Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 23, 1892, Image 3

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T'HOSE desirlwr. the Insertion ill display ads.,
or etiaiiKtJ ni same, wustiret tlieir copy In
not later than Monday evening for Tuesday')
edition, or Thursday evening ior Fridavs edi
1. The turn oi five cents per line will be
Charged for "cardl oi thanks." "resolutions 01
respect," lists ol wedding presents anil donors,
auu obituary notices, loliier thau those the edit
or shall hlmaell give as a mailer of news,) and
nonces 01 Mpeelal meeting ior w hatever purpuBe.
2. f,oUces ol church aud society and all other
utertaluuieuu trom tt hich revenue 1b to he de
rived, ahull he charged lor at the rate of bve
beutN a line, Iheae rules will be strictly adher
ed lu in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable aud made known
Upon application..
Owe your business to Heppner peop e,
and therefore assist to build up hepp
ner. fatronize those who patronize
Here and There.
did Boyer is on tun list of those ailing.
The reservoir site is being located to
ddy. Buy your school books ot T. W. Ayers
Jr., k (Jo. t-7
Cummissioner Peter Brenner was iu
town today.
Hick Muthews, the barber, is ill with
C. K Holland, of lone, was in town
this morning.
Cooler weather follows the showers
early this week.
Mrs. O. E. Fornsworth is reported as
being muub better.
Fred Miller knowsjliow to give yon a
good fit in tailoriug. tt sw
Thad Armstrong wns up from Alpine
Wednesday evening-
Renb Snerry, one of Tone's progress.
ive farmers, is up from lone.
Albert Ayt-rs and family visited Hepp
ner Wednesday of this week.
J. W. Vaughan was up from Lexing
ton 'i'uesdav eve on business.
8u.pt. Sailing was out to hU ranch on
baud Hmlow early this week.
Ihhuo KuiBUlen. ot Eiubt Mile, was lu
town Wtonttday on business.
The Gem bud Palace saloons for line
liquors, MoAiee Broc, Pi ops. sw
Mrs H. Weloh and family have looated
at Heppner for the ooming winter.
1 P. L. Ham. of Lone Hook, got in Taw
day eve, returning home Wednesday.
E. G Sparry took in the state fair last
week and leports a very pleasant time.
Mr. Gordon, the expiessman, is build
iriB a baru over on his Heppuer property
Sunt. W Li. baling BLent the first ol
the week in tbe couuiry, returning yes
Ed. Copner oame over from Lone Book,
leaving Wednesday lor i-uruauu, on
business trip.
Alias Mamie Violet, of Monument, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Joa Woolery, ar
lone this week.
l ap tiimuuB & Son still shoe horses
and do general DlacKsmiiuiug at me uiu
stand Matiock curuer. no.
t Hon. John 0. Luce, of Grunt oouuty,
KinomnhUied uv Kuie Luce and Edltu
Btlshaw, arnved Wedue..duy.
Will Walbndge and family will shortly
move to Heppner and will occupy ice u,
A. Hnrron house, ou May street.
ha Parker, dressmaker, will
ouarautee you a good tit. Uive her a
trial. KeBidenoe W. A. Johnston. 4-tf
Mm. A. J. Sievenson is prepared to do
all kinds of nursing. Cull at her home
iu norm Hepuuer, or address her at this
place. 618 "
Hivn ketohum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shopthe
ulaoe to tret a tirst-class Bliave, hair-out
or snampoo. tt.
The best and surest dye to color the
heaid brown or black, asmay bedrsiied
is Jiuckmiiuaui's Le lor tbe Whiskeis.
It uevel' lulls.
Jas. Depoy and family have moved into
the IioUSm ou Main street, near me ijicii
teuihal buildiug, lately oocupied by Ueu,
Paiteisou and wile.
MaBier Olay French is the authorized
aueul tor tbe Ureaouiau at this place.
Subscribe through, him, and have you
paper delivered tree ot charge. tt
The railroad boys say that yesteiday
wua tbe dustiest and dirtiest of the sea
ion. A cbluooK wiuu blew all day, and
it brought one good thing ram.
Col J. W. Kedingtou got out the 9ib
ol this niuuih one o his noted illustiat
tdeumouB It is in John's style, with
wbiob our people are quite familiar,
PlnuderN Oregon Blood Purifier is the
ereat conuueier ot billiousness ana iiv
er ooinplaiut. Belief certain in every
case. Bold at One Dollar a bottle. J.rv it
Jas. D Hamilton returned from Port
Iuiki IkhI t-veninu. He reooiis the uiett
ni i he Muvtreiuu Grand Leave, 1. O.
6. P., vei) suc'ci ssfui iu evtry particular
ThoBB who desire 10 pay cat,h forscliool
hooka, sb. uld purchase lbeui oi i. w.
Ayera Ji & Co., wbeie 10 per cent, die
Count Horn liBt price will be allowed b
Nr ami neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room,
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
his old tnendB there. Baths in oonueo-
Ike Ennis. Bert Weebb, Johnny Wil
maitband Walt. KichaiOB.in, a part of
the Heppuer Wa er & Light Co.'s well
orew, were on tbe sick list tbe first of the
Th latest dentistry, orown and bridgi
ornrtr. mnnl Hiiccessfuily accomplished by
Dr. U. F. Vaughau- Obb administered
when desired. Thompson buildiug
Heppner, Or 1-a-w.
Mrs B. A. Hunsaker arrived last eve-
niug from Hayslack to visit her sister,
Mir. J. D. Still, who with her husband
and children departed for Challis, Idaho,
this morning.
Mrs. W. F. Forwood has moved into
tbe T. W. Avers house, opposite A. M.
Ouuc's place. Mr. Forwood is looking
after his sheep and preparing for winier
kown near the sand.
The Bennett Hotel at Arlington has
been moved from the old location
near tbe depot, to MBin St., about two
blocks from the depot, where its propri
etoi will welcome you as ot uld. 23 tf
By referring to the Gazettes of recent
dale, tbe various committees appointed
for the oominit celebration and onmpfire
in October will be seen. It would be
well for these oommiitees to get together
as soon bs possible and begin tlieir woik.
You oannot be too particular about
the tuedioiue you use. When you need
a blood-purifier, be sure you get Ayer's
Sarsapanlla, aud no other. It will min
gle iib, purify, aud vitalize every drop
of blood in your body. It makes the
weak strong.
There is no use 'n suffering with rheu--,...
l.mir tin vnn cau set Congo
luawou. " " . . . ...l
Oil. It i for sale bv all druggists at
per bottle, but it would be dirt cheap at
four times the prioe. It is a positive oure
for rbenmatiKm, and no mistake. Try it
and be convinced. ' tf
No person should travel without a box
of Ajei's pills. As a safe and speedy
remedy fur coustipation and all irregu
larities of the stomnch aud bowels, I hey
have no equal, and, being skilfully sugar
ocaterl, are pleasant to take, and long re
tain their virtne.
Disastrous Fibk. Columbus Friei d
wus called upon last Tuesday night to
give up his residenoe, situated on tipper
Trout Creek, with all its contents, in
cluding bedding, furniture, cooking uten
sils, iu fact everything found in a well
furuiBhed bouse, tbe fiery elemeut being
the destroyer. About 11 o'clock, of tbe
boveuignt tbe family tho were sleeping
down stairs, were awakened by a racket
pstairs made by two peddlers, Roberts
and Manning, trom Heppuer, who were
stopping there that uigbt. Dp in open
ing tbe door leading to tbe stuiiwnyi
Columbus was met by the two peddlers
who tumbled dowu stairs all iu a heap,
almost eutticated by tue dense smoko
which woke them up. By this time the
wiiole house was enveloped in flames
aud a rush was made fur the six little
children who lay sleeping. They all
esouped safely with their lives but saved
none of their olothing exoept tbe gowns
which they slept. All that was gotten
out was one quilt, a pair of blaukets
aud one trunk, Hib suite house ne .r by,
aoutaiuing a large supply of Hour, Bait,
groceries aud oilier winter provisions,
was burnt i0 ashes. A large pile of tire
wood, a chicken house, all tue'Uue shade
trees, etc, were totally ruined. Mi .
Ftieud'a iavoritesbapuerddog was under
be house at the time aud uotwitbstand-
ug all tbe earuest etjurts to iuduoe him
o come uut he remained tnere aud was
bui ut to dealh, amid yells of agony. Tbe
chickens would not leave their roost aud
likewise perished. The peddlers lost
$250 in greenbacks, $50 iu gold aud a
tflOO check ou Alleu Uraut, besides their
pajiS, coats, shoes aud hats, aud must
of their merchandise. Tbe fire original
ed in tbe ruum upstairs adjoining tbat iu
wuioh the peddleiB slept, piesumably
iiuin a match ignited by mice or other
wine. The property wb insured iu tbe
Northwestern Ins. Co, for $1,410, but
tuat amouut will not cover Unit the lose
ustamed, Mr, Friend will build again
as soon as the lumber oau be procuied.
Antelope Herald.
Bailed Out. Wednesday Johnny
Skogland having got sureties in tbe sum
of $500, was released from jail, and im
mediately departed for the oountry
Nels. Jones, Dave MoAtee and Geo. W.
Swaggart are bis bondsmen. It is said
that Johnny was "sumewhatly" intoxi
cated when be took the spars and gloves,
and having just met with a Biniilar loss
through I he li .'lit Unueredness of some
person, thought this about tbe proper
way to play for even. Tbe Gazette dou't
think that Johnny is a thief at heart, and
that if he su-mid get out of this scrape,
will take warning and not be caught iu
S. C. Smith,
A Match For Tub Majob. Robert
riouieia, a uray-wbiskered old man, walk
ed into Umatilla last Sunday, leading a
pack-la len horse. He said he was mak
ing tbe tup from New York state to tbe
I'uui&o on foot to gratify the ambition ot
his life, lie left Glen Falls, a small town
on the Hudson, April 9, 1S90, and has
walked ail the way aoross tbe continent,
leadiug a pet horse. He is a very, enter,
tinning talker, and detoribes many thrill
ing incidents of bis trip. He was glad
to eco Oregon, aud the noble Columbia
river, the first glimpse ot wbiob be re
ceived here.
Relieved of Rheumatism.--Mr. Ohas.
MoAllister arrived in Long L'rek last
Friday evening with bis mother who has
been at the McDuffee hut springs for the
past two weeks, leaving tor their borne
at Lexington, Morrow county. Saturday.
Mis. McAllister bad been a sufferer from
an attack ot inflammatory rheumatism,
and her short stay at MoDufibe springs
greatly improved her condition. She baa
great faith in tbe curative qualities ot
McDuffee hot springs, and anticipates
returning again next year. Eagle.
The Show. The show last night, and
VVeduesday uigbt, "mauilestalious ot
spirits or whatever oue desires to call
it, was well worth tue money charged at
i he door, and we doubt if there was eyer an
audieuceiu Heppuer better satisfied itb
what they saw than eu these uooasions.
.(lieu May Howard, assisted by Mr. H B
tiowaril, and from wbat je reporter Ouuld
see, a grayeyaid (:j delegation oi no
small muguitude, the most wonderful
things were doue. Miss Howard, the
medium, was so fastened iu the cabinet
that it was considered impossible for her
io use her hand', head or move her feet,
and Jet belle, a tauibuuiuie and harmon
ica, plaoed iu her lap, were oaused to give
uut sounds peculiar to each instrument.
aud were finally thrown through an aper
ture in the front curtain ot the oabiuet.
A member of tbe audience was then
plaoed in tbe oabinet witb Miss Howard
and blindfolded, but was in suoh a posi
tion tbat should she have moved he
would have known it. Tbe curtain was
then drawn, in an indescribable short
spaoe ot time, tbe ourtains begau to sway
as though Bomeoue was moving around
inside, aud the strings of the guitar were
"thrummed" several times. After com
ing out, tbe party said he had
felt the touch of human bands, and on
examination the name of a lady was
found written ou his oull. Others to
satisfy themselves as well as Ibe audi
ence, were placed in the cabinet with
Miss Howard and bad similar experi
ences. Ubere were other and equally as
wonderful exhibitions of "spirit ulism," as
some people oall it, though Mr. Howard
does not olaim anything more for his per
formance than that he is traveling
to amuse and entertain tbe people for
wbat money there is in it. It is a good
show, and will "taBe" anywhere.
K. of P. Matters. Doric Lodge, No
20, K ut P., having elected Hon. Henry
Blackman as representative for two years,
will have tbe following representation at
tbe next session of Grand Lodge at Eu
gene: Representatives, Henry Black
man and Otis Patterson; alternates, F.
J. Hallook and T. W. Ayers, Sr. Onr
boys will no doubt make a hard pull
Heppner can do as well by tbat body ae
did Pendleton five years ago. Tbe date
on which this body will convene is Oob
Back Fkom Iowa. Jas. Jones got back
Tuesday from Iowa, where he disposed
ot the greater number of the car-load of
horses which he took back with him
only a few remaining, ubioh will be diB'
posed ot Bhorily. ihose that Mr. Jones
sold averaged $G0 a bead. He finds thut
horses broken to work sell much better
thau unbroken stock. Jas. oame baok
looking better than be has for years
fully ten years younger than when be
left for the East.
A Mistake Sohewhrkk. The Orego
niau, Heppner G. zette and other ex
obunues have recently published state
ments to the alTect that "the white caps
who reseutlv attempted to kill Herman
Subenuest, not succeeding bound and
gagged him and told him to leave the
country, had laBt Halurdiv burued two
barns and 100 tons of hay, valued at $3,
000, belouging to James L Kxut of this
place where Si beunest had been slop
ping.'Inquiry show tbat there are no such
parties above mentioned residiug here or
iu this couuty. Neither ia Arlington
the known potessor of any such brig
ades as tbe white caps. We are at a
loss to know how or why suoh reports
gain circulation. Arlington Record.
Keeps a full line of
In the way of Furni'nre.
Ondertaklnii goodi a speciality.
May street, Heppner, or.
if 1IVS
Thp f.nly hunt tii
mnvH ft-fin th hj.i
nblishm ! of TTpnnnfr1im
if Milin Htrt"'. to ihpir upw
to H. T?;nckin n & ro'w.
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
MRln Ntreet. Heppner
Hardware Tinware,
Heppner, Or
For Trade at the Head of the Procession
With the Right Swing and
We PRorosE to
CO 11
The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
Like Yonrs Respectfully. We are here for business from thn
ground up find propose to let you know it.
Slight Errors In speaking of the in
cidents attending tbe capture of tbe
tomahawk in Diok Neville's charge, by
A. (llisan in the battle ot Walla Walla,
we got names slightly mixed. "Chuck'
took the weapon from Queen Pee Pean
Moi Moi, and we also forgot to say that
her autograph is yet to be seen on tbe
bardwood handle. These little mistakes
are liablj to oocnr but should not make
the relio any tbe les interesting.
The Low of Leg
Or arm bv aniputxtiou would not chum
so much suffering as mauy people eudure
with rheumatism. Une of the greatest
disooveries of the century is a certain
cure for this terrible disease, a speedy
relief from horrible suffering, and a rapid
cure. It needs but a trial to convince
the most skeptical that it is a wonderful
Wbat a blessing 1 It is Dr. Urum
mond's Lirfbtuing Remedy, prioe 85,
large bottle, and if tbe druggist has not
got it, the remedy will be sent to any
address on reoeipt of prioe, by Dr. Drum
mnnd Medioiue Co., 8 50 Maiden Lane.
New York. Agents wanted.
The Great Isniftle
f fjccesfully used in the
general treatment of
woman's dlseaset.
PRICE, $1.00.
Dr. Grant's
'''" 3
Bold nnder p
PRICE, $1.00.
Killed by Cars. The body of a mam
apparently twenty years ot age, light
complexion, olean suiiveo and about 6
feet i inches in height, was found on tbe
track two miles east of Arlington,
Wednesday morning. The remains were
terribly mutilated, the bead being sever
ed from Ihe body, which was strewn along
tbe track for sixty feet. A letter was
tonnd in bis coat addressed "Cbas. Z
Edwards, Rrdding. Calif," with a purse
containing $1 75. w biob are the only dues
to bis ideutity. It was supposed tbat be
was stealing a ride on tbe morning pas
senger. We are indebted to Kontractor
French for tnis item.
A Good Offer. Tue proprietors of
th" Semi-Weekly Gazette have deoided
to I'ffer an indueenieul for advance pay
ments on subscription. Tbe price re
mains the same, 33 per year, but where
payments are made in advanop, only
82 50 a year will be charged. What do
we mean by "advance payments?" A
payment made within thirty days after
tbe subscription becomes due will be
called "in advance." In a very short
time we will print Hfter each person's
name the date to which subscription is
paid. This will remiud you etch week
as to bow on stand witb us, and will
render it an easy matter for you to save
50 cents a year on yoor subscrip
tion, tf
Would Like to Lease a Hotel - 0.
C. Bnrgeut, i f tnis city, is anxionB to Uke
charge of a good hotel, not pniticnlar as
lo location. Mr. harden is an old timer
in this line, anil is snre to give ext-siac
Hon wherever be should go. Anyone
Imvinff a hotel to rent or lease, would do
wt.ll in corresoond with C. O. Sargent, for $2.50.
Heppner, Oregon. 523-27 j 26-83-1 aw
Now Try This.
It will cost yon nothing and will
surely do you good, if yon bave a oougb,
Oold, or any trouble with throat, ohest
or lungB. Dr. King's New Disiovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Golds is
guaranteed to give relief or money will
be paid back Sufferers from la grippe
found it just tbe thing aud under its use
had n speedy and perfeot recovery
Try a sample bottle at our expene and
learn for yourself just now good a tuing
it is. Trial bottles free at Slocum John-
eon Drug Co.'s. Large size 50c. and
Cared at Home In Ten Days by Adminis
tering Dr. Haines' Uoliien sipeuiflc.
It cau be giveu in a glass of beer, a onp
of coffee or tea, or in food, without the
knowledge of the patient. It is absolute
ly harmless, and will effeot a permanent
and speedy cure, whether tbe patient is
a moderate drinker or an aloobolio wreck.
It has been given io thousands of cases,
and in every instauce a perfect cure bus
followed. It never fails. 'Ibe system
ouoe impregnated witb tbe specific, it
becomes an utter impossibility for tbe
liquor anpetite to exist. Cures guaran
teed. 48 page book of particulars free.
Address tbe Golden Specific Co., 185
Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Dr. Gram's Kidney and Liver Cure,
liiliousness, fiick-lleadache, and all
For the cure of Briiiht'l Disease,, Dial
Kidney Troul.
I'lioo, Bl.OO
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on shukt Notice and at Pofulab raicKn.
tiaS Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
Grain Sacks
315 Fron t St , Port! an d, O rego nt
a h m w
f i
The Union Pnofio System will extend
to all its patrons the usual reduced rates
on round trip tickets, which will include
admission to the exposition, Belling on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of
each week.
Detailed information can be bad by
applying to J. 0. Hart, ticket agent at
Heppner, Oregon, or W. H. Hnrlbnrt,
Asst. Gent. Pass. Agt., 2T4 Washington
St. Portland, Oregon. 25-34.
TAKEN t'P. .
One bay gelding, about ten years old
branded witb two half moons connected,
weight, 1,000 pounds ; 15 bands high
Tbe above borse has been on my Tub
springs ranch from eight months to one
year. Owner can bave same by proving
property and paying all charges.
Geo. Hwaooart.
523-581F Heppuer, Or.
Prevention-better than Cure!
Hee Indorsements I
Cooner Din Is used anl endorned by the followltiR Oregon and Montana Bhppnien: W. B.
Donaldson, Dayvllle; W. S. Lee, Junction City; Jonn Harrison, Matney; wo. noun, Amanita;
Kenneth McKae. Dayvllle; Joe "liver, John Hay; J. W. Byern, New Lisbon; V. J. Monle, Uurcall;
Cook di Clark. Phllbrook; Falrchlld
McCrahi. Diinuver; F. K. Warren. I'tlca; Busoli Bros.
Iwliton! E. P. Chandler. Maiden; J. Hlrscntwra, cnomau; u. . uaswiKS, I net; jarawi tqie,
Dillon; w. Norton, Mewart; A. Downle, Big Bandy.
The Cheapest and Best Dip ever made. Sold Everywhere
Ash Your Merchant for Coopers and Take io Other.
KOXHI.AND B'tO". Portland, Oreeon,
Gen, Agts. lor Oregon, Washington and W'est'.i n Idaho.
Unh'Mton, Texan.
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
Are utill alive RinUiicking (or trtile with a complete line of
f ' fLl 1
iiMware, iu ware, oths, if iiraiow,
Guns and
iVmmunition, Sewing
Farm Implements.
Also dents' Furnishing Goods, and the largest assortment
of Teas In Eastern Oregon.
Special Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto:
We Won't Be Undepisolo.
tf. Corner Main hw Willow Streets, Heppnur Or.
The undersigned has a
choice lot of Oxford
Grade Bucks for sale
at reasonable prices,
at his ranch, 7 miles
south of Pilot Rock.
SMITH. Illot Rook, Or.
W ; ii
xv. J. LBUrSH, Prop,
lllrt HOSTKLKY h been Rkpittkd and Kkfunisiikd throughout, and now
is one of tbe moat inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to slop
with him, (oeting that he ia able to enturtuin you in the bent of style.
First Class House. Rkasonahi.k Rates.
I have at pret-ent at the John Q Wil
ana place, afine.ttior'inchbrer Berkshire
boar, the aerTice ot wbiob can be bad
J. N. Bexlrb.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
frails, -:- Candies, -'- and -:- fjirs !
The Finest in thf Iand.
Oyster Senson
Altfo is about ripo. We will let you
Ifiiow about that, in tlio near future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.