NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. THOHE desiring the insertion of display ads., or change vi same, must get their copy in not later thau Monday evening for Tuesilay's edition, or Thursday evening lor FridayH edi tion.. TU jfATTKKHON fUBLlbHlNti CO. NOTICE. L The turn of five cent per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists ol wedding present and donors, aud oultuary notices, (other thau those the edit or shall hiuiseii give ub a matter 01 uewi.j aim notices ol special meetings lor whatever purpose. a. otlces ol church and society and all oilier utertaiuiueiits troui vhich reeuue is to be de lived, shall be charged for at the rale of live teutB a line. 1 hese rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable aud made known upon application. and therefore attsiut to build up Hepp tier, Patronize those who patronize you. a V:iat. T.niaa TTurinnur'a nnmtlnv millinorv establishment tius reopened uuder oar tnauMKenieut. Uus beeu reritted aud en luntuil t.i unfiimmnHMtn 1L lurieriinil more completa Btooa il millinery, fancy uud dry iiiiudB uuu laaiea rurumuiugB. uomk oat fur uur card, to be seut oi l soon 101 oar rail opeuiug. Bee ad. 624 626 Fell Bkos Here and There. Hhowarin? nsain. Eipans Tabules : a standard remedy. For perfect digestion use TUFTS PILLS L. D. BriRs left this morniug for .Portland. ' Mr. Jas. McHaley left for Grant oouut) Sdtiirdnv. Buy your school books of T. W. Ayem Jr..&Oo. a-7 Commissioner Peter Brenner was iu town today. J. W. Allstott, of Eight Mile, was in HenDuer Saturday. T. A..J. P. and 0. A. Rhea were in towu Saturday on business. Thos. Stiibbleneld pulled out Saturdaj with a bis load of snuulies. Mr. Walter Gentry has returned from a viHit to Uuiatilla county. FreBh ground Buokuheat Flour for unit, hv P. C. ThoniDson Co. 8 1 J. 6. Williums the Spring Hollow, Bheeuuian, was in town touay. The Gem and Palace saloons for 6at HauorB. MoAiee Broc, 1'iops. sw John Her proved up Saturday last be fnre J. W. Dionow, couuty olerk. Levi Robison, the May street mer nlmnt. is a little under the weather. A. Doolittle and wife, of Eiiiht Mil.-, were visiters to Hi-ppuer Saturday last. Mib. Lane Matlock returned laBt week frnm u vimt to her relatives in the valley. Jus. Hughes, of Haystack, was in Heppuer the nrsi oi hub ween uu r.i.,. ci.oi.inn irn nrn informed. i lllUDl UU. .. . . now a veterinary surgeon, first BBBiBtant tn Dr. Hill. Levi Bhaner oame down Sunday from the opal miuee, leaving aiouaay uiuiu inn for Portland, j;u ...l Hum Mnrimn are in Henpnei JUI1V D , ,1 U today, aud leport that Band Hollow has An vet had no rain. ,iiaa AmiiA Kinsman, of Allen Co., Kansas, is visitiug her brother and family at this plaoe. .: j. Hnn atill nlinn horses and do general blaeksmithing at the old stand Matiook corner. &5. Henry Heppner.the father of our town, made a trip down me iunu rct.tirninu the same day. t T..mKiuf will nrpflnh in the Bap IVBV. JJI I1.1J v . ..... I ' y - tist ohurch next Sunday morning and evening. All are invited. Geo. VV. Shipley is canvassing the oonntry tor photo enlarging, auuiu.c. inj with well-merited suoceBB. n ... niui nmek in hoominz from the effects of the recent rain up there, which is said to have been very Heavy. Mrs Pry Wilson returned Friday frnm a visit to relatives in lower mon, ftnrninc home on Saturday's stage. m tjnnnar haa Accented a Dositinn at The Dalles, and will leave shortly for that place, accompanied oy urn t i- r-i:li:..v. Uaa mirphaRAd the8win riBUR uiuwui r1"""" . burn residence property, and, we are in formed, will move mem lc u....-. The farmers are hauling in an occa sional loud of wheat, and in the agirre gate will be no inconsiderable amount. Miss Letha Parker, dressmaker, will guarantee you a good tit Give ber t, trial. Residenoe W. A. Jobuston 4 If Miss Janet Inernham arrived Sturda evening from Waitsburg, Wash., to tke her position iu the Heppner sohoolt. Mrs A. J. Stevenson is prepared to d .I, ti.'j. j,,nhi f!nll at her hon e in north Heppuer, or address her at thir plnce. ,01 John Still got In from Myrtle creek last night. He has been visiting rela tives intiiat vicinity aud reports a pi. as ant time. Preston Drips-a pure corn Byrup made from yellow oorn-souiething fane Call ai?d sample it at P. C. TbomnHo,, Cotnpaiiy's. a" Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Ha" MathewB, at the city barber 8bop--the place tn get a first-class ehave, hair-ont or shampoo. Osmin Hager has arrived from Pendle umiu ,.,, -hnl here this win- Te"! He Ts one of ProfTWier's mo.t ar dent workers. Mrs. Issae Danner. mother of Theo Dauner of this plaoe. arrived from Little, Arkansas, last Saturday evening, ou a visit to her son and family. Master Clay French is the Hjbortipa aeeut for the Oregonian at this place. Subscribe through him, and have yonr paper delivered free of charge. tf J p. Rhea tried me - sb)iuk' A F & A. M Saturday night and gol there ' Eli." There were quite a goodly number of the brethren present. Pfunder'i Oregon Blood Pnrifier is the great conqnerer of Bilhousness Bnd Liv S complaint. Relief oertatn in every case. Sold at One Dollar a bottle. Trv it. Those who desire to pay cost tchnol book, sh- nld pnrobase tbem of T W. Ayere Jr . & Co , where 10 1 per cent, d-s-i, . list nrioe will be allowed 6 7 Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel s norm bis old fnenas mere. -- Mat Mosgrove got m Saturday from a . a. ilium cnnuties. He tour oi unni nuu " , complains much of the roads, and partio . ) h iiUen Cunning ulariy oi me ircn-u hame bill ana neppuor. There is no use ;n suffering with rheu matism as long as yon can get Congo Oil It is for sale by all drrnggists at U per bottle, but it would be dirt cheap at & the price. It is a P' for rbenmatirtn, and no mistake. I ry it and be convinced. The monntain ranohes in this country . . i. j..;l lnr thev raise moat are nor io wuniu, --- ---everything, including wood Johnny tseeierpays -um K,.. -bave giown the length of a broom handle fbi. wa.oD, .nd that be will have plenty pf fruit io a few year.. Vi ill Rem'ond. "Chuck"Gleasoo,wbi' is one of Oregou'a pioneers, is in receipt of an invitation to loan or present to the Pioneer Association, such artioles or interest, relics of bygone days, as he may have on band, tor use at the rortlaud Exposition, and also at the World's Fair. Now this remiuda "Chuck" that he lina in bis puBesniou an article, rich in pioneer lore, it being no more mr less tuau a miniature tiimuhunk, raptured at the bat- tie of Walla Walla iu the '50' h. "Chuck' was right there himself, aud ab' Ut the time the battle ended (we dou't know where "Chuck" had beeu) he fouud hid ing behiud a clump of Bagebrush, Queen Do ntkn ow-he-rnam-e, siaterinlaof the mayor of Freuohtonn, armed with this historic weapon. She made one savage lunge at "(JhucR' nut he was to switi for the lady, and despoiled ber of her hatchet in short order, aud without any attempt toward imitating any stage pos ture, either. This' Chnok" has faithfully aud carefully kept, aud he hopes that it will urove au interesting momeutoiu tbt eyes of the sightseers at the World's Fair. It looks not unlike a modern ice nink. tlmnuh its oriuin cannot be aueB ioued, and may be seen down at the Bel vedere in charge of Dick Neville. A Good Offeb. The proprietor, of the Semi-Weekly Gazette bave decided tn offer au inducement for advance pay ment, on subscription. Tbe prioe re mains the same, S3 per year, but where payments are made in advanoe, only $2.50 a year will be charged. What do we mean by "advance payments?" A payment made within thirty days after tbe subscription becomes due will be railed "lu advanoe." Iu a Very Bhi-rt time we will print after eauh person a uame Ike date to wuicn Buuscnpiiuu io ....1.1 Tina will rnmllifi vim each week ,s to bow you stand with us, and will render it au easy matter lor you io save 50 cents a year on your subscrip tion, tf Bni.Y Wounded Foot. Last Sunday John McOarty, of Shaw & McCarty, the butohers, had the misfortune to step on a cleaver with his left foot, down at tne slaughter house, catting quite a severe gash. This all important tool was eet- tinir heh nd the door, where air. racvjariy ..r.nuH n mnmont rn uVniil HflArintf a Auir ulii..h ha urna nmnilrinir to BlaUuh inr. rHkmi; ma iooi ine entire iruuiu the blade. X Tr.eLEsasng hcibi cf ine Ciiy WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. Mis. Margaret Vw Cato WE BORG, THE : JEWELER! Out for War on The Boeder. Over at Mon ument, a few days ago, Johnny Naileu tbe old pioneer, beoame "mixed up' with an old fellow who stops at Pete Caris' place. He chased Johnny with a club for some distance aud then procured i oorn knife. The latter being orippled in one arm. was oomnelled to protect himself. The only weapon Bbout the premises was a 50 oal. pistol, which he loaded witlHical. Winobestercartridgei that being the only ammunition obtain able. The adversary approaohed with nia weanon. Johnny being on hts"on domain." aud he proceeded to shoot, out ihn first shot snaoned and drove thecart ridge up into the cylinder, rendering it hhbIbss. Johnnv had a ctcufork in re serve, and, wilh a mighty swoop, downed tbe neighbc r, belaboring him with might and main, using the pitchfork as a oluD. Taking possession of tbe oorn Knire, Mr. Nailen proceeded to Hamilton, where in swore out a warrant for the neigh oor's arrest, who. on examination, was bound over to await the action of the grand jury. For Eakteiin Okkgon. Hon. T. E Pell demirted todav for I'acoma, where. io eonjivholion with oihers, he will per haps, put in a Bcouring mill, lhere are bout 500.000 oounds of wool annually, rihntarv to Hennner. whioh go to San Francisco to be sooured ready formarket, not being in demand otherwise. Even hen it baa brought very low pnoeB, Sbu HVanniRco not beine a representative market, or anything near as good as HeDDner. This quality of wool requir ing to be sooured before being plaoed on the market, Mr. Fell is on the lookout for a point iu the Northwest where the watBr is suitable for a scouring mill, and believes that Taooma is the place. San Franniauo has at present the only suc cessful scouring mill west of the Mis souri liver, due wholly to the quality or water there. Water for scouring pur poses must have no potash in it, or tbe fibre iB damaged. The Keef Ordinance The "beef or dinance" is proving to be a grand buc resR bo fBr. Though it has not passed the oouncil, it has produced no end of beeffiug " Some bave even gone so rar as to threaten members of the oounoi should thev vote for it. A coward Is tbe nnlv nerson that oan be moved by threats, and Heppner's council is not built that Rnt thev will listen to a petition nf onr Deonle. and that is the proper way to meet this. The editor of the uazette in nerunnallv oonvinced that a majority of tbe people of Heppuer are opposed to this ordinance. It is evident that the farmers are ugainst it. Now in this meigeuoj, the opponeuts should circu late a petition and present to the coun oil at the next regulur meeting, as there would then be no guessing as to how the citizens feel on tbe subject. Slid Out. C. H. Jacqne, a coinmer rial traveler for the hardware firm of Fos ter & Robertson, of Portland, haa been missing for several days and bis emplov ers have come to the conclusion that he I, no Rkinoed the tra la-la. He was last beard of in La Grande, says the Gazette mat wohIt. and tin to that time had made oolleoiiocs for the firm amounting to about $1700. Numerous telegrams bave beeu received by the firm to asoer,aiu his whereabouts, but nothing has been heard from him sinoe be was last Been in La Grande. It is reported on good authority that he lost 8500 in playing draw poker iu La Grande one day last week, and this circumstance strengthens tbe conviction that be has deoamped. Bound Over. Yesterday Johnny Skogland wan arrested by Deputy Mike Fitzgerald, charged with the larceny ol a pair of spurs from the lower stable. He had started for Long Creek, and was ..oertaken near Dkiah, Camas prairie On being bronght before Justice Hallock be waived examination, and was bound nvprto await the action of the grand jury, in the Bum of 8500, in default of which he was remanded to jail, inis ib a pretty serious case, bs the property vhb taken from a building. Ine spurs belonged to Jas. Cocl.ran, who had a horse iu the stable at the lime. A pair of stolen gloves were also found on bi person. - Would Like to Lease a Hotel.- C. 0 Sargent, i.f tuiB city, is anxious to take charge of a good hotel, not particular as to location. Mr. Sargent is au old-timer in .hi. line, and is sure to give satisfac tion wherever he should go. Anyone !,;,, o hotel to rent or lease, wou'd do well to correspond with C. C. Sargent, tteppner, upriE"u. DelmoMco-B. F. Pel kins has lately ... ..... .iinnni in the itchten- opeoeu uij mo ,0. thai bnilding, which he has named tbe i : K:....n dnt is ri i lm L'liubn nir UfHDODlCU. ue , employed, and the public can pet a good, oia iaouiu""" in the best of style. Price, 25 cents; beds, 25 cent.. 603-t-tt A SrjKH Enough. Kino.-Prof. Mortiu, tbe king of magiaians, is also a king of bilks. The Gazette did a lot of work for him which Martin had ub Bend o-o. d. to Portland, bat be never called for it. Iu this ease, he got bis Heppner dates pretty oneap, out ue uau i yiaj fcum gaiuo lia nil hmo A nnWRnaner man sets it "in the neck'' if anybody in the neigh Dornooa is mruca. Recovering. News oomes over from Monument that Pry Wilson is juBt re- noceritiff from a badly sprained leg, re ceived from a pack horse, whioh persist- ... . . ii .i.:i K:.. A IU 111 JUUIkHUK " ' " . . . . j r i thrnnKti tne timoer, lnnieBu oi neaping terra uruja, as a wieo ammo. ouviKvi. E. O.: Big apples and rosy cheeked ..f rim ..uniilin. nrnitnnta nf Wah foot. Umatilla county claims many of the latter, and as 10 Dig apples, one urougm tu hie Minna hv William Guodnieht will no take a baok seat. It is of the Ulora MnndB variety, weighs 1)4 pouBdH aud .na.i.aa 17 innhaa in mrcnmference. The apple was grown on wid.iw Uopper s nlace below Pendleton. Loog Creek Eagle: "See here Pat, why didn't you give me a complimentary ...... T kmnlnlit tliat. lnHll UOLlUt, WUCll A U'UIHUI mnv ....p... of fine melons to Long Creek the other .una a nnaatinn nrnnnillltleil to VB eauor a tew oayn agu. no ,-cijiicm saying "why didn't you oompliment the shop with one of tbe melousT" Seeing the point, our friend had nothing more toBBV. Thia nfllriA wna the recinient Friday ln. ..f .. In, nt naunliaa from .lufl. Mo- meiii ,11 a tyji. vit .whvmwu - " . Haley's Heppner orohard, and we will say for flavor they are far ahead of any fKuf -wa huvn a Ann. nnii nf c-ood size too. One tree had 250 pounds on it. He bIbo left a few BampleB of winter ap ples, whioh were very large, and when ready for wiDter ubb, will be bard to beat. No person should travel without a box of Ayet's pills. As a safe and speedy remedy for constipation and all irregu- l.;iin. nf iUa unti hnffftlfl. thpv ItllltlDDWl too n.uiiiuvu " . i,nannunal nnH noino slrilf nil v Rllff ar- ooated, are pleasant to take, and long re turn their virrues. v.... Mnnnl tu fnn nartinular about tbe medioine you use. When you need a blood-punner, De sure you get ayero Sarsapariila, Bnd no other. It will min- i.Vi nnrifv nrl vitnllKA RVfifV drOD of blood in your body. It makes tbe weak strong. 1.... .1 .. . Mi'aa Man T)aV TrflVill. th daughter of J. T. Lewis of this plaoe, ac- Oldentauy leu m an.empiiug iu gc, v a vehicle in which she was riding laat Sunday, and sustained a iraciure oi uer right arm. P,,1o- Mioa Patterson, sister of ye Eagle man, took ber departure yesterday for Canyon City. She win lit. neimurv itAnHrr.mnnt IIHIDUiniKOVi vmv- I' - .- j I -- of the school of that city dnnng the ooming winter. Miss Martha Neville, one ef Morrow county's foremost teaohers, is busily en- A.l nn Kav noAnnrl t.ArTI ftt PettVB IjtlKDU W" UOl DV" -- ville school. This faot would suggest that she is irivins excellent satisfaction. The Bennett Hotel at Arlington haB been moved from the old location near the depot, to Main St., about two blooks trom tne depot, wnere na propri etor will welcome yon as of old. 28-tf Tim Gazette has secured a brst-elase job priuter from Portland one who has spent years in the nest oinoes on tne ooast, and we oan do your work in the moBt approved style, and at reasonable rates. A gentle rain, a sort of a sizzle-eozzle, vesterdav. is helping matters out wonder fully. Without some rain we could not expect muoh fall range, or growth of the mauy aore. of grain sown. JoeEskelsoU and Ralph Bengo were iu Saturday from the Social Ridge coun try. There i. much grain being sown don iu that vicinity, even though there has beeu do rain. Johnny Beeler is in the bog business, and fiuds that it pays well. He is rais ing thoroughbreds wiiioh he readily dis loses of as "Bhoats" for $10 a pair, and rliAv are worth it. ti. nan rlnwn tn F.Hst Port land Monday, where be will reside with bis father this winter and attend school. He will perhaps make hi. home down there nereatter. A.n Cwinith ia tlAOFrl Irim nt Hock Spring, Wyoming. He Bay. that weath er ib getting coin now, auu iiu uu uuu fiirtuhie on the trail. The best and surest dye to color the beard brown or oiacK, as may ouu, ib Buckingnam's Dye for the Whiskers. It uever fails. Fell Bros, keep a full line of dry goods . -vi . in boltB aud single patterns w p terns have beeu reoeived and mure to come soon. 6 Mr. John A. Brown, of tbe Arlington R..n... haa FAtnrnAfl in hin duties UU that paper, after a vacation of several weeks. Cash Bargain? IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. v Watches, Clocks, S I L V E R W A R E, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Etc. Trust Busts. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. GRAND. SLAUGHTER OF REMNANTSE AND BARGAINS. -ARE- Rustlers! For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to tell II lat Maverie ft The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can I Mil i Bargains XI. BLACKMAN $s CO. Offer their Entire Stock, oousieting ot Remnants of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats Bnd Caps, Boots, Shoes, Grooeries, Fauoy Goods, Hardware, etc., Strictly for CASH ONLY, and at prices that will O EN tfOl'R EYES. 0. 11 early and avoid the rush. This etook of goods mtiBt be positively sold by December 15th, 1892, as we will then retire from business. No goods will be exchanged. ii store Reserved for The McFarlaiid Mercantile Company. See ad. next week. Like Yours Rospectfully. Wo are here for buBiness from the ground tip and propose to let you know it. MINOR BROS., HEPPNER. OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madk on Short Notick and at ToruiAR Trickb. US" Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Grain Sacks Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. i'Mlj'SM3mif-'-1- " . raw. ,T1CK5LICE THE WdRLD RENOWNED r mm. Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company Prevention i MM TO THE Pl'RLIC. DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND BETTER WOOL r ' ' Kee Inilomementu I ,,.i .nd .ndnned bv the following orison and Montana hwnmen: W . B iTXtou' E ' P rh.ndlMaWon; J H'lr-t-hbr,g,(:hoti!aU; D. 8. H-Ung., Vbeti Ju,. Ml. oflYon; ; W. Norton, Stewart; A- Downlo, Biff Handy. TheCheapest and Rot Dip ever mailc. Solil Ererjw to Ask Your Merchant for Coopers and Take m Other had business relations with me, in Hie form of notes, uooounts, or otuerwise, ana nave iuuuu inclination ou my part to avoid doing the square tuiiiK, to file snob, with tbe Firsl National Bank of Heppuer. J. L. Betmeb. ATTENTION PCPILH! Tbe pupil, of all the department, of PnKlii Rnhnrita are nrffentlv .nn.,.(ct tn maitt nu ittthft Hicrh Hohuol. next Saturday, Sept. 24, at 2 p. m., to receive their cias.iucaiino caru suu mm uf books needed. We expect all to be ready for work next Monday, Sept. 2ti, ... . ti, ti at a a. tn. a. tt. Principal. F1SE HO08. t i i b , tt.a Trhn Ci Wil. io place, a fine, thoroughbred Berashire boar, the service of whioh oan be bad for 'i.5U. J. a. DSKi.r.u. 26-33-1 aw Gen. Agtu. lorOn'-gon, W aHhinstuii einJ Wetiii Idaho. I'roiis. Wa COOPER 4 (iaUe'tort, Trxat HarilwarD llUllUflU'lV 0.. ifinin 1 iti nnftrv Arc still altrc and klfklnn (or trado with a complcto line of- WWW i ii i ii ii i ii ii i i h i i iii i TOBACCOS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Guns and A.nimunitioii, Sowing . TT1 -I' 1 J Machines, u arm impiomonitf. AIho Oouti' FurulHliIittc Oooda, and tbe Urgent awnrtmcot ol TcaB In Katrn OreifOtt. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto: Wc WON'T Be UndiRSOIO. tf. Cornnr Main and Willow StreotH, Ilfippner Or. OXFORD GRADE BUCKS ! The undersigned has a Grade Bucks lor sale at reasonable prices, at his ranch, 7 miles south of Pilot Rock. I T. 135. SAirril, lliot Rook, Or. lav JHE Q1TY HOTEL, w. J. I,f liXlCHt. JroiJ. rplIIS 1I08TK.LKY ban been Hkfitted and Kkponwiiko tbroiiKhoiit, and now A io one of the most inviting place, iu Heppner. Mr. Leeer invitee you to stop with hlirs, feelina that he is able to entertain you in the beet of ntyle. r n Thirst Class House. Reason ahlf. Rates. fiiiik : fjiilics, -:- )ols -:- .and -:- pirs ! WKIX. 1 S1IOUI.I) SMILE. Tlio "Finest in tho Tjand. Oyster Season Also is about ripe, we win let you know abovit that in tho near future. Y. L. Matlock & Co.