v. r ii I I I; IvIHlT T WHY iLKE YOXJ m MSrWf ING Clj pip MOHEV w-e have a relief and cure In your ignorance of effects and vitality which is vstem the elements thus : . -j ..: - ffi- S -nr nr mnnev refunded. ;-r Dr. Sanden's Electric -"2; after all otner treatments testily, ana uom wuy - , THE r-i 'inn i iii',ittimSSl! in ID! !! i 1 1 n4 t'wiiiiiIiiJW'"!1 iiuiuii" .3 AVfi i i . mi.rati hntterv madeintoa beU soas to beeasi v wnrn fiunn? woric or ai rest, anu u g'vc- 3juliii.i, hiw'"i;w -uiwhj which e te-'a MtlM klX or we forfeit $5 OOo! It has an Improved Electric Suspensory t r l,tt bm I ev el wn weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or p,rts, c Soncy Ret4ndor"They are graded in strength to meet aU sug VS. mlddle-ageor old men, and v. ,11 cu1 h wr,r".t rjn in two or three months. Address HaNDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON The Lancashire Insurance Co. " OP MANCHUSTBR) BNGAND i W PATTERSON, AGENT ,Q2?itjrimj5irii TICK On Sale TO OMAHA Kansas City, St. Paul, Chloago, AND ALL POINTS T. Leaves Ileppner. 8 a. m. Arrives 0:50 p. m. Pullman Nleeuera, Colonlat Hleepera, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. SUaiuers Portland to 8nu Fruuoiaoo every four dnys. Tickets TO -A.XTI3 Europe, For rates and general lulornmtlon call on Dufiot Ticket Axeut, J. C. 11A.HT, Heppnor, Oregon. W. II. HURM3UUT. Asst (Jon.. Y&sn. Agt, rA WflHiitngion POHTI.AKO. ORKUON. QUICK TIME ! TO J?tiii Frniiolsco And nil points in California, via the Mt. HlmBta routo of tlio Southern Pacific Co. The Kmat hirhwny tlirmnch tJatiloinia U all puinU haul and Snulli, dnind UcHiiic Itnutu of tliu I'finific t'oiiHt. Cull man HulTot blofptjrs. Howuni-tsliwB fciluuper Attaohnd tooxprBHH trains, affonling superior accommodation for BtieimU-elattH paHmnKtrti, For rutt'8, ticketn, shwpitiR oar reeerviitionn, etc. oall upon or aildruns R KtlEUl.BK, Mananer, K. P. ROliKRfl, AHt. Gen. F A 1. Ant, rurtlanii, OreRon. Soicnlific America lifik Aucncy for TRADfi MARKS, liJ OESION PATENTS ' r v ' cur i Kiun i 9, s(u Fnr Infnrmotton arl frne Handbook write to MI NN ,t CO.. M HltilAOWAV, NKW VOHK. I1lit4.lt lHIH'HU for Ht(.-Ilt'111lt pitt "1H " 111 rtHH'IiW. Ilvory piUunt taken out b m tn hnniflit before lb pul'llo by ttoiu-e lven fre4ol ebargv iu llio cinUiftc gmfticatt ItRp.ji st iMnmlritlriii of anr sofentttlr pnper In th4i wi.rl'l. Mli'inU-lh (Ihistrulcil. No nmlii'nt .in i.lionl.1 I to wltlumt il. WocklT. ,"(. 00 si i I'.' mx tii i ii tli AiMn3B MI'NN A HX, i'tiiiUSUb.li;. .U'.l IUitlwuy, Now Vciik. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. Save ir it mi rem od every dollar you epeud. Wrlir ltr onr nitnuiioih l.atMlojtne. Mkf-patfe btMk,C4niainlnt: ihiifirauooaiidittviiid lowt-ft iiuu Utatturfif' jirtet'H, witti luaDiitaitmti ' diioomita of fvry kind o( Koodt and auppllo man ttfactu ri and lmorifd into the Unitrd .ilNiry. UriKenra, tloiiwholrt 1mk1-( Kiinimuc, l Ituhlng, Littli' and tit hip t, luiiiiui.' aud Kuruichlnu o-ml, lh9 ti(KHi, Wtilte (i.Htdi", ity (.,mu1i, lia(. Cp Hoot aud Shoe, iilnvea, Notioui, tilnwwaia, Btmiionfry, Wnti-hea, t lock, Jewelry, Hllvorwar, HuL't;iei, Whip, Agricuiiural Itnnlemtuit, ato. UNI.Y r'lllM' CI.A.S l,VOIS. lil.,ivit aut on receipt of .n renin for eipretisase We nre the outy cunrD wttlcb aella al maiiufcturert' prtt, allowlntf i ha buyer tli aaina diaeouut iha ntauutactnrer fives to the wholesale buyer. We guaiamee al) io4da aa represented : If not (otiud o, nioucy reluiuifd. tiiHHia eiu by exureaa at frtiuat, wltbprlvilegaof kamlnailon before pajr tug. A. KAUPhS A CO.. lMQalocy streal, Chicago, IU. WE WILL PAY A ultrr ot to $" per week to GOOD ti'fntt to repreopiit u la vry c.innty.ftiid wtt our sr nerol Hot i MrrthnndlMNl mitmiLcutrer.' price.. U4LT Tlin.II IIO W.MT rAOY KM eLOYH KHT SIK tt ule '"' 1,Uc,"", rec'1" lMQutocjouuiw.UL i-rs .MDEW&PLECTRIC, mi it- ' wm AND SUSPENSORY FOR, l ) ' W'SOUl ill' 1 rVMi ir DACK. KIDNEY 1 ROUBLES, "NERVOUS SLEEPLESSNE55.Fb0RMEM0RV& GENERAL lLl.rAL7U rt pffrr ts of ah9ei. excesses, in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most jdierU'ral, or by excesses, or exposure, you miv have unduly drained your system of p;yo forcr electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into youi drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once ana in a naiuiai way. a mis Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; ijelt is no experiment, as we nave restored muusanua iu muust failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would glad W11UIU wc udrc aLiuug iiva wan.i t-m ciTrisjoPrsr PLfCTRIC BELT - - . .. . . , LUMBER! TE HAVE FOR 8AI.E A1X KINDS OF UN V dremwl l.umbur, 10 milts of Hcppner, al what known aB the BOOTT BAWMILiLi. PER 1,000 FEET, ROUGH, CLEAR, 110 00 17 60 fF DELIVERED IN HEPPNER, WILL ADD L to.uo per l.oiAi feet, additional. L. HAMILTON, Prop. D. A HumlitoniMan'sr Something New. The new Time Card, which is now in effect, via the" Wisconsin Oentrnl Lines," in oonneotion with the Northern l'acilic K. K, nffordH the traveling pnblio the best facilities from nil points West to Cliienno and points Kant and South. The unaiirpuRsed equipment oflered fo its patrons, combined with speed, com fort nnd safety, surpaHfiing nil its com petitors. All turontih trains are composed of Pullman VeBlibuled Drawing-Room Sleeiierp, with Diiiinit Curs and Da) Coaohefl of Infest deHin. The Dnily Thronh Vast Train each way, makini! olose comnMstion at Chica ln with trains in nil directions. For tickets, time tables, etc , apply In Aeent of Northern Pacific R It., or J AS C. I'DND. Oeu'l Pans, and TM. Aitent, If C ucaqo, III. Small Guaranteed to cure Unions attacks, Sick Headache and Constipation. 40 In each lottlc. Price 26c. For sale by druggists, l'lcturo "7, 17, 70" and ttamplo dose free. 1. F. SMITH & CO., Proprietor!, NEW YORK. JAPANESB CURE A new and Complete Treatment, eomintliii? of Suppiullorii'H, OintuK-nt In Cu (bilk's, a lot) in lto. and i'hik; a po8iti e i:uie inr hxteriml, liiU'r nal, Rlind or HletMlliiK. Itoliinp. Chroiite, Kerent or lU'vi'illtary I'llea. and tunny other diseases and ft'inHle w eakiu'SHt'H; it tualw ays a trreat hen etlt to (he general health. I he tlrnt 4liaeovery of a medical cure rendertiK an operation with the kit itV unneecHHiiry h rentier. I'ltU remedy Iihk never heen known to fail. 1 perl)ox,t for f:; sent hy mail. Why miller tnnn this terrible dis eitne when a written Kuaraniee in nivcn with fi boxen, to refund the money if not cured. Send Htamp inr tree aample, tinarantee indued hy Woooakii, ( i.AitKK A Co., U holcHale A Retail DrunKiHts Sole AtieutR, Portltind. tr. REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indtfcaf Inn, Itlltminnrw. llfadache. Conatl puilon. IlyiipoitnlH, UmnU' I.lver Traublvi, e IllHilueM, ltud Completion, ly t'ntory, tiffi-nnle ltreath, and all dlftortlera of the t htnmufh, Liter and Itout'l. ? Hiuom Tslult's rotit-dn ntttifitir injiirlon to ! thr nitmt drlu atf ciiiihiitiili.in. rixosjuil lw ! J atifi'. fttiH'iim! llui' limn, uiutf ri-lii-f Z a Sold by dt'iiirtriMiH. Alrml Imillo nt'Ut by oiiUl a 0 on rvi-i'U't tit ! t'ciiti. AiIiIivm 0 THE RIPAN9 CHEMICAL CO. 10 BPUV'CK STliKKT. NKW YOIIK CITY. i& lm ti unw. WM. PENLANH, El. It. IlliiHOP. J'reni.lrnt. Cannier. f ItANSACTS A (iKNF.IUL BANKING lll'SIXKSS QOL.LECTION" Made on Favorable Terms. , ,, r-.s. rv t Al H A N G l W U (j H 1 a bU I. D. HKPPNEB. tf OKEOOJf WEAKL? MEmmm S3 from Nervous Debility? Seminal . ness. Losses, Drains. Impotency ! act Mixrunnn Du pi imvti : . -r 1 1 . - worry and exDOMire. For suck -iiirTeren auu. n sent by mail, sealed. ...w.. - - j a J 1 A -,..,'c DANGEROUS MOOSs, gam Uard Ilijht. wiili tho Warllk Aolm'tlH. ' Stories are told of killiiKf moose with an ax, after running tiicm down in the. deep snow. "This may hstvp lK-.cn done in Maine or Canndn," writes the author of nn article on "Moose Hunting in the Rocky Mountains," contributed to The Big Game of North America, "but, if so, it proves to my mind that ..he moose there do not, possess the same wild, savan;e, putrtuicintis natures as those found in the Roclty mountains. No sane man would dare to attack one of our vicious mountain moose, single handed, with any weapon short of a re peating rifle." The writer tells tliii Rtory to support his assertion: "A party of river-r.'.en wounded R large moose near the bank of Clear Water river, in Idaho, and it took .to the water. The eager, but unskilled, hunters rushed upon the wounded ani mal with a buteau. It was a large boat, and was manned by six strong and fearless men. They were eithci without a gun, or scorned to use it. and determined to kill the moose with axes, cant-hooks and other woodsman's in) plements. "They bore down by the side of the swimmirifr moose, which was kept in the current by walls of rocks, nnd dealt him a blow, lie turned to fight. Thf men rushed to the battle with shouts of defiance. The moose struck, the boat with his antlers, raised it clear out of the water, and turned it upside down so quickly that the men were all fright ened, nnd two of them were either killed or drowned. The other four were rescued by their companions on shore, after the moose had been shot several times. "The writer himself once narrowly escaped being killed by a moose he had shot, and thought dead. lie had chased, on snowshoes and down a decline, two large moose, nnd, at thirty feet above them, lired at the larger bull. He stag gercd, and kept on; but a ghastly lint of blood on the trail told of the deadly licet of the shot. The second shot was aimed at the smaller moose. He fell at the crack of the rifle; but the other struggled on, bleeding, snorting from a deadly shot through tho lungs. tmr shots were fired into him before he fell and buried himself in the snow. The hunter, standing exhausted above the fallen moose, gave no thought to the animal that he supposed to be lying dead three or four rods back. Suddenly he heard n loud snort and felt a rush from behind. As he dodged to one sido, 'he moose he had thought dead charged upon him and buried him in the snow. 1 1 is rush carried the moose past the fallen hunter, but he turned to charge again before the man could shoot. His broken shoulder failed hiin, however, and he tumbled downhill. Again ho rose and charged again; but the hunter, laving recovered himself, placed a bul let between his eyes. Although the mow was seven feet deep, and the moose had a broken shoulder, it wae more good fortune than any advantage the hunter had that saved him from be ing cut to pieces by the enraged ani mal's feet." TEACHING A GIRL TO SWIM. Ailvloe to Those Just Acquiring the I'M fill Art. In deep water, under the care of an experienced person, a young girl may be taught to swim in a much shorter time than by practicing in shallow streams, says a good authority in the August Ladies' Home Journal. A rope can lie fastened around her breast iu such a manner that it will neither tighten nor unloose, and if courageous enough, she cun, thus prepared, plunge in head first. The teacher will show her the proper way to use the arms. and, finding herself protected by tne rope, she will feel more faith in the ex ertion made. The aid of the hand is, however, far better than this, as it can be relinquished insensibly. The best method of teaching on this plan is for a good swimmer to carry the learner in the arms into the w ater until breast high, laying her nearly flat upon it. and supporting her by placing one hand under the chest, at the same time giving instruction ns to the proper motion of hands and arms nnd feet. In a few days the hand may be grad ually withdrawn, and the girl-swiiu-nii'r able to do without it. There are ever so many "dou'ts" about swimming. I'nlike Punch's, they begin after the act is signed, sealed nnd delivered, and yon are a swimmer. The most impor tant piece of negative advice is, don't ever lose your presence of mind. With that you are mistress of the situa tion, and, other things not over whelmingly against you, can reach lud again. IrenerBcjr of Trench FeMante. The Kreticn peasant is said to changing for the worse. He is losiug both his thrift and sobriety. Ho has taken to drink like the Inhabitants of the city slums, nnd his thirst is for brandy. In the villages the women are pictured as obliged like the wives of the workmen in the cities to hang about the public houses on pay days and tight for money to buv bread. In -.-ad ol patting ln s-isi.. a.i'1 Mivor in Ions Btockin.T tho countryman sp-ni'. t'.iem in the tavern. Formerly he dian only on holidays; now he treats himseh and his friends every day in the week. Tho wires of married peasants scon fol low their husbands in vice. Strong liquors are cheap; there Is no Sunday, or even early closing, and no bliw rib bed army Lb the country. - PHOT .u WOMEN. , tflBbw, of the Theatrical t'rufssiica tlh UfrAt Toitcri. It Is a well-known fact that thcatrica women take far better photographi than those out of tho profession, ant the rather stupid question is oftci asked why this should be. "I am tiret of explaining to la lies," said a photog -aphcr to a New York Sun reporter recently, "that as long as they do no' look like actresses out of a pictnro, the) should not expect to in one. You wil find that the very woman who woulc disdain to have a theatrical np;-caranc on the street is set on having it in I photograph. She wishes to look dashing assertive and passionate, and is nevei satisfied when 1 make her her owi sweet self. Now, I cannot pose ordinary women as I can an actress, for the rea son that they haven't the ability to fal into the attitude I want. Then, again thev are usnallv unablo to throw th particular expression into their facet j that they wish to have there, and thu an actress can do. Above all, a lady not of the profession seldom makes uj her face when sho is photographed, or if she does, it is badly done. I alwayi touch up a woman's face a bit witl crayon if she will allow me, but shi usually won't. Tho skillful actresi makeB up in a pronounced manner, hoi eyes heavily shadowed and her lip! made blood-red. I can soften where j cannot accentuate in finishing a picture and so, when these exaggerations o tho actress are toned down, her eye.' merely look large and brilliant, and hei mouth clearly defined. It's the samt way with the men. An actor knowi how to pose, to begin with, and, us general thing, he makes up his face ai he invariably does on the stage. Then is really no use of men and women ii private life hoping to get photographi that will be as striking and satisfactory as those of actors and actresses, unlese they are willing to take a course o: dramatic training and study the art ol make-up." EIGHT HUNDRED OLD MAIDS. A Community Where the Men Have Nc BuslneaN to lie. When in Ghent I struck a queer com munity, says a traveler. It is caller, the IScgu inage, and is a community of women who form a sort of old maids home. It was established in the Eev tnth century, and has nourished cvei since in a separate quarter of the city having been originally surrounded by t wall. The houses are almost all uniform ti size, being two stories in height anc built of brick, and the streets rut through them in every way, radiating toward the square, in which is erectec their large and beautiful church. The vomen are bound by no vows, but ar compelled to observe a certain order ol religious exercises as long as they re main in tho community and to pay theii allegiance to the superioress selectee by them. They must pay their way, of course and to do so must either have money ol their own before going or earn theii living by doing such work, as is giver to them, which is mainly lace makinf? and fine sewing. They have a regulai habit, like other nuns, which it is oblig atory on them to wear, and they go anc come pretty much as their fancy leads them. There are now something ovci eight hundred in the community. Jus( fancy what a field there is in Pitts burgh for an institution of this kind. A PREACHER'S STORY. Ule Experience with the Champion Mean Man. In 1872 I was pastor of a church in a beautiful New Hampshire village writes a minister to tho Chicago T-- b unc. Among tho members was an el derly farmer residing seven miles f ron tho church. It was generally knowi that he had some -fifteen thousand dol lars or eighteen thousand dollars in bonds and other securities, besides t large and well-stocked farm. Ai his earnest and repeated solicitation) to preach some Sunday afternoon in an old church near his home I finally con sented. It was an exceedingly warm Sabbath In July. I hired a horse and carriage, drove to the old meeting house and preached to perhaps one hundred people. After the service the old gen tleman invited me to call at his house. I did so in the hope that he would pay my horse bill or at least offer me a lit tle food, for I had tasted none since breakfast. In both I was disappointed. As I was leaving I asked him if he would give me two or three apples tc eat on the road back home. He pro duced four small russet apples. Know ing his penurious disposition I said "How much shall I pay for these?' "1 guess about three cents," was the reply "I would give 'em to you, but it's get ting late for apples and they are mighty scarce round here." SECRET OF CHINESE VARNISH, An EUU't rolUh or Which the Mo gollain lluve the Monopoly. The British consul at Hankow, writ ing of the varnish exported from thai city, says he is informed that it is thf gum of a tree the rhus vernicifera. Or this tree, before daylight, incisions are made; the gum that ruueoutiscollectec in the dark, and strained through t cotton cloth bag, leaving behind a larg amount of dirt and refuse. This opera t'.on can only be performed in the dark as light spoils the gum and causes it tc cake with all the dirt in it It ennnot be strained in wet, weather, as moisture causes it to solidify. When the Chinese use this varnisl they rub it on with a sort of mop, Ol swab, made of soft waste silk. II should only be used in wet weather, at if the atmosphere is dry when it h rubbed on it will always be sticky. Ai used by the Chisese, the varnish take! about a month to dry, nnd during th time it is drying it is poisonous tf the eves. The consul thinks that this gum may have been one of the ingredients of th celebrated Cremona varnish, aud he suggests that it might be worth th while oi musical instrument makers t make exiH-rimeuts with it, with a view to producing u varnish that would give mellow instead of a glussv sound. IWt ovprlook Kirk A JUmdub for 'nrfiaiim. They have purchased thebtin irwgnf J. W. Matlock & Ct. but will on remove to the Mallory eornw, oppo "i!e tbe PhI m..! ft Cure for Coioa, vn ndGnerl D aihty. Small Bile Uvi. S&v. per botUo. Colds and Coughs croup, 6co threat, bronchitis, asthma, ciul hoarseness cured by tyors Cherry Pectoral tho safest and most effective emergency medicine. It should be tn every family. D:: J. C. Ayer & Co Howell, Mass. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT LA ORANDE, OKEOON, j September 27, 1K02. Notice in herebv given that the following-limned setiler has filed notice of his Intention 1o make final proof In supiiort of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the County t.ierk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 12. viz.: 'I KAY PIIU'PS, D. 8. Ko. 9781, for the bK Pee. 7, 8W bW'4 fee. H. Shi NW'i See. 17, Tp. 3. 8 l 29 E. He names the follow iiiK witnesses to prove hti continuous rentdeuce upon and cuUhiiiiou of, saiu iauu, wz.: W. W. Hale, George Milpps, James O'Conor and W. H. Hale, all ol Lena, Morrow Co., Oregon. Paul bcbilier take notice. A. Cleavkb, S2MS9' ' Kegister. H0TICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT LA ORANDE, OREGON. September 27, 1S92 Notlee la hereby given that the follow iug-nained settler has died notice of his Intention 10 make Dual proof In support of hiB claim, and that said proof will be made before the Couuty Clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, or., on November 12, ly2, viz: JOHN N. BEEI.EK, Hd. No. 3177, for the W4 t-EK and ?M 8W Bee. 8, Tp. 4, 8 K 2s, E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of saiu tana, viz: 'ihos. McCullough, Arthur Daly, Jas. W. Lea hey and H. W. Berkley, all of Heppner, Oregon. A. Cl.KA.VEK, 525-M9 Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT La GBANDE, OREGON, j September 27, 1S92. Notice Is htreby given that the follow lng-nanied Betllerhas Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before ihe County clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 12, 18ir2, viz.: JOHN Al'GL'ST NELSON, For the SU N W Lota 3 and 4 sec. S, Tp. 3, S R 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culliation of, said iaud, viz.: 'iheodore Anderson, Fred Johnson, James Neville and James Uager, all of Heppner, Or A, Clkavek, 529-539 . .Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Sept. 21, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the tollowing-nam-ed settler haB filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Ellis, Com. U. 8. Circuit Court at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 5, lsli-2. viz. : CLEMENTINE CATE. Id. No. 3770, for tho N', NEJ4 and X W ace. 1 p. 1 , n. c. . ii. she names the following witnesses to prove hei continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: John Edwards, W. G. McCarty, S. N. Morgan Clyde haling, all of Heppner, Oregon. Mary A. baling take i.otice. A. Cleaver, 628-588 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Pept. 51, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hiselaim, and that Biid proof will be made before the County clerk of Morrow County. Oregon, at Heppner Oregon, on November II, 1S92, viz: WILLIAM J. FRENCH, Hd No. 2777, lor the fcE'iT Sec. 31 Tp 1, 8 R 26 E W M. He names the- following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: J. 11. Gentry. J. D. Kirk, A. 8 Wells and wm. Barton, all of Heppner, Oregon. 528-538 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at The Dalles, Or, fept. 24, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to make Dual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 7, 1892. viz.: CHRIS PETTERSON, Hd. No. 4023, for the 8E! of tee. 17, Tp. S 8, R 2(3 E. W, M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry Holden, Pat Ppillane, James Jones and John Woodward, all dT Heppner, Oregon. John W. Lewis, 52S-518 Kegister. NO'lICE OF INTENTION. Land OBice at The Dalles, Or., Sept. 21, 1892. Notice Is hereby given that the following-nam ed settler nits bled notice of his intention to make nnal proof ill support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk ot borrow county, Oregon, at ileppner, Oregon, on Nov. 7. 1892, viz: SAM TEL U MILLER, Hd. No. 2833, lor the NV, Nt!, EH SWK, Sec. 'JO, Tp. 38, R 24 E W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. H. Jones and William Ingrum. of Eight Mile, orison, i nomas r. loaham ana Al. saw ycr, of Uoosebeiiy, Oregon. John W. Lewis. 623-538 Register. NOT1CK OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., gent 16, 1892. Notice ie hereby given that the followlne- naired settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will he made before J. W. Mor row, comity clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, ur., on uctooer mi. jwrj viz: CAl-Ol.lNK O'CONNEIt. Hd. No. 2878, for the WH a V'X BEH tee 3. 'I p. 8 8, k 2 K. fc-he namet the following witnesses to prove her continuous resuience upon, ana cultivation 01, said land, viz: Wm. lli'ghes, A. 8. Weill. H. E. Clark and Ramom Hart, all of Jieppner, Oregon. John W. Lewis, 526-36 Register. NOTlUti OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Pallen. Or.. fifepM. 1992. Notice is herebv Riven that the followine-nam- ed settler has riled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his. claim, and that saw prooi win De mane Deiore me Lounty judge ot Morrow county, vr., ai eppier, ur., on OcL 15. 18f viz: CHAKLES H. BT'M.W, Hd. No. 2077, for the SK'.4 of HWVf and IS1- of hw, ana 01 sec i8, ip. a ts, k n,, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of laid land, viz: Jas. Wyland, A. Luelllng, William Rix and Perry Oiler, all ot uarunmn. uregon. John W. Lewis, lteitister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LaurfOMceat La lirande. Or..-Aug 25. 1892. Notice is hereby given mat the following namet settler lias nieu notice 01 nis intention to make final prnf in support of his claim, and that stud proo! w ut oe mane oetore tne i-onniy Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on Oetdber t. 1,.2. viz: JOHN P. SKOOLANP, Hd. No. Mtifl, for the W4 NW'i-4 and NWV fffl'H Sec. A. and NESi SK'4 tec. 27, Tp. 3 S( H 29, E. W, XI. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Loren Gentry, Austin Gentry, Charles Mann and James A. tristoe, all of Heppner, Oregon. 620-SA A. CJ.BAVKK. KEGIKTBR. NOTICE APPLICATION TO PURCHASE TIM IER LANDS. C. S. Land Office. The Fallen. Or., Sept. ft, !2. Notice Is hereby given that, In compliance with the provisions of the Act of CongreM ap proved June 3. 1178. entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California. Oreiton, Nevada and Washington Territory," ACGl'STCS MALLOKY, Whose postortiee address is Heppner. Morrow Countv. Oregon, has this day filed in this orhce his application to pun-huso the SF'4 01 the N and tho SW 01 the NK'i ec. No, 3, inTp. No. ti S. Rarnre No 2S K. W. M. All persons holding any adverse claims there to are rvqoired to present the tame af this ottice within sixty Oayi trom the first pubUcation of this notice. John W, Lkwm, Resliter. S. P. FLORENCE, f STOCK RAISER ! HKPPNEK. OKEUON. Cattle branded and tar marked as&hown above. Horses P od right shoulder. Mv cattle ran we in Morrow and Umatilla conn- iw. 1 wil! 1 ay $10".Wt for ihe arrest aid tn- viction of Any pr n -tfHlimr m trk TO TH iUS. I wish to trade dr tuurpeandeeldiDKB, fit for work, for cattle. Will eve trond terms. ChU od, or arldreea me, at Mon nmpDt, Grant 0mnty, Oregon. 523 38 Kmmet Cochran, Plenty of flour, bran, untl ftvit and oh"p always on bund at the Henpur r lonnnfr MiIIr. a STOCK BRANDS. Wiiile yon keep yunr subscription paid up yet oankeep your brand in free of charge. Allvn. T. J . lone. Or. HorsM QU nn lef shoulder; cattle -ame on left hip, under bit on light ear, and upper pit on the left; range, Mor row county. der 11 on left Bhoulder of horses ; eat tie same un left hip. Alliaon. O. D.. Eiizht Mi In. Or Cntti hmnd O I) on left Inn fttid hnrhHB hhitia hrmwl nn ritrht shoulder. Kange. Eight Mile. Ad kins. T V. Davville. Or- Straight murk HcrnsM the thigh and two crops and a slit in the right ear: horses. J, opnide down on the right ahouidtr. hHiiire in Grant countv and Hw vkIIrv. PI) address also at Hardmrtn. Adkins. J. J.. He Doner. Or. Horsoo. JA con neeted on ie.ttlahk: cattle, same on left hip, Avers. Johnny. Lena. Or. Horses hranded triaugie on left hip; cattle eame on right hip: also crop off rigid ear and upper bit 011 same. Blyth. Percy H.. Heonner.Or. HorseB Woman cross on right shoulder. Han ye in Morrow county. Ble&kman. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Hirnpn. n Am or left shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder Bannister, J. W.. Hardman. Or. Cattle brand- od B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner. Peter, uot aeberry Oregon Horses rjranaed ru ud leu ehouiuer. i.utiio e.nne on right siae. Burke. M St C. Lone Creek. Or On cnttlH. MAY connected 011 left hio. emu off loft. mir. nn. uer nair crop on ngni. nurses, same oruna 011 lettt shoumer, itange in Grant and Morrow county. BowrJman. A.. Mount Vernon and Hnrna. Or Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in each ear; same on norses. on ngnt snouiaer. flange in Grant and Harney counties. Brosman. Jerry. Lena. Or. Horses brjindod 7 on right snouider; cattle ti on the kft side Lieft ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Homes. J B 011 riiZht tin if j eutth-. HRiiih on rii?ht but: unlif n each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horeen IB on the right stine; cattle name on right nip; range, Mor row county. Brown. J .P.. HeDDner. Or. -Unman nnd nnttl nrauuea o with ox-yoke above on left shotildur. Brown. J. C. H conn nr. Or. Hnmnn fiim.h C with dot in O" teron IwfL hir: crm.Ir. ,nn. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. HorseB W bar over it, on tne leu shouuier. cattle same on left nip. Boyer, W. G., Heppner. Or. Horeea, box brand o rgb hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg. P. 0., Heppner, Or. Homes, P B on left HhooluW; caitle. same on left hio. Brownlee, W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle, JH connected 11 left Hide; crop 011 left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses Sitnir brand 011 the left Lliiuh: Hanuu in Fox vitilev. Grant county. l-ain.E,.. t aleb.ur. Y l) on hi nies on l&ft stifle: J With OIlKPlMr oirolft nvnr it . n Ittfl Hhiinldar ana on leri stine on an coit lb er a years; oil lett Hhouiner only on atl horueh over a years. All range in Grant countv, Clark. Win. H.. Le. a. Or. Uoran WHC con. uected, on left shoulder: cattle Mime on right hit), ita se Morrow and (JniHi.llHcountit. I ate, t, has. tt Vinson or Lena. Ur. Horse H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hi;.. Itange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cochran. ChaH.. Ioiib. Or. Horw. HP nun nectttd on left nhoulder; cattle, C on both left hip and stifle. Kange in Morrow county. Cannon, f. B..Long Creek, Or.Ton cattle on right side, crop off right ear aud slit in left ear. Our horses same brand od left shoulder. Kange 111 Grant county, Cecil, Wm., Douglas. Or; horses JC on lef shoulder; ca tie same on left -hip, waddles on each jaw and two b.ta in the right ear. Curl1'. H., John Day, Or. Double cnmB on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bn in right ear, split in lef t ear. Kunge in Gram comity. On sheep, inverted A add spear poiiu ou suouiuer. car inaraoi ewes, crop ou tell ear, pouched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop m left ear. AU rang, iu Gra"t countv. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on right shual Jei Cattle-, same on right hip: ear mark eqiuuv orop off left and split in right. Curnn.lt. YM Currinsvilie, Or, -Horses, od on left stitle. Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded TI A. A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop otll eft. Cox Kd. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C witl in center; horses. CK.on left 'iiu. Cochran, H. E.; Monument, Giant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bat beneath, on left shoulder: cattle taine brand on both hips, marl under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H.j Hardniau. Or. Horsta brandeu 011 right hip. Cattle uruudwl the same. Cross. B L, Dayvilie, Or ( atl le branded -f two crops and a split in left ear; on horses a reversed Z on left Btitie, Also have the following brands on rattle: 72 on lett hip, 7 on right hip, 2 on left Bhoulder, two parallel bars on idfi shoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Ooonan. Wm., fleppner. Or. IIorneB branded OO with bar over ihein, on left shoulder; cat tle same on luft hip. Douglass, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, B Don right side.swa low-fork in each ear; horses, li D on left hiu. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Hortes TD on the tight stifle; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day, Or. Quarter circle W on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle. Kange Grant county. Dhskell, W. K, Heppner, Or. Horses branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. Ely, J. B. 4 Sons. Dooglaa, Or. Horses brand ed ELY. ou left shoulder, cattle Hume ou left hip. hole ir right ear. til lliott. Wash.. He Doner. Or. Dinmond on rigpi snouiaer. tioek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 71 connected oi! right Bhoulder; cattle same on right hip Ear mark, hole in right and crop oil left. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; tioreeb JT with bar under on right shoulder. Florence. 8. P. Hepnner. Or Horses, E 011 right shot Ide. ; cattle, b on right hip or thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppner. Or. GAY, on left shoulder. Gilman-French. Land and Live Stock Co., Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor b on left shoulder; vent, eaine on left stifle. Cat'le, same on both nips; ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left. Kange in Gilliam, Grant, Crook a..d Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, un left stifle Range in Morrow and Umatilla conn tia. Giltwater, J . C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, O O on left Bhoulder and stifle; cattle, on right side. Kange in Grant county. Hams, James, Hardinan Or. Horses shaded 2 on lef shoulder; caitle same on left hip. Kange in and about Hardman. Hhjos. (eo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter circle ovt-r it, on Mt choulder. Hiait A. B., Kidgf, Or. tattle, round-top with quarter circle ni der it on the right hip. Kan lie in Morrow and -U mail Ita oounties. Hinton s Jenks, Hamilton. Or t ai tie. two bars on either hip; cn.p in ngttt ear and split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Uangf in (irant county. Hughes, Hauiuel, Wagner, r 'J E Lon right shoulder on horwe; on wtttle. on rtghi l.ipai.don left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Kange in Haystack diatrici. Mor-. w county. Hall. Edwin. John Day Ar. Cat lie E II on righi hip; horses sauie ou right shoulder- tango in Graut county. Hughes, Mat. Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Hunsaker, B . Wagner. Dr. Horbes.W on left shouMfr.ca tie. 9 ou left hiA . Hardisty, Albert. Nye. Oreaon -Horses, AH oonm-cted. on left shoulder; Cattle on the left hip, crop off left ear. Humphrey. 4 (A Hardman. Or.-Horse. H le'1 flank Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Homes branded our cross ol ten shouiuer; cattle same ou left hip Haje ee. J. M., Heppner. Or. Hum. inwl on Iftl Miiitld- cattle, same of 1 nghl hip. Ivy, Alfred. Umg tWk, Or i at tie 1 Don tight hip. cn.p u-ft M4r and bit 11. right. Hois em biaud on left shou.der. tionge u Urnt ooonty. buMun. Lather. Eight Mile. Or. Home Hod the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle CaU Ue same on left hip. Kange in Morrow county. Jenkins, D. W.,Mt Vernon, Or. J on hone on left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooi h crops on both ears. Range in Fox and Bear vaU -js Junkiu, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horse, horse shoe J on lft shoulder. Cattle, the sama. Kangn on Eitrhi Mile. Johnson, fcelix Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on left stine; cattle, aame on right hip, under half croc in hvht and sulit in left ear heuuy, Mike. Ileppner, Or. Horses branded KNV ou left hip cattle same and crop off left Mar: under 1o on the right Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses 69 on left shoulder; cattle, rift on left hip. Kirk. J O, Heppner. Or, Horses. 17 on either flunk: cattle 1? on right side. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner. Or; horse' 11 on left shoulder; cattle same on light side, underbit on ' right ear. KuaibjrUwd.W.u.. Mount Vernon. Or. I Lob cattle 011 right and left sides, swat low fork in It ft ear and u"der ciop in right ear. Horses same nmifU on tort shoulder. Kange in Omi t c ountv. tteetmy. r.li, ileppner, Or. Horses J L. and ;u of clubs on lett stifle, h&nae in LimntilU and & orrow counties Lestey.M C. MotiumeUL Or A trianuloafirwith all hues exteudiug pa t tody of figure 011 til hor- ves ou leu suouiuer, ou cattle aiamoua on left shouhler, split in righ a -a u-ub. it in left ear hange iu urant count and to 1 arts of Johu Day Ijiahey. J W. Heonner Or. Horsoa brMndnd 1. ml A on left shoulder; cati'eameoii left hip; wiite ver right ey three sliis in right ear. Lsonen, niBpnen, Lua. Ur.-t? L ou loll nip n came, croo and snni on riirht mr Hoi-umh same brand on left shoulder, itange Urant county. ijU'ualleu, John W., L- Or. Horeea branded hall-cncle JL connected on left shoul der. Caitle. sam on left hip. Kange, near Lex. ing ton. Lord, George. Heppner. Or. Horses branded double il cot, ii ecu oinetitnes culled a swing H. on left shoulder. Maxwell, M . 8 , Gooseberry. Or. Homes brand ed long link on lett shoulder; cattle, same on lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear. Minor, Oscar,, Heppner Or. Cattle, M D on rtk'iii hip; horse. Mon leftshoulder. Morgan, 8. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on lett should-cattle saine on left hip. McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horaee. M with bar ov r on right shoulder. Maun, B. b, Lena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on right hip; young etook, small zz on left shouloer Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle T ou left shoulder and left tlugb; oattle. Z on right thigh. Mitchell. 0tcar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 ou right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. MeCiaren, h. G., Brownsville, Or, Horeea, ttKure ft on each Hhutnder, oattle, M2on hut McKern.W. J. Mount Vemou, Or XI on cattle, on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop in left same brand on ho rut, b on left hi, . Ratine in Grant county. McCany, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded Dvi connected, on the left shoulder; cuttle same on hip and side. fiicGnr, Eroi.k, Fox Valley, Or. Muleahoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; horses same brand ou left stifle. Meliuley. U. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8 with half circle under on lef t shoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top on the right side Kange in Gran! County, Neai. Andrew. Lone Kock, Or. Horses A N con nected on left shoulder; cattle same ou both hips. Nordyke, E., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 1 on left thigh: oaitio. same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 3 on cattle on left hip; on horses, same ou lef t thigh. Range in Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington. Or. P O on ieft dhoti. Mle. . Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on ieft hip; horaee on left stifle and wariie on nose. Range in Grant county, Pearson, Oluve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar ter circle shielo ou ieft shoulder and a4 on left hip. Cattle, fork in ieft ear, right cropped, 24 011 left hip. Rang, ou Eight Mile. Parker & Gieaauu, Hardman, Or, Horeea IP on I- ft shoulder. i tper, J. H Lexington. Or. -Horses, JE con nected o. left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bi in each ear. Putberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand ed with a' Komai cross on left shoulder; cuttle uronded with Roman cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. Pettys. A. C, lone, Or.; horaee diamond P on shoulder; eaule, J u J connected, on the left hip, upper slope in left ear and Bftp in the ught. Powell, John '!'., Dayville, Or Horeea, JP cou nec ed ou it)f l Hlioulder. Cattle Oli ouutieuted on left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear, wattle under throat. Rai ge in Grunt county. itickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or.E D on loft shouidor, on horses only. Range Canyon creek and itear valley. Grant county. Hood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, Bqnare nru with quarter-circle over it on loft stifle. Hettinger, Chris, Hoppuer, Or. Horses. C K on lett shouidei - Rice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horsee, three panel worm fence on lett shoulder; cattle, UAN on right shoulder. Range near Uurdman. iiudio, Wm, Long Creek, Or. Brands horses R 01 right shoulder. Range Graut and Morrow counties. Roy Be, Aarou. Heppner, OiHcrses, plain V on .eft shoiuder; cuttle, same brand reversed od right hip and crop oft right ear. Range in Mor row county. liu.ih Bros., Heppner, Or. -Horsee branded S .in the nghi shoulder; cattle, IX on the ieft hip crop oil lett ear aud dewlap on neck. Range it Morrow and adjoining counties. Riist, William, Penuleton, Or. Homes K on lef.i shouiuer; cuttle, R on left hip, crop otil right, ear, underbit on left ear. ttheep. R on weat hers, round crop off righ ear. Range Uma tilla and Morrow c luittiee. beaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. HorSM Ol'Ullded A R on riifllt shuulder. vunt nunrtm circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow county. itoyse, Wm. ii, Dairyville, Or HH connected with quarter circle over top ou cattle on right hip and crop otl right ear and split in left. Homes diuiiu bcutid on left shoulder. Range iu Morrow 1 1 if ti it and Gilliam counties. Kilter, J b Ruier, Or Three parallel bars witn bur over on horses ou left hip; on cattle, left side, two smooth crops, two BplitB in each eai Range in Middle Fork of John Day. itecLr, J . W., Heppner, Or. Horses. JO 01 leu shoulder. Caitle, Don right hip. .-ipicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded di ou left sh .ulder; lunge in Morrow county. ooitti, J, F Heppner, Or.-Horsee branded fcl con ueuieu o right shoulder; cattle same on both nips, tinning, C C Heppner, Or Horsee branded S A on lett snoulder; cattle same on left hip. Sjwaggur., li. b Lexington, Or.-Horses 3 with uiwb under it ou left stifle cattle H with uhmii uniier it on right hip. crop off right eur and wuudied ou right hind leg. Rouge in Morrow, Giihuiiiaud uuiutiila counties. Hwaggart. A. L., Ella. Or. llorsos, brande ' 2 ou leu shoulder; cet tie sumo on left hip. Crop on ear. wattle ou left Inad leg, Hiraighi W. K, Ileppner, Or. Horses shaded J b ou lei anile; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in rjgh ear, underbit in left. rMipp, Ihos., ileppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; catu name on ieft hip. Miirtz. Jauioa, U.ng 1 nek. Or. Ho rues. 3 on lelt sLitle and over 2 on ieft shoulder. bhrierJohn, Fox, Or. NO connected on horses on right hip; came, same on right hip crop. .11 right ear and under bit 111 left ear. Range in Grant county. rirnith Hi os., (Susnnville, Or. Homes, branded H. oil shoulder; caa.e, ume on left ahouider. NpurtiM, James, Arlington, Or.; horses branded J8.u Itdi, shoulder; catile the same, also nose waodle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam 00 nties. btephena, V. A., Uardnittu, Or-; horses bSon nghi Biifle; cattle h. nzontal L on ihe light side ateveuBou, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cuttle, 8 011 right hi. ; swallow-fork in left ear. 8wttggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on left etiouidt . cattle, 44 on left hip, btone. ira.Bi' kleion, Wush, ilorsea. keystone ou left shoulder. tJimtti, K. E. Lone Ktok, Or. Horses branded u crossed seven on left shoulder; cuttle same un left side. Range, Gilliam county, Hperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. - Cuttle W C on lett lap, crop off right and underbit iu left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses. Ron left ehouiu r; cattle, 2 ou left shoulder. lippetB.8.T.,Lnierprise,Or. Horses. C-on lefL shoulder. Turner R.W., Heppner. Or. -Small capital T leit Bhouldet. horses; cattle same on ieft him with split in bolt. earn. ihtrnton, U, M.. lone, Or.-Horses branded) H 1 connected ou left stifle; sheD same brand. Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or; Horses H V coo necied on right shoulder .cattle, same on right Walbridge, Wm, Heppner. Or. Homes, Tj L. on the ieit shou.der; cattle aame on light hio. crop off left ear and right ear lopped, Wilson, John 8alem or Heppner. Or. Homes branded Jtj on the left shoulder. Range Morrow county. " W arren, W B. Caleb, Or-Caitle. W with quarter circle over it, ou ieft side, split in right ear. Horse same bra-id on ieft shoulder. Kunge in Graut couuty. , Wood, V L, Dayville, Or-Heurton horses on left st ihe; ou cattle, 'j 011 left eide aud under bit in leti ear. KauKe in Grant connty. W right, oilas A Heppner. Or. Cattle branded 8 V on the right hip. square crop on right ear and spl.tin lit. Wallace. Fraiicis, Mount Vernon.OrSqnareon cuuie on t tin left hip. upper slope in he left ear and under slope in nghi ear. 8ame brand 011 hoi m on nghi shoulder. Range in Harney and Grant county. " Wade, iieur. Hejpner. Or. Homne bianded ate i spauw ou ie.t shoulder and left hip. (aitle bran. ec sumeon left side and left hiu, W ells. A. b., Heppner, Or.-Horeee, on left ehouhter; can e same. W oihnger, John, John Day City.Or-On homes Uiree pi.ral.el bars ou left nhoolder; 7 on sheep, bn in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhner conn tiee. Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horses, CP connecU'd 011 leftshoulder. Watkins, LiBhe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded' LE conneetet on lef t stifl. Wallace, Charles, Portland. Or. Cattle, W on ngto thigh, hoi- in left eur; horses, W on right shoulder, wim same ou left shoulder. Wlutuer Bro., Drewsy. Harney wounty, Or. -Ht.rfrt. hntndetl W B. tt K'tW nn iefi tthonlder W iliiauis. VoBc... Hamilton. Or. Qaurtr cir cle over thrwt- bur on it ft h p, both uatUe and hunet. Range Grunt oountj. W ilbains. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar tr t-m-leover three rtamon Inft hip; cattle same ami -hi in wi mht lOmin- in lrtiii cooiiir, W it n. A. A., eppuer. Or. Horses nuiiung A A. on shoulder; Cttm, same on nghi hip. ioung, J. 8 Gooejen7, Or.-Horses branded T 8 on the nght shooidar.