Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. National Republican Ticket POB PREBIDEUT, BENJAMIN HARBISON, of Indiana. FOB VIOB-PRESIDENT, WHITELAW REID, of New York. roR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLE3, of Portland. E. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of Union. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. ANOTHER M'KINLKY INDUSTRY Scarcely a day pauses that tbe news papers no not obronicle some new tri umph for tbe McKinley tariff. Tbe latest fact wbioh bas been brought to light re garding tbe working ot tbe new tariff law refers to tbe industry of down quilt making. Before tbe MoKinley bill pass ed, 98 per cent, of tbe down quilts pur- cnasea id tms country were made in England. There was only one manufac turer of tbeBe quilts in tbe United States, and, Bucording to a correspondent of tbe Koohester Demoorat and Obroniole, they cost 830 for tbe finer and $12 for tbe cbeaper grade. Now, however, and un der the stimulus given to the industry ny luoreasea protection, there are six manufacturers ot down quilts In this country, and 200 persons are employed in this industry, which is rapidly becom ing quite an important one. And prices Well, quilts that formerly cost $30 now cost $17, while the $12 quilts have fallen to $6. There is that in tbe history of the McKinley down quilt industry which will bring tears of sorrow to the eyes of the free-trade "reformer." And, by tbe way, who pays tbe tax? A STRIKING OBJECT LESSON An Englishman representing an Eng lish paper manufacturing firm strolled into the New York office of a large dealer in domestic paper tbe other day. He showed samples and quoted prices, f. b. at the English port, on a dozen differ ent kinds of paper, and probably supposed that he was giving the American a strik ing object lesson on tbe robbery perpe trated by tbe tariff which stood between tbe American people and bis low-prioed paper. But the American paper dealer wub not one bit etruok by anythiog the Englishman produced. On tbe oontra- trary, be coolly got out bis own samples und showed that he was daily selling do meatio paper, of hotter quality, too, than that the (oreigner exhibited, for less, in every instance, than tbe price Baked by the English bouse. It was tbe other' turn to be struck now, and it is not too much to say that he was tbunderstruok The upshot of the nutter was that be tent bis resignation aoross the Atlantic aud acoepted tbe Amerioan dealer's oiler of a position as salesman at exactly three times his former snlary. He is confident that he cun easily get orders tor Amer ican paper from London. It is needless to say that that Englishman's faith in Cobdcnism bas reoeived a mighty shook, It's two to one that Russell Harrison will got oil on the wrong foot before eleo tion and throw Montana demnoratio The president bad better chain up his fool boy before election. lieoord. While HBsuring tbe Record man that be need huve no fears ot Russell Harrison's throw ing himself off up in Montana, we will take this opportunity to suggest to him ii be bus any pull in the matter he had better throw Dave Hill into line, or else send him to Europe until after election, for if something is not done it is four to one that New York is republican by a haudtionid figure. Yet tbe republicans oau lone Moutann, while our democratic brethren caunot afford to snonfioe all possible chances in New York. So we are led to remark that it is bigb time some one was adjusting matters over there, if they hope (or victory in that slate, or, all Ihiugs being ecjual, and the republicans being on the "swap," we'll trsde Montana lor New York, and never mention it. Think it over. No charge whatever (or the above suggestion. Although Nancy Hanks bas again lowered her record, for which Bhe is re ceiving great praise, yet it is doubtful whether Nancy flunks alone is any swift er than was Maud 8. in her day. It is the puemnntio tire Bulky and the kite Bhaped track that is breaking reoords, not the horse alone, Many overlook this in the prniae for Nnnoy. Itucklen'a Ai-ulos Halve. The beet salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers snlt rnemn, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilbluins. corns, and all skin eruptions, ami posi tively onrcs pileB, or no pay required. It is guarauleed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. i'ot sale by Ulootim-Johnston Drug Co. They Have A llimania. It seems the owner of Dr. Drunimoud's Liu'litcing Remedy for Rheumatism have a llonnuza bb their remedy has never been known to fail in single case. There is certainly room in tbe market for a medicine that will do what they claim (or this wonderful preparation. Although tbe price is $5 per bottle if it does one halt claimed (or it the price hbould be $100. If tbe druggist bas not got it, the remedy will be sent to any address by prepaid express ou receipt of price. Drumiuond Medicine Co., -60 Maiden Laue, New York, Ageuts wanted. Let l. Iteaaun. If anyone who suffers from Rheumatism would stop end reason moment before they deoide to purchase some remedy, they could not help avoid any ao-oalled cure that is sold for $1. Figuring the retailers, the jobber aud tbe manu facturers' profits out of that solitary dollar, aud there is left not over 20 cents for the medicine. Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedy appeals to oue's good seuse. Toe prioe is $5 per bottle and to any one suffering from Rheumatism it is as cheap as it is good and affective Kent to any Bddreas by Drumiuond Medicine Co., 48-60 Maiden Lane' New York. Ageuts wanted. SIS A So Says J. L. Beymer, of Eight Mile, This County. 'EOF. AUBREY. LEAVES ON SHORT NOTICE And Also a Black Record Behind Him Ba&U Hi. Frienda Out of Luf e Sams of Money, About two weeks ago it was reported that Prot. T. O. Aubrey had left for arts nnknown, and also a good many ot his friends in the lurch. While it was hoped that sucb would not prove to be the case, it dawned more foroibly on the iniuds of all, day after day, as new developments were made, that such was the tact. About two weeks ago be hired a team out ot one of Heppnoi's stables and pro ceeded to Arlington, accompanied by bis family. This was unknown to his ac quaintances, most ot them heavy cred itors, until be had taken the train at that plaoe and bad sufficient time to leave the oountry. Aa soon as it was pretty generally un derstood that he was really gone for good, the people of Heppner began to take an invoice of their Aubrey accounts, and but few business men found them selves slighted. Here are a few of them: Congreesman-eleot Ellis, Coffin & McFar- land, Minor Bros, P. O. Borg, besides an endless number of smaller creditors, ranging from $50 down. Aubrey owed Mr. Ellis nearly $100 on a lot deal. Tbe former's title was vest ed in a bond for deed, but as he wished to dispose of the property, bad Mr. Ellis to give him a warranty deed, promising faithfully to pay the remainder in a short time and for which Mr. Ellis held his note. When it became known that Au brey bad skipped, Mr. Ellis began to cast around for some wuy in which to save himself. Aubrey owed Geo. Conser $600 for which be held as collateral, notes amonnting to $800. Mr. Ellis immedi ately garnisbeed the $200, starting bis enit at tbe last term of court. And now comes the Btrangest part of the story. One of the notes in Mr. Cen ser's bands was given to T. C. Aubrey by J. L. Beymer Jan. 10, 1891, for $400, due one year after date. Mr. Beymer came to town yesterday and, be says, for the first time, learned that such a note exist ed. Although the signature very muoh resembles Mr. Beymer's, bo pronounced it a forgery, and immediately got out a warrant for the arrest ot Mr. Aubrey . Mr. Conser, however, believes the cote to be genuine, and will sue on it when due if not paid. But it Aubrey is guilty of forgery, it surprises no one. It is pretty well known that during tbe wheat sensun lust year be raised certain wheat receipts some '9,000 pounds in an attempt to beat the drm of Ooflln & McKurlaud. His utten. tion was called to tbe matter aud as he allowed it to be righted witbuut prutust, the matter was dropped. The manner in wbioh he beat P. O. Borg out ot a line ladies' gold watch and chain was but lit tie better than "nusiug " wheat receipts; nor were his many other schemes by which he defrauded bis friends aud fra ternal brethren out of money. Aubrey has shown himself to be a cousummule scoundrel, nor bas this been entirely un known for some time. He is capable of anything, in the Gazette's opinion, and we think that forgery would be about tbe smallest thing criminal that he would attempt. Prof. Aubrey came to this state about four years ago aud taught in the schools of this oouuty. Ho was verv successful and dually became principal of tbe Heppner schuols, which be filled very acceptably for one year. Last year he tuught the grammar school depart ment in Heppner. He was a good in structor, but allowed bis temper to rule him at times, to the entire discomfort oj bis pupils. Ho was a member of Durio Lodge No 20, K. of P., Blue Mountaiu l)iviioii No- 12, U. R.. K, of P., Willow Lodge No. lid' I. O. O. F, aud also VYhitmore Lodge, A. O. U. W., all of this place, but if ho spared anyone it was he with whom he had but little acquaintance. His frater nal relations were used to beat the mem bers, and in two cases the lodge treasury snflered to some extent. He will doubt less be ousted at an early date. He was nominated by the republicans last spring for the oilice of county clerk. He bad no opposition, as there were none who oared to make a race against the present capable incumbent, J. W. Mor row, aud as he wauted that place, it was given him. His standing with the peo ple was shown by his veto which was about 150 in over 1,000 votes. That the people judged aright, is uow very plain, and without giving any opiuion as to whotbor or not Aubrey forged this note wbioh Mr. Conser now holds against J. L. Beymer, who, by the way, is Aubrey's father-in-law, we will say that no better material for a forger aud criminal ever graced the oouuty of Morrow, thau this mau Aubrev. A I Alt II Lttilifo, Heppner's populttr millliipry estublintiuu'itt tms reopened umler our ruHimneiuent. Una heeu relit Uni ami ou- Inrgtut to aoeonmuHlute. n lire-r and niore j eompU'tn stuck of millinery, fancy ami j dry frtnods aIH lnditw f iiruistnnKH. Look , out (or our cards to be sent Out hoou lor; our fall opening, See rtd. ' W4-Wti Fku. Bho. 1 , 1)11)8 WANTK1). The umlortiiuned will rtveiv biila ou (lie delivery of twenty ounle of Jrv wood, at their oilice iu llepuner. Wood must hove beeu out green. They reserve the riulit to reject any nnil all bids, the same to b opeued on Sept. 24, 1S0& Tin l'.vrrKKaoN Frn Co. IIki pxkk, Or,, Sept. Jt, 'U2. 624 27 TAKKN IP. One bay geldinK, about ten years old branded with two half moous connected. Tbe above borte bar been on my Tub up nuns ranch from rik'bt months to one year. Owner can have eiime by proving property aud paying all charyes. Uko. Mwaouakt. 523-531 F lleppuer, Or. A Mistake Somewhere. In tbe last issue of tbe Luuu Creek Eale there was mention made that A. Abraham-j sick, Heppner's tailor, who bad just re turned u short time since from a ped dling tour in Giant county, bad failed to pay his license (or peddling in Long Cieek, and last evening Mr. Abraham sick received a communication (rom Re corder Ooff to the same effect, stating that the amount due waB $4 60 for three days license. Abrabamsick Bays this is not correot, as he only peddled one day in that city, and called upon the recorder very early next morning to pay for same, as be was going to leave for Canyon City that morning. But as the recorder was not yet up, be asked him to call later, which Abe did, but yet he oould not see him, so ho then went to the marshal aud gave him $1 50, tbe amount die, asking him to band same to the record er. Abe, o( course, thought all was right, ss he knew nothing of this until he saw the notice in the paper and re oeived the recorder's letter, and is very much hurt that the oitizens there should think that be bad tried to bilk them, (luarunteeit Cure. M'e authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King s Jsew Discovery fur con sumption, coughs and colds, upon this condition. It you are tilllicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as di reeled, giving it a fair trial, and experi euoi d no benefit, you may return the bot tle and have your money refunded. Wo could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relieu ou. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Slooum-Johueton's drug store. Large bottles 50c aud $1. A Leader. Since its first introduction, Electrio Bitters has gained rapidly iu popular fa vor, until now it is clearly in the lead amoug pure medicinal tonics aud altera tives containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as tbe best aud purest med icine for all ailments of stomach, liver and kidness It will cure sick headaohe, indigestion, constipation, and drive mal aria from the system. Satisfaction guar anteed with eaoh bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only COo per bottlo. Sold by Hloeum-Jobnston Drug Co. DRUNKENNESS, or the L1QCOK HABIT. Curt-it at Home ill Ten Days by Arimtnig-U-rinig Dr. HuineM' (iolden Specific. It can be given in a glnBS of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolute ly harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whettier the patient is a moderace diiukeror an alcoholic wreck. It bus been given in thousands of canes, and in every instance a perfect cure bus followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the speciiie, it becomes an utter impcmsibility for the liquor appetite to exist. CnreH guaran teed. 4H page book of particulars free, Address the Golden Specific Co., 185 Kace Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Ruh!, the baker. Buy your bread and cakes aud save mouey. Try it. a. The Studebaker wagon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Biebee's. a Jjook out tor tell liro. ssule of rem nants bargains iu everything. a Why go hungry when the City hotel furnishes you a good meal at liviug rates. 1 John Jenkins advertises bis fine kiin of brick. Remember thnt Keppuer brick equal the best. a M. Eichtenthnl Co. hnve just re ceived a due lot ot ladies' kid, button and tie shoes. At bottom puces. a Eor cash you oan get more at the East ern Clothing house, with Levi ou deck than any other place in Heppner. a The I'ahice iR the leading hotel in the city. Well furuiHhed rooms with plenty of light are provided tor everyone. a Dorg, the jeweler, is the u,au to fix up your watch or clock, '..e keeps a full stock of everything pertaiuiug to his butuni'HH' a Don't overlook T. V. Avers, Jr., the leading druggist. Choicest perfumes, purest drugs and the liuest toilet articles always on baud. a The liuchler beer, 5 cents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Omners it Hughes, props., next door to M. Lioh tentlial & Co.'s shoe store. a Tho M. L. & T. Co., sinoe they have roofed all their platforms, have an im mense storage capacity. This company uow ileitis in gram, lumber and wood, a Siuce fcihaw fe MeCarty purchased the meat market they have always endeavor ed lo keep on bund the freshest and choicest uieal!i,. sausages and bolognas, a Thompson it BintiHowu the hus which goes to anil troni two l,ity hotel, hut will call for parties desiring to go to traiu in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a What will perseverance, pluck and en terpria' avail in thiB wild west, if you caunot get big bargains? However, he- lore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros. emporiim. a Oillium .v Isisoee, t lie hardware and tinware merchants, carry everything ap pertaining to their lines, eveu agricul tural implements. Don't you need a plow this fall? a Dr. Grant's Clonic, the great dyspepsia oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tlo sold under a positive guarantee to effect a cure or money refunded, Hes ad. in this issue. a Don't overlook Kirk & Rasmus for bargains. They have purchased the bus iness of J. W. Matlock & Co., but will soon remove to the Mullnry comer, oppo site the I'sluce hotel. a IT AKNKsS-SHOP, Ptock ami ttxturod. Good liuMuess: I'sttihliKluM in tho mufwt of a triuMl larmiiiK ttiul HUifk-rniiilnt; country. Also for stile h trooit hoi me ami iu o lorn w ltli or without the business property. For further in ionnmioii luhlresB Luietle, Hepnner, Or. 4S;i tf, NOTICE OF INTENTION. I.jiihI Otlice at The Italics, Or.. Anir. t. is-ij. Noiiee is hereby yiven thnt the follow iny-nam-Oil settler haft h"lei nolhe of his intention to nuike tiiml proof in support of Mr ctaim, ami i Unit satii proot will be iinnie beiore the Comity i Clerk of Morrow county, or., at Heppner, or, ! on Sept. IV, l.vJ, Vl.: JOHN II. FK, Hil. No. 41VJI) for the N1, NK'4, ,ot 1 of See. t'., Tp. 'J S K K. , NK'NWVaiHl Me names the following witnesses to prove hi eontlnuouH resilience upon, ami cultivation ol. 9l,ui Uml' vl4: , t , , , Solomon Mnynehl, Cyrus shinn, Stephen l a- ! huute ana J, f . vount. ti ot tieppne John w. Lkwis, KosUior. j national P oi 'Ami. WM. PKNLAN 1, Kl. H. Ill SHOP, Pirn Met it. Ciuhier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS corr.KCTioNs Mude ou Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT ii SOLD. HF.1TNEU. tf OKEOON. THE GREAT EXPOSITION OF 1892 Opens at Sept 21 and Attractions far of all dTofTr all American Band Art valued at $350,000, Gov't models of Battle Ships. A IVfagnificent Electrical display, The wonderful Hall of Mystery. Marvelous Mechanical Effeote Tbe ''Little World" and a Myriad of Exhibits in Mining, Elcotrioity, Horticulture, Agriculture, Woods, Mills and Manufactures. 520-7ft REDUCED RATES ON Js s rve cl for The McFarland Mercantile Company. Sec ad. next week. FELL in in i M i n i. i i ii-i-i:iii'iiiiiiiiJiiiii'iiiii!iiiiiiirtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiMiiii:HiiiiMiliirtiiiB 1 1 1 1 1 I I I lit 1 1 k M i l I'l l l lil 1 1 Mr, DnUftunnn NOTARY PUBLIC VUHdlLMI SHEEP MEN ATTENTION ! I Have for Sale Four Thousand Bucks. Fifteen hundred are Thoroughbred, and 2500 Grade Bucks from Wm. Ross band. For terms and prices address Charles Cunningham, CARE TENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, 4H-0ct. 1-W. PENDLETON, OREGON Hilt ggtllll raw SAVED Hardware it Tinware, Heppner, Or. 4S2-T-U ARTISTIC JOB PRINTIN& L D, is llKrrSER'3 LEADING Office, Reiidenc. BQYED Cta Oct. 22. former years Tbe famous rovidence, R. I. ALL TRANSPORTATION. M I I I I I I I I I I HI III 1 1 1 illllMHti I HI 1 BKOS. CALL AT CONVEYANCER OPPICB L1J TMUiflqhtdll IIiB Gill WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. Mrs. Marsaret Von Mow -FOR- 4 ON 8HOKT NOTICE AND REASONABLE TEEMS ii Contractor 1 Worry Over the Crops being a failure Or the Roads being dusty WHKX THE EASTER Gives you such ITT .11 Ii i iU-ij Bit Line of Pools and u Hats ancl Fancy Goods AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! A Lartre Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish- ing Goods to A number of summer to be disposed of Come early and securing i '. . . i LV. 3U. ROBISON D A HKRKJEN'S BUILDING, May Street Heppner, Oregon. IIHISI PAIB Fox Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. W. AYERS,Sr., Manager. 8 DAN OSMERS. Columbia Beer Hall! NEXT DOOR to Hcpimcr Candy Factory on Main Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to 5 Cents Per Glass, On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. OSMERS & HUGHES. Props. Footwear Thfl enly hoot nnrl nhm Qfitflhliflhmmit of HeppTinrhna nwmj from the Kant ajrioof M'dii Street, to thuir new fltoro room, next ooor to H. Blackmrn it Cn.'d. There you will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Main (Street. Heppner Or. FALL MEETING -OF IT uepp 4i e r ran OCTOBER 19, 20,21,22. The Directors have taken the utmost pains in preparing their Programme, and hope that they will be rewarded by the liberal patronage of the general public as welt as the Horsemen. purSwo w.AY Ct' 19-uartcrmile dil; P, H00.00. Local .addle hortci, 400 yard.. SECOND DAY, Opt. 20 Free for all; best two In three, half-mile heat.' nnrnA n tin r.iv, WCi$hJ,pjY!V'?cJ!; b-'' oln three, half-mile heat.: purVe IW.00. ' P 6 125-' C,,Ch (125 00 1 21--Th"-eight. mile dash: purse 1100.00. Five-eight, mile da.h; pure. hew purLDmwCt,-F0r'letCate'1 h0rse8; 700 "ar,l8; Pur,e ;5 00- free for all; half-mile Viva tn anloe tK ma tn in . Thrsr. vrtrnQ uii?7 7ta rfn7"fln . v.. t jitou uy me riues o irie racijio Blood Horse Association. Will hang purses for borsea that might come here who are no qualified to enter to auy ol the above races, DIRECTORS t OTIS PATTERSON Secretary. A. D. MoATEE, Preaident. J. N. Brown, T. W. Ajers, Jr., E. Q. Bperry. 517-Otol9. Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGeTf THE IJBEBTY MEAT MARKET. whlel1 we Propose to con Jnct in the moat satisfactory manner. Will keep oo bands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, oo-tl Proprietors. CLOTHING ji bargains for cash. t ittl'" Shoes, Trunks, Valises, be sold at L,ost. suits and odd pants regardless ot cost. avoid the rush in oargams. iv. ii.... i. 1 . i nil CASH PRICE WHEAT MAT HUGHES. Footwear ! THE 7.,, .ji m i- .n HOUSE ASSOC on