NO llCh: TO ADVEBTIbKKH. THOSE desiring the insertion of display adi. I. or change of same, muit get their copy In LiUoii, or Xbureday veiling lor Fridayt edi tion. 1'HJI hATTKRKON PUBLISHING CO, NOTICE. 1, The sum of fire ceuti per line will be Charifed for "cards of thanks," "resuhitloua of resptttt," lists of wedding prusunU and douors, aud obituary uotices, (oilier thau those the edit or shall himseli give as a waller of uews,) aud noticue ol special weeUiiKB ior w hatever purpoue, 2. Noiicus oi church aud society and all other enterlaiiiujeiiU Irom which reveuue is to be de rived, shall he charged ior at the rate of live tent a line, 'these rules will be strictly adher ed to in every inpiauce. Advertising rates reasonable and made know a Upon application. Owe your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to buUU vp Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. ergy, strengthens the nerves, aud re stores health to the debilitated system tit n .. . . . . r i l . A ut i.-uu6 wi wuie, iuu gei uicir uupy ill i ffujuo u JS1UU weui uut iu CZBrumau not later than Monday eveuiug (or Tunuay s ' veaterdHV aud will shortlv for Himk edition, or Thursday eveului lor Frtdavi edl- I ZJlera,iy i au- wl" "Uoriiy ior oiuiK uiamoua. Mrs. O. I. Payne, sister of Wayne Hus ton, left for Black Diamond, Wash., Wednesday morning. Oljde Sulinif koi Dack Mondiy from Walla Walla. Milt lUoifcun relurued lucstluj. now lue same pu.Ce J. W, Muiiuck bus euibaikedio buni utxi bete aguiu, at tue oitf elaud, but lu a udloieui Hue luau bclore. dir. J. U. Koluiuu tuiuks tbat he will get uuoiiru up uy luuiuriuw. Air. Jiul luau ia a gouu auveruaur, uud la buuud lu nucoueU. I'lie Gazette learns that Johu Handy, of tiila, loot liia leisiueuoe by the yester day aiimuouu. We do nut Kuow Ibe partiuuiuis. Wui. (Juuiiiughaui, a butcher ot Fua- ail, lb under arrest, clmmed with tbe attempted rape of Lizzie Nawmau.aoblld about I years ot age. , Wauled A man with small family, and no auiall obilUieu, womd like to reut a tiuuoe ot lour or uiuie rooms, luauire at lue UuZette uttiue. "Uncle" iiugli Fields, of Brownsville, araved bere lutii evening aud will luuk alter bis mauy luleieais bere. Mrs. F ields la expected bere BUurtly . Sheriff Noble relurued Thursday from Saiem, wbere be bad beeu villi a Uaugu lerutJuuu ilaiidy, who was adjudged insane by tne court last Muuday. N. L. Bibisou, tbe May Bireet mer CUaul, returned iroui a pleasaul trip be low last Tuesday. Levi lutwilus us tliat lie baa au eieguut liue ol tall goods coin ing. Lost On tbe Btreets of Heppner, a note giveu by J. I. Lieualleu uud S Eudiuutl in tavor of James hUfcer ut James M. Hager, lor $'i)U. Fiuder will please leave at ittice. Tbe Gazette editor would like to again visit (bat tainuus aeotiou back ot buiub Bios., ueur Ousauvllle, tbe borne ot tbe deer uud elk. 'ibe most uoted "link" m all Oreguu la located lu tbat region. Times Mountaineer: Mr. A.. W. Pat terson, of tbe Heppner liuzette, was a passenger ou tbe evening train yester day, tie acoompauied tbeoouiuiittee ou tbe boat today to tbe Uaeoade ijooks. Don't forget tbat tbe Ueppner races are not far away. Also that tbe Uolum biau oelebrutlou aud U. A. tt. auiDgs have not been very extensively auver used. It's about time tbe committees were at work. Bogus scrip is being dug up over in Uraut ouunty. f be sunp was issued and uttered Uuder the Mael administration, wuuae b indsmen bud to put up money for bim in '88, to make good shortage in aecuuuis. Mael died about two years ago. L. A. Miller and wife, of Lone Book, were registered at the Uity hotel Friduy. Tuey came over with W. H. Colwell and wife aud Miss Lillian Bober, who weui to Portland by Saiuiday's train. ir. (Julwell is an old Luue Hooker, but is now engaged iu business in Portland. Chronicle: Mr. A. W. Patterson, ot the semi weekly Heppner GuZetie, was the hist ot Ibeiiusieiu Oreituu delega tion to reaob Tne Dalles. He arrived ou the 4 p. m. tram yesterday, and proceed ed with tne committee bv steamer ttegu lumr mum morning to meet tbe delega tions at Ibe Cascades from Portland aud beyond. few Don't overlook tbe Ladies' Bazar. Ashley Bancroft wa in the city this week. Hon. J. N. Djlpb sp ike in The Dilies last night. Pete Curia was over from Monument Wtduesuay. Ben Hwaggart and family were np to Heppner yesterday. Fred Miller knows bow to give you a good fit in tailoring. tt sw Howard Judsun arrived home from Fortlaud Weduesday. J. O. Williams, of Spring Hollow, was in Wednesday on business. The Gem aud Palace saloons for fine liquors, McAlee Bros., Props. sw 8. J. Curlyle, Arlington's marshal, was in town over Tuesday night. Ctius. H. Frye, a cattle bu)er from Seattle, spent Sunday in Heppuer. Wm. Junes bas returned from Virginia wbere be sold bis horses quite well. Wm. Tirtlot and wife have gone to housekeeping in tbe Dodson bouse. Billy Duucau has gone up in tbe Blues' foothills to work for Peuiaud. S im G. Miller and J H. Jones, ot Sight Mile, are hauling in tbeir wbeat. Jack Wbalen, a etookraiser ot tbe Middle Fork of tbe John Day, ism town. J. W. Vaughan, of Lexington, was up to attend the speaking Weduesday even ing. W. 0. Brown, a substantial Lone Book resident, was with ua tbe first of the week. The famous Cabball mines, of tbe Greeuboru section, was reoently sold for 8250,000 Mike Kenny was in to see ye Gazette Tueumy, ana it was a good, substantial visit, too. Win. Penland reported Wednesday that bis large docks were iu excellent oonditiou. A 0. Petty s was in with a load of bunchgrHBS pears tbe other day. These grow on a vine. Pap bimons & Son still shoe horses and do general blacksmitbing at tbe old stand Matiock oorner. 55. Bob Dexter says tbe rainfall up about the foothills bas been about five inobes. Ginrs is growing finely. Daniel J'Oouoor, a sbeepinau of Ar lington, on me up Tueslay last to buy Borne sheep in ttiis section. The Heppner Mills have not turned a wheel, bo fur, this fall. It is supposed that tuty will start up ere long. MiBB Letha Purker, dressmaker, will guarantee you a good tit. Give her a trial. Kesidenoe W. A. Johnston. 4 tf Wm. Bix was down from Hardman yesterdny. He Bays tbat justioe court is "biliu"' up there injaO of tha tlma. Andrew Anhbaugb was in to see ne yesterday. He says be never saw so much dry weather before in one fall. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nuisiDg. Cull at her home iu north Heppuer, or address her at this pluce. 618 f Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at tbe city barber shop- the place to get a nrBt-class suave, nair-cut or shampoo. The best and surest dye to color the beard brown oi bfaefc, as may be desired, is Buekmgiiam's Dye tor the Whiskers. It utver lulls. Muster Clay Fiencl is the authorized Bgmt.tor the Oregotiiun ut this place. Subsonbe ihiouyb bim, and have your paper delivered liee ol charge. tf Hewer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business Charley JoueB, the baber, wants his old mends there. tion. Fret not jour life awey' bfcaute your bairisgiHy, while young, bs you oau Btop all gri.jnesa aud can beautify the hair with Hall's Hair Kentwer BLd be happy. Oonduotor French's littlesou, Chatter, was quite ill the other night, and it waB feared for a time that he was poisoned, but euob proved not to be the oase, fortunately. Tbe latest dentistry, orown and bridge -mm nnocnN f ii 1 1 v flccomnlii-bed by Dr. B. F. Vaughan. Gas administered when deBirtd. Thompson building, Heppner, Or 1-a-w- The Bennett Hotel at Arlington has been moved from the oia location near the depot, to Main St., about two bluoks fiom Ibe depot, where its propri etor will welcome jou as ot old. 23-if OonoooBeview: That electric lights will soon illuminate our city, is a oer taiuty. McMeekin bas purchased the Albany plant, which has become too small to meet tbe requirements of that growing oity, and will Boon bave it ship ped to this place. There is no nse ;n suffering with rheu matism as long as jou can get Congo (ill. It it for sale by all druggists at 2 per bottle, but it would be dirt cbeap at four times the prioe. It is a positive oure for rheomatii-m, and no mistake. Try it and be oouyiictd. ' tf Parties wanting bargains in household furniture will do well to oall on George Fell before next Saturday. T. E. Fell's furniture is for sale, including bedroom Bets, bed lounge, dining-room table, chairs, lumps, oook stove, rubbor bub tub, etc. 530 31 The many remarkable cures of catarrh effected by tbe use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is uouolusive proof that this loathsome aud daugerous disease is one of the blood, only needing snob a searching and powerful alternative to thoroughly eradicate it. Tbe committee on printing should look after their work. The newspapers cau't do tbn for nothiug any more than a store oan furnish buuting without oost. And besides, the people should be ad vised uf our program for the coming cel ebration and U. A. K. cam pure. Mr. A. A. Wren bas turned his atten tion to hog raising, and now baa 38 bead. Some of them weighs as much as 2o0 pounds, and so far, haveoost him scarce ly uoibingtor feed, fattening on tbe stub ble aud waste in a rye field. More of our farmers should follow Mr. Wren There can be no health for either mind . hn.iv n lnotf as tbe blood is vitiated. Cleanse the vital current from all impur-- ities by tne use oi -ji This medioins recruits th wasted an Hon. J. N. Dolph Addressed Lanje trowd of Henpner's BOSTON CASH STORE. 1- CITLZEN'S ON WEDNESDAY EVENING. -I have the honor of nnnouncing to- He Commends The Coarse of The Present Administration Aud Keviewn The Past History of I he Political Parties. Injubed dot not Avbnobd. A days ugo au old gentleman cauie down from a oertam locality iu tbe mouutaius aud proceeded to bowl up to about one huudred aud fifty degrees Fahrenheit. He oegau u ieel hilarious and beiouk nimseit unto a dive ruu by a son ot Hum. Here be got into iniimute rela tions with one ol tne inmates, wbo de sired a return for attentions tuul were a substitute tor affections, iu some way be objected to tnia purunasii g liieudsbip with all his worldly weallb, $26 in cash, and a disugreemeut result ed. The Icinuie produced a kuite, aud pruoeeded to an oi-oulur demoustialiou of li.e luct tbat she was about to cut bu anatomy into a multitude of fragments The. mental sbock produced by thiB pieoe ol savagery caused bun todepart in peaoe, aud avoid being cut mio and manned. He left bis small fortune aud received in its pleoe a bit of experience. Tue transaction is probably au tqiiuauie hut tbe experience will not ue room. to see Bathe in oonueo- uue. taken at tbe Oaua, neuoe - Pendleton Tribune. all is sorroA A Good Cow loo. The editor of tbe Fossil Journal is troubled with some ol ihn illi to wbioh flesh IS heir, aud ot these IB a cow which be desires to sell Hear bim: "Owing to ill health I win sell at uiy residence lu town, range 9.1 .nmiritliu.' to novemmeul survey, one plush, raspberry-ooloreu cow, age eight years. She is ot undaunted courage, aud gives milk frequently. To a muu wbo does not fear death in any form, she would be a great boon. She is very niuob attached to her bouse at present by means of a stny ohaiu, but she will be sold to anyone wbo will agree to use her right. She is one-fourth Bbort born and three-fourths hyena. I will also throw in a Double barrelled sbotguu wbiob goes with her. In May Bbe gen erally goes away somewhere tor a week r iwn uud returns with a red tailed calf with wabbly legs. Her name IB Kose, and I would pietcr to sen ner to a non-resident. A Two Hundred Dollar Prize Ofieb. Frank LeBlie's Weekly ever enterpris ing, offerB S200 to tue subscriber ho est to the plurality which On Wednesday evening, a goodly por tion of Heppner's citizens greeted Sena tor J. N. Dolph at the opera bouse. Pre vious to tbe speaking, tbe Heppner band dikooursed sweet music, the anvils thun dered and bonfires burned at convenient places on the main thoroughfare. Mr. Dolph wbs introduced by Congressman-elect Ellis, and without much preamble plunged into an address which oocupied full two hours. Ho reviewed the Lodge bill which he said be voted for and had no apologies to make for do ing so. That it only gave to all law abiding citizens, whether white or blaok, full and just franchise, and tbat it added to nor took away none of the privileges granted by the great constitution, and tbat it never was a "foroe bill" in any sense. The constitution in its preamble set forth certain fundamental principles, whioh were elaborately olotbed in the great document itself, and that in the South tbe constitution was a dead letter. All tbe republican party wanted was a chanoe to vote unmolested and to bave tbeir votes oounted, and this right they were willing to aoourd every American oitizen, legardlees of political faith. Tbe last two administrations were dis cussed. Sparks, tbe land commissioner, who arraigned every settler as dishonest, was sifted to a untsb. tie spoke oi tu. hlookine of business till on June 30. 1888, 350,9o9 entries remained neglected. This vast amount ot business, neglected as it was, called for action. A democrat ic house took the matter up, but the sen' ate would not concur in this, as it was olaimed tbat thiB branch of business should be looked after without any in struction from congress. Then followed iu an effort to remedy tbe general mie mBiiauement. tbe dismissal ol Sparks. "Ot the railroad and canal grants made in tue history of our country, more thai half of them were made before bl, Buirt the senator. Those made previous I that time were in the rioh loud districts of the East where one aore is worth more than twenty-five in tbe West. The oonn try bad gained more man it nad lost V) giving to corporations, lands to encour age tne onuaing or iraoa coniiueutn lines. Mr. Dolph modestly olaimed tb honor of startiug the forfeiture mattei between Wallula and Portland. His on to refund to the settler the unjust excess ohnrged of $1.25 per acre, bad Beeu op DiiBed bv demouiatio nenutois, to bis as tonishment, and it was doubtful if the) ever allowed it to come to the surfaoi again. He disouseed free, coinage of silv from a republican standpoint, but britfl saving that he had not the putienee t talk about sometbiug so plainly out n reason armethiug that would be detn mental even to tbe mine owners them selyes. In the mutter of money, tin S.mth hud surrendered to Cleveland, Hie there was a big differeuoe between a 1h that would bave silver ooiued Bo that i would be equal to gold, dollar for dollar. Hntl ne tbat contemplated that b settle ment of this kind should be made by in ternational agreement. Cleveland's "surplus" was made by stopping the redemption oi bonds, and when the money was used, it bs to tHk up a lot of non-interest bearing indebt ednees. This aotion was mau furthei reprehensible by loaning, without mtei est, to banks, over $100,000,000 Con greas finally interfered, for the busiiiesr of tbe oountry was beginning to Bbov. tbe effeots ot so much money beiug boarded up. The senator said that Protection and Liberty were the principles of the govern ment during the '60's, and that it hai oontinued as a principle of tbe reptiblio an party from nose times to the present The ooofederaoy advocated free trade aud slavery He spoke of the constitutionality of s protective tariff, and tbt any assertion to the ooutrary were not even given a passing notice by the thinking people ot the country, much less the jurists. Free wool and cither Ireeraw material, with proteoted mauufnotures. he pnno tured without stint, andolosed bisspeeoh with regrets tbat be could not talk longer. Senator Dolph was ireqnemiy greeieu with cheers during his remarks. He had heurera of other rjolitioal faiths than re- mihlicnn. who listened respectfully and attentively throughout the disoourse, THE PEOPLE OF HEPPNER And adjoining sections tbat I bave located here, and to Btay. g$2e ; oi Tip Y OUli l' ALL. PUKCHASKs ,are about to be made, lou waut to buy the beat go da yuu can for your money. We do : you should. How to do it then comes next. A safe way is to compare values Hud priced. We take pleasure in showing our good and telling unr prices. Our Dry Goods Department is full of choice offrfriugs for this season. In Dres9 Goods we are far iu advauee of our competitors. Our Styles and prices prove it. You should see our Clothing and Overcoats. Children's, BoyB' and Youths' Clothing in an endless profusion. Gonda piled to the ceiling, eo to speak. Our prices will move them. Suits made to order in tbe latest styles and patterns. Represent the lurgest tailoring establishment iu Chicago. Our fall stock is now oomplote aud will interest you. . WE Rustlers ! For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to I (Tl We -.- Guarantee -:- Satisfaction. We bave in endless quantities and to suit the trade in price, style HAT3, latest stvles, cheaper than ever sold iu Ueppner before. and My quality, stock is direct frum tbe East, and is the best ever brought to tbe town. At present located in the M. Lichtenthal buildiug, Main street, opposite the City Hotel. 529 tt U. tl. JvULAlArN . OUR WONDERFUL REMEDIES! DR. GRANT'S I Jfife SlHiS, . WL I Dr. Grant's CLOALO! The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can I Round up Bargains Like Youra Respectfully. We are here for business from the ground up and propose to let you know it. MINOR BROS., HEPPNER. OREGON. Native fST Discovery! The Great remV 1 5 t V tl f1 eon-rial i.reimentot . s . r? jfs::fii THE Kmc OP iH''!1 1?oMir.. Moiiiau'd digest m, PRICE, $1.00 gar Fei. i gnnra. lUl.h-k'e. For the cure of Dr. Gt:r,fs LiJ..,, .-I -ui .l! PRICE, $1.00. Liver Cure, c-miifi-tB for tbe Presidency may receive, 'ibis means tue plurality of tne popular vote, aud not the electoral Vote. Frank Leslie's Weekly Contains neariv ever week great trout-page cur- looua, wbicu quiie tquui iu ly contemporary, tbe Judge. In lllus iratiug tbe new. eveuiB ot tbe week in Us bmbest possible artistic manner, and u giving albO tne laieai pioiurc. ui irwn uveuts. 11 nus a u other weekly lu the couutry does, flank Leslie's will be sent Ior nve weens ior 50 cents. This lncluues me privilege oi Stiessing on the plurality. Wos Thb Suit Ed. C. Allen got in from Peudietou Tuesday evening aud left yesterday morning tor Portland and Eauene, remaining ut the latter pluoe till alter tbe Uiand Lodge, h ol P., which convejes ou the llui lust. Mr. Allen reports that the famous Black Butte miuiug suit has been deaided in bis luvor, and that he will prooeed im mediately to put in maehiuery ou the claim. It is, without doubt, the richest mine in Grant oouuty, auu v,. ..u is good for a cool milliou outof the Biaek Butte. Klght or Wrong:. Whioh will ve bave? It does seem as if some folks Dreter to bave the last con dition of the liver rather than the first. Ihey perpetually dose themselves with mi ruutiveR totallv without virtue as al lenitive of liver trouble. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is tbe suooessful candi date for tbe i eoole's choice, and yet, pop ular and well known as it is, there are unfortunates who keeD on trying tbe drastic remedies of former days. It is to the intelligent portion of the publlo tbat the well known and long tried properties of the Bitters aoDeal. Reason should be guided by eiperienoe in the matter of medication. " rue oesi guiae 10 our ior i is the lamp of experience," Bald a great natrtot of tbe early revolutionary period and the exclamation is pregnant with truth. For over a third of a oentury the Bitera daily has met with tbe endorse ment of Deoule suffering from liver com olaint. malaria, constipation, rheuma tism, dehilitv and troubles accompanied by djspepsia. Latterly it bas declared itself and been thoroughly approved as a remedy for "la grippe." The World Enriched. The facalities of tbe present day for tbe production of everything tbat will con duce to the material wel'are and com fort of uiaukind are almost unlimited, anl when Syrup of Figs was first pro. duced the world was enriched with tbe only porfeot laxative kuown, as it is tbe only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste aud prompt and effectual o cleanse tbe system geutly in tbe spring time or, in faot, at any time and the better it is koown the more lopular it beoomes. 630 542 law. IV'ght's Dispax ' " K DiaK-tes, Biliousness, Bick-Headachs, and aU nev ''roubles. Frloo, Bl.OO. Prepared by THE 0. W. ?. MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 315 Front St , Portland, Oreegpt Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Made oh short Notics and at Pofoiab Prices. Bffi Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Grain Sacks ijmiiimjuiiw-ismmii -Luw swffisswniiwwimisWinuw ii ,mmmmrmrr'!rT THE W6KLD RENOWN D Prevention bettor tin Cure ! Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. DIP YOUR SHEEP HAVE MORE WOOL EVERY FALL AND AND BETTER WOOL Hee Indorsements I Pnnner Dir. is used and endorsed by the .following Oreson , and . Montana .heprae.r.B Donaldion. Day vl lei W. b. ' h Rvera New blBbon ; Fl. Motile, Bercall Kenneth .vioKae bavvllle J " 'S Uiip'uye?; k K Warren, Utlca; Bro. Cook A Clark, I hilhrjKik; Fa lrch id 4W;'ii H. Ubet; Jame. Kdle, milo"W.Wrion. Btn; A. Dowuie, Big Sandy. . The Cheapest and Best Dip mrmde, Sold Everywhere Ask Your Merchant for Coopers and Take 10 Other. KOBLaND BHOS, Portland, Oreson, Gen. Agt. lor Oregon, Wanhiugtou and ffwtun Idaho. Props. We COOPER 4 NEPHEWS. uaivcMum, jru. Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company tl Arc mill alive and kicking Ior trade with a complete line ol- Hardware 1 mware WW Wee TOBACCOS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Guns and jYmmimitiori, Sewing Machines, Farm Implements. Alao Genti' Furnihin(! Oooda, and the largMt aaaortment ot Tuai lu aatern OreKon, Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto: We Won't Be undersold. OXFORD GltADE BUCKS ! The undersigned has a choice lot of Oxford Grade Bucks for sale at reasonable prices, at his ranch, 7 miles south of Pilot Rock. AM lot Rock, Or. Dids'i Wast to Appkab -Edward Hahn tbs 'bn driver who attempted to cut Miss Sadie Qainer's tbrqat, was on able to appear iu tbe polioe court toriay, ..... - ... n,.l rnma DD. ftllSS U'll uer dots not waut to prosecute Hahn, and this oomiog to tbe ears ol Uxputy f roeatiuK Attorney Latterly, be caused ber to be detaiued iu the city jit " kWrMwbobcut T.bV 5. Sw'Maiden Uoe. New York, does. Telegram. (500 Will be Ulveo Vr.r unir aaae of Rheamntism which osn- not be oared by Dr. Urammond's Ligbt nmg Kemedy. The proprietors do not bide this offer, bat print it in bold type on all tbeir circulars, wrappers, priuei matter and through the oolnmns of news papers every wbere. It will work won ders, one bottle will curs nearly every oase. II the druggist baa not irot it be will order it, or it will be sent to any ad drees by prepaid express on receipt of Drammond Medtoine Co, 60 Maiden l-ane, new jon, nted. 33 f'Zgs w4 ! W ... ,. S. C. Smith, . ninvrrrnr All i i:d tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. i wan 4 Kf-eps a fn ll line of the ay of Furniture. Undertaklns itowlt a ipeciallty. May Street, Heppner. Or. M3-f fSft'"?J P. ; J WELL, I JIIE QITY HOTEL, W. J. LlCB.HKi 1 roil, rpllIS IIOSTELKY has beou Bkkitted and Rkkcnibiihd throughout, and now is one of the most Inviting plaoes in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to stop with bim, feeling that be is able to entertain you in the best of style. First r Class House. Reasonable Rates. P -:- ill -:- (prs ! SHOULD SMILE, ,Th Finest in tho Land. Oyster Sofisson A Ibo is about ripe. We will let you know about that in tho near future. W. L. Matlock & Co.