Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 07, 1892, Image 1

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Buy advertising space because rates are
lout generally the circulation is a sight
lower. Circulation determines the value
of advertising ; there is no other standard.
The Gazette is willing to abide by it.
Thi Paper. Without it advertisers get
nothing for their money. The Qanette,
tcith on exception, has the largest Circula
tion of any paper in Eastern Oregon.
Therefore it ranks high as an advertising
WEEKLY NO. 498.1
Some People
Tuesdf ys and Fridays
A. Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
A' f8.H per year. .l.Vlfor six months, 1.00
. (or t.tree mourns; If paid for in advance. 2.50.
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
The "EA.Sf-I," of Long Creek, Grant
Count; Oregon, i published by the same com
pany every Friday morninjr. Subscription
rice, I'Jper year. Forailvertlsltifrrates.addreBS
milT Xj. Editor and
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or ''(iazette,"
Heppner, Oregon.
THIS PAPER is kept on tile at E. C, Pake's
Advertising Agenuy, rtl and 65 Merchants
KzchnliKs, Ban Francisco. California, where De
tracts for advertising ran be made for it.
B. A. Htinsaker
. .Henry Heppner
e came
Inu Creek The
R,.h., . Bobdhaw
Camas Prairie, Oscar De aul
Matteson, Allen McFerrtn
Nye, Or., , H. C. Wright
Hardmau, Or., J. A. Woolery
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A. Kudio
lone, T. J. Carl
Prairie City, Or., K. R. , McHajey
Canyon City, Or., . 8. L. t'arrisfi
Pilot Kock, G. I". Skelton
Dayville, Or., J- E- d'ww
Jrthi, hv. or F. 1. McCallum
Athena, Or John Edlngton
P0iiHlpt.nn. Or Wm. G. McCroskey
Mount Vernon, GrantCo.,Or., Postmaster
Shelby. Or Miss dtella Flett
Kox, Urant Co., Or J. F. Allen
Eight Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh
rn.iur uh.,a t'revV B. F. Hevlaud
Douglas, Or hite
Lone Kock, Or K. M. Johnson
Gooseberry Vt . P. Snyder
rn.wim. iirtxrnn Herbert Halstead
Lexington ...W. B. MiAlister
By a special arrangement with the
publishers we are prepared to furnish
FREE to each of our readers a year's
subscription to the popular monthly
agricultural journal, the Ahbbicah
Fakmeh, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Obio.
This offer is made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay up all arrearages
d subscription and one year in advance,
and to any new subscribers who will pay
one yeai in advance. The Amebican
Farmer enjoys a large national circula
tion, Bnd ranks among the leading
gricultnral papers. By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re
ceive the Ambbioan Fabmeb for one
year, It will be to your advantage to
call promptly. Sample copies ottn be
en at our office.
Union Pacific Railway-Local card.
No, 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8:20 a. m.
" lu. ' ar. at Arlington 11 .SO a.m.
" 9, " leaves " :H p. m.
" B, " ar. at Heppner L-Uu p. m,
except Bunday.
East birand, main line ar. at Arlington 8-.5C1 p. m.
West " ' "loaves 4:20 P. in.
Night trains are running on same time as before.
Stage leaves for Monument daily
excel t Bunday, at 6:30 A. M.
Arrives-daily, except Monday, ai
5:00 p. m.
United States Officials.
President Ben jamin Harrison
D -..,, ,l,w,l Levi P. Morton
See eta-y of State John W. Fost r
Secretary of Treasury Ch?rlS?
Beoretary of Interior 'J' Viii!-
Beoretary of ar: Stephen H. El kins
Sei-retary of Navy ......... r. , '
Posttnaster-Ueneral '"nn nnnauma-.
AMorney-weuoin... -- t,
Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah tt. BIt
State of Oregon.
... fl Pennnyer
Seor tary of ' State G . W . McHndt
TrenHnrer Phil. Metschan
Snnt. Public lnstrnction E. B. MUnqt
J. H. Mitchell
JJ N.D.lnu
5Ttinger Hermann
W. h. Ellis
Printer Frank C.Baker
rn"Mr (F.A.Moore
a,,o .l,,rl. i W P. Lord
" ( K. 8. Bean
Seventh Judicial District.
rlrnit .indie W.Jb. adihaw
Pmiommit. mi Attorney Wils r
llnrrow Connty Official".
Joint Senator... ....Henry Blaekmai.
' CommiBBionort., rm o'euuw
Clerk...'., ,...J. W. Morrow
u :tt flno. Noble.
TronrBr' '!!'.!.'.". W.J, L
A,a R. L. haw
" Snrveyor'.i.V, v.-1!alr?.wl1
School SuD't . ,VV. L. Baling
Coroner T.W.Ayera, J
,,., T. J Matlock
liV'V. h. K. Famsworth. M
Lichtenthal."6ti's Patterson. 8. P. Garriguea,
n.L ..A Vnnt 14illmm.
A"..' " .. A. A. Roberta.
rroMurei .'. ............ . . . - E- G- B'ocum
SlhJi . . J. W. Rasmus.
Precinct Office".
Justice of UV Peace P ' P,"1'0'
lourfable J.J.Kob-rt.
United states lnd Officers.
J. W Lewis SjlKI
T. 8. Lang
. . RecMer
A. C McCieila'nd Receiver
n... tAitoa Ni. 9n K. of P. meeta er-
erv Tneedav evening at 1.80 o'clock ij
F3 their l asite nau. naimm i
mg. oojournina ur-.ni",--
vited tiialterd.H. t-OHEBZISOEB. C. '
V. H KWTNBUBNB. IV.oin.dtO. u
From Terminal or Interior Points the
ie I'ne tc
Is the I'ne to take
scrofulous humor
in the blood,
ulcers, catarrh, and
The most
economical, -safe,
speedy, and
effective of all
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Tr ifl t,h ninineCar R'-nte. It rtlilB Tlirougli
Vtwti billed Trains every duy in the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change of Cars)
Cunpsed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipmeui
TouristSleping Cars
Best that can be constructed and in which ac
commodations are both tree and furnihl 101
holders of hrst or secona-ciassiicaeut, auu ,
Elegant Day Coachs.
Continuous Line oonnectinB with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can b
j 1 nt.,.lnh
any agent of the road.
rn rough" tickets
t nnA tmn nl imlnlj, in Amerca. Kuala d
and lilurop can be purchased at any Ticket office
I this Company.
Knll information concerning rates, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Asflistant General Pasaeneer Agem.
So. 121 First St., Cor. Washington,
Weak, ksivous or in Pain
From Mime long-standin ailment, orfeel
that, yont constitutien (nervnua system)
ih fHiling, or that some anliction nan
taken, or is taking, permanent hold ol
yon, which you have been, and aro still,
nnnble to throw off or oontrol, whether
in the first or last stage remember that
Dr. Gregg's
And Appliances.
and system of home treatment will cure
No medical or other mode of electric treatment
can at all compare with them. Thounand of
women who suffer for yar with complaints
peculiar to sex. nave been compieieiy ana per
manently rcntored to health. No fewer men
have also been cured.
Electric treatment for dlseaiei inggeRted, pro-
m.rlv nnnlipd. in norfect and hai no EOOd BUDBtl-
tnte. The Ureg Electric Belt and Appliances
are the only ones in existence that supply a
peneci moae 01 appiicHuun.
Thp (irecc Elentrie Foot Warmer. Drice $1.00,
keeps the feet warm and dry and U the only
trcniilne Electric Iiifiole.
I'eople who have paid their money, and been
cured can tell vou what haabeen done for them
in a wav that will convince vou. Complete cat
alogue of testimonials, prices, etc.. 6c. Circulpj
Addreu "
501 Inter Ooeau Building, Chicago, III
The Orltflnnl
vt 1
n 1
" ...
Int.Bded to Keeli Oil Fucril and
Sporadic lr. .DlMea Th. Origin
of Thai DUeaaes A Thorough Knoirl
t thtai KMKSury.
Crvptogamic, fnngarifcl or sporadic
diseases are legion and have an important
bearing on horticultural interests. I hey
cannot be too thoroughly understood,
and unfortunately it is very difficult to
get a comprehensive knowledge of them.
Now that they are being quarantined it is
desiruble to know some of the fundamen
tal principles governwig their generation
and spread. All rusts, mildews, rots,
moulds, toad stools, mushrooms and fer
ments are fungi or cryptogamia. That
i, plants that grow and reproduce them
selves without flowers,
peach tree, fs very prevalent in Pennsyl
vania and New York. There is none in
tlliiioisand Iowa. The latter states
should adopt quarantine laws. ,
. When men. set up quarantine against
cryptogams and disrupt trade, destroy
property and nwke it impossible for peo
ple to supply tneir wants, tney ami tne
people they are paid to serve should
know a little something about what
they are doing.
A few of these diseases are thought to
spread only by contact. . I think that is.
not proved of even one of them. It is
impossible to keep fungariai diseases out
01 California. Their spores cover and
are in everything. Di B. Wikb,
the Experience of a Michigan Farmer
. as Related by Uluiselr.
When I bought my present farm of
sixty-five acres in the fall of the year it
meaU nr iiivm was in a badly run down condition. Not
u?onon of puteut medioines, the
.l u ge Bays : "I wish to deal bonornbh
and fairly with all, and when I find an
article that will do what it is recom
mended to do, I an not ashamed to bh
so. I am acquainted with Dr. Vasder
pool, (having been treated by him foi
oancer) and have used his blood medi
oiue known as the S. B Headache Bnd
Liver Cure, and while I am seventy-fivt
year!) old and have nse I many pills and
other remedies for the blood, liver and
kidneys, I must say that for a kidne;
tonic in BriKbt'a disease, and as an al
terative for the blood, or to oorreot tb
notion of the stomach and bowels it is a
very superior remedy, and bests any
thing 1 ever tried. J. B. NELSON,
Inkima, Wash
AI 50 cents a bottle. It is the pool
man's friend and family dnotor. T
m s w m mmm ai
O. A. B.
Muel hi Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of
inch month, ill veterans are invltM to join
C. C. Boon-Adjutant,
Quo. W . Smith.
A A. ROBERTS, R-al Estate, Insnr-
ance and Collections. Offloe iu
Connoil Chambers. Heppner. Or. awtf.
Attorney at Lavl
Brown & Hamilton.
Practice in all courts of the state. Insurance,
real mtxui c.llecti .0 n i.l l.u Mits.
Promi attention giveu to all boiineea entrust
dtotliem. Ornca. Mais Btbkt. H Errata. Oasoow.
publisbers, we are able 10 obtain a number
of tn above boi.k, and propose to furnish a
copy to each of our subscribers.
The dictionary is a necessity In every home,
school and business house. It tills a vacancy,
and furnishes knowlediwwhlch no one hun
dred other volumes of the choicest books could
supply. Voting and old, educated and ignorant,
rich and poor, should have It within reach, and
refer to its contents every day in the year
As some have asked if this Is really the Orig
inal Webster's Unabridged Uicllonary, we are
able to state we have Uarued direct from the
publishers the fact, that this Is the very work
complete on which about forty of the best years
01 the author's lile were so well employed iu
writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of
about loo.ixw words, including the correct spell
ing, derivation and deliniliou ol same, and li
the regular standard tize, containing about
.wo.untj square inches of printed surface, and is
bound h, Clotn nan moruccu auu k.wu,
Until further notice we will furnish this
valuable Diet onary
First 1 o any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now m arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
Full Cloth bound, eilt side and back
stamos marbled edges $:-oo
Half Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back
stamDS. marbled edges $i 50.
Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled
edges, $2.00
Fifty cents added in all cases for express
age to Heppner.
fy-As the publishers limit the time and
nuiulHjr 01 booKS tney win niniisu ai ine it"
uo n.lviiu. all uhn desire to avail them
selves' of 'his great opportunity to attend to It
at once.
W here?
At Abraliamick's. Iu addition to his
tailoring business, he has added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, h.miery, et Also has on hand
some elfgaut patterns for suits. A.
AbtHbmick. May street. Heppner, lit.
Coffin A McFnrland have jnt received
a oar l-ad' o Mitchell ftaKons, Bce.
etc , and have also large snpply of farm,
ing implements of all kinds.
All who are suffering from the effects
nf loathful Errors, Loss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Strietnre.Syphilmnnd the many trntihl
Inch are the effects "f these terrible
disorders will receive, FuEft or Chargs.
fall directions how to tieut and cure
th,mitrlre.t at home by ritinir to the
CiLlPOhNIA VIedICAL asd Si boioal In
nnuiKV. Iu291 Market Street, Sao
Frascisoo, California. 4ti5-ly,
Write for our Mammoth
Catalogue, a 600 -page
nooJt, plainly mummi
ed, ffivintr Manufactur
en' lowest price with
manufacture rs'dlficount
nn it 11 feoodi manufact
ured and Imported Into
tne unttea mates. -
J to 60 cent on every
lollar you mend. We
sell only tirst-claxi goods
Groceries, F u r n i ture,
t lOiQing, utj uooaa.
Hats, Capi. Boots and
Mines. Notions. Crock
ery, Jewelry. Bu&ifies
and Harnesrt, Agricul
tural Itnplemei; in
fact anything yoi want
Saved by buying of ui.
send cent to pay ex
presHage on catalogue, i
bnyer'a guide. We are
the only concern thai
ells at manufacturers'
prices, allowing the buyer the same discount
that the manufacturer gives to the wholesale
trade. We guarantee all goods io be equal to
ren resen tat ions or money refunded. Goods sent
by expres or freight, with privilege of examina
tion beiore paying.
A. iv a nrtf re jr.,
122 Quincey St., Chicago, 111.
National Bank of rispst.
President. Cashier.
Made on Favorable Terms.
cause of decay.' It ; pushe9 its fibers,
which are often finer? than the finest spi
der's web, through thf organic matter,
appropriating the stored plant food, cel
lular and Wood fiber nd eventually if it
is not checked leaves nothing but the
mineral matters of the Jobjoct fed upon.
One fungus may attack organized mat
ter, appropriate such parts as are Buited
to it and die out. Then another may
take its place and do the same thing and
then another and another until every
thing but the mineral matter is used up.
For instance, take weak grape juice.
First the yeast plant generates in it and
carries it through the alcoholic fermen
tation. This leaves the liquor In) condi
tion for the growth of the plant, whioh
Is acetic fermentation, which changes
the liquor into weak vinegar. This is to
be- followed by a putrescent fsruient
eventually carrying the .liquor to pure
Vr!rtei"wiUi thoJaiau.'M. irUe etUc!
at the bottom in a sediment which in
time changes to what is called clay with
perhaps the silica crystallized into the
form of sand. Therefore the main office
of the cryptogamia is first to decompose,
rot, cause the decay of organic matter,
set1 its elements free for tha uses of life
again; and then to clean up and purify
the debris. In faot these millions ot
minute plants are often so small that
they cannot be defined by the highest
powers of the microscope. But they are
the greatest ol the world s workers as
well as destroyers. They have nearly
unlimited usefulness as well as destruc
tivenoss. Were they not confined in
generation, growth and spread by ex
ceedingly narrow lines, thsy would re
duce all living organisms to lifeless clay.
It is well they are thus closely confined.
They generate from spores, minute
bodies that Are thrown off in millions
and billions from the mother plant.
Each spore is capablo of generating if it
can find the right conditions in which to
germinate and feed. But there is the
rub. Only one perhaps in many millions
can reach such conditions and then it
must meet ten thousand accidents and
chances for destruction before it can so
far mature as to ripen a crop of spores.
Yet of all these thousands of crypto
gamic plants enough spores of each are
thrown off to generally be present ready
to germinate in any spot where the con
ditions are right.
-' They are of every possible character.
Some throw off billions of spores, others
ery few except under the most favor
able conditions. Others may go on and
generate for an unlimited time by sell
division alone without maturing spores.
Others have very feeble spores that can
hold their vitality only for a very short
passage through the air even when the
air is in the best condition for them.
Such usually have very destructive
powers when they do reach a suitable
host, be it plant, animal or aeaa organic
matter. Others have spores that may
float through the air or lay quiescent for
nearly an unlimited time and spring into
life the moment they find right condi
tions. We might go on and ring the
cuanges on these things for months and
then have only commenced.
If it were not for their generation by
spores or if all of them, especially those
known as the worst, could only spread
by contact, it would be mnch easier to
control them. All tnat wouia oe neces
sary would be to isolate the trees or ani
mals and disinfect any new thing brought
in conjunction with them. But the
great majority cannot be dealt with in
Edwin W. Hahn Attempts to Commit Har
der And Miiclde.
and have none of the green matter seen an acre 01 ineauow was on me umw.
in the leaves and twigs Of higher plants, ann me lenani sum u wiw uuui ,
The fungi usually tak their nourish- gw clover. I began by putting in the
ment from the organic matter in the ! best portions of the farm to fall wheat
higher plants or animals, usually when ! "1 " Prf Part9 to f"11 r'e- D,u7nS
this matter is In a state of decay. As a e winter 1 cut wood and hauled it
rule, though, the fungus is the primal dwn to the city, and when 1 could not
Cb 1UU VI MlUUU.d gltUM w "W . .........
usually buy a two horse load for twenty
live cents. This I used as a topdressing
on the fall crops, very thinly of course.
In spring I sowed clover and timothy
seed on the wheat Hnd bo much rye as I
had topdressed. This 1 followed with a
forty-five toothed steel harrow, which
served the double purpose of covering
the seed and fining the nianuiv, Vhe
balance of the rye 1 left to grow H best
it might till about June 1. Then I pro
ceeded to plow it down with a weed
hook or a chain fastened to, the furrow
horse's whiffictree and back to the plow,
i then rolled and fined the soil to
hasten the decomposition of the rye,
and after properly pulverizing and again
rolling 1 planted it partly to potatoes
and corn, sowing the balance to Sat
turnips. In August there was a good
growth of bottoms. I pulled the larger
ones to fued to the rtoclt, t. tnts "eft-
son of the year the pastures are suffer
ing from dry, hot weather. . Then I
plowed down this mass of vegetation
and again rolled and harrowed till time
to sow to wheat. The next year there
was no trouble in locating the line of
the green manuring.
As soon as it was tune u stop . titi
vating the corn crop 1 sowed ryo in the
corn, cultivating between the rows with
a shallow tool. This gave pasturage for
all kinds of stock till the snow covered
the ground. This item of pasture alone
will pay the cost of labor and seed rye.
Next year the ryo was turned down,
seeding to clover and timothy. After
digging the potatoes 1 harrowed the
ground down level and sowed to rye to
plow down for com or millet for fodder,
taking off in time to prepare for wheat
to be seeded down the following Bpnng
to clover. Sometimes 1 plant potatoep
on every third furrow when plowing
down the rye, and if it stould be a dry
season the potato crop will grow right
along as the rye seems to retain the
moisture. 1 have had potatoes thus
planted that were green and flourishing
weeks after all ordinary tender vegeta
tion was bluckened by the frost. In
digging potatoes so planted it is better
to plow them out. It is enough to make
a man enthusiastic to see the clean crop
of tubers lying in a rich bed of decom
posed vegetation. This plan or ennob
ing the farm may be carried into the
garden patch, taking off squash and
other vegetables, and sowing to rye to
plow down for the same kind of crops
the following season. No matter if it
does not come up that fall, it will come
all right in the spring, and only be a few
days behind the earlier sown crop.
American Agriculturist,
From the Portland Mercury. .
Early this morning the shrill cries of
a woman emanating from the building
on the northwest corder of Fourth and
Oak streets attracted the attention ot a
number of people. Before any one oould
enter a young girl came rushing out, her
face bathed in blood. The was taken to
'be police station where she said that
Edwin W. Hnhn bad attempted to mur
der ber. Captain Holmberg detailed:
Offioer Oollins to search for the would-be
murderer, and returniug to the house the
offioer found 11 uhn lving on the floor
with his throat cnt. Dr. O. H. Wheeler
was summoned, and after ex training the
wounded couple stated that neither was
dangerously injured.
The girl's name 18 Sadie Quiner, while
that of her attempted si yer is Edwin W.
Hahu, familiarly known as Ole Oleson.
He has been employed as 'bus driver at
the Hotel Portlaud. Miss Qniuer's moth
er, Mrs. Mormon, resides in the city
while Quhn's pareuts live at Kings, Or.
He has a sister in Salem, Mrs. Walter
Sadie Quiner and Ed. Hahn obtained
considerable notoriety about four months
since by being implicated in the unsavory
Frick case; in fact Miss Quiner .was the
proseoutiug witness. E. O. Frick was a
bunker in Eastern Oregon, and about
four mouths a no was arrested at the in
stigiilion of Sadie Quiner on a charge of
rape. Hahn was a witness in the case.
Immediately after the case was set for
trial the couple left the city and it was
supposed that they went to Salem, where
it is alleged they were married.
Miss Quiner denies that she was ever
married to Hahn, while the latter claims
that Sadie was made his wife in Taoonia
four mouths siuee, The Friok case sa
vored of blackmail, and on motion of the
district attorney it was thrown out of
court. Neither of the parties are deserv
ing of sympathy. They have ttgnrod
conspicuously in the newspapers, and are
a bad lot. Balm should receive the ftl1!-
est extent of the penalty for bis attempt
ed orime, while his would-be viotini has
been punished for her ohoioe ot a com
liKTKlt 111.
Ing her own way before marriage is' very
likely to get it afterwards.
Antagonize-her parents if yon wish to
make her love you. The girl who mar
ries to suit her father and mother lives
only iu the story bo ks.
Because marrying for love is a luxury,
it does not follow that doing so for mon
ey is a ueoeBHity.
Love after marriage is generally a very
one-Bided affair.
It Shonld be In Every Hnnse.
J. 13. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharpsbnrg.
Pa., save he will not be without Dr.
King's new disoovery for consumption.
coughs and oolds, that it cured his wife
who was threatened with pneumonia af
ter an attack ol la grippe, wnen various
other remedies and several pnysioiani
had done her lid food.' Briber' Barber,
of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's new
discovery has done him more good than
anything he. ever used for lnug trouble.
Nothing like it. T.yit. Free trial bot
tles BtSlooum-JohnBton Drug Co.'s store.
Large bottles, 60c and 81.
Electric Bitters.
Tli ia remedy is becoming so well
known nud bo popular as to need co spa
oial mention. All who have used elec
tric bitters sing the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and. it
is tiuaranteed to do all that is olainied.
Eleotr.o bitters will cure all diseases ot
the liver and kidneys, will remove pim
pimiiles, boils, salt rheum and other af
fections caused by impure blood. Will
drive malaria from the system and pre
vent as well as cure all malarial fevers.
For core of beadnohe, constipation and
indigestion try Eleotric Bitters Entire
Hatisfiictinn guaranteed, or money re
funded. Price 50 cents and $1 per bot
tle at Slooum Johnston DiugCo. s.
Larg Mhlpments of Cholc Frolt
the Sag-ebrnsh State.
Large shipments of choice mountain
apples have lately been made from Ne
vada to Southern California. The re
turns were so gratifying that planting
has increased largely.
Think of sagebrush Nevada shipping
apples by the carload and even traiu
load into California 1
California, even Souther California,
has unnumbered thousands of acres of
land that can lie obtained free from the
government. The climate is such as
will produce as good winter apples as
ever grew In Carson or Honey Lake val
ley. To bring the winter apple to per
fection two points are necessary. First,
a short season of growth. Severe cold
Mr. Editur:
I take mi pen in band to drap vou a
few lines to let yon no that the peples
party are all rite yit fur Sign au' Alvie
Leecn sed sow an' tba kno. Gen. Jay Be
Weover is awl rite do n in georgy ; tha
air goin fer him rite along. (Butt it is
with rotten aggs though.) An Mother
Weevergothitt with aatrg to .-now I think
that wos reel meiu in tuim fellers. But
that is knot hear nor thair, I am gittin a
little ofe my snbjec. We ar a lookin
fored to Mister Cleveland bein eleokled
president. We ar knot a goin to Vote for
Uyra thou. We ar a goin to vote for Gen.
Jay Be Weever so as to draw as many
voles f rum old Haristin as we kin an we
nil tri an hro the eleotahun in the lious
if we kin, an if it ever gose thair we ar
shure of the president.
Dawn at Albany, Georgy hour Gen.
Weever maid a epeaob in faver of the
pepels party an a bluok nigger got up to
repbute what hour general bed sed. An
hour generul gut so mad that he left the
stand. Now Mister Editur I think that
wuh mein in the nigger. Wei we wont
Kit Ueorgy in the Nov. eleolsliun anywa.
the miine electshun passed off very qui
et but the dimuorats filled us thair agin
tha wutild knot vole fer hour man bo that
let the publicans gane the du
Now the next eleotahun is in Phloridy
on the iiid day of Oct. We pepels pholks
op north dont kno whether to bteive
them this time or knot. Butt tha say
down thair that we will be shore to gain
this eleotahun.
We ar fuzm with the uimoorats over
iu Moutany an in Kuubrasky to, an
think we wil git both of them stalls.
I wanted to sa somethin in relative to
the poast masters the way they hav been
a doin hour pepel when they come round
a Bpeakin and a bavin them books an
papers ootne hi male. The poast master
at Hepcer be kept a lot of Miss s E
emorys books a da or too jest so she cood
knot sit them in lime to skatter tbetn
when she spoak tbnir. We knowed all
he time that be whs boldin her male.
An the poast muster at Lexington tnde
the saini gaim. butt we v. ns on to the
aket bv that time an we wooht blm so
oloast that he WUH afeard to cum out so
I , ,1,1 hi the nnast muster at lli-iiner
1 wil oloze know till "0 bur fruin
Phloridy. Respectively yontz
Rncklen's Arnica Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers salt rnenm, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, obilblains,
noma, nnd nil skin eruptious, and posi
tively oures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to titve perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 26 cents per
box. Dor sale by sloaum-Johustnn
Drug Co.
I will be iu Heppuer Oat. 10tb, with a
choice lot of Thoroughbred Spanish
Merino bucks, Grade Meriuo bnoki,
l'lioroughbied Shropshire bucks, bait
Shropshire and halt Merino, and half
Oxford and half Meriuo bucks It will
tm the sheep men to eonie and look it
these bucks. If parties want any of tbe
above bucks they must come about the
above (late as 1 will not be tn Ueppuer
but a few days N. H. Cotikkll.
Lexington X Roads
I'eulaud's buck rauoh.
V. Nai-by.
hlch wuz Bill
that way. Their spores or seeds may he m uter is not a necessity. The heat
F w i.nncs tut no NiT INJL'Rl
',2 f$
.h bv HAP.M- AJ KA
the bfftllh r iotrfer with bwiiiMt or pluorr, (t builiti f
uiit )i rnvM the KvDcr&i htwtfa, clm tb tklu and Wuijti
the co't plril n. 0 wrink .M or flanbineti Ibllw tbi trrat
uui.t. EiiUvrsodi by pfayakttvii tud latating Msctetv IswiU-i.
HaralMS wttli m rtftrvlM, bcMvtilnirsKjti
foci, for (Mrttealat-f 44rM, wiU cwou la unif,
aTaTaVJHiaaWHMB 1 Hiakt, uwaj
i. uutf tin tor law lfistiti. xXjO
t lo if amei.aJl winning. 1'crf ct
work, weijjM, and caniwt be d.
tx'l byo ukU-re. Confidi-titm!
cumrTKndv r ltd irae inviU
ed. VAm -M w-Ouu rp r set, ttt.
PlrHir"l tj-,tTorT recut pair, I8.M; iosuled.
Ugh orlow, )&. Ordinary wo tit. to dmi, bone, 1-t
or ff It iHch. pair, tl , Ivory, -. Finest ni.-vrk.-d
errt mavde.Sar-.l., II . a' lt. MjkVn(st.nu,
carried by the wind or in ten thousand
ways everywhere. Fortunately the
conditions must remain right or the life
of the fungus will stop. Too littleor too
much heat, cold or moisture and the ca
reer of the fungus is ended.
The northern coast counties of Califor
nia and Oregon and especially the red
wood region is covered with a worthless
fern, to the complete exclusion of valu
able grass and plants, This fern is a
cryptogam, throwing off spores in
countless numbers, every one capable of
producing a new fern. Then why do
not the adjoining counties quarantine
this fern? The prevalent west wind
miuht carry fern spores where they
would germinate and spoil the pasture.
Therefore a strict quarantine unould U
Black knot, .fururus disease of the
of summer must not be too long or too
intense. That is, the fruit and tree
want late spring and early sharp frosts
in autnmn. Second, in all climates of
rainless summers the tree, to perfect the
winter apple must have a good drink of
water about August first. Such a drink
can only be furnished here by irrigation.
Some few of our near coast apples
grown on deep, moist, sandy loams, are
fairly good though none are best nor can
they ever be best without the August
High np on the mountain mesas in
Southern California where the soil is
right the winter apple can lie produced
to p' faction with water the lutter part
of summer. The apple orchard iu the
long run will be worth double that of
I orange orchard.
Love's Aphorisms.
Pick ont the best girl yu can find.
vvoman is mote apt to love you
you are deserving of her.
The girl who never insists npou bav- in this issue,
Buhl, the baker. Buy your bread and
oakos and save money, try it. a. -
Look out Tor Fell ilro.'s sale ot rem-'
nants bargains iu everything. a
The Studehaker waaon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Why go hungry when the City hotel
furnishes you n good meal at living
rates. a
John Jenkins advertises his fine kiln
ot brick. Itemeinber that Ueppuer brick
equal tbe best. a
"Hatdware" did you Bay? Why, yes
at P. 0. Thompson & Co.'setaud, and the
place tor bargains. a
Call on Hip to do your wood sawing;
snme old price. Also delivers wood to .
any part of Ueppuer. See ad. a
M. Lichteiitliiil & Co. have just re
ceived a fine lot ot ladies' kid, button
and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
For onsb you onu get more at the East
ern Clothing boiiHe, with Levi uu deck,
than any other plaoe in Heppner. a
The Palace is the leading hotel in tbe
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided tor evervoue. a
Borg, the jeeler, is th' nan to fix up
your wntuh or clock. ,e keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
business' a
Don't overlook T. W. Ayers, Jr., the
leading druggist. Choioest perfumes,
purest drugs and the finest toilet articles
always on hand. a
Tbe Bucbler beer, 5 cents per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hall, Onmers &
Hughes, ptops., next door to M. Lioh
tuotbal & Co.'g shoe store. a
The M. L. & T. Co., sinoe they have
roofed all their platforms, have an im
mense storage capacity. This company
uow deals iu grain, lumber and wood, a
Sinoe Shaw & McCarty purchased the
meat market they have altvnys endeavor
ed to keep on hand tbe freshest and
choicest meats, sausages and bolognas, a
Thompson & Binusowo tbe buss which
goes to and from tko City hotol, but will
oall for parties desiring to go to train iu
any part of the city. Leave orders at
City hotel. a
What will perseverance, plnuk and en
lorpris avail iu this wild west, if you
cannot get big bargains? However, be
fore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros.
empor um. a
Gillium & liisbee, the hardware and
tiuwara merchants, oarry everything sp
pertaining to their lines, even aKricul
tural implements. Don't you need a
plow this full Jf a
Don't overlook Kirk & Kasmns for
bargain. They have purchased I he bus
iness of J. W. Matlock & Cu but will
soon remove tn the Mallory corner, oppo
site the Pulnoi b itel. a
Dr Grunt's Olnalo, the great dyspepsia
onnqtiprer, will positively oure dyspepsia
and all its kindred ailments. Every bot
tle gold under a positive iNiaraniep to
effect a cure or money refunded, See ad.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Pn? fi Baling