Give your business to Beppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. National Republican Ticket. Fob frestdzxt, BENJAMIN HARBISON, of Indians. FOB VICE-PRESIDENT, WHITE LAW BEID, of New Tork. FOB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTOBS, J. F. CAFLE8. of PortlaDd. B. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. Q. M. IRWIN, of Cnion. t. M. DUNNE, of Portland. Tan 8 ilem Statesman is Tanning an eight-page daily during tliia, the fair week. Maine baa gone republican by over 12,000. The last election was oarried on under the new Australian system of voting. Obohob William Cuktis was one of Cleveland's staunobest supporters, and the greatest of democrats will miss him this spring. ' The meeting of the Oregon Press Asso ciation at The Dalles, Oct. 4, 6 and 6, honld be largely attended by the breth ren of the press. Every time some one yells within the City limits, it sounds like a ory of "fire." It is to be hoped that Are protection will be provided for us before that dreaded visitor domes oar way. Mbs. Harbison, wife of the president, is in a serions oondition and her life is almost despaired of. Mr. and Mrs. Har rison are now stopping at Loou Lake in the Adirondao region. The combination heretofore existing between the transcontinental railway lines is breaking up, to the relief of ship pers and the pnblio generally. While it lasted, though, it worked well for the capitalists. The publio are about convlnoed that John L. Sullivan is a better man morally and weaker pbvsiaally than be has been piotured. Sinoe his defeat he has shown himsoll to be a man among men, that is one thing sure. Maht people are wearing Morrow oounty opals, which experts say are equal to the finest in the world. They very much resemble the Mexican opal, butb in appearance and in the formation iu whioh they are found. ihb UBzette stands well up to the head of the procession in the matter of circulation, compared with other papers of its kind. Why shouldn't it bo a good medium for advertisers? That is wb itM oolumns are in demand at double the rates of so-oalled leading journals. Tiiehb is hardly a vacant house in Henpuer, and building is going on right and left. Our splendid sohool and the faot Hint Heppner will have water and modern liguting soon, did the business. Hoppuer is aooond in nothing when she makes up her mind to "get there." When you need anything, buy of those who advertise their wares. They have a lurgar trade than those who do not, and therefoie oau sell oheaper. The man who wants your patronage is the man you want to see. Read the Gazette's list of live men, and out your cloth accord ingly. All over Heppner may be seen evi douoes of growth. Houses are running up here and there. Our people oan now build aud have an assurance that theii propei ty will grow in vilue. Water will grow vegetation, and nothing can help residence pmperty more thau trees, lluw ers aud grasses. The GHZotte is a sheet of reciprocity helps those who help it. Doesu't always work square np to the golden rule, bin comes as near it as the average, aud dou't make any fuss about it either, Be loyal to your friends and let your ene niies take care of themselves, aud you will not be far wrong. Home of our local capitalists can make good interest on their Biirplus cash by investing it In houses to rout. There will not be a vaoant house iu Ueppuer within six weeks, and there will be plen ty of demands fur twenty more thau cau be gotten. It would be a "pious" idea to look after this matter a little. It has been suggested that some pre cautions shoud be taken to prevent the ol.olera epidemic from entering this country via the Canadian I'aoilio. A quarantine station at Blaine would do much towards this. It is said that the Canadian officials are very oareless aud are allowing all the immigrants from pest-laden Europe to laud at their East em porta. That dread epidemic, cholera, line at last passed the quarantine at New York Five cases are reported so far, and every thing possible is being doue to prevent its spread. The only way to keep from taking oboleia, should it become preva lent, is to diet against it. Oue should drink no water or milk eicept such as has been pretty thoroughly boiled, aiid should eat no food that has not been thoroughly and freshly cooked. If ba ker'e bread is nsed, it should be warmed over before being served. Butter and oheese are entirely forbidden. The Record's boss is getting to be very technioal in his demooracy very much so iudeed for one who is looked upon as rather young in the faith. Oue with halt an eye can see that Cleveland surrenders to the Hill forces or New York ges wroDg; that Iudiana is hopelessly for Harrison; that Rnssell, I'latt and Hlaiue know what the nioou is made of aud which side of their bread is buttered; that Cleveland is not the kind of a Hutu, nd to his Orudis, thet sella himself to his enemies. It wouldn't do, for mob an nation would cause a serious wavering of tbe faithful Clevelandites in other and useful states. Abraham Lincoln delivered his first political speech in 1834, when acandidate for tbe legislature of Illinois. It was as follows: "Gentlemen, fellow-oitilens: I presume you know who I am. I am bumble Abraham Lincoln. I have been solicited by many friends to become a candidate lor the legislature. My poli tics can be briefly stated. I am in favor of the interna! improvement system and a high protective tariff. These are my sentiments and political principles. It' elected, I shall be thankful; if not, it will be all lbs same." The sume issue ooufrontu the American people today that confronted LiuojIo iu 1831. Is uot the example of "humble Abe," patriot aud martyr, a better one to follow than that of Calhoun, the slave driver, or Jeff Davis, the seoessiouiut? Jackson never countenanced suoh men. LKTIKK II, Misteb Editor: Dear Sir I have been a lookiu' out over the oountry a prospeotin'to o bow the pepel's party was goiu' to make it this fawl in the electshon. I llnd that hour prospects is good. We air awl a stickin' to the party awl rite yet. But I am afrade that sum of hoar best men air a goio' to go back on hour principles, but hour leader over in Lexington(Bro. Sign I menne) keeps a talkiu' to them an' a triin' to keep them on the rite track. He says that the time has oum that the pepel wil asert ther rites, au' if we can't gil hour rites buy the ballot we will buy the bullet, an' we blieve ever word that be sea. Tbe east Oregonian ses that the only way to beet tbe publican party in Oregon is to fuze with the pepel's party. don't blieve that will sute us very well; we don't go much on fuzion, but I think we will rutber than be beet. An now the eleotsbun has gone of down in Ark-ann saw and we hev lost anutber stute that we hed calkulated on carvin' this fawl, but itt went dimuia oratiu, jist like old Allie-Balmy fur a' tbe world; we calkulated on a major it t of about 25,000 an' bit has gone dimma cratio by about 50,000, only 75,000 more dimmaorata than we thot there wus. It begins to look as tbo we pepel party ain't in it. An' then look at old Viermon'j she Iibb gone publican. Well, all I ha to say fur her is letter go; she's no good anyway, an' I douu't want anything ti do with the publicans. Now tbe next electsbnn is in Mane, we air share thnt we air goiu' to git that state if the pub lioans au' democrats don't fuze. V. Nasby Lexington X roads, whioh wus Bill Penluu's Buck Ranch. HEHOLUTIUNS OF LUNnoI.ENCE. Wiibkeah, It has pleased the Supreme Chancellor of the Uuiverse to remove from tbe family circle of our brother. Tbns. A. Rhea, his beloved son, Walter; therefore be it Heso'ved, That while we bow in mute submission unto Him whose word is our law, we nevertheless extend to our be loved brother our heartfelt sympathy iu this bis hour of nfllictiou. Uemlved, That a oopy of these reso lutions be spiead upon our minutes, a oopy under seal of the Lodge transmit ted to Brother Rhea, and a oopy to each of our city papers for publication. Fraternally submitted in F. O. and B , E. It. Swinburne, J. li. SlMuNS, Fiikd Hai.look, Committee. OiiBtle Hall of Doric Lodge No. 20, K. of P., Sept. 6. 1892. KlKlit or Wrong. Whioh will ye have? It does seem as if some folks prefer to have the Inst con ilitiou of the liver rattier than the first Ihey perpetually dose themselves will purgatives totally without virtue as al terative of liver trouble. HostetterV Stomach Bitters i the successful date lor the i eople'n choice, and yet, pop 11 1 it r and well known as it is, there an iiuforliiiiaies who keep on trying tin drastic remedies of former days. It is to the intelligent portion of the public thai the well known and long tried properllee of the Bitters appeal. Reasou should bi winded by experience in the matter ol ineiliontiou. " l'lie best guide to our fe. t is the lump of experience," said a greai patriot of the early revolutionary period, mid the exclamation is pregnant with truth. For over a third of a oentury the litters daily has met with the endorse ment of people suffering from liver com plaint, miliaria, constipation, rheuma tism, debility and troubles accompanied by (l)spepsia. Latterly it has declared itself mid been thoroughly approved m a remedy for "la giippe." Let I's Itraiuai. If anyone who suffers from Rheumatism would stop aud reason a moment before i hey deoide to purchase some remedy, they could not help avoid any so calleo cure that is sold for 1. Figuring tbe retailers, the jobbers and tbe iuhiiii limturers' profits out of that snjitarj dollar, and there is lett uot over 20 cell 1 1 for the medicine. Dr. DriimniondV Lightning Remedy appeals to one's good sense. The price is per bottle and to any one suffering from Rheiuuatism it is as cheap as it is good and affective Sent to any address by Driimmoud Medicine Co., iS o0 Maiden Lane' New Yolk. Ageuts wanted. ftucklrn's Arah-u Malve. The best eulve iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers salt riieum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, aud posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Kive perfect satisfaction, or mouey refunded. 1'rice 25 cents per box. Vm sale by Slooiim-Johnstou Drug Co. A CAKIt. Ladies, lleppuer's popular millinery establishment has reopened under our mauagemeut. Has been refilled and en larged to accommodate a larger and more couiplcta stock of millinery, fancy aud dry k'oods aud ladies furnishings. Look out for our cards to be sent out soou for our fall npeuiug, Hoe ad. f'2i 526 Full Bros. LIST UK LETTKKS A nVF.RTTSVP AT HKlTNKR POSTOFKICE A Sept. U, l.-'.'J: Murray John Minard T W Oliver Hurry I'maner Joseph Hiog Altiert Muiih Kannle Whhe Solomon PU'sie lay "Advertised" w hen calling for thes. letters. A. JUiaoky, P. M. Here and There. A good shower would be appreciated. L. Paine, of Hamilton, Grant oounty, came ever Tuesday. The county court proceedings will ap pear in our next issue. Tbe Odd Fellows are having a big time at Portland this week. Heppner onght to have longer terms of school. Ten months is short enough. Most of the Heppner merohants re port business pretty lively, regardless of Bcaroity ol mouey. Don't the dusty condition of Main atnetmake you think that water is somewhat of a necessity ? Uiok Tayleur starts today for England via Chicago, where tie expects to re. main, for a short time at least. R. J. Hill is pullii g down some cord wood for inter use, as well as for sale among tbe oitiztus of Heppner. Nearly every well in town is dry or railing. Wonder it city water woman t be very acceptable about now. T. K. Roberta and J. B. Manning will confer a favor on the Gazette to apprise it where they may bo reached by mail All sit'na point toward a hard winter ahead of as. Farmers and stockmen cau't have too much bay, in our opinion. Heppcer will soon need an engine bnase for the book and ladder, and also the hose caits, which will be not less than two. Parties just down from Eastern Wash ington say that the farmers up there will nave about one third crop. Morrow is uot much worse off than this. The general verdict is that contractor L. D. Boyd baa done a go' d job on tbe nobool bouse, eveu better than the con tract called for iu most respects. TaflV, the Celilo caniieryman, hauled out twenty tons of salmon in one day (he first of this week, and a short day coo up to 4 o'olock in the afternoon. The Gaz-tte reporter found Cleik Mor row aud Deputy Wells very busy at the court bouse Tuesday. This is tbe sea in of the year when they have plenty to do. When will Heppner Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1. have their next meting? With the addition of two good bose compnnies tbe Boys will perhaps take more interest. rjtraugere say that Heppner could not have secured a more sightly location for her school house tbau the one selected, and we believe it will be quite satisfuo tory to nearly all our people. Under the cironmstauoes, it certainly could not be bettered. " Hardware" did yon say? Why, yes at P.O. Thompson A; Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a POUT LAND 31ST EXPOSITION TO OCTOBER BEPTEMBEB i!2ND. The Union Pncfio System will extend to all its patrons the usual reduced rates on round dip tickets, which will include admission to tbe exposition, selling on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week. Detailed information can be had by applying to J. 0. Hart, tioket agent at Heppner, Oregon, or W. H. Hurlburt, Asst. Geul. Pass. Agt., 2S4 Washington dt. Portland, Oregon. 25-34. NEW COOK BOOK FllKE. The Trice BakingPowderCo., Chicago, has just published its new cook book called "Table and Kitcheu" compiled with great care. Besides containing over 500 receipts for all kindj of pastry aud home cookery, there are valuable liiuts for the table and kitchen, showing bow to set a table, how to enter the din iug room, etc.: a hundred and one hints iu every branch of tbe culinary art. Cookery of the very finest and riohest as well as the nioRt eouiiumieal and borne like is provided for. "Table and Kitchen" will be sent post age prepaid to any lady patron sending her address, (name, town and sta plainly given. Postal oard is as good as i letter. Address Prioe Making Powder Co., 18. l'J6 and 188 Michigan Stree Cbiuago, III. (Mention if desired in German.) Statu of Ohio, City ok Tolhdo. ( Li'oas County ) Fiiank J. Choky makes oath that be is the senior partner of the firm of F.J Chunky ,fe Co., doing business in tbe Cuv of Toledo, Cotintv and fitate afore--aid, nnd that said tlrm will pav the sum if ONE HUNDKKD DOLLARS for each and every onse of Catarrh that cannot be onred by the use of Hall's Catahkh Cukk. FRANK J. CHENEY. 8 worn to before me and subscribed iu my t resenoe, this 6tb day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. OLE A SON, Sotary Public. skal Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly oil tbe blood and mu eous surfaces of the system. Mend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. HTSold by Druggists, 75o. CDurnnteed Cure. Wo authorize our advertised druggist to soil Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, upon this couditiou. It you are atllicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as di reeted, giving it a fair trial, and experi ence d no benefit, you may return tbe bot tle and have your mouey refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. Kina's New Discovery could be relied ou. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Hlooum-Johuston's drug store. Large bottles GOe aud $1. aiV LED AND IUIKHK8 TO THAHK. I wish to trade mules or horses for oatile. Address me at Lexington, or call at my ram i), seven miles north east of that place. 5.'2sv. B. F. Swaogakt. National Bank ol jsm. WM. PENLANH, EI). K. BISHOP, Presitleat. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING ETSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. HETPNER. tf OREGON. THE GREAT EXPOSITION OF 1892 Opens at PORTLAND, Sept, 21 Mi Closes Oft. 22. Attractions far ahead of all former years Tbe famous American Band, of Providence, R. I. Art valued at $350,000, Gov't models of Battle Ships. A Magnificent Electrical display The wonderful Hall of Mystery. Marvelous Mechanical Effects The ' Little World" and a Myriad of Exhibits in Mining, Electricity, Horticulture, Agriculture, Woods, Mills and Manufactures. 520-7ft REDUCED- RATES ON UUIM Otis Patterson SAVED - Hardware & Tinware, Heppner, Or, 422-F-tf LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 50o Flonr.bbl i B0 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 (Ml " " three ' 2 002 Sheep, muttons, head 2 258 00 " stock 2 253tiO Hogs, ou foot, cwt 114 50 Hogs, dressed 6 60 7 00 Wool 12 14 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 Eggs, doz 15 Ohtckens. doit 2 60 3 00 CALIFORNIA MARKBT. Wheat, cwt 1 27 1 35 flonr.bbl 3 Ou (6s 4 15 Beeves, stall fed 5 50 (4 Muttons, owt 700(9900 Hogs, cwt 3 50 5 25 Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 12! 19 Butter, lb 27M 30 Eggs.doz 20 2t Uliiokens, doz 6 00 6U0 Turkeys, lb 18 20 PORTLAND MABKI-T. Wheat, owt $1 17 Klour, bbl 3 HO Beeves, owt 1 75 " dressed 4 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 3 25 " dressed 7 00 Hogs, on foot 5 00 " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 10 Butter 27H Bggs, doz 24 Chickens, doz 2 60 Turkeys lb IK 1 25 d 4 0(1 2 75 (ffi 6 () 3 50 8 00 5 50 8 00 16 0 30 25 i 50 They Have A Bonanza. It seems the owner of Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism have a Bonanza as their remedy baa never been known to fad in a single ease. There is oertaiuly room iu tbe market for a medicine that will do wbat they claim for this wonderful preparation. Although tbe prioe is $5 per bottle if it does one half claimed for it the piioe should be $100. If tbe druggist has uot got it, the remedy will be sent to any address prepaid express ou receipt of price. Drummond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Ageuts wanted. PRUNKENNEBS. or the Llyt'OR HA BIT. Cored tt Home In Ten Days hy Adnilnn tcrlug Dr. Haloes' Uoldeu dpriiUc. It can be giveu in a glass of beer, a cup of ooffee or tea, or in food, without thr knowledge of tbe patient. It is absolute ly harmless, and will tfi'eot a permanent and siieedy cure, whether the patient is a nioderaie driukerur an alcobolio wreck. It has been given in thousands of rases, and in every instance a perfect oure has followed. It never fails. 'Ibe system ouoe impregnated with tbe specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address tbe Golden Hr-ioiFic Co., 18o Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Shoemakkb. Ed BirbeoK. a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just looated in tbe Abraham Biok building, on May street, where he is prepared to do eveiything in his line. Mr. Birbeck is stnetly a firet-olass work, man and warranto all work. Give him t oall. 14-tf Subscriptions for all newspapers, mag azines and periodicals published in the world taken at tbe Gazette office. Sub scribe for your reading matter through us and we will infure yon against loss of money in transmission through tbe mails. tf. ALL TRANSPORTATION, BROS. NOTARY PUBLIC OA a snr-vs m - r n V C.Y AIMUtrt oPPtcK FOB - BIDS WANTED. The undersigned will receive bids on the delivery of twenty oords of drv wood, at their office in Heppner. Wood must have been cut green. They reserve the right to rejeot any and all bids, the same to be opened on Sept. 24, 1892. Tub Patterson Fob Co. Hefpneb, Or,, Sept. 12, '92. 524-27 TAKEN CP. One bay gelding, about ten years old branded with two halt moons connected. The above hor6e has been on my Tub springs ranch from eight months to one year. Owner can have same by proving property and paying all charges. Geo. Rwaqqart. 5i!3 531F Heppner, Or. l'O l-i HAl IC. HARNESS-SHOP, Mock and axturci. Good business: established In the midst of a good farming and stoek-ruisiiiK country. Also for Bale a Rood house and two lots with or without the Diisiuess property, fror further in formation address Uazette. Heppner, Or. 4.-i3 tf. NOT1UK OF INTENTION. Lund Office at The Dalles. Or.. Sept.l. 1892. Notice is hereby Riven that thefollowing-uain-ed settler haB tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in aupportof his claim, and that said proof w ill be made before the County Judue of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or., on Oct. 15, is2, viz: CI1AKLE8 H. Bl'LMS, Hd. No. M77, for the SE'J of 8Wu and NX of SH and NE of oE!4 See. 18, Tp. a 8, B 25 B, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of laid land, viz: Jas. Wyland. A. Luelltng, William Rix and Perry Oiler, all of Hardman, Oregon. John W. Lswta, 622-5M Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or.. Aug 25, 1892. Notice Is hereby (riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppuer, Oregon, ou October 8, th'.ri. viz: JOHN P. SKOGLAND, Hd. No. for the NWJi and NWU BW1 .Sec. -'6, and NESi SE4 sec. 27, Tp. S S, R 29, E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: Loren Gentry, Austin Gentry. Charles Mann and James A. Fristoe, all of Heppner, Oregon. 5-V-aM A. CLSAVKH. KKGIt,TKK. NOTICE OF INTENTION. , Land Office at The Dallei, Or., Aug. ?, 1I9C. Notice is hereby given that Die following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppuer, Or ou Sept. 17, lw, viz: JOHN ILER, (Hd. No. 40211 for the N' NEW, NEi NW and Lot 1 of Sec. 19, Tp. a S K 26 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou, aud cultivation ol, Mid land, viz: Solomon Mayrield, Cyrus' Shinn, Stephen La. lande aud J. F. Vount. all of Heppner, Oregon 15-25 JoBN W. I.SW1K, Register. NOTICE APPLICATION TO PURCHASE TIM BER LANDS. C. S. Land Office. The Calles. Or.. Sept. 8. 1S92. Notice Is hereby given that, in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress ap proved June i. IfcTS. entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lauds iu the States of California Oregon, Nevada aud Washington Territory." Al OL'sriS MALLORY, Whose postortlce address is Heppner, Morrow County. Oregon, has this day filed In this ottice his application to pun-hsse the SEli ol the N il the Stt v, of the NE'j ec. No 8, InTp No. 6 3. Range No. 25 E. W. M. F All persons holding any advene claims there to are rvquired to present the same at this otrice within sixty nays from the first publication of this notice. John W. Liwts, Register. Wliy Won? Over the Crops being a failure Or the Roads being dusty WHEN THE EASTERN CLOTHING HOUSE Gives yoa sncb Bist Line of Boets and Hats oriel Fancy Goods AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish ing Goods to A number of summer to be disposed of Come early and 17 securing 1 IV. Jv. ROBISON O A HEKHKN'S BUILD1NO, May Street Heppner. Oregon. HID CASH PRICE Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. k T. W. A YERS, Sr., Manager. 448 DAN OSME'ttS. Columbia Beer Hall! TVr EXT DOOR to Heppner Candy Factory on Main Street, Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to ' S Cents Per Glass, On draught, fresh nnd cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. OSMEHS & HUGHES, Props. Footwear k Ptnro Pnm, upxt ntir There you will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., IVfaln street, Heppner Or. FALL MEETING OF THE Heppner Park- Assocition ! OCTOBER 19,20,21,22. The Directors have tahen the utmost pains in preparing their Programme, and hope that they will be rewarded by the liberal patronage of the general publio as well as the Horsemen. purIRfW(WAY' Ct W-ua"-rai": nh: purse, JIOO.00. Local .addle horse.. 400 yards, nEwl pur,e I12S W DAV'Ult -'1-lhree eislnsmile dash: purse lioo.oo. Five-eight, mile dash; purs, hwtt! plrVmrn- -"Fr "0rscs; 700 i'Md,; P" 75 00- Fe for all; half-mile a, foVlow's: rrceu?Iihe Mim "r P"'e ,or entrancc A11 Pur"' wil1 be iM6i ' 1 ee"1 111 the " twenty per cent to the second best aud ten to the third) These races will be governed -"woe .i.ssociaiion. QliaedlZur f,r hmTih'l n,iKht 'me hfire ho are not quiilitlea to enter in auy of the above rates. OTI3 PATTERSON. St10 n ,r ... I v R,ntt, T it, , A- V. MoATEE, President. J' Brow".T. W. Ayerg, Jr., E. Oh Hperry. 517 0tol9. ChangejofjOwnership WE k AJE TAKEN C!URGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET. 2Lm ia ,h6 - Will keep Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaav & Mccarty, Proprietors. bargains for oasli. Shoes, Trunks, Valises be sold at Cost. suits and odd pants regardless of cost. avoid the rush, in -i oargains. 1 i....i..,,rrrrn MAT HUQHES. Footwear! fri H. B nr-lon n & I 'o 'r. ,x&xaa.:xxi.e : ),, the rules of the ', Pacific o o 0 5