CIRCULATION MAKES OFFICIAL PAPER. 8ome ieotle Thi Paper. Without it advertiser get nothing for, their money. The Gazette, with one tmoeption, has the largest circula tion of any paper in , Eastern Oregon. Therefore it ranks high at an advertising medium. Buy advertising space because rates are low generally Vie circulation is a night lower Circulation determines the value of advertising ; there is no other standard. The Gazette is willing to abide by it. line HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1892. WEEKLY NO. 490. J SEMI-WK&KLY NO. KK. dfafene. TKNTH YEAR i 11 1 , . TUlVL'IIXin NfiTU mm IT 1 StMI-WttUY GAZETTE.) M I 1 W)' OTT. RHEUMATISM p B R g f "" 'OJfZ.T' Tuesd&ys and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPAXl ALVAH W. PATTERSON.. OTIS PATTEltSON ..Bus. Manager. Editor MVhNFRHETO OUR READERS A fS.W per year. l.SOfor su months. 1.U lor t ,ree muuinn; it paid for in advanre --ou. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The "EA9LE," of Long Cre4, Oram County Oregon, Is published by the mint eoui Dauv every Friday morning. Subscription Dric'e fclneryear. Forailvertisliiirrates.aclilress biaiir xi. fatxebbo, minor ami Manager, Long OreeH, Oregon, Henpner, Oregon. or "Uazette, 1M1IH PAI'EKiskcpt Advertising Aiteuey, and o KichaiiK", 8an Francisco. I alltornii tracui for advertising can be made b on tile at E. C. flake's ami as ftlerenanis la, where co- .or it. THE GAZETTE'S AG .NTS. ,pr. Wagner, Arlington, Long Creek, Echo, .. Cannot Prairie, Matteson, Nye, Or., Hardmau, Or Hamilton, Grant Co. lone, . . Prairie City, Or., ...... ........... Canyon City,".Of.,. . . . . . .-. ..-. Pilot liock, Uayvillc, Or., John Day, or Athena, Or Pendleton, Or., Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or, Shelbv, Or., Fox, l, rant Co., ur., Eight Mile, or., (ipper Ithea Creek, Dunging, or Lone ltoi-k, Or .... Cooseberry . . -Condon, Oregon . .. Lexington , . . B. A. Hunsaker ...Henry lleppner ....... . 1 he Kagle Bob ahaw Oscar l)e Vaul Allen MrFerrin H. C. Wright J. a. Woolery . ..Mattic A. Kudio ... .. T. J - Carl K. It. Mclluley H. L. I'arnsli 0.1'. bkelton J. E. snow F. 1. McCalluiu . . . John Edlngton Win. U. MecroHKey . Postmaster ...MisB Stella Flett . J. F. Allen Mrs. Andrew ABhbaugh .... B. F. Ilevhuiil 8. untie K. M. Jollnso .... Vi. I', rtnyder Herbert llalsteaii ..W. B. Mi Alisier AN AUKNT WANTED IN BVKHY PaBCmcT. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. daily No. 10, mixed leaves Hoponer 8:20 a. m. " Ill " sr. at Arlington U r,0a.rn. " 6, " leaves " 8: P- m. nt " ar. at Heppner tiij p. in. tticanl Sunday. East bonnd, main line ar. at Arlington l p. m wt. ' " leaves P. Night trains are running on same time as before, HEPPNER-MONUM EN T STAGE. dail except Monday. .Stage leaves for Monument jii'bi t Ntuinnv. mow . Arrives daily, u :ov 1'. m. United States Offlfiala. Benjamin Harrison Vice-Prenidant VT' J Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper By a special arrangement with the .... . j f..n;av. imliliabers we are propnrcu m un" EE to each of our readers a year's nbscriptinn to the popular nioutniy igrioultural journal, the American Farmer, published at hpringbelii ana Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up an arrearages u subscription and one year in ndvsnoe, aud to any new subscribers who will pay one yeai in anvunce. i ne nBamwao Farmkr enjoys a larjie national eironla linn, and ranks amooc the leading .ifricnltnral papers. By this HrrHiiue ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re oeive the Ambkican Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to oail promptly. Sample cooieB can oe en at our nfnee. neuralgia, and sciatica can always be successfully treated with Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cure is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. D ?i Br i trek liLigPowder The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used. in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard Dr money rafuudttti. NAVAL HOMING BIBDS. Experiments Showing the Practl. cal Value of Carrier eon Northern IVific Interior Points the Frora Terminal HA I LRO A D! Is the hue to take It is the DininnCar It nt. It runs Through Vesti billed Trains every day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of CBrs) CiiN)sril of DINlMi CAHS uiisurpssed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM Of Liitfsl Equipnimt TouristS! eping Cars Bet that, can he constrnrted and in which ao cooimodivioi.sar,' both iree and fnrtuahed for holders of hist or see, nd-class tickets, and Elegant Day Coachs. , Za. 0 - 1 k rNv.n.i Coiitinnous Line oonueenuK with all Lines, nffnrdiutt Direct and Uuiuter rupted Service. The yobrated French Gure, "'SSI!?4 "APHRODITINE Is Sold o A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any forniofuervout disewie, or any disorder of the BEFORE generative or- AFTER f.ut ol either sex whether iriiing from lh excessive us of Stimulauu, Tobacco or Optufij, er through youthful Indiicration, over Indulg ence, Ac, inch Ijxa of Bra'n Power, Wakeful sen, llearlug down Paiui lu the Beck, Seralnel Weakness, II yeteria. Nervous Prosiratiou Nooturn el Emission. . Leucorrhaa. Dlizlueu, Week Mem. j ory.lMof Power and Impotencjr, which If ne elected of leu lead toprematureohiageaudlnian lty. Price 11.00 a box. boxes for 19.00 Bent by nail on receipt of price. A WUITTKN GUARANTEE foreverylS.OO order, to refund the money If a Permanent cure is uot effected. Thnnsendi of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently I ired by Aphsoditini. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WISTXBH BaAHCK BOX tl PORTLAND, OR Sold in Heppner by Slocum-.!ohnston Drug Co AUTHORITIES DISAGREE. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. Dee eia y of Suite Secretary of Treasury.. Baeretary of Interior... Secretary of 'Var H.' retary ol navy. lorton .John W Fost r CharleH rott-r ,1. W. No'.le ..Stephen H Klkii R .... ...II. F. Tracy Postinter-Oeneral u " " ii . Allorney-Uanersl w.- " ' '7 Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah U sk State of Ofogon. Governor.... VV ' W Xnf J Bupt. Public lnslruction h. B. M-Ing Benatore ) j' N.U 11 1. t Binper Hermann Congressmen w h. Ellis nj,, . Frank l'. Baker rniter IF. A. Moore Supreme Judges j u. Sn'' Snvpnth Judicial District. .,!... i. ...j W. L. radahaw Prosecut nTAt.orney W. H n Morrow County OrHcial-. ...Henry Hiecamaii . j . l. nrnwi niuouQii TICKETS To and from al points in Amercn, .r-ngln a and Kurop can be purchased al any I icaei omce this toinpany. Full information conceruinn rates, time of trams, routes and other aeiuiia furnished on application to any HKent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenifer Aein. No. 121 First ., Cor. Washington, tf PORTLASD OREGOh Joint Senator.., Representative, onnty Juoge ' Commissioners. J. M. Baker. Clerk, .Inline Keiihly . Pele' Bienuei J. W. Morrow ui,..:n- neo. iiooie. ri, W..I. U eiaur t, 1 aaaannr. ..................... i. " Surveyor wTh!Z2 " ,&!v::::::.v:::t:w: HEPPNER TOWN OPPTCEBS. ., . .T. J Matlock .yJ",l";,V.:'-. "h. K. Farnsworth. M I,ichtenthal."6ti'a Patterson. B. P. Garriguea. Thna. dorgan and rank Gilliam 2""'" R G. Slocum w.Baamna. Pncinct OIBie-s. United states jnd Oihcers. THE DALLES, OB. J. W. Lewis. T. 8. Lang . hViria' Keceiv r LA GRANDE, OB. A Cleaver A.C McClelland.. ..Register ..Receiver SECRET SOCIETIES. l)oni Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meeto ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.80 o clock b their Castle Hall. National Bank build. BotOUrning Oroinerw ninnw, i vited to attend. H. Kcbebzi.noeb. I . E R. BW1 N BURN s. K. ol B 18. tf KAWL1N8 POST, N I. 81. G. A. R. Meets at Lexington, Or., the Uet Saturday of tach month. All veterane are invited to j . . C. KiKin. Adinlant, tf Gwi. W. BMITH. t'ommanuer. psorxseiomtii. A. ROBERTS, R- al Estate, Insnr. inns and Collection!. Office Counoil Chambers, Heppner.Or. swtf. A Where? At Abrahamaick'a. In addition to hi ...;,o hnainess. be ha added a fine .mi,', line of underwear of all kinds, neli-. -u:-.. ot-. Also bas on baml . oloo.nt natteroa for snits. Abrahamsiok. May street. Heppner.Or r...(S fc MnFarlnnd have int received - .... nf Mitotiell Wagons. Hnek etc . and have also a large anpply of farm in imnlements of all kinthv hlhuan Sleeper Reservations ean Or Sevnred in advance uinmyn any agent of the road. The o i-I i 1 1 1 ft 1 Webster's Uoakii DICTIOHBRY. The success of this Great Cough Cure Is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sen it on a poa- ae, a test tnat no oinercurevau stand. That it may become bnnnn. the ProDiletors. at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home In the United States and Canada, If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it. for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough , use it promptly, and relief is snre. If you dread that, insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'8 CURE, Price 10 cts.. 60 cts. and$1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Hack lame, uso Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cts. For salo by all Drug gists and Dealers. IntelllK-nt Creature That Can Be Taogb.1 Is ferforot Valuable Servl Daring War-Tline Never Mis'uke Their Owner. Th late maneuver of the French fleet of evolution at Toulon, says the New York Herald, have demonstrated the usefulness and advantage of hominR pigeon for naval purposes. During tl sham attack on the port of Toulon the trained pigeons of the central sta tion were distributed among the scouts and torpedo cruisers which wen stationed to watch the approach of the enemy's fleet. The pigeons were re leased at intervals, thus enabling the prefct maritime of the port of Toulon to In; soeedilv informed of the approach and movements of the attacking fleet and to keep in constant communication with the ships of the fleet defending the port. The naval messenger pigeon service was established in France by Admiral Ucrgasso Dupct'it-Thouars several years ago with . hcadiiuarters at Toulon. Every man-of-war leaving Toulon Is provided with au outfit of homing pigeons, which are released at various distances according to the stage of their respective training. With a few ex ceptions they return to their home lofts the bearers of cipher dispatches at tached In the customary manner In their wintrs or tails. A loft has been established on ooara the gunnery practice ship. St. Louis with the view of accustoming the pigeons to the report and- smoke of guns. .They follow 'the vessel in lier cruises, and never mistake, her for1 an other. Their usefulness has been especially demonstrated whenever the ships of the squadron were beyond the range of the heliograph, as they enablod the com mander of, the fleet to Ci-mmumcatc with the shore at long dit -,-?'' when no other means of communication were available. The ordinary service which the pigeon unconsciously performs by car rying letters, orders, reports and similar dispatches is based on tne natural in- Difference of Opinion Regarding Sprays and, In recent editions of this paper were published lectures on orchard insects and horticulture delivered at Stanford university by the most eminent special lets of the country. We published those lectures as the views of authorities on those Questions so important to orchard- ists. Professor J. B. Comstock is a rec ognized authority of this country on matters pertaining to what we call scale bntrs or bark lice. He is thoroughly posted on the economic science of ento mology. He may uot have the practical knowledge on the subject that they have who are constantly observing ana con tending in the orchard and garden. He could not go into minuteness of de tail that is necessary in taking care of orchards in a short lecture. Some things of seeming unimportance are of the most value to the practical orchardist. Many of the most valuable little details were, perforce, left out of his lecture, as pub lished at least. Mention was omitted ot Hie best and surest means of freeing or chards of insect pests. Namely, the in traduction of paraaitio and cannibalistic insects, whose special office it is to feed upon the noxious insects. It is unfortu nately true that in our efforts to destroy scale bugs by washes and sprays and even by fumigation, the most perfect of all known means, we have been killing only a small percentage of the scale bugs and at the same time every one of the parasitic insects. With washes we drive from the orchard the insect eaters such as ladybugs, soldier bugs, beetles, etc Fumigation kills all insects except a few of the scale. I believe there is no case on record of killing all the scale bugs iu an orchard evan by the most perfect fumigation. Professor Comstock gives as his opin ion that the best of the winter washes is the resinous wash, especially on decide ous trees. He is right in saying this wash will come nearer destroying all the scale bugs than any other, yet I can' not agree with his recommendation, The lime, sulphur and salt compound is nearly its equal for scale and its effect in destroying the germs of many of the worst iurms of fungarial diseases is most valuable. Another important point left out is that these washes for the Advice to th. Aed. A;ebWi;siiif iriBitlci.iiaeii i. Rlne srlKti l ow . !,. o k kidney eoii Mud- der atci f oij.ivt inci. have a specif ic effect on thefceorg-ans, Mim"loliii tbe bowel givliiK nature nl illwliui-K i without Htraluiug or griping, anti ISIPAETIIIG YEGOR to llie Kidneys, bladder anil liver, liiey are adapted to old or young. SOLl liVEKYWUKlili. ONLY E ...1 nfrvnnn tr tviflim ITS flU'Tl u ' .t.iv mr .ml fnrvt destruction of scale bugs should be ap- attract it In a "there-and-back" j plied in autumn just as soon as the leaves flight, however, the task is to induce ' are off the trees, for then the scale are the same pigeon-which, unless carried young and tender and easier killed than away, as a rule never forsakes its own in midwinter or spring whon they ar i.,ft (W in another with which it closely buttoned up in their horny winter has been nreviouslv made acquainted overcoats, which are nearly impervious in r,w nrnviiln itself there with its I to liouids of any kind, accustomed food and water and then , that any scientific entomologist would return to its proper home. have advised the spraying of even one In this manner a pigeon carries a dis-1 tree, except as an experiment, in any patch to a certain spot with a view of part of the region within 100 miles ot obtaining food there. The first mes- j San Francisco the present winter if they sage is then removed and an answer ' weve fully posted on the conditions now substituted, which the pigeon on. the existing in this region with any of these completion of its feeding carries back washes. Why? Because the natural to its own loft. In this way it is possi- eneraios of the scale bugs are destroying ble with a single loft of ten birdE every species of injurious bug. Protes trained for this particular work to keep go,. rjolustock would not advise spraying in constant communication by messages jf ne waa aWare of the existing condi- two places, either or both of which may yon9- yB should know when to spray be besieged or biocKauea. V SI'KUlAL AllM.v".' ...... publishers, we are able 10 obtain a number of th above bo.,K, anu propose uj iu.,..o.. copy to each of our subscribers. the dictionary is a necessity in every home, school and busli.esa house. It Hint a vacancy, and liirnislies knowledge which no one bun- red other vol nines Ol me tuii i t. . supply. Yoiiiiguud old, ciluialeci aim quorum, . v.v J i.i I,..,-.. I, it'iililji r..i, fh. and rich anu pool, Biiu'iiu uu.v .. refer to in conleuia every day in the car As some have asKca n tins is ictn.j ,o null Hehslcr s t i.abndgeU Ulclloi.ary, we are able to siaie we have l.arneu oireci iron. ...c publishers the lavi, mai uu i um complete on v. Men about lony o uie oesi jea.n 01 the aumor a uie ,..-.v-o ,.v. ... -.-writing it conlai iB thy entire vocabularj ol about Itai.uuu words, including the correct spell ing, derivation anu uennmu" v. the regular standard sie, containing about Wu.oini square iiiciicb ui i-nn, . bound 1 cloth Hall morocco anu i.eeo. Until turtner notice we will furnish this valuable Diet onary Fust lo any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now m arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at rhe following puces, viz: Full Cloth bound, gut siae ana Dam stamps marbled edges $:-oo Halt Mo occo. bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges $1 50. Full Sheep bound, leather labe edpes, $2.00 fifty cents added in all cases for express are to Heppner ltr-AJ the publishers limit the time and ...f.T... ,.t i.,.,.Lo th..v will furnish at the low prices, we advise all who dnire to avail them selves of ihis great opportunity to attend to it at once. The original and only genninp Componnd Oxy gen Tratinnt, that, of l)rs. Biarkey A Palen, is a scientific 1 djnstment of the-elements of Ox; gen aid Nitrogen magnetized, and the compound is so condensed and made portable that it is sent ail over the world. It has been in uae tor more than twenty years; IhouHanda of patien'ehave been treated and over one thousand physicians have uswi it and recom mend it a very significant fact. The grptit sncceftH of oar treatment has Kken rie to a host of imitator, nimcrupnlous peri-ona. Mime calling then preparations ( omnonnd Oxy HPii, itffen approprifitiiiK our testimonials ana thft nftiiifiH of onr uatiertta. to recommend worth ifn concoctions. But any substance mad- else where by others, and called Compound Oxygen, in spurious. ; "Compound Oxygen - Its Mode of Action and i ''osnltn" in tho litlR n' R bnok of 2)H) DHif Dab- Hnhf d hy Dm. Starkoy A Faien. which givw to all it mi 1 rflrri full information as to this remarkable curative gnt. and a record of iurprisii, cure in a numrwr or climruo cases many ot tnem after bring abandoned to dl by other physicians, W ill oe mauea iu any ewjurwH 011 nppnu.iuu. Drs STAKKKY & PA1.HN, 1529 Arch St., Philadelphia, Penna, PI pane meuti"D this paper. 514-531. w. marbled n7rn AXLE GREASE BEST I! THE WORLD. Itewt-rtiig uulitllre uneuniaseed. octnarj FOR BALK BTDEAUS8GESEH.U.LT. 1y? Forest Grove Poultry Yards ESTABLISHED IS 1877. Wvandotten. Plymouth Rooks, Ligl) Brnniahs, Kose and Single Comb Brown Leghorns, Putridge , Cochins, Hondans and Sil ver Spangled Hunibuigs. 1.000 Y0 0 6 FOWLS After several successful experiment in Italy with homing pigeons on a "there-and-back" flight a continuous service was est ablished between Rome i well as how. D. B, W. How to Make Gravel Itoade, Good gravel roads exist in great and Oivita Vecchia, the latter being Be-' abundance throughout the villages ana lected for these experiments be- j towns of Massachusetts. The gravel cause of its strategic impor tance. The distance between Home and Civita Vecchia is forty miles. This remarkable, means of communiation was obtained only after long and care ful training, (lermnnv. France, Spain, Austria, Italy, Portugal and Canada maintain j numerous pigeon service establish ments, which form an important de partment nf their naval and military organizations. Several of them employ pigeons in connection with the defense of the coast as well as on board war and dispatch vessels. So far no organized service of meS6en: ger pigeon has been established in the ITnited States navy. It is to be hoped that such a service will soon be estab lished, as numerous experiments have demonstrated that homing pigeons can fly several hundred mile's at sea; that From the E. 0. Quite a literary cariosity has slruok tbe Pendleton postofnee. It is a note book, with the following legend iu a bold baud ou the oover: "Please place your name ou tbe inside and Bend along, ai d hen this bas gone tbe rouuda return to P. Turner, B. P. C Boa. Spring and Y., 11. P. N." It bas gone the rounds witb a veugeauoe, the names, stamps and itticiams of postal olerka and postoffioe employes wbioh oover the iuslde pages bowing that it bag traveled in tbe mail bags over neatly the eutire United Stales. There are quite a number ot guod things. One enthusiast has written : "No cy- onea, neither ice nor snow; the howl- g winds do never blow ; the fruits and overs tbe year round grow; the only country ou earth yon know; oh, glori ous California!" Around this aie the cnlations of disgusted cletka: 'Corne ll'," "measles!" "rate!" "what's Hie mat er with bleeding Habeas?" etc, etc. One ady clerk dowu at Ogden has bad tbe lemerily to paste her photograph iu the book, and would faint if she saw the words surroDudiug it put on in red ink lib the regulation rubber slumps. Some of them are: "Uuolaimed," "itefuaed," Received iu bad condition," "Returned tor correction," "Dunlloute applied for," Unuitiiluuie." J. l Immbirtb, cf tbe Peudieton postollioe, who is something f a oaricatunst, has taken two pages for outrageous pictures of Postmastei burroughs and his assistants. Bur roughs is represented aa a-wide mouthed sou ot Eriu with cross eyes aud prickly Uaii ; Lauibirth wears a woe-begone look aud a patch over his eye; R. Bund, mail- ug clerk, "red headed aud left-handed," has a wonderfully life-like picture. There are also appropriate take oil's with tbe following titles: "Sheonnestothfloflioe very time un engine whistles:" "A ouuob grass beauty;" "Any mail for me-e?" COLUMBIAN CELEBRATION. the Meeting ot The General Committee Fri day -Other Committees Appointed. A majority of the Columbian and G. . R. general Oomtnittee met at the ofSie f Frank Kelloug last Friday evening, ippoiuting the following additional com. uittees: Grounds, b. P. Garrigues, Frank Gilliam, Wm. Horivner, A. M. Slo. jum aud , MuBride; music, V. L. Su- tiug, F. J.tlallook, John Rasmus, Mrs. S. P. Garrigues and Mrs, W. P. Dutton this oommittee to confer with the com mittee ou program. The oommittee ou oration are: Hons '. R. Ellis, Henry Blaokinan ami J. N. Brown. It is suggested that Hon. Geo. H. Williams, who was attorney general inder U. 8. Grant, would be a propei person to invite to deliver the oration, hut. of course, this matter is id the hands the oommittee. SOMK KAtiLKTH. should not be a clean, dry gravel, but should have sufficient clayey or earthy matter to give it the binding quality Any pebbles greater than IU inches diameter should be screened out, The accepted way of constructing a gravel road is to lay down a layer about four inches thick and roll it thoroughly with light roller, keeping the gravel wet while it is being rolled. Then add a second layer, and treat it in a similar fashion, and finally put on a top layer, rolled with a heavy roller. The sides of the road should be rolled first and very compact, and then the middle: in this way tbe middle, which receives the most of the wear, has the compact sides to resist the spreading of the material and can be rolled very hard and solid. A gravel road well constructed will have a substantially impervious covering and will shed the "water to the side ditches. From the Long Creek Paper. Geo. Rail r made a delivery of beef tattle at Hepi ner last week. J. D. Hnguewood, liveryman of Can yon City, was in Lung Creek Monday. Ed. Long was over rrom Heppner Sat urday, ieaviug Suuday for Canyon City. The ittteudauce at the Long Greek ioIiooI is increasing Long Crek will 1'iiititloBs bave the banner school of lb. louuly agatu this year. Mr. Allen, who resides ou the other ile of the Blues, in Morrow, baa the banks of the Eagle for au eh gaut lot of pal specimens. Among the uumiiei were several Are opals, the must preo ioug stones. Ed. Keeney arrived Tuesday evening itb freight from Heppner. He brings ord that Billy Welch had a break down in the mountains near Parker v Hlea mi's sawmill, having ou a load of 8,00(1 jounus. Jerry Pbilipps, who is looking after he wanta of 0. A. Rhea's bands of sheep n Uraut county, was u Long Creek last Friday. He will make arranginents to move the bands baok in Morrow soon is it is getting rather frosty iu the high ranges in this connty. Bruce Unities, trunk Auderson. Oran Vaughn, AlouiieMutJisuu, Claude Huston, iUwiu AuUclbUi, Cnatley fteyuier Jul. L. Itoung, Aionie Uuolou, Xyuumi Rouiaoii, Auueraun, Albeit Gay, Lw&iie Lieacu, Uro Aukins, Auhur Uay, Misses 'Xulitf' Audeisou, Ciora Aitieou, Cora Young, Clara Juukm, Auua Miller, Lena tteymer, luy JJumiau, JNurma Deuget, Eelie Juukiu, Maggie AUkiuc, May mi- Hum, r,ioie ruiujoi, jNiua IXumau, LiUla vUuuaoia, iveltle Copple, Aluolt) iUuu kers, Alary iiecaet ana iimiua Aumus. Mr. Leaob aud family have relumed from Hits mountains where they bave been spending tne summer. Several of ibe vuuug people ot this ueigUOornuud will attend tue Lleppner auuoul luis wiuter. Mr. Fruuk Anderson will leave next t'nuay luoiuiug for Alouinuuth wnere Le Wll alteuU lUe Aorutal suuvfut. lur Uru Vauuhu lott lor his hi iniH in Oeuiraiia, WuaU., last AluUuuy uioruiug. for iearul the waste basket will am.. luiuitjuior" passea uiunter A 1. iD.) TohJlliNTolt. Eight Mils, Sept. 14, hm. BCHNT BlVt,K HlfLEfS. Heallh good, weather pleasant, mining eu.peuueu, uuu Htock uieu rustling, Wu have uOUuduuce of grass here, but 1 am tuiU lUul lud rauge is auuut played out iuiub John Lay ouuuuy, ana tuut many ol lue ontty sutuuieieu thete ate uu tne uluVd to ine Uouie ruuge. T'Uere were four democrats in our orew when we started lu I lie uiouuluius. Wow two of them declare ttiey will vule iv n.wnyu, UU lUd IUIIU UiaU IN ' OU tne leuce.'' llui Vauueipooi lemaiua a luyal auVoOaW ot su-caueu Ueuiuoiaoy. What is too matter wuu tua eariu? la it ouiuiug upr Ai.hougu itiere are uo loioot llieo iu HlKllt, tne buoi tiirea weeks have Ueou so smoky ihul objects '' a tuau ou uoiseoaoa are oeatueiy disoeruioie at a uisiuuoe of ' null a nine. Bureiy the " 'isuiemoiiii.iiv' ,ys aie ouiue, lue SoUUest ol lue year." Lost night seveuty iour Umatilia ludi- aun CaUipeu at tuemomu ot alollv creek, ou tuoir way to tiaiuey couaty "for the uuuual fall hunt. 1 saw ulU Wah-pea-uu Una uioruiug. He suij "Uiiiut uouuty IJostuii mau. hiyu Ouaus, no iet- em bihubu uiuu knieui uiuwitun, heap yutem otwaah niou in skooKuiii-houae, uuap Union loot." The fishing iu Burnt river is said to be luuneuse, a pai ty from Huker City Uaviug Looked one thai pulled him in tne river and came near drowuiug him. ao saiu mat trom tue nsu s bououb, be tuought it must be a cross betweeu a NewiouudlauU whuleuud perpetual mo tion. Newt, 'iiitlithhas ueeuuuguugtue past tew days, aud though he Uaa Kept our table bouuufully supplied wuh mouutuiu truut, he failed to oatoh s whale. This party from baker says the) uest way to outoh those whales, is to take a viuliu aud tilde in the grove idoug tne river aud play something fantastic, and when tbe whales oome out on tbe Uaukto dan in the moonlight catch them with, a lasso rope. It is possible, and iu fuot, probable, that we will have some "fuu" before we get away from here. We are ou the Bttrut river side of ihe inoutaiu uow, aud lave linen for seveial days, and though t is eight miles to the nearest settlemeut, he ranchers object to Bheep orossiue the summit. I saw one of them not long since. He claims to own 100 aores of sage brush about ten miles oeluw here. and seven or eight old oowa with u. many dill'eient brands, aud imagines that he is a "cattle baron" and that be has a right to all the grass from Chey enne to llehriug sea and tbe Sandwich iBlands However I hold a diflorent opinion, and when I expressed it lo biui tie was very impolite to me, aud criticized me In language that was neither gram matioal nor biblioul. He weut away voing dire vengiiuee, and said I would reoeive a onll in a few days that would tespeot. It may be right for a a lawless mob to run uu itinfTeusive, law abiding miiiu of' of hoveruiuetit land, but I do imt think so. Dn-rp Austin, Ore., Sept. 12 1892. they can be bred and trained on board If tho side clit:hea properly do the work ship: that they can recognize their own of nn(Ier(lr!iining Bnch a Toaa would do ship among others, and that they can excMmt mTvice vrithont being uudoly be relied upon to carry news from the fleet to the shore, and under favorable firenmstnncea from the shore to the fleet and from one vessel to another, when beyond the range of heliograph and electrograph. A naval messenger pigeon service cannot be improvised on short notice, as the pigeons require long and carcfu' training before they can be dependne unon to carry dispatches. War vessch employed in defending a coast are frc expensive. St. Paul Pioneer Press. Congress and the Iloud Question. The constitution of the United States savs that tbe general government shall have power to estublinh xwtrouds and nrovule for the common defense. With this authority it is clear that the United States has the right to build and main tain roadB which shull serve as mail routes and for niilitarv purposes, we FBEETO THE BFFL1CTED. All wh are suffering from the effects f Youthful Error. L of Mai-hood Fuilinu Puwers. Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Strictiirp.Syphilissnd the many Ir'mbl which are the effects of Hose terrible disorder, will receive, Fiiee of Chakor. full directions how to, teat and cure th-wselres at home by rUiu to ibe CiUFiihsiA Mkpicai. and rnniOAt, Ix fikmart. 1 '29' Market S'.re-' Sat, Fraacisoo, California. 4o5-ly. Ready for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. qttently without the means oi trans wil neV(jr hav6 r(mU if we de- routing information m toe u ..u.i,. m eff(jrti all(i w0 can neVer portance the mainland, ty near,, r government to take bold of ui irsiara . J i, ,,.; ,.,, n,.nuii It. The ITOV enimeut eoucaws young men mr uiuvci. I OOARANT e satisfaction to EVEKY CUSTOMER. St-nd for Catali gne. - Addre 3. M. GARRISON. K..I SS. rom.S'Mi. F'-res' tirove, Oi Tried For qo Years ! send communications on distance of several hundred miles, sig nnl the approach of an enemy 'a fleet and report quickly all his movi incnts A New Sort 01 cannon Belle. The "Codonophonc," invented by M I.acnie, and now employed in place or a carillon bells at t!ie Paris opera seems to consist of the hollow musical tubes which have for some time been in use in thii country, but which in Paris are now played by laoans of a keyboard and hammer mechanism. The result is Mid to be thoroughly satisfactory. in the army and navy, in agriculture and mechanical studies. Why should not appropriations be made to educate young men to be practical roadmakersf The roads should be divided iuto na tional roads, state roads and county ur neighborhood roadH. The national roads to be cared for by urmy engineers, the state roads in charge of engineers gradu ated from the agricultural and median ical schools, and the neighborhood roadt m charge of local supervisors. National Btockman. LIBEItTV NEWS. Although the dry weather is still rag- ng, the birthday party given iu honor of Nellie Vanguu ou t rnlny evening Sept '.lib, proved to be tbe most enjoyable tooial event of the season iu this neigh ') .rhood. Early in the evening carriages and wugnus kept rolling in trom ever direo i"U till soon the dwelling wiib tilled to its wpacity. After a few hours spent in .laying many luterestinu games, and ooial enjoymeut, supper was announced n which every one enjoyed the luxuries spread before them. It being leap year, the ladies took the lead, which ihey performed witb the greatest skill imaginable, two or three oiug away broken hearted on account if Hint little woid, "no. After supper fur an hour or mure each letaon ebjnyed bimnelf according to hia wn talent, then all departod wishinii Miss Nellie many more S'ich pleasant evelilDKK. Those present were; Mr T. i. Anderson, Oscar Montgomery, "MIT LONti liltliliK OFKK." From the Eagle. Late word from Hoppner briugs the uews that A. Abrahamsiok has be -a doing some royal enrsiug on acoouut of Ihe no tice given him iu the last issue of the E igle, and says he "Paid etery ding init LongCreek ofer." We beg to differ from Mr. Abrahamsick, and desire to state that the oity recorder is our Butboritv, aud fuitherinore that Mr. Abrabamsio has rooeived notioe within the past week that the beat thiug be oould do would be to settle tbe matter. The Eagle is published at Long Creek, and proposes to staud by its people, and uo man shall bent tbe town without get ting a proper write-up. We advise Mr. Abraliumsiok tu settle this matter if hs desires nothing more said. PORTLAND iilHT KXPOHII'ION TO UCTOBKK HliPTEJlBKK 22SD. The Union Piiofic System will extend to all its patrons the usual reduced rates ou rouud trip tickets, which will inoluda admission to the exposition, selling ou Munduy, Wednesday, aud Friday of each week. Detailed iufommlion can be MM by applying to J. C. Hart, tioket agent at Heppner, Oregon, or W. H. Hnrlburt, Asst. Oenl. Puss. Agt., 254 Washington St. Portland, Oregon. 25-34. "Hard ware" did you any? Why, yes at P. 0. Thomps' U & Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. PM KK ABSOLUTELY PURE