NOl'ICK TO ADVERTIHKKS. THOSE deal ring tbe Insertion of display mis., nut laier tUuu Monday eveiuu lur i'uviav's I edition, or 'lliursday eveulna; lur Friday edi- UuU. iUM f4.TTK.IMU fUHUBlllNU Cu. KOt'lCK. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards oi Ui&ults," "resulmluiia of respect," lists Ol wedding" presents and douora, kuu obituary uotlcaa, joiner lhau ihoae the edlt or ahall lilinseii give aa a uiatter oi uews.j aud notices ul special uieetlug lor whatever purpose. 'i. Notices 01 uhurch aua society aua all other entertainments iroiu which revenue is to be de rived, auali be charged lur at the rate oi live tenia a line, 'iheae rules will be strictly adher . ed to lu every luviauue. Advertising ratea reasonable aud made known Upon application. Utve your business to Heppner peope, and therejoie asstst to Uuua up tlepp tusr. tatronize those wlio patronize you. Here and There. Aden Bloan is over I rum Grant county. Jus. Hayes was over (rum ituea creek Saturday. 0. A. and Tom Rhea are ia Portland this week. Kb. Dickens was down from Harduian Wednesday. 'f. J. Carle was np from Ioue tbe first of tbe week. Brakeniau Harry Woods is vacating down below. Joe bauieter of Hardman, was in Hepp ner Tuesday. Jake Young, was in from Eight Mile Tuesday lust. J. J. McGee returned from Portland Tuesday eveulug. r red Miller kuows bow to give yon a good fit it) lailuriug. It sw Johnny Cbrisman came over from Luug Uieek Tuesday. Sam Madison aud wife were down (rum Hiudmnu Tuesday. Ed Matbiok, Jr., was in from Butter Oreek the fiiat oi the week. I Tbe Gem aud Palace bhIoodb for fine liquors, MuAiee Bror-., 1'iops. sw 8am Adams aud J. E. Steel, of Hard man, weie ill Heppuer Tuesday. Miss Carry Pullen, of L'ue R 10k, was registered at tbe PalaOd Tuesday. Ed. Rood left Weduesday morning for Idaho on a short business stay. 'Mrs. J U. Still left for ber borne at Chnllis, Xdubo, Thursday morning. Mrs, Paoe, of Salem, is at the bedside of her sistir iii-law Mrs. E. T. i.igeu. N. h. R ibison left yesterday moruing for Portland fot a short business stay. Wm. Paul and Wm. Templetou, were over from Wagner the first of tbe week, Miss Lillian Rhea returned Tuesday evening from an extended visit at r oaml. S. White, the Douglas postmaster, will leave s on for Milton, where tie will lo Oate. Miss Nellie Basey left yesterday morn ing (or tbe valley, where she will relatives. i A. AbrabamBiok's tailor has gone to Portland to remain, but will soon have new help. Late word from Geo. Frenoh informs us that he baa tow reached Cheyenne, Wyoming. Mrs. H. Allen, who formerly lived near lone, baB moved to Vancouver, Washington. Justice Miller was up Tuesday from lone. Mr. Miller iutends moving to Douglas soon. tap bimons & Son still shoe horses and do general blacksmitbing at tbe old stand Matiook Oorner. 65. Minn Letha Parker, dressmaker, will onarautto vou a good fit. Give ber a trial. Resideuoe W. A. Jobuston. 4-tf Work on tbe waterworks is progress' Inc. Tbe artesian well is uow Ueiug reamed out frum an eighth to a 114 inch hole. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nursing. ChII at her borne in north heppuer, or address her at this plaoe. P. 0. Thompson has contracted with T. H Rind lor the building of au ad' dition to the bouse where Ed. K. Bishop resides. Hiyn ketohum whiskers. Hatt & ut. Hie oitv barber shop the plaoe to get a UrBt-claas shave, bair-out or Bhampuo. The best and surest dye to color the beard brown oi bfacfc, as may be desired, is Buckingham's Dye lor the Whiskers. It never fails. Wanted A girl to do general house work, tor lurtber paitioiilais enquire, ot Ed. R. BiBhop, at tbe National Wank of heppuer. 90 W W flowins aud fuuiilv. who have Iwkii viMliuii wilb J. W.Cowius of niiv. mm ltd for their home in yesterday moruing. Tim Morgan left thiB moruing for Long Cietk aud Jou Day, where be will dn-pi r-e of ttrne ol Cunningham's thur ouahbied and grade bucks. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for tbe Oregouiau at this place. Subscribe thiounb him, and have your paper delivered tree ol charge. tt Milt Morgan, Clyde Bud Will Baling left yesieiday moruing for Walla Walla wbeie they will visit riends and rela tives Tbi-y will also attend the Walla Walia fan whiie there. Pfuuder's Oregon Blood Purifier is the great cuuquerer of BilliousueaB and Liv er oomplaiut. Relief certain lu every case. Hold at One Dollar a botile. Try It. TdaUF neater Quarters at the Huiel's north business room, Charley Jotea, the baber, wants to see bis old trieuds there. Bath tiun. Geo. Lutrell onme In from Penlaud s ranch 'lutbday evening. While lifting a wagon last week George Bpraintd hia ,ob him nu lur several days. ih..nL h i, iiotes soon to be able for rintv aiaiu. Ti. latest dentistry, orown and bridge .u ........ t,.,,rniiv Meaumulibhed by Dr B Vanghan. Obb admiuietered i,'n desirid. TbompBou buildiug, Heppuer, Or 1 " At the clone of an entertainment given in Cohdou during court week, a vote was taken to who was the must popular, present: On count Juoge BiMJrhaw was declaied elected, aud acoidingly received the pnze. Mrs. Patue. of Blaok Diamond, "Aath.. Hinved in Hepputr on. W.dues day's train, leaving yesieiday morning for Hardoian, where the will viBit hei biulher, W bne Husten. The Bennett Hotel at Arlington has been moved from the old location near tbe depot, to Main St., about two blocks from the depot, where its propri etor will welcome you as of old. A " There is no nse 'n suffering with rheu matism as long a you can get Cong.. Oil It ia for Bale by all druggieta at Hi per bottle, but it would be dut cheap at lour time II1B priuo. "i" for rheumatirm, aud uo mistake, ond h convinced. Just how ao alternative medicine cleanses tho sytem is au open question, bat that AVer's barsaparuia doDro duoe a radioal change iu the biood is well attested on all sides. It "'' where considered the pest remedy for blood disorder, F. C. Nitbul.r.of Uarabaldi, is visiliug old friend lu Ih.B county, having arrived Tuesday eveulug, D. A. Herreu aud wife left Thnrsday moruing tor the valley for a visit witb friends and relatives. Oscar Minor returned Vonday evening from a trip down lu the valley aud over lu the Sound country. Frauk Mclj'arlaud started ou a business trip to Portlaud Monday morning re tuiuiug Weduesday eveulug. Our friends will please bear in mind tbntilie G.Zodt-odioe uever refuseacrd w..od aud poialors ou eubsoriplluu. Press Thompson wilt erect a new dvtelllug bouue ou his property dowu ou Nortb M.iiu street iu tbe near future. Billy Bobbins and Tom Williams same over Tuesday from Luug Creek ou a busiuess trip, reiuruiug yesterday niuru-iug. Elias FrieGd is pulling dowu some wood now, prepoutoiy fur winter lUoot of the seediug is doue dowu hiB way. Found Down ou Gale street, a pistol. Owner oau have same by calling at tins omue, proviug property aud payiug cUargt s. G W. Lord has embarked in the archi tectural busiuess, iu addition to hiB work as a ooutractor and builder. Mr. Lord may be found at bis headquarters over Urowu & Hamilton's ollice. W. A Fisher, the veteran fruit man, of Vtaguer, presented tbe GnZette olttoe witu a sample box of elegant Iruit Wednesday mor. iug. 8uoli acts are never forgolteu by the printers. Those of the Jewish faith are supposed to close up their places ol bnsiuest at 5 o'clouk p. m., aud ooutiuue closed to morrow, their day of fastiug aud atoue-rat-nl, known iu the Hebrew language as Ton Kippur James and Charles Royce were in tbe city from Gooseberry yesterday after noou. In conversation with Charley be tuforms us that be has acoepted a posi tion as instructor over at Mayville, where he will begin teaching Muudny. Mr. aud Mrs. C. E. Fell relumed Tuesday eveuiug from au extended viaii with their sou, Harley, at Praiiie City. However, they spent quite a while at the Warm spriugn, just above Prairie, aud altogether report a very pleasant time. Conductor Freuch did everything in his power to arrive on time Tue.-day eveuiug, in order that Mrs. J. P. hadley mixlit oe able to leach heppuer to be in atteudance at the builal of ber daughter, Mrs. Wayne husiou which oocured that eveuiug. H. D. Mikesell brouaM in 70 bead of very hue hugs from J. B Sperry's ranch yesterday lucrum-, which he informs us averaged about ISo ponuds. More farm eis should be laisiug hogs, tor wheat la worth more as bog feed uow than anything else, aud if (Jamba pack ers cau ship pork here at a margin, uor row county larmers could certainly do the same. The Marco Bros., assisted by Messrs Stewart aud Richards, gave a very creditable prefuimauce at the opera house Tuesday evening, wbioh was well atteuded, cousideriug the fact that the buys had been here once before. J. be peiforuiauoe of the Marco Bros, as tumblers and ooutoriiouiHts is especially lnturestiug and rarely excelled, aud with tbe assistance ot tbe other memoers of the troupe, their entertainment was a good one. Times-Mountaineer; Hon. T. E Fell, of Heppuer, is reported to have gone to 1 acorn a to put iu operation a wool i-cour- iug mill. As The Dalles bandies mure woul direot from producers than any city in the Uuited States, we believe this would be au advantageous point for such an enterprise, and Mr. Fell aud the corporation of which he is a member should examine localities to which the product is uireotly tributary before lo eating it at a plaoe far distant. peoted, bat during the past twenty four hoars has been in a critical condition, thuugb there Is considerable hope that she will ultimately recover. This morn ing she was quite strong and perfectly rational, and tier many friends are hoping i fur her early convalescence. I Another Siiipmb.nt oi Stock. Oscar j Minor aud Thomas Marlatt disposed of 156 bead of cuttle to tbe American Dress ed Meat Co., of Troutdale, delivering same at Heppuer yesterday morning. J. B. Sperry also delivered 70 bead of hogs tu Sum iuuetnau tbe same morning, who shipped them to Frey & Bruhu, of Seat tle, Washiugtou. Both shipments were made yesterday. Oveb to John Day. After Ootoberl Tom. AiorKan will oe found iu Grant Co., Juhu Day City, in charge of a baud .of those famous Ross bucks, tr m the band of Chaa. Cunutughiiin. He will remain there till about Nov. 15tb, and those wauting first-class stock wiU do well to Bue tbe Ross bujuks before purchasing elsewhere. Thb Watebwokks-- Work on tbe res eivuir site begun this morning and work ou the well is going ou at a rapid rate. It will be ready for the lump long ere the pipes ure laid. Tbe electric light poles and wire arrived last night and will be put in position right hwiiv, and withiu thirty to sixty days, Heppner uugbt to have modern lighting. s: FORM "C; Smith, THE JI 1 TIE I Keeps a fall lint ot EVERYTHING In the ay of Furui'ure. Undertakins goods a speciality. May Street, Heppuer, Or. UO-t f'Kt-fcilS V'?,'t5 if m . tie 'AW 4,1, j&.-i,,. IS I .MaiiaSSi-. WE Footwear 3! i Proaoauced Hope. ess, let Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E Hurd, of Groton, 8. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, wbioh settled on my Liidks. couth set in aud finally term inated in Oonaumotion. Four doctors nave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I save myself no to my Sav. iour, determined if I oould not stay witb my friends ou earth, I would meet my ab.-ent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consuuiutn n. Oouiibs and ijoias. gave it a trial, took in all, eight bottles; it has oured me, and I thank God I am oow aawell and hearty womau." Trial bottles free at Sloonm & Jobnsou's drug store, regnlar size, 60c. and $1.00. Good Looks. Good looks are more than ekiu deep, deueudiug upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs if tbe Liver oe in active, you have a Bilious Look, if your stomach be disordered yon bave a JJjs- oentio Look and if your Kidneys be af fected von bave a oiucbed Jjook. Beoure good health and you will have good lock-.. Electric bitters is tne great alter ative and Tonic, acts directly on these vital organs. Cures Pimples, BMobes, boils, and mves a good complexion. Sold at Slooum & Johnson's drugstore, 50o. per bottle. Footwear ! Th f.vlj hunt nnfl cV movfi frnm fht HhsI ' Himit II '-in Strep , to their ffw There you will find the Best and Cheapest m Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., AI ( 1 1 Htreet, Heppner Or. OUR WONDERFUL REMEDIES! DR. GRANT'S Native Jb Great Peiuale I Remedy. i 9rcfmIulty used in the general treatment oi v 'mau'.H difi' iiStrt. Dr. Grant's pLOALO! PRICE, $1.00 Dr. For the cure of Bright's Disea THE KlNC OF -ARE- Rustlers! For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and . We Propose to I Catch That Maverick, 9 The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can Dyspepsia ' i-JIftfltr 1 iT.r sow A gnra: unlit toe. Grant' I'.lUil'jf lii-.iln-'i , :,.i;i Ki'.lllov 1 l'olil;!es $1.00. and Liver Cure, . '.'.iitonxuess, Sick-Headacher. and all Prioc, 51.00. Prepared by THE 0. W. R. MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 315 Front St , Portland, Oregon, 1 ! Round up Bargains Like Yours Respectf ully. We are here for busiuess from the ground up and propose to let you know it. MINOR BROS., HEPPNER. OREGON. ibis Idaho Special Council Mhkting. A special meeliui; of the towu council was beld last dikIiI, Mayor Mutlook presiding and all oouuoiluieu present except Garrigues It was culled for tbe purpose of settling tlie matter of purchase of reservoir site. Couucilman Farusworth reported that tbe site oonld be procured for $300, to include five and one-half aoresof ground. Ou motion Mr. Farnswortb was empow ered to purchase tbis land, securing proper deed to town, aud then in tum to deed two acres in trust to tbe Heppner Water & Light Co. Tbis Bite will be lo oated on Hulloek hill, due . west of tbe artesian well, and at some 200 feet eleva tion above Muy street at the Palace ho tel. Contracts between H. V. Gates and town were ordered properly siijneu uy the lowu i.flicers, whereupon the oouuoil adjourned. Conference News. Kev. J. M. Sbulse returned Thureday from Walla Walla, where be had been attending the annual oouferenoe. By tbe authority of the same be returns here for the. coming year. Mr. Sbulse informs us I but it will be im possible for Bev. HeDry Kesiiius to Visit Heppner this wei-k and preach here Sun dnv as be bad intended, as he has re. ceived tbe appointment as minister of the First Melbouit churcb, of Spokane, with a Biliary of 82,500 a year. This is a much belter position than that of pre sidinK elder of the Spokane district, M. E. oburob, wliicb be beld lst year. Hen ry's mDy friends bere are pleased to bear of his success. Too Slow. Frank Roberts ha droade a wager witb ibe bojs that be could make the run down to Lexington and return on bis bicycle in to hours and twenty minutes. Accordingly, be started yestir ilay moiniug promptly at six o'clock, but he bnd not proceeded far until be found that tbe roals were much worse thun he bnd expected. At the end of the first hour he hnd not yet ranched Lexington. Fiuding that it was impossible to make it in the time wagered, be turned atonoe for Heppner; tveu ihen he did not reach the starling point until quite a while af ter tbe allotted time. Socoess to Him. Mr. L. W. Lewis, of Heppner, has been in the oity for several days. He desires to locate in some good town, and complete his law studies. Mr. Lewis was the populist nominee for rep resentative from Morrow oounty, and a delegate to the St. Lous convention. The Daily Tribune hopes that be will deoide to remain among us, apd connect him self witb some one of tbe many compe tent law firms of Pendleton. Pendleton Tribune. fincklen's Arnica Salve. " Tbe best salve in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers salt rnenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skiu eruptions, and posi tively oures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe 26 cents per box, For sale by Blooum-JonnBton Lrug Co. Tbe Low of lien Or arm bv amputation would not cause so much sufTeriuifas mauy people endure witb rheumatism. One of tbe greatest disooveries of the century ia a certain cure tor tbis terrible disease, a speedy relief from horrible suffering, and a rapid cure. It needs but a trial tu convince the moBt skeptical that it is a wonderful preparation. What n blessing! It is Dr. Drnm mond's Ligbtuing Remedy, prioe 85, large bottle, and if tbe druggist has not got it, the remedy will be sent to any sddress on reoeipt of prioe, by Dr. Drum moud Medicine Co , 48 60 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. 29 SAVED FOB- Hardware Tinware, Heppner Or. '; '- ''i Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OU. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery, WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES MiDS ON SHORT NOTICIt AMD AT PoPniiR PRICES, t& Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Grain Sacks Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. DIIUNKENNESS. or the UQUOIt HABIT. Cured at Hiimr hi Ten Days by Adminis tering Dr. Haiues' tioldrn cipruittc. It nan be given in a glass of beer, soup of coffee or tea, or in food, without tbe knowledge of the patient. Itisahsolute ly harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tbe patient is a moderate diiukeror an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfeot cure bus followed. It never fails. The system ouoe impregnated witb the specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liqnor appetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address the Golden Specific Co., 186 Kaoe Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Try it I tf Is The Jwrics Cccht Tbe Henry Wade case, which as mentioned in Tuesday's Guzeite, crime off befor Jus tice Hallook, at the court bouse, Wednes day afternoon. Tbe jury was composed of tbe following gentlemen: Joe Wil liams, E. Minor, A. J. Hioks, E. Q. Sper ry, Geo. Thornton and J. B. Natter. After hearing all tbe testimony the jury returned a verdiot of guilty, and in so cord with this Mr Wade was fined $75 and costs. However, he at once gave uotioe of appeal to the circuit oourt. I E 8 . Prevention Bight or Wrone. Wbioh will ye bave? It does seem as if some' folks prefer to bave the last oou dition of tbe liver rather than tbe first. They perpetually dose themselves witb purgatives totally without virtue as si terative of liver trouble. Hontetter's btomacb Hitters in tbe suooensful candi date for tbe i eople'a choice, and yet, pop ular and well known as it is, there are unfortunates who keep on trying the drastic remedies ot former days. It is to the intelligent portion of the publio that the well kuowu aud long tried properties of the Bitters appeal. Reason should be guided by experience in the matter of medioation. "The best guide to our feet is the lamp of experience," said a great patriot of tbe early revolutionary period, aud Ibe pxclatnation is pregnant witb truth. For over a third of a oentury' trie Biters daily baB met with tbe endorse ment of people suffering from liver com plaint, malaria, constipation, rheuma tism, debility and I roubles accompanied by d)spppsia. Latterly it has declared itself and been thoroughly approved as a remedy for "la grippe." sin! mm "SCAB. TICKS w'LJCE THE WORLD HEHOWfF.t3 letter Dir YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND BETTER WOOL ii Cure! M. C. L. & T. CO. Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS . . have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company Are still alive and kicking lor trade with a complete line of- Mee Inrtornenieota I inn orciron and Montana suec-muen: W. B. Donaldson Dayvtllel W. it. Lee, Junction City; John Harrison, 5la ney; ueo. ucin, An., Kenneth McKaf, Dayvllle; loe'dlver, John hay; J. v. yw. Sew Uhn.i; I .1. Moiile, Bereall; Cook & Clark, kllbrook; Falrchlld 4 Mcllralvr, Unpnyer; K. K. Warren, Ltlca; Bunch Bros., leWlston- E P. Chandler, Maiden; J. Hlrschbew, Clluteau; D. H. Uastliijl, Ulietj Jamas fcdle, tolllon; W. Norton, Btewart; A. Uownle, BIk aaudy. The Cheapest and Best Dip trade. Sold Everywhere Ask Your Merchant for Coopers and Take w Other. KOIII.ANf B'KIS Porllanil, Oieenn,, Gen. Agu. lor Oregon, Watlilnutoa and VteMtiii Idaho. TAKEN IP. Sbmocblt Ill.-Ou the 22d inst., ia this city, the ife of Dr. E. T. Gsgen aave birth to a son, which unfortunately, was still bom. For some days Mrs. Gsgen got along as well ss could be ex. One bay gelding, about tea years old branded witb two balf mooni oonLeoted, weight, 1,000 pounds ; 15 bBnds bigb. Tbs above bnrse has been on my Tub springs ranch from eigbt months to one year. Owner oan have same by proving property and paying all charges. Gao. Swaooabt. S2&531F Heppuer, Or. Props. Wm. COOrHIl t NEPHEWS. llahaUm, Ttjta. hi K linware (l Ion ectione ii i TOBACCOS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Guns and Ymrmmitioii, Sewing Machines, Farm Implements. AIM Gents' Furntshlnn Goods, and the largest assortment of Teas lu Eastern Orofou. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto: We Won't Be ZnomoLD. tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. OXFOIU) GRADE BUCKS ! The undersigned has a choice lot of Oxford faoEMAKBB. Ed Birbecit. a shoemak er and repntrer of many years' experi ence, bas just located in tbe Abrabam sick building, on May street, where be is prepared to do everything in bis line. Mr. Birbeck ia strictly a first-class work, man and warrants ail work. Give bint a oalL M-tf mm -J " 'J... A ' . . .. ii . Grade Ikicks for sale at reasonable prices, at his ranch, 7 miles south of Pilot Rock. J. IS. SMITH, 11 lot Kook, Or. JHE QITY HOTEL, W. J. IICICZICW, I'rop. tiUS IIOSTKLKY has been Kkfitteii and Kkfunihiieu throughout, and now - is one of the most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. I.eezc-r invites yon to stop with hltn, feeling that he is able to entertain you in the best of style. T r First Class House. Reasonable Rates. LEGAL HC1 mm Plenty of them at the Gazette Office :- (janfe, -:- (iits -:- and -:- (!p! WELL, 1 SHOULD SMILE, Tho Finest in the Land. Oyster- Season Alrto about I'ipo. Wo w ill let you know about that in tho near Aiture. W. L. Matlock & Co.