.,,.111,11 TO AUVEBriSKKS. THOSE desiring the insertion oi display ads., or change ot same, must get tiielr copy lu not later than Mouday evening- for Tuesday's ediuou, or InurBday sveulug lor Fridays edi tion '1UK 1'ATTHHaOH I'UUUaUiMU CO. NOTICE. t. The turn ol five centi per Hue will be churged for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of leapeot," lists of wedding preseuts and donors, ftud obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall hljnsell give as a uiatter of news.) and notices ol special meetlngi for whatever purpose. 2. Notices ol church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live tents a line, 'lhese rules will be strictly adher ed to lu every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. a leu learn from suine iim oreea c . tltttnnn thai this rum Iso v, Kited lilt m nuhtlv. Huoli rains ,ni Iw.v, at ...ie..L , I to luy tlie duet, if n 1 1 . s i tr run e Dr. H. T. tjageu sjjeut a portion ol lliel Merit lu the UuUU.ij at Ihe hoe u juuu nuties Give your business to Ueppner people, and therefore assist to build up Uepp ner. Patronize those wlio patronise you. Here and There. Don't overlook the Ladies' Bazar. Towus Mathews was in Saturday and Sunday. Jim Hayes was in from Bhenoretk Sunday. James Muir was in from the couutiy fluiiirtiav. L. 1. Palmer came over from Wanner last eieniutf. J. N. liiuwn Bocnt DUit of last week i . . . iont at tue ranou, D. A. Oibb was in town vesterdas frum KnttHr creek. Find Miller knows how to s'we you a !(OOU lit 111 liUUUiiug. , on I V.,i. HInnnm THtllrne.i from Portland llnsr, Friday eVeulDff. - Charles Armstrong was down from Aluiue Saturday lust. i Mrs. Geo. Paoe returned to Salem lust Saturday morniue ' Allen Crubtiee v.Biled his daughters in Heppner eaiuraay last. : Heppuer property is worth something now, lor it is in uemanu. Grand Lode, K. of P., convenes a F.iiupiih mi the 11 tu iuat. Senator H. Blackrnan is seriously "in l e.. n-t-KMH huiir,Mlii,r. it A c-fivHriimnt nost ofilae inspector Tinitud ttuuDuer last week. It showers lightly now and then, but not "old-fashioned," by any means. The Gem and Palace saloons for fine Unimra. Mt; Alee Bros.. Prons. sw .Thn (liiimiotiffil. of the Lexington oouutry, was up Saturday on bUBiuesd. They increase appetite, purify the whole systeuiand uctou the liver, ilile BeausSmafi. A tur. Miller is uuUtiuutiuK a very sao oeBHful school out in the Oab.ree dis trict. The oamptenders and herders areoom ing in after a summer's rustling in the Biucs and Greenhorn. tap ijimous & Hon still shoe horses and do general blacksraithiug at the old Bland Matiook corner. 65. T?,unnh hun reaehed Chevenne. and writes tu have his Gazette forward ed on over to Byers, Col. Saturday was a lively day, and many a dollar passed from the hands ol the oouHumer to our business men. Fraus Kellogg leaves tomorrow morn inn lor Bmein where he will jin bis wife who is at preaeut reported quite til . & .1 Hiaoanaim in t,rmared to do all kiiidB of nursing. Cull at her home in north Heppuer, or address her at this place. 618 " Cure for Colds, Fevers and General De Kiii.v kjii. RiIh Ueaiia. 26c. per buttle. . . . ..... iu.m.1 u,iii'Kiijiz fur VJOU aLUUU, "V. James ftlotiulej over oil the Jouu Way, has returued to Ueppner for the winter. John Turley, who has been camptend- iug out ueai AUsliu Biatiou, mu ed near Ueppner the remainder ol the season. A runaway horse was oaugbt down near the Palace hotel Sutuiday, but where he oauie from is unknown tu ye reporter. Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the oity barber shop-the place to get a Bret-class shave, hair-out or shampoo. . ; Muster Clay French is the authorized ageut lor the Oreaouiuu i t, this piece. Subsoribe through him, and nave your paper delivered tree ol marge. " I The electric light poles, which have beeu pluced on both sides of Main street, 'ami in other portions of our towe, give iit quite a metropolitan aipeaianoe, Dr. swiuburue was called out to J. L. Bejnirr's last Friday. One of Mr. Bey -W's sous was suffering sovereiy with a sole fo..i, but at Ust accouuts was belter. To aid Digest.' nlI1, ono Smal1 u"e Beau alter euUug. Z8c. per bottle. ( Newei ..ua uciel quiillers at tile 'i..-... h..u4i uuith ousiuess ruoui. ;Churiey Junes, Ihe baoei, wauls tu Bee ibis old mends mere, dbiub iu Itiuu. I The latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, uiosi huceessluili acoomplibhed 0 tir. B. J)'. Vuughau. GaB auuiiuieltrtd lo.i, .iHHiitU. Thompsuu UUUU1UK, Heppuel.Ol lKW- wiTeU, Small Bile lleaua. Mc. per bu"'- ma bruther, D.F jbakrrwereiuSaturday. Both report I mat a miger acrei-ge oi gram wm in this ear than ever bdore. Iney luok tor a good crup next season. V m. B Potier left thie morning tor rors Laud, where Ue will purchase a geueial I....... ..,.. Kiirl tin ware siook, tools for Ipluuibiug aud tiuuiug, etc. Billy ougnt lio Uu well m lhal business ueru n ,i mi i,ah bi ii.v nivht for B publiuaue ui bull or ortn-k, iu tbe aty bttturiiay. Dinti int Atturimv Wilson, of TLt or Una uuuuiy. vui. KuUiu cuMe over lrum JjuUh UHUMr itniHliri, uiii 111 UuLUliiitV tdYtr mux IiuLu jLuug OlecK, ituviu;; tjolcidtty muiuiug iur iuriiiiiiu, iur a lew Uub .LttJ. 'I linau oiiinbra vchn huVA VtnAIl. CtT Will Im iwiiiiin,! ov me unaiimau ot tne cum iuiltee i'U liiuaiu uie requested to meet at ilia opera uuuse, iuuiouoy eveuiUK ,1 I :ou, iur prnunue. I huh. nitiutiletieid returned fiomrort- luud uu bmuruav evouiua's traiu. Tom iM.i i,phii ituwii lu Iihvu liib etesstraiubk eued uuU Uuuioied, and comes numc wnii them uenecily well. TtioH. lieaue has humhed hauling the ectiuui liouae woutt wnicu lie cuntiaoteu at HHai'i- inie ib me uneapcot oou tiaut cvoi awarded lor wood, uy lite ui icutuis oi the tleppuer souuol. Airs, ttoustou, ol Aluauy accompanied by uer two euiisueu, is vnitiug witu rel atives in tuis city, Having ainveu. luo, Ktli irum tue faiuuse ootiuiry wheie sue uau been visitlug relatives. k, ,n Uiimurx aud wile came over frum Grant cuuuly tue latier part of last week., icuvlug yesterday uiuiuiun p..n,,i. li,u cava man rauve is nuud uver mere, aud aa yet Uave uad uu trBi Unas. L. fjlieimuu IB wuhuut a doubl au artistio ouuse aud gu paiulei as wen OS a piuleneioual papei Hauler, iusjeiili el witu Ihis ue luuy epp'eciateB tue val ue ul p. inters ink. Oco au, iu auoiuei ouiumu. A uieiry crowd gathered at the home ul .ulB. iUUU laet fllduy eveuiuu, veuu cling Uel a Very pioaeaut surpl'ioe. Xue LUUOtCal ploKl am leuaeiea oy axis. " (Ju.leeo aud a bUUaiullai lUuuu wele tue principal events ut tue eVeuiug. T'uose members ol the old teppuer Ouiuet UaUd wuu UaVu any pruperiy be luugiugtutUe band lu tueir pusseoeiou, uiuoic, hcmelo, plumes, pouoUes, oi uuituims, oie icqueated to deiivsr same to ttomer Mucauaud at ouce. 'I'iib foiioiuir were oassengeis on mouday 's down nam: llarry VVartcu, a. P. UuingUes, Ijeu. IjuiU, Air. and Alio. Hub Ui.moic.Uecur Biueu,.rt. Wm. Ku dlo, r . U. tsucauum, ciariy u. uuen, Unas. JuutS, u. BittCamau aud O"" ttl .eiaun. Our reporter learned yesterday from Geo. Li'rd mat Ibe ItOcUl liic, mat viell d Juuu Haudy'8 nume, destroyed bin uouee, tugeiUcr witu most ol the lurui ture. Tue Ore caught troiu a deleclive Hue aud when tiist seen the loul was abiaze. Mu uue was ut liuine at tue lime excepting Mis Handy, and belote BtBisi auce arrwed tue eutne nuuse wueon lire, lliua tnukiug it lmpueuioie lo save out little ut tue cuuieuts. Mu luBurauoe. ..t ihu H,.,u rllinVHli A. M. kjuwo - Guuu'e waguu irum in front of alcrar- loud 8 store lust week. At nrst aieoa was at a Iobs to knew whal baa oeooiue ot It, but oil measuring the "foolpnuiB Uu..ilo ,.i t.m " Hi.il "rtnx" Aior- gau'B BUue, he louud th two very muoh alike, tnougn tnere were oiueio cunu. oted wuh the joke. But after a lit tle persuisiuu "Sux," with the usBistauce of Pete Nuble, cuuuiuded to return the pruperiy, at ibe same time sayiug "it's uuuiuuudcd hard luck lu have such a lurgj lout aud su mauv prumment tacks iu your buocb." the hnarts of all who knew her. She was always Conteut aod happv with whatever fell to her lot, never thinking or sen, out ultima npekinu to miike others happy. In giving life to a dear little b ibe she yielded up her own. It is no idle form of words to say that the grief stnoken family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire oommuuity in this tneir snu lolioti. She leaves a husband, father mother, two brothers and a sister to monru ber early departure. Farewell, darling Berths. It is naru to give up one so young, pure aud fair. There is a world above, V, here parting Is unknown, A wnuie eternity oi iuve BOSTON CASH STORE. -I hare the honor of announcing to 1 1 THE PEOPLE OF HEPPNER And adjoining sections that I have located here, aod to stay. l-nmiri ,. nil's hcnvpnlv thmilA. And faith In God upholds us here Thou translates us to that happy sphere. M.Y. pzE : oi : Tip ! TbeBeuuelt hotel at Arlington liao been moved fiom tue ma lucanuu near the depot, to Main St., about two blocks fiom Ihe depot, where its propri etor will welcome jou as of old. id " CoDdon Globe:-Mis. 0 H Onle vis ..j Mra W. P. Bcrivner at lieu uei didc, - Heppner last we. k, the latter returniog with her Tuesday to visit her m'h". Mrs Meek. Louis Meek will Btteud the Ueppner school this winter. n . D in anfTprini? with rheu- j nere is u" " .(-,. 1 1 a w fun vet (Jonir't maiism as iuug y - - t. ... , . n. au a hv m 1 1 rlruulflsiB at ?u"', ..1 i., it . he dirt cheap at four times' .he price. It is a positive cure tor rbeumatiMD, aud no mistake. Try 'aud be convinced. I Prevent and cure Couftipatlon and Sick. j Headacue, amiui oi i ! A W.Putiersou, manager of this paper, retnmed from ths meeting of the Oregon 'Press Assmiation, at The Dulles, last Saturday evening where he reports a iouVasaul and profitable time, thouh did Cget o accompany the association on i"he.? excursion through the sound ooun ,ry. We desire to call the attention of onr l'0.Lfrau:l:redryFei! upen,,,, u. Miss luez Cm I oecn Monday and Tuesday Oc 17 Tnd ?8. at which time you should hv I yourself of the opportunity to naze rihenraud display. See ad. m anoth- ft colu run- Bibtudax i'ABTY. LaBt Saturday af temouu the many little friends of Lottit iVloBtideguve her a pleasant party at her home in honor of her 12ih birthday. Many little games were indulged iu dur ing the afternoon, and after a bounteous lunch had b.eu served, the gathering separated, all feeling that they had spent a pleasant afternoon, and bad a good time. Those present were: Lottie Mas Tflha Swiurizart. Fannie Shulse, Nel- i: ui,i.o Rather Ford. Josie Dunner, Zue Patterson, Luma Rasmus, Ordray n .nulmo. Nellie Wilkins, Annie Hmitn Lizzie Howard, Ida Howard, Sopbrouia Lichtentbal, Katie Blahn, hdua van Dnyti, Belle Horner, Alma Thompson, Gurtrnde Bishop, Bertha Kinsman aud Emma Firnswortn. May Lottie enj'iy iiiiiti) such biilbdnjs. A..TnH Rig Shipment Ye sterdy afternouu's speoial carried from Hepp- ner's Btook pens at the dep n, la our loads of cat le, numbering in all over 400 head. These cattle were iroui m..i ,ow, Grant and Crook counties, com posed ot the following bands. Brown A Hamilton SI head. Spray Bros 140 head and about 240 f'om Crunk oonnty, w hich were owned by the following gentlemen, who arrived here wnn m,si yr.u, Mpaars. C. W. KlkmB.A Biqna, aud L.'D. Claypool. This Bbipm-nt wus bought by ure jaean coma and Seattle. Without License. After the disposi tion of the Garrity inquest and Merrill exsminaiion Saturday, Bob Dexter wan arrested for sellina liqnr r without license and bound over iu the sum of 83d0 to Bwait the Bction of the grand jury. Mer- .in ulon held as a witness, bis Dnnas being placed at jaOO. This is the result of testimony brought out at the inquest, in which it wng developed that Ihe whis key drank by Merrill and Garrity was bought of Dexter at $1 a bottle. A Fretty barprise. A l.atifi,Mv illnalralAfl and flharm. iugly bound edition of Longfellow's "Evangeline," the most popular long poem ever published by an American anA ,,no r.t iha mnat fnnilins DO- . '., , i t .,knnl ems in rue innituHKe4 tu ue uu av nw,u i,u ,iui t.1 -n HihIi nf ipe cream." will oertiutily prove a popular snrprisel That ia just what we have secured for every reader of tins paper, it is iBsueu uum .U.. ....l.liahinn hmtBfl nf Jnhn R. AldeD. New York, and is certainly one of the most remarkable products of his famous "literary revolution" handsome type, numerous ana exoeneu nunumwiio, ... lt..n nrA hunvv nnrtpF. cilt Arlutil. ru- merkably beautiful cloth binding, with dilt title aud i ruaments. By special ar a;,l. Up AlHAn. we are able n a.,n..iu ,h,a hAunt,rnl hnok to eaoh one of the readers of this paper whose ! subscription is paia in aurauoe, u u, nnl nai. uf nnanlllfllfl nSVlQPnt BUtl secure these terms) for a nominal oash paymett of 50 cents. All desiring this i n.i nrilaf aumM hefnm Jan. 1. '93. as this proposition expiree then. Come in aud see a copy of the book if you oan. but It you crm I can, seuu murniuri oj . .,urui.iua fcliut vnn will he de lighted witn It. no liiusrraieu euuum it this work hHS ever Deiore neon pun- i...i.n ..f iuuu kihi thun fit f.O. kverv home in the laud ought to have a oopy of this volume, bo charmingly beautiful, 8 a poem, as a collection ot artistic il lustrations, and as a product of the book making art. f Ou the Way to Paradise. Let us hope that the people who habit ually disregard their neaitn win reauu ...... A Ai. l.w,a uH uenirl llin local- ma IIPBiinuw ' ltv which IS less uesiraoie as au eierua, te'sidenoe on acoouut of the heat and sur roundings generally. But wuue we tarry iu this vale of tei.rs, why should we vol untarily endure the tortures of dyspep sia wheo a systematic use of Hosteller's stomnoh Bitters win na us oi iuo oi.ru oious malady wbiob unless physioianB uie veii much at fault tends to shorten ihe term of our existence. Heartburn, liillioiisuess, constipation almost always ai ooinpauy this oompiaiut auu are syuiu- . .. mi ll ..,!. tomatic ol 11. tueee are an cuis ed hy tbo Bitters, wbiob also oonquers completely maiuriu, rucuiuou, otisuess and aemmy. oiuoe us upr" ance ot "la grippe" it has shown asinnu lar mastery over this formidable com plaint that has carried off so mauy of our brightest and beBt. PORTLAND EXPOSITION BKPTKMBER J 1ST TO OCTUBKB KS.H1. The Union Paofio System will extend kn all its matrons the usual reduced rate on round trip tickets, which will include. admission to the exposition, Belling on . - - r i Monday, Wednesday, ana rnaay ui nnh week. Drtti4id information oan be had by annlvillff to J. C. Harf, ticket age: Hnnner. Oreeon. or W. H. liuriourt Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt., 254 Washington St. Portland, Oregon. ia-n. ARB Rustlers ! For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to YOUK f'ALL PUaUUAatbont to be made. Yon want to buy the best goods you can for your money. We ..... 1 A .ala do ; you shunld. How to do it tuen comes nexu o. .. way is to compare values and prioes. We take pleasure in showing our goods Bud telliug our prioes. Our Dry Goods Department is full of choice oHnrings lor tms seaoou. D'ess Goods we are far iu advance of our competitors. Our Styles and prioes prove it. You should see our Clothing and Overooats. Children's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing in an endless profusion. Goods piled to tho ceiling, so to speak. Our prices will move them. Suits made to order in the latest styles and patterns. Represent the largcBt tailoring establishment in Chicago. Onr fall stock is now complete and will interest you. We -:- Guarantee -:- Satisfaction. - Catch That Maverick, The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural t 1 i a 1 . J -v 1 t-.vr I'M implements, mere aie uu uccucis tu Morrow County that can . . 0.i t ,,;t the trade in Drioe, stylo and quality. We nave in enoiees i)uuuu" -" - , , KATa,. istest styles, cheaper than ever sold in Heppner before. My stock la direct frum the East, and is the beet ever nrougut to .no vu.,u. 1 Round up Bargains At present, located iu the M. Lichtentbal buildiug, Main street, opposite the " j. :h. kolman. Like Yonrs Respectfully. We are here for business from the grouna up ana propuau iov jrvi v, MINOR BROS., HEPPNEB, OREGON. QHAS s7 l. SHERMAN, is .t. Hons ;u and Sip Painter. Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator. - .i.ni u.Jr. All Tts RrannhB8.v- Prices Reasonable. r llbl VI0O wJn. y iOFFTCE IN CITT HOTEL.- . K30.1 aw- timtrniiin, Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OK. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES MAD OS 8H0ET NOTICH iMD Jit POTOLA PBlCtS. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Reserved for ; The McFarland Mercantile FINE HOOS. T UnnA of r,M.ant fit thfl John Q- WH- ... .. n,,o tiinrmicrhhred Berklbire boar, the service ot whioh oan be had for I2.5U. j. . oi.i.n. 26 331 aw MDLE8 AND HORSES TO TRADE. I wish to trade mulei or horses for Al.lruaa mn at IsiUUtOU. or imiuo. a.. ----- -,. nui I ut mv rancn. seven nines uuru- east of that place, fj VJ.sw. B. F. Bwaooabt. Company. See ad. next week. Grain Sacks Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. NOTICE. To the tai-payers of the town of Hepp ner The nnmmon coiinoil will ro.et Oct 17lh (Miuday ev. nim ) at 7 P. M f ,r the purpose nf cqnulizinj.' tin' bi-m ss ment of 1H92. Any (rirvances t.. tie mida will be considered at that date. A. A. B' BERTS, Keoorder. FOB MALE. T nffur mv home residence in Heppner, for sale, Bt a low price. For further par- t on am apply in person it uj "Hardware" did yon say? Why, yea at P.O. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. A Nkw Neighbor. - Geo. W. Lord bas m.iv.d into the former ait nai l,.ry over Messrs. Brown & Hamilton's ffiee, and bas tilted np for architecture ork. He is pn-pared to contraot for t;,i. r.t hnildiniH. or will supervise cojstructi.in.and purchase material for the Bme, givina bis customers the ben rfit of bis experience Bnd percentage. 034 II SHERIFF'S SALE. wniK ITXIT.1PW VOTlcis is hereby "lyt-".,la"' ; 1 and oy vinueoi w jvu.. of the Circuit uourioi hicd rz tie S oounty of Morrow, and to me directed and K S,. Smith0' q&ant, tor th .urn In U. 8. (told coin, with Interest thereon at the raw of ten per cent, per annum, from the 12th day of AprflWandthe further jura of thirty S) dolfar. attorney fee. and thirty-one and S-liiO dollars cou, and, wheresi. by said ludK- ment It wa. ornereu ii "i),";t" "" " - , Ar.rir.t.tl n-al Drooertv. to-wlt.: 1 tie North Weet Quarter (!) of iwtlon i Thirtj (30),Tp. J.",..1 7 ,. ,h H,,mh Went CJuarter ty. ) of Action Nineteen (1), TP. OlK I, South of kanjte. 'I'u cntv-three (3) East of W. M., all 111 Morrow imfnty. or. Bon, he iold to satisfy said judKment, costs and accrul.ig costs, 1 will on the 5 h day at the irom uui yi r arii Morrow County, ureeon. e the hltrheat ana wi """"Yi.1 ?TA JIh.... Af ..m Kution and all costs, and cost, that may - rp OROBliB HUHIB. Hhcrilfol Morrow County, "reiton. Dated Oct. 3 , 18M. M0-'i" 1 aw n J ' 1 J J J 1 fLv. I I itTAiiti All il ATT A fl I llllll I 1 1 III I I immmi mm man uuioi Althouoh most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company iiUiiunuivj Are still alive and kicking for trade with a complete 11ns ot- n r 11 VV H II1. li UlUlVIllUt uvisav vvv. i j WOOD and WILLOW WARE. DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND BETTER WOOL "V TOBACCOS, Guns and Ammunition, Sewing Machines, Jj arm .impieinta. Alao Gents' Furnlshlnc Goods, and the largest iMortmeat oi Teas in Eastern Oretjou. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto : WE mn r at unvtnsoiu. o ... Birheck. a sboemnk- nr and repairer of many yeara experi ence, b.s jost located in the Abraham inch bnild.ng.nn May Bt reet, where I be is nrepnred to do eveiiuiuK ... - IB i . . .. .... - R..IK osa n-nrb. Mr BirneeK iss'ncuj n u.-. -man and warrants all work. Give him a call. 't' OBITUARY. ee Indoraementa I rr nio I. used and endorsed by the following urcgon ana '" - Ar,,anrtai nook & Clara, Philbrooai raireuuu ' : '" . 'u HMdu. Ubef, James Ml. MloTw. NoVion " awSt; A. bownle, Big Handy. TheChcapest and BestDip tvermade. Sold Kverywliere Ash Your Merchant for Coopers ana lane w vm. tf. Comer Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. T KOHt.AND BUOS. Portland. Oregon. Gen. Agts. for Oregon, Washington and Vvestcui Idaho. Pnm We COOPER 4 o(rlf. Trru . , i v..., in TTpnnner. 8 entf m- avb 1892, Bertha 1. Hnslon wife of Wsvne Hnnton, and oldeBt danifbler of Mr snd Mrs'. .1. P. HrilejM t the age of 19 years, 9 monlbs and 22 days. Scarcely could the Angel of Death eeter flower than i pave . i desrei-t Brlha, who by her bright and happy natnre bad endeared herself not ...I- . . i,ro nirola of relatives but HOVE OF 1NTEHTI0N. AND OFFICE ATTHK DAU.FA ttii foToVlng named hitler ha. W notice of SS nlenflmf to'rnake final proof In his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore he County Clerk of Morrow County Ore., at Heppner, Oregon. oN r, im. vU.. Hd. No. 2W1, for the Vf m and t Sec. 21.l ePn.me. the following witness to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation of, WM AOlden'j. H. Mathewt, J. M. Baker and Samuel Warfield, all of lone. Oregon. J.1-2M2 juia.u- OXFORD GRADE BOCKS ! JIIE CHI H0TEL' W. J. LKB.liiH. 1 !-. f rpHIS HOSTELHY has been Kkfittrb and Uf.pdnishkd throngbonl, nd now 1 la one of the most inviting plaoeB in Heppner. Mr. Leeser invites yon to stop with him, feeling that he is able to entertain yon in the best of style. r FOR AtBi r a a. ItvttirO fiiwl IJtontUdrMt&axetu.Heppow.Ot. Wtf. The undersigned has a , 1 . r r..C 1 )l choice lot oi wAiuiu Grade Bucks lor sale at reasonable prices, at his ranch, 7 miles south of Pilot Rock jj. e. SMrrirT Pilot Rook, Or. First Class House. Reasonable Rates. jtroite, -:- (, aod (iprs ! WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, m The Finest in tho Land. Ovster Kesri son . , x know about that in 1ho near future. W. L.. Matlock & Co, ' bad made for herself a well piece m