Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 09, 1892, Image 4

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    CHROSIO a KEir5'JS
Dr. G. F. Webb's
Klectrir Hml Ilrli ami
Ajtpllaucet, rU.
(Cm D
Frulapsin, Chlorosis,
P;iinUil Meuws,
fominal Weakness,
(Toots of O'lauism,
Pulpit iliou
Nervous Debility.
Pi abet .is,
Pick Ileadacuo,
I u-ita,
ii iomiila,
Spinal KiHoai.
Constlpnt ion.
Kidney Coinp'o'ritf,
General T b.liiy.
Ii"S3 Of Mr-IHOf,',
Tutor At.:i.i'i,
En ' etc
Inventor wi Patentee. United
and foreign Countries.
CT jo:: A for CiUiiIorubs and Testimonials.
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
but, mm m to.
Leaves Heppner, 8 e. m. Arrives
6:C0 p. m.
f'lillititin Sleenertii
Colonist HleeiiefH,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Steamers Pnrtlnml to Hun FranoiHOo
every four rliiys.
Tickets ''
For rules iuh! general lnlorniiitifni cull on
IJepnt Ticket Aiiellt,
Heppner, Oregon.
W. H. HUHI-IIUKT, Aunt. Oonl. Tims. Ast.
2M WanliliiRton St.,
I'OHTI.ANn. OltltdON.
JSf.il JT,i-jiiioI0
And nil points in California, via Urn Mt, Hlianta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great highway throiiKh Cidifornia to nil
points Kant and South. I i rami Heenic Itoute
of th 1'aellio ('oast. Pullman ltuflet
HleepurM. 8itctmd-(jlnn Sh'epei
Attaehod tnnxprtws train h, allordiiiK Huperior
AOOoiiiiiu(liiiouH for fipeond-claHM puHHcners,
Fur nitt'a, tieketH, Bleeping ear niKervatiuiiA,
etc.. call upoD or aildrens
U. KOKH1.EK, MunHper, E. 1 I!)OKKM. Asst.
Gen. K. &. 1. Ayt.. Portland, Oipkoii.
L U M H E 11 !
VT 0 rt'MHeil l.umlicr, iiiiuilcHot Heppner, at
wliut In kiiiiwn uu Hie
l'KK 1,0110 KKKT, KOlHill,
?io m
I ?.r,.lKl per l,IHHl feci, additional.
1. A. Iliiuilltoti, Mnn'ur
Hl'TPNl It. CUiKiDN.
Cat 1 to branded and fir marked an hhown nlntve.
Ilnrfc'o V on rinht whoulder.
Bl rattle ranjre in Morrow and I'nm'illii roun
tien, I vill pay .frll". W for the miet ami eon-Tji-tinii
of any per " t-tt'ttbritr my ft nek.
Scientific America
Aijency for
For infTmat(inr1 fnw tbnuttMiok write to
MI NN A t 'O., ,V!t ItmiAliWlV, NKW OHK.
0;lp-t tMirnjm fur ihtiii i a: t.'it"iit In A merle.
Kvfi imient iHki'n mil ly Us t'romrht h.'toro
I be putilie t uoh e jmen neo nt imucc iu mo
i,SD!.Bt riri'tPHtlnT) at nt nclentl'le jaiper in th
ftorhl. Se.t.ti.tultv IthiHtrmeit. N' ietrlht;eitt
nian ihouVl t without It. Weehljf. ;.00
yvat; t.'J) nu utln. AddnP Ml'N'M 10,
li 8
lhi"J?tr CAVEATS.
CS"EJ2E&3ES33 2
The Deaf Hade to Hear by E'sctricitj !
IlTPiitcit ! April, 1 SOI, r.ntcntril In Jtlne,
vt IIiuumukIh I'i o-.-laim Its lloudcr.
ful and I'orfcct Uc&utts I
Anv one. oM or ynimr, whno oar
(li iini is imliri'kt'i n"l" to In ur
and ronvcrw! in orliniirv times, .'11111 ho
oiii-hI by Dr. O. Welili's Kleclricnl
Aiipnratus 1 or 'I 'roiitliiir 1 ulin ss. An
E!crtri-Me'll'-al IloJy Jtiitiory Willi ap
PlianoiB Invented cpcclnliy for tunn
ing Deafness w.d tlio illscttsts winch
ijpilueoil it. .
semi l" cenTR Tor my tiri-i-n i-ji'."
Tllrory nnd Praetiro, tloscnbing treats
B. B. BLISS, General Ag!,
A new and Complete Treatment. fonsiwtinK '
Suppositories, ( ilutni.iiil in ;upsiiies, also in I'm
and Pills; a positive Cure tor Kxt.Tiiai, Inter
nat, Mind or Bleeding, Itching. (.hronic, li-ceii'
or Hereditary Piles, and nmny other discuses'
and fetnule weaknesses; it is nln sys n great hen
eflt to the general health, 'ihe rind discovery o
a medics 1 cure rendering an operntion with tin
knife unnecessary li rentier, 'lids remedy hm
never heen known to full. Jt ))er box, i' for ?'i
sent by mail. Why miller from this terrible (lis
ease wlien a written rinntiit(?e is given with i
boxen, to refund the money if not cured Send
stamp for free finrnple. Gnrtmntee ImbuM by
Woodaro, Clarke a Co., w holeHiily Ketail
Drui-frdsts i?ole Aentu, 1'ortlaml, Or.
Grand Army of the Hoptililic,
Washington, D. C, September 20th to a6tl
The Wisconsin Central
Lines and
Baltimore & Ohio Rail
Road Have been selected an Hie ''Oiliclul Route" be
tween St. 1'anl, .Minneapolis and Wasliinl.-n,
All ileMrouR of tj li i iifr Jidvmitiiire of the uni
vei'Millv "Low Kales Khonlil se,- Unit heir ti-k-etH
renil via Lb is "llonit'," and Kcyure theii
Mleeplni! car aceoinmodalion) in advance.
Kor lull pnrticnliit'8 addrcMH
K. McNKll.L, i itv I'. and T. Airent
.StcolU-l Mnitue Itlock,
.MMineiiiolis, Minn,
C. !:. STONE, City P. and 1. A-cnl.
PW haul 'I bird St., fit. I'anl, .Minn.
Tlio ltllTrMire Het.u i .lo lerti and An
cient Nrclt we:ir.
The ni'clitie, iiuw liv'(!iio :i iMirely t'
iiiiint'iitul th'tail of tlfess, v,is o; I liiiiilly
useful. It- v;is inlt'inloil to imt i-l I In.'
tlmmt. Its historv iv. hv trnccd iroin
this time of thr Stunrts m Iltilani.l,
vvliin iniim'iisc I'lill's, whii-h sci'vt'd us
notdu'lotlis ;i ltd ,oll:u,s, wvn: ivtirii.
Kilter iH'cliL-lnl lis or eravn ts wen
adopted, ami no donlit won1 a wi'h.'omc
fhanc from tin sl.i iV, tni- jnfi nl a lilt;
rull. 'lhev wero of Uru .si-ls or lan
ders lace, 1 iod in n. Knot undrr t lie e'a in,
the ends boniff allowed t:t 1kiii.lV square.
Still later thev wore worn much
longer, the ends liein;--liisU-ned through
the Wntton-holes of the waistcoat.
The laee neekclot !i. says Cut h's ( om
panion, was sneeeedetl ly small cam
brie 1 in nds, but was tvinl rodneed in
Queen Anne's reijni, and did not j.';o out
of use entirely until about I ''.:. Then
u broad silti riolion, tied in a lufL'V bow-
in front, was worn, and the; in turn
was followed by v. bite eambrie storks
bpekled in the back, and by muslin
'?rav;its uhieh were tied in front in Ms
rnmenso bow.
In the early p;irt of this eentury the
stiff linen eoilar Inid be;.'.'nu to be worn,
mid the erav;it was passed l tee around
-lie eoilar, and tied in a faucii'ul Imw in
About lS'DO i'1'iiviits iveiv made very
evnle in the eenter, and tapered olf
'.oward 1 he ends. Thirty yea is apfo
stocks and erav;:ts be;ran to di -appfar,
and scarfs be;.;au to lake t heir place.
I rotn 1 nese sea rts. j vc; n ij ; 1 1 ly ; rowmj.j
smaller, was devek ped 1 lie m.aU ni neat
A Shnplti Method (. i , hi niin.it ii.j; Walt
out MiitetM".
To instantly oblain a I i ; i lit suillck nt
to rend the tune by a watch or clock at
nio-ht without the me of match 's, and
without the danger of set tin;;- thi'it;,-. in
lire, is an easy matter. Take an t ;! iono
vial of the ek'iirest of ::'k:s, put into
it ii piece of phosphorous about the ma
of n pea. upon this poursonie pure olive
oil heated to the boilin;; point; the bat
tle to be tilled about one-llurd full,
then cork tightly. 1 ue the li:;ht, re
move the cork, allow the air to eiuer
nnd then roetu'lc. Tlie hole em pi
space in the bottle will then become
luminous, and the li'ht obtained wilt be
a ood one. As .sun a the "th;"lit le
omes dim its pow er can be increased
by open in:,r the In d t k' and allow in :r a
fresh supply of air to enter. In very
eoKl weather it is som.'':.mes ueee'.s.iry
to heat the vial between t 'ie hand., to
increase the tluidi' id' the oik and one
ot tie will hist a winter. This iteren
ons eontrivati.-t' may !u te.M-i--,: in ike
(Vket, and i'. m.ed by w;;t i.-n o
' at is in all m;i dues where e . ; !om ve
il iulhimtuable materials are sl u-ed.
l''ll-,tll ' ll" l r I . V ' II 11 I, 4.
.1 1 1 i 11 O. ll.ivl.'. M !l I v.: cll:il-'i' of ll
vst-rv.l lii ll i 1 1:'..:. 'i .Ti'i . '.jv
t lu' I mli. 'll w .i:,.m :i,v .. , w: i '
U-r-; fi-r f;r-!ii.ni . ;tpy i'f V
i;ul IkiuU'Y.u !. -'!u v'.u- '.Mt'ii.i ; Imt
I H';l jtwu uultM''U.i or i);:r,i:-,'l will
uit Ihf s jraw-, an. I tin1 Imi. ;..; will
liavc nothin;r nut Mtu uiii'-r.-Has.
ICvory Indian Kniav and bm-U is so
quipivd, and the etTivt is unit,1 hril
iant. Last vvir lMtliiii:,'-lull r.-d. w UiU'
Hid lilac uiulii-.'lla- ivtv i-.i r.-uiu iti.ui
mil this year the Indian trad ct in i
1 big Mippl.v of the vari,' r.,t ,1 - 11:1 pro !
lectors, Imt the liuli ins .i'.i,l u -t have 1
.hem, and giver a'i.1 l'! 1 ', : 1 11 he'
.applied as t!.e i'a-.!ti.'n.i'e!,- cs. It
slhe same w a y a, t ' ei'.; e -s. One
.eas.m en.' prini m . i ..i -- .1:1'. a h,U
rilii' is ,lre ,1 i.l it. Ii' men .!,ir; ,!
tnd liie w. ine.l p . 1, !,'.!. aiul tat
lext -season the same j'.uaiy eelu-s alHi
inures are looked upon it 1 disgust, j
Thwe per'verl from T.-:ile4 an 1 Oprn;i
tion-, tlio .Mo,t NaiuriMii.
Surnames derive 1 from tni l.s anr
oocti!:itions are more iium.Mvms t'i:'.t
tliat of any other elass.exev'iit putrjnym
ic mid place names, says the. St. Loiii:
Republic. Some of them belong to cs
bting1 trades; sueh are the Masons, Car
penters, Taylors, Smiths, Gardeners
Fullers, ote. Others represent obsolete
trade terminology. Amonj this lattei i
elas3 we find tlio Fletchers (arrow '
makers); the Arblasters, who manufac
ture arblas,ts, or cross bows, and thi ;
Tuckers, who worked in the tuekinf
mills, where cloth was prepared foi
market. A man who bakes is called i
baker, but in former times a womar
who made a business of balcinjr wat
called a bake&ter, hence the surnam
Uaxter. So, too, a man who brews ii
called a brewer, while a woman cn
paed in the occupation is a breivster.
In mcdiicval Kn rlish the terininatiot:
'Ster" was a feminuie on;1, and it stil!
survives in its primitive siniiieancc it:
spinster. A huckster was ori'inally a
market woman, but the word has now
come to mean tiny body, male or female,
who ''hawk" their foods in public
The use of fixed family surnames
cannot be traced much further back
than the middle of the 10th century.
They first came into use in France, par
ticularly in Xorm iudy. They were in
troduced into England at the time oi
the conquest, hnvinir become quite
(fencral at the titn-.i of the Doomsday
valuation. The number of existing sur
names in England at the present time
closely approaches forty thousanl; in
the United States the number is fai
Jonrncys of the I'irt Woinun CiIoJji
Tho advent Of women traveling atone
dates from tlie early part of the cen
tury. Ida PfeilTer, a Viennese lady,
may he accounted the first woman fylohe
trotter. Between the years of 18-10 nnd
18-1,3 s!io twice went round the world,
penctratinf"- Uorneo, Java and Sumatra.
Uoin,? to these places war; then an unheard-of
feat. And Ida Pfciirur was as
well known as our rapid transit all-around-the-world
women tourihtr3 of to
day. Long he fore this Lady Mary
U'ortley Montague d'd a great deal of
traveling all by herself, and her exam
ple was followed by a few other society
doing unaeeornpanied in their case
meant merely that they had no man
with thetn, because at least two women
servants always went along, and in
many cases there was a small court of
Indies and Indies' maids. Now Mrs.
Llrundy has freed the woman globe
trotters from the necessity of "being ac-
.'omrKiuied by anything save her cloth
iug, her pure and her stm.es. Would
it not he interesting if a good account
could be obtained of ail The women who
have within the p-.M live years made,
voyages all by themse! ve:-.'.1
Appenranee of tlio l,itta Torment Cndfr
I lie ,M ierostMpe;
Nothing curious about a flea, ehV Let
ns see.. I 'nt one und;ir a st rong micro-,-.ipe.
What a tr;su -f.r,,ril.ior.! ft
teems to b.- cloth m1 in rotn n "from
liead t'i fo if form vl of brown, tiver
lapi'iing plai.es, t!iat, arc so exceedingly
nigh as to be almost indestructible.
It., head is small and very thin, with n
angle bine!; eye on each side, the rays
if light s.dnt'tkiting through the liny
r.tie iike spark ; of lire.
Ju get managed to look through the
we of a ii 'a wi:h li n iwerl'ti! gl t r.
hiding t!u:t it , rnrf:',:'..1 dimini. !''! ob
jects ii .'.i.e, while it, multiplied litem
:n number a, man appearing like an
ii-my of fairies, and the ilame of a can
lie iueominj a thoii-a'ij tiay stars.
Ih'om the sliap: of it head, and for
it'i -r reasons, Ike ll :a is suppoi.-ed to
.i ;e but one eye at a tnv The on'.MiMve
iveapon of the little creature ):, ct.m
,i ised of two palpi, or '-feelers," two
aiereers and a bai-tie. When it J'-'.'-l;
it stands erect, thrusting this i- ivkei
into the Uesh. and will eat without in
..'rmission if not di'-t.urhcd.
The ilea's ma unci' of breathing K still
undetermined, but it is th:ui;i'!it to he
Ihroagh two smalt holea at the end of
die palpi.
liuiilrrilpt r.im'r
H;i(l(' i;!rh
n. Htl'lllpnlj
The p:ipcrs hiive lately mentioned
lanv many pre.mitier.t mine', of t'le
vninti'v were diseitveved ly cleiiiee
1'liere 'is ;i scrap ta he added 'in the his
tory of the I'.irl.s- leiaes. ;a-Ti ilia I'-.'n-tral
Nevadan. Sim ' a V,'!i!t in lia 1 run
ilie liari'isim tiln'i.'l at. ereat expease
and was left 11 peer man. (Uin: his
creditors one liniuln d and lii'ly tlioil
stmd dollars There was not a pound
if ore in si-;-ht whereby the il t l m!;fM
he tiaid. .As a la .t resort, with 11 for
lorn hope, after the mine had heen
losed. Simeon Wer.lian il,-ihe,l a 1U
in the lian fin;? w e.H and l-la--' -d out a
!iu :e piece of 1'oeh, whi h he found lo
he almost a solid hloek of mct il. and
part of an immense vein whieh hail
neen paralleled hundreds of feet. This
fortunate las', eli'ort ma;'.,e,! a sinlden
'hai.ge that s e I an fails to the lot of
nan. It was V.'c ii'.,e.. the poor man.
lie laborer. hefoie emt h' i t w as tired;
t was Situ. 'on Uenhan. the millionaire,
mt a i.eeond thereafter. The first
nonth's run of his lilt L mill gave him
hirty thousand iloll-trs. a-id ever since
ic has grown rvuv v. eeh hy. Tin' mine
s the best payi'i r prop.-ri;. iulhesmte
It. the pi'vVi'iit time.
i ori-iaii ('t'uti'iiarlaim.
About lifty y ears a.'ro a lli'itish physt
cam maintained that it must be consid
ered vpiest iomihle if the existence ol
centenarians had ever been established
! by stttVi'.'ient proofs. Modern statistics
I have definitely removed that doubt.
I Accord. ng to the census of lsiv- Trnssia
j had a year uo ct;;hty-six centenarians,
utetiHliag twenty-throe persons who
had attained an inpe of 1 tv. years and up
ward. In Austria (jneluduvr Hungary)
l.'s person-, had pa.--.cd their Ui.lth
war; in 1'ranee, V.1, in Russia, oW. The
lari.-esl nuinhei' of Prussian centenarians
I are touiut m Silesia ;r.ul 111 the llaltic
province, while in Kussia longevity
seems to increase southea.st of Moscow,
a eircmii -lance due either to the freo
and I'u.y life, eomMat i ely speaking,
of the southern rrSaehs, or to the
salu'u-ity of the raueeeiau hi rhl'ituls,
w ith tie ii !ac,.;e pv rceutage vi abstiueut
A Hitd a tw V.ult-.
In the case of th'u ty-fouritent nW
ieines nnd urt'u leM of "..JiirieToiiu ul
found b;idly tulu'.tere.ted l y the govern
inent ehemist of I'm nee, thirty-one luu
the printed statement: "We warrau'
the inclosed to be wholly and absolutely
tree from adulterutiou."
Especially Arlnpted to the Iteqalrement
of Small Farina.
A hay barrack '.3 unquestionably an
excellent thing for the large haymaker,
hot it is quite out of the question with
the small farmer whose supply of hay is
lUry 1 I .1
determined more by his own need or by
the rotation of crops followed out on his
farm. It frequently occurs that on these
smaller farms there are produced a few
tons more hay than there is mow room
for in the barn, and this must, as a mle,
be stacked out with no protection. A
large proportion of it is always lost, and
in case of pure clover it had better be
left in the field than stacked without
protection from the weather, according
to a Rural New Yorker correspondent,
who has the following to say concerning
the portable roof shown in the cut and
originally illustrated by the journal men
tioned: The following is a practical roof or
covering in use by him, and is known
to serve its purpose well. The re
quired materials are a number of
1-inch boards, a foot or more in width
and as long ;is the stack to be covered,
some wire, such as is used for filat wire
fencing, and some staples, the whole
shown at Figs. 1 and 2.
Beginning at the ridge, a board is laid
on and the wire which extends down
each aide of the stack is stapled fast; a
second board is placed under this so
that the lap is about two inches or a.
trifle more and stapled fast as shown in
the design. TUia is repeated on both
sides of the stack after the fashion of a
common board roof until it reaches well
down toward the ground. Finally, to
prevent the wind from Mowing it off, it
is weighted down by hanging a heavy
stone to the end of each wire. For a
long stack tlio cover should be made in
three sections, tho middle one slightly
overlapping the other two.
Spraying Experiment.
From experiments carried on at the
Maine Experiment station, with a view
to checking the work of the codling
moth, the following conclusions are
drawn: 1. All sprayed trees had a
smaller percentage of wormy fruit than
did the uusprayed. 8. A mixture of
one pound Paris green to 2")U gallons
water gave better results than did a
weaker mixture; though n mixture of
one pound to 320 gallons saved a large
percentage of the frnit. 8. The num
ber of windfalls wits greatly lessened by
spraying. 4. The proportion of wormy
fruits among the windfalls was much
smaller from the sprayed trees. S. There
is no danger of poisoning from the use
of fruit which has been sprayed as di
rected. , 6. The best time to spray prob
ably varies with different varieties, bnt
in 110 case should any trees be sprayed
before the blossoms fall. 7. There is
greater liability to injury of foliage
from the use of London purple than
from the use of Paris green.
A study was also made as to means of
preventing or checking the ravages of
the apple scab. Apple scab is caused by
the attack of a parasitic fungus which
grows on the leaves and young twigs as
well as on the fruit. The attack is most
severe in cool, moist seasons, and if it
occur early in the season, before the
year's growth is completed, the trees
may bo seriously injured. Spraying
with carbonate of copper dissolved in
ammonia, and diluted, has proved an
effective means of holding the fungus in
check. The average increase of salable
fruit on the sprayed trees, over that on
uns'prayed trees, was 50 per cent., while
in some eases the increase amounted to
(la per cent. A solution of three ounces
of carbonate of copper in one quart of
ammonia, diluted with thirty-five gal-
I Ions of water, was found very satisfac
j tory. The cost of spraying with this
j solution is about three cents per tree for
I eaoh application.
Thin Hhfllcd EtfffS.
Some hens lay thin shelled eggs. This
is especially true of certain breeds, no
tably the Leghorns. The Poultry Yard
explains this as follows: 'The 8upply is
so abundant during the spring and sum
mer, mid the relative size of tlteeygis
so reat. that it is no small matter to
find 'eovers' for them. They do not in
their ordinary food obtain sufficient
lime to male good firm shells for bo
many eggs. As their remarkable pro
ductiveness is an artiiieial trait formed
by man, under domestication, so the
supply of shell forming material must
bo artificially provided. We know of
nothing better for this purpose than
crushed bones aud oyster shells. The
poult ryman cau obtaiu one or the other
of these cheap in nearly every part of
the country, since they are both articles
of commerce and are sold at low rates.
He can save expense by crushing them
himself with an old ax and stoue when
no better means sre available. The
coarse particles may be placet! in a box
where the fowls can have access to them
at all times. The tine dust or Hour may
be fed in the soft food. A tablesptumful
to ten or twelve fowls will besutHvient."
Field and Farm tells that the Frewch
fanner who is obliged to work his mare
never lots her run to. grass, but she is
fed some cut grass or clover with the
oats. The mare works hard and seldom
fails to raise a colt
vi r
An Attachment.
A Tcsa9 sheriff, with papers in a
civil Riiit( entered the house of an at
tractive widow and said;
"Madam, I have an attachment for
yon. '
The widow blushed, but said some
thing about reoiproeaion.
"You must proceed W court.
'I prefer you to do that.''
Come, huny. please, tae justice is
'0h, widl, then ydVi have the license,
I suppose"
The deputy t leared himself In time.
Texas Sif Vines.
A TaritT iteformer.
Tlmv Mrs. M. E. Crant im
ports n il her sen-ants. I
Biddies Kip- Doesu't that infringe I
thlaiv? j
Hiram DaTy-I dout know. fihe
probably thii us they i,h'uid como in
free, as raw materials. - I'utk.
Make Its Ow:i Trouble j
"That's a raiiflit.y pour rin iilar you
have to a-tvertist yuur eye wabh.'
"It is so illeg-ibla it gives a man sore
eyes to roail it. "
"Vll, isn't thHt (rood for the eye
wash?" Harper s llaar.
111. epi'..,r.
Winisler Those wicked boys were
plnviitir hhU Haiii in Jones' lot as I
caine frnlil chmvll.
Minister's Wife- Didn't you stop to
reprove tlieiii'i
Minister V. but ;t didn't have any
effect. Young ( 'null's made a daisy
three bag hit and let in three runs, aud
the erowd didn't have any use fur mo.
J udge.
(Tcverton l,sst nifht f called upon
that girl you introduced me to the
other liny.
I iiisluuVay---So she informed rae this
morning when 1 met her.
Oevernin Icngt-iriy) --Tell me. old man,
did she. say anything ahout. me?
Dwdiaway -Not a word. She said
she was too tired to talk. N. Y. World.
In T,.til lhi Truth.
llor a Snniiuei nil 1- You told me you
Were ft geiit.li'inii 11 of leisure; and now
yon k;iv you have tu go hack to the city
011 business.
l.aunr Knnis What I sav is true. T
in a clerk in one of the municipal of
fices, anil have to go Im.ek to movtow to
draw tuv salary. - I'uck.
In Mi Jury ftii'irn.
First. .hiryinH.n - We cau't convict the
prisoner nt liinmv.
Seeniul tiy not?
Kirstr- His having a wife made bis
second nmri'iaue null and void. Hence
he linn but one wife, and as I uniler
stand bigamy it i having two. N. Y.
(himmey I mm never had a twinge
of rhiMinnttism siiit-H I was stuntf by a
bumble li-e fltv yearn ;o.
UbinderM Did you sutler much from
It before?
(Junmiey No, uever had it at all.
Nmmt'ffr mmiIiii.
TtlP hot. ptMHi'iitnti l.v hi'i nero
tlt.l C.stlllK till) rluil VitiiPHf,
Amu poTit'tt'm'i. inn i.ise i.Mei r ptuap,
And hrtiirfS ft ill lull ?u:vV lui.
Caught tliut mi rh tiut.
"Oo you think. Miss ot.iHe," said
younf Mr. J'hilo, "that mtiiiiaye is a
"ThanU ynu. Mr. I'hilo," replied Miss
Oldaye, 'J Klutll behind indeed to put
the question to a piaetieal tct." Chi
cago News.
At Cnluuthla t'oltt-ce.
Firtst Stmient- Von haven't (ret any
idea of but a eonieinptible opinion I
have 1 if on r processor.
Second Student llumph! I guess
that's the reason yon didn't answer any
of the question he n-ied you yesterday
at the recitation.- Texas Si'imps.
Tlo IWotl-it ,rroniprnimcnt.
' "I think this will suit inc." miu! Hun
ker to the jeweler alter selecting an en
gagement ring.
"Very well, sir." replied the jeweler.
"Now let me show yon our tine lino of
proposal revolvers." .'udge.
j Th Klfert 01 t onlrat.
"I thought I was a wealthy young
man." said Simpson, "unm I threw my
fortune at the feet or a Chieugo girl.
Then 1 discovered my pile appeared
quite small." Trut h.
! Til rrner I'lilng.
T'ucle Tom fsbavipg-i Yo' C'loe!
Fotch me some o dot Wibby powder to
Ginoof umh face.
I Aunt ChlmMb- her graudsonl Chile,
j jest ban' yo' ole gT-an fadder dat pot o'
chimbly soot Life.
A irar Peal.
Bob Is there anything your father
doesn't Kuo-a ?
Sam - es; he doesn't know w here I
hid his suppers last nig ht Harper's
Young People
Hit Oul.t t nre.
Tomdik Stafcrers is free from the
liquor habit at last
Hoiack Indeed? When did he die?
Brooklyn Life
Noiif Wan Kequlredi.
"And when you asked her lo wed, she
"Yes: she dismissed me without cere-
monv IMok
Turning Tnder Clover.
Never turn under the first crop of
clover. Make hay of the first cutting
and turn under the next growth, or
aftermath, in September, and sow in
wheat, oats, rye or barley for pasture.
Then turn under the stubble of the
small grain and plant in corn, cotton.
. tobacco or anything else. March or
' April is too near clover harvest, which
will bring a good return in clover liar,
while the clover is too young and unde
veloped to give best resuhs as a reno
vator. By all means turn under the
af tennath in the fall, says Southern Cultivator.
Gelds and Coughs
rcc tiiror.t,
hrcr.chitis, asthma,
nnd hoarseness
ci'rcd by
dprs Cherry Pectoral
ttio eafest
and most effective
emergency medicine.
St should be in every
Dr. j. C. Aycr & Co
Loweli, IVSass.
Dki.mcnico. B. F. iVikins has lately
omMid uu tbe restaurant in the i.ichten-
t ha I bnildiutf. which he litis named the
Delmonieo. None imt wbite cookH are
emplnyed, and th public can therefore
ret a tfond, nltl-faHlnoneti mefu, cook a
the heBt, of Btyle. Fnce, L'i) cents;
beds, 25 cents. 509-t-tf
Plenty nf flour. Iiran. mill feed and
ohnp Hltvttys on hand tit the Heppner
Flourii'fj Mills. a
While you koep yonr subscription pnid up yrr.
cankt'ep your brand in free of churge.
Allvn. T. J,. lone. Or. Horttoa GO on left
-hnulder; cattlo -Rine on left hip, uruier bi' on
risht ear, ai.i upper bit on the left; range, JVlor
ruw cuunty.
Armntronff, J. Alpine. Or. T with bar un
der 11 uu Mt shoulder of tiurnee; catLie name
on lfi hip.
Allison, O. D Eipht Mile. Or. -Cuttle brand,
O i) on left hi .-and horntsn same brand on riht
HtmuWier. Halite. bliKht Mile.
Adkiim, 'IT, Dayville, Or- SHtrnijfht murk acroPB
the tluh Hiui twu ornpB and a nlit in the riKht ear;
liotHi?H. npvjile ihiwn on dip right Khnuld'T,
hiiusre in (itarit county and Hoar valley. PU
HuMrHrmalHo at Iliirdui.tn.
Atlkins, J.J.) Heppner, Or. Horhoa, JA con
-mi-teit on le t ittiijk; cat tie, same on left hip.
Ayere. Johnny. Lona. Or. Hornet braiuled
triuiiteon lull lop; cattle eamo ifii ri'ht hip;
rilrio crop otl riwlti ear and upper hit 0:1 Hitine.
Blyth, I'er-y H., Iloppnor, ()r. Hoibcs lioman
croMB on riylit eiolder. Kaiin in iinow
Bleaknip.n, Geo.. lTardman,,Or. irorsoo, a flaK
oidelt rihouldei". cuttle Sfime on riidif. nhuulder.
banniHter, J. W., Fb-inlnvin, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left liip und thigh: split in eaoli ear.
Brpnnpr, Peter, t mk neberry .rPKon FlorseB
brautied I'D oil left sliouMfr. Cuttlo ftcUiie ou
rihl fciiou
IfurkP. M St C, Lotir ureek, Or-Ou cattle,
VIA I' t'imiiectHd on loft hip, ciop off left ear. un
der Italf crop olf riht. Hornet, aiiine brand on
Intft shoulder, ii tinge in Grant and Morrow
0011 nt).
RowHnnn, A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or.
('altie, A If on righl hip, two crops in each ear;
-tame on hoiHee. on ritdit ahonMer, itango in
tirant and Hariiey counties.
HroHinan, Jerry, Lena, Or. Hornee branded 7
on righi hhonldor; cattle 11 on Hie left Hide,
beft ear half ercip hikI right ear apper elope.
barton. Wm., tloppnor. Or. -Hor.nn, .1 R on
if;lii linM, cat Lit-. Hume uu riyhL hip; ilit in j
,at!h ear. 1
Hrown, Iwi, LnxinKton, Or. flursef I B on the
rifjlit htiil; catLio name on riifht iiip; raime, iihr- '
row county, j
Hmwn. J .P., Heppner, Or. -Hyrrtefi and cnltle 1
hituiilt'ij S with ox-joke above uu Uft sltouldur.
Brown, J. 0., Heppner. Or. Hornes, circle
' wittidot 01 " tur on I oft hip; catt le, Ha me.
Broun, W. J., Lftift. Oregon. hurseH V bar
over it, on ttie ielt tdionkkT. Cattle same on left
lioyer, W. G., Heppner. Or. Horses, box
)taii(i o' t'.n hip cattle, same, with eplii in
aeh ear.
Boik. P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
ihoiihltir; emUe. stauie on lefi hip.
Browulee. W. J., fc'ox.Or rattle. JH connected
nil left hide; rop on tf ft ear and two eplitbaml
iinddle p.cce cut out on right ear; on hortJOB Hume
orand on the left tliiijh; Range in Fox valley,
' 1 mnt ctmnty,
Caindi., Caleb. Or.- Y D on horsRW on left Btiflu;
U with quarter cindo over it, on left Hhouider,
tiid on li'i't. eliflo on all coka under ft yuHrs; on
left shoulder only nt all hordes over 5 yearH. All
range in Untlit coiintv.
Clark, Wm. 11., L,v- a. Or. HorHP- WH( con
tieettd. on left f-honloer: chUIb ninie on rigiit
ni). lia ge Morrow and Umat illa, counties.
Cate, Chart. It,, Vinson or bona, Or. Iturees
tl (' on right Hhoukier; cattle mime ou tight hip.
ttangt! Morrow and Uniatbla ctmntmn.
Cnelimu, inn., lone. Ur. Horn, Hi con
nected on left shoulder; caltle, i) on both left
hipund ftifle. liaiiKO in Morrow county.
Cannon, i B.. Long Creek. Or.--'J' mt cattieon
right riide, crop oft right ear and elit in left ear.
Jur hoieeBHaine brnnd on left tthoulder. Range
in Grant county.
Cecil, V m Douglas. Or; hornos JC on lef
rthouldt-r; cu llo eanie on left lup, waddles on
each j:iw and two b.ts in the right car.
Curl, X. ti., John !ay, Or. Uuublo cross on
each hip on call le, swidlow fork and under bit
111 righlear, apji L in left ear. Bange in Grant
county. On Bliuep, inverted niid Hpeur pouu
iU tthniilder. Eur marko.i ewou, crop on left ear,
puuchetl upper bit in right. Wethers, crttp 111
right and under half crop 1" left ear. All rang
ill Grant coutuv.
Cook, A. J.,benad r. HorBea, Won right shoul
let Cattle, HHineou r glithifi: ear mark aqua re
wop iiti left and aplit in right.
Currin. ii. if., CurriiiBvdie, Or. -HorMea. 3D on
left ttt'ille.
Cochran, J I! Monument, Or HorneB branded
IT A A on left eluiuldor. Cattle, same on rigid
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off I eft.
Coi Ed. 8.. liardtnau, Or. Caltle, C will
it' center: hornes. CE on left Hip.
Cocliran, It. K., Monument, (irant Co, Or,
llorrse branded circle witJi bai beneath, on icfi
dhoulitor; caltle fame brand 'in both Japn, mark
under loie both earn and dewlap.
Chapiu. 11., ilHrdinan, Or.Borsea branded
. on right hip. I attle brauded the same.
Odish. W L, l;n,willn, Oi ( aide branded two
crouv and a hi I it in teft ear; ou hornet a
reverset on left stit.y. Aio have the fcdowing
Oriuniy uu rattle: 011 it-it hip, f on right hip.
2 on left shoulder, two parallel bars 011 lfl
ihould' T. r.ar inarkri. two c
jJooiii'ti. VM11.. iTr-ppner, Or. Hordes branded
OO bar over them, on left shoulder; cal
tle same on left hip.
DoiifimMi, VV . M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, K D on
right mde, hwii low-fork in each ear; horses, B D
on lelt hip.
Doimlas. O. T., Douglas, Or-Hort-ee TD on
the liidit btifte; cattlo same ou right hip.
Duncan, W. P., John i)ay,Or. yuarter circle
V on rigid bhoulder, both ou horses and cattle,
bailee (nitnt county.
i)t iriknl, W. h., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of u on left Hhouider. Cattle same on
left side of neck.
Ely, J. B. & iSt.iiH. Donglas, Or. Horses, brand
ed Ebl on left xh.'ulder, cattle same on left
hil. (mle ir right ear.
Elliot', Wabii., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right choulder.
icliH'k, JacKson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F
connected 01. right shoulder; cattle same 011
right hip Ear mark, iioie in right and crop
otl left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. ("attle, LF on
riht hip; hoi'he F with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on
right nhoi ide. ; cattle. F on right hip or thigh.
bay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GA on left
Oilman-French, Land aDd Livestock Co.. Fos
sil. Or. Horce-t, anchor b on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips;
enr mark, rrep olf right ear and uuuerbit in left.
Kan'e iu LiidtHin, Grant, Crook ai.d Morrow
benny, Elmer, Echo. Or. --Horses branded H.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on ielt stitie
ltHi'i:e in Morrow and C uiatdla counties.
tiiltwater, J.C., I'raine Cily, Or. On horses,!
0 -O on left should'T and stitie; lyittle, ou right j
eid. Iiange in luimt county. 1
Hiirns, Janit'w. HurdoiHii (Jr. Morses st'iided 1
j 2 on ief shoulder; caltle oaiue on left hip. Butige ;
I 111 and about Hni dmnn. '
i I iit er. t.eo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
I widi quitrtercirel" tvr it, on lelt fhouldr. j
tin.u A. Ii.. Kidi'. 'Jr. t attle. iMtuul-top
wnli quaiter cin;ie lit der i! ou the ruht hip.
Kante in .Morrow and L1 inalulit count ic
ntliion t .leimr.. -minium, w ame, wo oars .
on either lup; crop in right ear ai.d split in left. I
Hi.rri-s. J on right thigh. Kange in tir.uu county. '
Hughes, ENunuel, Wagner, Or-T FL on right i
houlder on hom; on cattle, on rigid hipund on !
left (Ude. (.wallow fork in right ear and ln in left- j
Kange in liaMnck district. Mun-.w county.
Hail Edwin. John L-ay.Or.-t attle t H on righl '
hip; hordes same on right shoulder, tangein j
Grant coiyity. :
Hughe. Mat. Heppner. Or.-Hors.. shaded :
heart en the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co. j
Bunitker, B . Wagner, Or. -BorBoe, y on lft :
shoulder, cm tie. Hon Ml hii . ,
Bardi.-ry, ABert. Nye. Oregon -Horses. AH i
connected, on left shoulder; CatUe on the left
hip.crui. off left er.
Bamphrevs, j l. Hardman. Or.-Horses. H on i
le" ttHiik j
B 1 ait , Wm. F.. Ridge, Or. !lors branded;
bar ctxi-s m, left shoa;der; cattie wine on left,
tll; , f u '
Unyes.J. M Heppner. Or.-Horses. wineglass
or ielt on- caitie. wmeuti right hip. ,
h) A If ml. I...11K Cr-k. Or-:Me 1 D on
riKhth.p. cn-pott Ivft eat and tat n. rtifbt. Hon-es
same btand un ielt iioUider, Bange Grtnt
Huston. Luther, ff-iaht Mile, f r.
Hon- Hon
the left shoulder and heart on the left son Cat -
' tie same on left hip. Bange in Morrow county.
Jenkinw, D. W..Mt. Vemon.Or. J on hnrnoflon
left (thoiddur; ui cattle. J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and
Bear vail -i s
Junkin. ti. M., Heppner, Or. Horapfi, horne
shoe J on lefr shoulder, -Cattle, the Bams,
ttat-u't on Kicfii Mile.
Johnnon, belu Lena. Or. Horse?, circleT on
left otine; catlle, same on right hip, under half
crop in richt and sulit in left ear
Kenny, Mike. Ueppner, Or. Horse branded
KN on left hip cattle name and crop ofi left
ear: under -dm nn the riht
Kirk J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses 09 on left
ehontder: caitift.ftMon let! hip.
Kirit. J Ot Heppner. Or. horses, 17 on either
Hank rattle 17 .in right side.
Kirk Jew, Heppner. Or.; horse 11 on left
Bhi.uider : cattle (tame on 1 ight side, ouderbil on
ligtu ear.
Kuinberland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I h on
cat! le on right aud left Biden, ttwadow fork in It ft
ear ami under ciop in right ear. HorheBuame
brand on left ahoulder. Bango in Grai.t eountv,
Kneney. Eli, Heppner, Or.-Horees J Land
aco of clube. on left stifle, llauge in Umatilla
and A orrow counties
Lesley, M C, Monument, Or A triangleVlwith
all linen oxteiidiug pa t Lody of tigureoiiliihor
ijeH on left shoulder, on cattle diamond ou left
ihonider, wplit iu righ a-a -Uwi it m left ear
Ka"ge in Grant eountj'atinl to ; arte of Jthii bay
beahey, J W, Hepner Or. HorseB branded L
ntl A 'i bdt Hhouider; cai 1 le iime on lelt hip;
Wfdt.H iver right ey three slits in right ear.
Lorien, Stephen, Or. h L on left hip
on catile. crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand ou left shoulder, ttauge tirant
L,ieiiallen, John W., L1- 4- Or. Horses
Drauueu naii-ciiciedi. connected on leftshoul
der. i attle, wuiii on lef 1 hip. Kange. near Lei.
Lord, George. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double 11 eoi.tiecU Sometiinos called a
swing H, on left shoulder.
Maxwell, M. H.. GooHeberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on
lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, OKcar, Heppner. t ir. Cattle, M D on
Hirht hip; hoie. M 011 left shouJuer.
Morgan, ti. N., Heppner. Or. Horses, M)
on h-tt hhotdd"-cattle same on left hip.
McCnmber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Mann, B. ti., Lena, Or. HorseB old mares ZZ
on right hip; young stuck, Buiall zz on left
Morgan, Thoa., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
T on loft shoulder ana left thigh; cattle. Z on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Onoar, lone, Or. Horses, 11 on right
hip; came. 77 on right side.
.WcCiaren, h. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
Figure bun each shoulder, cattle. Ma on hin
MeKeru.'W. J. Mount Veriioti. Or XI on cable
ou right hip, crop iu right ear, half crop m left
same bra"d on horses o lef 1 hit . ItaUgB in Grant
MuCuriy, David H Kcho, Or. Horses branded
U M connected, ou the left shoulder; cattle name
ou hip and side.
MeGitr, Frank. Fox Valley, Or. Muleshoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and undor in
each ear; hot ses same brand on left stifle.
McHidey, U. V., Hamilton, or. On Horses, B
with half circle under on left whoulder;on Cattle,
fuiir haiH connected on top ou the right Bide
liattge in (irant County.
iseal. Andrew, Lone Uock, Or. Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder; cattlo same on both hips,
Notdyke, E., yiivoitou. Or. HorseB, circle? ou
left thigl : CH-tle, same on teft hip.
Oliver, Joiioph, Cuujon City, Or. A 2 on cnttle
on left in p ; ou horses, sume ou left thigh, iiange
in uoiiit county,
Oiler, i'oriy, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Ptairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP commuted ou left, hip; horaos on left stifle
and wartle on nose. Kange iu Grant county.
Pwiiwun, Oluve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, Quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and 2ft on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear. right cropped. '41
on left hip. Bang, on Eight Mile.
Parker it Gleaaon. Hardmaii.Or, Horses IP on
J- ft Hhouider.
l iper, J. 11., Lexington. Or. -Horaos, JE con
nected oi left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under bi in each ear.
Patberg, Heury Lexington, Or. Horses brand
ed wuli a Kowai emus on left Bhoulder; cattle
hrauded with Bomau cross, bar at bottom, on
left lup.
Pettyn, A. C, lone, Or.: borseB diamond Pon
- Hhouider; cattle, J xi J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
1 mht.
Powell, John T., Dayville. Or Horsos. J P con-
net- edoii left shoulder. Otitic OK couuyctetl o
Iff 1 hip, two under half cropH, one on each ear,
wattle under throat. Ita. ge in Grant county.
Uicklird. O.I). Cannin I'itv I Ir ..h' I! nn 1ift
shoulder, on hordes only. Hapge Canyon creek
ami bear valley. Grant county.
noou. Andrew, iiarduiau. Or. Jlorsoe, square
cm with quarter-circle over ltou left Btitlo.
Beningur, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, 0 It on
lefl Hhtaildei.
hi cm, ban, Hardman, Or.; horsee, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; cartle, DAN on
right shoulder. Kange near Hardman.
Itndio, Wm, LoiigLirdek, Or. Brands horses
It of right shoulder. Bango Grantand Morrow
Kojho, Aaron. Heppner. Or Horses, plain V on
.eft Mioulder; caltle, same brand reversed on
right lop ami crop otl right ear. Kange in Mor
row county.
Bush liroa., Eleppner, Or, HorseB branded S
on the, right shoulder; cattle, IX on the lefL hip.
crop nil loft ear and dewlap ou neck. Kange ir.
Morrow and udjoiniug counties.
Bunt, William, Penuleton, Or. Horses K on
lefi Bhouluoi; cattlo, ii on loft hip, crop otl
right ear, underbit on left our. Hheep. B on
weuihers, round crop olf righ ear. Buuge Luia.
tiliaainl Morrow u amties.
lieaney, Andrew. Ltxiogton, Or. Horse
branded A B on right shoulder, vent quartoi
circle over brand; cattle same ou right hip.
Kaiigu Morrow county.
Itoyau, Win. H, Dairyvillo, Or HH connected
wnli quarier circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop oil right ear and split iu left. Horsea
Bttine brand on left shouldsr. Kange in Morrow,
Oram and Gilliam counties.
liuier, J F, Bitter, Or Three parallel bar
wiin bur over on horses ou left hip; on cattle, left
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear,
uangu ju Middle Fork of John Day.
KecUii-.j. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JC o
lelt shoulder. CuiUe, o on right hip.
Spicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses
branded j1 on left sh.ulder; lange m Morrow
opiuy, J. F., Heipuer. Or.-HoreeB branded hi
coiiiieoiud 01 right shoulder; cattle same on both
bailing, C (? Heppner, Or Horsos branded 8 h
on lelt Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip.
hwaggar., li. F., Lexington. Or. Horses 2
with daoh under it on leti stitie cattle 11 with
uasii niitier it on right hip. crop off right ear aud
waodied ou right hind leg. Kauge m Morrow,
Gilliuuiand umaliila counties.
boggart. A. L., Ella, Or. Horses brande ' 3
on lelt shoulder; cet tie same ou left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hmd leg.
Htraighc W . K, Heppner, Or, Ht.rsea shaded
J b u lei Btitlo; cattle J ti on loft hip. swallow
fork in righ ear. underbit in left.
tsupp. Xiioh., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 A P on
left tup; tiatti hauie on left hip.
tdriz, James, Long t reek. Or. Horses. 3 on
lelt Blille and over 2 on left shoulder.
Hhrier.John, buz, Or.-NO connected on
hordes on nglit hip; came, same on right hip,
i u Vr i t cT, , v UUUK' MU m teiiear "lu"e
bmith Bios SusHnville, Or. Horfes, branded
II. L. 0.1 snoulder; can.e, ame on lef t shouider,
hquires, JatneB, ArbuMttm, Or.; hornes branded
Jbou lett snouuier; catde the saine, also nose
waudle. iiange in 31 orrow and Odiiam co nties.
htwplietiB, V. A., tiardiuau, Ur-; liorses lis on
rigm snile; caMle hvmontal L on ihe light sidy
aievwiioon, Aim A. J., Heppu.-r, Or. iBtUe, ti
on right Uu ; swallow-fork in left ear.
waggart.G. W., Heppner, Or.-Horses, on
left enouidt : cattle, 44 on ief t hip.
btone. Ira. Bi'-kktou, WaHh.-Horses. keystone
ou luit shoulder.
hiniih. h.. n. ijotie Bock, Or.
HorseK hrHndoH
a croBseu t
rjfcvenon lefi shoulder; catde same on
llanife. Gilliam pi.nniu
left side.
Kperry. E. G HeiumHr. (ir i',.tta a- n
lelt lup, crop otfrignt and underbit in left year,
dewiap; borwes tun Jtfi shoulder.
Ihouipson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, g on
left stioniu. r; cattle, i on left whonlder.
lipl..et!.,s.T.i,inierprie,iftr. Horses. C-on left
Turner B. W., Heppner. Or. -Small capital T
left shonldvi. horses; cattle same on left hip
with bpbt in both ears.
Uhi rnton, 11. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded
H I connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vumlerpool, H. T.. Una, On-Horses HV con.
nected ou right 6houlder;cattie, same on right
Walbridce, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses. U. L.
on the left siiou.der; Ci.ttle same on tight hip
01 op oli lei t ear and right tar lopped.
Wilson. John U Halem or Ueppnor, Or.
Horm branded J you the left shoulder. Bauge
Morrow county. "
W arren. W B. Caleb, 0r-CattIe, W with quarter
circle over lt,oii ,ft side, split iu right ear.
-Borne, H-,me bra.id on h..ft shoulder. lUnfe m
Oriitit comity.
F Dayville , Or-Hearton horses on
lef Mdie; on cattle. 2 on left side and under bit
in left ear. Kange in Grant county.
W right bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
widd.unTelt UP'BllUare CrUp ott ri"lBar
Wallace. Francis, Mount Vernon. Or-8nuare on
cattle ou the lett nn. ni,(, Kt..,, ' "
wo wm uiiuer tnope m nglit ear. SiiDie brand
on hoir-e on rwht shouMer. Kange in Harn
ai.d tirant couutv. "uwy
Wade, Henry. Hetpner. Or. Horses biundert
ace of bptwiee ou leit shoulder und left hin
Caltle bran dee same on left side and left htn
Wells. A. ti., Heppner, Or. Horses ,af
shoulder: can e sauie. 0 s 011 left
Wolhnger, John, John Day City Or On norma
three parallel bare on left shoulder 7 on utuH?
bit in both ears. Bange in Grunt and S
counties. 8 1 ma MalkQW
Woodward, John. Hepnner Or -B,,t. nn
conneclcd on left shoulder. ' ur
W atkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horawihnin
CE connecter, on left stihV. 0rae,6randed
W allace. Charles - Portland. Or. Cattle W nn
right thigh, hoe m left ear; horses W on riht
shoulder, worn- same on left shoulder "Ka
Whittier Bros.. Drews Harney eiinntv Of
Hhim. t.rHnri.1 W H. eonne,-!,! ?, lefi L'i'nH,W
Viliiams. Vase. Hamilton. Or.-Ouartr ciri
de ov-r thre- harsoi" left hip both caitil .JS
hvre. Ibtugf-Graui euniy
Wdiinnm. J O. Long Crek. Or fiors oiihf
ter cm-lr over thre. bam on left hin-catth.m
R d Mil imwh hnf kane. it, nn.,,,' . ...Jr
W ten. A. A., sooner. t)i.-rlni.B;.- a a
!.in .h..n;.--P. f-...ii ""lTT"1
1 Voting. J, H Goos.terrT, Or -Horsea hrAA
1 T 8 on the right ahonJdar. nonw WanJl