Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 30, 1892, Image 2

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    Girc your business to Beppver people
and therefore assist to build up Bepp
ner. Patronize those mho patronize
ican Ticket
of Indiana.
of New York.
J. F. CAI'LES, of Portland.
B. B. MILLEK, or Grant's Pass.
U. M. IUW1N, ol Union.
D. M. DUNNE, of Purtlitnd.
Kahbt Jewktt, of New York, has bro
ken another record, itiis time it is a
220 yard ran in 2Ji eeoonds, at Muntre
al. Tbis breaks botb tbe world's and
tbe Canadian records.
V. 8. Gilmore, leader of tbe famous
Gilmore band and a celebrated mnsiciun,
died at bis borne at Hi. Loois on tbe
niKbt of September 21, aged 03 years
He was born near Dublin, Ireland.-
Govebnor Busbelii was unanimously
re-nominated for tbe office of governor
of Massachusetts, by tbe democratic
Convention last Tuesday. James B.
Carroll received tbe nomination for
A specimen oi float tin Las been brought
into Penilleton from John tbe Day
country. Tbe Tribune says it is suppos
ed that the mother ledge is In close prox
imity, although it has not been dis
covered. A (borough Bearoh is to be
made at once.
Col. W. II. H. V athbs, who died at
Salem recently, was well known through
out Oregon, being at one time editor ut
tbe Bull tin at Portland and after
wards of the Salem Statesman. He was
a man with a warm heart, and to know
him was to like him.
Mb. E. 0. Pentland, will return to bit
first love, having aguin purchased the
"ludependenoe Went Side," and will
take tbe management of that paper on
the first of tbe month. Pentland mad.
a suooess of that paper, building it up
io wnure it is Kjuny.
No iiobe "acientitio boxing contests"
win oe oiueu lor me runtime club ol
Portland until the courts deohle whelhei
the Mnber-Smitli parly shall go free in
to j.iil. It imprisonment follows Ihi
verdict, it iH eule to predict Unit tbeit
will be a pugilistic lull in Poitlaud for a
abort time at least.
Uovermor Pennovkb is soon to begin
a aeiirs ol speeches lor the people's pur
ty. Peuuojer is the bigKesl guu lu I In
party on the Puoitla ouhsi, still with hit-
new politioul uUiliuiiuus, it is two to om
that I he old inau on hold uy ollice to
which he impli es, tout is, wilhiu I lie pow
er of 1 lie people of Oregon.
.Nancy Hanks lias uuain lowered hei
reooid, tins lime on the iukiiIuIiou truck
at Xerie 11 mile, Indiana, cliuniiiiiir tut
murk from 2:07 to 2:1)4. This eolipueb
all previous records, noi excelling Uioae
ou the kite-Hhuued truck. lSv this (eui
Duble, Nnuoy's driver, wins the $r,uilO
prizu itteftu Uy tfobeil Juouner to lu.
Bid l horse Hint went 2:05 ou aregulutiuu
Tub cashier ol Uiu lioslyu, Washing
ton, bunk wus held up lust Saluiduy b;
fiye Uiesked men, while the sulu us re
lieved ol StlU.btO. The woik wus per
Jul mi d in Jtehe Juuits utyli.ui.d ever)
one wlin utlempted to rmiHt wus eituei
knocked down or shot donu. Although
t Rivera huve been ou their tiuck evei
since, Jet ibt-y huve fulled to cupluit
them up to date.
Urn. J. W. Fiikbk, of Eureka, Hum
boldt county, commanding the sixth
brigade of the NatioL-ul Guard of Oulifor
nia, liiis ditd at St, Helena, of coUHumi"
tion. 'I he general was a naliveof Muim'
and during the war oommundud a com
puny in the lirst District of Culumbiu
cavalry, whioh participated iu many bal
tles of Ihe IYuiiNylviiniii, but whioh be
came chitlly diHtinguished for capturing
Ihe ni-n.t-nti ol Lincoln, J. Wilkes Buoih
Tub republican oiimpuigu was opened
lu New Yolk city Weduesduy night bj
add i esses by MeBBiB. Held, Piatt, Millei
and Dcpew. The hull was crowded and
uiuuy left because tliei could not get in.
As the demuorutic party weie especiull)
wortied over the aotiou ol the latiei
tlnee grutlemeu at the Minneapolis c m
Ventioii, it is new to be hoped that the)
are aulitfltd, for asDepev. IiKBil "Broth
ets Miller, 1'latt and I got on the oppo
site side ol the fence at Minneapolis, bin
we'ie i.s frisky as lambs iu the same lot
At TnB parade iu Poitlaud recently,
B looker oil, who is evidently more of a
democratic polilicinu than au Odd Pel
low, gave audible expression to his
mental prophesies as the carriages passed
containing slate delegates: "Virginia,
that's (or Cleveland ; South Carolina.
Cleveland; Pennsylvania, that's for
Harrisou; CieorniH, Clevelnud; Loiisinua,
Cleveland." Finally the carriage eon
turning Dntu'io deli gales dixi lujing the
British ting wan greeted the same, "that's
for Cleveland." A by Blunder us he delib
eraiely turned awuy remark-d "I have
do doubt yoo are oorrect." Hillslioro
TlIKliB is being built across tbe Col
or ado Uiver at Austin, the capital of the
(State of Texas, a massive granite dam
the object of which is lo furnish the oity
with water works and elect rio light, and
to also furnish manufacturing enter
prises with cheap water power. This
wonderful structure is being built by
the citizens of Austin, who al a public)
elec'iou voted to bond the city iu the,
mm of f 1,100,00 for this purpose. The!
dam is 1.200 feet in length, and CO feet
high. It is 16 feet thick at the lop, iu
oreasing downward and spreading out
in a broad toe or apron, making its ex
treme width at the bottom 6J feet. Not
for its length or hight alone is the dam
noted, for in England there are four
whose length is greater, while as many
excel iu hight. But none of these dams
are upon great rivers, and very few have
any water pass over their crest. Ou tbe
other baud, tbe Austin dam stands in
the obanuel of tbe Colorado Kiver, where
it bus 40,000 square miles of watershed,
aud will have floods of 200,000 to 250,000
cubio feet of water per second to pass
from its crest to its toe. Iu all it is one
of the greatest underiakings ever inaug
urated. Do where you will iu Heppner and
yon wul uud more bunding going ou
inau you huve noiiued lor sou.e liuie.
Iu fact, ueppuer is gi owing ut an unus
uul rale, it pays to build good school
nuilses, aud also to huve tirstoiass
schools iu them. It also counts to pro
vide your towu with adequate protection
against tire, and other modem conven
iences, livery resident of Heppuer
ought to be able to see this, now ibot it
is praclioully demonstrated. Though
times are considered ruiher dull for this
seotion, property in Heppner is worth
more today tbuu it was six months ago.
Why? Because it is more desirable.
Even the gent'e slopes adjoining Hepp
ner, now that tbey will soou be conven
ient to water for all purposes, will be in
demand for residences, and, in time, will
be the oholoest in Heppner,
Cleveland's letter of aooeptance has at.
last been made public. Cleveland Is the
"queen-bee" of demooraoy, but bis let
'er showB that the "drones" have gotten
in their work here and (here. It gives
the soldier some hope, but ulaoes lots of
emphasis on the word "actually." The
tariff nlank of the Chiongo platform is
modified, so far as "tariff for revenue
only" is concerned, and the people noli
Bed that free trade is out of qnestiou.
Commissioners Peck and Wadliu's re
ports no doubt bud something to do with
driving ont of Oruver's loiter the free
irnde ideas.
The MoKinley bill is hurting England
fearfully, mid they do not like tbis weak
ening on tbe part of the ex-president. Ii
is such a departure from the Chicago
platform that tbe St. James Giizette, and
Ulobe, of London, comment as follows
in it:
Si. James Gnzette: "Cleveland's word
have but one meaning the democrats
huve no intention whativer of adopting
iree trade. The democrats are more tep
id for tariff reform today than in 1888
We can therefore only coincide in the
opinion of party lenders, ho make it
heir business lo watch pnblio opinion,
that the MoKinley tariff bus not mad.
priteotion less popular. We have lo
doubt, eveu if Cleveland wins, that there
tflll be a great charge iu the lino id poli
ey of the United States." .
ihe Ulobe says: "Cleveland bus de
cided thut America has not yet hail
enough, at any rale not too much, ol
ilcliiuley ism. and he does not intend to
abandon it."
tVliat lie Hud to Say ioati Kant Oregwniaii
Heperler on Vai hiun HaliJi-ilH.
From the Kust OreRonluii.
fienutor Henry ISIiiclonuu, formerly
Mil or of U- ppner, who ubly represents
Morrow, Grant and Harney counties in
the legisluture, upeut luet evening and
ibis morning until the departure of the
10:i)0 vv. st bound truiu in brief but Cor
dial iuterviews with his many frieuds in
Pendleton. Just ut present Heppner is
rather quiet, though business is increas
nig uud i he outlook is good for the fall
and winter. While a enr ago there
ere many houses lo rent, lit present
here is a demand that cannot lie filled
The first term in the i ev 812,000 school
house hegiij yesterday with nix teaoh-
ers aud a large attendance for tin
Brut day. Work is progressing favorably
in the water and eleclrio light sjstenis
On a pumping test the artesian well
lielda 210,000 gallons of pure water pel
luy, sullioient for the present needs ol
the oity. Wlieu necessary another well
will be sunk. The water rises iu the
presint well to near the surface aud a
large pumping basin is to be excavated,
from whiob the water will be raised tu a
eservoir at a snflkieul elevation to give
ample foroe for all purposes. When com
pleted Ihe Bjstem will be pei feet. Deliv
ery of the poles for the electric lights
ill begin tomorrow. The streets are t
be made bright with arc lights, and in
caudesoeut lumps will he placed within
doors. Stock re in good condition. The
preseut pnoe of she. p is expected to con.
liuue. Like her neighbors, Morrow coun
ty suffered from short crops this seasoie
but there is uo lack of feed or seed, and
a greater urea than ever before will be
sowu this full.
The prospects of the country are eu-
couriigmg. Inb re. t in politics increases
us the presidential election approaches.
l'he political outlook in the country is
rather mixed, owing to the riisteuce of
three parties. 'Iheie nill probably be a
nam over the lust vote iu the strength
of Ihe people's partv, though not at the
expense of the democratic purty. Mr.
liluckimui, who is an apt interpreter of
the signs of the times, is confident that
Grover is the coming num. The senator
expects a lively session of the legislature
this wiuter. Tim indications now are
that the tax bill mil be one of the prin
cipal causes of couteulion. He is in fa
vor of amending the lax laws so thai the
poor man shall uot, as now, be forced to
pay more than his proportion of the tax
es while the rich man escapes. First,
la-it and all the time he is for an open
river, and will always work to that end
Iu this as in many other rvspeois the in
terests of Umatllln Oonnty are identical
with those of the district he represents,
aud nhile his tlrst duty is to his immedi
ate constituents be alwa) s llrs earn
estly for the greatest good lo the greatest
number. As a legislator Mr. Blackmao
is an active worker, alwajs on tbe alert,
and made a good record Inst winter. He
expressed his gratification at the evident
prosperity and improvement in Pendle
ton, and predie'ed a bright future for the
city and Umatilla county.
Redeemed Himself. Yesterday morn
ing tbe Gazette reoeived from Prof.
D. Martin, Seattle, Wash., tbe amount
due on piloting. The work in question
was done on July 80tb, and when Prof.
Martin left here had same eentC. O. D.
to Portland. After some weeks, the ex
press company notified us tbat tbe pack
age had not been oalled for, aud that we
must dig up expressage from Heppner
to tbat point, and if we wanted tbe taok-
age, would also have to pay for its re
turn to Heppner. Inasmuch ss tbe
package contained a let of "dates" that
were wholly useless to us, we didu't
appreciate the prank that the professor
was playing upon us; would you, kind
reader? And one reminder did not settle
it, either, for the express company never
stopped telling tbe office about the Mar
tin package. An express company's
business is like tbe "nigger's" coou-trap,
' ke lobes 'em botb gwine and aoomiu'.''
But tbe fact ibatProf. Martin has Busily
Come to the Oeuter. ri lievea him nt Itm
undesirable title of "bilk," though we
must say that be could have saved him
self some newspaper no'oriety by writing
us long ago wby tbe package bad not
been called for.
By authority, of tim annual conference
of tbe M E. church, I am at Heppner
or me coming year's work.
Truly, "the harvest is great; Ihe labor
ere few." Let ns in every good work
sympathize aud co-operate one with an
other. Services Sabbath morning, subject,
"The Pillars of ihe church."
Evening suhjeot, "Our commissions."
iSro. Kasmus will not he present.
J M. Hucl.sk, Pastor.
What Alls Yon?
If you have sudden darting pains in
the j tints or musoles, and it recurs every
time you get cold, and appears in new
places without leaving any of tbe old
ones, the best thing to do in to send five
dollars 'o the Drummoud Medicine Co.,
48 60 Maiden Lane New York, for a bot
tle of Dr. Drummond's Lightening Rem
edy for Rheumatism. It will cure you
lie wise in time aud do not befooled witb
anything else. If yrii huvegottheabove
-ymptoms yen have got the Rheumatism,
uud if the druggist tells yon the truth he
will say Dr. Drummond's Remedv is the
only known onre. Agents wanted, 29
State of Ohio, City op Tomdo, I
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that' be
is the senior partner of Ihe firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business iu the
Cl'y of Toledo, County and htate afore
said, and ihat Raid tirm will pay the sum
aud every esse of Catarrh lhat cannot be
cured by the iir of Hall's Catariih
Sworn to before me uud subscribed iu
my i resence, this 6th day of December,
A. D 1886.
Notary Public.
HhI.'b Catarrh Cure is takeu iuternally
and acts directly ou Ihe blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
ISTHold by Oruggidts, 75o.
The Union Pnolio System will extend
to all its patrons the usual reduced rates
ou round trip tickets, which will include
admission to the exposition, selling on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of
each week.
Detailed information can be had by
applying to J, O. Hart, tioket ageut at
Heppuer, Oregon, or W. If. Hurlbnrt,
Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt., 2D4 Washington
dt. Portland, Oregon. 23-34.
Tbe undersigned will receive bids on
the delivery of twenty oords of drv wood,
at their efiicc in Heppuer. Wood must
have beeu cut greeu. They reserve tbe
right to lejrot any and all bids, the same
to be opened on Sept. 24. 18112.
J it u tattkhson Pub Co.
Hkitnek, Or,. Sept. 12. 'Ol'. 524-27
I wish to trade mules or horses for
Kittle. Address me ut Lexington, or
oall at my ranch, seven miles north
east of that place.
522-bw. P.. F. Swacigart .
Rubl. the baker. I!nv vnlir bread And
cakes aud save money. Try it. a.
Look out for Fell Bro 'a sale of rem-uauts-bargaiue
lu everything, a
The Studehaker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Why go hungry when the City hotel
furnishes you a good meal at living
rates. a
John Jenkins advertises his fine kiin
of brick. Remember thut Heppuer brick
equal the best. a
"Hurdware" did you say? Why, yes
at P. 0. Thompson, & Co.'sstsud, and the
place for bargains. a
Call on Rip to do your wood sawing;
asme old price. Also delivers wood to
any part of Ueppuer. See ad. a
M. Lichtenthnl & Co. have just re
ceived a Hue lot of ladies' kid, button
ami tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
For cash yon can get more at the East
ern Clothing house, with Levi on deck,
than any other place iu Heppuer. a
The I'll lace is the leading hotel iu the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for evervoue. a
Borg, the je.veler, is th' .i.au to fix up
your watch ur clock, ,.e keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
business a
Pou't overlook T. W. Avers, Jr., the
leading druggist. Choicest perfumes,
purest drugs and tbe tiuest toilet artioles
always on hand. a
Subscriptions for all newspapers, mag
stsiues aud periodicals published iu the
worid takeu at the Ouzette office. Sub
scribe for your reading matter through'
us aud we will insure yon against loss of
money in transmission thrc.gh the
mails. tf.
It ARSKSS-SHOP, Rtook ami fixture-. iiooU
uiiBiiifsu. rwiniH istu-u 111 uie iiiiubi 01 1
KiHHi tarmhiK nutl atock-rtmiiiK country. i
A lo for sale a ginnl house ainl iw o lull witb or ; 4
uiuMit uiu uubiiivm iui)ci jr. lur uiriutrr i
forumtluu hUiIivm Oiuutiu, Ueppuer, Or. tfi tf.
Opens at
Sept. 21 and
-Attractions far ahead of all
American Band, of Providence, R. I.
Art valued at $350,000,
Gov't models of Battle Ships.
A Magnificent Electrical display,
The wonderful Hall of Mystery.
Varvelons Mechanical Effects The ' Little World" and a
Myriad of Exhibits in Mining, Eleotrioity, Horticulture,
Agrioulture, Woods, Mills and Manufactures. 520-7ft
I Huve for Sale
Four Thousand' Bucks.
Fifteen bundrnd are Thoroughbred, and 25U0 Grade Bucks from Wm,
Ross band. For terras and prices address
Charles Cunningham,
You will catch
At the Mallory Corner.
Buy your Groceries and . . .
' . . . Read their new ad. soon.
Hocio Movins:!
TTavinu reoently purchased of G. W. Lnrd bia house moving outfit, wo are pre
pared to do all kinds of work in tbis line. Oar prices are reasonable, and es
timates freely given.
Al. JLV. & W.J.
621 F 635.
The Heppner Wood Yard.
At last, and has opened up a Wood Yard, from which he will deliver wood,
sawed or nueawed.
Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 ots.
Per Cord, twioe in two ; SI 00, three times. Wood sawed and
delivered at $7.50 per cord. Ynrd near the depot.
628sw . RIP VAN WINKLK, Proprietor.
.. 7nIOUI(3EttEl)
250 Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Cloaks
- - And Short
I trimmed witb Uw bent of triinminirs. Yon oau secure special pries, snoh
I as would cost oo one-tbird more io any other establishment offering similar
styles and materials.
And will (jet it if yoo know the value of yonr dollars and cents, and where they'll
procure tbe most lor your money, in all kiuds of Ladies' Famishing Goods. Al tbe
Eastern Clothing House,
Closes Oct. 22.
former years Tbe famous-
Contractor Buildsr.
Why Woitjt
Over the Crops being a failure
Or the Roads being dusty
Given you snc'u
Bist Line of Boots and
Hats and Fanoy Goods
A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish
ing Goods to
A number of summer suits and odd pants
i i- it ii r
to oe disposed ot regaraiess ot cost.
Come early and avoid the rush, in
secuid no, bargains.
Heppner, Oregon.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager.
Columbia Beer Hall!
"Vr EXT DOOR to Heppner Candy Factory- on Main
' Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors,
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
5 Cents Per Olass,
On draught, fresh aud cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope
to see all their old friends and many more.
H. A. Thompson
The Heppner limy, hi and Sale Stalk
Below Collin & McFarlond's, Main Street.
. Good onveyance for Tiaveling Men.
Tms to hay per day, 75 ots. Hiiy nd (train per riny. 81.25. Meals 25 ota. at
at 0. O. Sargeaiit's, next iloi.r In Feed Stable. Urate sad
baled hay alwava on haod.
f rait Associa
OCTOBER 19, 20,21,22.
The Directors haue taken the utmost pains in preparing
Programme, and hope that they will be rewarded
as the Hoemen f the 9eneral Publio as m"
Programme s
tmrww' Ct- Qarter-mile rla.h; pBe, 1100.00. toeal saddls hone., 400 yards,
HM.'oo1"10 DAV-u,.--11'-wli..n.tledaU; pne rive-elnht. mile da.h; pane
trmiRTH nv nn ....
heati; puree fWoo " a'ea homo,;
These, races will be Zovnnied , the rules of the Pacific
blood Horse Association.
here b0 a"
J. N. Browu.T. W Aver8 Jr Pay TrtVutn
. Ajers, jr., h. (. Hptrry, 617-Otcl9.
which we propose to conrlnn. i ,k . ... . KlX MEAT MABKET,
on hands at .11 ime. the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc. .
ss SHAW & Mccarty,
barsalns for OBsh.
be sold at Cost.
A. E. BiziDfl
700 yards; pane ?75.00. Free tor all; hlf-mlle
percent to the second beat and teu to the third.
-factory manner. Will keep
1 1 uuni,