Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Ilepp ner. Patronize those who patronize fou. National Kepublican Ticket TOU PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARBISON, of Indiana. FOB VICE PRESIDENT, WHITE LAW RE IB, of New York. FOB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLES. of Portland. H. B. MILLER, or Grunt's Pass. U. M. IRWIN, of Cnion. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. TO TACOMA. Hon. T. E. Fell, u well known busi ness man of Heppner, is elected manager of the Tuconoa woolen mills. During bis recent trip to Tacotna T. E. Fell arranged to take charge of tbe T acorn n woolen mill, as manager, and will move to that place at ouoe. A! though he will reUiu his business inter est, here in tbe oompaoy ot which be was the organizer and successful man. sger, bis obsuge of residonoe will neces airly be a lo.'S of one ot tbe most sotive spirits in Heppner's enterprises. To Mr. Fell is largely due tbe con struotiun ot the railroad. As legislator be received appropiations with whiob our mountain roads were built, and as manager ot tbe Morrow Co. Laud & Trust Co. has made this one ot the lurg-' est and best wool markets on tbe ooast. Ot Tuouma Mr. Fell speaks with con siderable enthoainm, considering the conservative nature of bis business, and says be expects by no means to sever bit busines relation with the wool grower ot this s otion, as it is quite possible that much of the wool wbiob is now shipped from tLisplaoe to San Franoison, scouring may be direoted to Taooma. Mr. Judd, who is well known as tbe largest operator in green wool here and in econred wool at Sun Frauoisoo, was with Mr. Fell in Tuoumn rocenily, and expressed himself as favorable to the transfer of muob of bis souud trade to Taooma, if cpnlemplated arrangements for soonnng were effected. WHAT PECK SAYS. Peck, the lubur commissioner, on wboBe bead tbe wrath of Clevelaud't. leaders is now fulling has tbis to Buy: "The papers have not been and will noi be destioyed, but Mr. Anderon and the other mugwumps or ami susppers, ai they oall themselves, will not get them. I obtained most of those reports on mj personal pledge that no names eboniu be disclosed. I could not have obtained tbe data otherwise, as tbe law does nol give me power to require faols concern ing any man's-private business. The same rule holds good in all the slates where there are statistical bureaus aud also in obtaining figures for the Cuited Stales. As to the correctness of my fiu nros themselves, they were a aiirprise disngreeable, if you will, but a surprise to me. I bad expected it to be all the other way, and the first tabulation on tbe silk industry was our way, but nine ' tenths of the others, both individual!) and by tradeB, showed large increases it, both production aud wiiiiea paid. It wiie the most searching investigation ever made in this state, and the figures pub lished are oorrect. They arc borne i ut by those obtained by Commissioner Wad lin, of Massachusetts, and by Commis sioner Peele, of ludiaua, who is a staunch demooiat. He, like myself, began the investigation in the expectation of ob taining different results." The fastest time, under any aud nil oouditions, has been made tbis summer. Only a few days ago, at Torre Haute, lud., six tiottiug heals, the fastest on reoord, Were reeled off. Maud 8. and Suuol are nowhere, but it may be the pueuniatio tire and ball bearing that are doing the work. Dawson wants to tight Smith, who de feated Maber reoeutly at Portland, bin Hmilh would rather get out of tbe mesh es of tbe law before Ountraotir.g any more fibihte. From all appearances tbe police will not permit any more scrapping in Fortlnuil. If Is said that a syudicate are attempt ing to bny up tbe souvenir half dollars. They want $4.000,dl)0 or more, and are williug to day $1 apiece for them. Veri ly, the speculator never overlooks Beard. Rkrguan, Frick's assailant, has been sent up for 21 years, and some of the rioters Hnd that they have on their bauds charges of treason, and may also look through bars about 12 years apiece. Mascot, on a regulation track at Co lumbus, Ohio, on Sept, 24'h. paced the rcuud beat in a race in 2:07, which is the fastest heat ever paced iu a race. Lottik Loranb, a two-year old pacer, lias made a mile iu 2:1, tbe fastest ever made by a pacer that age. II Iti 11 H( IHMII, OIKiAN. Hy tbe generous assistance of numer ous friends our High School is again iu posessiou of n fine chapel organ, thus replaoing the oue lost in the lire. We desire to report that the total amount thus reoeived was 8127; of which o paid $126 tor the organ, uud 32 for song books to be used with it. The above amount was donated by Juck Homer, D. W. Horner, Leslie Matlock, J. W. 8hipley, M. V. Logan, Fratik Jones, Roy Glaesonok, C. 8. VanDuiue, Tlieo. Dauner, Jno Noble, Smith & William eon, A. L Fux, O. W. Swaggart, O. E. Farnsworth, liilliiim & Hisbee, V. J. Letzer, P. 0. Hurg, Hloeum jobnsou Drug Store Co., Ed. U. bishop, NMeou Jones, M. Liouteuthal, Brown A Humil. ton, Puil Cohu, 8. P Ourrigties, E. 0. Bperry, W. A. Kirk, Geo. Couser, T. W. Ayers Jr. & Co., Heppner Fnuiture Co., Minor Bros., Henry Blaokman, J. W. Morrow, John A, Thompson, Coffin & McFarland, Leon W. Briggs, T. J. Mat lock, and A. W. Wier. Valuable services in selecting the organ were rendered by Mesdames Brown and Corliss; and by Mr. Oordon and Higb School pupils in transporting tbe same from tbe depot to the sohool bouse. A. H. Wier, PriD. WEDD1SO BKLLS. On Sunday eve at 8 p. m., Oot. 2, 1892. at tbe boms of tbe bride's parents iu tbis city, occurred tbe marriage 'of two of Heppner's prominent young people, Mr. T. W. Ayers, Jr., and Miss May Mat lock, daughter of Mr. uud Mrs. E. L. Matlook. Rev. M. Bramble! performed tbe ceremony, wbicb was beautiful and impressive, befitting tbe ocoasion. Mr. Ayers was dressed iu the regula tion black, while the bride looked ber prettiest in a beautiful cream-colored silk. There were present about fifty rela tives and friends ot the contracting par ties, and many were tbe presents be stowed upoo them, being iu the main ooBtly, beautiful aud appropriate. Mr, and Mrs. Ayers departed Monday morn ing for Fortland on their wedding tour. The following is the . list ot presents: Wall dock, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fell; toilet set, G. B. Hati; silver card re ceiver, Alfred Ayers and wife: plokle castor, Mrs. Price Floreoc; rockiog chair Ayers and wife; cake stand, Albert Ayers and wife; silver jewtl case, Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Couser; butter dish, Joe Williams; wine goblets, Leatha aud Lee Matlock; carving set, Frank Roberts; silver cream pilober, Ellor Rhea, butter knife, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton; silver spoons, Hie Matlock; salt set and butter knife, J. I,. Ayers aud wife; pie knife, Willie Spenoer; knives and forks, Mr. aud Mrs. T. J. Matlock; lamp, Howard Dodson ; napkius, Mrs. Dr. Fox ; napkius, table iioeo and card receiver, Ben Leland; bead rest, Lizzie Matlock; pie knife, Mary MoAtee; Bilver napkin rings, AWab Patterson; silver vases, Chas. Sheldon; plush chair, Dr. A. L. Fox aud wife; blankets, Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Matlock; silver pickle onstor, Harry Warren; Suakespeare'B workB, Mrs.Lane Matlook; silver cuke atand, Mr. aud Mrs. A. A. Roberts; silver sugar spoon, Mrs. Jayne. BURNED OUT. From the Harney Times Uu the night of the 20th inst., tbe I'imts office was burned to the grouod nothing eaved. Tbe origin of the fire is not knowu, as there hail been no fire iu the stove siuoe the day's work was done The lost issue of the paper, hicb was three days bite, was in f lie oflloe at the time of the fire, therefore did not get in t lie mails. We will oontinae to issneasmall sheet to keep our legal advertising iu good xlmpe uutil we otin get another outfit and start again. Those who are ow ing the office ure re quested to get their remittances in at the earliest posxiblo moment, its we need every cent duo lis at this time, and need it now. Our loss was more than $1800, upon whioh we bad an insuraucein the North west Fire and Marine of Portland 91000. I'his amount together with what is no iwing us on subscription, advertisiug. job work, etc , will enable us to start again, if our friends will pay promptly. Dou't think that because the sum you owe is small, it is uuiaipurtatit to us for iu the aggregate it is a great deal. If 500 men only owing G0c eaoh would pay at onoe, it would give us 8250, wbiob AOtild be a great help at a time like tbis. The great religious weekly is crippled somewhat buttered but still in tbe ring. We can show our friends that it is uot suppressed. ' We may not make a very pieseutable appearanoe for a while, but we camo to stay and "there is untiring impossible to a determined spirit." COUNCIL t'KOTEMilNG At a regular session of Heppner's oounoil lust evetiiug, Major Matlock pro sided, aud all oounuiliucu wore present except Morgan. Minutes of the previous meetins read ami approved. A petition sigued by J. 11. Natter, ot nl f ir crosswalk on Main street, near the Gazette office, was referred to the oonimitieeon streets and public property A. L. Guerin, janitor of tbe school house, was sworn iu as deputy marshal for the school premises. Bills allowed: J. J. Mcflee. S2.50: J. It. (1 rover, $8 75; O. Haley, $Slhl; Chas. y liver, fS4j; Chris. B rcbera, $8 40; Slooiuu mid Johnston, 81 30; Win. Our deu, 5 IK); J. W. H .sinus, If (15; Joe Mas lersou, 8150: Harry Phillips, 81 50; T, J. Mullock, 8150; Recorder Roberta, 810.10. Equalization of taxe3 ordered at next regular meeting, and publication ordered iu the Heppner Unz tie. Bids ou bonds opened, and the follow ing noted: Rollins luv. Co, 815.000, par, 1:14 per cent, c iiniuissiou; Farsou, Leach .4 Co , !!' j per cent, oommissiou; Puget Sound Jiond & Trust li, , i prr cent, commission. The first bid being the cheapes', was accepted. Council Iheu sigued up oonlracts be tween Mr. Gates and town of Hcppuor, uud adjoin lied. MONTANA N K 8. Editor OiiXt'ttM. Am I um in i.uku .... J ut It'UHuro fur a fhurt lime, thought I would btuul you a fo limn. 1 arrived ou frt'iichniiiu'd r.L- Lii one ranutU ho aud (mi nil ttiine loukuiir H9 usual, quite home like and uaturul, luts of lull KmeivS, ttuiido, etc. I Lave been wnrltmu nf Hhout tbrt woks uud -e put up nbout lftMoua uf flue buy. My bmtber buap Will Audv. niirkfil mu hmitn Mill I tiHVtf tfHinnd iver he pouudB iu U'Mlolir 111 11 I. If some of Orcunii'ii iwmp t.t.i were let down iu tbU Bcotiun tut-y would ink h new ienye ul life hihI bunutens. It would Uu our hearts good eveu lo see mii b gmti aud runtfe us in going ti waste bere. An I enid before I um takiug In tbe town but have no notion of mnliating its Colors. V e left home ou Tuesday as we supposed, having Burnt over Sunday two days before, lint on reaching town found we pluya.l Friday for Sunday but we bad our Sunday all the same. Were are enjoying fine fall weather here, yet it has ruiued several times since I came and ouly frosted twice, very ligh though, and ihe thermometer will reaob one hundred iu tbe sua today. I find as clever and as good natnred set of people here as I ever saw any where. Tbe only thmg I miss bere is tbe "society maids" that abound down witb yon, but there is a growing demand for such people bere. If tbis find space, know me us of old, Tasso. Malta, Mont., Sept. 2t) 92. EUNN1NW YET. Tbe man who stoprbis paper beoauae something baa appe- red in itg columns of wbicb be does not approve, nod does it with an sir of regret that it is necea sary to drive tbe publishers into bank ruptcy, reminds us of tbe stationmaster who requested an inorease of salary and threatened to lc;-ve if be didn't get it Tbe superintendent replied to bis re. auest by relating a story: "When I was a young man," said be "I once did as you are doing I told tbe superintendent of the line I was then working ou what yon have told me. He refused my demand and I luff, cud would you believe it that railway line is running yet?". CHUHCH ANNOUNCEMENT. Servioes at the M. E. cburcb next Sabbath as follows: Morning enlij-or, "Pure Religion," text James I 27. 1 Pure Religion nud nnd filed before God and tbe i at her is this; In visit the fatberlesB uud widows iu their HfHioiiou and to keep himself unspotted trom 'he world.' Evening snb-ct: "Queen Vsshti and tuner." xtns latter is a beautiful sub ject ai d oau hardly he appreciate! with out a oareful reading of The Book of Esther, To all our sovices yo'jr are in vited. J. M. SncLSE OB1IUAIIY. Died at ber borne, sou ih of lone, on Sect. 32th 1802, at 2 o'clook a. m., Alice, wile of David F. Buker, aged 33 years. The deceased was most highly respeot- ed by all who knew her ns a kind neigh bor, a devottd wife and an indulgent mother. She leaves a husband and three dear little datigbturs with whom tbe en tire community unite to mourn their greatest loss. TAKEN UP. One bny gelding, about ten years old branded with two half moons coui.ected, weight, 1,000 pounds; 15 bands high. The above horse hap been on my Tub springs ranch from eight months to one year. Owner can have same by proving property uud paying all charges Geo. Swagqakt. 623-531 F Heppner, Or. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. lttibl, the baker. Buy your bread and cakus aud save money, fry it. a. Look nut for Fell Bro 'a sale of remnants-bargains iu everything, a The Studeliaker WBgon beads tbem all. For sale ut Gilliam & Bisbee's. a Why go hungry when the City bote! furnishes you a good meal at liviug rates. a John Jenkins advertises bis fine kiin of hnok. Remember that Heppner brick equal tbo best. a "Hardware" did yon say? Why, yes (it P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the piuce lor uurguuis. a Subscriptions for all newspapers, mag azines and periodicals ptililished in the world taken at the Gazette office. Sub scribe for your reading mutter through ns and we will in Hire you against loss of money in transmission the mails. tf, Tbe Buchler beer, 5 oents per glnss, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, mops., next door to M. Liob tent bill & Co.'s shoe store. a Tbe M. L. & T. Co , since tbey have roofed all tbeir platforms, have an im mense storage capacity. This company uow deals in grain, lumber and wood, a Siuoe Shaw & MoCnrty purchased tbe meat market they have nl ays endeavor ed to keep on hand tbo freshest aud choicest meats, saustigco und bologuas. a Thompson A Biunsow u the buss which goes to uud from iLe City borel, but will call for parlies desiring to go to train iu any part of tbe city. Leave orders at City hotel. a What will perseverance, pluck and en terpris uvail in this wild west, if you canuot get big bargains? However, be fore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros.' einpor um. a Gilliam & Uisbee, the hardware nud tinware meichunts, carry everything ap pertaining to their lines, even agricul tural implements. Don't you need a plow this full? a Dr. Grant's Cloalo, the grent dyspepsia oonqnerer, will positively cure d)spepsiu and nil its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to effect u cure or money refunded. See ad. in this issue. . u LEGAL ADVEhTISEMENTS. SHERIFF'S SALE. VOTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER li Bint hy Irtue 01 tin execution issued out of the Circuit Court oi the Mate of nrenon for the County of Morrow, nnt,i to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered ami emer ed In said Court oit tlie- oth dav 01 Efeptembvr, IK'-Mu ttior oi D. s. cprinUe, i'laiuiiil, unci aualiist 1 iioiims oniitti. Heiendaut. tor the mm ul t rto hundred and si t -e en ami TO-umdolian in c. i. Kuld cuiu, UU Interest thereon at the rntr oi : fen per cent, per annum, iroin the Utii day of April I sit-'. iiu i lie further tmin ot thirty (iMi dollar attorney h-e and ihtriv-one and .i.'-iuu dollars t osis, ami, hereas. t v said judg ment it uasordertd and ad.,udvd lhat Ihe Id lowing desertUed real propenv, lo -wit.: 'ihe Non h est gunner ('.,) oi .-ei tio'u 'I hiriv (;i0),'l p. One (it, Ninth of Uanire Th euiv-thrfi .V:U Vt "of v M . hUo the Snilh West (.Juarter of I section Mt.ctecti (I!'). I p. One. Sotith of Ha ee reuty-three (-3) Kast of V. M . k 11 ti Morrow ; Cnuuly, tmnon. be sold losattslv said judgment, i costs and tirt riling t'osis, 1 ill, ou the fah day 1 ol November 1V:. ut o t'l.a'L 1'. M., ot said dv, I al the iront dar ol the court house iu iieppue'r Morrow county, Oregon, sett the rlulit. tiil and j Interest ot the ald IImmuhs rti,i,h In and to the I nUne deserllictl property, at public auction to i the highest and best bidder forcah in hand, the pn'i eeits to oeanphed to ihe Baumaeiioii ot said execution and alt costs, and costs that mav ac crue. itKORi.K NOMLE, !?hertH of Morrow County, orenon. Dated Oct. 3, ,i0-o. I aw NOTICE OF INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OUEOON, X J September isn.. Notice is hereby given that the follow li R-nained settler has tileu no tit e of his intention to nmite tinal proof In attp- port oi ills claim, and that said proof will he made before v. K. Ellis Com. V. Circuit Court at" Heppner, Oregon, on Novembvr li, I lMt.', it.: I HARRISON CMAI'IS, I lid E. No. 8i7i. for ihe N', V SWV SEVi and I SKt See Tp. .'. S K -T E, , lie names the follow In; itm sses to prove hi continuous resklem-e upon and cutilxaiiou of ' Sjild IkiuI, is ; Jul H. laud, Abe LuellliiR. Walter Bennett , and Harrison cummltiKfl, all of Hardmau, or. JouN . Lkwis, 1 ftikWW Kcgiater. 1 Chilren'j Head wear, BlaoketB, Taros i Novelties, at GRAND AY OF . REMNANTS AND II. BLACKMAN & CO. Offer their Entire 61 ok. onosistine of Remnants of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats und Cape, limits, Shoes, Grooeries, Frtnoy Gonds, Hardware, eto., Strictly for CASH ONLY, and at prioes that will O EN OUR EYES.- C. II early and avoid the rush This stook of gooi'a const be positively sold by December 15th, 1892, as we will then retire from business. No goods will be exchanged. FioffBiM Store main Sireet. Heppner Reserved for The McFarland Mercantile Company. See ad. next week. 1 For T. W. AYEI1S, Jr., & Go. IN THRIR NEW STORE, NEXT DOOR TO CITY HOTEL. The Heppner Wood Yard. HIP HAS GOT AUOUND At last, and has opened up a Wood Yard, from which lie will deliver wood, eased or nusawed. Wood Sawed at Your Residence, .75 cts. Per Cord, twioe in tm ; SI 00, thrp times. Wood unwed and delivered Hi $7.60 per curd. Yxrd near the depn?. 5'28-sw RIP VAN WINKLB, Proprietor. fllMOUIiGMIJEp.- WE HATE 250 Ladies', Misses' And Short Sai'ks.- rnHE ASSORTMENT 13 VARIED, COMPRISING EVERY STYLE AND I trimmed with tbe bent of trimmings. Yii on eeonre gpreinl prices, aneh 1 as wonld flout ou one-third more iu any other establishment offering similar styles and material. EWE WANT YOUR TRADEI And will eet it if yon know tbe value of yonr dollars and cents, and where tboy'll promue the most for your money, m all kinds of Ladies' Furnishing Goods. At tbe Eastern Clothing House, HAY STREET. HEPPNER, OR JERUSALEM 7 HOEE, SOOS3, J)"8niDtorfl, Dry Goods, Fanoy Gnnrls, TriinmiriKS, Ladies and Children's Underwear. SLAUGHTER BARGAINS. LOOK OUT FOR SOME TH1NO NEW. JUST RECEIVED and Childrens' Cloaks Is quite 8 good whys cS. Winter is not a far, and in the meantime oar (rien ' oan square np on subscrip tion by briiiKin in ourdvwd. THE PATTERSON PUB. CO. Why Worry Over the Crops being a failure Or the Roads being dusty WHEN THE EASTERN CLOTHING HOUSE Give, yon sneh Bis Line of Boots and Hats macl Fancy Goods AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish ine Goods to be sold at Cost. A number of summer suits and odd pants to be disposed of regardless of cost. Come early and avoid the rush in securing bargains. IV. Iv. ROBISON D A HEHRKN'S BUILD1NO, May Street Heppner, Oregon. EDI Flour Exchanged for Wheat HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager. DAN OSMERS. Columbia Beer Hall! "Vr EXT DOOR to Heppner Candy Factory on Main -1- Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to 55 Oents Per Glass, On draught, frpsh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. OSMEKS & I1TJQHES. Props. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains -IN- Jewelry, Cash Talks. 8EE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. FALL MEETING Oi? TfiE Heppner Part Association ! OCTOBER 19, 20,21,22. The Directors havt taken the utmost pains in preparing their Programme, and hope that they will be rewarded by the liberal patronage of the general public as well as the Horsemen. pnrE "woo.' Ct 19-Quee lash; purse, J10O.0O. Local .addle home, 400 yard.. flJoo"8" DAi' Ct -""Sh" "'He U-hi pnr,e lu0.uu. Flve-elghu mile da.h; pr hSeI1S!t a-F' -00 yd.; purse 75.00. Free for .11; h.lf-mHe M JSSSi Ssagg iiS Z&2!BA These races will be governed hi, the rules of the Paeifie hlood Horse Association. OTIS PATTERSON. Secretary. D MAT1P- , J Rrivi, T w a. t I4-1J-MoATEE, President. 0. A. browu. T. W. Ayers, Jr., E. Q. Sperry. 617-Otol9. Change of Ownership WEwhilhV TAKEN CET?3rSBEOTY MEAT MARKET. which we nrnnonw to nnn.ln,., ; ,1 .. . . ' on banda t all time, the ebniceet Meats, Sausago, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. 85-u SHAW & Mccarty, ProDrietors. bartrnins for oasb. Sloes, Trunks, Valises, CASH PRICE 448 MAT HUGHES. JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, S I L V E R W ARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Eto., Etc. Trust Busts. "oxory manner. Will keep