Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 20, 1892, Image 4

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B JSffS, III 1 ffjf
0 M
c hart a relief and cure
In your ignorance of effects
and vitality which is
system the elements thui ,
strength and vigor will fol- .c
cure or money refunded, ;g
T1- C I ' Cl.rii- . r
after all other treatments
testify, and from many ot
'(n ,w,Y.iV
romnlete galvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn clurin? work or at rest, and it gives sootnmtt prolonged curreni
XJehoatM weak nans, or we forfeit $5 OOO. It ha, an Improved Electric Suspensory . th
which aie
eYeatest boon ev.r given weak men, and we
gieatest ooon rv iu '
Money Refunded. ; They are graded
Dr. 6. F, Webb's
Electric Body BolU uid
AppLluwetf rls.
FrtjlapBUfl, CbloroaU,
Gainful Moawi,
Nominal Woiiknoes,
EiTocto of Oiiaultnu.
Norvoua Debility,
Klflr HoadaobUi
H lrnla,
hpinal Disoaio.
KUnoy Complftlntfl,
Oenoml Dtbilliy,
liOflS of Momovy,
Loco-Motor A lax in,
Epilopny, tc.( oiu.
Inventor and Patentee, United
and Foreign Countries,
t tT Send for Catalogues and Testimonials.
Kansas City, St. Paul,
Leaves Heppner, 8 . m. Arrives
0:50 p. m.
J'tilliii.t 11 (ileenerai
Ctoloxaliat Hlocpcr.,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to 81111
every four days.
For rates and general Information rail on
Dupot Ticket A K01 it,
Heppner, Oregon.
W. H. 1HIKI.BHKT, Aaat. Gcnl. Tina Ast.
I'A Waahtuston St.,
San lrtmo ioo
And all point in Califurnia, via the Mt. Mhuata
route of Uie
Southern Pacific Co.
The STflat hitrhway thronith California to all
IHjiuU East and South. Grand Heenio Houta
of the Pacifia iiMt. IHillumn lliillot
Hleepere. Bfloond-clans UlneiH-ns
Attauhed to oxpresi trains, affording superior
aocooiniodHtloiiB fureecond-cliuw p(untnt're.
For rates, tickets, tWping car reservations,
to,, oall opon or address
R. KOK11LEU, Manager, K. IV KOOKUH, AmL '
yen. F. & P. Agt.. Portland. Oregon.
Cattle branded and far marked a uliown atntTt.
HoraM F on ris-lit shoulder.
Mr cattle raiitfe in Mornw aud I'matiila coun
ties, 1 will pay 1 100.00 for (he arrtwt and cuu
Tlctioo of aay itenrafl tteatiBg my stork.
'7 TJ -
m who are debilitated. and suffer' '
$1 from Nervous Debility Seminal v :
Lost Manhood. Rheumatism.
Back. Kidney
the effects of abuses, excesses,
in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most sleep; ic.il
or by excesses, or exposure, you msv have unduly drained your system of nerve foro
electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into yon
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This Is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed.
B-It is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigm
failed as can be shown bv hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would glad1
whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Be.t
warrant it to cure any ot the above weaknesses, ana raemarjcsnn,,, u,u, u yV ,
.,u , oil ,!,.. WMkness In vouno-. midd e-aire,c.V.or old men, and will cu
Sl'LliJlM ' - C
The Deaf Made to Hear bj Electricity !
lDtoiilnl in April, 181)1, Patented la Jam,
)Vt ilMlUBiilidv l'rorlaiul 1U ouder
ftil aud Terfect Uesulta I
Any one. old or yoitnir, whoso ear
drum Is unbroken can be madetobi nr
and converso In ordiiiiii y tones, and he
cured by Dr. G. F. Wobb s Electrical
Anpnratiis lorTroiitliiK Dcutncss. An
EU riro-Medli nl Hod- Ilntieiy with ap
pllnnees Invented especially for treat
IriB Deafness and the diseases wluca
produced It. ,, ,
Send m centB for my Electro-Medical
Theory and Praotli e, describing treat"
niont. 7- pnyes. Audress
B, B. BLISS, General Agt,
A new and Complete Treatment, conslstinK of
.mppuHi rones, innineni in t.apsmeH, aiHoin vox
mid I'M In ; a positive (Jure for Kxternal, Inter
nal, Hllnd or llleedlnti. ItchiiiK. Chronic, Kecent
or Hereditary Piles, and many other diseaHet.
and female vveakiiesHi-s; it isalwavsa irreat ben
eilt to the Ketieml health. '1 he first discovery of
a medical cure rendering an operation with the
knife unnecessary h reafter. This remedy has
never heen known to fail, fl per box, 6 for f;
sent by mail. Why miller from this terrible dis
ease when a written Kiiarantec U pivot) with t
boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Heud
stamp for free sample. Guarantee issued by
WoniMftn, CiutkK ik Co., VMiolesalu dt Kutail
UriiKr-dstH Hole Agents, 1'oitland, (r.
Save ilt Wi irti cenli- on every tlullar you ppeml
Wrlle lor our minniolh (;iUl"Kiie. UKi-paxe
bonk, oiniaiiilnBlliuiralloll ami irivinglowl illini
uUclurcrH' iMlCfi,, with iniumtiu-lurti.a'ulfciiiiiiui
ol .very hlml ol kikkI and iiiill(! luanlll.ieiiii ed
nd Iraiinried iuw the Unlied .iiauw. Urucariea,
llonncliold Omul-, Fiirnlliun, Umhlng, Lndie..'
ami (hoiih' Llolhlni: mid KililliBlililK Otiodi, Urosa
UoiKla, While tloode, llry (iooils, llala, Cape,
Doom U(I Shopi", lilovea, Nollnua, lilaaawaie.
HlKllonery, Walchea, Llorka, Jewelry, silverware,
ltnuillea, Wliipa, AKilcullural linplem. uia, eio.
ONLY KlHSiT CI.AS lildlllS. Laialonue aenl
ou receipt of .ft rem for expreHfiiKe We nre the
only concern which ill tiiiimiliicmrei pricea,
alliiwlni! the buyer the nmu diaroimt li.ai ihe
niaullliiclurer rlvea lo Hie whnle-ale buyer. We
eiiaiantee all nod as lcireBeuled; If uol fuutid
ao, nioiiey refunded. Uuodn eenl by exureaa or
IreinUl, wllh privllCK" e.vunmuoin V'
njg. A. KAKl'I'-N CO..
A aalarr of $'26 to $.M) per week to HOOD age'ita
to reiiiem-iil ti iu everv cmiily, and nell our general
line of Merchiilidleal mniiiifiicliirei-a' pricea. Only
IPl'l.r. l.ntalouuv and particular scut on receipt
''" " """" A. KAItPKNCO.
Ml gulucy Slreel, C hicago, HI.
Indlrevtlon, ItlhouBiieM, Headache. ConatU
put ton. Urapepitlt, Chroulr Liver Troubles,
Dltilrica, II ud Complexion, Ujimterr
Uffitv Brrath, and all dtaordvr of the
Hlomai'ht I.lvr and Bowel.
Rlttnnn TnbuliHi contnin nothlna
thn uiimt tlchouU' I'oiiUtuttnti. I'll
Intr Injflrionti to 9
l'lintut tu lake, i
rvlM. !
urn. rlToi'tuaJ. (llvti ImmoiliBtA rvlM
mhi tT arueifiHTH. Aintti tHUiio mui djuuui
On Teti)t of lo ents. AiUirt'M X
L j E 11 !
T dreaacd l.uiuher, itiuilleaof Huppuor, at
what la known aa llio
run l.ixm ff.kt. itoroii,
10 l)
IVuHj nor 1,(U) tevt, aldktioual.
for infnrmatloa arc! fre llandhoolt wrlta U
Mt'NN' t CO.. aa'l HlioM'WAY. NtW YORK.
OlOoat hiirt'au r.ir 8cciuinB PHfiil-" 'u Ann,rtefc
Kvorr p.-iteul tuln'n out tip us I. tirouuM tuifor,
the jmlillo by a net ic tfiven free of ctiun: lu Uif
Scientific wrticau
t invent eirenlatlon of sn. .elontirte paper In the
werttl. St!ei,lullv ehistrati',1. No liiiellitfpitl
mini .!i;iM he witheul It. WeeklT, S;I.UO ft
.ear; fl.il tx mo.itliis Adilma Mt'NM CO,
I'UUU&muta.&U Urojdwft.r. New York.
.nw,;, Scieniifio America
Troubles. Nervousnes
worry and exposure. For such "sufferer.
C' ,
Grand Army of the Republic,
Washington, D. C. S'olf mber aoth to i6th
The Wisconsin Central
Lines and
Bali imore& Ohio Rail-
Have been Beleetod as the ''Official Route" be
twueu Ht. laul, Minneapolis and Vunhtnglo
D. C.
All fM'rilrnuB 01 tnkiiic nnvanttiirp of the mil
vcrhally "Low Hates" Hboulcl see that their tick
is read via hub "kouih. ana Beeure tner
hlecpiiiK far nccommodatioiiB In advance.
for inn particulars auorewt
O. F. MuNKlLI,. City V. and T. Agent
ly Nicollet House Hlock.
MlnneaiM)lis, Minn,
yj. niuc, f ;uy r, ann 1. Agent,
162 East Third St.. St. Paul, Minn
rlie FHr-E:iit Town Tlmt Was the Si-n
of a Itooent Interualional Kptaode.
h.'iitnoi-t, the scone of the bD'
sc iznro of American finlimfr boats by
iloiiijiiion eruiser, is not, as Is pouulnrl
mpiioscil, the most easterly town ii
the United States, as a part of Lube
extends about a milo farther towari
the sunrise, but it is far enough east to
Ije commonly known as "the jumping.
ill place," and it is an old and interest
iiir; town. Eastport, says the New York
Sun. occupies the whole of Moose
island, which is connected with the
mninland by a bridge twelvo hundred
feet in length and separated from the
queen's dominions by picturesque Pp
samaquoddy bay. Moose island is about
two miles wide by five miles long, and
Kastport village is situated at its south
eastern extremity upon a harbor which
is open the year round, never having
been closed by ice. Eastport has suf
fered more from disastrous fires than
any other town in Maine, having been
practically wiped out three times within
the past half century, in the busi
ness section was swept away by the
flames, and this was repeated in 1804.
when two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars' worth of property wai
burned up. Again, In 1880, the town
was visited by a conflagration which
lostroyed one hundred and sixty-two
imldmgs, causing a loasol eight mm
lred thousand dollars. The people,
lowover, soon rebuilt their town, this
Lime in a more substantial manner than
before, when nearly all the buildings
ivere of wood. Kastport is to-day
iniidsomc town of something over fire
htiusand inhabitants, the greater part
if whom are connected in one way or
mother with the fishing industry, nil
ill of whom seem ti prosper better thin
lie average of mankind. This is th
'l-eat center of that interesting Indus
,rv whose product is "little fishes bile,
n ili" the sardine business. Here, nv
lually, millions of small herring ar
xiiled, spiced and packed in oil in litt
in boxes coveted nil over with nitist
French inscriptions and they are jn
is good ns any sardines, if you mil
.vant to think so, and ninety-nine pei
lie In one hundred don't ltmm- the dii
eivneo. If line si-en.T could lie Ix.xi'
ip and sold like little herring Knstpor
vonld soon be as rich as New 1 ork
The whole place seems designwl b
Kit tire f.ir a summer residence, an
vheu lien, llutler was down there h
leclared that if the people who bui)
liar Harbor could have seen Eastpoi
.irst the great re-'rt of the nabob
would luive been locate,! at Pnssnmt
nuoddv instead of on Frenchman's buy
A Lady Auks to ll-tv Hiii Monterey Mase
Torn t'p.
The maze in the Del Monte Onrdens
in Monterey Cal.. is so elaborate that
visitors frequently get lost in it. "1
shall not forget." said a tourist to a
New York Tribune repot tor, "the ex
asperation of the wife of a prominent
I'nited States senator who determined
to solve the intricacies of the imuo. Shi
is elderly ntid iiu lined to bo stout, and
was warnvd that she mic:M tlnil it a
difficult matter to get out of the maze
She scouted the idea and marched in
Then there was trou'.V. She was it
there fully an hour before she couli
find the center of it, and, worse still. slu
could not find her way out. A youni
nephew of hers was in the center am
tried to explain to his aunt how to get
in. She finally lost all patience tint
exclaimed, with heat: 'Don't talk to mi
any longer. I'll find my way alone.
She was finally escorted out and, look
ing back at the maze, said: 'When 1
get enst, I'll tell Mr. Huntington to
have that nasty thing torn up. They
hare no riijlit to put such affairs in a
place intended for pleasure. Gracious
me! shall I -ver reach the hotel? 1 am
almost dead.' , And all the way to the
hotel she vnv.cd vengeance against
that maze and longed to have the sym
pathetic ear of the great railway millionaire."
Method Practiced for ClreomTentlng
ThU Truubleaoni Wheat Peat.
The adnlt of this insect is a small two
winged gnat about one-tentb of an inch
long. In a general way it is like the
house fly, and is even more like the mos-
to wheat at this stage or its me. me
ks produced by the fly are long and
slender of a pale red color, and are at-
tached. from one to thirty o ro w in a
place, on the upper side of the blades or
, a xt .,v. .l,w.h
young wnuau touuy iuwo u.vu
hatch from the eggs make their way
downward and crowd themselves be
tween the blades and the stems. They
are white, short, rather stout, without ,
head or legs, and may be recognized
from other grubs which feed on the
same parts or wneat ty a mue uuuj ruu,
a sort of a breast bone, wmcn is im
bedded in the Bkin of the forward part
of the body. They have no biting jaws
or other mouth parts, and absorb the '
juices of the plants through tue sKin
The large ones come to lie finally in a
cavity which the continued pressure of
their bodies makes In the slues oi tne
The "flaxseed" or pnpa stage is the
one which follows next. The change
from grub to enna takes place in the
cavity of the stem already mentioned, i
The pupa is smooth and shining, of a
bright yellowish brown color and, as the
name implies, resembles a small seed,
Tho nrlnlt flioa which in turn emerire
from the flaxseeds, loiter about until op-
portunity offers for placing their eggs on
a suitable plant.
Two broods develop each year, f lies
flaTHeada Armour enrlv in snrilnr and
- i ' . 1 .
place eggs tn young wneat. most, oi
the grubs hatching from such eggs be
come flaxseeds about harvest time, and
many remain in this condition in stub
ble after the wheat is cut. me mes
from this first brood emerge from stub
ble in time to place their eggs on fall
wheat for the second brood, which pass that quesiiun'" she answer e,,yiy. And
the winter as flaxseeds. The injury he, looking into i-lh of her ecs, con
done in fall consists in checking anil fessed that lieeouidn t - Jury.
killing the plant. Infested wheat is
recognized by its unhealthy color. The
spring brood of grubs also destroys fhe ,
young plants, but more orten tne wneat
gets its growth and then breaks down
because of the injury done to tne lower
part of the stem. I Vaine -f "mail nors.
In a bulletin trom the Kentucky ex- Mrs. Watts- May Ann. the ba'us
periment station in connection with late tern seem am avs dusty. 1 v as t Mrs.
planting, two other procedures are ad- Johnson a t- day aid lier stair-rails are
vised during outbreaks. First is that of elean and as mnoclli as glass,
burning over stubble fields as soon as Mary Ann Vis, mem 8lw has free
possible after the wheat is cut for the small boys. ludianapolU Journal.
purpose of destroying all flaxseeds tnat
remain in the stems. The second prac
tice is the planting of small plots of
very early wheat as lures to the flies, so
as to entice them into depositing their
eggs before the regular crop comes np.
The wheat of the plots can then be de
stroyed by deep plowing or otherwise.
These practices have the sanction of
the most recent and thorough study of
Hessian fly injury. It is believed that
when farmers generally practice late
planting with judgment, and supple-
nient it by the precautions just men-
tioned. severe injury from Hossian fly
need not be greatly feared.
With the above a few other methods
of lessening injury may be mentioned as
having had advocates among practical
farmers: 1. The use of air slacked or
water slacked lime sowed broadcast
over growing wheat at the rate
of one or two bushels per acre
has been strongly advocated. 8. Close
grazing by sheep has also been declared
beneficial, the sheep being thought to
. .. , a ti
destroy tns grurjs ana naxseeus. . "
selection of "flyproof" varieties of grain,
the Mediterranean wheat and red
wheats being claimed to be nearly ex
empt from attack. "The testimony on
this head is, however, very conflicting,
and no recommendations can be safely
based on it. 4. The use of fertilizers
here, as in other cases of Insect attack,
is to be recommended strongly as calcu
lated to stimulate the growth of infested deDt 0t honor?
wheat until it is beyond danger. i-a Wno has had experience! It is
In the second cut is shown the manner where s dear friend borrows fifty dol
in which wheat stalks break after being ars till the next morning and you
attacked bv the flv, the smaller figure never see him again Brooklyn Life,
showing "flaxseed in Potion. , Ll,eru, correct.
The ueiti of Bird ! TeftcterBy reptiles we mean such
We find every now and again long ar- CTratureB as creep along the jrround.
ticlee on the value of birds as insect de- can v00 name one as an example,
trovers. Generally the birds which do Adolf?
the greatest injury receive the greatest Adolf Yes; my little brother. From
praise. Snch writers forget or do not denblatt
trnrttv that nnnit inta AV nf DTHtt
.Mv .- u....v ...-jw-v - o
value than the binls. Only with their
help are crops of any kiud possible. The
uiras ao not uiscrnmnate oui i.ikb m au
kinds. Flitfht feeders SUCh as night-
v. k.. .,ifta A
hawks, swallows, martins, swifts and
all the fly catchers, which live entirely
on insect, do a thousand times more
j i , a
The commercial valne of high clasa
roads is diflicult to estimate. But it is a
well established fact that a horse can
draw twice as much load on the surfuce
of a macadamized road as urxm a dirt
road in iu best condition; four times as
much as when the dirt road is in its aver
age state, and ten times as much as
when the dirt road is turned into mui
Aaklng Notliln L BraoBbl.
Ilulfinch liow are Naggedat and his
wife getting along together?
Wooden Oh, I don't kriowi what
makes you ask?
Bulflnch Oh, nothinj; only when
they got married they had one of' those
mottoes: "God Bless Our Home," In the
sitting-room; and now he has It p in
bis smoking-room with "At Far Aj
Possible," written underneath lv Bos
ton Courier.
Proprietor What are
you taking
back, there?
Waiter Customer sent this bee Is lean
' ,min, uT.Im It
.V"'"? W v: k-u
We can never use it
ln;hPcmi8bcnt it all out of shape,
1 UtK.
A Dang-erona rractle.
When at 'Frisnn they were wed,
She was w-nty two she said,
lie. since she had won his heart,
Said aho ' dda t look the part."
Bathe trained with grief andpala,
When Oit-j tooK a tr p to Maine,
Wacro Ure cat y life was spent
Ei e she ever westward went,
Hhe had arvoJ upon a troe
Her dour name, date '03. '
- Detroit Trilran.
A Lover's Heart.
Jessie If that bull should attack us,
what could you do?
Tom I could reach that fence in less
than two seconds.
Jessie Yes, but what could I do?
Tom Your parasol would keep his
attention until I was safeiy over.
Texas Siftings.
- Al s,,,!,!,.
I Heroic O i rl What has become ol th at
handsome man who cneeied no londly
when t rescued tho lutle boy from
j Friend He isoverthereon tho reran
da, proposing in the gul who screamed
and fainted. - N. V. Weekly.
Not In Harmony.
Little IV't Mamma, I mus hart) a
new doll riglit away.
Mamma What is the matter witn tne
old one?
Lit'ie Dot TVs get some sewatches
on its fare, an' looks sorter shabby along
side of baby - -Good News.
Tmpiutlou XteaUted.
St. retcr -E-litflr. fh? What good
thing have V"n ever done?
Neiv An'ai I once took the blame
for iipc of mv "wn misfKew. inad t
flr Oil
rowing it onto the intelligent eomposi-
(St. Peter Ontip head. - N. V. Weekly.
Twi vr rieluht P'liilU.
"Have yon nr bright pupils?" he
asked ot the prett.v "h Kiimann.
"i 'an you lonk me m tho oyi and ask
Mmaii Ncor.
, ,ha, wni,, ,
on riinii,.,i8reaiaalmes.eLii-aoI"gore?
" -o "
To et " um0 ' ,""Jn, Tuek.
3 J&$
She So that is Hear mountain, doc
tor? He Yes. that is it
She- Hear me, how old it must be!
Why. only look! it U quite bald. Uein
crest's Magazine.
That am Old I'n.krl.
Husband- Where's your pocket dic
tionary? Wife That's no pocket dictionary; it's
a Webster's Unabridged What do you
persist in calling H that for?
Unsband-Hecnnse I can nerer find
it. Detroit Free Treas.
Uot the Job.
Druggist (to applicant, Yea.
I need
a man for the soda fountain-but I see
you wear eye-glasses. Is your sight de-
Applicant- A little, sir. but my heai-
tng is superb I can hear a man wink,
Chicago Tribune
He Something tells me that you art
not entirely indifferent to mv atten
tions Mhe-What U it?
He A little bird whispered it tome.
She Your feathered friend is off his
perch. -Truth.
Contrary to HU llules.
Bonis Young Ardup doesn't seem to
hare any bad habits. That at least,
redounds to his everlasting -redlt
Mr Howell lof tho firm of Oettup
Howell) -Not at this store Thirty days
is the limit with us Chicago Tribune.
A Debt or Honor.
Johnnv Ireadine) Say. Da. what is a
s - l i.. i
asihiu ne uuu iua lenumsf nor tic a i
turili jouraui with an engraving show-
ing how to save a fruit tree that has
ffirdie4 bv mice bv insertinir crafts
-st tXn mA nnJttis hrW KW Ua
. . , ; . ' . 4 "v
girdled place and the other above.
laborious, uncertain plan. Many years
t ft(ro t .tumbled on an arolntlv snre
1 . -
plan for sarin such trees. Look over
the orchard in early spring and bank np
with anil aii tn eiirht im fiM hW th.
wound miy tree found girdled. Reruovs
the middle of August. If the wound is
too hi-'h to COVer With Soil COVer With a
eoodooatof hellac varnish and cover
i that with" melted mftinir wax and then
(vtvnr with a whit ninth.
,-iflIflPS J
" -TfTK .UaVT a. Ml' i
in Its
early stages
can be cured
by the prompt
use of
Iyer's Cherry Pectoral
It soothes
the inflamed tissues,
aids expectoration,
and hastens
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
I wish to trade dr) mares and aeldiDgs,
fit for work, for cattle. Will give good
terms. Call on, or address me, at Mon
ument, ftraut oouuty, Oregon
523 38 Emmbt Cochran.
Plenty of flour, bran, mill feed and
chop always on band at the Heppner
Flouring Mills. a
While you koep uur Biibecriptiuii paid up yci
uan kep yonr brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. HnnwH G(4 nn lef
fhouldor; ciitile Htneon Jeft hip, under bit on
rixhteur, and upper bit on the ltf(; run Re, Mor
row county.
AmintrouK, J. . Alpine, Or. T with bar un-
ier ou left Hhonlder ol borhes: I'liltle saiue
I m lefi hip.
Allison, O. D., Kight Mile. Or. Cattle brand.
1 U 1J un left hii and horses same brand on rigid
-ihonldar. Hangt- Eiglit Mile.
Adkins, IT, Dayvilie, Or- Htraight mark aorope
the thigh and two oropH and a ulit in th right ear;
hontet. X opMtle down on the riglit thoald-r.
hange in Grant county and Hear valley. PO
addi-BSB alno al Harduinn.
AdkiiiH, J. JM Heppner, Or. HornHa. J A con
ttvieo on f t iiaiik: cattle, nam eon left hip.
Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Hornet branded
; triangle on Ion hip; cattle same on right hip;
! also crop off right ear and upper bit on same.
Rlvth. Percy H.. Heppner. Or. HorseB Roman
.rorit on -right shoulder. Hane iu Morrow
I county.
Bteakman. Geo., Hardman, Or.--IIort'B, a Ha;
m left bhoulder; cattle ttaiite ou right aliouldt'i
l aiinlHter, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
d B on left hip and thigh; split iu each ear.
Brenner, P-ter, io seberry Oregon HorseB
branded PB on left Blioulder. (buttle Bi.uie on
ht B1QB
llurke, M Bt C, Long uroek. Or On cattle,
1 A V connected on left hip, ciop off loft ear, un
ilei half crop off riglit. UorBew, amne brand on
. letft riliouhler. Uauge iu (irant and 11 or row
' Howhmaii, A., Mount Vernon and Burjm, Or.
I Cattle, A B on right hip. two crops in hkcIi ear;
Millie on horsea. on riglu shoulder. Itauge in
t irant and Harney couuiiea.
' Hrosmuu, Jerry, Lena, Or.- HorseB branded 7
u right shoulder; cattle B on the left aide.
' .eft ear half crop and right ear upper slope,
Barton. Wm Heppnor. Or. -Horses. J B on
i.ghi thjH.t cattir Buuie ou riglit hip; eplit in
each ear.
Brown, lea, Lexington, Or. Horse- IB on the
right Htitle; cattle aameon right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J .P , Heppner. Or. -H:rnep and cattle
branded S with ox-yoke above on left ahoilkler.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
' withilol mi teron left hip; entile, hhiuu.
Brown, W.J. , Lena. Oregon. ftorseB W bar
over it, on the lclt Bhoulder. Cattle bit in c on left
Buyer, W. G Heppner, Or. Horses, bo
brand o - 1,, hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear.
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P Bon left
Khonltler; cm tie. same on left hip.
Bnmniee, W. J., Fox,Or-( 'attle. JB connect ed
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
oranu ou tne leu tiugn; ttange iu rox ?auey,
Grant countv.
Cain.E., Caleb.Or. Y I) on horeeH on left stirle;
(J with quarter circle over it, on lett shoulder,
and on left Btitie on all col ta under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all iiorues over 5 years. All
range in Grant county.
Clark, Wm. H.. Le a, Or.-Horwh WHC con-net-ted,
ou left thotiluer: cattle fume on riglit
hip. lia ge fliorrow anu Umatilla counties.
t'ate, ('has. K VitiHon or Lena. Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle aanie on right hip.
Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties,
Cochrnu, ('haw., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
n ec ted on left shoulder; cattle, V. on both left
hioand stifle. Hanue in Morrow countv.
Cannon, T. B.,Long Creek, Or,--Ton cattle on
riglit side, crop off right ear and slit in left ear. i
Our horeea same brand on left Bhoulder. Kange!
iu Grant county.
Cecil, Wm., Douglas. Or; horsea J C on lef
shoulder; ca tle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two b.ts in the right ear,
thirl, T. kl John Oay, Or. Double croBS on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. liauge in Grant
conuty. Ou ahuep, inverted A aud spear point
ou shoulder. Ear markoi ewes, crop ou left ear,
pouched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and umler half crop in left ear. All ra'ige
iu Grat countv.
Cook, A. J.,LHua,Or. Horaefl, 90on rightBhoul
det Cattle, same on r ght hip: ear mark eguurn
crop off left aud split in right.
Curhn. H. i',t Currinavilie, Or. -HorBes, on
left atitle.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded
TI & A on left shoulder. ( 'attle, same on right
hip. swallow fork iu right ear aud crop off I eft.
Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Caitto, C will
ii' center; horses. CE on left Mp.
Cochran, It, E Monument, Grant. Co, Or.
HorBes branded circle with bat beneath, un left
shoulder: cattle same brand ou both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H.j Hardman, Or, HoraeB branded
"on right hip. Cattle brauded the same.
Cross, tt L, Dayvilie, Or ( atile branded two
crops and u split tn left ear; ou horses a
reversed ', on left e title. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on lett hip, 7 on right hip,
72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on Idft
ahoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Doonau. Wm., Heppner . Or. Ilurw branded
OU wLh bur over them, on left shoulder; cut
tle same on left hip.
Douglaah, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, K L'un
righi side, swi, low-fork in each ear; horses. K D
on left hiu.
Douglae. O. T., DouglaB. Or -Hones TD ou
the i ight Ht i fie; cattle same ou right hip.
Duiichu, W . P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle
on right shoulder, both ou horses aud cattle.
Kange (irant county.
Driekell, W. E., Heppner, Or. HorseB branded
K inside of u on left shoulder. Cattle same ou
left side ol neck.
Ely, J. B. & Horn, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed ELI ou left shoulder, cuttle name on left
hip. holt? r right ear.
Eilioti, Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right ohoulder.
Meek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7K
counected oi rinht shoulder: cattle name on
nght hip Ear mark, hole in right and crop
on lert.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; hunte V with bar under on right
Florence, H. P. Heppner. Or HorseB, K on
right shoi Ide ; cattle, F ou right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppuer, Or. GAl ou left'
Gilman-French, Land and Livp Stock Co,. Fos
sil. Or. Horses, anchor 0 on left shoulder; vent,
same on left elide, ( attle, same on both hipe;
ear marke, crop off right ear and underuit in left.
Kange in Gilliam, Giant, Crook ai.d Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or --Hordes branded H.
S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Kange in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Giltwater. J.C.. 1'raine Citv. (Jr. On hnirutH
0 -O on left shoulder and stirie; cattle, ou right
sidn. Kange in (irant county.
Hams, Jamea. Hardman Or. Homes haded
'2 on lef shoulder; caitie same on left hip. Kauge
in and about Haitlmau.
Hajes. tieo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
with quarter circl" over it, ou lei t (shoulder.
Hiutt A. B., Kidge, Or. ( tittle, i-ound-top
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
Kan r in Morrow and Umatilla counties,
Hintou Jk Jenks, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bare
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses, J on right thigh. Kange in Grunt county.
Hughe, Samuel, Wagner, Or T F Lou light
tnouhier on nurses; ou euiue, on rignt nip ana on
left Bide, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left.
' hIt till
u ; u......i, ..i,.-..,.
HKii.Kdwin.jornii'ay.ur.-i attie t Hon rifrhi
' y p:nthts8Hme n "hl BhoulJer' tanKbin
1 Hiwhee. Mnt. Rpppner, Or.-Hnrws, shaded
. heart on .the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co.
, Hunsaker. H . W aguer. Or.
UortMW. H un left
.hniiMMr: ca tie. S on left hh-.
tiardisty, Albert, flye. Oresn Huraee, AH
cunnecld. on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
tap, crop off left ear.
l'pk,'re'"' "' Haramn' ur-"ora"-u
Hiatt, Wm. E., Rideo, Or. Home, branded
; bar croa. ob left ahouider: oattie aame oa left
j liayea, J. !., Heppner. Or. Horw. wineglaaa
; , X-'tw'S6 u ruS". D on
riant hm. irotiorf left ear and bit in n:lit. Horses
WstM ua ieIt lwuwo
H-ion. Luther. Eurhc Mile. Or.-Horee h on
the left shoulder and heart on the left slide Cat-
tleeameon left hip. Kan ia Morrow oooir,.
Jenkins, D. W.,Mt, Vefnon,Or, J on horamon
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. Kange in Fox and
Bear valh-yB
JuiikinTH M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sams.
Kange on Eight Mile.
Johnson. Felix Lena, Or. Horses, circleT on
left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half
crop in right and split in left ear
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses brandixj
KNY ou left hip cattle same and crop off left
ear: nndnr slnte on the right
Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Hone ff9 on left
shoulder; entile, Won left hip.
Kirk, J C, Heppner ."Or. Horses, 17 on either
flank : cattle 17 on right side.
Kirk Jesse, Heppner, Or.t horse 11 on left
ehouider; cattle same on light side, anderbit on
ngtii ear.
Knmberland.W.G,. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
cattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in 1 ft
ear and under oiop in right ear. Horses same
brand ou left Bhoulder'. liange in Grant countv.
Koeney, Eli, Heppner, Or. -Horses J L and
uoe of clubs on left stifle. Kange in Umatilla
and fcorrow counties
Lesley.M C, MouumeOt, Or- A triangle fjfwilh
all Lues extending pa t body of figure on l hor
ses on left shoulder, ou cattle diamond on left
shoulder, split iQ righ - -u-t ..it in left ear
Kauge in Gram county ad uiiartaof Johu Day
L aliey, J W. Heppuer Or. Horses branded L
nd A on left shoulder; cattle name on left hip;
wattle- ver right ey three slits in right ear.
Lof ten, Stepnen, lox,Or. b L on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Uorsee
Bame brand on left ehouider. Kange Grant
Liieuallen, John W., L Or. -Horses
branded hatf-cncle JL connected on lett shoul
der, ('attle. samt on lei- hip. Kange, near Lex
Lord. George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
double U coi.nectt Nometimee culled a
swing H, on left shoulder,
ftlaxweil, M.S.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long aimouieit snouider; cattle, same on
lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Or. ('attle, M D on
right hip; horttH Mon left shoulder.
Morgan, ti. N.. Heppner. Or. Horses, M )
on left shoulo""1 cattle same on left hip,
McC umber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses, M with
bar over ou right shoulder.
ftiann, H. ti , t,ena, Or. Horses old mares 7,Z
on right hip; young stvck, smaU zz ou left
Morgan, Thus., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
1 ou left shoioder and left thigh; caitie. L on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 ou righi
hip; cattle. 77 ou right side.
.Met iareii, D. G Brownsville. Or, Horses,
V iKiire fion mhcIi Hhin.icler, cattle, Mz on hip
McKeru.W.J. Mouut Veruon. Or XI ou oattle
on right hip, cnp iu right ear. half crop in left
same brand ou horsta ou lefthi... Kange iu Graut
McCany, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
D vi connected, on the left shoulder; cuttle same
in hip and side,
JVixGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe ,
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear; horses same brand ou left stifle.
Mcllidey, O. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8 .
with halt circle uinJer ou left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connected ou top on the right side
liauge in (J ran I County.
tseal.Audrew. Lone Hoc k.Or. Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips,
Nurdyke, E rJilvenon. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
ten uiigi;; cuue, same on left hip.
Oliver. Josenh. Can win 1 :it.v. Op. A 9 nn nntt.lA
on left hip; on hunts, same ou lef t thigh. Kange
Oiler, Perry. Lexington. Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected ou left hiu: hnraw nn left at.itln
and wan le on nose. Huuge in Grant oouuty.
feui-soii, Oiuve, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar
ter circle sluelo ou left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear. right cropped. 24
on left nip, Kangt ou Eight Mile.
Parker Hl Gleaou. Hurduiau.Or, Horses IP on
I tt Hhoniiier.
t iper, J. H Lexington. Or. Horses, JE cou
uocteu u left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip,
under tu in each ear.
Pat berg, Heury Lexington, Or, Horses brand,
edwitha Uumai cron on left shoulder; cattle
urauued with Komau cross, bar at bottom, on
lelt hip,
PHtye, A. C., lone, Or.; horseB diamond P on
Btionlder, cattle, J H J connected, on the
left tup, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Powell, oot i TM Dayvilie, Or Horses, J F con
uec ed on lett shoulder. Cattle OK couuected on
eft hip, two under half crops, otie ou each ear,
vvat tie under throat. Kai ge iu Grant county.
Kickard, G. D., t'-anyun t'ity, Or.--F ii on left
-houidur, on horses only. K iuge Can you creek
.uiti near vaiiey. Grant county.
Uoou. Auurew, ilarituiuu, Or. HorseB, square
m Willi quarter-circle iver it ou left stille.
Keuiuger, Llins, Heppuer, Or. Horses, C K on
iell slmuiuei.
Kice, Dun, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence ou lett sboulder; cattle, DAiN on
right shoulder- Kange near Hardman,
liuaio, Wm, iAJiig (;roek, Or. brands horses
K oj right shoulder. Kauge GruuL aud Morrow
Kojse, Aaron. Heppner, Or Hcrees, plain V on
.eft snouider; cattle, same brand reversed on
right hip aud crop off right ear. Kauge in Mor
row county.
It uah Bros., Heppner, Or. HorseB branded 3
on the righi shoulder; cattle, IX ou the left hip
crop oft left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange il
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Bust, William, Fenuletou, Or. Horses K on
left shoulder; oattle, K on left hip, crop ofl
right ear, underuit on left ear. bheep. K on
weathers, rouud crop off righ ear, Kauge Uma
tilla and Morrow c muties.
Keaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or Horses
branded A K uu right shoulder, veut quartei
circle over brand; cuttle same ou right hip.
Kange Morrow county,
Koyse, Wm. H, Dairyville. Or HK connected
with quarter cirr-le over top on cattle on right hip
and crop oft right ear and split in left. Horses
same brand on left snouider. Kange in Morrow,
ti runt and Giliiam counties.
Kilter, J F, ititier. Or Three parallel bars
witn bar over ou horses ou left hip; on cattle, left
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat.
Uange in Middle Fork of John Day.
Kector.J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JC ok
lof t shoulder. Cattle, Oon right hip.
Spickimll, J. W., "Goons berry, Or. Horses
DraiKieu u ou lert Bh .ulder; lange m Morrow
tjpray, J. Heppner, Or. Horses brandeabl
connecteu o right shoulder; cuttle same on bolt
Hailing, C C Heppner. Or Horees branded S a
on left shoulder; cattle same ou left hip.
owuKKiir. , n. r., Ljexington, ur. Horses 'i
with dash under it on lef l stitle oattle H with
uasti unuer it on right hip, crop off riglit ear aud
wuuoieu on rignt niim leg. itauge tu Morrow,
Gilliam und umulilla counties.
fSwaggart, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brande ' 8
on 1U shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg,
ritruight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J b on let stitle; cattle J S on left hip, swallow
fork in righ ear, underbit in left.
oapp. Thus,, Heppuer, Or. Horses, 8 A P on
lett mp; eaiti name ou left hip.
Miirtz. James, Long t reek. Or. Homes. 8 on
left stifle aud over 'I on left shoulder.
fehner.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip,
crop utt right ear aud under bit iu left ear. Kange
in Grant county.
bimth Bros., Husmiville, Or. Hordes, branded
H . Z. o i smmlder; cait.e, ame on left ifhoulder.
bqtures, James. Arlington, Or.; horses branded
J Nou tft snouiiter; cattle the same, slso nose
waudle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam oo nties.
btephens, V. A., tiurduiaii, Or-; horses H a on
right Btitie; cattle h rizontal L on the light side
oieveuBou, iilra A. J., Heppuer, Or. battle, Id
ou right in i swallow-fork in lett ear.
Bwuggart. G. W., Heppner, Or.-Horees, 44 on
lett atiuuiUt : cattle, 44 on left hip.
btone. Ira. Bi 'kWtou, Wash, Horses, keystone
ou left shoulder.
biuitii, E. E. Lone Kock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on
lett side. Kange, Gilliam county,
Hperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
lett tup, crop off rignt aud underbit iu left year,
dew lap; horses H ton left shoulder.
liiompsou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, on
left eimuio r; cattle, t on left shoulder.
TipHeis.tf.TEuerprise,Or. Horses. C-on left
Turner K. W., Heppuer, Or. Small capital T
lelt shouidei. horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
Ihtrutou, H. Mm lone. Or. Horses branded
H I connected ou left stitle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H.T.. Lena, Or; Horses HV con
uecied on riglit shoulder ;oatUe, same oa right
Walbridge, Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses, 0. L.
ou the lelt sdou.der; CKitle same ou light hip.
crop utt left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John U,, balem or Heppuer, Or.
Horsos branded J y on the left shoulder. Kauge
Morrow county.
Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter
circle over it, ou left side, split iu riglit ear.
Hornets (wine braud on left shoulder, Kange in
Graut conuty.
Wood, V L, Dayvilie, Or Hearten horses on
lefi Btitie; on cattle, ' on left side and under bit
iu lefi ear. Kauge in Grant county.
Wright, bilas A. Heppuer, Or. Cattle branded
H W on the right hip. square crop oU right ear
and split in left.
Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Square on
cattle on the left hiu, upper Biope in he left
ear aud under slope in right ear. Bame brand
ou hon-en uu right shoulder. Kange m Harney
and (irant countv.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses b landed
ace of spaueo on le.t Bhoulder and left hip.
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wells, A. Heppuer, Or, Horses, y0 on left
shoulder: can e same.
oinnger, John, John lay City, Or On horuM
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sneep,
bit in both ears. Kauge in Grant and Malhaer
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horvw, UP
connected ou lef t shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
Ct connecter, on left stitl.
Wallace, Chariee, Portland, Or. Csttle, W on
right thigh, hon in left ear; horses, W on right
shouluer, Sirrn- same on left shoulder.
Whittier Bn.., Drewsy, Harney imunty, Or. -Hoes
hrandi W B. onneotl no left .'; laloVr
Williams. Vasct, Hamil,n.Or. ijaarter cir
cle over three bars on h ft h p, both cattle and
horws. Kange Gram count.
Williams. J O. Long Creek, Or Horses, qoar
wr cirvie over inree oars on iell nip; cattle a
i an.uiif inwhmr W m iimm nt,.
' lvirnLA; ppnfr-J Ur--Hur8p? ruutl" A
: on shoulder; ('attie. same oo righi tow.
5'', SoSS?7, 00