l t. without It. Week It. .'l.00 r'U; tl.tt HII iiin.(h!t. A-Llr.'-i M (INN A IU. f.LHll KIIJ 'M Itnuftlwav New Vurk MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE, Sav Sft to tJ ctiu on cvtry dollar you ,rtud, Wrlie for our mammoih (.atHlnitue, a 600-pau kook,coniaiutDf(iliuuaiUmiiiriiiiiK lowcfimnn nfactttrvro price, with muufftiiuie.' dlccuuuU ot vry kind of Kmidu and tuppliea luauufucuirad od Imported into the Dultfd iaiti. Orocmea, Uouaetiold Oood-, Ftiruimn. Clothing, LmiIisk' Mdtiu(i' Cloihiug and Kiiruishlnx GMKlff, Ureal tioodi, White Omd, I try UtKKl, llaiit i'upa, BoQta and Nbiva, I. ti(na( iilitwaia. Stationery, WaubM. Lloi kB, Jrwliy, Merar, VugiH, Walpa, AffHrnliural Impkm. tua, etu. ONl.Y MUbT CLAS UOOHS. Catal'ue "cut ob receipt of ft cvnte for eipreattAv'O We tire the only concern which tells M inaiuif'tctureia' price, tilowluit i ha buyer the aame tliai-ouut li.ai the auanufactnrer tn to the wtmleMl huytr. Wa guaiamee all eooda aa repreueuted ; If not fouud o, money rafnuded. tjotMte cant by eoreee or fraWiii, wiLb prtfllH ol examtuiUii belota pay A. KAKPKN A CO.. 12JQulucy a i reel, Chicago, til, : WE WILL PAY I A aalary of IV to M par week to GOOD afpanta to rapreaent nt In every comity, and aell our pcueral Una of alerrhandiaeat maiiulactuiera' prtcea. Only tunat WHO W iT TKAOT RNfLOTHKNT HtD ATPLY. Catalogue and partlculara aeut ou receipt vt ib ennta tor exprtwage. A. K AUPKN A CO. 2 Qulncy UMl, Chicago, HI Whv un hmiurv wIihm Hi.. fMv furnisliwi yon a good meal at 'living rates. Look out for Fell Hto.' sale of n m oautt burgaius io everything. a 1 f.-A'4 . - . AND SUSPENSORY F - I f'f nA.vWnrmsi w t i' i !! r i . . ' r. a- i. J r i 'f Sufi's inuwc ucql ft m ;i wtAiyoo MUggM from Nervous Debilit Semi OLE EPL E SSNE55. TOOR MEMORY & GEWEr?.4.L lLlKEALTM the effcts of abuses, excesses, worry and exposure. For r-nc!; surTrrcs m n our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince tlie most skeptical. or by excesses, or exposure, you nwv have unduly drained your system of curve force electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace ht.- you. drained, which are required (or vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, a:.d heulih, low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we ur.i-ar.ice a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed Belt is no experiment, a3 we have restored thousands to robust health and vlor, failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would rr'adlv wuuiu nc udvc suuiig icucia Lrcrfjnijj icaiiniuuj lu tutu icvuywjt aiici uauig uui -' u. DR. SKNDEN ELECTRIC BELT LUMBER! V7K HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF UN M dressed Lumber, lti miles o( Heppner, at what la known as the SOOTT BAWMIIjIj. PER 1,000 FEET, ROUOH, CLEAR, - 10 00 17 fiO F DF.LIVERED IN IIKPI'NER, WILL ADD S.OO por 1,000 feet, additional. L. HAMILTON, Prop. I. A HamlltotiiMan'sr boniethinu New. The new Time Card, which is now in effect, via the" Winoonein Ontrnl Ijines," in oonneotion with the Northern Pacitie lt.lt., iiiTordH the travelini; pulilio the bent fnoilitiee from nil points West to Chicnen and pointe EiinI and Hnnlh. The UDBtirpasBed equipment oflrerl to its piitronB, eorubined with speed, com fort and safety, eurpiiSHiiiK nil its com petitors. All tli roil nil trains are composed of Pullman Vestibnli'd Drawing-Ilnom Sleepers, with Dininx Cars and Dn Gonohca of liitst dpnii;n. The Dnily Thronuli Fust Trnin eni l way, miikinu close oomirction nt Chici, go with traiiiH in hIi (liiections. For tickets, limn tiihlcR, , tc , apply ! A(HUt of Northern Pho fie It B.. or ,TAS 0. PoND. Oen'l P.,as. mill 'I'd I. Aki-iiI, tf 0 iioaoii, III Small Guaranteed to cure Billons attacks, Sick Headache and Constipation. 40 In each ottle. Price 25c. For sale- by driiRKists. Picture 7, 17, 70" and sample dose free. i. F. SMITH A CO., Proprietors, NEW YORK , r",."'N i TAIWAN K G I CURI A now mid Complete Trentnu'itt. eonaUtlng 01 upponHorlea. nliitnu'iii In CHpmileB. alan In Hon uiitirtlln; a pttHttlve rre (or hxtenml, Inter iihI, Hllml or Hlef'lltiK. Itelilnp. I'hr.mie, Keeenl or Hereditary IMles, and many other dineiiKOt and lenitile weakiieSM-M: tt iaalu ayn a Kreat leli ellt to the tii'iieral heallh. I he tlriit. discovery of tt medical cure render!' p an operation with tin knife imneet'Hhary li renl'ter. I'll In remedy ha never la'en known to fall. $1 perhox,ti for j,f: lent liy mall Why aitilcr I'rmn this terrible iUh ease when n written nnrantee in given with ti tioxea. to refund the money If not cured. Send otamp for free sample. Guarantee tunned hv Wimn'. Ci.vkkk A Co., W holesale At UetHil UrugglKts Sole Agents, Portland, or. REGULATE THS 1 j STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR . Indlsflllon. lllll,.n,'W. HcadMoh.', Con.ll. . p.llun. Il.r,.l., 'hroi,lp 1 l,.r TntubU's . IMskIui'. Uud l'oui,lrxln. larnury, . Oirrtwh. llrt-nth. and all dlMirdvr. wt' tbe . Slum.t'h, l.lvcr and ll,.ol. J Kipim. TlniIt'S ront Ml nutlilnir lHrlo to J ! til,' iu.t (tt'lionl,' i',iwtniiti(in. ri,',.stinu, Inkc, J I fcif,'. fr,vlt,!,l, ,!tv.' linen, ,ti.,ti ri'li.-f ; . Sold tty .Initfiri!. A IM.il M'UI ty uiall I . On mv!,t i,f 1 1 nt Ail.lr, s. J THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. alUl'CE STIIKKT. KKW YOKK OITV. TAhKN I I' One bay uelilim;, about ten years old brawled with two half tuoi'tis connect,!, weight, 1.000 pounds; 15 hand bii;b The above horse has bfen on my Tub Kprin's ranch from eik'bt moiiMis to one veer. Owner can hnve atirue by proving property and pariim nlleharues liKO SWAOOAHT. 5:'3&:)1F ll. ppner, Or. The Klndeboker wnu' ti beads them all. For sal at Uilliaui A limbec's. a WHiLI'? . Xrr'S.z: T7 LOST MANHOOD. KHEUMATI5M. l,;-.. -;e 8ack. Kidney Troubles. MervoushlSs SUBJECTS OF QUEEN VIC. Col. North, the nitrate king, worked in a boiler factory when a boy. Mme. Melba, the Australian prima donna, is the best dressed woman on the operatic stage. Prince George, of Wales, is fond of smoking' a short brierwood pipe and is never seen with a cigarette in his mouth. Miss Maude Gonkk, the well-known Irish patriot, is possibly the most beau tiful woman In that land of green hills and shamrock. TJenry Fieldwo Dickens, a son of the novelist, wbo hns boon rrnr"s"""'f,'- Thbee American girls in official so ciety at St. Petersburg' are the wives of the Herman minister, the British charge d'affaires, and the Wurtemberg minis ter. The commercial exchange of Des Moines, la., has resolved in favor of raising $20,000 for the purpose of secur ing a creditable representation 01 max. city at the exposition. ISrooklyn, N. Y., wants to devote a like sum to the same end. GOOD OLD ANGLO-SAXON. The Virile AVnnlu looming a Fashion Among Our Young Collegians. The craze for everything Knglish is reaching the colleges in the shape of Anglo-Saxon lunacy. A boy of mine recently came homo from school In the east, says a writer in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, and when we were one day driving together he spoke of the horse as "brack. "What s brack? I inquired, for I thought it must be some new slang word the youngster had picked up, when, to my enlighten ment, he explained that it was Saxon for active. On further inquiry I found tlitit he was full of such expressions, having learned tl.:.i from a teacher who was an Anglo-Saxon enthusiast. Superannuated was, in his dialect, "overweary," the horizon was the "sky edge," magnificent was "highdeedy," a quarrel ra a "bningle," a proud man was "ovcrmindy," and a street car was a "folk wniii." I explained to him in sorrow that he was living in the west, where such profundity of wisdom went unappreciated, nnd that if he should happen to ask a policeman when the "folk wain" that went by "fire ghost" came along, the guardian of the peace would never imagine he was inquir ing about an electric street car, but would take charge of him as a lunatic. "Folk wain" may be good enough fot ISoston, but it will hardly answer wesl of the Hudson. A NOVEL THINKING-BOX. The Theatur a n I'mcc to Lay Plan, foi lln.inena Scheme.. A certain active bnsibess man has dis covered a new use for the theater. lie is an inveterate theatcr-goer and a well known first-nighter at, both dramatic and operatic events, says the New York Recorder. It has always surprised his friends, however, to discover that he knows comparatively little about theat rical matters, despite his generous pat ronage of the drama. lie explained this to a questioning friend the other night: "I never go to the theater," he said, "to hear the piny or the opera. 1 simply go there to think over my busi ness. There is something in the per formances, of whatsoever character they may. be, that enables me to dis tract my mind completely from all my surrontulings. No one can break In upon me as they can do if I am at home, and I can sit and give myself ovei completely to the consideration of busi ness while the performance is going on. I tell you," he ml, led .enthusiastically. "1 have thought out some of my besi business schemes while sitting in tilt glare of the footlights. 1 mve a greal deal of my fortune to the advantages O' the theater." ENGLISHMAN-AND AMERICAN, Their UltTerltitr View. Regarding the rvceuce of Notable. "My father was onee traveling In Europe and fell in with an English banker and his family," says a St. Louis t. lobe-Democrat gorsir.er. "The' banker was n luau of v.v,.lt:i, a uni-1 vorsity graduate, n line s -'.u:!ar and in i very way a reii.ied, polUiod gentle nan, (hie morning while stopping at a Swi .s hotel my father came down to lavakfa .t ar.d found hi-; friend in c .:,,h :.',ate of ivvvou''. e:;-'itement. lb . old not eat am t'liu;,-, w as tidgetin; a '. i , i lir : ml as evidently so innel i. Ua-lvd that lr.y father asked what v.i Mlie r. it;.?r. 'II. i you see that gen le.iian at t:ie end of the table'." sai ac Lngii: nan, in an awe-slruck whi: er; 'that is the carl of r.vrme.' 'Ui, hat i the mutter with you )' was the reply. 'Come, now,' said the English man, 'yon can't pretend that when si: great a man as that is at the same table with you you feel just as if some lobody iv;u there?' don't know about that,' said my father. 'Do you see that man on the other side of the table? That is ex -President Tierce, but I can eat niv breakfast perfectly calmly. even if be is here.' The Englishman started, gasped and said nothing more, evident ly regarding the Americans as a variety if the human species entirely outside of all ordinary rules." PERSONAL PARTICULARS. A deaf mtte at ..Winfred, W. V&., named Meadows, while walking about his home recently sneezed violently twice and fell dead. Amono the greatest preachers, Dwight L. Moody and Edwin II. Chapin were non-graduates, while Jonathan Ed wards and the Beechers were college bred. M. C. Creeds, whom the mines of the new camp in Colorado have mode a millionaire, is described as "the most genial and unaffected fellow in the whole diggings." Mns. Sanders and Ave daughters of Hendereon county, Tenn., have feet which are marvels for size. Mrs. San ders wears No. 15 shoes and the young est daughter l'Js. The average-sized foot of this wonderful six is 14. For several years Abraham Ireland, an aged negro, who recently died at Westminster, Md., was as white as any Caucasian. The change was gradual, white spots appearing on various parts of his body, and increasing in size and number until he was perfectly white. Master Jounsy Bazemoue, aged four teen, of Ohoopee, Ga., became tired of bachelor life, and two weeks ago he married the little lady of his heart, Miss Emma Lynn, aged thirteen, at the resi dence of one of the bride's relatives. The happy couple dwell at the resi dence of the bride's father. ABOUT DOGS. Different Opinions of the Ladles Respect ing Canines. There is a great difference of opinion on the subject of dogs. By some peo ple they ere admired, and fondled, and petted, and have collars around their uecks, and embroidered blankets for their backs, and they lie on the lady's pillow, and take their siestas on the lounge, and are members of the family. The first question in coming into the house after a ride is: "Where is Spot?'' Others abhor dogs. The innocent ca nines, passing the threshold, are met with emphatic "Get out!" They go with their heads down all their days, once in awhile lifting a timid eye to a passef-by; but then, as if to atone for the outrage, giving a yelp of repentance and darting down the road. One-half the dogs you see bear the marks of humiliation. They never saw a bone till all the meat was picked off, and no sooner did they find the gill of a behead chicken, and had gone under the shed for a noonday repast, than they were howled away. They have had split sticks on their tail, and tin pans ap pended, the whole bevy of boys shout ing as the miserable cur went down the street rattle-tc-bang. He frisked up pleasantly to greet a sweet lady as she came to the gate, and the d.unscl shrieked as if she had been massacred, and threw herself into the arms of her friends as soon as the door was opened, crying: "That horrid dog!" What chance have dogs at respectability? Who wonders that they steal sheep? Talmage. HAP, MISHAP AND HAPPENING. A single gold brick was recently shipped to San Francisco from Yuma, the value of which was estimated at from 80,000 to yo,000. The first shipment of bananas by rai' from New Orleans to San Francisco wa recently made. Heretofore such frui has reached San Francisco only by steamer. During the last year the official re ports from Russia show that 109,51' Russian Jews embarked at the ports of Stettin, Bremen and Hamburg for the United States and South America. John Haines, of Danville, 111., was troubled for some time with a sore throat. He gradually grew worse until he finally lost his voice. Ttcontlv coughed up a brass pin, and soon after ward recovered his voice. "Fatima," the baby hippopotamus of Central park, New York city, is aston Isliing zoologists by her rapid growth. Though only a year old, she is nearly as large as her papa, "Caliph," and her mamma, "Miss Murphy." , SOME HuPRtS-NTATIVE MEN. about fa.r,,OlW,000, all of which he in tends to dispose of in charitable work: before his death. Ex-Gov. Frederic Holbrook, th. war executive of Vermont, 1801 to 18(3:. Is still living at Itrattleboro at the ag. of seventy-nine, and attends daily t his duties as president of the Vermont savings bank. Asa tribute to the memory of hii daughter, who died not long ago in I'aris, Mr. Joseph Medill, the Chicagc editor, intends to endow a number ol beds in the hospitals of the French cap ital for the use of Americans. An old friend and admirer of Conk ling, in telling a number of interesting anecdotes of the great senator, sayi that his favorite poet was Byron, inany of whose longer poems he could repeat word fur word. He knew the Bible from lid to lid. WITH ART AND ARTISTS. Meissokier's statue will be In the Jardin dc l'lnfante, adjoining the Louvre. Harriet Hosmer, the sculptor, leads a very retired life in Rome and is not easily approachable to visitors, but sometimes she lets down the bars of her reserve to an American compatriot Miss Whitney, the Boston sculptor, wns one of the judges at tho dog show recently held In New York. It is said she knows more about Newfoundlands and St. Bernards than any other person in the country. The last picture upon which Meis sonier worked is now on exhibition in London. It is a water-color study of a soldier on horseback, and is done on the top sheet of an ordinary water-color block. It was found near the painter's bedside after his death Visitors to the church in Stratford-on-Avon where lie the remains of William Shakespeare will hear with interest that the chancel has been restored and reopened for worship, says the London Daily Telegraph. It has been closed for two years. The whitewash on the walls has been removed, the worn-out pavement replaced and oil the windows tilled with' stained glass. Some inter esting discoveries have been made. The remains of Dean Balsall, who "re-edifyed the choir" and died In 181, were discov ered, and his altar tomb has been re stored. The stone which covers Judith Combo, the namesake." if not the god child, of J udith Shakespeare, was found concealed by modern tiles and is now displayed to view. The old altar slab of the ehapel of St. Thomas, of Canter bury, erected by John do Stratford, archbishop, was unearthed, haviug lain underground since the reformation, and, although somewhat mutilated, is now used for the high altar. CONSTIPATION ..rid other bcwcl complaints cured and prevente! by .h2 prompt uso of 'Ayer's Cathartic Pills They regulate the liver, closnse the stomach, and greatly assist digestion. J. C. Ayer & Co. ""rv Dose Effective, NOT CE OF INTENTI N. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I J September 211, IS9'J. Notice is hereby Klven that the lollov. ing-nflmed settler htis nk"1 no tice of his intention to fna'e tlnal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Ellis Coin. I'. B. Circuit Court at Heppner, Oregon, on November lti, isiu, viz. : HARRISON CHAPIN. , Hd. E. No. 3I7B. for the K SE4 and SE4 NWH Sec Tp. 5. S R ii E. He names the follmiiiiir witnesses to prove his conthiuniis residence upon and cultivation ol, said land, vt. : Jus. II. viand, Abe Ladling, Walter Bennett and HarriBou cunimlngs, all of Hardman, or, John V. Lkwik, KW-510 1 Renister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON, I j September 27, 18 2. Notice is hereby given that the follovvlng-iiB.iied seMer has tilea notice of his Intention 10 make hual proof tn support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County clerk of .Morrow County, at Heppner, Oreuou, on Nov. 12. 192, it.: 1 RAY PHll'pJ, D. S. No. 9TS1, for the sE sEM Sec. 7, SW14 S'!4 Sec. 8, N Yt N W', see. 17. Tp. .1. 8 l( 2!i E. He namesthe follow ing u ltueises to prmehii continuous residence upon and iiillivaliou of, said land. , 1. : W W Hale, George Fhipps, .lames O'Conor and W. H. Hale. allot Lena, Morrow Co., Oregon. l'aul Schiller take notice. A. CleaVfh, 52(1-639 Register. f OTICE OF INDENTION. 1 AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, Ij September '27, 1S9-2 Noilec Is liereb given ihat the follow iiig-named settler has hied notice of his Intention. to makt hual pi-oof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made belore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, or., on November 12, lsy2. vw.: JOHN N. BEEI.EK, Hd. No. 3177, for the Wy, sEJi and E4 SW'H Sec. 3, Tp. 4, 8 K 2s, li W M. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid laud, viz: 'Ihus. Mi-Cullough, Arthur Daly, Jas. W. Lea hey and H. W. Berkley, all of Heppner. Oregon. A. Cleaves, 52(1-539 Kegistei NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OrFICE AT La GRANDE. OREGON, Ij September 27, I S92. Notice is lurebv given that the following-named setlierhas tiled notice of his intention to make tlnal proof in support tf his claim, and that said proof will be made before ihe County clerk 'of Morrow Couuty, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 12, lsiri, viz.: JOHN AI'Gl'pT NELSON, For the KW! Lots 3 and 4 Sec. 5, Tp. 3, 8 R 17 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: I heodore Anderson, Fred Johnson, James Seville and '.lames llager, all of Heppner, or A. C1.KAVK", 5-'!)-53!) Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Office at La Grande, Or., Kept. 21, 18(12, Notice is hereby given that the tollowing-nam-d settler has Hied notice of her Intention to nake tinal proof in support of her claim, and liat said proof will be made before tt'. K. Ellis. Com. U. ri. Circuit Court at Heppr.or, Oregon, 111 Nov. 5, ls'.2. viz.: CLEMENTINE CATE, 11(1. N -.-3770, for the NH NES, and N NWJ, ec. 30, 'I p IS, R. 27 h. tt'. M. she names the follow lug w itnesses to prove net -ontlniiouB residence upon, and cultivation of. old land, viz: John Edu arris, W. o. McCarty. 8. N. Morgan Clyde Saling, all of Heppner, Oregon. Ma-y A. taiing take i.otlce. A. Cleaves, 528-538 Register. NOTICE OF IN'IENTION. Land Oilice at The Dalles, dr., Sept. 21. 18(12. Notice 1b hereby given that the lollowing uanied settler has illed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of hlselaim, and thai said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner iregou, on November 9, 1892, viz : WILLIAM J. FRENCH, Hd No. 2777, lor the SEW See. 31 Tp 1, 8 R 26 E H M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: J. H. Gentry, J. D. Kirk, A. 8 Wells and Wm. Barton, all of Heppner, Oregon. 528-008 John v. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION Ijind Office at The Dalles, Or., Rent. 24, 1892. Notice is herebv given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Couuty Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 7, 18!)2, viz.: CHRIS PEITEHSON, Hd. No. 4023, for the SE! of cec. 17, Tp. 3 8, h 2li K. W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: Henry Holdi-n, Pat 8pillane. James Jones and John Woodward, all ol Heppner, Oregon. JOHN . 1.KWIN, 528-538 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or.. Sept. 21, IS92. Notice is herebv given that the followiiur-nam- ed settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Countv Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, i,t;guit, un nuv. isiii, vis: SAMt'EI, U MILLER, Hd. No. 2833, for the Nt NKV, KW'.i, Sec. 2U, Tp. 3 8, R 24 E W. M. He names the follow lug witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. H. Jones and William Ingrura. of Eight Mile. Oregon. 1 nomas F. Graham and M. saw yer, of Gooseberry, Oregon. John W. Levis, 528-538 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oftice at The Dalles, Or., Sect 16, 1892. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or., on Octobers. 18M2 viz: CAi ol.INE li t (IN.NER, Hd. No. 2878, lor the NE and WW BE", ec 3, I p. 3 s, I, i K. she names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: tt 111. Hughes, A. 8. Wells, H. E. Clark and Ransom tlart, all of Heppner. 1 'reuoii. Jons v. Lewis, ;2t) 30 Register. NOTluJi ' 11 INTENTION. and Ottlce at The Dalles. Or.. Sept.l. 1S'.2 Notice Is hereby given Ihat thefollow iiig-nani-,d settler has tiled lioliee of Lis Intention to make tinal prool in support of bis claim, am, lull said lirnot u ill be n. mle belore I lit- Countv .L.dgc of Morrow Couiity. or., at Heppner, 1 r", in Let. 1.1, IM'J, viz: CIIAI.I.E8 H. lU'Ll.ls, til No. 2H7'. for the sK'4 of -tt i, and V, of and NEi of -h'H .-ec 18, I p. .", , li 26 E, II c Miiines Ihe follow lug w IttiCKsea to prio e Is is iiii.ni s nsiilcuce upo;i. and eiillhallou 01 l,e il. I.: i v viand. A. l.uelll ig. tt illia n Lis and ry 1 lu-r, all ol llardmaii, Oregon. JoiitC tt'. Lewis. 522-532 Register, NOTICE-APPLICATION TO PURCHASE TIM BER LANDS. P. S. Und Office, 1 he Ealles. dr.. Sept S, 1892. Notice is hereby given that, in compliance with the provUlons of the Act ol Congress ap proved June 3. 1ST, entitled "An Act for the sale of limber Iinds in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," Al GI SI I'S MALLORY. Whose postoltie- 'dress is Heppner. Morrow County, orego las 'lis day tiled in this office his application o p ri hasc the SF.l4 01 the Ntt 1, and the su . ,,, the NE'4 see. No. 3, In Tp. No. 6 S. Range No. 25 E. W. M. All persons holding any adverse claims there to are r,-idred to present the same at this oflice w ithin sUty days from the first publicatiou oi this notice. John W. Lewis, Register. S. P. FLORENCE, STOLKRAISER ! HKPPNEK. OltEGON. Cattle branded and far marked as shown above. Horses F on riicht shoulder. Mv cattle ran jib in Morrow and Umatilla coun. lp. I will 1 ay SHK.U) Tnr fhf rrtt hi rf "nn. li'li'H'uf !,"t pMf-H TI tclt'-l-i' II -titck 'lO Tli v I wiBh to trnle dr marpsRudtfeldinKS, fit for work, for cattle. Will give jjoi-d terms. Call on, or addrcBii me, nt Mon urne tit, Grunt 0"uuty, OrrgnD 623 1 38 Kmmet Cot-bran. Plnnty of flour, bran, mill fend and ohi'p aiwnys on hand fit the Hnppnpr r Iniiniii; Mum. a STOCK BRANDS. While you keeip uux nubncriptiuii paid up yn can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses G(i on lef. shoulder; cattle -am? on left hip, under bit on right ear, ai upir bit on the left; range. Mor row county. AruiftrouK, J. t'.. Alpine, Or. T with tiai au iter ou left Htioniiinr ol hornes: iattl xnuiP on M hip. Alliw.D, O. D., Eiwhl Mile. Or. -Cattle brand, 0 U on teft hi and horne8 Name brand on riht "hnntrl.-r. Kai if Eight Mile. Adkitia, I V. Dayvillf, Oi - StrHigln nmrk anions the thigh and two crops and a slit m the right ear; liotses. X upside down on the right should-r. limine in Grant county and Hoar vallev. F U address also at Hardmu. Ad kins, J. J Heppner, Or. Horses. JA urn. nwi.iHit i .. ( tlai.k: caltli'. same on Iffi hip. . A yen. Johnny. Lena, Or. Horses hrapded triangle uii Ifti hip: cattle mime un righi hip; also crop off righ' ear and upper bit on same Ulyih. Percy H.. Heppr.er. (jr. Horses .toman croHh on right shoulder Han Me in Morrow oounty. Gleakuiau. Geo., llanlinun, Or.-- Horses, a tin: 01 left shoulder: cattle eame ou right shoulder. Iiannieter, J. W., Hard man. Or. Cattle brand ed B on left htp and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, tint seberry Oregon Horses branded PB ou left shoulder. Cattle a.ime on right si ae linrke. M 8t C, Long t reek, Or On cattle, MA V connected on left hip, ci op off left ear. un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letfi shoulder. Kange in Grant and Morrow oonnt j , Bowt-man, A., Mouni Vernoi and Bonis, Or. -Cattln, A B on right hi, two cropB in each ear; dHUie on horses, on righi shoulder, liange in 'irant and Harney counties. Hrosman, Jerry, l,ena, Or.- Horses branded 7 ou right shoulder; cattle B on the left side heft eai half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on r.ght ihi.. cat lie. same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown. Isa, Lexington, Or. Horse- IB on the right stine; cattle same on right nip; range, .Mor row county. Brown, J .P., Heppner. Or. -Horses and cattle branded b with ox-yoke above on lef t shoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle ' wilhilct. 'i. tf r n left hip; cattle, nriiiie. Brown, W.J. , Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar over it, on me lelt slioukler. Cattle same on left hip. itoyer, W. G., HeppMer. Or. Horses, boj. rami o hip cattle, sauie, with split in null ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left 'iiouldnr; oh (tie. same on left hiu. Un.wnlee. W. J.. fr'ox.Ur-( attic JB connecied .a left side; erop on left ear and two splits and .niuuie p.ece cut out on right ear; on horsoB stiuit brand on the left thigh; fiange in Vox valley, Grant county. Cain. ii., Caleb.Or.- Y D on h- rtes on left stifle; u wiiii mmner circle over it, n letl shoulder, tud on left stifle on all cults .er 5 yivirs; 01 left shoulder only on all horses ovr 5 years. All range in Grant oountv. Clark, Wm. H.. Le a. Or. Homes WHC con uected. on left thotiloer: cattle r-anie on right tup. ha ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cate, Chas. U Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses il Con right Hhoulder; cattle same on right hit-. Itauge Morrow and Umatilla counties. Coehri'h, Chas., lone. Or.-Horses, HP con nected on left shoulder; cattle, V. on both left tup and stifle. Jtimge hi Morrow county. Cannon, J B..Lung Creek, Or.--Ton cattle on right side, crop oft right ear and slit in left ear. Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Hange in Grautcounry, Cecil, Wm.. Douglas, Or; h'-rses JP on lef shoulder; oa tie same on left hip, waddleB on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. H., John ilay, Or. Doub.e cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in lef t ear. Bange in Grant county. On sheen, inverted A and Hiimtr in. tut on shoulder. Ear marko-i ewes, crop ou lufi ear. puucneu upper on in right. Wethers, crop in right ami uiuier half crop in left ear All raug. in Grant countv. Cook, A. J .,Leiia,( )r. Horses, 90on right shosn lei Cattle, same on right hiit: ear mark sqnar nop off left and split in right. Curriii. H. If., Currinsvilie, Or, -Horses, on .eft suite. Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses brandtit i 1 A ou left shoulder. Cattle, same on right nip. swallow fork in right ear and crop otll eft. Cox Kd. H., Hardinan, Or. Cauls, C win in center; horses. CE on left ip. Cochran, H. h... Monument. Grant Co , Or. Horses bianded circle with bat beneath, on let. Iioulder. cattle samo brand on both hips, marl- iider slope both ears and dewlap. Chupiii, H., Harduian. Or. Homes brandeo "on right hip. Cattle bnmded the same. Crosa, 8 li, Oayviile. Or ( atile branded two Tops and a split in left ear; ou horses t reversed Z left stitie. Also have the following u rands on rattle: It on lelt hip, 7 on right hip, t'l on left shoulder, two parallel bars ou Idft -houlder. Ear marks, two crops, Ooonan. Wm Heppner, Or. ITorseB branded OU with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat tie same on left hip. Douglass. W. M .Gallowa. Or. Cattln. H Htm right side, swh low-fork in each ear: horses. It i in leit nip. Douglas, O. T . Douglas, Or Hurts TD on the right Btifie; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circli W un right shoulder, both ou horses and cattle. Kange Grant county. Driskeli, W. E., Heppner, Or Horses branded K inside of u on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. Ely, J. B. Jx Hons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand ed ELk on left shoulder, cattle same ou left hip. hole ir right ear. Elliot1 , Wasn.. Heppner, Or. Dixmord on right ohoulder. Meek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7 oonnected oi right shoulder; cattle same oi. right nip Ear mark, hole in right and crop oil left. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on nght hip; lion F with bar under on right -houlder. Florence, 8. P. Hep'pner. Or Horse., K oi right shoi ide ; cattle, t on right hip or thigh. Gaj, Henr)' Heppner, Or. GA i ou lull shoulder. Uilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fo li. Or. Horses, anchor on li ft shouldei ; vent, name on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips: ttiT marks, crop oft right ear ami underbit in left liauge in Gilliam, Grant, I rook a. d Morrow oo unties. lieiiir), timer, tchu. Or Horcee braudetl h . with a quartei circle vet it. on It-It tirJi i.ange li. Mono and Uuianila(.'ouiilie. (illAaier. J . l ., i'rame ( ity. Or.-Oi Ikhm-r, O -o on left shoulder and stitle; cattle, on righi (iidf. rlHlig'- in tirant coumi. Hams. -ianies. Hardman Or. Horses shade, ioji ief shoulder; caitie same on left hip. tiant n.u. dwhoui Haidinan. thi.e. i.eo..Leiia, Or, Brand Jll connected, .iht.art' rvirc,'- ov-t it, on e t eh-adder. li...., -A.il., Uidf. , "l-.-lfttue lu .d-op itl. quaiter cirt-ie in der it on the rudit tup. ohi k.ein Morrow ai d L mat ilia count iea. liu.lo.i Jt Jenkn. Hamilton. Or t at lie, two ltiti on eiiter hip, crop ii, right ear and hl I iu tefl. toittt s. J on riulo llugh. nang- n draiii count) . Hnglns, ts..niui'i, VVifn-r, tit T r" Lun ngni 4hiulae on hlse;o entile, ot righ hipai d oi left MHh -wallow fork 'C r:ghf ear hi d mIii it, leit Kange i. Hajstai k disii ici . Uur- uounty. nail r-dwin. John Uaj.ttr. t atlie 1. lion rigii nip; horses same on right shoulder, fang, ii, Grant county. Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder, Kange Morrow l o. Hunsakwr, B , Warner, Or. Horses, V on left shoulder, oh tie. 9 on left hi. . Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon -Horses, AH cnii cied. on left shoulder; I attiw on the left .IP, crop oft left ear, Huinphrevii, Jl. Hardman, Or. Hurses. H o let) tlaii k Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridee, Or. Horse branded bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same on left hiL Hayes. J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass on leu nhoultlei cattle, same on right hip. Ivy. Alfred, Long Creek, Or at He 1 Don right hip. cropott left ear and bit in right. Horses same brand ou leu snouiaer, iiamce n Grant eonntv Huston. Luther. Eight Mite. Or. Horse H on the left shoulder and heart ou the lett stitie Cat. tie same en left hip. ttaof in Morrow county, Jenkins, D. W.,Mt. Vernon.Or. J on horses on left shoulder; on cattle. J on left hip and two smnoi h crops on both ears, Kange in Fox and Bear vail 8 ' Jmikm, A. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sanm ' Hanire on Eight Mile. Johnsou. Felix Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on left Btiiie; cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in riuht and soiit in left ear ' Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or, Horses brandiMt ' KNY ou left hip cattle same and crop off left war; nmler -lniK tm thp riirht Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses 60 on left shoulder; cattle, hi n-n left hip. Miris. J c, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either flank: cattle ? on right tide. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner. Or.; horse 11 on loft shoalder; cattle seme on light side, underbit on righi ear. kumberland.W. Q.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on cattle ou right and left sides, swai low fork in It ft ear and under oiop in right ear. Horses same brand oi, left sho.,ldei Kange in Grant t ountv. heeney. Kii, Heppner, Or. Horses J L and acu of clubs on lelt stitie, batige in tmatilla and ti. orrow counties Lesley, M C, Mounmeut, Or- A triangle twith all hues extending pa t body of figure on Isl hor ses on left shoulder, ou cattle diamond on left shoulder, split iu righ o -u . it id left ear Kange in Grant cooutyand tu parte of John Day Leahey, J W. Heppner Or. Horses branded 1 nd A o" left shoulder; cattle "ame on left hip; witt:e ver right ey thiee sirs in right ear. Lofted, Stephen, 1 . or. i. n-H htp in. I'Hl'ir. .-ri'l' Hl'il s; ii. t,-; f . . : -...ir. H.Hf-.di, COUillj. juieuallen, John W., L Or. Horses branded half-cncle JL connected on left shoul der. ( at Ue. aame on left hip. Kange, near Lex. inuton. Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double U coi.nectt Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Maxwell, M . 8 , Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand ed long link on lett shoulder; cattle, aame on lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear. Minor, Oetar, Heppner. t ir. Cattle, M D ou hghl hip; horse, M on left shoulder. Morgan, . N., Heppner, Or. Horses. M ou leti should" cattle same on left hip. McCnuiber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. 1 wdb bar over on right shoulder. Munu, H. U , Lena, Or. Horaes old mares ZZ on right hip; young stock, small zz on left shoulder Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle T on left shoutder and left thigh; cattle. L on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; catt le. 7? on nght side. Mcl .areu, D. G., Brownsville. Or, Horses, tmure fion each shou.der, cattle, Ma on hip McKeru.W.J. Mouut VerBou.Or Xlou cattle on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop iu left same brand ou horsts on left hi , Uauge iu Gram count . McCar y, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded D t coui.ecteu, ou the lelt shoulder; cattle name ii hip ai.d side. flicGiir, Fraik, rox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; hoi see aame brand on left stitie. McHaiey, O. V., hamiltou, Or.-On Horses, H with hull circle under on lef t shoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top on the right side Itauge in tirant County. .Seal.Andrew, Lone Kock.Or.-Horses A N con necied on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips Nordj ke, E., hilvertou. Or. Horses circle 1 ou l.h ihigl . tie. same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, t anjoii i ity. Or. A 4 ou cattle on left hip; on horses, name on left thigh, Kaiura in tirant count Oder, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left shou.'lei. Olp, Herman, Piairio City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on left hip; horses on left stitta and wartle on nose. Itauge in Grant county. Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. t attle, fori, in lei"; )ar, right cropped. 24 on left nip. Kang on Eight Mile. t'aikerdtGieasou. Hardman.Or, Horeee IP on 1 tt Hhoulder. t iper. J. H., Lexington. Or. Horses, JE oon. (lecteu lett shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip. under hi in each ear. fatberg, Heury Lexington, Or. Horses brand ed with a Houiai cross on left shoulder; cattle branded with lt man cross, bar at bottom, on lelt hip. lvttys, A. C, lone. Or,; horses diamond Pon shoulder, cattle, J a J connected, ou Uie left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip ui the ught. Powell, John T., Day ville. Or Horses, J P cotu uec ed on lett shoulder. Cattle OK couuected on left hip, two uuder half crops, oue ou each ear, wattle under throat. Itai gein Grant couuty. Uickard, G. D., Canyon t'ity, tr.--F U on left houider, on horses only, it oige Canyon creek ana bear valley, Grant county. hoou. Andrew, Hardmau. Or. Horses, square cro- with quarter-circle over Hon left stifle. iiemuger, i luis, Heppner, Or. Horses, C K on lull sitouttle.. luce. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel worm twice ou leti snouluer; ca.tle, DAN ou right shoulder. Itauge near Hardman. ituuio, Wm, Long Creek, Or.-brands horses K oi right shoulder. Kange Gruutaud Morro coiuties. Koyse, Aarou. Heppner, Or Hcrses, plain V on .ft shoulder; cattle, sume brand reversed o right hip and crup oft right ear. itauge in Mor row county. ( Kunh Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded J on ihe righ. shouiuur; cattle, IX on the left tup crop otl leit ear and dewlup on neck. Itauge li .Morrow and adjoining counties. Hust, William, Penulelon, Or. Horses K ob leti snouluer; cattle, K on left hip, crop ofl right ear, underbit on left ear. Sheep, ft on weather, jound crop off righ ear. Kange Uina. tiliaand Morrow c miities. Keauuy, Andrew. Lexington, Or. HorBei orauded A It ou right shoulder, veut quartoi circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. liiinge Morrow county. Kojsh, Wm. H, Duiryville, Or Hit oouuectef wuh quarter circle over top on cattle on nght hit and crop off right ear and split iu left. Horses name brand on left shoulder. Itauge in Morrow utuiiL and Gilliam Counties. Itiuor. J F, Hitler, Or Three parallel bar witn baroveron horseo on left hip; on cattle, left ide. two smooth crops, two splits in each eai uahge in Middle Fork of John Day itectGi-. J. W., Heppner, Or.-Horsee. JC oi felt shoulder. Caitie, Oon right hip. SpicknuU. J. W., Gooseberry, Or.- Horses branded .Jl on left sh.ulder; lauge a Morrow county. apruy, J. F Heppner. Or. -Hurses braudeu ti coni,ecio o right shoulder: cuttle same on boil lli.S. Sailing, C 0 Heppner, Or Homes branded 8 a on left shoulder; cattle same ou left hip. hwaggar,, li. Lexington. Or.-Horses 2 wiih dash under it ou left stitie cattle H with uash umier it on right hip, crop off ngiit ear and wuudieu ou right hind leg, Itauge in Morrow, Gimauiaud umutiila counties. iSw.iggart. A L., Ella. Or. Horses brande t ou leti shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Crot on ear, waltje on left hind leg. Straight W . E., Heppner, Or. Horses shailed J b on lei htitlo; came J 6 on left hip, h wallow fork iu righ ear, underoil ill left. vtpp. IliOB., Heppner, Or.-tloi ses, 8 A P ou eft dip; i;aiu came ou leli hip. Mditz. J.iuios, Long i reek. Or. Hoises. 3 oo lelt stine auu over 2 ou left shoulder. bhrier.John, Fox, Or. Nt; connected on nurses on right hip; came, same ou right hip, crop wtt right ear and under bit in left ear. Kange in Grant couuty. 8nnth Bros.. Busnville, Or. Horses, branded H . it. on shoulder; cait e, ame on left Hhoulder. hquires, James. Arlington, Or.; horses branded JS on left shoulder; calile the same, also oos waudie. Kange in Morjw and Giliiamou- ntiee. blepheiis, V. A., ilarduian, Or-; horses 88 on right sutie; cattle h, nzontal L on the tight side ousvensou, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. cattle, 8 on right in- ; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart, G. W., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 44 on lett sin mil ti- ; cattle, 44 on left hip. btoue. lra.Biklt ton, Wash.-Horses, keystone un left shoulder. bmith. E. L. Lone Buck. Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on lett Hide. Kange, Gilliam county, Huerry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C on lett hip, crop off ngnt and underbit iu left year, dewiap; horses W t. on left shoulder. Ihompson, J.A., Heppner, Or. Horses, f. on left Biioulu r; cattle, ;s ou left shoulder. lip, Jeto.8.T.,Enerprne,or. Horses. C-on left vhouider. Turner K. W., Heppner, Or. -Small capital T lelt shouldei horses; cattle same ou left hip with wplil in boil. ears. Hi. mum, H. M lone, Or.-Horsee branded li I connected ou lett stitie; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or; Horses HV con nucteu on right shoulder ;cattie, anie on right nip. WalbncLe, Wm . Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L, ii the leu suou de. ; c-.ttis same ou .igui hip, oi oy oft left ear and right tar lopped. Wi.son, Johu y.. Salem or Heppner, Or. uoraes branded Jq on ihe left shouider, Itunge .lioiit.w county. Wurreu, V B. I aleb. Or Cattle. W wilhguurtei Circle over it, ou ,fi mde, npiji iu rigtn nar. noief M.ine bra d ou lett ahoiiider. KaUgein Gram couuty Wot-d, F L, Day ville. Or-Heart on hor on I . -1 1 b! ihe; oh cattle. '1 Ol, left cide alio lindei bit in left ear. -llange in Urant county. Wright, Mlas A Uepp.ier. Or. Cattle brau.led a V on i ne right hip. square crop otl right ear uni sp t in leit. Wallace, frauds. Mount Vernon.Or -8quareoi, can if on tiits- lett hip. upper slope in he left ear and ui. dei slope in right ear. 8-me brand . iiMrtes on rigid shoulder Kanue in Harnes m ! tirant countv . au.,lleur, Heppner. Or - Horses o.i'ti . ui jihoe- on ie I shouldei and left hiu. .-in l.raiio. i-auie oi. h-fl hioe . o ief n(p A elis. A. Heppner, Or Hinf.. lt.f M-uider. rai same. Wmni.ger, John, John way Cm, Or On horses three parallel oars ou left shoulder; 7 on sneep. bit m both ears. Kange in Grant and Maihuer Com i ties. Woodward. John, Henpner. Or. Hnn no connected .-u left shoulder. Catkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or.-Horees branded Ct connects ou left stitie. Wallace. Charie. PortiHi.d ilr i m ngiu tlugh, hoit in left ear; horses, VY on right shoulder, s.m same on left shoulder. W himer Bros. Drewsy, Harney eonnty, Or -Horw hi-Kiirtfd W B, mmnevteii on lefi hinld.r Williams. aco. Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir le over three bars oi left b . h..rh ,.rtiA - . j horses. KatiKe tirant cimiii). W illiams. J o. Long Creek. Or-Horaes, quar ter circle over three Kars on left hin- r.m. and t-hi m wh eir Kan m (imm CKinry W ten. A. A., eppner. Or. Horses runun A A on Bhtmider; Cat tie. same wi right h.i. Xouug. J. 8., UooMeuorn, Or. Hotsm bieded. X 8 on the tight shoulder.