Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 20, 1892, Image 2

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    Give your business to Heppver people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
fob fresidktt,
of Indians.
of New York.
J. F. CAPLE8. of Portland.
H. B. MILLER, or Grant's Pass.
G. M. IBWIN, of Union.
D. M. DUNNE, of Portland.
Sunol will be put against tbe record
of Nancy Hanks next season, whioh ber
owner is oon&dent that sbe will lower.
Dan, yes, Dan Dougherty and Dans
Manning, Lookwood, Lamont, Magone
and Vorheea have been oalled the Cleve
land mascots.
Cobuett and Sullivan sparred at the
latter's benefit, given at Madison 8uare
Garden Saturday, and are apparently
on tbe best of terms.
Pendleton, for tbe second time, will
try two daily papers. It it gives one a
pood living, it will do mure than most
towns of (bat size.
Iue racing at tbe State Fair tbis sea
son was an important feature. Most of
the good horses of the Northwest were
there, and tbey made it lively. Tbe ex
hibits were tip to the average, and tbe
fair was a grand success.
At the State Fair last Thursday
Blondie lowered bis trotting record to
2:17, while Almont Medium, tbe stallion,
got down to 2 :18ji. He is more than a
bait brotber to Nanoy Hanks, and bids
fair to do some bot work soon.
Uncle Bam, to his proteges: "Shall
we do it, boys? Irou ore worth one-third
of scent will make $5 worth of steel wire.
The wire will make 447,000 watob screws,
woigLtng- one pound and worth $1,715
Shall we sell tbe raw material abroad
and buy back tbe manufactured goods
and lose the little balance of $1714.99?
Commissioner Peok, whose reports on
the effects of the MoKinly bill in New
York state, raised such a rumpus, has
been arrested. Peok is a democrat, and
B strong one at that, but be gave in his
report as be found matters. He says:
"The securing of these warrants of ar
rest is the oulmimition of a fight mnde by
tbe mugwumps and anti-Hill democrats
on Gov. Hill and bis friends, and is all
they can expect henceforth from these
That man is about to lose to woman
bis identity in outward upponrunce, is a
startling fact. Heretofore, we have nJ
lowed tbe gentler en to adopt tbe use of
several kinds of male attire, but when
they deliberately and wilfully tnke our
suspenders away from us we draw the
line right there. It is humiliating enough
to Iobo our collars, cravats, ooat, vest and
other apparel, but we plead earnesfly for
our suspenders, and we believe woman
has not grown so bard hearted and inde
pendent that she will not yet spare them
to us. But if she don't we Bhould sus
pender for ninety-nine years.
I .
Collapse of Ureat Yorkshire Company
Caused by t he VcKiulry Turin.
From the Liverpool Weekly Poit.
A Bradford correspondent states that
MessrB. Titus Salt, Sons, and Co., of
Bradford and Sultaire, have sent the fol
lowing notice to tbe local Press: "We
are authorized to state that an extraor
dinary meeting of the shareholders in
Sir Tims Salt, Burt., Sons, and Co., Liui
ited, bns been nonvened fur the purpose
of considering the question of the wind
ing up of the oompany'B business." The
company's assets include the town as
well as the works at Hnltaire, in addition
to the stook in trade and machinery of
the business. The value of these assetM
aooordiDg to the last baluuoe-sheet of
the oompany made up to the end of March
last, was shown to be upwards of 250,
000 sterling in exoess of tbe company's
liabilities. Tbe realization wbiob would
probably attend the winding up must
neosssarily be a matter of time, and the
KBcts would doubtless produce muoli
less by forced disposal than their value
to the company as a going concern. Cer
tain debenture holders have preferential
claims on assets. Tbe trade liabihtie
are about 200,000. Though not quite a
surprise to the Bradford trade, the an
nouncement has oaused some cioite
ment Tbe firm, which has m reoent
years been principally engaged in the
manufacture of plushes, employed thou
sands of hands. The English plush
trade generally, it is stated, has fallen eff
to about a tenth of what it was before
the M'Kinley tariff was passed. This is
given hb the reason for tbe step taken.
A special Correspondent telegraphs;
Intense excitement prevails at Saltaire
and surrounding towns at the announce
ment made yesterday that an extraordi
nary meeting has been called of share
holders of the great firm at Hsltaire to
consider the advisibility of winding up
the oumpnny's business. The business
was founded by tbe late Sir Titus Bait,
whose marvelous success in manufac
turing alpaca won for hirn a world wide
reputation. Charles Diokeus wrote a
vivid sketch on this subject in "Bouse
bold words.". In 1881 the firm was in
corporated as a joint stock oompany
with a nominal share oapital of 750,000
and a nominal debenture capital of jCcOO,
000. Tbe assets, wbiob inolude the town
as well as works of Saltaire and a park
of fourleeu sores, were last March shown
to be about 250,000 in excess of the lia
bilities, but what tbe forced Yealization
will be is doubtful. Trade liabilities are
Stated at 200,000. The shareholders are
principally members or trustees of tbe
members of the Bait family. j
Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1892.
L. D. Boyed's bid to build bridge on
Bbea creek, accepted. Consideration,
Boad app. No. 116, Luther Huston et
al, aooepted; H. 0. Guy, Wes MoNabb
and J. J. Adkins appointed viewers, to
meet Oct. 18, 1892. Isa Brown, surveyor.
Thursday, Sept 8, 1892.
Cost bill, State vs. H. A. Nettleton, al
lowed as follows: L. W. Barnett, 83.60;
0. B. Cochran, 83 00; A. T. Wood, $6.40.
Affidavits D. C. Gurdane et al., bounty
on coyote scalps, accepted and issue of
scrip couflrmed.
Cost bill, State vs. John Doe, allowed
as follows: F. J. Hallook, 85.45; M. S.
Dnskell. 87.50.
W. B. Lacy alluwed free scholarship
to State Agricultural College. Recom
mended by Senator Henry Blackman and
bnpt. Saling.
Jasey & Fain released from responsi
bility in court house work, having com
pleted job aooording to contract.
Constables fees, Geo. W. Sperry, 84 30
Bills allowed in mutter of insaoity of
Mrs. Coobran: E. T. G .gen, 85; L. F-
Shipley, 85; A. T. Wood, 84; Mrs. S. A'
Wood, 84; J. W. Morrow, 86 66.
Dasey & Fain paid 8332.18.
Miscellaneous bills allowed: Miss Eva
Wier, 89; A. W. Wier, 89; Nate MoBee,
stook inspector's Balary, 8100; W, L,
Sating, 8100 50.
Official list published in Heppner Ga
zette, July term, aocepted.
Bond petition No. 115, Oscar Soliufler
et al., aocepted, and Ben Parker, I. M
Leforgery, H. F. Tolle, viewers; Isa
Brown, surveyor. All to meet Oot. 11,
Boad petition No. 117, W. E. Gentry
et al., accepted and John Elder, W. R.
Buyer, A. S. Wells, viewers; Isa Brown,
surveyor, to meet Oot. 9, 1892,
Friday, Sept. 9, 1H92.
Boad petition No. 109, A. S. Hodsden
et al., viewers report, road ordered open
ed and that it he recorded; also that tbe
following bills be allowed: Wm. Duran,
83 70; J D. Kirk, 83.00; J. F. MoAlister,
Boad petition No. 113, John W. Bock
et et al., viewers report accepted and
ordered opened. Tbe following bills al
lowed in oonneotion: H. C. Gay, $4.90;
C. J. Anderson, 85 20; E B. Stantoa,
82 90; J. W. Beckett, 82; Isa Brown, 88.
Boad petition No. 114, Uenry Pudberg
et al., viewers report accepted, and tbe
following bills allowed: T. J. Allyn,
g5.6'0; M A. Olden, 83 20; H. 1. Whit
man, 83 50; Oscar Mitchell, 83 30; A. T
Kiug, 82 70; isa Brown, 89 60.
Boad peiitiou No. 118, D. C. Elyetal.,
continued for term.
W J. Leezer, paid salary, 883 34.
Slienfl N 'hle ordered to oolleot taxes
1888, '89, '90 and '91, and to sell such
property as may be rtquired to satisfy
said tuxes.
Bouuiy on coyote scalps revoked.
App. W. U. Tel. Co., continued for
Bills paid: Gen. Noble, $439.02 ; Ju
lius Keithly, 8133 33; J. M. Baker, $12;
P. Brenner, 813.60! J. W. Morrow. $2u2.
J. J. MoGee paid assessor's salary,
Tbe oourt ordered that the levy for
county purposes be 12 mills and school
purposes 0 nulls.
For Use as a Precaution Against Clinlura
How to Protect Yonielf.
Prepared for the Slate Board of Charities and
Uuriuiiloiis of uregun.hy u. K. Carll, M, J),
ami w. E. Itiuehart, M. P., Members of the
Remove all sources of putrid emanat
ions, w het her from sewers, privies, vaults,
cellars, inhabited rooms or stagnant wat
ers on surrounding premises.
iiave water examined microscopically
by ft competent physician. If nut free
from organic mutter it must be boiled be
fore uaing, an impure water is by far the
rnoHt common origin of the disease..
Drink as little water as possible, and
none between meals.
Enoli lnuiiiteslionld receive at least one
bath of the entire body per weeek.
All underclothing should be washed
and boiled onoe per week'
l'erfeot oleauliuess of rooms and free
ventilation are necessary.
Over-ripe fruits, tainted meat and cold
eooKtd food should he avoided as muob
as possible.
All food should be cooked and eaten
warm, meals served regularly, and no
food should be eaten between meals,
There should be u liberal use of disin
fectants, namely i Chloride of lime, oar
bolio acid, or common charcoal, freely
distributed in cesspools, drains, olosela
and m all places where water or waste
of any kind may have accumulated.
To disinfect bedding and clothing, im
merse theui in a hot solution of corrosive
sublimate (meronrio bichluride), one
part to one thousaud.
Suspected oiiscb should be at onoe iso
lated and the above rules faithfully ob
served. S0.MKTH1.U NKW,
The new Time Card, which is now iu
effect, via the" Wiscousiu Central Lines,"
In connection with tho Northern Faciuo
It. It., affords the traveling public the
best facilities from nil points West to
Chicago nud points limit and South.
The unsurpassed equipment offered to
its patrons, combined with speed, com
fort and safety, surpassing all its com
petitors. All through trains are composed of
Pulluiau Veslibuled Drawiug-Room
Sleepers, with Dining Cars and Day
Coaches of latest design.
The Daily Through Fast Train each
way, making olose connection at Chica
go w ith trains in ull directions.
For tickets, time tables, etc, apply to
Agent of Northern Fiioifio R R., or
Geii'l Puss, and Tkt. Agent,
If Chicago, 111.
fiAjj Tubule : see advertisement.
Here and There.
O.D Allison was in town Saturday.
It begins to feel like fall, doesn't it?
Andrew Neal is over from Lone Bock.
F. M. Pickard returned from below
ChBs. Frey, of Hardman, was over
Mrs. Bert Webb left this morning for
Geo. Lord it crippled op with tbe
This is boss weather for rheumatism,"
oau cuius, etc.
Thus. Boothby was one of Heppner's
viBuora outuroay.
Mr. H. V. Gates is eipeoted up from
oeiow mm eveniug.
Mrs. A. W Miln left this morning for
a vmii io jre gou UKy.
O. S. VauDuvn and little daughter are
in runiunu tuis week.
Billie Beard, Rosooe Day and Jim Tol-
bert were in town yesterday.
Fred Miller kuows how to give you a
guuu ut iu tauoriug. u aw
3. W. Giluiau, of Coruoob, was
Heppner Sunday last.
Simon Shuuer, of Spokane, was regis
tered at me Ulty Loiel tsuuuay last.
W. L. Mallory, the sawmill man, w
dowu trom Hard man over Sunday.
Cha. Iugiaham, when last heard from,
w as in .uipona, &.ausus with relatives.
Geo. Junkms is 'tending camp for May
or iviauoea, anu leit tnis morning witu
well nileil packB.
"Bud" lugruham has just oompleted
a Htaouu who. me inresner, ana was In
Heppner yesletday,
Kev. Powell will preach at tbe M. E
ohuioii next Sunday morning and even
ing at the legmar hour.
ine neppuer souoois will start in this
year with a larger attendance than ever
btrlore, ntjich speaks tor itself.
Newt. Jones is up again, though be
shows the effects of his injury. However
he is now convalescent beyond relapse.
Fred Hart went down to Portland
yesterday fur a short vacation. Beunv
Patterson is working in his plaoe while
Our reporter was shown some very
flue Morrow county opals Sunday, hha
ner Bros, are getting out some very fine
Btones now.
Mrs.Allen Crabtrce was In Heppner
over Suud .y visitiug wito her daugoters,
Mis. Jas. D. Hamilton and Misses Mabel
and iyl (Juutrue.
"Uncle Jake," the ohamnionsolo blav
or ot Heppuer, who has beeu sojouruiug
iu tbe Ureenhoru for some time past, is
in lasiug ueeuoi reel.
The Lena Btage service is to be discon
tinned ntier tbe 2Utli of this month. The
mail will then be brought down by auy
oue that the f. M. can hire to do so.
Bev. J. M. Shmse departed Monday
for the Walla Walla ounf. rence, accom
panied by tus daughters. He preached
his farewell eermuu here Suuday night.
China Sullivan bus lost his mam stay,
Churley, wno is ill. Consequently be is
running his wash house alone. However,
he is txpeotiug soon some help from
Mrs. E. Alcxnuder, of Kansas, sister
of Mrs. (Jims, troy, of Haidniau, arrived
Friday eveuiug on a visit. She was
aooouipuuied by her litile daughter.
be depaited Saturday tor Hardman.
Mr. W. G. Hoott wbb in the oily yes
terday, and reports that 'be Little Laura
tunnel has beeu completed 372 feet from
the surlace, and thinks that before he
reaches 400 leet he will have uncovered
the l.dge.
D Cox had a pretty fair orop this year,
regardless of the dry weather. His oats
and barley both averaged 5U bu. per acre.
He put up 140 tons of hav and threshed
840 bushelB of grain; iu fact bis orop was
about as good as ever.
Mr. and MrB. Harvey Bust and Mrs.
Harrison Houser, of Bloomiugtou, Ills.,
who have been visitiug their relatives,
the Muir family, Tiieo. Danner and
family, and others in this vioiuity for
sorui days past, departed Monday for
Riverside, Cal.
Buhl, the baker. Buy your bread and
oakes and save money, try it. a.
The Stodehaker wagon beads them nil.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Look out for Fell Bro 's sale of rem-
nauts-bargains iu everything. a
Why go hungry when the City botel
furnishes you a good meal at living
rates. a
John Jenkins advertises his fine kim
or brick. Remember that Heppuer brink
equal the best. a
M. Lii'htenthnl & Co. have Just re
ceived a floe lot of ladies' kid, button
and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
For cash yon can get more at the East
eru Clothing house, with Levi on deck,
than any other place in Heppuer. a
The 1'alaoe is the leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with pleuty
of light are provided for evervone. a
Borg, the je.reler, is tb' nan to fix up
your watch or clook. .e keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
busineBB' a
Don't overlook T. W A.vers, Jr., tbe
leading druggist. Choioest perfumes,
purest drugs and the fiuest toilet articles
always on hand. a
The Buehler beer, 5 cents per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hall, Camera &
Hughes, mops., next door to M. Lioh
tenthal & Co. 'a shoe store. a
The M. L. & T. Co., since tbey have
roofed all their pliitfurms, have an im
mense storage capacity, This oompany
now deals in gram, lumber and wood, a
Binoe Shaw & MoCarty purchased the
ment market they have always endeavor
ed to keep on hnud the freshest and
choioest mean, sausages and bolognas, a
Thompson & Binnsowu the buss which
goes to and from ttie City hotel, but will
call for parties desiring to go to train in
any part of the city. Leave orders at
City hotel. a
What will perseverance, pluck and en
terprise avail iu this wild west, if you
cauuot get big bnrgaius? However, be
fore giving up entirely, visit Miuor Bros.'
empor inn. a
Gilliam & Risbee, the hnrdwaro and
tinware ln-roliants, carry everything ap
pertaining to their lines, even agricul
tural implements. Don't you need a
plow this fall? a
Dr Grant's Clnalo, the great dyspepsia
conqnerer, will positively cure d.ispepsia
and all its kindred ailments. Every bot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
effect a cure or money refunded, See sd.
in this issue. a
Don't overlook Kirk A Rasmus for
bargains. They have purchased the bus
ineas of J. W. Matlock & Co. but will
soon remove to the Mallory corner, oppo
site the Palace botel. a
Tbe latest dentistry, crown and bridge
work, most successfully accomplished by
Dr. B. F. Vaughan. Gas administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner. Or l..w.
Subscriptions for nil newspapers, mag I
afines and periodicals published in the
wor d taken at the Gazette office. Sub
scribe for your readiug matter through I
us and we will inmre you against loss of i
money in transmission through the
mails. tf. I
Of a large and
iliq, : Ladies :
Pattern Hats, Kibbons, Birds,
Will be Displayed. ---
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 22, 23, 24.
They also make
Lais' and Mm
Dress Goods
-In faot EVEBYTHING curried in-
A. "General Dry Goods Store.
It is worth your while to investigate whether you wish to purchase or not. 526-6
Opens nt
-Attractions far ahead of all
American Band, of Providence, R. I.
Art valued at $350,000,
Gov't models of Battle Ships.
A Magnificent Electrical display,
The wonderful Hall of Mystery.
Marvelons Mechanical Effects The '-Little World" and a
Myriad of Exhibits in Mining, Eleotrioity, Horticulture,
Agriculture, Woods, Mills and Manufactures. 520-7ft
I Have for Sale
Four Thousand Bucks.
Fifteen hundred are Thoroughbred, and 2500 Grade Bucks from Wm.
Robs band. For terms and prices address
Charles Cunningham,
For T.W. AYERS, Jr., & Co.
L 1, B07ED 1IE
Mayor Matlock being absent, council
wbs called to older by Recorder Robertf,
All conuoilrnen present except Coun
cilman Morgan.
Minutes of last regular session read
and Bpproved.
Bond of MoAtee Bros., accepted.
Ordinance No. B3. ordinance licensing
bntoher shops, brr.nyht before Onnnoil
and on motion of Garrignes, seconded
bv Farnaworth, was laid on the table.
Motion to make sidewalk on Baltimore
street ten feet wide, was reconsidered
and made six feet instead.
Council adjourned.
Wheat, bu 50c
Fh.ur,bbl i 50
Beeves, oo s & two-year-olds. owt. 2 no
" " three 2 0(1(92
Sheep, muttons, head 2 25g3 Oil
" stock 2 25 iff 3 HO
Hoirs, on foot, owt S4 5(
Hons, dressed 6 50 (3 7 0(1
Wool 12 14
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40
Ekks, doz 15
Chickens, dul 2 50 3 00
Wheat, cwt 81 'Z7 ft 1 Si
Floor, hbl 3 Oo (ft 4 15
Beeves, stall fed 5 60 i
Muttons, owt 7 00 (3 9 00
Hojis, owt 8 50 ( 5 25
Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 12 at IS)
Butter, tb 27. (3 30
EkTBS.doi ,. 20 0 21
Chickens, doz 5 00 600
Turkeys, lb 18 20
Wheat, cwt 1 17 1 25
Fhrnr, bbl 3 80 0400
Beeves, ct 1 75 M 2 75
" dressed 4 00 (if 8 00
Muttons, live sheared. .. 3 2". 3 50
dressed 7 00 G 8 00
Hogs, on foot 5 00 t 5 50
" dressed 7 00 Hi 8 (10
Wool Eastern Oregon... 10 16
Butter 27.4 30
Eggs, dot , 24 (a1 2o
Chickens, dot 260(g4 60
Torkevs lb JH
Complete Line of
Fumighings, : Etc.
a Specialty of-
of All Kinds
. 22.
former years Tbe famous-
114-Oct. 1-w.
Contractor I Builder.
t-HoEMAKBB. Ed. Birbeolf, a shoemak
er and repnirer of many years' experi
ence, bus just looated in tbe Abraham
eiok building, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line.
Mr. Birbeck is strictly a firat-olass work,
man and warrants all work. Give him a
call. 14 tf
I wish to trade mules or horses for
"little. Address me at Lexington, or
call at my ranch, seven miles north
east of that plaoe.
622-sw. B. F. Swaoqabt.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Sept 16, 18H2.
Notice l hereby given that the following
named Bottler has flled notice of her intention to
make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, county clerk of Morrow countv, Or., at
Heppner, Or., on October 29. law vli:
Hd. No. 2S7S, for the W,' NE1 and Vi'4 BEV
tee 3, 1 p. 3 8, K SO K.
she names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Wm. Huehes, A. S. Wells, H. E. Clark and
Ransom Hart, allot Heppuer, Oregon.
John V. Lbwis,
HARNESS-SHOP, stock and Bxtures. Good
business: established In the midst of a
eood tannine and stock.rnininE. nmmtrv
Also for sale a good house and iwo lots with op
n iinout me Dusiuess property. Forturther In
formation address Gazette, Heppner, Or. 4S3 U.
National M oi Heppner.
President. Cashier.
Made on Favorable Terms.
ii i
Over the Crops being a failure
Or the Roads being dusty
Gives you anch
UsAU ii 1 1 1 1 s i r i r i i.Mi..i.i..i
Big Line of Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises,
Hats and Fancy Goods
A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish
ing Goods to be sold at Cost.
A number of summer
to be disposed of
Come early and avoid the rush in
securing bargains.
Heppner, Oregon.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYERS. Sr., Manager.
Columbia Beer Hall!
TV" EXT DOOR io Heppner Candy Factory on Main
Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors,
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buehler Beer to
r Cents Per Glass,
On draught, freeh and cool. LudcIi of all kinds. Hope
to see all their old friends and many more.
H. A. Thompson
Tie Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Coffin & McFarlanil's, Main Street.
Good onveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay nnd grain per dBy. 81.25. Meals 25 ots. at
at 0. 0. Surgeaut's, npxt door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled hay always on band.
' ' - Of THli '
toper Pari Association !
OCTOBER 19, 20,21,22.
The Directors ham' taken the utmost pains in preparing
their Programme, and hope that they will be rewarded
by the liberal patronage of the general publlo as well
as the Horsemen.
pue wlo?"'' Ct' w-urt"-'le "ash; Purse, flw.00. Local saddle horses, 400 yard..
-'SS "
J125.00 1--Hi ree-clglus mile dash; purse fluo.w. Five-eights mile dash; purse
hl pu"eD:lS!:t 2':; FOr'lefeatt'a hor,cs; 700 5'an1; Pu ? Free for all; half-mile
mums, oeieni) i.r cut to the niuiicr. twenty per cent to the second best and ten to the third.
These races will be governed by the rules of the Pacific
Blood Horse Association.
Sfll ?nP?nT! fr hT, tL"ut n'ht come here who are not
qnalihcd to enter in any of the above races.
OTia VATTEKSON Secretary 4. D. MoATEE, Present.
B,l,wu- T' W. Ayers, Jr., E. O. Sperry. 517-Otol9.
I .wh'1wePro':o8eto!0'lnctin the most satietaotor, manner. Will keep
on hands at all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
86-tt SHW & McCAETY,
barRnJoa for onsb.
suits and odd pants
regardless of cost.
A. . Binui