a V NOTICE TO ADVERTIHEBS. rpilUS desiring the insertion of display ads., I or change oi same, must get their copy in itot later tnau Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening tor Fridays edi tion. '1'HS PATTKUaoN PUBLISHING CO. HOI'ICfi. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists oi wedding presents and donors, end obituary notice, (other than those the edit or shall hlnisell give as a matter of news,) and notices oi special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices ol church and society and ail other entertainments trout which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of tlve tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to lu every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Oive your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Maroo Bros. one night only tonight. TUXT'S PILLS oure Chills and Fever. See Maroo Bros.' at the opera bouse tonight. a J. V. Allstott was in from Eight Mile Saturday. Buy your school books of T. W. Ayen Jr.,&Uo. o-f Dan Stalter was in from Balm Fork Saturday. Andy Cook and family were in Hepp oer Saturday. Bay McAllister was up from Lexing ton Saturday. W. M. Staufl'er was up from Lexing ton Saturday. "TJuole" Ben Parker was down from the mill yesterday A few warm days after the rain will bring up the grass. Fred Miller knows bow to give you good fit in tailoring. tt sw G. S. Ourdane was in Saturday from upper Uiuton oreek. Mrs. B A. Hunsaker departed for her UaystacK Lome today. August Charlton, of Gooseberry, was in JUepiner yesterday, Luther Hamilton, tbe sawmill man, was in Heppner Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. K. Alien, of Toll Rock, were in Heppner yesterday. The Oem and Palace saloons or fine liquors, McAtee Bros., Props. L. T Besing and wife arrived from Long Oreek Saturday evening. Pedagogue Davis, a very successful teacher, was in town Saturday. Bert Bimons is making preparations to build over near tue school house Johnny and Alfred Ayers were over from Little butter Creek Saturday. Our marshal, with a force of men, is putting in new crosswalks this week I. R. Esteb, the Gooseberry post master, was a visitor to ileppner Satur day. J. M. Humphrey and L. J. Shaner were registered at the City hotel Satur day. A. AbrabBmsick returned from a bnBi ness trip to Condon Thursday ot last week. Burglars broke in tbe Weiser, Idaho, postotlioe ihe other night and took about 8700. Mr. H. V. Gates arrived Friday from below, leaving yesterday morning for St. Louis. Phil Heppner OBme np from Arlington last Friday evening, remaining over Sunday. Tom, Lum Bnd Jim Rhea made the usual, weekly, business trip to Heppner Saturday. Pap bimons & Son still shoe horses and do general blacksmithmg at tbe old stand Matiock corner. 55. Miss Letba Parker, dressmaker, will guarantee you a good fit. Give her a trial. Residence W. A. Johnston. 4-tt Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kindB of nursing. Call at ber home in north Heppner, or address her at this plaoe. 518 f W. E. Kahler and wife returned from their visit to the valley last Friday eve ning, leaving for Hardman Saturday morning. Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at tbe city barber shop tbe plaoe to get a first-class shave, hair-out or shampoo. ' Messrs Tash and Royoe bBve rented T. W. Ayers' house, near Marshal Rasmus' plaoe, where their boys will reside and attend school. The driver of the stage, who took Wayne Huston's plaoe, met with a run away yesterday, but there was little damage done. The boat and surest dye to color the beard &rouii or black, as may be desired, is Buckingham's lye (ot tha Whiskers. It never lulls. Master Clay French is tbe authorized agent for the Oregonian at this place. Subscribe through bim, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf In conversation with O. R. Day yester day, be informed us that although there was qtiite a good deal of rain last week, yet it is still dusty in bis locality. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier is the great conquerer of Billiousness and Liv er complaint. Belief oertain in every case. Hold at One Dollar a bottle. Trv it. Those who desire to pay cash for Bchool books, should purohase tbem ot i. w. luor. Tp Mr fVi . where 10 oer cent, die- count fiom list price will be allowed. 6 7 Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room, Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Tbe latest dentistry, orown and bridge work, most successfully accomplished by Dr. B. F. VBUghan. Gas administered when desired. Thompson building, Heppner, Or 1 G . W. Rea and Wm. Hughes retnrned ,-m Pnnrtnn Sunday evning. J. N. Tlr,,mn Dill nlsfl IfitlHD 601116 time this week. These gentlemen have been at tending oourt in that city. The Bennett Hotel at Arlington has been moved from the old location t.r the derjot. to Main St., about two blooks from the depot, where its propn etor will welcome you as ot old. 23 tf Afooars. Binns & Thompson are in r..M,i7 the ariDearance of their bnrn ...n hv ih a.iititinn of a new front This stable under the management of these gentlemen, is excelled by none in Heppner. Lee. On. a member ot tne general Sunday Scrap. On last Sunday Mar shal Rttsmus was called upon to arrest Billy Tirtlot for the use of vile and abus ive language. Mr. Tirtlot, tbongh ot gentlemanly demeanor generally, was quite obstreperous and emphatiOBlly refused to accompany the offioer. Mr. Rasmus did not wish to hurt the prisoner, and called on Jos Masterson to assist bim, when others interfered, and as the marshal had bis bunda full, Joe got pretty badly kicked under the left eye, requiring the attention ot a pbysi oiao. Dr. Swinburne was culled and dressed the wound. Resuming the nar rative proper, when Mr. RaBmus found that bis deputy was hors cle combat, he at onoe released his charge and went to Joe's assistance, gathering in the boys as be came to them. Yesterday morning Mr. Tirtlot was brought before Recorder Roberts and assessed tbe regulation 310; also John Kilkenny, who paid $20 and costs, altogether amounting to 332 l'he lattei's offense was that ot interfer ing with the duties of an officer. We are informed that others were guilty of the same offense on this oooasion, bnt were lucky enough to avoid arrest. This is a serious offense and should it be per sisted in here will cause some one to get badly burt, as well as in serious trouble. ine uazeite would Kindly advise our people to keep their fingers out of the business of officers. Gbeknhobn News. William Turner brought down some exceedingly hand some upeoiniens on bis return from the Greenhorn mines, says the East Orego uian. One is from his olaim, tbe Last Chance, taken out at a depth of sixty feet. It is wonderfully rich and pretty, oontaining wire, brittle and ruby silver, and gold and silver sulphurets, and indi cates the value of Greenhorn properties. The ledge issix feet wide. Another spec imen is from a new discovery, the Holy Moses, made by Mr. Turner and Jobn Carl on Olive creek. The ore is free gold, and the specimen buowb large specks of native gold. Mr. Turner has ten men employed on bis claims, tbe Last Chanoe, Holy Moses, North Star, John L. Sullivan and Senator, and is running several tunnels on the various properties. He returned to tbe mines this afternoon to look after the develop ment work. Indians Hkke Again. Word has been received that the Indians that did so much devilment in this part of Grant county only a few months ago, have Bgain ventured baok on forbidden ground, and are now having a gay old time up near Susanville. The people of this valley have tolerated the presence of these lousy red'skins as long as they propose to, and if tbe treaoberous heathens know what is healthy for tbem they will not put in their apoearanae in this valley. When such a class of low down human trash oan't go on their hunting tours without stealing, and killing stock on the range, and bave no regard for tbe settlers at all, it is high time to commence con. verting tbem into good Indians. It is tbe Eagle's opinion that suoh will be their fate if they molest the settlers of this valley again. Eagle. A Good Ofpek. Tue proprietors ot the Semi-Weekly Gazette have deoided to offer an inducement for advance pay ments on subscription. Tbe price re- mains the same, 83 per year, but where payments are made in advance, only 82 50 a year will be charged. What do we mean by "advance payments?" A payment made within thirty days after the subscription becomes due will be called "in advanoe." In a very short time we will print after eaoh person's name tbe date to which subscription is paid. This will remind you each week as to now you stand witn us, and win render it an easy matter for you to save 50 cents a year on your subscrip tion. f Very Wbathy. donie fresh drummers representing a brand of ohewing tobaoco, visited Heppuer over Sun lay. On Kirk & Rasmus' store building they painted the large sign, "Chew ping." We could fill out the blank, but are not doing any free advertising. The last two words were below the word "cbew," and some joker painted after tbis, "Climax," so that it read "Chew Climax." A pic ture of "Old Sol," laughing heartily, was also added. Our drummer friends were quite wratby, and offered a reward for the apprehension of tbe joker, but be was not to be caught. Grant County News: Maroo Bros.' entertainment in tbis oity Saturday eve uiug, was well patrouited beoause tbe people believe the boyi are deserving of support. Maroo Bros, are a host among themselves, but with the aid ot Stewart aud Richards theirentertaiumentsennnot help being enjoyable. They are playing at Long (JreeK liiis week. Long Creek Eagle: Tbe Marco Bros, bave given several entertaiuineuts at the ball tbis week, eaoh ot which were well patronized by those in attendance at tbe races. The Maroo Bros, are a show by themselves bu with tbe assistance of Prut. Steward and others, made the entertainment oomplete. Ia speaking of tbe illness of Cbas, R. Sherman in last issue, we mentioned him as a member of the firm ot Diisey & Saermun. We have been iuformed siuoe Hint no such firm exists, aud as yet Mr. Dusey aud Mr. Sherman are not con nected in anyway in business matters. As a general rule, it is best not to cor rect oustiveness by Hie use of saline or drastic mediciues. When a purgative is UHcded, the most prompt, eileetive, and beneUoial is Ayers pills. Their tend ency is to restore, and not we'ikcn, tbe uoruul action of the bowols. Just how an alternative medicine clean ees the system Is au open question, bnt that Ayer s Isuraaparilla does Dro duoe a rudioal obauge in the blood is well attested on all sides. It is every where considered the best remedy for blood disorder, Roy. Henry Rasmus, presiding elder of the Spokane district, M. E. ohuroh, is expeoied to arrive at Heppner i'nursduy next. Me will remain over ouuday, preaching in tbe M. is. cburob next Sun day morning and evening. Ward, who shot and killed Johnny Looney over in Gilliam oounty reoently was cleared at the recent term ot court bald over there. The grand jury found a bill charging him with murder in the first degree. J. 1 . Willis, of Itawlins Post, was in town yesterday on mutters appertain iug to the ooming campfire. He thinks that no time sbould be lost, now that the celebration is less than one month away. School oommenoed Monday morning, and tbe familiar clung of the school bell is heuid, though in a different quarter this year than formerly. The new looB' tion is giving geaeral satisfaction Tbe Morrow oounty teaohers. Win Loder and Tbos. Morgan, have positions in tbe Prairie Oity schools, the former as principal and the latter a teaoher in the grammar sehool department. Hatry and Jobn Bennett and C. M. Jones arrived from Long Creek races Monduy. The boys "played even" over there, which under the circumstances, they considered pretty good. Mrs. J. D. Still did not return to Ida ho with ber husband last week, as ported in last issue of the Gazette, but remained this week to visit with ber sister, Mrs. B. A. Hunsaker. Henry Black well has contracted 1,000 bead of stock cattle to Evans & Ourtner, of Ft. Derrait, Humboldt oonnty, Neva da. Tbe delivery is expected to be made aboat -Nov, 1st. C. H. Bonner Bnd E. H. Roome, two trusted clerks of the Bank ot BritiBb Columbia's branoh at Vancouver. B. 0., who stole money from their employers, buve been ouugul. W. M. Pierce, of tbe Gooseberry ooun- try, snowed a Gazette reporter a sample of some pretty nioe wheat, this year s threshing, yesterday. He has about 500 bushels to market. Air. and Mrs. VV. ts. Kanler were pas engers on Friday's up train, being on tbe return trip from a visit to Grand Ronde and tbe Willamette valleys, Rev. M. Bramblet will preach next Sunday morning and evening. All are invited to come, as every effort will be made to interest and entertain them W. W. CowinB, of Weiser, is visiting bis brother, J. W. Uonins. Mr. (Jow iub is acoompanied by his family, and arrived at U ppner last Saturday. Rev. M. Bramblet returned from Grand Ronde, accompanied by bis family, last Friday, and Sunday morning aud eve ning preaobed to large audienoes. The itching of the scalp, falling ot tbe bair, resulting in baldness, are often caused by dandruff, whiob may be oured by using Hall's Hair Kenewer. Tne .Long Creek races were princi pally between loonl horses, but there was a good attendance, and a healthy in terest in au tne proceedings. Poet Commander Geo. W. Smith, of Lexington, is a member of tbe post's committee on program, but was unable to come up last Saturday. Wm. Driskell reports seeding in prog ress in Ularks cunvon, though tne show ers did little toward moistening that section of God's footstool. I. PAL m l Tr.eLEaaing kgssi of ine Diiy WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. Mrs. Maiwt Von Cadow BORG, Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, THE : JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Eta, Etc Trust Busts. HEPPNER, OR. GRAND SLAUGHTER OF REIV1NANTS AND BARGAINS. 0 BIwACKMAN & CO. kffer their Entire Stock, consisting of Remnants of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, Grooeries, Fanoy Goods, Hardware, etc, Strictly for CASH ONLY, and at prioes that will Ol EN YOPR EYES. Cf.ll early and avoid the ruBh. Tbis stook of goods must be positively sold by December 15tb, 1892, as we will then retire from business. No goods will be exchanged. Pioneer Brick store - plain street, Heppner Resorted for TheMcFarland Mercantile 'ARE- 'Is? Rustlers! For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to r s, The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can Roil up Bargains Like Yours Respectfully. We are here for business from the ground up and propose to let you know it. MINOR BROS., HEPPNER, OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAX STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Maoi on short Notice and at Popular Phoes. tStf" Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Company. See ad. next week. Grain Sacks Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. Cure for Colds, Fevers and General De oility, Small Bile Beans. 26c. per bottle. Nearly Killed. Reoently Olaf Pear son, of Eight Mile, was badly bruised by bis horse rearing up and fulling back on bim. He bad just saddled tbe animal, preparatory to starting over to tbe An derson sale. Mr. Pearson bad bardly got into tbe saddle when he was piled np, with tbe horse on top o( him. He laid there about halt an hour before being discovered, and was then carried into tbe bouse. Dr. F. i was summoned, and yesterday Mr. Pearson was able to come over to Heppner on business, though at tbe time he was badly injured, and for a time it was thought fatally so. School Meetinq. Tbe direotors of tbe Heppner School District No. 1, beld an all day Bession last Saturday, at which considerable business of importance was transacted. The school house was ac cepted so far as tbe carpenter work is conoerned, tbis being necessary before the seats could be pnt in, preparatory to the commencement of the present term of school. Tbe painting will be finished shortly, as also will be the extra wood work. Mr. Boyed Las erected a splen- merchandising Sm of Kam Wah Chung did building, and, as compared with tbe POKTLAND JUST EXPOSITION TO OCTOBKB BEPTUMBER H2ND. Tbn Union Paofio System will extend to all its patrons the usual reduced rates on round trip tickets, which will include admission to the exposition, selling on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week . Detailed information can be had by applying to J. O. Hart, tioket agent at Heppner, Oregon, or W. H. Hurlburt, Asst. Oenl. Pass. Agt., 254 Washington St. Portland, Oregou. 25-34. TAKEN IP. , i.i nun mmm naiwiw iiiiiiiTnTn" mum m. ajs-1 " 1 j mjfi U One bay gelding, about ten years old branded with two half moons oonueoted, weight, 1,000 pounds ; 15 bands high. Tbe above horse has been on my Tub springs ranch from eight months to one year. Owner can have same by proving property and paying all charges. Geo. Swaqqakt. 523-5S1F Heppner, Or. FINE HOOS. r l,.hn llnt .nnd.hv the way, a very intelligent Cbiuamau.oame over on Sun day evening's stage, on bis way to Port land for a short business stay. There is no use ;n suffering with rheu matism as long as ou can get Congo Oil It is for sale by all druggists at 6i per bottle, but it would be dirt cheap at lour times the prioe. It is a positive cure for rheumatism, and do mistake. Try it and be convinced. ' " M. B. Galloway bad Henry Wade ar rested yesterday for obstiucting the bigbwsy. The case is before Judge Hal lock today, and will, perhaps, result in Ihe arrest of Mr. Galloway before tbe matter ends. Of course this will depend co tbe facts developed at the trial. other bid, has S3.U00. saved the district over Tue Hepi'Nkb Races. The Gazette is positively assured that tbe following horses will be here in attendance on the Heppner races: Hastings, Parole, Mat tie Mullen, Oregon Chief, Later Ou. Champagne, Little Joe, Funny, Little Dick, Gray Dick, Jordan, Coeur d'Alene, Pay Day, Lady Opal, Bob White, Ham ilton, Miss Dudley, besides numerous other borses of local fame. Tbe next meeting of tbe Heppner Park Associa tion promises to be tbe most sucoessfal in its history, so far. I bave at present at the John Q Wil son place, a fine, thoroughbred Berkshire boar, the service of wbioh can be had for $2.50. J. N. Beeleb. 20-33-1 aw Bhoemakkb. Ed. iiirbeck. a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has Jiint located in the Abraham sick building, on May street, where be is pre pared to do eveiytbing in his line. Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work, man and warrants all work. Give him s call. 14-tf Woi'LD Like to Lease a Hotel. O. C. Sargent, of this city, is anxious to take charge of a good hotel, not particular as to location. Mr. Sargent is an old-timer in this line, and is sure to give satisfac tion wherever he should go. Anyone having a hotel to rent or lease, would do well to correspond with C. C. Sargent, Heppner, Oregon. 523-27 ft THE WORLD RENOWKSCs i i Prevention better ton Cure ! DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND N BETTER WOOL taee Indorseiiientii I Cooper Dip 1 nsed and enrtnrM by tlio following Orccon and Montana Bhepnmen: W. B. Donaldson, Dayville; W. 8. Lee, Junction City; John HarrlBon, Matnoy; Ui'.o. Orhi, Amanda; v.nnoih ,.u.o n.vvllln: Joe ( 1 Itiir. John Dhv' .1. VV. Hvern. New Malum: P. .1. Monle. BiTcall; Cook it Clark. I'hllbrook; Fairrhild & MeCralR, Diipnynr; K. R. Warren, VIU'm; Bnwh Urol., Iwlnton; E. P. Chandler, Maiden; J. Hlrschburi!, Chotuau; l. , llKatlnxa, Unit; Jaraea r.oie, Dlllou; W. Norton, Htonart; A. Uownle, Big Handy. The Cheapest and Best Dip ever made. Sold Everywhere Ash Your Merchant for Coopers and Take 10 Other. Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company Are still alive and kicking lor trade with a complete lino ol Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, Confectionery, TOBACCOS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Guns and .Ammunition, Sewing Machines, Farm Implements. Alo Ocnta' Furnlnhlni! Good, and the largcat aaaortment ol Tvaa in Eastern Oregon. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto: We Won't Be Unoensoii). tf. Corner Ms.in and Willow StreetH, Unppnpr Or. KOSHLAND BKOS. Portland, flrelfmi, Gen. Agla. lor Oregon, tKlilria;ton and Wentci u Idaho. PropL Wm. COOPER 4 NEPHEWS. (fftlvctton, Tvjim. OXFORD GRADE BUCKS ! The Delmonico. B. F. Perking has lately opened np tbe restaurant in tbe Licbien tbal building, which he baa named tbe Delmoniuo. None bnt white cooks are employed, and the public can therefore fet a good, old-fashioned meal, oooked in tbe beet of style. Prioe, 25 oents; beds, 26 cents. 509-t-tf YfMmit "m. Jit t & a , v v 1 W' 5v undersigned has a choice lot of Oxford Grade Bucks for sale J11E QITY HOTEL, W. J. LBKZICK, Prop, r HIS HOSTKI.lt Y hau Nwn I!kpittei and Kkitnihiikd throunliout, and now ia one of the moat inviting plnoex in Ileppner. Mr, Leezer iuvitea you to stop with him, feeling that he is able to eutortnin you in the beut of Htyle. r First Class IIousk. Rkasonaulk Rates. S. v (Jamlips, :- ills -:- ami -:- (fe ! WELL, I SHOULD Tho SMILE, Finef-t in the Land. J. K, SAIITII, lMlot Rook, Or. at reasonable prices at his ranch, 7 miles; Oyster Senson south of Pilot Rock W. L. Matlock & Co. Also is about ripo. know about that ii Wo will let you 1 1 lie near future.