Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 07, 1892, Image 4

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-12,000 IN
Will be Equally Distributed.
For icveral years pat competition! of an Instructive order have been offered by reputable
butineaa houses and manufacturers In England with the object of. Increasing their salea and
Interesting their customers In their respective goods. These contests, on account of unquestioned
fairness displayed In conducting them, have Interested the best people ol Great Britain. Believ
ing that competitions offered by a manufacturing concern such as ours, and conducted In the
tame honorable manner, would excite universal interest among the lntellluent people of the
United States and Canada, our Company has decided to offer a prise competition In which our
first effort will be to make It strictly fair and impartial. The intention is to satisfy every one
entering this competition that they have been duly credited with the position which their efforts
have earned for thera. Weare sure that thlsclass of a pri2e contest will receive the approval of
parents and all those who have the Instruction of the young at heart. The prizes to be awarded
in this competition Bill consllt entirely of articles of sufficient value to be appreciated by every
person receiving one as a fair reward for the efforts put forth by them. Our Intention Is to divide
the amount to be given away In prizes, varying in value from eight to one hundred dollars each,
and we enter Into an honorable agreement with those entering this competition to distribute
fairly Two Thousand dollars in prizes.
AWARD OP PKIZE4, Ten of the leading ministers of our city will be invited to attend
and assist In the award of the prizes.
We will pay Onk Hondrbd Dollars In cash to the first person who correctly answers the
following questions : Where in the Bible do the following three words firm appear : 1, Rus ;
2, Bkead ; 3, Milk. The second person answering correctly will receive Sbvknty-Five Doliabs
la cash. The third person sending correet answer will receive Fifty Dollaks In cash.
The next ten will each receive an eleuant Coin Silver (hunting case) Watch. The next ten will
each receive an elegant Silk Duess pattern (sixteen yards in any color). The next ten will each
receive a flrit-class pair of Opeha Glasses.
LAST PKIZK& The thirty-three persons sending the thirty-three correct answers which
ere received last will receive duplicates of the prizes that are awarded fur the llrst thirty-three
correct answers, the last correct answer receiving the One Hundred Hollars, the next to the last
the seventy-five Dollars, and so on until the thirty-three prizes for the last thirty -three correct
D'E1ALCPKZS.-A prize consisting of an elegant Lady's or Gentleman's Watch will be
given to toe person lending me nrsi correct answer
Answers must be accompanied with fifteen United states two-cent postage stamps for one
package of Peaklifoam, which Is ihe latest scienlllic discovery for cleansing and preserving the
leeih Our object is to introduce and attract atte-itluu to to Pkaklifoam, which 1b the only pre
paration whose manufacturers are tiling to oiler a reward ot Five Hundred Dollars to any
dentist who ran show that It contains anything lnjuiions to the t.'eth A mouthful of pearly
white teeth Is the sure result of lis constant use. It Is recommended by the leaders of the deutwl
profession everywhere ; ask your dentist what he thinks of it. Peaklifoah is sent by mall, post
paid, and free of customs duty.
Be sure and tend your answers to-day. You may receive a valuable prize
for your trouble. Addrcts
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
i W I'ATTEIiSIlN, AGENT oe o the Hoat lt tlie world
jIiMsjO On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. OUls
Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. Arrives
6:50 p. in.
Pullman fcie?r,er.
Coloiilat Sleepera,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
8tiainer8 Portlnnil to Ban Franoisoo
every four dy.
For rates aod general Information call on
Depot Ticket Agent,
Heppner, Oregou.
W. II. IH'UI.BL'kY. Aast Hon.. Pass. Agt.
2M Washington St.,
Poktlano. Orruon,
San PVtinelssoo
And all points in California, via the Mt. Bhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great hiiihway through Calilurma to all
puinta bast and South, (irand rjoenio Houto
of the I'amGo (Joust, l'nlluian HutTot
Hleepera. Bocolid-claas Hleeliem
Attached to expreaa trains, affording suppriot
aoeumniodations fur second-class passengera.
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations,
Us. oall upon ur address
R KOKI1I.EK. Manager, E. P. ROOK US. Asst.
Hen K & f Agt.. Portland, Oregon.
t jg . Scientific) America
ngency lur
for Information nrt free Handbook write to
mi;nn a co.. huoaiiway, nkw Yobk.
8lrt9t bureau for novr pafutw tn America,
vury pattuit taken uuf tv tit in hrmwhl IWore
Lbs public uy a iiotkH' givvn fiue ol chtunu in Ui
Scientific tnrricau
I Aruost etriMitatlon of snr silntino paper In the
world. pliMidutlr l!!u.strdtfil. No tiKolllKt-nt
aian slioii!,1 tm wlth.mt It. WaohlT. 9:1.110
yiutr; 1.:W six nimittis. Addrwis hltlNN A CO.
Pi!HLisaKHa.Siil Itrmtdway, Nsw Vurk.
The Uuinn Paolio Sjalein will eiteurl
to all its patrous ll.o usniil reduced rates
on round trip tickets, which will include
admission to the eipoaitiou, selling on
Monday, Wednesday, und Friday of
each week.
Detailed information can be bad by
applying to J. O. Hart, tioket agent al
Heppner, Oregon, or W. H, Hiirlburt,
Asst. Oeul. Pass. Agt., 254 Washington
St. Portland, Oregou. 2b-M.
vvumju i uie uih letc.vcu uuiu ium oiuie ur
Toilet Mm. Co.
1 TO "SToia.. 8txot,
'V dressed Lumber, 1C miles of Heppner, at
what Is known as the
- 110 00
17 60
15.110 per 1,000 feet, additional.
r. A. Hamilton Man'sr
Something New.
The new Time Card, which ia now in
effect, via the"WisconsiD Central Lines."
in connection with the Northern Pacific
K. 1!., HlTtirds the traveling puhlio tin
beat facilities from all pntnta West ti
Chicago and points BitHt and Bonlh.
The nnBiirpnaeed equipment oflered If
its patrons, combined with speed, com
fort and safety, surpassing nil its coin
All through trams are composed f
Fullmiiu Vestibnled Drawiug-Boorn
Sleepers, with Diniug Cars and Pit;
Conohes of latest design.
The Daily Through Fust Train each
way, making olose connection at Chica
go with trains in all directions.
For tickets, time tables, etc., -apply to
Agent of Northern Paoifio R R., or
j as o. fond.
Geu'l Puss, and Tkt. Agent,
tt Ciiicaoo, III
Plaus fox a Structure Higher Than the
After all the officials of the world's
fair had reconciled themselves to the
idea of petting along without the tall
tower at the expos'tion Engineer George
8. Morison surprised them by presents
Inpr plans for a. steel shaft nearly one
hundred feet higher than the Eiffel
tow'er. Mr. M orison's tower, on paper.
Is nearly cloven hundred feet high. It
is a plain Ktructure ami could be erected
rapidly. Engineer Morison is to in
terest eastern capitalists in his plans.
Several large steel companies will be
given a ehnuce to review the drawings
and, if they decide that it can lie put
up in time, ofileers ttf the fair limy find
space at Jackson park, or near the
park, lor the tower. The estimated
cost of the structure is one million dol
lars. Most of the other proposed
towers could not be built for less than
two million dollars. Their enormous
cost was the chief obstacle in the way
of their construction.
"Mr. Morison'B tower," IVsigner-in-Chief
Atwood said, "could bo erected
within a few weeks after the material
was delivered on the grounds. Mr. Mor
rison thinks it could be put up in six
weeks, but that estimate of time is a lit tie
too low. It is a simple sli ucture.aud the
material is so shaped that it could lind
a ready m1-'-' t,v the exposition."
Two TiiorsANu women became artists
In the year ism.
Ost.v two women members are al-
' lowed m the Royal Society of Painters
in Water Colors, and of these C urn
Montnlba is one.
I Uou.AxiiKit's collection of art treas
ures and household decorations, re
cently sold in llrusscls. coutained six- i
teen portraits of himself.
Adiua Jones, the leading English
animal sculptor, will send to the Chica
go exhibition a eopy of his striking
group called "The Last Arrow." An i
Indian on horseback is running down a I
buffalo, , . ,,,
I Twenty words per minute Is .the
average rate at which long band is
I 'it ulupposed that the average depth
! of samt in U.c deserts of Africa is from,
. thirty to forty feet.
Aoates are a kind of quart. Ut
I of them come from South America, and
frwlttlly from Draxil. . - '
Unols Sam Provides for the Sport
Of the Anglor.
Mow the Finny Tribe Is Propagated and
IHstributed Millions of Little Flshee
Jjuiualljr Liberated In
Our t.atere.
Two and a half millions of yearling
fishes were planted last year, says tha
Washington Star, in the waters of the
United States by the flr,h commission.
This statement b more remarkable than
it may seem. Up to 1883, all the fishes
artificially hatched by the government I
were turned into the rivers and lake3 to j
shift for themselves, as soon as they i
were out of the eggs. Consequently
nearly all of them were devoured, and '
out of every thousand young fry but
f c w were ccpected to survive aud reach
maturity. Five years a;ro l ib it experi
ment was made with tho planting of
13,000 "fingerlings,"that is, i . les which
had attained a season's growtu.
Before long all the fishes artificially
propagated for planting in this country
will be allowed to get a year's growth
before they are let loose. It has been
found that one acre of water will accom
modate 800.000 fry from the time they
are hatched to tho condition of finger
lings. Under such circumstances 50 per
cent, of the baby fishes survive the sea
son, at the end of which they are able to
take care of themselves and have passed
the danger point. In other words, when
permitted to escape and look out for
themselves in the streams or elsewhere,
they mostly escape destruction and
reach mature fishhood.
Pretty soon this plan will be exclu
sively pursued in the propagation of
shad for stocking the rivers. Con
veniently near to each stream will be
established suitable ponds. The fish
commission will simply hatch out the
fry and send them immediately to these
preserves, where they will be permitted
to grow to a finger's length before they .
are let go. Fishes only grow during
the warm season, so at the end of four
months, when hatched in spring, they
are yearlings in size. A pond 100 acres
in extent will accommodate 50,000,000 of
shad fry, and at the end of 120 days com
munication with the river can be opened
and 25,000,000 little fishes will swim
merrily away, to return in future years
of a remarkable size.
Unlimited quantities of shad eggs are
always obtainable in the season, and an
many millions of them can be hatched
in glos3 jars as ore desired. Thus the
result to be secured by artificial culture
in any river is only limited by the pond
area used. A majority of the finger
lings let go will certainly live to grow
up and swell the schools which annual
ly visit the streams for spawning. Ex
actly the same proposition applies to
other kinds of fishes. The fish commis
sion is at present rearing trout and sal
mon on a like principle and with simi
lar results. A large pond is now being
prepared at Gloucester, Mass,, for stock
ing with newly hatched codfish which
will be put into the sea as yearlings.
In this way it is hoped that the catch
of this valuable food fish along the New
England coast will be greatly increased
after awhile.
The same method would be tried with
lobsters, but for the fact that these
pugnacious crustaceans cannot be male
to grow up together peaeenbly. You
put a dozen newly-hatched specimens
into an aquarium, and within a few
days there will bo only one a large,
fat and promising youngster. He has
eaten all th6 rest. Therefore, baby
lobsters have to be let loose in the
ocean when they are just out of tho
egg, and in this p an not much profit is
found, because they are quickly gobbled
by fishes. Tho fish commission is hatch
ing 5,000,000 of young lobsters yearly.
Once upon a tiiue, not many years ago.
25-pound lobsters were not infrequently
captured, and there is record of 40
pound specimens, but such giants arc
no longer seen, because they do not
have a chance to get very big before they
are taken by the fishermen.
One of tho most profitable branches
of the fish commission's work consist.',
in stocking the streams, ponds and
lakes all over tho west with the native
fishes of the Mississippi valley. They
are taken in great quantities in puddles
big and small, where they are left by
the retreating waters after the floods,
and aro shipped alive to various part:
of the union. Thus black bass, rock
bass, pike, perch, crappies, spotted
catfish and other species are being dis
tributed throughout the United States
very plentifully. Trout of six kind:,
have recentlv been introduced success
fully to the Yellowstone park region r,
territory as big as the state of Rhode
Island, which has hitherto been prac
tically bare of fish.
A one-iutndukii-ykab-oi.d bearing
orange tree, from San (iabriel, is one
of the exhibits nnnonnced from Cali
ifornia. The Washington state world's fair
building will be constructed in sections
at Taeoma and sent to Chicago next
New IIamprhiue, which claims to bo
the "Switzerland of America," has ap
propriately planned to erect o Swiss
chalet for their world's fair building.
Wisconsin will have a .I0,000 build
ing at the fair. Huilding material to
the value of (111,000 has been donated,
and the contract for erection has been
let for t 7,000.
John I. 1!i.aid, one of the founders of
the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western
railroad, although ninety years of age,
attended the annual meeting of that
corporation a few days ago.
t'oMiiti:ssMAN Johnson, of Indiana, is
said to talk at the rate of 2S0 words a
minute. The only other mini in the
house who can approach Johnson in
rapidity of utterance is Catchings, of
Mississippi, whose usuul rate is 2S0
words a minute.
Jake "My breath was fairly taken
away before I eaine in." Cora (curling
her. lip) "Pretty fair; but you might
have taken one iporo clove." N. Y.
A Vain ErroRT. Pipkin "At your
hew boarding place did they make you
one of the family?" Potts "They tried
to; but the daughter's red hair settled it
for me."-S. Y. Herald.
Doctob A. "And how did it happen,
my dear friend, that you did not get a
medal?" Doctor II. "You see, we
doctor have so many enemies in this
world." lVwtor A. "Hut still more in
the other!" Harper's ltazitr.
A coop camel will travel one hundred
miles a day for ten days. t
While Billy Smith's houuds were run
nlu? a mink recentlv a large hawk
swooped down and caught tha mink
and carried it oil,, writes a llix (Ua.)
A bio owl tried to carry away a dog
at a lumber camp on the Machias river,
Maine, but was captnred by one of the
logging crew after a lively fight. The
owl was a warrior, its head being full
of porcupine quills, indicating a recent
battle. .
To pbotect itself from the rain the
orang-outang crooks its arms over its
head. The hair on ths orang'a upper
arm points downward, while on the
lower arm it points upward, the ap
parent purpose being to shed the rain
like a thatch.
How a Good Quality of Paper Is Made In
Some of the paper products from oat
refuse, according to the method pursued
in Scotland, are by no means deficient
in the qualities of 6tren!rth and service
ablencss that characterize the product
of other materials used for this pur
pose. The process consists in first im
mersing the oat husks in a tank of
water, in order to float off mustard and 1
other seeds with which they are fre
quently more or less mixed, and which,
if not separated, materially deteriorate
the quality of the paper; it is of ad- ,
vantage, too, to have the water very
thoroughly stirred, as this facilitates '
the separation of the foreign seeds, and
allows them to float to the surface. The
oat husks having gradually settled, the ,
surface scum and any floating matters
are drawn off by an overflow pipe at j
the top of the tank, or skimmed off by I
any convenient implement, after which
the water is well drained oft by a waste
water pipe at the bottom of the tank
and beneath n perforated false bottom,
or fitted with a Btrainer which retains
the husks. The husks may be left to
steep In the water five to ten hours after
removing the scum, as this, by soften
ing, helps to loosen the silica from the
fiber and facilitates the subsequent boil
ing process. N. Y. Sun.
Novel Danger Signal.
The Irish hero, Fingal, had the fe
licity to be under his own thumb, that
member serving as a danger signal,
aching in a peculiar way when trouble
impended, when he had only to put it
into his mouth to become immediately
instructed how to overcome the difficul
ty of the hour. So,by the pricking of her
thumbs, telling her "something wicked
this way comes," did the weird sister
know of Macbeth's approach before her
ears caught his footfall. Chicago Mail.
England uses paper barrels.
CnBONOGBAPns are now being made
that are capable of measuring to the
ten-thousandth part o.a second.
Chicago skaters are to have a skating
rink with real ice to glide over all the
year round. The ice is to be made arti
ficially and the surface renewed every
night. The temperature of the room
will be about forty degrees, winter and
A bkcent invention is a buoyant life
saving seat for ships. It is intended for
a deck seat, the upper and lower
parts being made of buoyant material,
so that, if thrown into the water, the
apparatus will support several persons
A tkavei.eb's pipe is an English in
vention. The bowl has a hook attached
to it which can be inserted in the but
tonhole of the coat, while a tube com
municates with the mouthpiece. The
smoker thus has both hands free to be
occupied as he finds necessary.
Miss Jean Dalbymple, the palmist,
said in a recent lecture in London that
"tho thumb reveals the nature of the
Peof. Colin, of Cornell, told his stu
dents the other day that the man who
sells his vote for money is more to be
respected than the man who stays away
from the polls and does not vote at. all.
A great beekeeper of Hampshire,
Eng., declares that bees do not succeed
to any extent in the storing of honey
whenever thore are wars and dissensions
iu Europe, whether her majesty's troops
are engaged or not.
Mbs. Uumphby Wakd having been
invited to make one of a symposium on
the question: "What Kind tf a Man
Does a Woman Prefer?" has given it as
her opinion that the woman's man
should know how t box.
In some part or other of tho world,
horses, cattle and sheep are found wild,
but nowhere can be found wild camels.
The largest shipment of apples ever
made from the United States left Port
land recently for England, The cargo
consisted of 13,000 barrels.
The largest lions arc about eight feet
in length and nearly five feet in height
and are found in Africa. The lions
found in Asia are smaller and have not
the long mane of the African lion.
A tacking paper impermeable to
water can be made as follows: Take
unsized paper and coat it with an
aqueous solution of dextrine. When dry
apply a layer of siccative oil paint.
The new regulations of the Suez
canal have necessitated tho building of
vessels for carrying oil in bulk. A syn
dicate has been formed for this purpose
and the type of steamer differs mate
rially from anything thus far afloat.
Mb. Fobd H. Rogers, of Detroit, is
the possessor of a blotter, journal and
ledger of the American Kur Company,
John Jacob Astor & Son, proprietors,
covering the business of the northern
department from 1817 to 1835. The
books record transactions of millions of
Trre battalion on a war footing in
Germany and in France is 1,000 strong.
In peace it is In France, 550; in Germany
544 officers and men.
A French officer has perfected a rifle
which will throw a stream of vitriol a
distance of, say one hundred feet, and
has submitted it to the war otlice.
In preparation for the next siege of
Paris the French war department has
taken steps toward the construction of
an immense establishment iu ihe city
for the preservation of un at by freez
ing. Tbe adoption of smokeless powder
has rendered necessary a modification
of the uniform and accoutrements of an
army in order thut the men may not be
so readily distinguished at a distance.
In 1S'J.', when the French fleet shall
have been finished, the naval strength
of that government will includes iron
clads, !! cruisers, 13 torpedo boats of
the largest size, and 204 other torpedo
bouts, besides a large number of armor
plutc 1 coast guard vessels and others o
l..ss ImDortance.
Rev. Dr. i i..u -on, of Philadelphia, j
who is continuing at the London Taber- I
nacle as Spurgeon's successor, receives a ,
salary of to.OOO a year, it is stated. . - .
Colds and Coughs
sore threat,
bronchitis, asthma,
end hoarseness
cured by
tyers Cherry Pectoral
the safest
and most effective
emergency medicine.
It should be in every
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co
Lowell, Mass.
4 Heptember 2t), m Notice in hereby given
that the following-named settler has filed no
tii e of his intention to malte final proof in sup
port of hie claim, and that inid proof will be
made before W. K. Kills Com. U. 8. Circuit
Court at Htppner, Oregon, on November l'J.
180-2. viz.:
Hd. E. No. 347ft, for the NH SWJt NWWSEJiand
SEli NV4 Sec 83, Tp. 5. S K '2b E.
He names the following wirnesseH to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz. :
Jas. H. Wyland, Ahe Luelling, Walter Bennett
and Harrison Cummlngs, all of Hardman, Or.
John W. Lr.wis,
Id September 27, m. Notice Is herebv given
i hut the following-named nutiU-r has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County i.lerk of Morrow County, at
Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 12. l9A viz.:
I KAY PHlPprf,
D. S. No. 978k, for the tE$ Pec. 7, BWv
V hoc. 8, NW NW4 bee. 17, Tp, H. 8 K 29 E.
He names the follow ing w linemen to prove his
'o; tinuouB residence upon aud cultivation of,
ald land, viz.:
W w Hale, George Phlpps, James O'Couor
and W. H. Hale.allof Lena, Morrow Co., Oregon.
Paul Schiller take notice.
A. Clkavrr,
62K-539 Kegister.
a September 27, 1892. Notice Is hereby given
that the following-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention io makt final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof willbe made
before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or.,
at Heppner, or,, on November 12, lb92, viz;
Hd. No. 3177, for the W14 cE and EU SWfc
-ec. 3, Tp. 4, 8 K2rt, K W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove hie
I'ontlnuoiis residence npou aud cultivation of
aid land, viz:
'I hoi. McCullough, Arthur Dalv, Jas. V. Lea
hey and H. W. Berkley, all of Heppner, Oregon.
529-539 ' Kegister
id i-PDtniiibpr 11. I WW. Notion ia lit rptiv cii-pn
that the follow lug-named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and thai said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow County, at
neppuer, wreon, on ivov. V. law:, viz.:
For the 8 N W Lots i and 4 Sec. 5, Tp. 8, S R
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of,
said land, viz.:
'1 heodore Anderson, Fred Johnson, James
Neville and James llager, all of Heppner, Or
A; Cleavem,
B29-539 Register.
Und Office at La Grande, Or., Pept. 2i, 1892.
Notice is herebv riven that the toflow liur-nam-
edsettler has tiled notice of her Intention to
make nnai proot in Biipportof her claim, and
that said proof will be made before W. K. Ellis.
Com. U. d. Circuit Court at Heppner, Oregon,
on Nov. 5, 1!'2, viz.:
Hd. No. 3770, for the N'A NE and Ni NWV
see. 30, Tp. 1 8, R. 27 E. W. M.
hhe names the following witnesses to prove bei
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of.
said laud, viz:
John Edwards, W. G. MeCarty, 8. N. Morgan
Clyde Haling, all of Heppner, Oregon.
Ma-y A. baling take i.otice.
A. Clkavrr,
828538 Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, dr., Sept. 21. 1892.
Notice iB hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County. Oregon, at Heppner
uregon, on November 9, viz:
Hd No. 2777, tor the bElA bee. 34 Tp 1, S R 26 E
W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
J. H. Gentry, J. D. Kirk, A. 8 Wells and Win.
Barton, all of Heppner, Oregon.
528-538 John W. Lewis, Register.
Und Office at The Dalles, Or., Sept. 24, 1892.
Notice is herebv given that the foUowiuc-nam
ed settler has tiled notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before County Clerk
of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on
Nov. 7, 1892, Viz.:
Hd. No. 4023, for the HE of eec. 17, Tp. 3 8, R
2ti E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
I'oiuinuous resiueuce upon, ana cultivation 01,
said land, viz:
Henry Holden, Pat Splllane, James Jones and
John Vi oodward, all of Heppner, Oregon.
John W. Lewis,
528-5:18 Kegister,
Und Office at The Dalles, Or.. Pent. 21, 1892.
Notice Is herebv given that the following-nam
ed Bettler has tiled notice of Mb intention to
make nnai proof in support of his claim, and
that Baid proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner,
Oregou. on Nov. 7. IMI2, viz:
Hd. No 283:1, for the Ma f.tfc, N Sec.
20. To. 3 8. R 24 E W. M.
He names the following wltneBBee to prove his
continuous reBiuence upon, aim cuuivauou oi,
said land, viz:
J. H. Jones and William Ingrum, of Eight
Mile. Oregon. J nomas r. O rati am and M. .aw
yer, of Gooseberry, Oregon.
John W. Lewis,
628-688 Register.
Und Office at The Dalles, Or., Pept 16. 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of her intention to
make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof w ill be made before J. V. Mor
row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at
Heppner, Or., on October 29. I8!i2 viz:
Hd. No. 2878, for the W?i NK4 and W PE'
eec 3, 'I p. 3 8, K 46 K.
the names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Win. Hughes, A. 8. Wells, H. E. Clark and
Ransom Hart, allot Heppner, "regon.
John W. Lewis,
526 36 Register.
Und Office at The Dalles. Or., Pept.l, 1892.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has hied notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will bu made before the Countv
Judge of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.",
on Oct. 15, 1M2, viz:
Hd. No. 2977, for the 8E1- of and NU of
W j and NE of aEl bee 18, Tp. 5 8, R i!i E,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
laid land, vu:
Jas. Wyland. A. Luelling, William Rtx and
Perry Oiler, all of Hardman, Oregon.
Johk W. Lewis,
622-532 Register.
BER lands.
V. 8. Und Office. The Calles, Or., Sept. 8, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that, in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress ap
proved June S. 1878. entitled "An Act for the
sale of Timber Undo in the States of California,
Oregou, Nevada aud Washington Territory, '
Whose post ttiee address is Heppner, Morrow
County. Oregon, has thisdav filed in this othce
his application to purvhase the SE'4 01 the
MV, and theSW of the NE'i sec. No. 3, InTp.
No. a S. Range No. 25 E. W. M.
All persons holding any adverse claims there
to are n o, .tred to present the tame at thie otlice
within sixty days from the first publication oi
thti noiioe. John W. Lkwu, ReUiw. ,
1 H.lkf iU 'h.gJVfc,
Cattle hranded and rar marked as shown above.
Horses P on right shoulder.
My cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla oonn
iien. 1 will 1 ay $ 10.0(1 for the arrest and con
virtion of any person Mealing my itick.
I wish to trade dr mures ami celdirjen,
fit fnr work, for cattle. Will give Bond
terms. ChII hd, or nddresa nip, at Mori
nruent, (Irnnt county, Oregon
523 38 Emmet Cochran.
Plenty of flour, bran, will fed and
ohop hIwavb on hand at the Heppner
Flouring Mil Ib. a
While yon keep your subscription paid up yci
obs keep your brand in free of charge.
Allvn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses G(i on lef
houlder; cat tie -am on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row cuunty.
Armstrong. J. ('., Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der 11 on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D Eight Mile. Or. -Cattle brand,
ODon left htj. and horses aaine braud on riht
shoulder. Kaiiw Eight Mile.
Adkins, TO, Pay vi lie, Or- Straight mark acrons
the thigh and two cropa and a tdit in the right ear;
horses, x upKide down on the right HhonUhr.
hange in Grant county aud bear vallev. PU
address also at Hardman.
Adkins, J. J., Hoppner, Or. Horses, JA oon
nected on ie't flank; cattle, uameon left hip.
Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded
triangie on lett hip; cattle same on right hip;
also crop off right ear and upper bit on same.
Blyth, Percy H., Heppner, Or. Horses Roman
cross on right shoulder. Range in Morrow
Bleakman. Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a Qua
en left shoulder; cattle same on right shoulder
Bannister, J. W.( Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, tio seberry Oregon Homes
branded P B on left Bhoulder, Cattle 8,1 me on
right siue.
Uurke. M 8t C, Long Creek, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop oft left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Hauge in Grant aud ilorrow
Bowt-man, A., Mount Vernon and Boms, Or.
Cattle, A B on riht hip. two crops in each ear:
same on burses, on right slmuJder. Range in
Grant and Hurhey counties.
Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.- Horses branded 1
itn right bIiouIuW; cattle B on the left aidw
Left ear half crop and right ear upper slopM.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horaes, J B oi.
r;gln Uu.. caul , same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Ilrown, Isa, Lexington. Or. Horse" IB on the
right btifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J .P., Heppner, Or. -Hortsee and cattle
branded tt witi- ox-yoke above on lef t shoulder.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circlf
C wititilotui n teroii lft hip; oaille. Name.
Brown, W.J Una. Oregon, horses VV bar
over tt, on the left Bhoulder. Cattle same on ieft
Buyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, bui
orand or - ,hip cattle, name, with split in
neon ear.
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B 011 left
dinnJdHr; cattle, same on left hiu.
Broftnlee. W. J., Eox,Or-Cattle, JB connecied
in left side; crop on left ear and two split and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley,
Grant county,
Cain.K., Caieb.Or. YD on hi nos on left stifle;
U with quarter circle over it, n left shoulder,
.md on left stifle on all coltn ua lor ft yearn; on
ieft whoulder only on all horses ovor 5 years. All
range in Grant countv.
Clark, Win. H.. Le a. Or. Horse WHO con
nected, on left fchoulder: cattle ame on right
nil). R& ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cate, Chiis. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla comities.
(ochn-n, Cha., lone. Or.--Horses, HP con
ueetd on left whoulder; caitie, (3 on butb left
hip und stifle. Range in Morrow county.
Cannon, f. B.,Long Creek, Or.--Ton cattle in
right side, crop off riKht ear and slit 111 left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Knnge
in Grant county.
Cecil, W m.. Douglas. Or : horses Jf- on lef
shoulder; ca tle Bume on left hip, waddles 011
each jaw and two b.tfl in the right ear.
Curl, 1. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, Bwaliuw fork and under bit
iu right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
connty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markoa ewes, crop ou left ear,
pauohed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop iu
right and under half crop in loft ear. All raugf
iu Grant oountv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on right shonl
Jei Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark Bquart
crop off left and split m right.
Currin, ii. X., Currineville, Or. -Horses. W ou
left stitle.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded
I" 1 A A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on riht
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop otfl eft.
Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, 0 witi
ii center; horses. OE on left Sip.
Cochran, K. E., Monument, Grant. Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bai beneath, on left
shoulder ; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horsos branded
" ou right hip. ( attle branded the same.
Crutis. 8 L, Dayville, Or ( atile branded -j- two
urups and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed 7, on left stifle. Also have the following
brands ou cattle: 72 on lett hip, 7 on right hip,
it on left shoulder, two parallel bars on Id ft
bhoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Doonan. Wm., Heppner, Or. norses branded
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, R Don
riglu side,swa low-fork in each ear; horse. It Jj
n left hit).
Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Hort-ee TD on
the tight stifle; cattle same on right hip.
Duncan, VV. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle
Vt ou ruht shoulder, both on horses and cattle.
KaiiKe Grant county.
Driskell, W. E Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of u on left shoulder. Cattle same ou
left side of neck.
Ely, J. B. A 8ons, Douglas, Or Horses brand
ed b.h on left shoulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole ir right ear.
ioti. Wash.. HeDoner. .Or. Diamond on
rigni Hiiouiuer.
leek, JackBou, Heppner, Or. Horses, 71
connected 01. rinht Bhoulder; cattle same on
right hip Ear mark, bole in right and crop
oil left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or. ('attle, LP on
right hip; horbtu. V with bar under on riglu
Uoreuce, H. P. Heppner, Or Horses. F on
right shot Ide ; cattle, i on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAi ou left
Gilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fot
jtit. Or. Horse, anchor 8 on h-ft shoulder; vent,
same on left atihV. Cattle, aame on bum in pa;
ear marks, crop off right ear and uuderbit in left,
Kan Ke iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook ai.d Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. --Horses branded h.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left atitie
Rarnrein Morrow and Umatillacountie.
Giltwater, J.C., Prune City, Or.-On homes,
O-O on left Bhoulder aud stifie; cattle, 011 riKln
side. Uana in Grant county.
Hams, James. Hardman Or. Horses shade-1
2 on lef shoulder; cattle same on left tup. Range
in and about Httrdinaii.
ftHjes. Ueo., Lvuu, Or, Brand JH connected,
with quart el' circi" over it, on lei t tdiotiider,
Horn A. B., Ruhr, Or. tattle, round-top
it Ii quarter circle ui der it on the nht hip.
Ranaeiu Morrow and Cmatillaitounties.
Hiu ton A Jenktt, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bare
on eithwr hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses, J onnitht thigb. Kaiitrvin ( irnnt county.
Hughes, Samuel, Wagntr, Or T F Loti riniit
shoulder 00 hor; on cuttle. 011 riKht hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit iu left.
Kamce in Hay Mack diatrici. Mons-w county.
Hall. Edwin. John Day, Or. Cattle fc ii on ritch
hiu; linre tthuie on nthl shoulder ianic-ih
Gram county.
Uughue, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horsee, shaded
heart on the left houlder. Range Morrow t u.
Huusaker. B , Watcher, Or. Uonee. W on left
tthoulder: ou tie, 9 on left hi, .
Uardisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon Horses, AH
connected, on ieft shoulder; Cattle on the ieft
hip, crop off left wr,
Humphrey. ,1 Jl. Hardman, Or. Horses. H nv
let) Hank
Hiatt, Wm. Ridwe, Or. Horses branded
bar oroaa ou left shoulder: cattle same on left
'naves. J. M.. Heppner. Or. Horaes, wineslaM
on lett fhoiihttM emu, same on right hip.
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek. Or t attle 1 D on
right hip. crop off left ear and bit in right. Honee
same brand on ieft shoulder. Range n Grunt
Huston. Luther, Eight Mile, Or. Hore B on
the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cau
U same on lef t hip. Bang in Morrow oounty. j
Jenkins, D. W..Mt. Teroon,Or. J on horses cm
left shoulder; on cattle, J oa left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and
Bear vail -j 8
J on kin, 8. MM Heppner, Or, Horses, horse
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the earn
Range on Eight Mile.
Johnson. Felix Lena. Or. Horses, circle T on
left stine; cattle, same on right hip, under half
crop in riuht and sulit in left ear
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left
ear: itndr olope on th right
Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses flit on left
shonlder: cattle, olron left hip.
Kirk. J C, Heppner Or. Horses. 17 on either
flan k : tMttle 17 on right side.
Kirk Jesse, Heppner, Or; horse- 11 on left
shoulder; cattle same on light side, undarbit oa
riphi ear.
humuenana. w. ct.. mount vernon. ur. 1 u oa
cat tle ou right and left sides, swallow fork in it ft
ear and u"der mop in right ear. Horses same
brand on left Bhoulder. Range in Grant countv.
Kueney. ti.ii, Heppner, Or.-Horses J L and
ace of clubs on left stifle. Range in UmattUa
and h orrow counties
Lesley, M C, Monument, Or A triangle Btwith
all lines extendi ug pa t body of figure on CSI hor.
Bes on left shoulder, ou oattie diamoud on left
shoulder, split iu righ MMi. it in left ear .
bage in Gniut county and to parte of JohuDoy
i aliey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded h
"ad A on left shoulder; catt le name on left blp;
WHttiu -er right ey three sliiB in right ear.
Lofton, Stopnen, 1 m, Or. b L on ieft hip
on cHtMe. crop and split on right ear. Horses
Bam brand on left shoulder. Range Grant
ijie&Hllen, John W., L-1 Or. Horses
branded half-cncle JL connected on left shoul
der. Caitie. earn on iefi hip. Range, near Lex.
Lord, George. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
double U coi.nect !"omet lines called a
swing H, on left shoulder.
Maxweil, M. 8.. GooHeberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on
lef hip. liar mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, Osoht, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M D oa
right hip; horse, M on leftsbouider.
Morgan, 8. N.. Heppner. Or. Horse. M )
on lefi should- cattle same on left hip.
McCnmber, Jas A, Eoho, Or.-Uonws. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Aiann, ti. B , iiia. Or. Horses old mares ZZ
on right bip; young stuok, small aa on left
Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Hones, circle
1 on ieft shouider aud left thiah; cattle. I on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle. 77 on right. Bide.
MeClareu, D. G., Rrownsville, Or.-Horses,
frigure Ron each shouider. uatUe. Mnon h)i
McKem.W.J. Mount VerBou, or XI on oatle
on right hip, crop in right ear, half crop m left
same brand on borate ou left hi. , Range m Graut
MoCar.y, David H., Eoho, Or. Hon-e branded
D w connected, on tbe left shoulder; cattle ame
n hip and side.
ftieGur, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. M.ile shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
eaeh ear; horsea same brand on left stifle.
Mcllaley, O. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8
with half circle under on left Bhoulder; on Cattle .
four bars connected on top ou the right side
Range in Grant County.
rseal.Andrew. Lone Hock.Or. Horses A N con
nected on ieft shoulder: cattle Bame on both hips.
Nordyke, E., 8ilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh: cai tie. same on left hip.
Oliver, J oseph, Canyon i ;ity, Or. A 9 on cattle
on left hip; on horeeB, same on left thigh, Range .
in Grant county
Oiler, Perry. Lexington, Or.-P O on left
olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on ieft hip; horses ou left stifle
and wanie on nose. Range in Grant county.
Peaimm, uluve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shielo ou ieft shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Caitie, fork in lti ear, right oropptxl. 24
on left hip. Rang ou Eight Mile.
Parker & Gleason. Hardman, Or, Horses IP on
I ft shoulder.
tijr, J, ti., Lexington. Or. Horses, JE oon.
uected u. left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under bi in each ear.
Paibery, Henry Lexiugtun, Or. Horses brand
ed with a Uoiuaj croub on left shoulder; cattle
branded with Rmau urosa, bar at bottom, on
1 lt inp.
Pt ttj'B, A. C, lone, Or.; horseB diamond P on
shoulder; untile, J xi J connected, ou tha
left hip, upper slope iu left ear and slip in the
Powoli, Jonn T Dayville, Or Horses, J P oon.
ueo ed on left Bhoulder. Cattle OK oouueoted 00
lett hip, two under half crops, ou ou each ear,
wattle under throat. Km ge m Grant cuunty.
hiukard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. F C on left
-houider, on horwes only. Hringo Canyon creek
ami bear valley. Grant county.
Itood. Andrew, iiardmau. Or. Horses, square
cior. with quarter-circle over it ou left stifle.
Keniuger, Chris, Heppuer, Or. Horses, C H on
ieft shoulde. .
Rice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on lett ehoulder; caUle, DAN on
right shoulder. Range near Hardman.
liudio, Wm. Long Creek, Or. brands horses
R 01 right Bhoulder, Kange Grant and Morrow
jioyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain Y on
.eft shoulder; cattle, Bame brand reversed 00
rigid hip and crop off right ear. Range in Moc
row county.
KumIi Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded S
ou the right shoulder; cattle, IX ou the left hip
crop on left ettr aud dewlap on neck. Range ic
Morrow and adjoin iug counties.
Kutit, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses K oh
left shoulder; cattle, U on left hip, crop oil
right ear, underbit on left ear. Bheep, H ou
went hers, round crop off righ ear. Range Uma
tilifiand Morrow u miities.
RuHiiey, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses
branded A R on right Bhoulder, vent quartet
wroie over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow county.
Hoyse, Wm. Ii, Dairyville, Or HK connected
with quarter circle over top on cattloon right hip
and crop oft right ear and split in left, llontee
name braud on ieft Hhouider, Range in Morrow
O ran l and Gilliam couu ties.
Hitter, J F, Kilter, Or Three parallel bare
witti bar over 011 boreee on left hip; on cattle, lefl
side, two smooth crops, two Bplus in each eai
iiange in Middle Fork of John Day.
Rector. J. W., Hoppner, Or.-HorsOB. JC 01
lef t shoulder. Cattle, Qou right hiy.
Spickimll. J. W., Gooseberry, Or.-Horses
branded ill ou left shoulder; jauge in Morrow
fcpmy, J. F., Heppner, Or.-Horses brandeo fcr
counecieu 0 right shoulder; cattle Bame on both
bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded S a
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip
Bwaggari, H. F., Lexington, Or.-Horses 2
with dash under it ou left stifle oattie H with
uash under it ou right hip, crop off right ear aud
wmidiud on right hind leg. Range in Morrow
Gilliumuud umatilla couu ties.
Hwaggurl, A L., Elln. Or. Horses brande 1 t
on leu shoulder; cettle same on left hip. CroL
on oar, wattle on left tnad leg,
Htraight W. E., Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded
J 8 on lei stitle; cattle J 8 on left hip. swallow
fork in righ ear, uuderbit iu ieft.
bapp. l iiob., Hepuuer, Or. Horses. 8 A P on
left tup; emu Bame on left hip.
Miiru, James, Long t reck. Or.-Horses. t on
lett Blitle aud"" over 2 on left shoulder.
8hrier,John, Fox, Or.-NC connected on
horses oil right tup; cattle, same on right hip.
crop ..tl right ear and under bit in ieft ear. Range
iu Grant couuty.
81111th Bros., 8osnville, Or. Horses, branded
H. tu on sinmlder; caite, a me on left Bhoulder.
bquiree, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
J8ouielt Bhoulder; catile the same, also nose
waddle. Range m Morrow and Gilliam co utiee.
btepheiie, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses 8a on
right stifle; cattle h. rizoutal L on the t ight side
oteveiiaou. Mm A. ., Heppner, Or. cattle M
ou right oi, ; .waiiow-fork in left ear.
fciwaggart, Q. W.( Heppner, Or.-Horeee, 44 on
lett uuuuid. : cattle, 44 ou ieft hip. -
btone. Ira. Bi-kkum. Wash.-HorBes. keystone
ou left shoulder,
bmitu, E. h. Loue Kook, Or. Horses branded
a ertwsed eveu on lef 1 shoulder; oattie same on
lett Hide. Range, Gilliam county.
tiperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C on
lett hip, crop off ngm and underbit in left year,
dew lap; horses ton left shoulder.
l'hoiupttoii, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, E oa
left Biioulu r; cattle, a on left shottlder.
lippeui.8.I.,Enerpriie,Or, Horses. Con left
Turner H. W Heppner, Or. -Small capital T
led shoulder iioraea; cattle same on left bio
with Hpla in tioti, ears.
Xh.rnuni, H. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded
H I connected on left atitie: Bheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T.. Una, Or,--Horeea HV oon
ueuied ou right ahoulder;cattle, name on right
Walbridxe, Wm , Heppner. Or. Horses. U. U
ou Uieieit siioti.der; ctUe same on light hip.
crop off left eat and right tar lopped,
Wiisoii.John y 8a Jem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jo on the left shoulder. lUuse
Morrow county,
W arreu, W B. ( 'aleb, Or-Cattle, W with quarter
circle over it, ou ieft side, split iu right ear.
tiorbe same bra-d on left shoulder. UaUimin
Graut oouutj.
Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on
left si ihe; 011 oattie. 'J on left side and under bit
in left ear. Range in Grant county.
Wright, 8ila A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
8 W on tiie right hip. square crop off right ear
and Mpl.tin lett,
W allace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Square on
cattle on the left hip. npper slope in he left
ear and under slope iu right ear. Hume brand
on horoett on right shoulder. Range ia Harney
and Grant couutv.
Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horees bianded
ace ol ttpaue ou lett shoulder and left hio
( aitle braudM- aame ou left side and left hiu
W ells. A. 8., Heppner, Or.-Horses, on left
etiouider. can v earne.
W oinnger, Johu, John tiay City, Or On homoe
three pnral.el uant ou left shoulder; 7 on atieeD
bit in both ears. Kange in Grant and Ualhnar
Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horse DP
otmnected id left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or.-Uorsea branded
UE oounectet on lef t stifle.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle W on
right thigh, hoii in left Mr; h.tnu u J
shoulder, som same on left shoulder.
Whittier Bros Drowsy. Harney Bounty, Or -Horntw
branded W B. itiHuiMotai 00 lefl Nmhier
Wduams. Vaeco, Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir
cle ovr three ban on left h.p, both oattie and
hone. Range Grant county.
W lihamB. J O. Long Creek. Or-Horsea. qnar
ter circle over three barn on left hip; cattle sama
ami in in Hu h nr Kong in Grant nmnty.
W leu, A. A., eppner. Or. Horses rnnntn A A
on shouider; ( attie. same on right hip.