Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 04, 1892, Image 3

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THOSK desiring the insertion oi display ads.,
or change ol same, umslgtit their copy iu
not later Uiau Monday evening for TuoHlay'a
edition, or ihursday evening lor Fridays edi
1, The sum of fire cent! per line will be
Charged for-carda of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists ol w eddlng presents and donors,
auu obituary notices, lolner than thou tilts edit
or shall hln,Bell give as a waller oi uews.) aud
notices ol special meetings lor whatever purpose.
2. Notices 01 church aud society aud all other
entertainment Iroui which reveuue is to be de
rived, shall he charged tor at the rate of hve
tents a liue. 'lltese rules will be strictly adher
ed to lu every lustauce.
Advertisiug rates reasouable and madekuowa
npou appllcailou.
(jive your business to Heppner people,
and therefore usstst to buuu vp Hepp
ner. fatronize those wlu patronize
Here and There.
Ladies' Bazar.
Don't uverluuK tbe Ladies' Bazar.
TDlTd FILLS cause no nausea or
Jobu Spray was in from Haystack
Ed. C.ii, of Hardman, was in Heppner
Toin Harnett, of Lexington, was in
towu iSaurUay.
Chns. Uollaud was up from tbe lower
couuiry fciuuduy.
J M. Humphreys was lu (rota Hard
man Saturday.
Fred Miller knows bow to give you a
good fit iu tailunug. it sw
J. W. Red ford bas gone into tbe bote 1
buaiueaB at Arliugtou.
Mr. Henry Wbitson.ot Lexington, was
in Heppuer Saturday.
0. A. and T. A. Khea returned from
Purilaud late last week.
J. H. jiutbewB, of lone, was a visitor
to Heppner Friday lust.
Miss buotbby, of Lexington, was with
friends beie lust Saturday.
Isaac Kuiiibten aud sou, Robert, were
iu iruin Kiijht Mile Saturday.
The Gem aud Palace saloons for fine
liquors, ftloAtee Bror., Piups. sw
Born -To the wife of J. A. Woolery,
of lone, on last Friday, a girl.
Walter Forward left yesterday morn
ing for Fnrtlaud fur a short stay.
M. Carrigall, of tbe lower Butter creek
couutry, was lu Heppuer Baturctay
Bam. N. Waifield, of the Lexington
country, dropped id on us Saturday.
A V Courier, of Eight Mile, was, i
caller at tbe (Jazette office Saturday laat
Frank Shipley wbbou Heppner's streets
Buaiu Saturday, the first time for some
lip Shinlev informs ve reporter that
in VA dJ8 last week, be traveled 145
Mr. Rnd Mrs. Newt. Jones have gone
to IimUbo keeping on the Cnnniughame
Ed. Slocnm went down to Portland on
yesterday moruiug's train for a short
Leroy Parker and Thos. P. Stubble
field were in from Monument tbo last of
as! week.
L. D. Brigga and family returned Fri
day last from their visit to Portland and
Born- On Rhea creek, Saturday Oct.
1, to tbe wife of Wra Steward, a aou.
Weight 10 pouuds.
"Oon." French will move to tbe prop
erty lately oooupied by Hon. T. E. Fell,
some time this week.
l ap Yimous & Son still shoe horses
and do general blaeksmrthing at the old
stand IViatiook corner. &5.
Joe Beck, of the firm of Beck Bros., (,f
Hamilton, came over baturday, leaving
forLaOiaiide Monday.
Mrs Walter Hunt and children, ao
oompanied by Mr. Will Hunt, departed
yesteiday tor Seattle, Wash.
Messrs. Edwards and McOarty and
Mrs. Milt Morgau, of Hand Hollow, weie
visitors to Heppner Satuiday.
Fell Bros, of tbe indies' Buzar, those
energetic meiohauts of May street, pie
seat ohauge of ad. in this issue.
W. O. Buyer is able to be arouud again,
and was up towu 'lueaday, mucb to ibe
satisfaction of liis many lriends.
Mrs. Frank Kellog and sons left Mon
day morning for a visit with relatives.
Tbey will also visit Salem ere returning.
B M. Burton, of Long Greek, was reg
istered at the Palace Saturday. Also
Joe Nelson and Joe Beck, ot Hamilton
Miss Letha Parker, dressmaker, will
' guarantee you a good fit. Uive her s
rial. Kesideuoe W. A. Johnston. 4 K
iro A .1 Stevenson is prepared to d
all kinds of nursing. Call at ber hmne
iu north Heppner, or address her at tint
Hiyu ketchum whiskers. 1 Hatt &
Maihews, at the oity barber shopthe
r,iu to ut a Brut-class Bhave, bair-out
t -.-
or shampoo.
Tbe best and surest dye to color the
beatd brown oi Wacfc.Hsma) bedesiied.
iBBuckingbam'sfje Iur the Wbiskeii..
It never lulls.
Wanied - A girl to do funeral bouse
work, tor luither pHlticnlais enquire,
ol Ed. K. Bishop, at tbe National Bank
Cf Heppuer. au
Master Clay French is the authorized
ageut lor tLe Oreiouian bt this plate.
Subscribe thioui.u bim, and Lave your
jiaper deliveied li ee ol charge. tf
Que of our friends came in yesterdav
and says "1 have
. d b.
ku ittm lor sou,
lUbt'e tbe way e like to bear the people
talk, for that is whatmaKesa ioua. jp"
. at.i neater ouartera at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
rM,.,i,v .lMi.m. the baber. wants to see
ki. n. ...irta there. Baths m conneo-
Fiet not your life ewsy bfcause youi
l.nn is n. wniie juuta. j -
a,. ,. U u.miii slid tan btautily
haii wiih ball's Bbir Bn.tv.tr
I ,.v
'lLe latVsttUnlislry, crown aBd bridat
...,fc n.,.al KlireeHilUlll SCClttpllthtd I'
,r u V Vhnuhan. ObS tominintitu
wLen' desiud. 'Ihompou bnilaihg
lln,i,i,n. Or l a-w-
(i t. beilKU.onecf Ihe iclid mm
cl Mi LitLtnt, f8 in tniB i
i.. hfltbtatLal it is je diy ovei
bis WHy, but not us much to
in. m WiiltitV.
IhebttLUt Botel at Arlington bap
...... in ibe t..d location
Lartheo.ict.t.. Main S.., bbtut twt
hi. i. I., n, iLr deiot. wbtle
sw.. will weln ae you ba oi old.
J B. Hi-floid, who is now working
... i viiik's rLCb, was il
UUI WW ' . , ,.
. q. ,rfov Uu reLorlS tbbt lUe
,": .,n1nbLceof .be L,'ne po-..fficeU
pivvug quite su iLCtnvenunoe
m pie in itht ttclion-
n . ; .o ; enffetine witb rbeu
June jo u. m - . .
... i... o ti.n ran uel lOOg"
SOaiUJ an li-.! . -
Oil. It U loi tale by all dtuagi s at i
.... I. u Imi it t.uld be dill cheap i
f,,ur mm. il,e nice. It is positive cute
ki.d no nimifake. ii ii
aud be coi.yu.ctd. ' l
t t, t. .j-anrl Oeo." Harringtob
st.mk oot yesteiday morning kr the
tomes near Graaite City. Mr. Boyeds
partner has struck some rich placer
around over there, which tbe boys will
visit befoie their reluru.
Mrs. O. E FaruHWurlb is convalescent.
Ed. Uuoker, of Eight MUe, was seen
Willi Uh Saturday.
F. J. Wiluelm, of lone, was in Hcpo
ner last week uu ouaiuess.
L. M. F well, ot Saud Hollow, reports
hia sheep as dolug well ibis lull .
'Qeue Campbell has bought property
in Heppuer and will locate lu towu.
Mibs Ada Knea. dauibter of C. A.
Bliea, is atteiiUiug souuol at Hillabora
tliia year.
Jouu, Alfred end Albert Ayers, with
their lumuicp, Were iu to attend Ibe
Ayeia-iUailuca nuptials Sunday.
Bane Brus', who killed Wm. Humbert,
over lu MaiUeur uouuty last spring, tiuve
beeu seulei.ucd to tno peulteuliaiy tor
A. J. Bartholomew has brought his
last load ol tiuit to ileppuer for lUisaea
sou. tluWiVcr, lit) luieiiUs aljlpplug u
car load boou.
Mrs. Dr. Lord aud Mrs. Wm. Parsoua,
of Ella, uiuiner aud slater of lieu, W.
Lord, were iu Heppuer with their rel
atives over OuuUuy.
Mrs. U. E. Uullock returned from
Portiaud ou Friday eveuiug's train, aud
at pieaeul ib viaittug with Mr. and alro.
v. t Dutluu, Ueiuw town.
Mauy ot our BUbsoribers are uukuowu
to lue editor of tuis paper, u'.id tuuc is
luereuauujou Bucuia call at the timt
upportuuity aud make yuurselt kuowu.
S. White.turuierly pustmasteratDuug
las, left veateiday morulug fur Oiiitou,
where he will locale Justice Miller
takes his pluoe as postmaster at that vu.
Us Wells killed a brant the other day
and captured its uiute by Bhoutiug it
tbiuugU liie wiug. Ibough geueraliy
kuowu as a species of gouse, it loolts
more like a dues.
B. M. Burtou, a prominent and well-
to do latiner oi tne lower John JUay
couuiry, passed thiougn Heppuer Satur
day , eu route to Portiaud.
Keourd: Mr. A. A. Juyuea bas return
ed lr..ui The lJulles aud la uow able to
attend to the bustueus uf bis ufhee. His
mauy Irieuda will be pleased to note hiB
rapid loiprovetueut.
L. D. B ijed bas contracted to build
Pieaa lhumpsou's udditlou to his Main
street property. VN m. Tirllot is supjariu
teudiug Mr. Boyed's work dunug tue lut
ter's ahaeuce to Oruut couuty.
Record: J. H Kolmau returned from
Ftiecu the first of cue week. He una now
gone to Heppuer, where lie will estab
lish i. brunch eture, leaviug bis busiueBs
heie iu ohiirge ol Mr. HurriBon.
Tbe number of pupils enrolled during
Ihe fimt week of Heppuer's publio BChool
was 257. This will be iucreaBed week
after week, and before Christmas Hepp
uer cau boast ot over 800 pupils.
Wurkou tne waterwoiks reservoir be
gan jesierday uioroiug on tbe property
receuvly puiouused Imm Mrs. tt. ttalloca.
t'he holes for the eieo no light pules are
beiug (lug, and in ull it looks like busi
ness. Hon. T. E. Fell returned home Friday
l.st, aud will leave tutnonow morning
for his new looatiou Tacoma, where he
will put in a BOourmg plaut in oouneo
tion with tbe wooleu mills, of which he
has beeu uhosen maubger.
Mrs. John Her and Miss Estella Webb
made tbe liuzeite otlioe a pleasant oail
Saturday last. Mies Webb reports ber
brother who bas been sick lor some time
Binoe at tbe Hood Samaritan hospital,
improving, though not yet able to leave.
Mrs. Taylor Dodsou aud Miss Etta
Miuur arrived from Fairbuveu Saturday.
Mrs. Jodaon will visit witn fneuds and
lelatives this week, expecting to return
hume about ihe thai ul next week. Miss
Ailiuor will nut accompany Mrs. Hudson
Parties wanting bargains in household
(ui allure will do well to Cull on George
Fell before next Saturday. T. E. Fell's
furniture is fur sale, including bedroom
sets, bed lounge, dining-iooui table,
chairs, lamps, cook stove, rubber bub
tub, etc. OdUdl
The many remarkable cures of oatarrh
fiVuted by the use of Ayer'a Sarsupanlla
is couclusive pi out" that this loathsome
aud daugerous disease is one of tbe
blood, only needing such a searching
aud puwerlul alternative to thoroughly
eradicate it.
Kev. M. Bramblet will bold service's in
tbe liuptistchurcb next Sunday morning
at 11 o'Cluok, aud iu the eveuiug at 7
o'cluok, the latter date beiug the time
fur evening services during tbe ooimug
winter. Suuduy-schuol tbe same as usu
al, at 10 a. ni.
Post Commander Smith, J. F- Willis
and A. J. Hill, represeutiug Rawlms
oat, ii. A. K.. met with Heppuer's Com
mittees at the i. trice of Frank Kellugg
laat Satuiday. The program is beiug
formulated us rapidly as possible.
There can be no health foreithermind
or body so loug as the blood is vitiated.
Cleause tbe vital current from all iuipur-
ttes by tbe use of Ayers Sarsaparilla.
1'bis medicine recruits tbe wasted en
ergy, etreugtnens tne nerves, uua re
sides health to tne aemutaiu system
A business man in Arlington remarked
recently that "weights iu Heppuer aud
Arlington do unt agree, beiug much
lighter in tbe former place, especially
when shipped from Arlington up. inis
bev though! strange, tbougu i n reflec
tion we see no reason why they sboti d,
as Heppner is much higher thau Arliug
tou; that is, ueurer heaven. Buoh being
ihe case, the atmosphere is mure rare,
consequently weights are lighter.
F.. O : A niifht or two since a 21 car
trainload of borses was ditobed on the
Denver blanch, near Cheyenne. Ihe
train was lunuiug at a high rale of speed
to make the hill, and let t the traok.
About ore bundled bead of horses were
killed. Part of the shipment consisted
.f the last batch of Swiizler borses from
Umatilla, and sixty or seventy bead of
due Block bought from frea fnoaine of
La Grande. Geoige Bean and E. S.
Gibson, of La Graude, who were with
ihe shipment, weie seveiely hurt.
Sun: Eueioeer Patterson and Fire
man Keeor of ihe Heppner branch were
u The Dalles Sunday, and through tljem
we learned of a band that Conduotor
Preach organized. The instruuieuts
used are baimonicas of a new design that
uive all Ihe puches and variatmus in
music. '1 he ni, rnbeis of Ihe baud are
Coudnctor French, leader; Engineer
Fatten-on, Fireman Beece, Brakemnn
Vtiijd, and Operators Lnudy and Van
Dorn They practice iu the fietgbt house
at Arlington trl weekly.
25 years and 5 mouths. Though seri
ously ill for tome time, it was hoped that
she would recover, inasmuch as she seem
ed so much better tbe last few days of
ber life. She took a turn for the worse
late Sunday, and despite all that could
be done tor her, never rallied. Funeral
services were held at the residenoe on
Tuesday, Oot. 4, at 10 a. ra., after which
tbe remains were interred iu the Hepp
ner cemetery. Tbe obituary of this most
estimable lady will appear in the next
(ssue of tbe Gazette.
One Smalt ltilo Heart every niirht fnr
wewJL aruuae Torpid Uvara. too. wr bouM,
Saturday LivKBafOMS J. F. Hasting
and Jesse Seller, two yuung men from
tbe country, had some words with See
Driskell Saturday, which culminated iu
See being attacked by both ot them
armed with heavy bar room chairs. The
trouble occurred down in the Arcade
saloon, aud before matters were quieted,
See received some pretty hard knocks.
Being brought before the recorder, thsv
were fiued tbe "regulation," wbicb many
ot us, ulas, from sad experience, know
too well its size. Later in tbe evening,
Hastings uud Driskell met again, and as
the reoorder deemed the latter the ag
gressor in this instance, fined turn only,
which iu this case was $20.
Tbey incrense appetite, purify the whole
yateiu ami uctou tue liver, title Ilea us Small.
Nkw Firm. Tbe Gazette bas the hon
or this week of presenting for publio Con
sideration, a new business In Heppner,
that of J.H. Kolman. Mr. Kolmau has
been in business at Arlington tor some
time, and is looked upon as a progres
aive. business man. and one whom we
cau.recou.mend us being public spirited
and enterprising in everything. Mr.
Kolmau'g place of business, the Liobten
thai building, will be opened up this
week, aud the Gazette bespeaks for bim
a goodly share of tbe patiouage. Ho is
at present ably aseiBted in his store by
Mr. Barber.
WiiA Onli Stay Ten Daxs. Churley
Cunningham sot in yesterday from Pilot
Ruck wiih a baud ot bucks which will
remain here only ten days. Mr. Cun
uiuKbHm is reoeiving yearly from tbe
EaBt, bucks equal to tbe best raised in
the world..so there is no fear that bis
herds are deteriorating. In fact, they
are improving all tbe time.
Prevent and euro Oimt itation aud Sick
Headache, Small liiiu Uiuus.
Oveb to John Dax. After Ootober 1
Tom Morgan will be found in Grant Oo
John Dav City, in cbargo of a band of
those famous Ross buoka, from tbe band
of Cbas. Cunningham. He will remain
there till about Nov. ldtb, and those
wautihe first class stock will do well to
see the Ross bucks before pnrobasinK
elsewhere. 28-31
pu up in neur. watch-sliaiHd hnttles,snerAl
coated, Small Uile Ueaua. I:, per bottle.
-I have-the honor of announcing to
And adjoining sections that I have located here, and to stay.
YUUK ALU PCJUCtlAM';?! are about to be made. You
want to buy tbe beat go-de you can for your money. We
do ; you should. Hon- to do it then comes next. A safe
way is to compare values aud prices. We take pleasure in
showing our guod and toliiug our prioes. Our Dry Goods
nenartment is full of choice offerings for this season. In
D'ess Goods we are far iu advauce of our competitors. Our
Styles and prioes prove it. You should see our Clothing aud
Overooats. Childaeu's, Boys' and Youths' Clutbiug in au endless
profusion. Goods filed to the ceiling, so to BpeBk. Our prioes
will move them. Suits made to order in the latest styles and
patterns. Represent the largest tailoring establishment iu Chicago.
Our fall stock is now complete and will interest you.
We -:- Guarantee Satisfaction.
Rustlers !
For Trade at the Head of the Procession
With the Right Swing and
We Propose to
cli Tint Maverick
The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
We have in endless quantities-arid to suit the trade in price, style and quality
eats, latest stvlea, oheaper than ever sold in Heppner Detore. ray sioes is
direct from the East, and is the btst ever brought to the town.
At present looated in the M. Liohtentbal building. Main street, opposite the
c,,y Lu J. JB. COLMAK
anil Sign Pointer.
First-Glass work in All Its Bnwche8. -Prices Reasonable.
530-1 a w
Want a Postoffioe. J. W. Hyatt,
Samuel G. Miller and H. E Warren, of
Hail Ridge, were in Heppner Friday eve
ning. These gentlemen say that a post
office should be located on "the ridge,"
as tbey oould then get their mail the
same day that it leaves Heppuer. This
matter should receive tbe attention of
the people iu that vicinity.
Eipans Tabules : a standard remedy.
Pkktty Gloss. Last Friday eve, while
some of tbe young men and China Louie,
the cook, down at the City hotel, were
practicing with a 22 cab rifle in the rear
of tbe building, the weapon was acci
dentally discharged, the ball passing
through Louie's shoe, missiDg bis great
toe but the small fraction of an inob.
To atd Digestion take one Small Bile Bean
If ter eatiuir. i&u. per bottiu.
Not being able personally to do so, we
desire through the oolumns or me ua
zette, to sincerely thauk all those who
so kindly assisted us by tbeir presence
and sjmpathy during tbe illness, death
and burial of our loved one, Bertha I.
May Ood send each of yon suoh friends
in your hour of need is our prayer.
Waynf, Hubton,
Mb. & Mas. J. P. Hadlhi,
Mas. O. 1. Payne.
.isflliilil w iliiiiiiiTrrr--Tfr,""MJ""!Jcgtga """ "
Prevention"' better than Care !
tend up Bargains
Like Yours Respectfully. We are here for business from the
ground up and propose to let you know it.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on Shout Notics and at PnrrJMB Pbicbb.
Bread 22 Loave for $1.00.
Ttis LeafliiiQ Fotei ot ifie CUy
Mrs. Margaret Von Urn
Grain Sacks
to iLt
The World Enriched.
Tbe faoalities of tbe present day for tbo
production of everything that will con
duoe to tbe material welfare and oom
fort of mankind are almost unlimited.
au1 when Hyrup of Figs was Brst pro.
duoed the world was enriched with tbe
only perfect laxative known, as it is tbe
ouly remedy which is truly pleasing and
rrfresbing to tbe taste and prompt and
eCfeotual o cleause the system geutly in
tbe sprint: time or, in faot, at any time
and the better it is konwn the more
popular it becomes. 530 542 1 a w.
Indorsements I
Cooner Dip Is used and endorsed by the following Oregon and Montana ";;
DonaSlim Dayvllle; W. H. Lee, Junction City; John Harrison, Matney; Goo. (tens, Amanda;
Kenneth McKaV, Dayviile; JoeJlllver, John Day, J. W. Byers New Lisbon ; . J. Moulc. Bercall;
Coofc i I Clark loot Falrchlld 4 McCraig. Di.puyer; k K. Warren. Utlra; Bnch Br.,
r:i.. ir p rhndler. Maiden: J. HliBchbcrK, Choleau; D. H. Hasting, Uljet; James idle,
Dillon; W. Nortou, Htowart; A. Downie, Big Sandy.
Public f-'PEAKiNo Tomorrow evening
at tbe opera bi.UHe, Senator J. N. lAilph
will address tbe people of Heppner and
near by on the issues of tbe day. Many
of those now residing in Heppner and
vicinity pioneered it with tbe senator,
and no donbt will be present on this oc
casion to hebr what be will have to say
on questions ot national importance.
I'he speaaiug will eommeuce at 7.30 p.
in., sharp.
Called Homb.-Ou 8umlay eve, Oot.
1S2, at bei h me in heppner. Mag
gie M , beloved wile of Dr. E. T. Oagen,
was called from this earthly sphere, aged
Tbe Union Peofio System will eitend
to all its patrons the usnal reduced rates
on round trip tickets, v-bioh will include
admission to the exposition, selling on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of
each week .
Detailed information can be bad by
applying to J. 0. Hart, ticket agent at
Heppner, Oregon, or W. H. Hurlburt,
Asst. Qenl. Pass. Ag., 254 Washington
St. Portland, Oregon. 25-34.
I wish to trade mules or horses for
oattle. Address me at Lexington, or
call Bt my ranch, seven miles north
east of that place.
522-sw. B. F. Bwaooabt.
I have at Drerent at tbe John Q Wil
son place, a flue, thoroughbred Berkshire
boar, the service of wbioh can be had
fur (2 50. J. N. litKLER,
26 33 1 aw
Shoemakkb Ed Birbeok. shoemak
er and repairer of many years' eiperi
enoe. has lust located in tbe Abraham-
sick building, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiytbing in his line.
Mr. Birbeck is strictly s first-class work,
man and warrants all work. Give bim a
call. Utf
TheCheapest and Best Dip ever made.
Ask Your Merchant for Coopers and Take w Other,
i7r.uur iun nnrva Pnptlnml. Oruron.
Gen. Agti. for OrcRon, WaHhlngton and Wentem Idaho.
Ualvattm, Texai.
The undersigned has a
cliuice lot of Oxford
Grade Bucks for sale
at reasonable prices,
at his ranch, 7
of Pilot Rock
J. E. SIVHOMI, lllot Rook, Or.
L D. BOYED llil Conlraclor Builder.
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
Although most of
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
Are still alive and kicking for trade with a complete line o(
Guns and
Pimm flankiiaiiPTV
j mivvvuvus,
Ammunition, Sewing
Machines, Farm Implements.
Also Gents' Furnishing Goods, and the laret assortment
ol Teas iu Eastern Oregon.
Special Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto:
We Won't Be 'noeRSOLD.
tf. Corner Main and Willow Streots, Heppner Or.
W. J. lJCICZKI, Ii-ot.
IMS HOSTKLItY haa been HiFrrTBi) and Kepcnihiikd throuthnut, and now
is one of the most inviting planed in Heppner. Mr. Leeawr invites you to atop
with bim, feeling that he is able to entertain you in the bent of style.
First Class House.
Reason adlk
pniits, -:- Candies,
Tnis -:- uml -: pjars !
HAKNESS-SHOI', stork and fixtures. 6ood
businessi established in the midst ol a
Rood larminR and Uock-raUlnt country.
Also for sale a gooa house ana two 101 wun ur
without tbe buslneas property. For farther In
formation addreat oasetui, Heppner, Or. 483 tf.
Otis Patter
Tbo Finest in tlioIiRiul.
A lho in about ripo. . Wo w HI let you
know about that t.Ue near Ihture.
Y. L. Matlock & Co,