IvSE-NT T WHY ARE JgTOTJ WEAK? IMDEMj r MA cure WEAPSS 5 A 3g-.,,,pmni,iiTH 1 1- l ''0 , a rrliff and cure ;--m.- u;:ioran':e of effects :i t vitality which is svstcm the elements thus !,irci:i;th and vigor will fol- ci;ie"or money refunded. 0 Dr. Sanden's Electric $S f...- -.11 rtihpp treatments S testify, and from many of 'fytS i nc 'if r 4 KPLEC flit Aa;sma ,. tta mil" cr-a u in mm in AND SUSPENSORY TOR, WHO ARE DEBILITATED. AND SUITER! from Nervous Debility! Seminal Wt ness.losses,prain5.lmpotencyi:"l Lost Manhood. Rheumatism, Rack" KidmfvTroi irles. Nervousness SleeplessnessFdorMemorV & General IllHealth the effects of abuses, excesses, worry and exposure. For such sufferers i i ...u u n.;o a trin TO convince iuc must Nt n.ai, S b7o Vou -y'hI'ndy drained your system of nerve force electricind thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your drained whfchTre required tovigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, tw at oe and in 'natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and wc guarantee a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed. - Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor I failed as can be shown'by hundreds of cases throughout this tote, who gladly whom we have strong letters. Deanng icswhumj ...v.. .. j - o DR. SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT cr ac tn hp easilv worn durins e galvanic Dauciy, m u , - , nnri stoutly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5.0UU , .J, ffivnn weak men. and we warrant it to cure any of the abi 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON A LIGHT SMOOTHING HARROW. A Progressiva Agriculturist Tell In Tha Ohio Farmer Bow to Malta It. The harrow I had made to suit mo for a special purpose (harrowing corn-corn . " P' J :i uji fllorcrnnV . Otuer. rucK. lur CUBlluge uciug uui mam tvu wr. and it does so much better work and so much faster than any ready made drag I ever saw that I would not like to be without it. It is just as good for killing weeds in potatoes as in corn. The field should be harrowed as soon as two or three days after planting, and A Pklloaopbloal Ltttla Bi Young Wife-Dear me! I put that plaster of paris in an old bakinff-povr. der can; and now 1 don't know which is the baking-powder and which U the plaster. Husband What do you want to do? "I want to mend a lamp. "Well, you can only tell fcy ta perience." . , . "Of course. Why didn't I think of that? I will make two iponf e oakea, and put one in one and toe other inline Knew tha Judga. Magistrate What is your age? Bummy Moll Well, jidge. I don't rightly know, but mebby I kin give yon an idear. Magistrate Give us the idea, then. Rummy Moll Well, you was a grown t- nuv nnfil tho mm is ' m&n wen I was a little Zirl, an now OUiClJ K1C a nw uut.a rl four to six inches high. Use one horse you air courtin' a lady wat was a iiie until the corn is up nicely and then use j girl wen I was a grown woman. M. i. two horses, always driving between the rows so as not to trample on corn or row. The woodwork of this harrow is all of good, seasoned white oak painted three coats with Venetian red dry mixed in raw oil. The teeth can be made of old Weekly. 1 i. l ,1 I mirao erti-irtiirirr nrfl nnCTPfl t-uriCIJL3 , . . t... ,,...!, Kitterv. made into a belt so as to be easily worn miring worn or at -V ,u. which are instantly felt throughout all weal AWy BefESTd.' J'l'hey are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, Elactric Sugnensory, the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or middlc-ageoor oia men, anu m , or three months. Address . ..ret r-i;ptj n vd snDEm ELECTRIC CO., CHROHIC NERVOUS DISEASES cirrtED by Dr.G.F. Webb's Etatrlr Italy BMItatid AppUauceBi lit. Catarrh. KlKMimatism, fcciiitifii, Aruonorrhma, fipermiUorrhuoa, ruini'ul Mnflufl, J.ftUforrhooa. E Herts of Onttuium, Jiioontinonce, r;iliil;ttluD, r:irnlyntH, Nid-vousDobility, Si '-ril it. v, Impoteiicy, Iiifiiitftis, N(.Mirti4lhonfit, Picit lli'inluobo, V;ul(rocolo, Hornia, I:isninnla, Ijiiinliiiffff, FiiimU3isea30. Iyr4plnia, Coiistlpution, KfdiKiV ('oiiiplalntu, Onncml DobiUiy, Toss of Moniory, Lo"n-Moh)r Amsiu, lipiloptiy, eto., etc. WOHDEEFDLBUT TEUEI ELECTRO-MEDICAL SCIENCE STILL TRIUMPHANT I The Deaf Made to Hear by Electricity I Inifcteil In April, 1801, Patented In June, jet Ihouaande ProcUim lit Wonder nil sua Perfect Uesulti I OH TO WpiOji! NATIONAL 26th ENCAMPMENT Grand Army of the Republic, Washington, D. C, September soth to 2btn THIS ONLY SUOCEBBSTJTj THKAT ILKKX IN XUB W01U.D I DR. G. F. WEBB, Inventor and Patentee, United States and Foreign Countries, 1ST" Send for Catalog-uee and Testimonials. Any one. old or younpr, whose ear drum Is unbmkon ran be tnaue to hear and convorRO in ordimiry tones, am he currd I 1)V Dr. G. K. Wobb's Klectrieul Apniiratus for Trnntinir Deafn.. An BE.Medl. nl Ilody llat ty with ap i.llnneos Invonted cspeclully for treat fng " Deafness and the diseases which uroiluecd it. . . Semi 10 cents for my Electro-Medical Theory and Practice, describing treat- B, B. BLISS, General Agt, IOWA FALLS. IOWA, The Wisconsin Central Lines and Baltimore & Ohio Rail- Road Have been selected n the "Olholal Route- ne tween St. Paul, Minneapolis and Washington, All desirous of tftkinff ndvantnfje of the uni versally "Ixiw Itntes" should see that their tick ets read via this "Route," and secure their sleeping ear areommoilHllonB m anvauee. rur 1UU PUrueumrs Htiuienu G. F. MeNEILL, City P. and T. Agent W Nicollet House Wrick, Minneapolis, Minn. ('. E. STONE, Cltv P. and T. Agent, 1B2 Hast Third St., St. Paul, Minn. mm mm On Sale OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Chlcngo, E08T, AND Ahli TOINTB Leaves Iloppner, 8 a.m. (1:50 p. m. Arrives lulluinn eleerrt Colonist Bieepers, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. i JAPAN BSE CURB A nflw Riid Coninlcto Troiitnient. conMHtiutf n: HiippoHitorien, Oiiitinout in CtipHiiles, tilHoin JJox and I'illH : a positive Cure for External, Inter nal, llllnil or KleedliiK, itching, Chronic, KeciMit or Hereditary JMltjH, and many other diHetises and feiiHile weakiieHMeH: il is always ti Rreat nen n(lt, to tlit' irenerul health. '1 lie first discovery o! a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary hi rcalter. This remedy has never been Known to tan. per mix, h mr fi unlit hv mail. Whv mi Her from this terrible dis hhhp whim a written uniiiantee is tfiven with i boxes, to refund the money if not on red. Hend stamp for free sample. Umirantee issued by WooiuKD, ('i.akkk ii (X, W liolesa lo ii Hutail UrugKists Hole Agents, Portland, Or. LUMBER! JR 1IAVK FOR 8ALK ALL KINDS OF UN rr dressed Lumber, IS miles ol lleppner, a what is known as thu SCOTT BAWMILIj PKR 1,000 FF.ET, KOUflll, CLKAIi, - (10 00 1" f Steamers Portland to Ban every four days. Franoisoo Tickets FBOM Europe, For rates and general Information call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. O. HA.I1T, lleppner. Oregon. TK DKLIVKBKIJ IN llF.l'l'NF.U, WILL ADD 1 .,.uo nor 1 ,000 (eet, additional. L. HAMILTON, Prop. 13. A. Hamlltoiii Man'itr Solentiflo American for Didn't Knew tk OondlttoiM. Jonesy You women are awfully timid creatures. Miss Summerswin(f What is it nowt Jonesy Why, to think so small a oerson as you should be afraid this sulky hayrake teeth three-eighths of an hammock would break. inch, or get -inch square steel ana out Miss Summerswtnir es; nui you in 6-inch lengths and have sharpened. making teeth about seven inches long, and drive down even with top of beams. I will give a bill of the material needed for suchadrag: Twenty beams 2x2x4 ft., planed on all sides; 8 crossrails 2x2x3 ft., planed on ail sides; 1 aouDieiree Ijx4xl3 ft.; 120 steel teeth ,x1 in., round or square; 4 iron braces xlx4 ft.; 10 small clevises; 6 ft. -inch iron rod for draw rods; 4 chains of 8 or o links; 2 chains of 9 links; 40 bolts 5-15x4 in.; 8 bolts 5-16x2J4 in. I made out a bill of what I wanted and had it got out, and I put it together myself and my boy painted it. It is my haven't seen Mr. cago News. Heavyweight. Chi- 'How Not Alwji PaulMa. "I'm going to write a book ob To Live On Nothing A Year.'" "It can't be done." "It can; I have the recip." "What is it?" "Marry a rich girl." Jury. A Small Dataat. Ires Is fair ana ull Ana beautiful ana young Well mlgtit ner gracaa all In poetry be sung; But thon bar moulb's so small It cannot hold bar longu. Judge. .A QUEER HOBBi llendvolpnt Way In Which a New T York Man Spends Ills Money, i There is one man in Nuw York to whose hobby, or whatever it may be called, no one can object. A Commer cial Advertiser reporter dropped into a furnishing and clothing store on Nassau street the-other day and saw one of the salesmen busily engaged with a well dressed, portly old gentleman of benign expression who hold a boy, ragged and unclean, by the hund. A few moments later that urchin was taken into a dress ing-room, from which he soon appeared, clad from head to foot in clothes such as he had probably never dared hope to ever possess. Hat and shoes, necktie and handkerchiefs completed the pres ent to the little fellow, who was also given underwear enough to last six months. The old man and the lad he had befriended disappeared, and the re porter asked for' a little information. "Why," said the salesman, "it is the delight of that man to clothe ragged street arabs. I suppose he comes in here or goes into some other store down town two or three times a week with a poor boy in tow, who is soon trans formed into a decent-looking lad. It's his hobby, and a good one, too, I think. Don't you? He can afford it, and i De licve the solid enjoyment he gets out of his pet way of getting rid of some of his surplus money is much greater than the pleasure many a rich man finds in his yacht or his horse." HUMAN BAROMETER. Foretells the CAVEATS, 9 ADE MARKS, riESICN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, ate. H. HLUtLBUHT, Asst. Genl. Pans. Agt. Washington St., POUT1.AND. OllSUON. QUICK TIME t TO AmI all points lu California, ia tho Mt. BhaBta rtmto of the Southern Pacific Co. The sriwt highway through California to all puiuts Hast and South, tlrand Heenlo Kouts of the Paeifio Coast. Pullman Iluffet Sleepers. Beeoud-class Ulecpera Attnehwl to eipresa trains, affording superior awouiuiodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car referral iona, etc., call upon or addroaa i, enk'Uifil MMnnuer. K. P. 1UHIKKS, Asst Uen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HKPPNEB, OKEOON. Cattle branded and ear marked as shown alnna. Horse K on right shoulder. Mr cattla nuiga In Morrow and Umatilla conn. tins. Iwill 1J $100.00 for lllie arnml ana con. Tiertion of ay peraon atealiag mj itoci. IVir informat'on and froo Ntnulbook write to MUNN k CO., Ml rtlloAUWAY, Ni:W YoltK. Oldest bureau for securliur putmits In America. Krery output taken out ry us Is brouiihl befera tbe publlo by a uotlco given free ol cbamo la th 1'ciftttific mcnQU lAnrest cireulattnn of nny nrlontiftp pTnr In the worlil. SplfliiiltdlT tlliit-lrulP't. No tntolUs'Mit mnn abnuUl tvo without it. Wnoklr, 3. eiirt H.W 8H imtnlhu. AdtlrpeB MUNN A CO, 'uumsukus. 3til Uromlwaj. Nuw York. RECULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, Ik A Ut)w ft PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR J IndlceitloHi limtiuineM, Headache, Contl. tlD, lyppil, Chronic Uvr Troubl, IttsslneM, Had Coniiilcilon. Dysentery, Offeiulre Breath, and all dttordert oT tho BioaMaea, Liver and Howol. Rlnani Tabulet eontnln nothing injurlom to i J the lutmt detirlei.Mtiui1io!i. l'ltA-ttuil to lake, T I f, vtTeottiiU. (live himwiimti' retwf . X Sold by drutrtfiHlii. A trial little fc-ut by mail S On rtvetpt of 15 ouitta. AiUtrvM f THE RIPAN8 CHEMICAL CO. J X 10 BPROCE BTKKKT. NKW TOHK 1'ITY. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. Have 16 to bo cent on ererv dollar you spend. Writs for our mammoth I'aialogne. a Mi-ist.-e book.ciintaliiliigllliwirnlon giving lowest man utacliirrrs' prices, witb numilrtclureic dl-coiuil ot tvsry kind ol goods and supplies uiauulai lurfd and Imported lulo the Culled Suites, l.ria'eriet. Household Uiaids, Fnrulliirf, clothing, Lsitias audtieuls' Clolhlng and Fm lushing lioods, Kress Uo,ls, Wblle O.hkIs, Dry Uoods, Hals, t P, Hoots and shoes, l.loves, Kothwa. t.Uwai, 8tatlonerj,Walchea,CIs'ks, Jewelry, llveiv.re. BilCBles, Whips, Agrlenltural lmpletn.'iu, eio. ONLY FlUS'l' C1.AS liOOIiS. lata logo seul on recslpt ol a rants (or upressane. are me only coucern whiibsells at msuulacllireil', piu, allowing tha bnver the same discount ual manufacturer gives lo the whole..!, buyer tta guaianles all goods as represented j if ''" io. money refiiuded. Gianla sent by express or rre'liiht. with privilege ol examination befora par- lis Qulucy sireel, Chicago, LI. lug. Pennsylvania Alan Weather. A gentleman who lives a few miles west of town, says the Windland (Pa.) Democrat, is a barometer m himself. He can toll when the temperature will lower or rise almost to the hour. Often he has predicted north winds, rain, etc., when there were no visible signs to bear out his assertions. He does not prognosticate by his feelings, but by some strange markings on his left fore arm. These marks resemble the dischnrgei of a Leyden jar as much as anything else. There is one murk about two inches long and a quarter of an inch wide, and from this project two other rod linos. On the end of each of these is a blue spot. When the indications are for rain these two spots travel under the skin until they touch each other. When the probabilities are for wind or dry wenthcrthey separate until they are diametrically opposite. I'hystcians have examined the discolorntions, and say that they are only some kind of pig ment under the skin, and that they are similar in nature to birthmarks. They cannot explain the traveling proclivities Df these forerunners, however. The gentleman says that his tempera ture has nothing to do with thou- move ments. He may be warm on a wet daj and they may not be affected, or vice versa. No Mora llrumiuers- Tho traveling men in California oh joet to the use of the word "drummer,' is applied to members of their profes lion, and a movement is on foot to ahol ish the term. In olden times, says tilt Son Francisco Merchant, when it was ihe wont of quacks, fakirs and itinerant Mountebanks to make periodical visit w country towns on market days, they would beat a big drum to call up a ;rowd. Tlws was called "drumming fol ;rade," and it is presumed, and in fact rencrally aevepteerf that this is the or gin of the offensive name. It is strange ,hat in England, where the expression was first born, it is now unheard of iu jonneetion with commercial travelers, n that country traveling salesmen are ailed "bagmen," or "knights of the 'ripsaek." but in no instance would any HOMEMADE SMOOTHINO HARROW. own invention and no patent, so anyone can use it. The teeth are set a little Blanring back and sidewise also. The sections are hung to doubletree just as far apart as rows are. If rows are close and the sections bother about jumping on each other, lengthen chains about eight or ten inches on Nos. 1 and 8 (see fieure). This drag is very nice for covering flaxseed or oats when sown by hand broadcast. There are extra holes in doubletree for use on wide rows. Draft rods fasten to doubletree by clevises. not Bhown in the cut. The clevises can be made of ?-inch iron rod with end; simply bent around and not welded, and 9-inch bolts for pins, making a very cheap clevis. Managing: Hay Ropes. An Illinois farmer says that new hay rones ought to be tied to the hind axle of a wagon and a rail or other heavy object tied to the other end and dragged a mile or two. When placed in the pulleys, the rone should be untwisted a few turns if it offers to kink. Sometimes the driver of the hoisting horse causes trou ble by turning one way all the time, crossing and twisting the rope as shown at A in the illustration herewith. In unloading twenty tons of hay in a day, seven forkfuls to a load, and twist ing the rope around each time it would CONSUMPTION in its early stages can be cured by the prompt use of Ayers Cherry Pectoral It soothes the inflamed tissues, aids expectoration, and hastens recovery. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. TWT.univTTPf. "R. V. Perkins has lately opened up tbe restaurant in the Lichten- tbal banding, wmcn ne dhh uamou mo Delmonico. None but white cooks are employed, and the public can therefore get a Rood, old-fashioned meal, cooked in the beet of style. Price, 25 cents; beds. 25 cents. 509-t-tf Plenty of flour, bran, mill feed and chop always on hand at the Heppner Flouring Mills. a STOCK BRANDS. Did Mm. Sowerby have .her photo- graph taken yesterday?" "Yea." "Good likeneiBT" "Yea. must have been, for all refused to take them of the photographer." Boston Commercial Bulletin. Doing Wall. Mra. Bingley How is your daughter getting along with her new music teacher? Mr. Pinkerlv 8plendidly. She naa only known him three weekca ana ae has already proposed three times. w troit Free Press. Hard Mid Km Ut Little Girl My papa has to get up awful early, so as to get to the omee and see if his clerks Is tuere aiienam to business. Little Bov My papa don't hare to. He's one of the clerks. Good News. rarTar.lt y of tha Baft. When s woman aiks you lor alrtc Doo'l teel bit elateil; Don't think that you're the etwees one And ffflt youT h"d inttswrt. It'a just little way bu hM (The tantalizing elf.) The asks you for your counsel than She does to please hereelf. -Mittens Wtlleu, In Judge. While yon keep your subscription paid up yen can keep your brand in free of charge. atllvn T .1 Tnn Or. TTnrfiBB Gfi on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. nnder bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. r li Aln la. T sarrirK hsr tin. der n on left ehoulder of horses; oattle same on left hip. lli-nn O. Ti.. Eiaht Mile. Or. Cattle brand O D (in left hio and horses same brand on right ahonlder. Kange. &ight Mile, AHlrina 'I' f!. Duvville. Or- Straight mark across tne thign ana two cropu turn a tmi in uiu ngm am , hnrwi t nniridft diivn on the riffht shoulder. Kange in Grant county and Bear valley. P 0 addresB also at Ilaruman. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hones. JA con neoted on left flank; cattle, same on left hip. Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded triangle on lett hip; cattle Bame on right hip; also crop off right ear ana upper dig on same, Blyth, Percy H., Heppner, Or- Horses. Boman eross on right ehoulder. Kange in Morrow county. Bleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag on left ehoulder; cattle eaine on nght Bhouiaer. FtnnniHtnr.J. W.. Hardman. Or. Cattle brand- ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, liocseberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right aide. Hurke, M St C, Long (jreek, Or On cattle. Jenkins. D. W..Mt Vernon. Or. J on horeee on left ahonlder; oifc cattle, J on left hip and two Bmooth crops on both ears. Kange in Fox and bear valleys . Jnnkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Hones, noree shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the aania. Banire on Eight Mile. Johnson. Kelix, Lena, Or. Horses, oircleT on left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, nnder half crop in right and Bulit in left ear Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Hones brnndrnl KN on left hip, cattle same and crop otf left ear: nnder slope on the right Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. Hones 69 on left shoulder; cattle, 69 on left hip. Kirk. J G, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either flank : cattle 17 on right side. Kirk, Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left shoulder; oattle same on right Bide, nnderbit on right ear. Kumberland.W.G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on cattle on right and left Bides, swallow fork in It ft ear and under cmp in right ear. Hones same brand on left shoulder. Hange in Grant county. Keeney, Kli, Heppner, Or. Horses J L and ace of clubs on left stifle. Kange in Umatilla and Morrow counties Lesley, M C, Monument, Or A trianglofniwith all litiea extending pat body of figure on 1 hor eee on left shoulder, ou oattle diamond on left shoulder, split in right ana nuder bit in left ear liange in Grant county and to parte of John Day Leahey, J W, Hepnuer Or. Horses branded L and A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip; wattle over right eyr three slits in right ear. I-infim.. Htanhen. Fox. Or. H L nn laft. hin on cattle, crop and split on right ear, lioraeB same brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant county. Lieuallen, John W.. Lexigt Or. Horses branded half -circle JL connected on left ehoul der. Cattle, aame on left hip. Kange, near Lexington. Lord. George. JleDoner. Or. Horses hrandnd double H coi.necU Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. maxwell, ni. o., uoosetierry, Or, Hones brand ed long link on left Bhouldeq cattle, same on lef 1 1 hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear. Minor, ueear, Heppner, dr. Cattle, M D on right hip; horse. Mon lef t shoulder. organ, a. JN. HepDner. Or. Horses. M l on left shonldei cattle same on left hip. jMoamDer, jas a, .ucno, ur. Horses. 1U with bar over on right shoulder. Mann, ti, ti.. Lena. Or. Morses old mares ZZ on right hip; young stock, small tz on left shoulder. Morgan. Thos.. HeDtiner. Or. Horses, circle T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle. '6 on right thigh. Ml -Hones, 77 on right MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, nn- letft shoulder. A Portal ftumpr. "Why on earth do you have a melo deon instead of a piano, Mawson?" "Because my daughter was so fond of music I couldn't get her to take any ex ercise. Now she gets the walk and music all at once. "Harper's Bazar. An Lnfalllnn Sign. Wife (impatiently) This new dreas doesn't set well, and I know it Husband What makes you think so? Wife It's too comfortable. N. Y. Weekly. Bat Little Best. "Are you busy?" asked the Mug of th Growler. "Busy is no name for it," replied the Growler; Tm rushed." rue. An IT na tU factory Purehjua. Lord A. Don't you think you ought to call me "dear?" His American Wife Yea; at any price. Life. MOT AJIIIT ANNOTKU. miw TO TmN IN UNLOADING BAY. receive 110 twists. If the horse ia turned gee at the cuter end of the rope he should be turned haw at the inner, as at . ma in the least. Puck A Nebraska correspondent of Ihe ' Prairie Farmer, from which the fore-! Tha Hammock oiri. going is a reprint, writes: "My way of th days ar warm, with aoent ot trulta ana taking til kink out of a rope is to wrap it around a tree or Btump three or four times and hitch a good span of horses to It. Have a man pull on the back end of the rope enough so that the team will need to draw hard in pulling it over the tree. When the man holding the otner ena is drawn up to the stump have him and the team change ends and repeat three or four times. This kind of warming will take the kink out of any rope." WE WILL PAY 1 salary o( to .wr lo!(K)U tstMt to rtlirssmt us In sv.it nninly.and .M "r e''" Hneol.M"hn.lis.simsinllsolurrrs' prlws. UNl.T Wanderer (about to scat himself) 8tay, beauteous lady, don't remoe yourself on my account; your baby will flowera The air la laden; Ana In Uie hammock through tha atinnj hour Now dream vh mamea. Sometime she with a pout or frown awake Prom dream ambltiou To f rumble at the nolae her mother make While waahln aisuea -N Y. Preea. On Day' UbertT Mr. Neater 1 wish you wouldn't let little Dot play with such a dirty raga muffin as that boy she is with out there , on the street Keroseue Emulsion. N(,wrwhy, that' little Dick, Kerosene emulsion, a most useful in- j.Te btta aw ,n d8. secticitie, is prepared at the Jlassachu- ftn he,s ,j0in(r M he pleased. setts station In the following manner. Good Newfc One-quarter of a pound of common bar L i L ,. nf Kill. HroB-wna, inir water, and whUe still hot four Flopper-What s the difference be- ".f., nf w, ;i adilAd and the tween a bill-board and a Doara-DUi7 whole mixture churned through a small l" nr hand force vunm with a small nozzle tix inseParable adjuncU ol the pro- turned into the rail. This churning region. must be continued about five minutes , nntil the whole forms ft creamy white der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on Hange in uruac ana morrow county. Bowsman, AM Mount Vernon and Burns, Or. Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in each ear; Bame on horeee, on right ehoulder, Kange in Grant and Harney counties. Rrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 a right shoulder; cattle B on the left Bide. Left ear' half crop and right ear npper elope. Barton. Wm.. HeDoner. Or. -HorBee. J B on right thiga, cattle, Bame on right hip; Bplit in each ear. right etiHa; cattle same on right hip; range. Mor row county. Rrnwn. J .P.. Hennner. Or. Horeee and cattle branded 8 with oz-yoke above on left shoulder. Rrown. J. C. HeDDner. Or. Horses, circle G witb dot in oh ter on left hip; oattle, earae. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. HorseB W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left nip- lover. W. U., Heppner, ur. HorBes, dox brand on righ. hip cattle, Bame, with split in each ear. , Borir. F. O.. HeDDner. ur. Horses, f h on ten shoulder; cattle, Bame on left hip. Brow 11 lee, W. JM Fox, Or Cattle. JB connected t.n inftAidA! nronon left ear and two splite and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on tne lett tmgn; Jange in ox vauey, fwrttnt. noiintv. (Jain.li., (laleD.nr. i u on norees onieu siine; D with Quarter circle over it. on left Bhouider, and on left stifle on all colts nnder 5 years; on left shoulder only on ail noraeB over o years, an range in urant county. Clark, Win. H., Lena, Or. HorBes WHC con nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Gate, ('has. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right Bhouider; cattle same on right hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cochran, Chan., lone. Or. Horses. HP con neoted on left shoulder; cattle, C on both left hip and stifle. Kange in Morrow county. Cannon, X. B.,Long Creek, Or. Ton cattle on right side, crop off right ear and slit in left ear. Our horses Bame brand on left shoulder. Kange in Grant county. Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; horses JO on lef shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. H., John l)Hy, Or. Double croBS on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Kange in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder". Ear markou ewes, orop on left ear, Douched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop in left ear. All rauge in (4 rani nnnnt.v. flonlt . A. J..Lena.Or. Horses. 80 on right shoul der. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square crop on leu. ana sum in ngui. Curnn. a. x., Lurrinevme, ur, -aorses, ou (Aft Ht.itlA. Cochran. J H Monument. Or Horses branded hin. swallow fork in right ear and crop on I ert. Cox Hid. H., Hardman, ur. uau.e, KJ witn in center: horeee. CK. on left tip. rnnhran- It. E.. Miinnment. Grant Co . Or, Hnrann hrandtvi mrle with bar beneath, on left tahnnlHAi-! ni.tt.lA finmA brand on bath hins. mark under Blope both ears and dewlap. Chamn. H., Hardman, ur, norees oranaea n on riirht hio. Cattle brauded the Bame. Cross. 8 L, Dayville, Or t'attle branded two crops and a split in left ear; on horses a reversed 1 on left stifle. Also have the following brands on cattle: 72 on left hip, 7 on right hip, 72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left shoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Doonan. Wm., Heppner, ur. norees nranuea OO with bar over them, on left Bhonlder; cut tle same on left hip. Douglass, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, R V on right side, swuilow-fork in each ear; horBes, K D on ten nip. Douglas, u. I.. uougias, ur norees iu on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip. . Duncan, w. ., jonn uay.ur. yuarxer circle : VI on right shoulder, both on horeee and cattle. Kange Grant county. Driskell, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horeee branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. Ely, J. a. it aons, uongias, ur. norees prana- ed EL on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole ir right ear. Eilioti. wash., ueppner, ur. Diamond on right ehoulder. ftleek. Jackson. Heppner. Ur. Horses. ?ir connected on right ehoulder; cattle same on right hip Ear mark, hole in right and crop i left. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or, Cattle, LF on right hip; horeeb F with bar under on nght ehoulder. Hlorenoe, o. r. Heppner, ur norees. r on right shocJdei ; cattle, 1 on right hip or thigh. Gay, Henry. Heppner, Or. GA on left shoulder. Gilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor 8 on left shoulder; vent, same on lett stine. imue, Bame on own nips: ilitchell. Oscar. lone. Or.- hio: cattle. 77 on ria-ht eide. mcuiaren, u. Brownsville, Or, HoreeB, Figure 5 on each shoulder; oattle, M2 on hi n McKern.W.J. Moullt Vertion. Ur XI ou cattle on right hip, crop in right ear, half crop in left same braud on horses ou lef t hi p. liange in Graut county. MeUirty, Da via H., f-ctio, Ur. Horses branded DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule Bhoe with toe-cork ou cattle on ribs and under in each ear; horBes same brand on left stifle. MoHaley. Q. V., Hamilton, Or.-On Horeee, 8 with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle , four bare connected on top on the right side Kange in Grant County. Meal. Andrew. Lone Itock.Or. HoreeB A N con nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips, Nordyke, E., bilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh: cattle, same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh, Kange in Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. V O on left shousdei. Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O LF connected on left hip; horses on left stifle and wartle on nose. Kange in Grant county, Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile, Or, Horses, quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right oropped. 24 on left hip. Kange on Eight Mile. Parker & Gleason, Hardman, Or, Horeee IP on lfft shoulder. Piper, J. H Lexington. Or. Horses, JE con nected oiileft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. nnder bit in each ear. Patberg, Henry Lexington, Or. HoreeB brand ed with a Komaii cross on left shoulder; cattle branded with Human cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. PettyB, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on the left hip, npper slope In left ear and slip in the right, Powell, Jonn T., Dayville, Or HoreeB, J P oon neci ed on left shoulder. Cattle OK connected on left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear. wattle under throat, Kai.gein Grant oounty. Kickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. E C on left shoulder, on horses only. Kange Canyon creek and Bear valley, Grant oounty. Hood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, Bquare orost. with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Keninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. HorseB, C K on left shoulder. Kice, Dan, Hardman. Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left Bhouider; cattle, DAN on right ehoulder. Kange near Hardman, Kndio, Win, Long Creek, Or. Brands horses R or right Bhouider. Kange, Grant and Morrow counties. KoyBe, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on right hip and crop off right ear. Kange in M.or row county. Rush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 2 on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange ic Morrow and adjoining counties. Kuet, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses K ov left shoulder; cattle, K on left hip, crop ofl right ear, underoit on lett ear. emeep, h on weathers, round crop off righ ear. Kange Uma tilla and Morrow oiun ties. Keaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horsei branded A It on right shoulder, vent quartei circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. nange Jiorrow county. ltoyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HK connected -Life. mass which becomes jellylike when cool. Care must be taken to have the solution of soap hot when the kerosene is added to it and the churning done, but it must not be near the tire. Before applying this emulsion to the plants it should be diluted with water in the proportion of one quart of the Bow is Afltoot! Htm. "Were you upset by the bank failure?' "Yea 1 lost my balance." Ufa . Kotos. with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip and crop off right ear and split iu left. Horeee Bame brand on left shoulder, liange in Morrow. Grant and Gilliam counties. Hitter, J F, Kitter, Or Three parallel bari with bar over on horses on left hip; on cattle, left side, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat. Kange in Middle Fork of John Day. Hector, J. W., Heppner, Or. Horeee. JO o. left ehoulder, Cattle, O on right hip. i Spicknall, J. W., GooBeberry, Or. Horses branded 31 on left shoulder; iange in Morrow county. Bpray, J. F., Heppner, Or. Horses branded fci oounected oi. right shoulder; cattle same on both hiPB. Bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Swaggart, B. F Lexington, Or. Horses 2 with dash under it on left stifle; cattle H with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. Kange in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Bwaggart, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brand?'1 3 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J 8 on let. stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in righi ear, nnderbit in left. bapp. Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cattit same on left hip. Hhirtz, James, Long Creek, Or. Horses. 8 on leu Btine and over 2 ou left shoulder. 8hrier,John, Fox, Or. NC connected on horses on right hip; oattle, same on right hip, crop off right ear and nnder bit in left ear. liange in Grant oounty. Bmith Bros., 8nsanville, Or, Horses, branded H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, ame on left Bhouider. Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded J8 on lef t shoulder; cattle the same, aleo nose waddle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam co -ntiea. Stephens, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses 8 Son right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side BteveuBon, Mrs A. J.. Heppner. Or. Cattle. 8 on right hii ; swallow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart, G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on left ahuulde ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Btone, Ira, Bikleton, Wash, Horses, keystone on left shoulder. Bmith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on lett side, nange, uiiaam county, Bperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left htp, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on left shoulder; oattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tippets,8.T.,Enterpriiie,Or. Horses. C-on left, shoulder. Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital I left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip with Bplit in both earB. Thornton, H, M., lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheup same brand. Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or; Horees HV con nected on right shoulder Seattle, aame on right hip. Walbridge. Wra., Heppner, Or. Horses, TJ. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip, crop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John 0 Balem or Heppner. Or. Horses branded Jq on the left shoulder. Kauge Morrow county. U, n -.n U U I -U a ns,a.t- TTT ii one, i, ii, oiou, ui ouiB. rt wii n nngrnr circle over it, on left side, split iu right ew nonwi tfauiu oraua ou ten sao aider. U&nge i Grant couuty. Wood. F L. Dayville. Or HArtnn WMr.n left stifle; on cattle, 2 on left side and under bit in left ear. Kange in Grant county. Wright, Si Uie A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded 8 W on the right hip. square crop ott right ear and split m left, Wallace. Francis. Monnt Vamnn Of finnamnn cattle on the left hip, upper slope in he left ear and under slope in right ear. Bame brand ou horses on right shoulder. Kange in Harney and Grant county . Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded ace of spade on left ehoulder and left hip. Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wells, A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horses, 0U on left shoulder: catt e same. W ol finger, John, John Day City, Or On hornas three parallel bars on left ahonlder; 7 on sneep, bit in both ears, Kauge in Grant and M winner counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horsea, UP connected on left shoulder. Watkins, Liehe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded CE connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Tattle, W on nght thigh, holt-in left ear; horses, W on right shouiaer, Knu same on left shoulder. Whittier Bros.. Drewsy, Harney Bounty, Or. -Hordes branded W B. ponoected on left ohookfrr Williams, Vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Juartr cir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and homes. Range Grant county. Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, qnar ter circle over three bars on left hip: cattle same ann slit in earn ear. rtarige in dranr cnonty. ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left. Kange is counties. Kange in Gilliam, Grant, mnties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Crook and Morrow THOSE WHO WANT BTKA M1-1.0MKNT SKKO Fi-LY. CatsU"1 na prmiui - ol-AGSBUfurtaprssssge. KARl,KS A 0). lii Qulncy Street, thh-ago. 111. ippellullon as that of "drummer ' The lutwt dentistry, crown and bridge work, inostsneoessfully accomplished by lr. 15. F. Yautflmn. Cliis admiuistered when desired. Thompson bmldiog, Heppner, Or 1-a-w- Accoramg to government the average values per acre of the vari ous farm crops for the last ten years are: rm Mat?: wheat. ftfi.D5: oats. A16: emulsion to nine quarts of water, which S.fc7; barler, $13.76; buckwheat, must be thoroughly mixed. The above . 24; potatoes, $38.84; tobacco, $81.57; win inane sixty quarts u w ull-l'uuo cotton, $15.79; nay, fli.ua. The proper temperature for a brooder, TV. r..-AM Tnn-nal 11 fiK Antra mav be dilated hen umled for e. "V"" "a ZJZ .TT A UIO lllSt CllC 111c 19 W U. WUP v best eubstances vermin on domestic auimnls and in hen houses. ready for nse, but the emulsion will I if tin- fiatornity oimuti'iuuut! suoh ae keep for a long time vntnout injury ana e , raia a,,.!!, reducing temperature to 70 for the destruction of f""1 .. . . . Bim.mh Horeee branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left eilUe. Kange in Morrow and Umatilla counties. fi.ltwatAr. J.C.. Prairie City. Or. On horeee. O -O on left shoulder and stine; cattle, on right side. Kange in Grant connUr. Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses shaded & on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Kange in and about naraman. Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, irh nuni-tAr circl over it. on left shoulder. Hiatt A. B,, Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top A with quarter circle under it on the right hip. nange in aiorrow anu uiuhuiibwuuubb, Uinton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or 'attle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Range in Grant county. Hughes, 8&mueL Wagner, Or T F Lon right shoulder on horees; on cattle, on right hip and on left aide, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Kange in Haystack district, Jiornjw county. Hall. Edwin, John bay .Or. Cattle H on right hip; horses same on right shoulder, bange in firant (NMin tY. Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded hMrt on the left shoulder. Kange Morro Hunsaker, o e , wagner, ur. -norses, w on lerx Kange Morrow Co. atmei shoulder; cattle. 8 on left hip. Hardistr. Albert, Nye, Oregon Horses, AH connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on tha left hip, orop oft left ear. liu Ripans Tabul.uno gives relief. umphreya, J M. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on left Hank Hiatt, Wm. E-, Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on left hip. Hayes. J. M., Heppner. Or. Horeee, wineglass on left shoulder oattle. same on right hip. Ivy, Alfred. Long Creek, Or-Cattle I D on right hip, crop otf left ear and bit in right. Horees same brand on left shoulder. Range n Grant A ocr Kv tha aixth week. Remember w .; flr nnt n.4an tha heat of tha oountr. W ten. A. A., Heppner, Or. Horaes running A A that this does not mean tne nea or WW , HMlon LothOT( Eight Mile. Or.-Horee H on ' on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. floor Of the brooder, Which Should never f the left shoulder and heart on the lef! wins Cat- I Young, J. 8 Gooetarry, Or. Horses branded Us auns on lert up. nanfle in aiorrow oooncy, 1000 ua ngui aooajutw. be over 70 deg (