NOTICE TO AnVBKTlHKKS, rpiiniUI desiring the insertion of illfplav ads., L orchuiiKeot same, unlet aet their copy in not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's ediliou, or Thursday evening ior Fridays edi tion. TUK 1'ATTKRNON I'l' BLISHINU Cu. NOTICE. 1. Tho um of five cent per lino will be charged for "cardi of thanks," "resolutions of reapeet," lists 01 w eddlng preterits and donors, Imu obituary notices, (other iba.i those the edit or shall iilnisell (jive as a matter of uev s.) and notices)! special uieetings lor whatever purpose. 2. Alices oi cburcb and society and allolher ntertalnments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate- of live bents a line. 'IheBe rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Give your business to Heppner peop e, and therefore assist to build vp Hepp ner. Patronize tliose who patronize you. Here and There. t sw X. W. Ayers, Jr., for drugs. Dr. B. F. Vauguun, deutiat. For good health take TUTTS PILLS. F-eeh ground Buokheat Flour for B...e by P. 0. 'i'liompsou Co. 3 4 CoDduotor French is hnppy now. H baa bis uew coach back again. The Gem aud Palace saloons for fine liquors, MuAtee Bros., Pi ope. sw Dan Hornor contemplatea a tp to Eilzville and Wilbur, Wash., at au early dale. E. H. Clarke got in Wednesday eve from the oat country, tha same "Wooll) Clarke. Jaa. D. Hamilton left Tuesday morn iu for Portland to attend the 1. O. O. F. doings. lleppuer'a aahonl building will reach Completion the last of this week or Brut of llelt. Caaey Officer, of Gran county, came in the hist of this week with u big loud of hum. Oban Ashbiiugh, of AshbnugU Bros , the Eight Mile ntieeinueu, was m town Wediiefdii) . J. N. Brown leaves tod .v for Coudnt where he will utleud the Oilhiim county teiui of court. Old Buyer and family moved from their Hiutou cieek ranch to their Heppuer home Wednesday. Pap kiinious & Hon still shoe horses and do general blackamtthing at the old stand Matiook corner. 55. Hall's Hair Reuewer eradicates and prevents tna tormi.titm of dandruff, thickens the urowth, and beautifies the Lair as no other preparation will. Miss Letha Parker, dressmaker, will guarantee you a good tit. Give her a trial. Residence W. A. Johnston. 4-tf MesRis. Gilliam & Biobee have added an elegant plusu kuife case to their stook of fixtures. It is both pretty aud unique. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson ia prepared to do all kinds of nursing. Call at her home in north Heppuer, or address her at this place. . 618 if Preston DripB a pure corn synip made from, yellow oorn something hue. Call and sample it at P. C. ThonitiHim Cernpauy's. 3-4 Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Halt & Mathews, at the oity barber shop the plaoe tn get a Urat-claas Bhave, hair-out or Bbampoo. tf. F. O. Bucknum, the well known repre sentative of the Lombard Investment Co., Came up from Portland Wednesday, leav ing today for Pendleton. John Bennett baa returned from the Portland races, where be reported bu abundance of sport, but little opportuni ty for the "talent" to get on. Chas Royse, returned from Dayton, Wash., Tuesday evening, leaving fur his home near Idea Wednesday, accompa tiled by his lather, Jas Koyse. Heppnei'a (chool will uegio Sept 2b'th. Pupil" of the chool should be sure t meet Prof. Wier at the building ou the Saturday preceding this dine. Muster Clay Freuch is the authorized aiieut for the Oreiiouian at this place. Sub'soribe tlirouuu him, and have your paper delivered free ol charge. tt Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier is the great couquerer ot Billiousuess ana Jjiv er oomplumt. Relief certaiu iu every case. Hold at One Dollar a bottle. Trv it. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Tho nitizpns of HeDDner should not iindfreKtinihte the value of the "Join's" being arranged to come off during the fhf e. It will leave uiauy a dollar iu the town. Pi.ri. Rnrnhnra. Jeff Hayes and Tuna. Mnruiin left this moi ning for Portland to attend the Sovereign Uiaiid Lodge I. O O. F., which couveiies in that city tomorrow- Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Garrignes returned Monday from the Little Laura mine, where they report aotive operations still in progrei-s, but the ledge has not beeu ditoovered. Chas. Mann, who aooidentally shot himself iu the left hand last week, is im proving rapidly, tbouuh (he damaged mi mber gives him some inconvenience occasionally. J. J. McGee left Monday morning for Salem to attend the state fair nhioh 18 in progiesB Ibis week. He will also Uke in the Sovereign Grand Lodge at Poit laud ere returning. The Bennett Hotel at Arlington has been moved from the ..Id location near the depot, to Main St., about two blocks fioui the depot, where its pmpn etor will welcome yon as of old. li it To lise in the morning wilh a bad taste in the mouth and no appetite, null catea that the atoniacb needs strength ening. For this purpoe, there is notb. ing better than au occasional doBe of Ajei's Pills taken at bed time. There is no use ;n snffering with rheu matism as long as yon can get Congo Oil It ic for sale bv all druggists at i ner'botlle, but it would be dirt cheap at four times the prioe. It is a positive onre for ruenmnti-m, aud no mistake. Try it and be convinced. Sallow and leaden-hued complexion soon give place toihe loveliest piuk-and-wbite, when the use of Ayera SarSHpa ;.. ..,-a;,ito,l in. and cosmetics entire ly abandoned. NothiDgoan counterfeit I the roy glow of perfect health, whioh blesses those who use tbia mediciue. In speaking of the Beymer note, in connection with the Aubrey matter, in onr last issue, we mentioned that it was given Jan. 10, 1891 The date should have been Jan. 10. If 92. due one year af ter date. It ia not likely that Mr. Con aer would look very favorably upon over dne paper, either ae collateral or other wise. Pocket map of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Bnd Wyoming-five Stains in one ever handsomer, handier better, than anv 81 00 map yet made; 7 oolois; in strong cvr; an ooiiu... era, railroad", post oflices. Correct to date. Also maps of all States iu same stle. Auents wanted. Even boys and girls a-afce money fast. We mail "gents any sample wanted on receipt of 2ooents each. Address Tb MUthews-Nortbnp Co., Bnffalo, N. T. w How to Gut Rid op Squikbsij Mr. J. P. Hudley is much exercised over the inroads of squirrels iu tbia county. Do ling last seuson the oouuty spent over Sl.SoO for scalps, aud peibape did not pay for over bal f that were killed . And jet there are today, wa are informed by Mr. Uadley, ten tquiirels to where there was ou i a year go. Mr. H.idley sug gests that more united and deoided ac tion on the part of the farmers must be brought about to exterminate the pests, or else, wub the most favorable season, little will be raised, Mr Hudley has hia own ideas of the best means of organis ing against them, and will shortly com municate them in detail to the farmers tbiough the medium of the Gazette. The UaZttle, as well aa Mr. Hadley, would be pleased to hear from the farm ers on the subjcot of squirrel extermina tion. A Serious Fall. Ou Last Wednesday morning Minnie MoVuy, aged six years, while playing on the stairs iu the Palace hotel, leading from the tiist to the sec ond floor, tell a distance of hlLVeu feel or more, striking ou her bead. No one saw her full, but Mr. W. J. MoAtee aud .lira. Von Oadow, who were not far away, heaid a dull thump iu the ball, aud think ing that pei baps some one had fallen do vu the staiis, rushed out, finding the little girl bleeding at the ears and iu au unconscious condition, from which she did not rally till well along iu the after noou. Dr. Shipley ia in attendance, auu repuits a steady improvement. -A Rotoii.. Deal.-Report comes to Heppner that T. K. Roberts and J. B Manning were bo unfortunate as to be guests at a Crook county farm bouse. which, during the Digbt, took Sre, the family as well aa onr heroes barely es caping with their lives. Mr. Manning lost his money and wearing apparel, while Roberts got oct minus bis shoes and hat. The family saved nothing of any oousequenoe. Lo caticn of Klskkvoik The Gazette learns that the reservoir for the water works will be looated on the nearest point to be reaobed by the pipe whioh will have the necessary elevation. This will throw it ou Brewery bluff, either on the Hallnck property or on Tim Bisbee's plaoe. Of course the nearer it is to tbe pump house the smaller the post, as mains cost considerable money. Knke Dislocated. Last night about 10 o'clock, Lexe Uuig Was brought iu witu a dislooa.ed knee. Yesterday Mr. Burg, iu company wilh Jim Lambert, dr ve up iroiu I'eulauu's ueudquurters ranch lur into the niouuinina as possible with a load ot supplies tur sheep camps. Fioui ibure ttiej pucked iu. Uu Ilie return trip, in attempting to turn around ou a uairow grade, Ihe borses bulked, aud the wngou slipped off l lie steep embankment, turning over Btveral times, lue men were sometimes uuder tbe wreck aud ou other occasions somewhere else, hut Burg was tbe ouly one hurt much. Dtp. Swiuburne and Qagen looked after tbe injured menib t, and Mr. Burg will be all right iu a few days. What "Petek The Poet'' Says Abdt it A correspondent of Ihe tjeppuerua zette named Gates tells tbe readers of that aper about his having seen lots of snakes up this way. He said he "saw rolled into one mass a bundle of reptiles as big as a water bucket." While we deeply sympathize wilb Mr. Gates, we enter our protest ugamst thj habit some Heppuer people have of supplying them selvts with kegs of Heppuer whiskey aud theu going forth into some far-away place to write about what naturally appeared to them as they looked into their own boot legs. Klamath County Star. You will catch At the Mallory Corner. Buy your Groceries and . . . ... Read their new ad. soon. Diphtheria Claims Another Iu List Friday's issue of the Gazette we pub lished an aacoujt of death of three of Rev. Mausfield's children, by diphtheria. also stating that two other ot tbe young er members of his family were also very ill with this dreaded disease. From tbe Priueville News we learn that Van Mans field, a fourth member of his faloily, has passed away; also that thirteen cases are reported in that neighborhood, tbougb from latest reooi ta 'he trouble seems to be abating aud it is thought that most ol the patients aie out of dauger. Rev. Mauhtield oerlainly has lbs sympathies ot all his friends in ibis hour of tfthction. When School Will Begin. It is ex pect d that school will begin at Heppner Monday tbe 26ih inst. Prof. A. W. Wier would like to meet tbe pupils, not ouly of his own department but of tho entire sohool, at tbe high school room, tbe Sat urday preceding the beginning of the term, at which time be will arrange ev ery department for tbe important work before tbem. All pupils not residing iu town, should see Clerk J. .1. R iberts pre vious to entering toliool aud secure re ceipt for the teim's tuition. Theohargee for attending sohool here will be uboui the same as last year, and the advaut ages second to uoue of any pnblio sohool iu tbe state. A Collision. Just as Mels Magnusen aud Mr. Taylor, tbe horse traiuer, were driving out of Thompson & Biuns' stable last Satuiday afternoon they oollided wilh L. W. Briggs who was mounted on a Li' zier s xost -saiety, mucu bu tuc damage of the bicjele, Mr. Briggs es caping unhurt, though his clothing was badly rent alid toru. The force of the collision nuBeated Mr. Magnnsen, throw ing him to the ground, but not burling him mnob. Mr. Taylor buug to tbe lines and prevented a moat disastrous runa way. A Good Offer. Tue proprietors of thf Semi-Weekly Gazette have deoided to uffer an inducement for advauce pay ments on subscription. Tbe prioe re mains the same, S3 per year, but where payments are made in advance, only 92 50 a year will be charged. Wbat do we mean by "advance payments?" A payment made witbiu thirty days after tbe subscription becomes due will be called "iu advance." In a very short time we will print after eaoh person's uama the date to which subscription is paid. This will remind you each week c to how you staml with us, aud will render it an eaey matter for you to save 50 cents a year on your subscrip tion, " Before The J. P. Yester day Justice Hallock had, two cases be fore him, State vs. Frank Reacev, charg .i .,tl, Bhnntina a oow. and Nels Jones vs. G. W. Rea, suit on a note. Mr. Reaney's case wbs brought up from Lei. ington's justice court, and there being no evidence against him, was dismissed. The other case was deoided in favor of Mr. Jones. Bcllkt FuCSD-Drs. Gagen and Swinburne report that they have extract ed the ballet from the wounded hand ol Charles Mann. Thougb a very smai. bullet, it made a very ugly wound, ani Charley is eioeediogly glad that it has beeu removed. Would Like to Lease a Hotel. 0. C. Sargent, of this city, is anxious to take oharge of a good hotel, not particular as to location. Mr. Sargeni is an old-timer in this line, and is sure to give satisfac tion wherever he Bbould go. Anyone haviug a hotel to rent or lease, wou'd do well to correspond with C. C Sargent, Heppner, Oregon. 523-27 Dklmonioo.B. F. Perkins has lately opened up tbe restaurant in the Licbten thai building, whioh he baa named the Del mon ico. None but white cooks are employed, and tbe public can therefore get a good, old-fashioned, meal, cooked in tbe best of style. Price, 25 cents; beds, 25 cents. 609-t-tf Autelope Herald: George E. Patter aim, an old-lime resident of Autelope, but now doing business in Heppner, came down last week to visit bis broiber Sam, at this dace. George will locate and move hi8 family to Autelope providing be can reut a house, if some oue win has a little money to spare would put up a few residences here to reut he would reoeive large interest from his money in vented. II. A Nettleton, tbe prisoner who was taken brio by Sheriff Noble yesterday, went down to Fowler's gallery Sunday aud set for a photograph. He was ac companied to the gallery by tbe woman whom be states would havo shortly be come his wife, bad he not got mixed tip with other people's properly. We have tho most complete job office in E. O., and with completeness you oau get good work; work that you are not ashamed of. A carpenter oau't do woik without tools, neither oan a Driuter get up a good j ib without the facilities for the same. Many people, not aware of the dangers of constipation, negleot the proper rem edv till the habit beoomes ohronic, or luflani atiou or stoppage results. A dose of two of Ayer's Pills in tbe beginning would have prevented all this. W. H. Fowler, accompanied by Geo. Noble, pulled out yesterday nioruiug for Long Creek, where Mr. Fowler will cast his photographing tent for a few days. Mr. Fowler's partner, Mr. Pcderson, will follow iu a few days. Some "Montana" fellows about the size of T. K. R. and J. B. M. were seen over at Autelope reoeutly. A lady re marked that that big red mnstaobed fel low bad plenty of "gall." Wonder who they were? The white laundry baa gone op. The main cause was scarcity of water, and uow the people will have to fall back onto the old standby, China Sullivan, and the numerous private lanndries in town. M. 3. Maxwell came in from Goose berry yeaieiday, returning this morning. It is very dry and dusty out there, tbe farmers anxiously awating abowers so that tbey can sow their summer fallow. Justice Hallock has been killing two squirrels with tbe same rook this week grinding out law , order aud justice tor ihe denizens, and also oooupying tbe foreman's plaoe in tbe Gazette office. The following Lexingtonites were up yesterday: N. A. Leach, J. M. White, J. Bumoyne, Geo. Bperry, C. C. Boon, 11. J Hill, Fiank, Andy aud Tbos. Rcany, D. A. Porter and J. Lieuallen We publish in this issue an artiole clipped from a Forest Grove paper, con cerning tbe great oliiogen yards or J. M. Garrison, of Forest Grove, You should read it. W. B. Laoy left yesterday morning for Corvallis, where he will attend the State Agricultural College for the ooming year, commencing Sept. 15th and closing June 8th '93. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hadley oame down yesterday from ''ardman, and this morn ing Mrs. Hadley left for Salem tu visit hei Biter, Mrs. H. H. GlaBaford Geo, Rader. of Grant ontinty, who went below with the train load of cattle lsst week, returned Tuesday evening, leaving yesterday morning for home. The Heppner sohool property has a janitor, who bfs charge of the building nigh' and day. All trespassers will be prosecuted. Fell Bros, keep a full line of dry goods in bolts and single patterns New pat terns nave been received and more to come soon. 4 o . Miss Rosa Hayes departed this morn ing for Eugene, her home, after several montha' visit wjtb relatives here. Mr. Wm. Walhridge returned Wednes day from New York, ha ing disposed of bis horses which be shipped East. Lishe Watkina dropped in yesterday from tbo Bluea where he says it is equal ly as dry as down on bunobgrass. Ralph Dittenhoefer was in yesterday from Portland looking after hia onsto mers bere. "Unole" Nate McBee was looking after some sheep in the mountains the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bnrdell have gone to housekeeping in this city near tbe depot. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarlsnd re turned Wednesday from their viiit be low. Frank Anderson, of tbia oonnty, will at tend the Monmouth NorrrBl this winter. Wm. Rambo got in last night from Portland, leaving for Long Creek today. Mrs Pry Wilson, of Monument, was registered at tbe City hotel yesterday. J. S. Ingrahambad a fair crop of wheat this year, averaging Id bti. per aore. A nephew of Will Walbri.lge, Mr. Moorhouse, ia oat from New York. T. A. Bnd W. E. Driskell were in Sat urday from Clarka canyon. Al Binns is over in Grant oouoty with some knights of tbe gnu. A. Carsner was over from Grant coun ty tbe first of the week. J. A. Burdell'a brother, W. Burdell, IB i here from St. Paul. S. P. Stnhblefield, of Monument, was over yesterday. . C. Lacy and wife were in the city : Wednesday. i 01. Justus and wife were in town yes terday. J H. Allyn was up from lone yester day. I Abe Spray ia over from Haystack. House jXo vixajs ! TTaving reoently purchased of G. W. Lird his bouse moving outfit, we are pre pared to do all kinds of work in this line, Our prices are reasonable, and ee timatea freely given. AI. Iv. fe W.J. CANTWELL, 521 F 535. HEPPNER, OREGON S. C. Smith, THE Keeps a full line of EVERYTHING In the way of Furniture. Undertaking goods a speciality. May Street, HeppnerOr. 52;l-f OUR WONDERFUL REMEDIES! DR. GRANT'S Native Discovery! The Great Female Bemedj. Successfully used In the general treatmentol woman's disease!. PRICE, $1.00. Dr. Grant's cloaloi The Kino of T"6old under a guarantee. PRICE, $1.00. Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure, For the cure of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Biliousness, Sick-Headache, and all Kidney Troubles. Prloo, SX.OO. Prepared by THE 0. W. R. MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 315 Front St, Portland, Oregon. WE -ARE- Rustlers! For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to 0 diiliatl avenc The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can ml up Bargains Like Yours Respectfully. We are here for business from tha Rimind up and propose to let you know it. MINOR BROS., HEl'PNEB. OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. THE VYOSt ILLS h ?H O ' Z-: Prevention better tin Cure ! WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madi on Shout Notics and at Port'i.AR Prickr. fiT Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Grain Sacks DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND BETTER WOOL N - Hee IiidoraementH t Cootier Dip Is "id and endorned by Ihe following Oregon nnd Montana hei-pmen: VV. B. Donaldson, Dnyvilh'; W. s. Um, Junction City: J-iIin Harrison, Matm-y; tleo. Oih, Amanda; Kenneth Mi-Uae, Davvllle; loe Oliver, John l)Hy; J. W. Hyers New l.lBbon; 1. .. Moulc, Bercail; Cook & Clark, l'lillbrook; Kalrehlld & McCmlit, Dupuyer; R II. Warren, mien; 1 ui.rH Br., Lwto,nn; E. P. Chandler, Maiden ; J. Iliraehheru, ChoU'Uii; 1). 8. UHfitniRH, Uhet; Jainen Mie, Dillon; W. Norton, Stewart; A. Uoivnie, Dig Handy. The Cheapest and IWDip ramie. Sold Everywhere Ask Your Merchant for Coopers and Take w Other. KOHLASI MHOS. Portland, Oreinn, Gen. Agts. lor Oregon, Washington and Wonf: n Idaho. Proiis. Wm. COOPER i MI'IWS. (falvaton, Texan, OXFORD GRADE BUCKS ! The undersigned has a choice lot of Oxford Grade Bucks for sale i i at reasonable prices. at his ranch, 7 miles south of Pilot Rock T. SMITH, 1'llot Ioolc, Or. LEGAL m BLANKS Plentv of them at the Gazdte Office. . . . The Lancashire Insurance Co. Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company Are Bllll alive and kicking for trade with complete line ol Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, Contcctioncry, TOBACCOS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Guns and A.mmunition, Sewing Machines, Farm Implements. Also Qcntn' Furnlnhlng Ooorls, and the lament awortment of Teas in Eastern Oregon. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto: We Won't Be UNoensoiD. tf. Coruer Mhin and Willow Strootfl, Hoppiipr Or. 1 JI1E Q1TY HOTEL, W. J. LICK.UH, Iroiv. HOKTKLRY has been Bkhttrh and Bbfcmhiied tlirouglionl, and now with hlin, ftwling that bu i able to eutertain yon in the best of fltyle. A. W. PATTFJIS'IN, AGENT "no of the Host In the World V 1RST Class r House. Reasonable Rates. L D, BOYED iii: Contractor ilk ARTISTIC I PUIS in ill ON HHOl'.T NOTICE AND REASONABLE TERMS Tlx SOLojtx For Fruit has Arrived and we are in the business to supply you Ice Cream Is about l ipi'. We let you know about that in the near future. V. L. Matlock & Co.