Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 23, 1892, Image 4

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    A San Francisco Paper
Would Form an Interesting Addition
to Your Winter Reading.
Weekly Examiner
He Sans "Annie Rooney" on a Chicago
Corner Without Attracting Attention.
"I'll bet .you a new silk hat that I can
stand at Madison and State streets any
Saturday afternoon and eing 'Little
Bnamonrttt Part of the Country th. Annie Eooney' a the top of my roice
A Portion of the Dark Continent
yet Unknown.
UuImUyo Point of Exploring
tia. from Tarloo.
and not attract tho attention of as many
as three persons."
Thsv were dlninff In a down-town
restaurant, a young Chicajjoan, whose
name may be J im, and his Kcw England
VALUE, 3135.0C
Management of New Lawtw Levallnf an
Old Lawn. 1
X l IT. litrW litYVU UllftLiV V' wviiiun'i "-O 1 AjrciT7ia J " w 1 UUIJJV: 4-ia. " I -- D
nlarly from the time the srass and weeds appropriated section oi w"""-"" condn. George. It was Ueorpe s ursi
are an inch hih nntil thc c-W of the inj from the scene of Stanley s expiora- visit to Chicago, and he had expressed
seaKon A kooiI rnle.BoconlluntoAmer- tions on the tongu - : - himself ucliffnicu wnn au
ican (iurilening. is to cnt every time the Tchad, say the Sprragneia lJ ho had soon. They were talking about
Erowth readies a height of about an Republican. It lies east of the equ c,lica0 crowds ond aippinff their wine
inch The numerous weeds will be torial province and south ot tne new whcn Jim ma(lo the oreg0iner state-
mostly animals, the aeeds of which were une. ox - -anJ men
-. .i t-n rv iTfr m i.atfa icuiwi u
in tne boh, arm u mmr .- auu tt- . .
L,nH i thev will cause trouble fertile country, and said to be one o
- ...
It i brimful of newt from all p.rt, of the worM, and lis Literary Department li .upplM l.y f.
foremMt writer, of the day. In addition to lit great new. and l.terary features,
The Examiner's Art Album,
Conaistlngof eight beautiful reproductions from masterpieces of the world's grer
est artista, the whole collection bound in a handsome bamboo leatherette cum
Or a beautiful reproduction, in all of its orilnal colors, of the famous historic,
painting, 12x28 inches,
Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella
Ad besides allthU. m"'-, VZ
M35.gfTf '" ,.1. ,;::::ri;,uVbl. than ever before offered. Rcmcmbertha
,on,.na.De.,sto.preK """---- They..bsoltlyf..
tnaepremmms e .ViMrtlER. toacther with these magnificent premium oCers, L
I n3 COSl Ua l FT a ' -
$1.50 ONLY $1.50 PER HEAR $1.50
It. regular subscription price. Oet the full particular, of thi. grand offer from the EXAMIJT "
ieen-Page Premium tun, which we can supply to you, or yon can procure on, from y,.r .
r.ter or Newsdealer. Then, having conaidered the mutter, call on us aui place a combiu . h ,i
. . n.n vrn Mmclt d raur home rjaoer. and so save something of Uic l
scrlptlon lor a iijs wmuj. - , , (l
. . . . ........ Unit. iVinilti.V itA.KTTK If UU. tO till
m.mJUXr Tii'iS. wil. willaeod b,.,U t one ddre
(or to different addreflSes it desired) for $3 60.
only for one season, and the nmm. if
ritfonms. will soon t-rowa mem uowu
Such perennial weeds as plantain and
dandelion should oe removed wun mo
siind. These cause little tronlile, how
ever, in a lawu u..t.a., ..,,.. t ,,, thfise nations.
thnftv Lrrass Once each year or second
year the lawn siioum ne ireateu to u
coat of fertilizer of some sort.
the most desirable possessions in th
dark continent. The London Times
rives an interesting survey of the man
euvering on the part of France. Ger
many and England for possession oi
this territory
which touches the
Tk Pronph scheme is the most am
bitious, and it includes a railroad frorr
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. Arrives
650 p. m.
readily improve,! 1 he atunonty . , "hich would formal!,
says: buppomng; mat in u-. 'B X-rr. n to France. Noi
represented by hKure nerewun -mere rcsiav m uUUv..
1 . ... a a , I -,ni,i r.orm:mv consent to this autii
tJo .ienreons at B B; take out a slab ! tion to the French sphere rfe had nt
I of aod at the center ot eacn piace. ann
Yankee cousin.
"Just what I say that I can yell
'Little Annie Rooncy' at State and Mad
ison streets Saturday afternoon and
that there will bo such a crowd and
roar that not as many as three persons
will nnv anv attention to me whatever."
"Pshaw! I don't believe it. I'll take
the but."
The next Saturday afternoon the
Brazzaville on the Congo in that pari yoml3 mcn made their way to the cor-
of lower Guinea given to the French by 'ner iu qUestion. It was rather late,
tho conference that fixed the boun Thc shoppers and clerks and type-
daries of tho Free State of the Conge wr;ters and laborers were hurrying
northward through twenty-five de- hom0. Newsboys whisked about the
Prcesof latitude to Algiers. loravt sidewalks yelling as louu as incy cuum,
hundred or six hundred miles north- carettcs rumbled by, street car bells
ward tho road would pass through thi jangled and thc cable gongs kept up a
unappropriated strip, then would com. steady din, and the pavements gave out
disputed ground, not intended to be in- on0 great roar of resonance from the
eluded In the French sphere, and which hundre.ls of wheels that rolled over tha
can only bo annexed alter a prolongec granita blocks. George was gama. It
controversy with Germany and Eng i was ciear that he had never seen tho
land. Tho valley of the Sharl, includ , n ;e before, but he got close to Jlm'a
lug thc province of Bagirml and parti ear at)(j shouted:
j a a nnrl TSomoU. lie SOtlth of ; "On nhnart. old man!"
ot ziuaiiian . ; . rt
Jim san-r i:ie ur:;i stauza iuium""!
and when he came to the chorus he
in its
early stages
can be cured
by the prompt
use of
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
It soothes
the inflamed tissues,
aids expectoration,
and hastens
Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
I wish to trsdf dr) mures and celdinea
.... .-...b fnr,.utila Will ui-e ai il
i-rniH. Cll "U, '" M" PM ""' "' Ml"
nment. Grind 0"iinty. Qm u
523 . 38 Emmet Cc biian.
to i.kvri. a Ruron iwn
Where an old lawn has a good coat of
. . . , . .,C th.
sward UUI is ux nurvrn to n.iuiii ... ot aujiuj,,. ,
it may be Lake Tchad, ana are '"-''"YV
.Plenty of flour, bran, mill fed a'"t
oh.,p nlwnys on hand at the Heppm"
Fk.urin Mills.
The new Time Card, which is now ii
effect, via the"Wisenuain Central Lines.
iu oonneotion with the Northern Faeini
H. K., iiffords the travt lina public t
best facilities from all poiuls West
Chicago and points East and South.
The unsurpassed equipmeut nfjered t
id patrons, comDiueu wnu ppeeu, couj
fort and safety, surpassing all Ub Ooui
am hrr.ntfh Irnins are corriDosed ol
Piillmau Veslibuled Urawiug-Kr-on
Wlunnfiro. with Dmiou Cars and Daj
CoaoheB of lal-st design.
The Daily Thronnh Fast Train eacl
wnv. miikini; close ooiinectioti at Chica
iin with tiiiins iu all direction,
For tickets, lime tables, etc , apply I
Agent ot Northern Pho:6o R U.. or
Gen'l Thus, and Tkt. Agent,
if Chkjauo, IlIi
from these Doints cut with a sharp spade
diverging lines through the sod outward
to the edge of the uneveuness. as snown
in the engraving. Then roll back eacn
strip of sod until the entire surface is
turned back Now cut the surplns soil
at A A down evenly across the openings
and pnt it Into the depressions at B B
Level the new snrtaces wun care, paca
r.th,.r mason for opposing this railroad,
The doctrine of hinterland, however,
comes in play here.
Germany's sphere in thc Cameroon!
extends eastward to the fifteenth degree
of cast longitude, and behind this
sphere lies territory appropriated bj
France reaching to the Mobangi, which
is thc property of the Congo Free State.
TV,:- Fronrh armrooriation is oontrary
to the German-English agreement, and
ing the loose sou quite nruu) iei - rmrtion of hei
the rolls and slabs of sod and beat well cuts Germany oil from , a port on ot he,
with the back of the spade.
Pullman Hlneourn,
Colonist Sleeper.
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to Hau
every four dBys.
For nitos and general lulormatlon call on
Dopot Tlckot Aifent,
Heppner, OreKon.
W. II. HUBLBURT. Asst. Ocul. Pass. Agt.
Washington St.,
Portland. Orkoon.
tV driisstil Ltimtier, 10 miWJB ol Heppner, al
what Is known as the
Uyhrlillaitis Ruses.
It is only of recent years that effort" j
have been inaift to hybridize for distinct :
classes of roses. Meehan tells in. his
monthly that Mine. George Bruant
which is a hybrid of Kamtchatka rose
and the tea rose known as Soiiibrenil, is
now well known and appreciated for its
many useful qualities. Kei ently. in the
Old World the Austrian brier, which has
brilliant golden Howe, has been made
to cross with the sweet brier, and it is
Raid that the varieties raised between
this cross are singularly beautiful. The
sweet brier thrives remarkably well in
the Atlantic states, in fact, in most uf
the northern states east and west, and it
in a matter of surprise that it is not more
general ly met with . There are few things
more irrateful than the odoroi me sweet
... . . j. iiu'jul:! " .
exDeditions arc
early morning, while the beautiful rosy ruach the t,pper Niger anc
nowers. wnn ii nn, ...... .
give it a great attraction, in addition to (
this the large red trnii wnirn ronow mo
threw his head back and yellei at the
top of his voice:
She's my sweetheart; I'm her beau;
She's my Annie; I'm ner jo.
Soon we'll nurry, nerer to part,
I.ittle Annie llooncy Is my swecthoart.
One old man who was flung against
the sing-er by the hurrying crowd looked
athim'in an annoyed way and moved
on, and a hot tomale m m who had
come to the corner for his night's work
viewed the young fellow cr.tically an
instant and then began his monotonous
No one else in the swaying stream of
humanity as much as looked to one side
m- the other. In truo Chicago style they
went straight toward thuir various des-
Jim wears a n?w tile. Chicago
Avso-iiA.. Conn., has been given a
-fountain by Jliss Caroline
pv,r.lr,a Stokes, in memory of Ann
Scncll, of England,
"Black Beauty."
There were forty-eight mcn and one
woman in thc graduating clas3 in the
college of pharmacy, jNoruiwenxcrn um-
hinterland, as the appropriation of ter
ritory along the lino of this propose
railroad would iorm mo
German parties are now pressing cast
ward from the Camcroons to take pos
session of this hinterland-a strong one
under the governor working steadilj
toward tho northeast; another under
Lieut. Morgen making its way to tin
sources of the Binue, while a third n
on its way to establish a base of opera
tions in 'the Bali country, on the bor
ders of Adamawa.
French exploring parties are pene-
'T Vrrthc sou th the versUy, and the woman, Viola Griswold,
the author of
- io ot'
17 50
l&.uu per 1,000 feet, additional.
A. nomllton.Mttti'ltr
A'Jtlall poiut in ( Blift'i-uiu, ?iR the MU bliiwU
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
Tho imiat hinhway tlmmgli California to all
points Kaat and South, lirnnil bomiio llouta
of the l'Boiflo t'uust. Pullman Hullft
81'pnre. Hucoud-dliuia Bliwlier.
Atlneliwi toeipriws train., allording snporior
aeconimodatious for .minnl-olaa. piissnugi'rs.
For rates, tickets, sleeping car rai-arvationa,
ato., oal! upon or address
R. KOEIILER, Maimser, E. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Oen. F. it V. Agt., Portland, Oregon.
have followed the Mobangi river ant
its branches-one party following thi
Sanga to about four degrees north lati
tudes another the Mobangi to the Bon
gra rapids, whence it is proposeu
push across country to the Shari ant
ifcrmiffH to Lake Tchad. From Algeris
S. P. FLORENCE, from
Very acceptable mirrors are now
made of wood in Germany. The wood
is treated to a chemical bath, after
which it may be polished to shine like
A company has been organized in Chi
cago for the purpose of supplying com
pressed air as a motive p nver to ma
chinery. The company hopes to offer a
practical solution to the smoke nuisance.
It Is stated that a Paris firm of glass
nakers has produced some p iron glass
in be used for window panes.. The
oores are too fine to permit of draught.
but cause a healthy ventilation in a
A Mrs. Ikdram has invented an ar
rangement whereby a passenger in an
ordinary railroad coach can enjoy a
night's rest. A panel is placed in the
side of the ear that can be let down at
night fitting the space between the
SiiKKT-lltON liitr.-t, to enable a vessel
when in distress daring a storm to com
municate with the shore, have bee,
suggested. It would be a curious ex
perimcnt. Of course, sheet-iron can be
made as thin or thinner than writing
of the Philippine
Cattle tiranded and ear marked as shown above.
Horses K on right shoulder.
Mv eatlle range in Morrow and Umatilla eoun.
tie.. I will l'v ltl"l"o' lhe arrest and cod-Tit-lion
ot any person stealing my t.H'k.
Solcntiflo America
Agency for
rr information srd froo llnndbcook iite to
Sofeii V" .e'urtn, pat-al- ," "'l
tlio public uy
Kvery ut.it Ulu ou Uy i SS H tii
cicntiCic amcrwatt
fj.roe.1 eirrulOonofan selenttne paper Intha
, . ... .....II., lll...,i-a,a,t Ktl 111,,,,
Tin-: better class
islanders smoke cigars a foot long.
A Hkhi.in dry goods house has a regu
lar physician for its employes.
A KrssiAN can plead infancy for a
long time, us he docs not come of age
till he is twenty-six years old.
It is claimed that thc pheasant of thc
English preserves can tra -c its pedigree
directly to the brilliant- bird of thexaint
species m Japan.
Tun government of New Brunswick
is about to levy a t;iM on insurance, td
egra . street railway, express and
bank'.nTc -'"'"'"--.
Till-: story of the obelisk. Cleopatra's
needle, brought from Kgypt and placed j
in Central park, New York, 1ms been
written, inclusive of a translation of
the inscriptions upon it.
A 1.osdom:u stole nnold book, valued
nt four hundred dollars, being a copy of
the first edition of llurns. It was his
second offense and he was sentenced
to twelve months of hard labor.
Paris is to have a new paper, pub
lished in Knglish, with theosophy
and occultism as its specialty and au
American woman, Mrs. Florence Gray,
is to lie its editor. Boston Journal.
For nearly forty years Lord Tenny
son has had a pension from the British
government of f 1,000 a year. Thc poet
has derived no personal advantage from
thc pension, however, for he has de
voted the whole of it to the relief of
authors in distress. . k.
Tin- Niearaguan government is mak
,' km oiilK-ralotTcrsto attending
lug uu .rives to a married
eoiree-growers. t g"
40 acres ami u ."o
Howers and continue far into the winter.
prolong the season of beauty to many
months. I
Among tho Btruwlwrrlm. I
From the Michigan station csme
favorable reports of the Enhance straw- j
berry Knral New Yorker says of this
berryt "We have never seen its equal as
regards productiveness, size of lierry
anil hardiness of plant. The quality is
inferior Try a few plants of Enhance."
L. J. Farmer said at a New York horti
cultural meeting: "On sandy loam the
Wartield. Hnverland, Michel s Larly
Eureka. Parker Earle and Bnri are
good The 1'arker Earle is a very prom
ismg variety bet the plants out 1n
rows, which should vary with the va
riety The Parker Earle has given
good results. The only trouble with
the Vale Is its lack of productiveness.
It is adapted to clay soils It is the best
canning lierry ever introduced, having
a rich dark color. Knotty berries are
cansed by imperfect fertilization, and
thev nii-iir when heavy winds prevail
at the tune of blossoming, blowing the
pollen away and thus injuring the form
ing fruit."
Tha Diamond Crape.
Tt,A nimnond trraoe. about which a
great deal is being said and written, is
the product of a cross between the old
Concord and the lona. combining ac
cording to its advocates, vigor and hardi
ness of vine with high quality of fruit.
It is among the earliest of the grapes
and ruiens from two to four weeks ahead
of Concord.
Floral Notes.
Marshall P. Wilder is a rose of vigor
one growth; the flowers are full, well
formed, fragrant and cherry carmine
The horticnltnral department of the
World's fair proposes to plant a rose
garden of 50.1)00 plants, embracing near
ly alt known varieties.
Cattelya citrina is a fragrant orchid
having the enrious habit of growing its
head downward. It is of a lemon hue
the margin of the lip wavy and white.
Ellwimgerand Barry call special atten
tion tothe importance of planting budded
roses sufficiently deep so that the June
tion or the bud with the stix k is from
two to three inches below the surface of
the earth.
The syringa is a valuable shrub, ami
where the late flowering sorts are planted
the season is considerably extended.
Fancy gourds trained to trellis or pole
are Iscmir introduced, with decorative
effect, tu many gardens.
The Dawson rose, it is claimed, is a
valuable addition to the list of hardy
thence aloncr to Lake Tchad,
In tho meantime the Royal Nigei
tant aro looking after their con
ncctions with the central Soudan anc
rinr. to keen hold of the countries not
granted to France to the south and east
of Lake Tchad. The Shari valley, Ba
.ml VVndai thev will keep in then
sphere if they can: thc British East Af
rican Company will hold on to Darfur,
and will work its way as far to th
south and west of that country as it ii
able. Whatover H ranee ana ucnuaui
may claim when the time comes for thc
new partition of this unappropriated
part of Central Africa by interaationa
agreement, as it must before long, Eng
ir,,i lll Tirnhablv manage to secur
thc larger part if not tho whole of th.
Central Soudan for herself.
took tho first prize.
Tin. Mrrr ie IIalev, of Virginia, one
of the nine women recently graduated
bv the Pennsylvania college of dental
surgery, has Deen appomceu reoiucuu
dentist at tho Williamson school,
Miss Mary F. Setmouk, of I.ew
York, has built up thc largest type
writing business in the country during
the last eleven years. She constantly
employs twenty typewriters on a year
ly salary, ana irom twenty wj '""'j
others on piece-work.
A North Caboi.ina man has a ciay
WhitL you keep jour subscription paid up ye',
an keep your brand in freeof charge.
Allsn. T. J . lone. Or. Heraee OH on lef
h. raider; entile -ame on left hip, under b.ton
ighl ear, and upper bit on the left; l-ui.ge, Mor
iiw com ty.
Armstrong, J. I'.. Alpine, Or. T with bai on
ler on left shonldtir of liornen: eallle mine
Ii lef hip.
illioi.n n TV. tfiuht Mile. (Jr. Cattit, brand.
l uon left hi and horses HHine brand ou right
linnlder. limine Eight Mile.
Adkins.TC. Dayville, Or- Straight lnnrlt acrous
(he thigh and two crops anu a ton in me ngiu ear;
horses. X upside down on the right shoulder.
liHnge in lirant county auu near vunev. r w
iuldre.se also at iiarum.tn.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horbee, JA coo
we.letl on le t Hank: cattle, sailleou leu nip.
Avers. Johnny, LenB, Or. Horses branded
triangieon lell hip: eattle Bame on right hip;
tso crop on ngtll ear auu upper urn "ii .niu.-
nivth. Prev H.. Heimiier.or. Horses Roman
ross on right shoulder, liange in Morrow
Blenkman. Geo., flardman, Or. Horses, a Hat
left shoulder; cattle iame on rigiu snoiuuei
I n,.iutr J. W.. Hi.nlmaii. Or. f attle braeil-
I B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Hr,,nri(,r. Pfter. lini selieiTy Oregon Horses
iraudod Fit uu left shoulder, tluttle s.nue on
ght siae
Urlra M Hi C. liOTlB I '.TMiL. Or On Cattle.
V1AY connected on lef I hip. oiop off left ear. nn-
ler halt crop on rigni. ttorses, bhiuo oihuu ,,
tfl shouluer. ttange in urani, auu jiutiu.
HoWBman. A.. Mount Vernon and Horns, ur.-
I battle, A b on right hip, two crops lu each ear;
tame on norses. on rigni enouiuer. itauBt, i.
runt aud liarney aounties.
Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.- HoraeB branded I
, ril,i HhonlilHr: caltle H ou the Left side
ft eat half crop and right ear upper elope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Homes, J B on
ght thiu., cattl, eame on right lap; split in
-aeh ear.
kmirii Ihh. I.pjcimrton. Or. Horse- IB on the
ightstitie; cattle eauie on right iiip; range, Alor-
iiv county.
Ftrt.wn. .1 .P.. Hammer. Or. -Horses and eattle
trended S with ox-yoke above on left shoulder.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
without inn ter on left tup; eatlle, name.
Rrown. W. J.. Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar
iver It, on the left shoulder. Cattle Hame on left
tR- , .,.....
Tuntt o - hip ctittlB, Bame, with split in
Hch mr. r, , ,
Boru, F. O., Heppner, ur. tiorees, r a on ien
innldnr: owitle. huuih on left hip.
Bmwiilee. W. J., fc'ox.Or-t 'attle. JB oonneoied
hi left side: orou on loft eur mid two apliteand
niddle piece cut out on riKi't eur; on horees oame
irand on the left tliih; Kuiik" i" fx valley.
Irant county.
t win, Hi., TialoD.wr.- x u n n- w onion, biiuu.
U with quarter circle over it, n left ihoulder,
ud on left suae on all colli- tin er years; oi.
ft Hhoulder only on au uoraub ov.3r o years, rtii
rane in Oraut couutv, i
i' urir win 1 1 . iiH r. ur -n orsff v r ui.ti-
uet'ted.on left thouloer: cattle t-aiue on riylit
up. t(a. ge Morrow ana umauiin uuhumbh.
t ale, nas, l Vinson ur uHnn, vi.
lUlder; cattle same on rigni nip.
. .t. .1. I. K r.nr..lr-arl MritTIT tlilV fClT I ife.i.ui Mj.rrilOT II i ill illllMf ItiR noilll UBS.
V..llV :ZT" -' J Oochren liha-.r lone. Or.- Horses, HP con
iiected on left shoulder; cultle, I; on both ielt
up and Btine. Itange in rtiorrow coumy
We cannot repeat it too often hand
some, stylish carriage horses of good
size are the ones that "go" iu the city
markets everywhere now. But they
must be stylish, high stepping and well
broken. Dark colors, bay, brown oi
chestnut, are preferable, though a fine
pair of dark grays go off like hot cakes.
P ; :,i-' M-Vjr of rood coffee land
A firm of London opticians ia makin
a good thing out of horse spectacle;
which, being concave, give the group
the effect of ling raised, and mak
the horse step liiu, thiukiu); he is goii.;
I np hilL.
StranBe Story of an Old Mao'a Nooturua
A Sylvanla (Go.) man, who was no
aware of the, fact that ho was addictec
to walking in his sleep, began to misi
his clothes on awakening in the morn
ing. Four suits disappeared mysteri
ously, when he was constrained to oil ei
i reward of twenty-five dollars for tht
detection of thc thief.
One ni"ht, say3 the Atlanta Constitu
tion, the eldest son resolved to cap
tore the thief and secure the rewaru
So he kept watch secretly in his father',
That night he was surprised to see his
father arise, dress himself with closed
eyes, and walk out of the door.
"Alwut a mile from the house was a
mill-pond, where all the men and boys
of the neighborhood were accustomei
to go in bathing. And thither the old
man wended his way, followed by his
devoted son. The moon was shining
bri"ht, and on reaching the pond thc
sou saw him take oil his clothes aud
,tT them uo an old hollow cypress ios
r. ,.1 't'V,r. l,
is far as tney wouiu Bu. i "
iltinfcd in, swam around several timet
and then came out.
Ilia on thought, of course, tnac lurup
lr,,r Infn the water wouiu awanen mm
but when he went up to him he found
that ho was still asleep. Then it was
for,,,- in sec him hunting lor nu
elotlma. He had iorgoitcn laimiaj
where he had put them, ami so, atter a
.,:il..o -nnreh. ho WCtlt DaCIC lO Illl
11 UlLlao
louse, donned his robe ae nun,
,..., t.i lied.
The next morning thc old man Knew
. ..i ti... .A.,prt,,.,u tl,., niirh
nothing noom. me m-i ... v .,
previous, but, convinced oy nis sou, m
cheerfully paid the reward.
Fined l.lmavlf.
Perhaps the most disgusted man lr
Somerset county is a justice of th
k -tee who is the owner of a fine gar
Vn the pride of his heart. The othci
' . . -...,! l,,it nn linrult
lav he was uai" . , .
,;, i,.u wrought desolation in Ins Ldet
indhe at once ordered the auiraal sent
to thc pound. Then he went up to view
-he wreck and after noting thc vacant
places where the beets aud corn hao
been tho tramplcd-down squashes am
cabbages and the demoralized pea vinei
and sunflowers, and ascertaining, as he
supposed, the owner of the cow h.
made out a writ afcum.- - --
containing, so the I airfield Journal n
informed, fourteen different and d.s
tinct counts, including trespass, forcibl.
,,try malicious mischief, nuisance
-iotous and disorderly conduct and as
ittlt and batterv with intent to lull. 11
was then that he learned that the tres
,-sser was his own cow, aud his -r.
ooled as he meekly paid a field drive)
for getting her out ol the pound.
the last twenty-five years.
When a Clarksvillo (Tenn.) woman
broke an egg the other day she fouud
that it contained another egg inside
about the size of a small bird's egg.
The meanest man lives at Mount
Vernon. He went into his back yard
the cold snat lost month, soaked
his hair with water, let it freeze and
then hrolie it off in order to cheat the
barber of a hair cut.
A Viiioinia Citt (Nev.) youth was
recently detected in the act of shooting
nn arrow with a citrarette attached
through a broken window in the rear of
the jail to some boys who were im
prisoned vr '
lluniif.n. T. B.-liOiiarrreek. (Jr. 1 on cattle 01
rht uirlH nrim nft riieht eur and Blit in left ear.
jur horses same brand on left shoulder, itange
i (irant county.
ra,-, Wm.. nnimlaB. Or: horses Jt? on lef
-.houldwr; ca tie Bame on left hip, waddles on
aeh jaw and two tuts in um tikih ear. .
I'nri T. H . .Inhii l)v. tr. Doube cross oi
unl. din on cattle, swallow fork and under bil
11 right ear. split in leu vnr. iihukw iii mmn
(lunty. On stu't'p, li'verteu Aa"u spuar pouu
m nh..iilHer. Kar marko-i ewes, orop on Itfl ear,
juuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
iBht auu uiwier oui urup iuihuvm.
u Urullt miulltv.
Cook, A. J.,L.ena,Wr. Horses, wun riKinsiioai
bi i'attle, same ou r.ght hip: ear mark squar.
op on tett and spat in rini.
t ii rrin. K. X., CurriiiBVihe, Or. -Horses, J
fl ytlliH.
f '.inhr&n. J H Monument. Ur Horses braudwi
I liAon left shoulder. (!attle, same on nsl
.int. swallow fork in riyiit ear ana crop out en.
in center: horeea. t'K on left Mp.
rnnhrRti. It. E.. Blouuiiiuul. Uraut Co. Or,
i..raak hrnndwi circle with bai beneath, on lefi
.houlder: cattle name brand on both hips, mark
...Hn u itnu hum Mirn una I HW1HH.
Chauin. H.. llardman. Or. Horses branded
r. on riizlit hio. lattle brauded the same.
CrusH. S L. Uayville, Or t 'atile branded twi
..rn.ia nnr! t Hiilit. in left thc. on tiorHet i
reversed 7, on leit Biine. imvo mw lutxwinn
uranda on cattle: 72 on lett hip. 7 on nnht Inp,
ii on left Bhoamer, two parniiei oar on iuu
.hi. id. lor. if'jtr niiirkw. two cruuri.
LJoonan. V m., Heppner. Or. ITorMee brandetl
liU with bar over tliein, on left shoulder;
la auma nn Ipfl hill.
iifMtuiHHh. W. M .(iallowav. Or. Cattle. U L
iKhi side.swtt low-fork in each ear: horBes. H I)
a left hit. ,. m.
n,,iwltm. O. T,. Douirlas, Or-Horces TD on
the i iKht stifle: cuttle same on right hip.
i in i. nun w . f.. .innii utiv.wr. uuuilui uiiun
A ou right shoulder, both on horses and cattle.
ifurnia 1 irunt ftntliitv.
Driskell, W. hi., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K. inside of u on left shoulder. Cattle Bame on
wouldn't shut at first, but among us we , Blf .. usea. DnnKla8.0r.Hl)reB8 brKnd
- .1 i 1. nhqnir. IT.QmiTlll. I .
managett co luao i. .wwri- i. tLli ou lett snouiaer, cuitie wtrne on ien
m I..I .o r-nrtlappd bv a neW hl ir richl BBr.
, . , ,;n ..wies,. tiliof. Wast.. Heppner, Or. Dim..nd on
one, wmcn cue u.vuc. rj ohouldBr.
keep as a souvenir of a very amusing tiek, Jucason, Heppner, Or. Horses. 71-
episode in me me i oi M et mark, hole in right and crop
ture head. -Mancnescer emit
Isnkiiis D. W..Mt. Vernon.Or. J on horson
left sh Sle ; on cultle. J on left hip and two
rooith crops on both ears, liaunem Fox and
"TSiVa. M., Heppner, Or.-Horse.. horse
shoe J on left shouiiier. Cattle, the sams.
JtSni. t- elix Lena. Or -Horsefi. circle T im
left stine; cattle, same on right hip. under hair
nntv in riwht Rod sulit in left ear
Kenny, alike. Uppuer. Or.-Honwn hraud.NJ
KIhY on left hip cattle same and omp on ln
.r: nndr l.i-.tn th rinht
Kirh. J T., Heppner. Or. Horeee rtfl on left
nhonliier; oattlft. tW m leit hip.
Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or . H.trsee. 17 on either
HHi.k: cattl 11 on right Bide.
Kirk Jesse, Heppner. Or.: horse 11 on left
Bh'ii der: cattle same on ight side, nuderbit on
Kuuioeriann. yy . ur.. wMiuiai .oiu... , i.
cattle oil right anl leit iut, swk'ki
ear and u"-ier ciop in right ewr. HorseHsttme
tu and oi icti Hnit'iiue imi'-k' """ V""":
Keney. t.li. lit ppuer, ur. norsiw a n u
ace ot uluos on leiisuue. iiaugnui wumuuo
anil & orrow oounties
Lesley, M r, MuuaineQt, Or A tnangleKwith
all linen ezteudiuff pa t lodj of figure 011 uor.
sesoti leti snouiuer, on ohuw uuuuuhu .
rihouaier, split iu righ . - it iu left ear
Ua' ge i (irHiit couutj and . .!i.uof .loho Uai
tii filiey. J W. Heppner Or.Hors.-s biai.duil L
nd A on h it shoulder; can .e -amec- ielt hip;
wtnt.e ver rinht ey thiee sli.s in right ear.
Loft 111, Stephen, lo. Or. ft L uo ielt hip
un cawie. crop and spin on right ear,. IlorsoB
same brand on left shoulder, liango brunt
county. . .,
Lueuallen, John W., L - Or.-HrB
bmiiited Imll-cn ule J 1 connected on lert "houl.
dur. t atld. wmt on I- hip. iiangi- r.enr
l'i'r(i, tiwirgt . uppner. Or. - Ho raw- branded
doubJt- H coi itfcu roiueti'ues cuiletl a
awintf II, on lett shoulder.
Maxweil, M . B , OooHelierry. Or. - Hotw brand
ed loi.g link on left Bln.ulder; catue, same ou
lef hip. fc-ar mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, Oscar, Heppner. dr. Cattle, M D on
Iliii' I M l.M lufl rlluilllllHr.
Morgan, ti. N.. Heppner, Or. Horses. M )
on (fti hhoolii' cattle same on left hip.
McCumber. Jas A, Eclio, Or.-llorse. M wilh "
har ovtr on right shoulder.
ttianu, ii. U , L.uua, t Jr. HoreeB old mares LL
right hip; young sU-ck, small zz on left
Morgan. Thos.. Heppner, Or. Hortes. circle
i on iufl r.i.o..der and left thmh; uattle. L on
nghi uugli.
Mitchell. Oncar. lone, Or. Horses, J7 on right
lup; call le. 77 on right mile.
ud ,areti, ii. O., Hrownsville, Or, HorseH.
rignrt ioi t'ach shoifder. cuttle. iH on bin
.McKeni.W.J. Mount Veruuii, Or-Xl uu cuttle
ou right hip; crop iu right ear, half crop iu If ft
saint- brand ou hunts on lefi lii . Itauge iu tiraQt
Met -ar y, Havid U., Echo, Or. Hort-es branded
I) u couiiet-twi, on the left shoulder; cattle same
-li hip and side.
:..-iiiir. iimj.k. Fox Valley. Or. Mule shoe
with tor-cork on uattle on ribs and under in
each far; hoi Ben aame brand on left stifle.
Mdialey, 0. V., liaimlton, Or On Horses, 8
with hull circle under on left Hhoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connected on top on the right Bide
Neul.Andrew. Lone Kuck,Or. Horses A N con
nected on tuft shoulder; cattle same on both hips,
Nordyke, L., Wilverton. Or. Horses, circle 1 on
left llugl.: ca. I Le. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Cauvn t ity. Or. A 3 on cattle
ui. left hip: on horses, same ou lef t thigh, Kauge
in (tiiant county
uiler, Ferry, Lexington. Or. P O on left
.ihi.ii.'tt .
Olp, Herman, 1'iairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LlJ conuHcied ou left hip; hornes on left stifle
aud war tie on nuse. Itange in (irant county,
fwiiBon, uiave, Eight Mile, i r. Horses, quar
ter circle shieio on ielt shoulder find i44 on left
dip. Cattle, fork m let; ear, right cropped. 24
tin lett hip. itang on ttiuiit tune.
Farker di Uieaaon. Hardmau.Or. Horses IP oa
I- ft shoulder.
iipor, J. H., Lexington. Or. HorBes, JE con.
neutea o. left uliouider; cattle, same on left hip.
under bi in each ear.
Paiberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand
ed with a lioiuai cross on left shoulder; cattle
branded wiih Itomau cross, bar at bottom, on
lett hip.
iVtijB, A. (!., lone, Or,; horBes diamond P on
Buouider, cattle, J ji J oonnecit-a, on Uie
left hip, upper elope in left ear auu slip in Lhe
Powell, John T., Dayville, Or Horses, J P uou
uec eu ou ielt shouiiier. ('attle OK ouutiectwd ou
lefi hip, two under half crops, ouw ou each ear,
uitie under throat. Ha. ge in O rant county .
luckurd, O. i., Canyon City, Or.--to Con left
.houider, on horHes only. Hinge Canyon creek
mm Hhut valiev. (i runt county.
ltuod. Andrew. Haidmau. Or. Horses, square
till- with quart) r-ci role over it on left Btitie.
Koninger, Uins, Heppner, Or, Horses, C U on
lell BluiiUUe,.
Hice. Uan, llardman, Or.; horses, throe panel
worm fence ou lett shoulder; ca.tie, DAN ou
nghi shoulder. Hauge near llardman,
Hudio, Vui. Long t;reek, Or. brands horses
It oi right shoulder. Itange Grant and Morrow
Itoyse, Aaron, Heppner. Or Hcrses, plain V on
.efi shoulder; cultle, Hiime brand reversed os
right liip and crop oil right ear. Itange in Jlor
row county.
Kurh brob., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 3
on the righ. shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip
crop oil tett ear and dewlap on neck. Itange IL
Morrow and adjoining count ie.-t.
Uust, William, Femiiotou, Or. Horses H on
left sin tuhier; cattle. H on left hip, crop oil
right ear, under oil on left ear.' ttheep. H on
wuiiUiurs, lound crop off ugh ear. Hauge Uma
tilia and Morrow c iiiuues.
Iteaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. tlorsei
branded A H on right siioulder, vent quartei
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
ttaiige Morrow county.
Itoyse, Wm. H, Uairyville, Or HK connected
w ith guarier circle over top on cattle ou right hip
and crop ott right ear and split in left. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Itange iu Morrow,
(jrant and Ott nam counties,
liiiLer, J b uiLier, Or Three parallel ban
with bar over un UorHes on left hip; on cattle, left
side, two smooth crops, twit splits in each eai
uange in Middle Fork of John Day.
Hector. J . W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JG oi
lef i shoulder. Cattle, (j ou right hip.
.-picknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horsea
, branded 1 on left sh -ulder ; muge m Morrow
opiu, J. r ., Heppner, Or. -Horses brandeu fcl
junuciei. o riKiit shoulder; cattle same ou both
The Pnncea nnd the Hat.
Lately the little sons of the emperor
of Germany were shown the mysteries
r.4 o nhnrMa-claoue or crush hat.
Shortly afterward, in the anteroom of
ii,mr fnthor. thev found a tall hat and
immediately desired to test their skill
In Rhuttinir it up. Behur an ordinary
hut nnd without the claque meyhanbra
it naturally refused to 'shut. At last one
little prince, growing impatient, said to
,ia hrnthar: "Sit on it, FriUchcn."
Vrt nhnvod: there followed a loud
and a roar of laughter from the
authors of the mischief, 'ine emperor
n.. nut. in nnk the cause of tho disturb
ance. Pointing to the crusnea nai. tne
young crown prince replied, with a
military salute: "iue uuwuw w5
The people of the United States spend
f-j50.000.000 each year lor snoes.
There are only 3,715 cities In this
country which contain more than 1,000
The rarest thing in all Arizona, it is
said, is a thunderstorm. Sometimes
there is not one a year.
New Orleans, with an area of 227
square miles, covers more ground than
any other city in the United States.
The average annual rainfall in the
United States is inches, the varia
tions ranging from 0 to about 125 inches.
Crekde, Col., is not yet uine months
old, but it has a population of 8,000
souls, two morning papers, one evening
and four weekly publications.
Tlie XcceSHfYy of Good Bonus.
The need of improvement in the qual
ity of county roadB is so severely felt in
every state of the Union that every in
telligent effort in that direction U
worthy of recognition.
Most of the states can better afford to
have good roads than to worry aloug. as
at present, with bad ones. Our roads.
as they are, cost us vast sums of money
directly, and a far greater amount indi
rectly "in the increased cost of getting
produce to market. Better systems of
road supervision, better methods of con
Btmction and repair are absolutely nec
essary, iie 'rk U a vast one, but it
is iudisveosabie. ami X cannot be prose
cuted too diligently . m
ott tert. n
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; harBe F with bar under on right
Florence. B. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on
ihi -ti.u Uit. ; mttle. r on riuht hio or thlteh
Gilman-rrencti, LAnn ana uitpiock v.o.. ros-
lit- HtirfwuM. Hiichor H on left shouldei ; vent.
same od left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop ott right ear and under oh in tell.
Hange in Gilliam, Grant, Crook ai.d Morrow
oounties. , , . ,
Gentry, Klmer, Echo, Or. -Horses branded h.
H. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Kange in Morrow anil Lfmatillacounlies.
Gikwater, J . t!., I'rairie City, Or. On horses,
O -O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right
Bide. Kange in Grant counti
Hams, James. Hardman Or. Horses shaded
2 on lef shoulder; cattle same ou left liip. Hauge
in and about HHidman.
Haes. tieo., Leua, Or, Brand JH connected,
with quarter uirei ovt it, on lea hhoulder.
u.J, x H. KiriafH. Dr. tattle, round-lop
with Quarter circle ui der it on tiie right hip.
Kanae iu Morrow and Lmatula counties,
Hiuton A Jenks, Hamilton, Or t 'attle, two ban.
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses, Jon nghi thigh. Range in Grant county.
Hughes, Sainuel, Wagner, Or 1 b L on right
shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left
Range in HayBtack district. Morr, w county.
Hail Edwin. John Uay.Or. Cattle fc H on nghi
hip; horses same on right shoulder. 1 ange in
Grunt county. . . ,
Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Hange Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, H . W'agr.er. Or. Horeee, W on left
ahoulder; ca tie, ft on left hi: .
uu4i.rv Alh.rr. Nve. Oreaon Horses, AH
eunnected. on left shoulder; t attle on the left
. ... .. Aff laff oar
Humphrevs, 4 41 Hani man, Or. Horses. H
HiBtt. Wm. E.. Ridge, Or. Horses branded
bar oros ou left shoulder: cattle same on let:
ul. . a. rr U . 1.
Hayes, J. ai., neppner. ur.-nu, wmrfcinw
on lett whoitlde. tattle, name on nght hip.
Ivy. Alfred. Li-ng Cw-k, Or Ctt.le 1 Don
right hip, crop "A hft eiir and bit in ntlit. Horxes
same bnuid on left shoulder, liance n Grunt
mSion. Luther, Kntht Mile, r. Hor Hon
Oie left shiai.der and heart on the left stifle Cat
tle tune on lett hip. Bancs in Morrow county,
Hail ins. C (' Hen oner. Or Horses branded 8
on ielt snouluer; cuttle same on left hip.
owaggiir., ii. P., ljexmgton, ur. nurses t
wiih dfish under it ou left stifle cattle H with
uasn under it on right hip, crop on right ear ana
waudied ou right hind leg. liango in Morrow,
Gliliumaud utuatiila counties.
ibwoggurl, A L., Ella. Or. Horses braude ' i
on lull shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Croc
on eai, waltie ou lett hind leg,
.straight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
j b ou iei stifle; cattle J IS on left hip, swallow
fork in righ ear. underbit in left.
napp. Thus., Ueppuer, Or. Horses, 8 A P on
leit hip; cHLii nume on lef t hip.
sliiriz. James, Long t rt-ek, Or. Horsee. 8 on
left stifle and over i on left slumtder.
bhrier.John, Fox, Or, N(l connected on
horses on right hip; came, same on right hip,
crop till right ear and under bit in left ear. Hange
in Grunt county.
Bimth Bios., busHnville, Or. Horpes, branded
H. Z. o . siioulder; cu.t e, ame on left Hhoulder.
buuires. James. Arlinutou. Or.: horses branded
J Sun lett suouuier; caiiie the same, also nose
waddle. Itange in Jlorrow aud Giiuamco uties.
btepheus. V. A., ilardmau, Or--, horses Orion
rigid sufle; catile U nxoutal L on the tight side
bieveUBon, ilirs A. J., lieppuer. Or. battle, 9
ou nghi ui ; swallow-fork tu left ear.
bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or, HorseB, 44 on
letl Dhouiil- : cattle, 44 on left hip.
bloue, lia. Ui"kli.ton, Wash, UorseB, keystone
ou leit shoulder.
hmiLii. h.. tL. Lioue Kuck. Or. Horses branded
a omened ueven ou left shoulder; cuttle same on
iettside, Uange, Utlliam county.
Hperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
lett tap, crop off ngut and underbit in left year,
dew mp; horses W L on left shoulder.
iiionipsou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, g on
tell ehouJo. r; cuttle, t ou left shoulder.
Tip, et6.8.I.,Ln erprise,Ur. Horses. Con left
Turner K. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
ielt shouidei. horses; caltle same un left hip
with Bpht in both ears.
lh ruton, U. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
H I connected ou left stitle; Bheeu same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or; Horses HV oon
uecieu on right shouider;cattle, same on right
Walbridge, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L.
ou the leit stiou.de; ciLtle same on light, hip.
crop ott left ear aud right tar lOpped.
Wusou, John y.. balein ur Heppner, Or.
tiorsos branded Jq on the left shoulder. Hauge
Morrow county.
V arreu, W H. ( 'aleb, Or Caltle, W with quarter
circle over it, ou ieft side, split iu right ear.
iioicei snuie bra-td ou left shoulder. HaUgein
Grant couuty.
Wok1, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on f
left stifle; on cattle, 2 on left side and under bil
in It fi ear. lituige in Grant county. 'v
Wright, bilas A Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
b W on me right liip. t-quare crop ofl right ear
tti.ii wpi t m ielt,
t id lace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Square on
cattle on the lett hip, upper slop in he ieft
ear and under slope in nhi ear. b.iine brand
on hornet on ritfhi shtmlder. Hange in Harney
mid tTraut couutv.
Wade, neury, Heppner. Or. Horses b landed
ace d epade? on lea shoulder and left hip.
attle b milder same on left side and left hip.
W ells. A. b., Heppner, Or. Horses, av on left
shoulder; oat e same.
W uihuger, John, John Day City, Or On horsea
three phndiel bars on left shoulder; 7 on saeep,
bit in both ears. Hange in Grant and Malhuer
Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Honw, DP
eonttecUHi on left shoulder.
Watkms, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
UE cotdiecte -on left stifle.
Wallace, Chartes, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
right thigh, hon in left ear; horses, W on right
tthouluer, sm same on left shoulder.
Whituer Br.w., Drews. Haniey uounty, Or. -H(.rt
tiraiidrtl W H. tnmeeti mi lfi noulder
William. Vasc, Hamil"n. Or. Quarter cir
, cle over tliret- hart on 1 ft h p. both cattle and
hi: ntes. ttangc tirant uouin.
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
. ter circle over three bars on l-fl hip; cattle name
i mid olii in Mwh Mr Kanir in GrKnt rinitiy.
V i-n. A. A., eppner. ttr. Horses running A A
j on shoulder; Cat tit, same ni right tiiu.
luung. J. b., Gooseoerrjr, Or. Horses branded
I T 8 on tiie right shoulder.