Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 09, 1892, Image 3

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Noncg to advertisers.
TnoSE desiring the insertion of display ads.,
or cbttiie 01 wiine, uiustget their copy In
not Juier tlittu Moti'lay evening (or Tuesday's
editluu, or Thursday evwniiis; for Fridays edi-
1. The mm of five cents per line win be
charped for "cards of thanks," "resolution! of
respect," UBts ol w edding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, ioliier than those the edit
or shall hluiael! give as a matter of news.) and
notices ol special uieetlngs lor whatever purpose.
2. Iwltcus ol church and society and ailother
entertainments lroiu bich revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged lor at the rate of rive
cents a Hue. 'llicse rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable aud made known
upou appiicatiou.
Give your business to Beppntr peop'e,
and therefore assist to buiUl up Hepp
ner. fatronize those who patronize
Here and There.
T. W. Aj-ers, J r., for drugs, 68 bw
Dr. B. F. VaugbaD, dentist.
Kipans Tubules are ahvav ready.
'J. Una FILLS buumb biliousness.
Peter Brenner's wile is ou the sick list.
Postmaster Mallory ia reported quite
Emmet Cuohran is over from Morja
laeut. The wife of D. F. Baker, of Iune,
is quite sick.
Jtff and May Hunsaker arrived from
Hnysiuok WeUuesduy,
Jaoksun Fleek and A B. Williams are
attending court this week.
Fresh ground Buok wheat Flour for
sale by t. C. Tuomusou Co. 3 4
The Qeua aud Palace saloons for Que
' liquors, MuAiee bri., Pi ops. sw
Ueu. Miller aud A. F Wuod were up
fruiu loue ttie flist ut the week.
Dave aud Luther Hamilton were down
froui tue mill Hie nisi ol Hie week.
Uniuuiun Webb aud Bobbie Stutt re
turned liuui the eeaside Aloud. .y eveultig.
In cunversutlun with Geo. It. Huwk
reueutiy, be reports every itiitiu very dry
iu (JIhiu'b uutiyun.
l upimuus & Son still shoe horses
and uu geuerul blacksuiitUiug at tbe olu
stand luutiuck ouruer. 65.
John Buyse vwis eiousod from the jury
Mouiiay uu account uf having to look
after bis wheat threuhiug.
F. W Silvertouth o.me over from Loos
Creek on the stage Tuesday eveuiug, go
iug below Wednesday muruiug.
Ed. Day aDd W. 1). Lord were tbe only
two t.oibett men in Heppuer who had
the courage to back their judgment.
Miss Lethn Purker, dressmaker, will
guarantee you a good tit. Uive her a
trial. Residence W. A. Johnston. 4-tf
Billy Weloa came over from Long
Cretk the first of the week, iu quest ol
freight, nulling out yesterday well load
ed. Preston Drips a pure com syrup
made from yellow oorn soniethiug tine.
Call and sample it at P. C. Thompson
Company's. 3-4
Hiyn ketchuin whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop tbe
place to get a first-class shave, hair-out
or Bbampuo. tf.
Dr. Bill and Dr. Shipley had a little
diflVrnuoe iu Ed. Matlock's Baloon laBt
Saturday evening. A little "sociable ar
gument," however, settled it.
'Ihe wife and children of Walter For
wood came up to Heppner Wednesday
evening. It is reported that Walter in
tends loaatiug permanently here.
Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier is the
great couquerer of Bilhousuess and Liv
er oomplamt. Kelief oertain iu every
case, bold at One Dollar a bottle. Trv it.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
his old friends there. ' Baths in connec
tion. All humors of the scalp, tetter sores,
and daudiuff oured, nud falling ban
cheoked ; hence, baldness prejeuted by
using Hall's Vegetable Bioiliau Hair Be
newer. Bud Ingrabam enme in with his father
from Eight Mile Wednesday. Bud re
ports Charley visiting with relatives in
Empoiia, Kusas, where be is haviug an
enj -yable time.
CBrl Crow and family, Wm, Boohei
and family and Miss Maggie Hartley,
who left abont two weeks ago for Teel
springs, returned Tuesday afternoon.
All report a pleasant time.
Soott Auderson and Mary Newman
were married at Fossil a few days since,
soou after Anderson was bound over to
the gri.nd jury. Suoh being the caBe the
matter (?) will likely be dropped.
August Charlston. of Gooseberry, was
in the oily yesterday. From him we
learn that although his yield was very
small this year, yet he intends putting
iu 123 acres of grain again this fall.
The Bennett Hotel at Arlington has
been moved from tbe old location
near the depot, to Main St., about two
blooks from tbe depot, where its propri
etoi will welcome you as of old. 23 tf
Billy Kunrk Bnd wife and Lanes Pen
land and wife returned Tuesday after
noou fiom their ontii g vacation ou Pen
land prairie, where luey report a fine
time, lots of fish, game and huokleber
Pearl Jones, of Eight Mile, was in
Wednesday for raptors for bis thresher.
J. H. Jones & Sous' yield is averaging
from 12 to 15 bushels per acre. The orop
average is generally higher m that sec
tion than was anticipated.
Mis. P. O Borg, aromnpitnierl by Os
car, returned from an extended visit with
her daugh'ei s at Astoria and Port Towns
end, last Wednesday evening. She re
ports a very pleasant visit, and an enjoy
able time at the seaside.
The county court is in session IbU
trpek th. ntrb it was rather bard fur the
commission! rs to get here, as there was
nidliness in both Commissioners Baker
and Breuner's family ; or rather, in tbe
fitt-named oase, in his brother's family.
Tbe only radical cure for rheumatism
is to eliminate from the blood tbe acid
that oauees tbe disease. This is thor
oniiblv fffei ted by the persevering use of
Ayer'e' Sarsaparilla. Persist until onred
The prooess may be slow, bat tbe result
is cure.
The services at the M. E. church
next Sabbath Bre as follows: Snriduy
school at 10 o'clock; reading of the gen
eral rolea, and reception, 11 o'clork;
preaobing at 730 p.m. Subject, "The
rich man aud Lazarus." All are iuvited
to attenl these sei vices.
Eobt. Gatbergood, Geo., Len ad Al.
Conger, Geo Ruder a- d Wm. Rambo,
got in from Grant county Tuesday eve
ning with 300 bead of cattle for A. N.
Wallace, which he bad disposed of to the
American Dressed Meat Co. They were
shipped down on s special yesterday.
A L. Gnerin baa been hired as jani
tor for the school building, also aotmg
as nivbiwab h during its completion. Ir.
this connection it might be well to state
to tbnse Spooney oonples" wbo have
been making their semi-occasional, noo
tnrwtt tours to that building, that tl)y
can find a "tetter place" on the hillside
near by, besides tbey would not then dis
turb A. L. from bi slumbers.
How A. A. JaTnb Was Shot. The so
cidental shootiug of A. A. Jnyne, a well
known Attoruey at The Dulles, a brief
aooount of which was given in Tuesday's
issue, happened about 7:30 Tuesday
morning, while huntiug above the Wil
lows. Mr. Jayne, in oompany with a
party of seven, had gone np the river
bunting, tue evening before, but at tbe
lime of tbe accideut was in a sailboat
alone. As the wind was blowing a gale
be experienced some difficulty in keep
ing his boat from shore, aud in attempt
ing to push it oft' by the use of an oar
with his left baud, be accidentally dis
charged his gun, which was loaded with
due bird shot, the load taking effect iu
bis right wrist, tearing it up very badly.
Ur. Jayne began hallooing and jumped
from tbe boat aud made for tbe shore,
where be was met by the remainder of
the party, who after a time stopped the
rljw of blood, then wrapped up his hand
and took him to the Willows, where
they remaiued until tbe arrival of tbe
Heppner train, when he was taken to
Arlington, aniving about 11:3 J. Dr.
Ueisendorfer was immediately summou
ed, aud after the afflicted man wsb re
moved to his home he dressed the wound.
Dr. Riuehart, of Tbe Dalles, was at once
telegraphed for aud arrived on Tuesday
evening's train, and alUr a thorough ex
amination and consultation, the two doc
tors decided that be must lose tbe limb.
Accordingly the hand was amputated
just above the wrist. Theapatieut was
getting along very nioely at latent reports.
An Uscscal Surgical Opebaiion.
Mr BeigUley, au old aud respeuled rest
dent uf tuis city, bas beeu a sufferer foi
ueurly twenty-live tears tiuui Cuuiraciiuu
of tue tendons uu tue soles uf bis teel,
cunning uuivauou uf ull bis toes, he ue
mg thereby compelled to walk ou the ex
ueujities of his toes. This defoiunty
lamed him and caused him ooustuut mis
ery aud distress, frequently Compelling
uim to keep his bed for days, aud inca
pacitating bim for inauual labor. All
palliative meatis for bis relief proving
futile, be reoeutly sought surgical aid
for Lis distressed oondition, aud after
uousultation, it was decided that a rad
ioiiI operation afforded the only feasible
hope of a curative result. Accordingly,
last Friday (Dr. Shipley having tits!
skilfully placed him under tbe iuflueuoe
of an aimnthelio) Dr. E. T. Gagen, axsist
ed by Drs. Swiuburne aud Shobe, ampu
tated all the toes of both feet ; also, one
uf the metatarsal bones beiug diseased,
had to be removed in its eulirety. Mr.
Beighley is now restiug quietly from the
effects of the operation, aud we autici
pate a good recovery aud result This
oase is unique in surgioul literature.
Sad Dbaiti by Diphtubbia. Diph
theria bas made its appearance on Bridge
oreek. Dr. Belknap as called to oon
ault with Dr. Center, who is trealmg the
afflicted. He returned yesterday eveuing,
and from him we learu the nans of tbe
sad death of three obildren in the family
of Rev. and Mrs. 3. M. Mansfield. Those
children uf whom tbe parents have been
bereave l by tbe dreaded epidemio are
.Uyrtie, aged 7 years, who died Aug. 30tb ,
mma Belle, aged 21 years, who died
dept. 1st, and Mark A., aged 18, who died
dept. 2d. Two other obildren are ill iu
the same family, but we trust that Prov
deuce will relieve us of the sad duty ot
anuonnciug their death. Pnuevilie
News. Kev. Mansfield is a Baptist minis
ter of wide acquaintance iu Kusierii Ore
gou, haviug preached several times iu
Heppner, also attending the Association
here lust month, during which he mode
many acquaintances, wbo extend their
sympathies in this hour of affliction.
Haiidmas Fire. We should have
stated in onr last issue that on last Sat
urday night the barns of Allen Rojse
iid D. N. Haidman, iu Hardman, togtlb
er with their contents, were totally de
stroyed by Hi e. Mr. Koyse lust two
horses in the rl .mea, while Mr. Hardman
was a little less uufortuuate, loBiug oul)
one. Ihe fire originated in the barq ol
Mr. Rojse, but how, it is not kuowu.
His loss will foot up 8600 or more. Mr.
Hardmau's loss is unknown. Had a
breeze been blowing, tbe entire towu
would have gone up iu smoke, but as it
was, a dwelling, standing in ten feet
ot the Hardman barn, was not ignited
by the flames.
Plead Guilty. H. A. Nettleton, who
stole a sadole and set of harness from
Charles Cochran, near lone, last July,
an aooount ot which appeared in the Ga
zette at that time, was brought before
the jndge, charged with grand larceny,
to which be plead guilty and asked tbe
leniency ot the court. He was sentenced
to to years iu the penitentiary Wednes
day afternoon by tbe judge, which he
took very calmly and with a smile. The
judge asked him if be was ever married ;
in reply, he said, "be bad been and would
nave been again bad he not got
ten into this scrape" This im
prisonment will doubtless be a benefit
to bim.
Handy With a Gun. Bill Walker was
in from the mountains last Tuesday, and
along in the evening when well filled
ith bug juice, imagined be could take
the towu, so started down the street
wilb revolver in each band, with which
be was very bandy. However, Deputy
Sheriff Mike Fitzgerald happened along
about this time, and with the assistance
of Joe Williams, disarmed bim. Later
be was arrested by tbe marshal and lock
ed up over night, but was released next
morning Bnd bis property returned to
him on oondition that he would leava
town, which he did without any prelim
inaries. WoiiD Like to Lease a Hotel.- C.
0. Sargent, cf this city, is anxioDS to take
oharge of a good hotel, not particular as
to location. Mr. Sargent ia an old timer
in this line, and ia sore to give sntiafac
tion wherever be should go. Anyone
haviug a hotel to rent or lease, won'd do
well to correspond with C. C. Sargent,
Heppner, Oregon. 623-27
A Lono Time Rscoveuino. W. C.
Reininger came down from Hardman
thiB week to look after business. Onr
reporter was surprised to know that be j
was still carrying bis hand in a si. tig j
from the effects of the accident he mot
with up at Parker's mill, by lnttiug his
hand coma in oontact with the saw,
which necessitated two fingers beiug am
putated, end tbe b"nes taken out back
to the wrist joint. But several weeks
afterward it was that oue of the bones of
the forearm was broken, whioh had giv.
en him great pain all the time, though
he did not know tbe cause of it. Now
that every part has beeu fixed up be is
in fuir shape for recovery, though it will
be some time yet before be can use bis
Accidental Shooting. yesterday
morning Chas. Mann, residing on Butter
creek, whilst haudliug a 22 Cotton pistol,
accidentally discharged the weapon, the
ball entering the palm of his baud and
ranging upward, strikiug oue of tbe boues
iu the baud, fracturing the bone, and
tbeuce glaooiug upward towards the
wrist joiut. Immediately after tbe in.
jury he csine to town for medical assist
ance, i.ud Dr. E. T. Gagen, assisted by
Drs. Swiuburne and Shipley, opened the
wound and probed for tbe offending mis
sile, but all attempts to looatethe bullet
failed. Mr. Mann is doing well at pres
ent, and another attempt will be subse
quently made to looate and remove the
Disturbance at Meeting. Dr. L. F
Shipley was iudioted by the grand jury
aud arrested Wednesday evening, on
charge of disturbing meeting at Liberty
cuboul house. The cne wait set lor trial
yesterday morning, when Doo plead gm
ly to the ch.irje, saying bowever, thai
was uot bis luteutiou ut all to dintiii ,
i he progress of the meeting, bin wai
simply discussing a question which had
beeu brought before the gathering. Or
plea of guilty, the jude fixed the flue a
$20, which was settled.
Got Caught. Geo Harrington got in
I hh t night from Dayton, Wash., with ,Tus
Kirkendall. indicted last spring on two
aharges, selling liquor to a minor and
selling liquor without license. It wnt
understood that be would appear at the
last terra of court and nettle these little
matters renting against bim, but be enme
not. Sheriff Noble put Deputy Harring
ton on Ihe trail, and he followed Mih.
Kirkendall from Heppner tbe first of
tbe week, up to Dayton, where he had n
trouble in locating bis raau, who ia now
in jiil here.
Emmet Cochran has a local in this
issue vthicb will interest the stockmen.
D. J. Forbes, representing Znn Bros.
Feldman & Cole., of Portland, visited bis
customers here this week.
Attorney H. 8. Wilson, of The Dalles,
went down borne yesterday.
Joe Keeney was over the stage line
early this week, getting in last night,
t here is some talk of bis making a sale
of tbe Heppner-Monument line.
Frank Vaughn, of Eight Mile, attend
ed court this week.
Judge Bradsbaw finished this term's
work yesterday, and in oompany wilh
tbe district attorney, W. H. Wilson, went
down on yesterday's special.
P. W. Carson, representing Thompson
Bros., of Sutton, Nebraska, is iu Hepp
ner, a guest ot the Palace.
F. M. Holmes was in from Gooseberry
this week, attending court.
Jas. Hurt was in town yesterday and
reports the burses iu txoelltut condition
up at Matlock's ranch.
F. E. Southard, a Portluud traveling
man, is iu tbe city.
Geo. Noble will leave for Salem with
Nettleton next Monday.
County court is still in Bession.
8. C. Smith, tbe furniture man.doehn't
believe iu staving iu the rear, aud gives
our readeig a good ad. iu this isime.
8. C. Smith keeps a full line of under
taking ko'Jup, aid ull kinds of furniture.
John Barker and Thos. Scott were in
attending court this week.
Mrs. J. N. tirown mnda her first, ap
pearance ou the Ntreets yesterday, aftor
a long siege of lilucss
Heury Blackman left yesterday for
Portland, also inteudlng to go to 8uu
Franoisco before returning.
Fred Gilliam was in yesterday with a
fine load of vegetables. B red reports hi?
lather very low from the effects of Ihe
accident wilh which he met last winraer.
Deserving Praise.
We desire to say to our citizens, tlvit
for years we have been selling Dr.
K'ngVNew Discovery for consumption,
Dr. King's New Life pills, Buckliu s nr
i.ioa salve and Electric biiti rs, aud have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or that have given such universal satis
faction. We do not hesitate to guaran
tee tbem every time, and we stand ready
to refund the purchase price, if satisfac
tory results do not follow their use
These remedies have won their great
popularity purely on their merits. 8lo-oum-Jobuslon
Drug Co.
I wish to trade mules or horses for
oattle. Address me at Lexington, or
call at my ranch, seven miles north
east of that place.
622 sw. B. F. Swagoart.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do
all kinds of nursing. Cull at her home
iu north Heppner, or address her st thiB
place. 518-tf
Why go hungry when the City hotel
furnishes you a good moal at living
rates. a
I wish to trBde dr) mares and geldings,
fit for work, for eattle. Will give gond
terms. Call on, or address me, at Mon
ument, Orant oounly, Oregon.
523-fc38 Kumet Ox dran.
Many people, not aware of the dangers
of constipation, neglect the proper rem
edy till the habit beoornes chronic, or
inrlaruatiim or stoppage resnlts. A dose
of two of AVer's Pills in the beginning
wonld have prevented all this.
One bay gelding, abont ten years old
branded witn two half moons connected.
Tbe above borte has been oa my Tnb
Bpnngs ranch from eight months to one
year. Owner can have same by proving
property and paying all charges
Gbo. Hwaooart,
523 531F Heppner, Or.
Sept 5, 1BW:
C H Wsllaee J H McUmber
WIU i Co 4
When calling lor same please say "Atlver
tUecl." a. Whit, r. M.
Ketch 'em ere they Fade.
Wanted to
iv five and one-hoU nore of Splendid Fruit and
jL Garden land, nijuut eight or nine aiirs oi
sumo in tviiriin; iruir trees, Birawberriert, black
berries, etc : atmiidutiee ot" w ater iur irriiuiliou
and jkium; use in till si-.'.hius: uf a mile in mi
court house in alia W hIU city ; an excellent in
vt'stnumt and splendid nlnce iVn a home. I'laee is
t'leudidlv imnnnvii urn) in hUlieM slate of enlti
viitioii; aln uonld trade for sheep 4MJ nerep wheat
farm in l inntiil.i county, oremm; is heavy, black
luain St til , ithuiidniH'e in' imuhI titer; capable !
prod urine .;o bushels of wheat per acre; well im
proved, oue mile lrom railroad statiuii and easily
accessible to Athena, or will trade ;iJ0 to l,wu
acres improved farm land ou Eureka Flat. Ill
any case u ill ptiy eash dill'erem e, it' due. Apply
in person or by letter. Address
H. S. Jackson, Walla Walla
Box 527. S
The Great Female
Successfully used in the
general treatment ol
wouiau's diseases.
PRICE, $1.00.
Dr. Grant's Kidney
For the cure ot Bright's Disease, Dialietp, Hiliousness, Sick-Headache, and all
lviuiiKy irouuios.
Prico, 131,00.
J315 Front St , Portland, Oregon.
tut' .f.i
Keeps s full line of
In the w ay of Furnilnre.
JSy-Unili'i'lnliiiirr g'lO'ln n sri'-flaWy.
Mity Street, Ui'piur, Or.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
MANCtllSSTKH, 15 .i lA JSt l"
IGl'.Vf Quo of tl rtofclt n Woyi
i W.
Kec Itlflorwerticnf.iti i
Cooper Pip l ' '' i''"l'Ts't ly ihe following ot.fmi ini'l M
nonaldHOn. DawIHe; w. s. .hon'tiun cily; .n.lin llnrntmii, rn
Kennvth M'-HuV, l)vvlll; lot- ullu-r, John ll,.v; .1. . H .T,-, N I.W
Cook aV Clark, Philbrook; tln:liill d. Mol.rw, tupayr; ' li. W
liPWisUili; E. I'. Cl.uii'licT. Miii'li'i'l Illrwliii-w, Lliolmu, l. . H
iJlllon: W. Norton, 'Hcwiirt, A- 1 lite. Bis; !).
Ask Your Merchant for
KOltr.AMI ".(
i-n. A'lH. lor Onvrtn,
u, .1 ir.l
1 j! f r i
e i t
.tv Set
J. 13. iSXlTir,
ii5 ami lwatel lvnnnuent-
ilili!, oiT't'citu city Hotel.
fxaiiiiiie las moi
s uu oruiT,
Or. Grant's
The Kino
aST" Sold under a
PRICE, $1.00.
and Liver Cure,
U. JK:''MrV2,
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . . . .
mil m !
Ci0. uriH, Ariimi'la;
I'. .(. Moule,
, l'Lii;a; ll'ifii;h iln,B.f
f 11, ft ; .luiii'fi Ki.lie,
Couicrs end Tuhe m Other.
Will cooi'Lii i mwm.
he undersigned has a
c.hokl(it of Oxford
(jrade Bucks for sale
at reasonable i iriccs,
I 1 i-l M
at nis rancn, miles
south of Pilot Rock.
X'ilot Rook, Or.
For Trade at the Head of the Procession
With the Right Swing and
We Propose to
Catch f
The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
eiiiid up
Like Tcurs Rosppctfully. We are hers for business from the
ground up ami propose to let you kuow it.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on Shoot Notice and at Fofui.ar Prik.
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L.
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
- Are stilt alivp nnd kk'Mnif for trwle with a complete line of
Hardware, Tinware,
Guns and Ammunition, Sewing
Machines, Farm Implements.
Also Gents' Kumlshlnir Goods, and the largest assortment
ol Taa In Eastern Oregon.
Special Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto: We Won't Be UNoeRSOLD.
tf. Comer Main and Willow
W. J. I.IC1CZICK, lrui.
fit HIS HUtSTELKY Iibh beeu IiKrirrKD
is one of the moat iuvitinfj plaouH iu
with him. fueliiiit tlj.it he is uhlo to Htitertuin yon Id the bent of Btyle.
First Class House.
Tlx JSClfc?40ia
For Fruit has Arrived and we
are in the business to supply you
Is about ripe. We will let you
know about tliat in th" noai' future.
W. L. iMatlock & Co.
& T. CO.
Groceries, Confectionery,
friroetfi, Heppner Or,
hiiJ Kukunibiiisd througboul, huiI now
Iieppuer. Mr. Leezer invikes you to slop
Reasonable Rates.