Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 11, 1892, Image 2

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    Give your business to Beppner people
and therefore assist to build up Bepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
National Republican Ticket.
of Indiana.
of New Tork.
J. F. CAI'LES. of Portland.
H. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass.
G. M. IRWIN, of Union.
D. M. DUNNE, of Portland.
Heet at The Dalles After an Enjoyable Trip
on The Colombia Knluagiastic Meeting.
On Tuesday morning, promptly at 7
o'olook, a. m., the Regulator sailed from
The Dulles, witb one of tbe merriest
crowds that oould have conveniently
been gotten together, among which was
your representative. Tbe day wna a
beautiful one. The air pure, the atmos
phere dear, and tbe world-renowned
soeuerv of tbe Columbia never looked
grander. The boat arrived at the Cast
cades at 11 o'clock where a landing was
made, tbe ladies and gentlemen at onoe
proceeding to tbe depot, where they met
tbe members ot tbe aBsuoiation, nbo bad
just arrived in a apeoial oar. Tbey tbeu
proceeded to the government works to
observe for themselves the locks and ca
nal, when after a thorough exumiuatlon
of tbe work that had been done by the
government, all expressed themselves in
(avor of an open river, and it is needless
to say that tbey will urge same ut the
earliest date. Returning to the boat tbe
editors were seated at the banquet table
and partook of the repast with such a
relitb that one might think most of them
bad been fasting for a month, your rep
resentative eicepted. Too muob praise
Cannot be given tbe Indies of tbe oommit
ttee for their endless labore to make
eveij thing as pleaeaut as possible, com
posed of the following : Mrs. Putterson,
Mrs. Morgan, Mis. Blakely, Mrs. Rhlnt
hart, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs J. Micbell, Mrs.
Bradebaw and Mrs. Lookbead.
The yonng ladies on tbe reception and
entertainment committees must also not
be forgotten, for it is to their efforts that
your representative was royally enter
tained, both on this trip and during bib
stay in The Dalles.
Among the throng were several pio
seers of VYusoo county, amoug whom
your reporter notid d the euiiling face of
Capt. Joho W. Lewis, of the 0. 8. Lanit
Ollioe. A halt was made al at Meiualuse
Inland, and the muuuineut of ViotorTrev
itt was visited ; also the houses of mem
alnsr, coutainiug tbe remains of Indians
buried according to the rites ot the tribe
for Uites past at that lonely place.
At ihe wbaif at The Dalles the mero
Crowd of excursionists was met by th
baud, and after lauding marched in bodj
to the Umatilla bouse, where Ool. Sin
not entertained thorn witb his unfailing
stock of flub stories.
The editors, having a chance to clean
up and fill tbe Inner man after their ar
rival in the city, at 8. p. m. repaired to
tbe court bouse. President Noltner in
the chair. The minutes of tbe previous
tneetiug were omitted as the former sec
retary fiii-td to make them up. Tbe roll
eall showed 11 members present. A
committee of three was appointed to re
Tne ihe list ot members in good stand
ing. The anunal addiena of the presi
dent was then read. A committee of
three was then at poiuttd to subdivide
and nfer the president's report. The re
port of the delegates to the National Ed
itorial Association was read and vote ol
tin. uks tendered. The committee on
gncv. nets bad no report to inaki ; ihe
Oi niniiltee ou legislature likewise. Tbe
committee on resolutions was grauted
fuitber tinie. On motion tbe invitation
to a public receptiou by the citizens ol
The Dalles was accepted, and 7 :8U Wed
nesday night was the time named. Ad
journed. 8K00ND DAT SESSION
Meeting called to order at 9 a. m. A
ooamiuuictiou was read from the Ore
gon City Enterprise in relation to the
erection of a monument to Dr. McLaugh
lin, referred to legislation oommittee.
The president filled np various commit
tees in lieu of absent members. Tbe
seoretarv'B report was taken upend an eu
logy Was delivered in memory of tbe
dead. 1 he two departed during tbe past
year weie Edward Ousey and Mrs. A
Noltner, wife of tbe president. Tbe
finance committee reported that the sec
ret a iy be iuetrnoted to publish tbe pro
ceediugs of 1891.2 for distribution. Hon.
3. B. Eddy delivered au address on "Or
egon Journalism, and Whs granted auoth
er j ear for a fuller report, the report
as rendered waseulbiiBiiujtically received,
lie was followed by a pHper from John
Micbell of t'be Dalles, on 'Terminal and
Impersonal Journalism." Tbe report of
tbe committee on membership was read
and odopted. The meeting adjourned
outll iSO p. m., for election of officers.
The meu-bera of the assoriau at 1 p ui
took a pleasant trip up the Columbia
river to Ci hlo on the U. P. K 1!.; the hb
wheels, Indian tepees, cannery and rap.
ids were duly inspected. 'Ihe members
returned to The Dalles at 7 p.m. The
train beirg late tbe afternoon session
was abandoned.
. i f") 'bvuiino session.
At 7:30 p, ni. the members of the asso
ctation, beaded!))' the Dalles City Band,
marched o the oonrt bouse, bere a very
large and tuUlrlgoot sudienoe bad cou
gregatelmS after nShsio by the band,
Pres. NoltDM called tbe meetiug to or
der whan jfjunvRobt Mays, mayor of
The Dalle, 1oliejTW association in
very approttinte 4drV, wbiob was
answered in a few well otiosen remarks
by PrrsidenWulUu'r.,r4l'ollowiug this
Cul, Pat. U'fntq wi j introduced, and
carried tbe audience try si
boar on the subject of "Country Journal
ism." Not a sentence was uttered but
that it brought forth' laughter or ap
plause. Col. Donan is a humorist not
exoelled by Bill Nye. and tbe Gazette
hopes to be able to give bis address in
full to its readers in tbe near future.
Meeting called to order at 9:30 a. m
Committee on legislation reported favor-
bly on Dr. McLaughliu's monument.
Committee on fraternity reported, and tbe
same was adopted. Commt tee on Spok
ane and Puget Sound trip reported every
thing settled.
Tbe following list of officers were then
choaen for tbe ensuing year:
Col. J. B. Eddy, Tiibune, Pendleton,
F. 3. Harding, MoMinnville Register
1st Vioe President; Ira L. Campbell, Eu
gene Guard, 2d do; S. L. Brooks, The
Dalles Chronicle, 3d do; Geo. Hibbert
Astoria Examiner, 4th do; W. 11. Leeds,
Ashland Tidings, 5th do.
A. Tozier, Portland Pythian, secretary.
C. C. Doughty, Dallas Observer, treas.
Robert Johnson, Corvallis Times, Bar
geant at Arms.
Col. Pat Donau was elected an honor
ry member.
Flavel was chosen as tbe next meeting
plaoe, to be held in July or Aug. of 1893I
The association voted to go to tbe
World's Fair in a body.
President Eddy took tbe chair and an
nounced tho following committees for
Resolutions, Geo. Hibbert, C. C.
Doughty, Geo. U. Moffett.
Grievance, I. L. Campbel, W. I. Ash-
bury, E. J. Kaiser.
Finance, Cbas. Nickell, D. T. Stanley,
R. Johnson.
State of Fraternity, J. P. Burkhart, D-
M. C. Gault, W. A. Wheeler.
General arrangements, A. Noltner, F-
Conover, F. S. Harding, Leo. Peterson.
Legislative, Geo. H. Hiines, A. W.
Patterson, Bruno Hitlig, J. Miobell, Mib-
d. E. Todd.
Resolution of thanks was then tender
ed to the retiring president. The Asso-
tion then adjourned until 2 o'clock, wheu
tbey were trai.slerred in a body from the
court house in carriages to visit 'he fruit
orchards. Returning, the association
left in a body in speoial oar fur Spokane
where they join tbe Washington editors
tor a trill thiough the Sound oouutry.
Ah Arkansaw editor complains that
some people do not advertise, on tbe plea
that a newspaper is never read, but save:
Let bim be oaught kissing his neigh-
bur's wife or trying to hold up the side
of a bonne some dark night, and he chang
es his tune instantly ; and if the printing
office is in the garret of a seventeen sto
ry buildiug, be will climb to the top to
beg the editor to keep quiet." You bet,
this is true in every case.
Tub Elleusbiiigh Localizer says:
"Pendleton, Oregon, bus two daily pa
pers. Tie Easl Oregouiau nlTum is giv
tng it a second trial." We would advise
the Localizer man to hunt a bomb proof.
for Jackson will be after him. It's the
Tribune that is giving it theeeoond trial
Ai.d 0. A. K. Reunion And Cainpfti'e Commit
tees, Kepabltieil by Kequusl Note
'the Work AxmaiieU 10 Von.
By request we republish the different
committees appointed for the Columbian
Celebration. Will continue same uutu
after that date:
Column tee on Parade, Ed, Matlock,
Geo. Couser, Otis Puttersou.
Committee ou Finance, J. W. Morrow
Henry Ilepuuer, Nels. Jones, W. A.
Committee ou Burbuqiie, Fi nnk Mo-
Farlaud, Sam Kinsman, J.S. Ifoutbb
Win, Fenlaud, W. J. MoAtee, Geo. Fell.
Committee ou Progaam, T. E. Fell
Homer McFarland, Prof. A. W. Wier.
C' muilttee ou Priutiug, Ed. R. Ktshoi.
Vawier Crawtoid, A. W. l'aUeison, Phi
Cob u.
Committee ou Grounds, S. P. Guru
gues, Frank Gillian), w in. tknvuer, A
M. Slocnm and S. MeBiule.
Committee ou Muiuu, V. L. Silling
F. J. llnllock, John Rasmus, Mrs. h. P
Garngues, Mrs W. P. Pinion, this com
mittee to confer with the committee ou
Committee on Oration, Hons. W. R.
Ellis, Henry Blackmau aud J. N. Brown
A committee ou entertainment has
since been appointed, composed of tbe
following gentlemen: T. W. Avers, Sr.,
0. 8. Vbu Duyu and A. M. Ounu.
It is expected that ilepptiei entertain
all old soldiers visiting here free of
charge, consequently it is the duty of the
entertainment committee to cauviis the
town, securing lodging for them while
hole, and also to assmu them to their
respective quarters wheu they arrive.
This committee Bhould go to work at
The duties of the other committees are
well known, hence it is unnecessary to
enumerate them. However, it is urged
that all look alter their respective duties
without delay. Do not shirk your duty
0" leave it to Borne other member of your
oommittee, but look utter the work as
signed to on at once. tf.
TAkK.N It'.
One bay golding, about ten years old
branded with two halt moons connected,
weight, 1,000 pounds ; 15 hands high.
The above horse hue been on my Tub
springs ranch from eight months to one
year. Owner can have same by proviug
property and paying nil charges
Gko. Swaociakt.
523-581F Heppuer, Or.
The Stndebaker wagon bends them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Biabee's.
Why go hungry when the City hotel
furnishes you a good meal at living
rates. a
Look out (or Fell Bra's sale of
nauta bargains in everything.
Ruhl, tbe baker. Buy yonr bread and
cakes aud save money. Try it. a.
John Jenkins advertises his fine kiin
ot brick. Remember that lieppuer brick
rm for over au j equal tbe best. a
sell. Dexter and John were at oats.
Made up the first Wednesday evening.
Said Bob had beat bim out of ?50 or $60
in building a cabin. At any rate there
was considerable illwill between tbem.
Cross-questioned: I got to1 Johu's about
8 o'clock in evening. In one-half or three
quarters if an boar got wbiskoa and
commenced drinking. I called for the
whiskey. I also got cabbage and pota
toes. John commenced supper, I said
will go down and try to get sometbingto
drink. Had trouble outside at Dextnr'e.
Jobn scratched me. Undertook to jump
me. This was after drinking. Said af
terwards, "You little Boatonian, I baye
nothing Bgain you, oome along. Went
overborne. Were pretty full. Lay down
right away. Was in bed nearly all day
Ihursday. Mr. Penland oameup Thurs
day. Came in. There was a quart bot
tle on the table. Had some whisky when
Penland came, bait or three-fourths full.
I got two bottles, don't think I got any
more. Don't know whether John bad
any more or not. Bob said we bad trou
ble after we went to the oabiu. Had nu
ill will against bim. In fact I respected
bis gray hairs. Didn't try to hurt bim.
Have seen bim drunk many a time. Is
quarrelsome when drinking. Had no
quarrel after we went to cabin. Were
both drunk when we went np there. Fri
day morning got $10 from Penland. Left
about $200 in bis bauds. Wanted bim
to settle. He said would see camptend-
ers aud settle. I said there was no hur
ry Would just as soou have the inter
est. Gut to Heppuer about 11 o olook
on Friday. Was arrested that night by
Deputy Sheriff Fitzgerald. While in
town was resting up. Seoured board at
the Palace aud paid one week in advance,
Was in the brewery saloon when I was
arrested. First time I knew he was dead
Didu't know be was siok. Was sick my
self. Whiskey sick, I mean. Didn't do
bim any violeuoe after leaving Dexter's
I'hought a good deul of the old man. Am
12 years old. Am iu the habit of drink-
ug two or three days at a time. Hav
been full, but always know wUat 1 am
about. Was fuller up there thau Usual
Alwats makes me sick. Have seen John
sick before. Never drank any of Deitet's
whisky before Jobn was sitting on flour
when I left. Was near -the Btove, be
tween tbe stove and tubie. Didn't have
any fight at cabin on Thursday. Got sup
per at John's on Wednesday eveuing.
While getting supper got whisky, Went
ivtir to Dex'.er's about 9 o'clook. Jobn
might have gone several tiu.es, but didu't
go ihe first time. Johu said Dexter had
some whiskey to sell. Said be never got
any. But I got some. When Johu flew
at me, I bad to oatch bim. My finger
mills perhaps scratched him. Don't know
what caused tbe trouble. I never struck
him. Choked and scialclied me. Had some
trouble in tbe house that I know of. 1
told bim that I did not waut to hurt bim.
Bob Dexter recalled: Frank and Gar
ritty came over to inv bou e about 12:31).
Got whiskey in tbe eveuing. Same eve
mug about dusk. One buttle ail the
whisky they got. Had racket in my
bouse. (Here told substantially the
sunie story as tbe evening before.) Judged
the next morning that they bad had a
bard row after I left. Wasn't fighting
Thursday morning. John said to tuke
Frank over and get breakfast. Thursday
morning got more wliiskey. Frunk Baid
oome over and see bow he had knocked
Johnny out.
Cross examined: Frank didu't seem
to waut to hurt John. I don't reme ober
what Frank said, but it was a drunk-n
scratch. Said come hi me wilh bim, let
us have some speaking and singing. On
Thursday evening John was on tbe floor,
Frank ou bed. John woo slupid. Frank
wasn't drunk much. Was in bis stick
feet.. Was then Thursday little befme
sundown. Next sav Frank Friday morn
ing at my house. Stopped a ininuie or
so and got a drink of whisk, which I
gave hiui. I saw huu alirad if me u l.i-n
1 came to town with wood. Ab.oil 3:3U
p. ui., saw John. us IVing ou side
dead. Left him there. D.du't disturb
bim. "Said "Hello, Johnny!" Went
ou don to Pen land's ranch. I drunk
some with them. I might have made
some of the marks on Frank's faoe in
stopping the fight. Johnny mi,de some
too. Wusu't over Fiiday morning.
Frauk oame along. Said John was laid
out. They got no whisky Thursday.
John hud no liquor that I kuow of.
Dr. Fox recalled: Ou examining body
externally, find nothing sufficient to
cause death. No murks on throat, no con
tusions on skull or no raises or bunches
ou head. I am of the opiuion that death
was not caused by violence. Probably
by excess of driuk aud some defeot ot
system, Think him between 60 aud 70
years of age. A man that uses whiskey
might die of alcoholism. Might hasten
death if be drank much. Find no marks
of violeuoe. It would be impossible to
tell what caused death unless a poet
mortem examination is held, aud per
haps not then. Am of the opinion that
be did not die of any injuries received.
They would have shown externally Oue
bottle and one-half might not hint bim.
Bob Dexter recalled: Wbeu I helped
bim on bed he oomplamed ot being sore.
The jury deemed it unnecessary tu
hold post mortem examination, aud after
making a closer external examination of
tbe body, brought in the following ver
dict: lleppner, Or., Oct 8, 1892.
We, the undersigned, the coroner's
jury empaneled lo ei.quiieinlo the causes
whioh led to the deaiu of Jobn Garnlty,
find that he was a resident nf Morrow
oouuty, about the age ot 66, and that he
came tu his death ou or about Friday
morning, Oct. 7, 1M.M, and from causes
to this jury unknown.
Otis Patterson,
E. F. Cami'bull,
Wat Penland,
H. . Nichols,
Frank Roberts.
On the testimony brought before tbe
coroner's jury, tbe altortiej's in the case
G W. Eos for the state and W. R. Ellis
for defendant, submitted their case in
the examination of said defendant, and
Justice Hallock therefore released bim.
. r I
Children' Headwear, V? y
Blankets, Tarns and tm -y
Novelties, at the . Y
j j y . 1
Fanoy G
Ladies nni
ire us
yjjr Worry
Over the Crops being a failure
Or the Roads being dusty
Gives you such bargains for casb.
Bk line of Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises,
Hats ond TTtxtycy Goods
A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish-
Goods to be sold at vost.
I3I0 S
w m t . nn immnT
r3 i i i ii'i.i i 1 1 1 i 1 i1 i .
A f ALMHU I CL jlm
fiaill Mfiailii Hotel ol 1 Gitu paid p
T. W. Ai
A number of summer suits and odd pants
to be disposed of regardless of cost.
Come early and avoid the rush in
securing oar-ams.
Heppner, Oregon.
Manaret Von Wow
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
Etc, Etc.
Trust Busts.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
!ilS, Sr., Manager.
Columbia Beer Hall!
X!EXT DOOR to Heppner Candu Factory on
on nana
Wei have
a Fine Line
of Liquors,
Street. Keep
Wiites, Chars. Etc.
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
5 Cents Per Glass,
On draught, fresh and cool. Luuch of all kinds. Hope
to see all their old friends and many more.
OS M KltS & HUGHES, Props.
The Heppner Wood Yard.
At. last, and has opener up a Wood Yard, from which he will deliver wood,
sawed or nunawed.
Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts.
iffer their Entire Stock, ontiaiatiiia of Remnants of Dry Goods,
Clotbinif, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, jsncy
Goods, Hardware, etc., 8'rletly for CASH ONLY, and at prices that
will O EN rO"R EYES. 0 II early nd avoid the niBh This
stuck of tfooi's inns' he poaitivelv sol. I by Deceralwr 15 h, 1892, as
we wll then retire frum buHimss. N" koJh will be exchanged.
Per Cord, twice in two ; SI CO, three times. Wood sawed and
delivered at $7.fU per cord. Yird near the depot.
RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor.
PiieeiGii store - main stmt, low
Mil On
For T.W. AYERS, Jr., & Co.
I desir. to call the attention of my many customers to the taot that my
Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 17 and 18,
At whioh time I will take pleasure in showing yon a very attractive and complete
line ot tbe latest styles in
leper Pail Association !
OCTOBER 19, 20, 21, 22.
The Directors have taken the utmpst pains in preparing
their Programme, and hope that they wilt be rewarded
by the liberal patronage of the general public as well
as the Horsemen.
Ladies' Furnishings, etc., Direct from the East.
Pattern Hats, Children's Caps and Hoods,
BibbouB, Plumes,
Fancy Feathers, Birds,
And Other Novelties,
5. will be Displayed.
Don't -f Forcet
Thompson Building, Main Street. - 622 S3 - HEFl'SEfi, ORECiON
FIRST DAY, Oct. 19. Quarter-mile dath; purse, J100.00.
tmrie. 140 00.
SECOND DAY, Oct. 20. Free for all ; bet two In three, half-mile heU; purl 1125.90.
S. iYi,'-, m i.iitc, nan-nine ucniq, puine ,U.UU.
i niau vAi, i. mrett-eiguiB nine aann
Local saddle honei, 400 yirdt,
puree Jluo.00. Five-eights mile dash; pun.
-For defeated horses; 700 yards; purse 175.00. Free for all; half-mil.
FOURTH DAY. Oct. 22.-
heau; purse (Ml.00.
Mve to enter, three to start: 10 per cent of purse for entrance fees, All purses will be divided
as follows: Seventy per cent to tho winner, tweuty per cent to the second best and ten to the third.
These races will be governed by the rules of the Pacific
Blood Horse Association.
Will hang purses (or horses that might come here who are not
qualified to enter in any of the above racea.
OTI8 PATTERSON Secretary A. D. McATEE, President.
J. N. Browu, T. W. Ajers, Jr., E. G. Bptrry. 617-Otol9.
Change of Ownership
T T whioh we propose to condnct in the moat satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands at all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., ftc.
shaw & Mccarty,
Is UEri'Atn. 3
Office, Residence
Contracior I Builder