Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 07, 1892, Image 2

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    Give yourbusinesttoUeppnet people
and therefore cueist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize thote who patronize
of Indiana.
of New York.
J. F. CAPLES, of Portland.
H. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pans.
G. M. IRWIN, of Union.
D. M. DUNNE, of Portland.
The Hon. Patriot Egan, minister plen
ipotentiary of the United States to Chili,
who arrived at New York last Tuesday,
brings witb him a treaty wbiob provides
that all claims on the part of corporations,
companies or private individuals shall be
submitted to three commissioners, one
to be selected by the United States, one
by Cbili and the other to be a person
upon whom the presidents of both ooun
tries agree. If no agreement is reached
within three months after the ratification
of the treaty the Swiss repubho shall
name the commissioner. The commis
sions are to be held in Washington
T 1 . i i - .
uw vuuuunug aeoiBiun or any two Of
the commissioners are to be final.
Claims must be presented to the com
mlssioners after doe notice to the two
governments within two months after
the first day of meeting. In conver
sation with a reporter, Mr. Egau says be
was ohargei by President Montt of Chili
to convey to President Harrison a oor-
disl message, couched in very oompll.
mentary language to the bearer. He
had with him also, he said, letters of
credit for 75,000 in gold on Paris from
the Chilian government, to be distrib
uted among the families of litggin and
-larnoan, !ne two American men-of-
war t-men killed and injured in the Balti
more trouble, and among those that
were injured. The amount of indem
nity, he said, was satisfactory to both
governments. The offer of this snm
was made by Chili to him after some
negotiations on the part of both govern
ments, and, as per inetruotious from
Washington, be aocepied it. Other
claims pending will be also settled im
mediately. Mr. Egan is highly ap
preciated by President Montt and bis
The democratio oommitiee, through
their secretary, tiled a ticket with Secre
tary of State Piukham on last Monday,
says a dispatch from Idaho. In obtdi
enoo to iuBtruoliotii from the democratic
national oomuiittee they left off the
names of the democratio eleolors, substi
tuting the people's party electors there
for. The action of the state committee
is severely oritioised by leading demo
crats. Many fcxpresi indignation that
they are not to be allowed to vote
for Cleveland and faaug their heads io
shame. They feel sore over the slaugh
ter of democratic hopes in the state at
the expense of national party politics.
Republiouns Bre jubilant. Thev say this
putting down of dcmooratio electors is
an open confession on the part of the
democrats that they oould not carry the
state for Cleveland. It bl-o shows thai
the demociats regard the people's party
lu the light of allies to the democrats,
and that it ia any thing to beat Harrison.
Muuy romiblioiuiB here who have tip t
this time looked with some favor upon
the people's party movement on acoounl
ot their free coinage plauk, now that the)
see the local objeoi of the movement are
deserting the populist ranks and coming
buck into the old party. The news i.
the coalition between the democrats and
populists wbb received with muoh jov at
republican headquarters. Leading pol
itiuiana now have no fear of carrying the
state for Harrison aud Reid and the en
tire stale by 2,000 majority, it is a safe
estimate that full? two-thirds of the re
publican votes that have gone over to
the populists will come back.
Gsoaoa Tiounok Coins, a oelebrated
author and lawyer, writes as follows to
the American Economist: "In common
witb many other democrats, I OBnnot
follow tbe leaders of the party io de
Bouncing republican protection as a
fraud upon tbe labor ot the great major
ity of tbe American people for tbe bene
fit of tbe few; nor can I subscribe to the
the doctrine that a protective tariff is nn.
Constitutional. I have no peouotary in
terests in manufactures, but I know
what protection has done and is doiug
for this country. If it operates for the
benefit ot the few, I am not one of that
fow. I am one of the many; one of the
great majority beueflted by it, iuolnding
those who denounce it for the sake o
obtaining political power."
The democratic national campaign
oomuiittee have asked that in all sure
republican states, the democratio elect
ors be withdrawn and the people's party
electois be substituted. This, of course,
is to throw the election in the bouse, aud
it may work. A vote for Weaver iu Ore
gon, or any other republican state, is a
vote for Cleveland.
Tub Heppner flouring mill uses the
borne product aud turns out as good
fi.iur as was ever ground by any mill,
and not a sack of outside flour should
be used iu the community. Our home
institutions must be patronized, as long
as they do their part.
Home tough oharaoters attempted to
rob a bank at Erie, Fa., but met with
tome resistance from a plnoky bauk
clerk, and bad to give up tbeir job.
Ad officer carralled the whole four be
fore tbey got out of town.
Tom Ooleman, alias Tom Geoghegan,
lias "Oooney, the Fox," who was sup- -
posed to have something to do with the
Cranio murder, ia now in the Oregon
penitentiary. He denies any complic
ity with that mnrder, but he will likely
be taken back to Chicago anyway, tor
he knows too muoh aboat the affair to
be entirely innocent.
There is not an Irishman in America,
and but few in the home country, who
did not know Patrick Sarsfleld Gilmore,
the great band mast r, as one of their
oountrymen. His death, wbicb ocoured
recently, was sudden. He had juBt been
appointed as musical direolor of the
World's Fair.
Down in Georgia, the denizens are
after Weaver. During the war, it is
said that he committed all sorts of atro
oious acts, which tbey have not forgot
ton. Money and goods, they claim, were
stolen and sent North by Weaver for bis
own use.
Mitchell, tbe democratic candidate
for governor down in Florida, is elected
by not less than 25,000 majority. The
negroes divided their votes between tbe
democrat and populist candidate.', and
too, without solicitation. Ihe repub
licans bad no tickets in the field.
Wouldn't a little water be acceptable
in Heppner just about now? Three-
fourths of tbe wells are failing or entire
ly dry, and the Gazette thinks that by
the time city water is ready to be sup
plied to the town, that a large majority
of our people will be glad of it.
Majob Masons has reached Chioago,
and we are inform d, some ten days in
advance of the time allotted him. The
major will be present at tbe opening exer
cises ot tbe world's fair, and is expected
borne io time to cast bis vote this fall.
Tub Gazette is in reoeipt of "The Cam
paign Text Book of the Democratic Par
ty," for wbiob it is thankful, as it shall
be perused with care. An unprejudiced
person should read both sides of the
Scnol, and Varian, the stallion, have
gone down South to try for the world's
record. Sporting men say that Sunol
will beat the time made by Nanoy Hanks-
Nklson Collins, a young man of Port
land, was killed by a motor car last Mon
day. He refused to get off tbe car steps
and was knooked off by a passing oar.
The Kamm building, one of the finest
blocks in Portland, was destroyed bv
fire laet Sunday, in which two lives were
los ,
Samdel Longfellow, brother of the
ilhiHtrioua poet, died at Portland, Maine,
ou the SJ Inst., age 73 yenrs.
The Valley Reoord has declared itself
for the people's p irty.
Tun poet, Tounysou, is dead. He was
of a family of poets.
Gisokqia has gone 80,000 democratic.
Died, Oct. 2, 1892, at her home iu Hepn
ner, Oregon, Maggie M , beloved wife
of Dr. K. T. Gageu, nged 25 years and
five mouths.
Deceased, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Pace, was born iu Iowa, May 20,
1867, from wliunoe her pure' Is removed
to Brown Co., Kaunas, iu 1871, and en
gaged in farming near Sabetha 'Twas
Ibere she paNsed her early life and bud
ded into womanhood, a general favorite
with all, admired for her mtelleot aud
goodness, and loved as only those oan
be where Heaven has stumped upon tbe
cbaraoter its owd grace ami loveliness.
Twas here she met the doctor, then a
practicing physician near her hnme. and
iheir marriage was sulemuized May 27,
Two yenra later Kiev came to Oreaon.
nettling in Lexington, Morrow Co., where
the urat litlle one cmn to brighten their
home; but tbe babe was taken, her heart
was broken. She was takeu back to her
"Id timiip, where the scenes of ohililbood,
and Time, tbe great restorer to the sad
dened heart, wrouuht its change, and on
her return the blighted home was anaiu
one of Biinahine aud felicity,
Ou the 21 nit , auotber babe was born,
hut only to agaiu Biiddeo the heart, ns
life was extinct, and eeptieieiuia soon
claimed the mother as its own, Drs.
Shipley Bud Swinburne came to the bus.
baud's lisalstiiiioe, and all was done to
alleviate ber sufferings and soothe the
dying hour. Her farewell to husband,
relatives and friends was must heart
rend iug TheiniudwBR clear and aot
ive, her faith in Him who holds our des
tinies was perteot, the curtain seemed
lifted, and the ouly regret, as she ex
pressed it attain aud again, was the trao
sient good bye to those left behind.
OKITUAUY. Died, in Lexington, Sent. 20, of con
sumption, Rachel Wilson, wife of J S
Tower, and sister of P. H. Wilson, age
52 years, 9 mouths and 2 days.
Mrs. lower was born in ludiana Deo.
24 1830, and dime to Oregon in 1851
tier long and paiuful illness was bo-ne
with Christian palienoe and fortitude,
and after many months of suffering.
trusting in God, (he q'lielly fell aaleep,
in in nope ot iiienneii immortality.
Asleep lu Jt-stis, hlt'HHi-d sleep,
From which none ever nuke to weep
A calm ami uiu1laliirl)ct reposo,
V nhroken by the Isttt ot tucs.
Pendteion paper, please copy,
The following lint of appointments
were mniie by Bishop W. W, Dunonn,
who presides over the Southern Meth-
odist Couferenoe at Palouse Cit v :
Pendleton district M. V. Howard.
presiding elder; Pendleton, R'V. F. O.
Adkina; Weston, Rev, William Fau
oluer; Walla Walla, Rev E. G. Michael;
Heppner to be supplied; l,a GrBiide
and Moss Chapel, Rev, P. M bell; Uma
tilla otrcnit to be supplied; 8 -merville,
Rev. Chas. E Kiik; Winwille, Rev,
H. Barnhart; Ea l Valley, Rev D. W.
Yoakum; Boise circuit, Rev. M. Lurkm;
l'omeroy aud Dayton. U. H. Gibson;
Dayton station, Kev. J..hu H. Hbelton;
Euiiuetis, Rev. E, C. Eegle.
Spokane district li,-v. U. B Swift;
Spokane station to be supplied Pa
louse, Rev. J. W. Compton; Oakesdule,
Kev. 11. B. Terry; Big Bend, Rev 8kee;
Daveuport to be supplied; Futlatob,
Rev. W. 8. H-tnbuokle: Rockford. Rev.
E. P Warren; Genesaee, J. W. Robert
son; Oolfax, A Anderson; Camas prai
rie, Rev. S. E. Crowe.
PrpBobinii st the Baptia rhnrch Sun
day t 11 o'clock. Text, 28,1 faalm and
4tb Terse. "Though I walk through tbe
valley of tbe shadow of death, I will fear
no evil, for Toon art with me; Thy rod
aud 'lhy staff thev comfort me." Tbe ,
tbongbt of our theme is tbe Christian's
confidence. Tue outline ia, 1, Jesus a
Saviour; 2, Jesus a friend; 3, Jesus a
support; finally, Jesus is all in all to tbe
Christian. Text at 7 o'olock is to the
young pe 'pie. Text, ''Renumber now
thy Creator ju the days of thy youth."
Ail are invited to come and bear these
important themes. M. Bramblet,
Visited Hbppneb Tbe Gazette re
porter was told confidentially that De
tective Sullivan, of Ihe Hound ooootry,
was in Heppner over Tnesdav nigbt, and,
ot course, would have made no mention
of it had he not found that a large pro
portion of our people knew of bis pres
ence at that time. There are a number
of people here who know him by eight.
He was oo the lookout for a forger who
was supposed to be in Heppner,
Nuptials. At the residenoe of the
bride's parents, near Heppner, on Oct. 3,
1892, occurred the niarrtaiie of Mr. Rich
ara Howard and Miss Emma French,
Judge Keitbly officiating. Both are well
known young people, and the Gazette
Cuuuta Richard as one of its stoutest
friends. We wish them a long and hap
py life.
Piled Out. On last Monday night
near Lexington, while Dr. Shipley was
on one of bis usual errauds of mercy, the
harness broke, letting tbe buggy tongue
fall to the ground. Tbe horBes took
fright, breaking tbe tongne and overturn
ing the rig, but neitner the doctor nor
the vehicle were damaged much.
Runaway. While coming to town
Wednesday, Ed. Hooker's leaders broke
their doubletree, and becoming frinbten
ed, broke away aud ere not stooped till
they reaobed Main street in front of Pap
Bimona', wnere tbey were caught, witb
skinned legs, but nothing more serious.
It is the wish of tbe oommander of
Rawlins Post, G. A. R , tbut all oomrades
and old soldiers be in Heppner on tbe
night of Oct. 20ib, so as to be on band
early on tbe 21sl, in order to be lu read
iness to perform any unties wbicn may
be required of tnem. isy order ot
i. W. Smith,
To tbe tax-payers of the town of Hepp
ner. Tbe oommon counoil will meet
Oot. 17tb (Mojday eveuiuti) at 7 P. M.
for the purpose of equalizing tbe assess
ment of 1892. Any grievances to be
mads will be considered at that date.
A. A. Roberts, .
Beware of Ointments For Catarrh That Con
talu Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy tbe sense
of eme.ll and completely derange tbe
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Knob articles
sbonld never be nsed exoept on prescrip
tions irom reputable phvsiciaoa. as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good you oan possibly derive from tbem.
uau s uatarrn Uure, manufactured by
F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, aud is takeu internally, act
nig direotly upon tbe blood and muoous
surfaces of the system. Iu buying Hall's
(Jatarrn Cure be sure you get tbe genuine.
it is taken internally, and made in Tola
do, Ohio, by F. J. CheneI & Co. Testi
monials free.
tdold by Druggists, price 75o. per
"Any Port in a Storm."
X hat's a good maxim, but it will not
work as a rnle in the purchase of a rem
edy for Hhi nmatism. Any of the cheap
nostrums will not effeot a oure in fuot
nor.e of ihem will. Don't trifle with life
aud prolong agony. GetDr.Drummond's
Lightning Remedy, and a sneedv core is
oertain. It costs SO a bottle, but one
bottle is north a hundred of anvthinu
else, and for that reason it is the obeap
eat when a cure is wanted. Sent to any
address by prepaid express oo reoeipt oi
price, lfrumnimi.l Medicine Co.. 4a 50
Maiden Lmne, N. X Agents wanted. 33
I'lll'Mi at Hume III Ten l)j by AdmiinK
trrliiK Dr. HulmV (iulilcn fiircifiu.
It chu bo Kiveu ia a iiIsms ot beer, h onp
if onffee or tea, or in food, without lln-
knowleriKe f the patient. It is absolute
ly harmless, ami will efleot a permanent
and speedy cure, whether the patient ia
a moderate driukeroranaloohnlio wreek.
It has been Kiveu in thunaauds of eaaen
and in every instance a perfect onre h ia
followed. It never fails. 'I ho system
onoe impregnated with the SDeeitie. it
heoomea an utter impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist. Cures ffiiaran.
teed. 48 page book of particulars free.
Address the Golden Si'Koinc Co., 185
itnoe Street, Cincinnati, Otiio.
F RKAL AND I'EKM.iNAI. pboppiitv
V Notice la hereby given that on Saturday!
the 8th day oi uetober A. ii. iwl, the undersign
ed nialguro of the Imolvont Esiate of Adam
Murray, Alex Murray and William Murray, to
partuen aa "Murray llroa.," w 111 sell at private
ale all the follox lug described renl eMate, the
naiiiecoiuiailiiKof well Improved farming land
on the John luy river iiour Dnvvilla in iir.,,r
county, orcKon. viz. :
The Ki MM?'-, sec 31 and WW of Sffu gee
3T Tp la b. K K. W. M. i Brackett ranch.)
I lie ShVi (Sec 1 Tp 13 8 U K. W. M. (Alex
Murray H'd.)
The a'i Sec 3 and N 4 Sec 9 Tp IS S R 27 E W
M. (Wmiain i;rant road laud.) SV, (Sec 5 To U
S K a; K. (Urant mail laud.)
The MV
e 4 Td l
1,1 S 1 27
r E. w. M. (Win.
Murray I're.eiuption.)
tiiei'.,.oi ,n . svv' of xwir mh vtvi
'I lie iV of NKU. NW Ml i. .... in m .a '.,
. . V v '.1; 1,1 n ' ttl1 i-eater ranch.)
II- M , ...I- !...,. - .. . r "
The sRi, 0lSt.c 20 ip us K a w M
field ulace.l
The of NW
S K 2b K. W. M.
f NWV and Wti of NE1 Soc 28 Tp 12
. -M. (Maacall ranch.)
1 he Miy of NW ia. and Lola 1 & 2 In Sec 18 Tp
13 8 K 2s E. W. M. ( I harp ranch ) P
SO aerca In Sec Hi Tp 13 S It 2; E. W. M. (Wm
Murray school Land )
The NWv of sEij. Mj oi PWKi and s of
SW V See 2 1p 13 s K 2 E. (Ii. McliouiUd raiiTh.)
Ihe M. ol .xfc',, SK'4of Mil, s0l. am SHu
of SEV, sec 8 lp 11 s K27 E. (Oliver llrowu
much. I
The E'i of SWV, Sec 21 and E'i of NWV See 28
Tpllslt .'tiK w. M. (l.v.rn. ranch.)
!' N', of SK, and .V, SW V sec Tp. 13 S It
" .T,r ltn',1 II ,U-C.J
'I he SK4 of Sec 27 Tp 13 s li 2ii E. w. M. (Fitr
(.icrnid ranch )
I he t, ol ,svvv Sec 23 and r.K of SE V Sec 2'
Tp 13 8 H M K W. M. (All.cn Johnaon ranch.)
saiuaaie oi aaiii real eMale to coiniueuce at lu
v. v ,v.v '.. m. on mu Mn imy oi uotooor, lsic. In
fmnt 01 Ihe court liouae (hair in I'anvoll t'ltv
Orant c.uinty, stale oi Oregon, and"coiithiiie
Ir.untime lo linic and be a.liourned irom place
to place llf necessary hi the judgment of aald
aaalguee) until all aald real ealale be aold.
Alao at aaid time and place (w'th privilege of
aald aaaljiilce to continue irtun time to time and
adjourn Hum place to placo if neceaaurv) said
aignee 111 aell at Public Auction all the fol
lou hig deacrllied iwraonal proiwrtv. to: 11'
A large nuiiiher of horaea conais'tiiig of stock
horaea, geldluga and a large nimilier of cattle
conalalliig of dairy covva and atock catlle; aald
horaea uuinberlug 2S head more or leal, and aaid
cattle numbering 17," head more or leas; alao 200
head more or lew of Thoroughbred Merino
bucka. .iu) torn of hay, 20tJ fence poatt. agoua
,n ......g iiiurr., ami impiemvnta,
etc., etc.; also one flue Percheron atalllon.
title to oregolug landa O.K. Abatractl fur
lllahed If detlrett,
Terms of all above aaiea one-half caah. balance
.....r mi ni,ru,eii aecuntv.
A Ij'w'1 C"y0n t'"'' "'' l,t cU' f 'Pt.
Kknsktii F. McRk,
Aaaiguee Eitate Murray Bro'a.
By TiKaisii d coj ad,
r 1 &
Children's Headwear,
Blankets, Yarns and Jy Mf r
Hardware v&
Heppner, Or,
Thof.nly hitot and h"ft
attire rom, npxt nor
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
m Heppner.
nxalra Street,
You will catch
At the Mallory Corner.
Buy your Groceries and ...
. . . Read their new ad. soon
H. A
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Coffin A McFarland't, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per dsy. 81.25. Meals 25 ots. at
at 0. 0. Hargeaut's, next door to Feed .Stable. Grain and
baled bay always on band.
House IMCovixxg!
T laving recently purchased of G. W. Lord his house moving outfit, we are pre
pared to do all kinds of work in this line. Oar prices are reasonable, and es
timates freely given.
621 F 635.
One bay gelding, about ten years old
branded witb two bait moons oonneoted,
weight, 1.000 pounds ; 15 bands high.
The above horse has been on my Tub
springs ranch from eight months to one
year. Owner can have same by proving
property and paying all charges
Oxo. Hwaooabt.
528-531 F Heppuer, Or.
Sboeuaku. Ed Birbeok. shoemak
er and repairer of many years' expert
enoe, has just loeatrd in tbe Abraham
sick building, on Way street, where be
is prepared to do eveiy thing in bis line.
Mr. Birbeck is stnctly a 8rat-elass work,
man and warrants all work. Give him a
call. 14-tt
FaRoinators, Dry Goods,
Fanoy Goods,
Ladies and Children's
mtnbHRhmwif of Kpm"Pr hna
to H. B'wckm n A 'o 'b.
Heppraex Or,
A. K. Blnus
I have at present at tbe John Q Wil
son place, a fine, thoroughbred Berkshire
boar, the service of whioh can be had
for $2 .50. J.M. Bekleb.
26 331 aw
I wish to trade mules or horses fur
oattle. Address me at Lexington, or
oall at my ranch, seven miles north
east of that place.
622-sw. B. F. Swaooabt.
HARNESS-SHOP, stock and fixtures. Cood
business: established la the midst of a
Rood farmlnir and stock-raisins country.
Also for sale a frood house and two lots with or
without the business property. For further in
formation address Uaieue, Heppner, Or. 483 tf.
Over the Crops being a failure
Or the Roads being dusty
Gives yon stioh
Big Lineof Foots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises,
Hats and Fancy Goods
A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish
ing Goods to be sold at Cost.
A number of summer suits and odd pants
to be disposed of regardless of cost.
Come early arid avoid the rush in
securing bargains.
Heppner. Oregon.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager.
Columbia Beer Hall!
"J EXT DOOR io Heppner Candy Factory on Main
Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors,
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
S Cents Per Glass,
On draught, fresh and cool. LuDch of all kinds. Hope
to see all their old friends and many more.
The Heppner Wood Yard.
' At last, and has opened up a Wood Yard, from which he will deliver wood
sawed or uueawed. '
Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts.
Per Cord, twice in two ; 81 CO, throe times. Wood sawed and
delivered at $7.&0 per card. Yard near the depot.
B28"8W KIP VAN WINKLB, Proprietor.
Heppner Part tociatioii
OCTOBER 19, 20,21,22.
The Directors have taken the utmost pains in preparing
their Programme, and hope that they will be rewarded
by the liberal patronage of the general public as well
as the Horsemen.
purse, HO oo ' ' v ' "-u!"e uash; purse, 1100.00. Local saddle horse., 400 yards.
125 00 D DAVCt "-Tbree-eightsmlle dash; pue l.oo.oa Five-eight, mile dash; pun
he.?.-purUDoCt-:!2-Fordcfeated h0": MO yards; purse 175.00. Free for al1; half-mile
WT RQT ri.V ,n n ....
These races will be overrTbylhe rules of the Pacific
blood Horse Assnrintinr,
Will hang purses for horses that might come here who are tmt
qualified to enter in any of the above races
ens an, w
Change of Ownership-
whiohweDronosetoenndnpttn th manaJLl,
on bands at .11 times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
85-tt SHw & Mccarty,
L, D. SOlfED S
bargains for oasb.
ot0ry manner. Will keep
Contractor I Biiilier.