Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 13, 1892, Image 3

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rHOSEdediriiiR the insertion of dinner ads Ke, the Wor
or cliniitre 01 saiue. uuiHt ui't their i-oiiv in . n.., . i
.otuter U,a Monday evening for TueXy'J 1 nraUt "uuty-
Major Maqokb Honored Major Ma
ori's Fair pedestrian from
.n.i ... ,,,, , "'""'h iicailll.
ul nursuuy evulilnii for Fridays edi-
1. The um of five cenu per line will be
cnargea lor "cards of thank," "resolutions ol
,lB i "mo oi weuuing presents and donors,
and obituary notices, .(other than those the edlt
or shall himself give as a matter of new,) and
notlcesof Hpeeial meetings for whniBvB,n,
2. Notices of church and society and all other
r ;T , " "um revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live
cent a line. There rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every iiuuuuce.
Advertising rate reasonable and made known
upon applicatiou.
Qive your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
T. W. Ayere, Jr., for drugs. 08 bw
Dr. B. F. Vatican, dentist.
For good health take TUXTS PILLS.
Joe Eskeleon was in Heppner Friday
Fugua Bros, were in from Eight Mile
Vaoaut houses are few and far between
id Heppuer.
Ohas. Aahbaugh was in from Eight
Mile Sutiudny.
Sam Kinsman returned from Portland
Saturday eveuing.
P. 0, Burg has purchased a new safe
for his jewelry.
Hon. H. Blaokman returned from
Portland last evening.
B. L Akers was in from Gooseberry
yesterday afternoon.
Oscar Minor and wife leaves tomorrow
for a visit in the valley.
Fresh ground Buokwheat Flour for
sale by P. C. Thompson Co. 3 4
Xhos. Quaid is building a house on his
lot down near the Ellis corner.
Xhe Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, McAfee Bros., Props. sw
H. A. Moffatt and Fred A. Cook, two
knights of the grip sack, are in the city
Geo. Aikin will get in this evening
from the Portland raoes with Chum-
L. W. Lewis oame in from Pendleton
last evening, leaving this morning for
Wm. Barton, of Blaok Horse, will like
ly send his older daughters to eohuol
here this winter,
Judd Hart spent Inst week in the
mountains with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Booth
by, of Lexington.
Tap tiimous & Son still shoe horses
and do general blacksmithing at the old
stand Matlock corner. 55.
A. W. Bulsiger, the professor of the
lone school lor the ooming year, was in
the oily Saturday last.
Mrs. Margaret Barratt, aocompunied
by her little son, left Saturday morning
for her home at Oregon City.
A little scrap oooured in one of the
down-town resorts Saturday night. No
one seriously injured however.
Hall's Hair Benewer eradicates and
prevents the formi.tion of dandruff,
thickens the growth, and beautifies the
hair as no other preparation will.
Tommy Ayers' residence, on his lot
across the street from the South Meth
odist church, is going up rapidly.
Blind Johnny Keeney and Wtn.Fletcher
came over from Pendleton Saturday eve
ning returning yesterday morning.
Miss Letha Parker, dressmaker, will
guarantee you a good fit. Give her a
trial. Ilesidenoe W. A. Johnston. 4-tf
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do
all kinds of nursing. Call at her home
in north Heppner, or address her nt this
place. 518 tf
I)ave McAtee returned from Portland
last evening, where be bad been attend
ing the raoes at the City View rnoe
Preston Drips a pure corn syrup
niBde from yellow corn sometbiug fine.
Call and sample it at P. C. Thompson
Company's. 3-4
Hiyu ketchum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop the
plaoe tn get a first-class sba,ve, bair-ont
or shampoo. tf.
A. .T. Hicks returned last Thursday
from Hood Kiver, on a business trip. He
reports matters very quiet there and al
so at The Dulles.
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'a shoe-tree or
moving sign in the window of their Bhoe
store is something new for Heppner,
and in fact quite unique.
Pfunder' Oregon Blood Purifier is the
great conquerer of Billiousuees and Liv
er oomplaiut. Belief certain in every
case. Sold at One Dollar a bottle. Trv it.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Miss Annie Ayers, w ho spent the sum
mer itu relatives in this county, re
turned home Friday morniug. She will
attend the Willamette University this
The wife of B. W. Webb, the drillman
now working on the artesian well, ar
rived Saturday evening and will proba
bly remaiu with Mr. Webb until he has
oompleted the work here.
The Bennett Hotel at Arlington has
been moved from the old location
near the depot, to Main St., about two
blooks from the depot, where its propri
etor will welcome you as of old. 23 tf
The Gazette was the reoipient this
morning of a fine basket of plums, for
whiob it extends thanks. Mrs. Jas. Jones
was the donor, and we must say that the
plums are the largest and tinest that we
have seen this year.
To lise in the morning with bad
taste in the mouth and no appetite, indi
cates that the stomach needs strength
ening. For this purpose, there is noth
ing better than an occasional doss of
Ayer's Pills taken at bed time.
nnnrlnn Globe: A. Vinson, of the
firm of Niles k Vinson, tombstone deal-
rs of Walla Walla, visitea Uonaon tuis
eek and took a lnri;e numoer oi oraers.
ibis reliable firm believes in advertising,
r.d their busiuess is rapidly increasing
in consequeuoe.
Sallow and leaden-hued complexions
soon give place to the loveliest pink-and-white,
when the use of Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla is persisted in, and cosmetics entire
ly abandoned. Nothing can connterfeii
the rosy glow of perfect health, which
blesses those who use this medicine.
Wash. Elliott met with quite a painful
accident np in the mountains reoently.
While driving through the timber with
a wagon bis foot was caught between
the brake Bnd a stump, itnkiog it very
hard and though it was not very badly
crashed, yet it was considerably bruised
and swollen.
Pocket map of Washington, Oregon,
Tdnhn. Montana, and Wyoming five
lu our columns several times before, ar
rived in Grand Island, Neb., a few days
since, and just in time to attend a Grand
Army re-union that was being held on
their camp grounds, when he was asked
to address the gathering, estimated to
be fully 20,000. The president, in intro
ducing him, mentioned the fact that he
was the gentleman from Grant county,
Oregon, who was walkiug to Chicago, to
attend the World's Fuir, when he re
ceived a cheer tqual to the one tendered
Corbeit after wiuniug the pugilistic belt.
Major stepped upon the platform, upon
whiob were seated many of the leading
men of Nebraska, and spoke to them
briefly, at the olose of which, and after
giviug him three cheers, a rush was made
to grasp hie hand. A warmer welcome
could not have been tendered the presi
den t.
Gkant County Houses. The Eagle
bus been informed that Tom Keeney and
other Long Creek boys have returned
Horn Helena to Butte, Muut. ,-Pin Ear''
they say has won two races, one a quarter-mile
dash at Helena, and a six hund
red yard duBh at Butte Ciiy. They sold
"Little Joe" for $350, and he was at onoe
takeu to Portland and entered in the
raoes at that place. In speaking of the
band of horses they took with them, they
have made several sales at good figures,
aud will by no means return to Long
Creek in a worse condition than they
left, as ia the case with most of our horse
men who drive to the outside. No spe
cial word as to when they would return
was received, but it is hardly expected
that they will be here in time for the fall
races. Eagle.
Whitkoaps at Ahlinoton. The white-
caps who recently attempted to kill Her
man Scheuuert, a German rancher, aud
not succeeding in this, bound and gagged
him aud told him to leave the country,
burned two large barns last Saturday
night, belonging to James L. Kent, to
gether with their contents and over 100
tots of hay. There is little doubt that
some of the parties concerned in the pre
vious outrage took a hand in this, as
Scheuuert has been stopping with Kent
since the affair happened. Great indig
nation is felt there over the matter, aud
should any of the rascals be found out, a
lynching bee would be held in short or
der. The loss to Kent is 2000 or $3000.
Quito a Runaway. Quite a number
of Heppnerites witnessed a spirited run
away on Main street yesterday morning
As Ben Perkins, the delivery boy, wob
driving along near Dan Hornor's place,
a tug oame unhooked, striking one of
the horses on the foot, frightening him,
when both horses began running, the
boy jumping out when be saw it was im
possible to bold them. Near the Ellis
oorner the bed was thrown off, and at the
planing mill the front wheels were jerk
ed from the running gear, with which
the horses came on up town and up Main
street to the Matlook corner, where they
ran into the flag-pole, thus being stop
ped. The boy and the horses were not
injured, but the wagon was completely
A Good Offer. The proprietors of
the Semi-Weekly Gazette have decided
to offer an inducement for advance pay
ments on Bubscription. Xhe price re
mains the same, $3 per year, but where
payments are made in advance, only
$2 50 a year will be charged. What do
we mean by "advance payments?" A
payment made within thirty days after
the subscription becomes due will be
called "in advanoe." In a very short
time we will print after euoh person's
uiitna the date to which Bubscription is
paid. This will remind you each week
ua to how you stand with us, and will
render it an easy matter for you to save
50 cents a year on your Bubscrip
tion, tf
Sad Death The wife of D. F. B iker,
who was reported quite ill in our lust
issue, died at 11 o'clock Sunday night.
The circumstance surrounding her death
are sad enough, and besides she leaves
a husband aud four small children.
Mrs. Baker's illness was of short duration
aud everything possible was done for her,
but all to no purpose. The interment
takes place today nt the Eight Mile
Charley Hudson was in the city yes
terday from Lexington. He bad just
returned from the vulley where he spent
a mouth visiting with relatives and
friend.s, also looking around for a possi
ble location. From him we learn that
J aline Hodson, who was formerly prin
cipal i( the Heppner schools, has Bgaio
secured the position of principal of the
Nesvherg soboote, which plaoe be held
lust year.
Sheriff Noble left yesterday morning
for Salem ith H. A. Nettleton, who was
senteuoed to two years in the state peni
tentiary last Wednesday, in charge. Mr.
Noble will take in the state fuir, which
is in ptogress this week, returning to
Portland iu liuie to be present at the
Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F.,
which convenes in that city Sept. 17th.
Altogether Ueorfe will have a pleasant
Eugene Guard: "A young man, just
from Heppner, reports that potatoes sell
there at 3o per lb aud that the town is
literally dried up, aud that all the gar
dens are withered. A conflagration
would sweep Heppuer from the face of
the plain, as there is no water to put out
a fire." However, we beg to inform the
Guard that it is only a matter of time
uutil Heppuer will have ample fire pro
tecting as active operations have now
begiiu on the water works and eleotrio
light plant.
Notwithstanding the fact that Jim
Corbett knocked Sullivan out in short
urder, Joe Maaterson cluims that be can
do Jim iu u shorter time, and to see him
push a pui through his cheek without
lliuching you would imagine that it
would be next to impossible to pnuish
bun, though it is not likelv that he oould
get a chance at JameB J. Corbett, for a
short tune at least. ;
F. W. Silvertootu and family returned
from Antelope last Friday, and will re
side iu Loug Creek this winter. Mr.
Silvertooth has employed his brother
Wait, to take charge of the drug store
he purchased while at Antelope.
Doric Lotlge No. 20, last Tuesday night
elected Henry Blaokman representative
to the grund lodge, Otis Patterson being
the hold-over. X. W. AyerB, Sr., aud F.
J. Hullock were elected alternates.
Johuny Friend got iu Saturday eveuiug
from Idaho, for a few weeks' visit with
friends, his wife having been called here
a short time ago to attend the funeral of
her brother, Walter lihea.
George Patterson, who has been work
ing in (J nun's blacksmith shop all sum
mer, was over at Antelope last week
looking lor a location, aud be has de
cided to remove to that city.
Billy Welch bhd a break down near
Gilliam's place last Friday, while on the
road to Long Creek loaded with freight,
necessitating bin returniug to Heppuer
for repairs.
Fell Bros, keep a full line of drjugoods
iu bolts and single patterns. Now pat
terns have beeu rtotived and more to
come soon. 4-6
John Dixon, representing Cunning
ham, Cnrtiss & Welch, stutioners of Suu
Francisco, whs iu Heppner over Sunday.
Victor Staadecker, the genial repre
sentative of Moody, Valentine & Gold
smith, was in Heppuer over Sunday.
Mrs. Joe Deal and family left yester
day morning for California, to visit with
her pureuts.
Let Padburg and Allen Owens were up
from Lexingtuu yesterday morning.
Wm. Hughes returned from Long
Creek last Thursday.
Alfred Ayers and wife, of Butter creek,
were iu Heppuer yesterday.
J. A. Wuolery was up from lone Fri
day evening.
OI Justus was in from Hinton creek
Mrs. (J. E. Faruenortli ia quite ill.
Would Like to Lease a Hotel. C.
O. Sargent, of this city, is anxious to take
oharge of a good hotel, uot particular as
to location. Mr. Sargent is an old-timer
in this line, and is sure to give satisfac
tion wherever he should go. Anyone
having a hotel to rent or lease, would do
well to correspond with C. C. Sargent,
Heppuer, Oregon. 523-27
A Mossteb Tooth. While excavating
at tbe artesian well last Saturday, a
monstrous tooth was unearthed about
fifteen feet below the surfaoe. Tbe face
or crown of the tooth is niue inches by
four, while it is inches long. This
is supposed to be the tooth of a masto
don, or at least one of tbe age of mam
moths, and indeed quite a trophy.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er aud repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in the Abrabam
sick building, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiylhing in his line.!
Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work, I
man and warrants all work. Give him a ,
call. 14 tf
Not In It. The Heppuer horse, Cham
pagne, was not very snccesBful at Port
land meeting, but we are informed that
he was not himself, not equaling his
recrod on slow tracks. We hope that
Champagne may do better in the future.
ChTBCH SKttV'lCK.'t.
Of Expenditares of Morrow County Names
of Cinlniuiits, Services Rendered, Etc.
Forbes & Breden, court house and
jail account 8 55 00
Dasey & Fain, court house and jail
aocouut 832 16
Cyrus Leyde, court house and jail
account 53 00
P. C. Thompson Co., court house
Bnd jail aooount 6 75
S. P. GnrrigueB, court house and jail
account 66 05
H. Blackmail & Co., court bonne and
jail account 17 92
Gilliam & Bisbee, court house and
jail account 2S 95
Close & l'rudhomnif-, stationery . . 1 00
" " 10 00
" . . 11 20
Slootim-Juiiuston IJ:ng Co., station
ery 7 45
A. J. Hicks, stationery !J 65
East Oregouiau Pub. Co., stal'ry 20 00
Heppuer Gazette, stationery 15 95
T. W. Ayers, Jr., ' 7 35
J. K. Gill & Co., " CO
William Blair, pauper account... 48 90
Sloan & Howard, " " ... 2 25
J. H. Gammell, " " ... 35 50
C. L. Heed, " " ... 45 00
T. W. Ayers, Jr., " ' ... 2 50
H. BlBckman & Co., pauper ac't 5 00
D. A. Hamilton, road and bridge ac
count 31 38
Geo. W. Lord, road & bridge ac't 8 00
S. P- Gurrigues, ' 24 75
J. X. McAllister, road damages, ap
plication No. 109 50 00
J. Cobc, oourt house and jail ac't 25
C. B. Coohran, for going after stolen
property 2 00
T. W. Ayers, Jr., & Co., stationery
account 2 25
Anton Abrobamsick, pauper ao't 28 50
Henry Padberg, pauper account 19 10
G. D. Barnard & Co., election ac't 105 00
state of okkoon )
county of mohkow (
I, J. W. Morrow, Clerk of Morrow
County, hereby certify that tbe foregoing
list of expenditures of the county, with
name of respective claimants, the articles
or services for which payment is made,
together with those continued rejected
or in part paid, is true and correct fti
shown by the records of said county.
Witness my hand and seal of tbe said
ooonty court this 10th day of
ssal beptember, A. I. 1892.
J. W. Morrow, Clerk,
By G. W. Wells, Dputy.
Services at M. E. church next Sabbath
morning and evening. Xhe morning ser-1
vina will panee lul I v hp mlariierl to !lirin- I
States in oue oover handsomer, handier ; tians. Text, "Grow in Giace." The Be"
better, than any 81 00 map yet made; 7 i moo iu the evening will be largely his
colors; in strong cover; all counties, riv-! torical. Look up your Babylonian Us
ers, railroads, post-offices. Correct to , tnry. This service will be adapted to
date. Also maps of all States iu saute j thote who ought to be Christians. Text,;
style. Agents wanted. Even boys and ' Ihoa Art Weighed iu the Balance and ,
etrls make money fast. We mail agent found wauling." Next fciahbatb closes ;
any sample wanted on receiptor 2ocent j my work here for this conference year.
each. Address Th MatthewtrNortbnp I y0n are invited to be present.
Co., Buffalo, N I. w J J- M. Sbulse, Pastor.
I wish to trade mules or horses fur
oattle. Address me at Lexington, or
call at rsv ranch, seven miles north
east of tiiat place.
5J2-8W. B. F. Swagoakt.
I wish to Irade dry mares and geldings,
fit for work, for cattle. Will give good
terms. Call on, or address me, at Mon
ument, Grant county, Oregon.
523-533 hjikt Cochbab.
Offer their Eutire Stock, consisting of Remnants of Dry GoodB,
Clothing, Hats and Cnps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Fancy
Goods, Hardware, etc, Strictly for CASH ONLY, and at prices that
will OPEN l'Ot'R EYES. Call early Bnd avoid the rush. This
stock of goods musi be positively sold by December 15th, 1892, as
we will then retire frum business. No goods will be exchanged.
Pioneer BriGK Store - in street, Urns
H. A. Thompson
A. E. Blnns
Tie Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Collin & j:rFnrland', Main Street.
Good onveyance for Traveling Men. .
Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay nnd grain per day. $1.25. MealB 25 cts. at
at C. C. Sargeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled hay always on hand.
For T. W. AYERS, Jr., & Co.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
S I L V E R V A R E,
Eta, Etc.
Trust Busts.
Rustlers !
For Trade at the Head of the Procession
With the Right Swing and
We Propose to
Catch That Maverick,
The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that' can
Round up Harps
Like Yours RoHpectfully. We are here for business from the
ground up nnd propose to let you know it,
Raker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
fl Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
.1 W. PATTERSON, AGENT oouHheo..,u.,ew1.i.i
Grain Sacks
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
revention letter than Cure !
dip your sheep every fall and
have more wool and better wool
Indoriietnentii I
Cooper Dip 1b used and endorsed y the following On-Kon ami Montana elic'pmen: W. M.
Ponakliion, Liayville; W. 8. Lei-, Junction ctly; John llarrimin, Matnev; ivn, Oenn, Amanda;
Kenneth MeKae, Uayville; Joe Oliver, John liny; J. W. Bvcm, New Lisbon; 1". ,1. Motile, Berenll;
Cook & Clark, Philbrook; Kain hild 4 Mel.'ruiir, Uupnyer; F. K. Warren, L'tlea; Biineh Ilro,,
Ijewlaton; E. f. Chandler, Maiden; J. Hirsidilieri;, Choteau; Jl. ri. HaHtliiKW, L'het; Jainea Kdle,
Dillon; W. Norton, ewart ; A- Dowiiie, JUk Handy.
The Cheapest and lid Dip ever made. Sold Everywhere
Ask Your Merchant for Coopers and Take w Other.
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
Arc ntlll alive and klekliiK for trade. Willi a complete line of
I r IV 1 (i I I'
Han warn va i ummm mmm
j VII VW1 1W) UVUlVVllVUVl 1
Guns and Animmiitioii, Sowing
Machines, Farm Implements.
AImo Genu' FurnlbliiuK QnodH, and the larxeat naortiuent
of Tea in KaHWru Oregou.
Special Indtwements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto: We Won't Be Uhdirsold.
tf. Comer Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or.
KOOHI.AND DUOS. Portland. Oreunn.
tieu. Agts. for Oregon. W uHhliigton and V eOj, u Idaho.
The undersigned has a
choice lot of Oxford
Grade Bucks for sale
at reasonable prices,
at his ranch, 7 miles
south of Pilot Rock,
J. 13. SAXI'ril, lMlot Kook, Or.
I II " '
W. J. LH1CKUK, I'rop.
rilHIH IIOHTKLUY Iibh been ltEtirrxu mid Rkfunihiikd throughout, and now
in one of the moat inviting plne in Heppner. Mr. Leezer InviteR you to stop
with him, (oeliiiK Hint he in able to entertain, yon in the beet of style.
r '
First Class House. Reasonable Rates.
The Sea
For Fruit has Arrived and we
are in the business to supply ypu
2Ec53 Cream
la nhout ripe. We will lot you
know about that in thn near ftiture.
Y. L. Matlock & Co.