Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 27, 1892, Image 2

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    Give your business to Beppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize thoie who patronize
of Indiana.
of Now York.
J. F. CAI'LES. of Portland.
H. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass.
O. M. IRWIN, of Union.
D. M. DUNNE, of Portland.
General Weissert baa been oboaeo
aa commander-in-cbief of tbe Grand Ar
my of tbe Republic
J. M. Chilson, a Pennsylvania man,
wants to fight Corbett. He is six feet
tall and weighs 187 pounds.
Job Choynski and George Godfrey are
matobed to meet next month under tbe
suspSoes of tbe Coney Island Atbletio
Miss Flobemoe Bltthb, heiress to the
estate of the late Tbos H. Blythe, worth
about $4,000,000 was married recently to
Fred Hinokley, a son of a rich iron works
owner, of San Franoinco.
Taos billa have beeu found in tba lams
OBse, against Colonel Hawkins, Lieutenant-Colonel
Streater and Surgeon Grimm,
of the Twelfth regiment, National Guard
of Pennsylvania, charging them with as
sanlt and battery.
Tub report of tbe inspector general of
bankruptcy was made publio at London,
England, on the 22nd. Tbe increase in
bankruptcy sinoe last report is attributed
to tbe collapse of Baring Bros. & Co.,
and the effects of the MoKinley tariff
An effort is being made to throw tbe
coming national eleotion in tbe house ol
representatives and senate. In this event
Cleveland will be president and Roid
vioe-president. This can only be done
by fusing with Ibe third party, and it is
being done in muny pluees.
Hal Pointek, tbe great pacer, is the
record breuker again for the fastest mile,
making it at Providenoe, B. I., last
Thursday in 2.05. On tbe same day, at
Independence, Iowa, Johnson, Kith u
flying Btart on a safety bioyole, made a
mile iu 1:56 3 5. Venly, this is the year
of record-breaking.
Tub democratic) state convention at
Columbus, b. C. Bopt. 22, ohoee candi
dates lor eleolots. There was a hot tie
bate over a resolution requiting lutse
oaudidaies specibcaily to pledge them
elves to vote lor Cleveland autf Steven
son. It was Anally ordered that within
10 days alter tbo adjournment of the
convention such pledges sbull be given.
Tub Oregoniau gives Groyer Cleve
land and Guverner Flower this left hanu
ed puff: Governor Flower's "I dou't
care a damn for votes" ought to go ring
ing down the ages with Urover Clevo
lauu's "Ibe presuleucy may go to bell"
when he was told be might loose il by
publishing his anti-silver letter. The
form of till ne ulteruuoes is uut to be
commended, but their spirit is admir
able. Tun Salt Lakerihuue says: The tiu
plate manufacture in this ouiiutry is uu
deiyoiug just now tbe mime process thai
was gone ihrouxh with when the making
of steel hist begun, and as the works In
Amerioa now produce steel billets as
obeaply us Ibey are produced uoross the
the Atlantic, so it will beiu another year,
or two years at furthest, with tiu plate,
and the 820,000,1100 formerly sent away
to buy tin plate will bo dmtribuleu
among tbe workingrneu of our oouutry,
and one more great industry will be es
tablished here; iu one more way will the
United StateB be entirely iudepeudeul
of all tbe world;
Being unable to viBit the interior
country, Senator Blackmail is having
published in the interior papers;
Hcppner, Oregou, Sept. 1(1, 181)2.
I would like very much to meet the
constituents i t tbe twenty-third Sena
torial District, as I thiuk it is tbe duty
of ever legislator, to visit their district
proceeding tbe siBsiou of next January,
and leurn tbe requirements of the piople,
but owing to my continued ill health,
my physician warns me at present, uot to
undertake such a hazardous stage ride,
(much as I would like to) as it would be
very detrimental to my ultimate recov
ery, end therefore notify the people of
Grunt county, through tbe medium of
tbe press, that I will give close aiteutiou
during the scBsinn of tbe legislature to
tbe wauts of your couuty and would re
quest from any citizen correspondence
as to whut legislation is needed, and will
cheerfully renly to auy communication.
Yours obedieutly,
Henky Blackman,
Joint Senator for Morrow, Grant and
Harney counties.
Tbe uudersigued will receive bids on
tbe delivery of twenty cords of drvwood,
at their office in Heppner. Wood must
bsve been out green. They reserve the
risbt to reject auy and all bids, tbe same
to be opened on Sept. 24, 1802.
Tub 1'attkbhon Pi b. Co.
Heitneb, Or,, Sept. 12, IK!. 6-4-27
I wish to trade mules or horses for
oattle. Address me at Lexington, or
call at my ranch, seven miles north
east of that place.
&'J2-iw. B. F. Sh auoabt.
They increase appetite, purify the
Krtleui aud act va the liver, JJilc Bow
Here and There.
Joe Vey and family were over from
Butter oreek Monday.
Ben i oppen called at tbe Gazette
office wbile in town Saturday.
J. D. Halfreot, of the Union Paciffio,
was registered at tbe Palace last night.
Sid Green drove the Marco troapcover
froa Long Creek, returning this morn
ing. Tbe warm wettber. following onninnn
showers last week, will bring oat tbe
tan range.
Chris Borchers. Sheriff Nohle and Mrs.
Jerry Cohn returned from Portland, on
Pptrlov't. vu,'
Towns Mathews aud John Marshal.
sheepmen of tbe Alpiue seotion, were in
town last week.
Mrs. Frank Goblo has returned from
McDuffie hot springs, but little improved
irom ner issi visit.
Gilliam & Bisbee have nut in a brand
new pair of counter scales in their Hepp
ner hardware store.
Prevent anil cure Constipation aud Sick
Headache, timall llilu JJeaug.
Mrs. MeBride gave a "sewine bee." to
which a nurnoer ot ner ladv friends a
mviiea, last rriaay,
Miss Cora Rhea. danehtr of Mr. nn.1
Mrs. 1. A. Rhea, is Bttendine the Henn.
ner school this winter.
Jas. H. Wvland's little son is a nnnil
of the Heppner schools this year, start
ing in iiiouuay morning.
Win. Penland was down from the head
quarters ranoh last Saturday. His Bheep
are an loosing lueir oess.
To aid Dlmwtlnn title nno fimnH T4ll Rum
titer eatlus. Xbu. per boulu.
Thus. Morgan got baok from Portland
on last Friday's train, snd will leave
this week for Grant Conuty.
Ihe Heppner Water & Lioht fin. lmvn
beard from their eleotrio light poles,
wuiuii win oe Buippea suoruy.
Ernest Reitman hss retnrned to his
lone home after spending a few months
with relativos at Highland, Ills.
A. E. Binns got in Sunday from a
tonr of Grant, Harney, Crook and other
counties, with some knigbts of tbe grip
If you want to be entertained, and
have a barrel of fun, drop over to tbe
opera bouse to see Marco Bros, tonight.
Rip Van Winkle has opened a wood
yard. He is opening the eyes of the
public, too, with a neat ad. in this issue.
Hiram Clark and family returned
from a visit to Camas prairie last Bun
day. Prof. Miller is entertaining the people
of the interior with puraohute jumping.
H. Wsde and R. W. Turner repre
sented Sand Hollow Saturday last.
They say but little rain has visited them
so far.
Long Creek is building brick chim
neys, which is to be commended. Tbe
old fashioned stovepipe is a dangerous
Mr. J. W. Brown, of Baker oountj,
has beeu olmneo pnuoipal of tbe Lex
ington schools, and will commence on
Monday, Oct. 3, 1H02.
It is snggeet-d that the general com
mittee on arrangements for the coming
celebration aud U A. It. doings appoint
a committee on entertainment.
Below is given tbe analysis of Hepp
ner's artesian well water:
Portland, Or., Sept. 10, 1892.
( I XT in y.
i Dear Sir: f have carefully analyzed
the sample of Heppner water you left
with me, and find that it oontains 25 42-
100 grains of soli Is per gallon, oomposed
of tbe following ingredients, yiz. :
B,H' grains per gallon, 2.00
carbonate of limo " " " y io
Carbonate ol iimtjiieBla. . . ' " " 400
Alumina, 'i 2
Iron oxide, trace, " " " 'oo
rfillphutu ot lime ' i'uo
Hlitphulo amlii and potass. " " " :
Chloride of sodia " " " 7.00
Chloride of potassa " " " no
Water ol ansociulioii " " " ,m
Total ..42
The carbonates of lime, magnesia, aud
chlorides of aodia and potussa are all sol
uble, and the water is exceptionally free
from organic matter, and not a trace of
ammonia can be found in it. Tbe water
ranks uniong tbe best of well watere.
No objection need be taken tOBny water,
free from ammouia, where tbe soluble
solids fall below 40 grains per gallon.
J. H. Fisk, Chemist.
We have just received 2,rJ ladies' and
misses', also childreu's cloaks snd short
sacks, 'Ibe assortment is varied, com
prising every style and trimmed with the
best of trimmings. You can secure spe
cial prioes, snoh as would oostyou fully
one-third more in any other establish
ment, offering similar styles and materi
Wo want your trade and we'll get it, if
you know the value of your dollars and
oents, aud where they'll procure tbe
most for your money, iu nil kinds of
ladies' furnishing goods.
At tbe Eahtrrn Clothing IIocsb,
28 30. May, Street. Hennner. Or.
A Pretty Surprise.
A beautifully illustrated and charm
ingly bound edition of Longfellow's
"Evangeline," the most popular long
poem ever pnhlwhed by an American
author, and one of the most famous po
ems iu the language, to be had at about
the cost of "a dish of iee cream," will
Oertainly prove a popular surprise! That
is just what we have secured for ever
reader of this paper. It is issued from
tha publishing boose ot Johu H. Alden.
New York, and is certainly one of the
moat remarkable products of bis famous
"literary revolution" handsome type,
numerous and excellent illustrations,
very tine and heavy paper, gilt edges, re
markably beautiful cloth binding, with
gilt title ami ornaments, lly siicoinl ar
rangement with Mr. Alden, we are able
to supply this beautiful book to each
one of the leaders of this paper whose
subscription is paid in udvauce, (if not
paid you cau at once make payment aud
secure tbeae terms) for a nominal cash
paj uu-Lt of 60 ceuta. All desiring this
nook must order same before Jan. 1, 'SKI,
as this proposition expires then. Come
in aud see a copy of the book if you can,
but if you ain't call, seud Your order any
way: we guarautee that yon will be de
lighted with it. No illustrated editiou
of this work has ever before been pub
lished at less coat than U0. Every
home in the laud ouuht to have a conv
of this volume, so charmingly beautiful,
as a poem, as a oolleotiou of ariistio il
I list rat ious, aud as a product of the book
niakiug art. tf
Otdlin 3t McFarland bsve just received
s car load of Mitchell Wagons, Hacks,
etc , mid have also a large supply of farm
ing implements of all kinds. a
Tubules : see advertisement.
Sad Peath. On Sunday, Sept. 25,
'92, at Heppner, occurred tbe death of
Bertha I. Huston, wife of Wayne Hus
ton, and daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Hadley, of Hardman, aged 19 years, 9
months and 22 days. Mrs. Hadley only
recently went down to Salem to visit her
sister, Mrs. H. H. Glassford, snd though
several telegrams were sent ber announc
ing the death ot ber daughter, not one
was delivered, which is creditable indeed
(?) to tbe telegraph service of Oregon,
l no luneral was to nave ocourred at
1 p. m. today, but just before going to
preB, we learn that it has been post
poned till 7 o'olock this evening. Mrs
Hadley is expected home on to-day's
train, having received the last telegram
sent. Tbe services will occur at the
grave, and it Is hoped that all friends
and acquaintances will attend. No one
needs friends till in tbe hour of trouble.
then it is that tbey like their eounsel
and comforting words.
G. A. R. and Colombian Doings. A
committee of oitizens, members of Raw
lins Post, G. A. R., at Lexington, oame
up last Saturday evening to oonfer with
tbe onmmittee on program, thinking that
tbat oommittee intended to meet on that
evening, xdib was tne result of a mis
understanding, as tbe committee will not
meet till next Saturday. It is expected
tbat tbe post's oommittee will be repre
sented on that ocoBBion. Tbe members
who were present lsst Saturday were J. F
Willis, J. S. lioothby, R. J. Hill, D. 0.'
Ely and Capt. T. J. League. J. D.
Dampman is bIso a member of that com
mittee, but was not present last Saturday.
With the co operation of this oommittee,
with the oommittee on program, ap
pointed here by tbe general oommittee,
tbe program cannot help being interest
ing. It is expected tbat tbe old soldiers
will make ont their own program for
campfire and like exeroises.
Over to John Dat. After Ootober 1
Tom Morgan will be found in Grant Co.,1
John Day City, in charge of a band of
tboso famous Ross bucks, from tbe baud
of Cbas. Cunningham. Ho will remain
there till about Nov. 15th, and those
wanting firBt olass stook will do well to
see the Ross bucks before purchasing
elsewhere. '28-31
Oicanub Blossoms. At the residence
of Ihe groom, near lone, ou Monday of
last week, oocurred the marriaire of T.
J. Allyn.of lone, and Mrs. Russell, of
LexiugtoD, Justice Miller performing the
ceremony. Tbe Gazette extends con
gratulations. ADDITIONAL LOCALS.
Ruhl, the baker. Buy your bread and
Oakes aud save money. Try it. b.
Look out for Fell Bro.'s sale of rem
nants bargains iu everything, a
The Stndebaker wagon headatbem all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Why go hungry when the City hotel
fnrniehes you a good meal at living
rates, ( a
John Jenkins advertises his fine kiln
of brick. Remember tbat HoDDner brick
equal ine Deec. i
"Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
at P. C.Thompsou & Co.'s stand, and tbe
piace ror oargains. a
Call on Rip to do your wood sawing;
same old price. Also delivers wood to
any part of Heppner. See ad. a
M. Lichtentbal & Co. have just re
ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, button
and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
For cash you oan get more at tbe East
ern Clothing houae, with Levi on deok,
than any other place io Heppuer. a
The Palace is the leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Borg, tbe je.veler, is the u,an to fix up
your watch or clock. Le keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
business' a
Don't overlook T. W. Ayers, Jr., tbe
leading druggist. Choicest perfumes,
purest drugs aud the tinest toilet articles
always on band. a
The Biichler beer, 5 oents per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hull, Osmers &
Hughes, props., next door to M. Lioh
tentbal & Co.'s shoe store. a
The M. L. A T. Co., sinoe tbey have
roofed all their platforms, have an im
mense storage capacity. This oompany
now deals in gruiu, lumber and wood, a
Siuoe Shaw & McCarty purchased tbe
meat market tbey have always endeavor
ed to keep on band the freshest and
choicest meats, sausages and bolognas, a
Thompson & Binns own tbe boss wbich
goes to and from the City hotel, bnt will
call for parties desiring to go to train in
any part of tbe city. Leave orders at
City hotel. a
What will perseverance, pluok and en
terprise avail iu this wild west, it you
cauuot get big bargains? However, be
fore giving tip entirely, visit Minor Bros.'
emporium. a
Gilliam & Bisbee, the hardware and
tinware merobanta, curry everything ap
pertaining to their lines, even agricul
tural implements. Dou't you need a
plow this fall? a
Dr. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia
oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia
and all its kindrstl ailments. Every bot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
elleet a cure or money refunded. See ad.
in this issue, a
Don't overlook Kirk & Rasmus for
bargains. They have purchased the bus
incus ot J. W. Matlock ,t Co. but will
anon remove to the Mallory oorner, oppo
site Hie Palace hotel, a
Subscriptions for all newspapers, mag
azines aud periodicals published in the
worid taken at the Gazette office. Sub
scribe for your reading matter through
us and we will inmre you against loss of
money in transmission through the
mails. tf.
At Abrabamsick's. In addition to his
tailoring busiuess, he has added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Ahrahainsick, May street, Heppuer, Or.
l and Office at The Dalles. Or., Mt. :t, 1)W.
Notice is hercbv nn en that the follow ina-na in
ed sealer lias tiled notice of his intention to
make tinat proof in support of his claim, and
that aitid proof u ill lw made before c omity Clerk
of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, ou
Nov. 7, 19-J,
lid No. 10-M, for the SKV oi Sec. 17, Tp. 3 8, R
Jo K. W. M.
He names the following: witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Henry Holden, Pat SpHlane, .lames Jones and
John ikidwitM. all oi Heppner. Oregou.
John . I.kwis.
MS-XH Kegister.
Ouamnteeil to cure tltlfous Atuicka tlld
Couauitttk)u, Small Uilo tk-aua.
Opens at
Sept 21 and
Attractions far ahead of all
American Band, of Providence, R. I.
Gov't models of Battle
The wonderful Hall of
Marvelous Mechanical Effeots The '-Little World" and a
Myriad of Exhibits in Mining, Eleotrioity, Horticulture,
Agrioulture, Woods, Mills and Manufactures. 520-7ft
' 1 Have,
Fotfr Thousand Bucks.
Fifteen hundred are Thoroughbred, and 2500 Grade Bucks from Wra,
Ross band. For terms and prices address
Charles Cunningham,
For T. W. AYERS, Jr., & Co.
The Heppner Wood Yard.
At last, and baa opened tip a Wood Yard, from which he will deliver wood,
sawed or nnsawed.
Wood Sawed at Your
Per Cord, twice in two ; 81.00, three times. Wood sawed and
delivered at 87.50 per oord. Yard near the depot.
528-sw t RIP VAN WINKL1S, Proprietor.
Office, Residence
Land Office at La Orindc, Or., Sept. 21, 1802.
Notice U hereby tiven that the tollowint-iiam-
edm'ttler hRi lllcd notice ol hli intention to
make Una! proof In nupport ol his claim, and
thai Raid proof will bo nmde before W. K. Ellis,
Com. l 8. Oircnit Court at Heppner, Oregou,
on Nov. S, S'.r:, viz.-
Hd. No. 3770, for the N'i NEW and N! NWV
Sec. Tp. 1 8, R. '21 E. W. M.
He names the following- witnessed to prove his
continuous residence upon, aud cultU-atiou of.
said land, viz:
John Kdwards, V, O. McCarty, S. N. Morgan
Clyde Saline, all of Heppner, Oregon.
Mary A. Saling take uotice.
A. Clkavkr,
BW-jSS Register.
I-and Office at The Dalles, Or., Sept 21. lSTO.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
lhat said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County. Oregou, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Nov. 7, l.rj. viz:
Hd. No. 533. for the N't NEU, KS NWt4, Sec.
20, Tp. 3S. K E. 'V. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence, upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, viz:
J. H. Jones and William Ingrum. of Eight
Mile. Oregon, Thomas JA Ur&ham and M.'!hw
yer, of Cfooseberry, Oregon. ,
John W, Lswiii,
KMM Jt Reginter.
j a. repi.
Sept. 26. 15!2
Clark J B
Cox Miss Effif
liarger W N f Hamaldton Miss Utile
jouuson jamei j jonnaon Mrs la
Miller E A 2 Riley MC
Held Frauk Swager A L
Young Mr A K
I Please say "Advertised" whoncalllngforthest
i tetien. ,j A. Muuiv, P. M.
Closes Oct 22.
former years Tbe famous
Art valued at $350,000
A Magnificent Electrical display.
for Sale
414 - Oct. l w.
Residence, 75 cts.
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Or., Sept 16, 1892.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of her Intention to
make Dual proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at
Heppner, Or., on October 29. if'.'2 viz:
Hd. No. 2S7S, for tho W,'g tiEfc and W, 8E14
Sec 3, Tp. 8 8, K 36 K. "
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Win. Hughes, A. S. Wells, H. E. Clark and
Ransom Hart, alt of Heppuer, Oregon.
John W. Lewis,
Mo-al Register.
Ijind Office at The Dalles. Or., Sept. 21. 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of hisclaim, and that
said proof w tll be made before the County
Clerk ot Morrow County. Oregon, at Heppuer
Oregon, on November y, is:r, viz:
HdNo. 2777, for the SE4 Sec. 34 Tp. 1, 8 R 26 E
He names the following witnesses, to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land, viz:
J. H. lientrv, J. D. Kirk. A. 8 Wells and Wra.
Barton, all of Heppuer, Oregon.
o-5.u John w. Lewis, Register.
ARNESS-5HOP, itock and fixtures. Good
oueineM: esiabllBtied in the midst of a
eoOii farmlll- and llivk-rslnlntr ennntrv
Also for sale a jrood house and mo lota with or
without the business iropertv. For further in
forma tlo 11 address Oa-ette, Heppuer, Or. 3 tf.
One Snail fliks Venn ovorv mrht for a
wevit aruuiM Torpid Livera. 6c. pr buttte.
nit up in neat wRtch-flliapedbottlea.siii
KMUtfd, HinaU LU& tteuua. e. per bottle.
Contractor I
Jl11 Worry
Over the Crops being a failure
Or the Roads being dusty
Gives yon such
Big Line of Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises,
Hats oiitl J?titicy Goods
A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish
ing Goods to be sold at Cost.
A number of summer suits and odd pants
to be disposed of regardless of cost.
Come early arid avoid the rush in
securing bargains.
Heppner, Oregon.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager. 448
Columbia Beer Hall!
jVT EXT DOOR io Heppner Candy Factory on Main
Streel. Keep on hand a Fine, Line of Liquors,
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
S Cents Per Olass,
On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinde. Hope
to see all their old friends and many more.
H. A, Thompson
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Skble
Below Coffin & McFarland'i, Main Street.
Good onveyancefor Traveling Men,
Teams to bay per day, 75 ots. Hny and Krain per day. 81.25. Meals 25 ctn. at
at C. C. Sargeanta, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled hay always on hand
leppner Pari Association !
OCTOBER 19, 20, 21,22.
The Directors have tahen the utmost pains in preparing
their Programme, and hope that they will be rewarded
by the liberal patronage of the general publio as well
as the Horsemen.
pur." hocE'' Ct' W'-Q""""-"0 P'mK. J100.00. Local saddle horses, 100 yard.,
SECOND DA Y, Oct. 20. Free for all ; best two in three, half-mile heats- ourse !1' 00 Catch
we,!?j,,"ycc; be"' ,K0 1" 'hfe. half-mile heats; purse H0 m. P '
1126 00 Ct' -'1--1"r,!e-';iSl'18 "'He dash; purse loo.oo. Five-eights mile dash; pune
heatVi pureem M-For dctted "; J'rds; purse 175.00. Free for all; half-mile
Fretoent".""'ee to start: 10 per cent of purse for entranc fees. All Durses will he divided
a. follows: seventy per cent to the inner, twenty per cent to the lioi i&UMtl,
These races will he governed by the rules of the Pacific
Blood Horse Association.
Will hang purses for horsen tbat might come here who are not
qualified to enter in any of the above races,
OTIS FATTERSON, Secretary A. D. MoATEE, Present
J. N. Brown, T. W. Ayers, Jr., E. G. Sperry. 67-Otol9.
" which we propose to conduct i
on hums at all times tbe choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc.. Etc. .
bargains for oasb.
A. E. Binm