Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 06, 1892, Image 4

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have n. relict or.il cure
In your ignorance of effects
snd v.tclity which is
s-itt-m thff elements t1iti3
Hrengili and vigor will f"l
curc or monty refunded.
Dr. Sar.den's Electric
lifter all other treatments .fiPsi;
testify, and ftota many of 4M'Is&$
I Xj'H'IplW'- the effect of abuse, excesses, worry and exposure. Foi-uch w.-fft-rer.
in our marvelous invention, winch reomres tint a trial to conv..,oe u: .mom a.r .ji
or by excesses, or exposure, vou m .v have unduly drained your system ol r,Mve f..rce
1 .1 .'l tr ettne or lack of fr.rcc. If vot: r.-phec IffO you-
j..:...i ...v,,i, for vigorous strensrth. vou will remove ths came, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This U our plan and treatment, and wo guauncse a
Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free j sent by mail, sua.ed.
B-lt is no experiment, as we have restored tuousanas 10 n-mi. .. .
failed as can be shown hv hundreds of cases thrr.Uffho.it this hl.'ile, who would plad'
whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery alter using our ue.t.
, nnd it gives soothing, prolonged current
nnroved Lloctric Suspensory, th
j -. ;... ... ,.( .i.a ifp-.ibfi'p. anil ro er ui i'c sinunntu i.i jnn, u v, -
. . nuiiL- tvn ntwt iw warrant il lu lu c any ji iii- . -
ni-os fr nmut ever t1 vcu . . , , :.t. , n.Bti nm ui en
, . i .!,- ttterv made Into a belt so as to be eailv worn during work or at rest, a-id it gives sootlitn','.
$XzZM kk forfeit $5 OOO: It has an Improved Llcctr.c
vliich are instantly felt tnrougnout an
Money Krftindisd. :They are Eraded in strength to meet all stages ot we
i,. ,..;t in two or three months. Address
jaknessin young, xniddle-ageiVr old mien, and vill cu
vmw & ovous
Dr. G.F. Webb's
Electric Delta and
llipliauces, fii.
Pr.ihipeus Chlorosli,
PuiUiul M (.'11808
Seminal Wuiiknoss,
BUocUof O lauikia,
'.Hint itiuU,
Nervous Debility,
Imp(( noy,
Nauru Uhenln,
Sick IIou'IuoIki.
H irn I a,
In lomnin,
Spinal Diaoaaa.
Kidney Coinp'idnts,
Cunornl D 'bdiiy,
Loss of Memory,
Lo" i-Totor Attixla,
Kpibpfiy, etc, etc.
tT'T" Send for Catalogues and loatimouiulB.
TI:o Deaf Made to Hear by Electricity !
Iarctilnl In Apill, 1801, ratctitei 111 Jnae,
Jet IIiuusiuiiIh Pioi-laim its Uoiiiler
iul nud rcril-i-t Itesultg I
Inventor and Patenteo, United States
and Torcfen Countries.
Any on" old or vounn-, whnsn oar
drain In liiilirnkcm enn In- niailu lo In ar
ami -onvdiw In ordiiiiii y tnno.. n ml t.o
cured by Dr. O. V. Webb's lileelllt-iil
Aimiimliis ii.r'I'reiitlNtr I)' nun ns. An
Eleeti-e-J'o'lli-nl lloily lii.tmiy wllli np
iiliutiros Inveiilo l espeeiiiliy lur treat
IliB lleafneBS ui.d tliu (llseuses wlnou
in-MtluerdH. ,
Send M eents for my Electro-Mmileal
TUemy and l'l-aetlee. ileueribiuif UettV-
dent, i:; paeB. Auuruaa
B. B. BLISS, General Agt.
Kansas City, St. Paul.
ids LTKE
Grand Army of the llcjiublic,
Washington, D. C. September 20th to 26th
The Wisconsin Centra
Lines and
Bal imore & Ohio Rail
Itnvp boon foletitrd ah tbo "OITIcIhI Rnntn" he
twcL'ii St. l'nul, MiimeupnliH mill Washington,
it 1
All (let-ironn of tnktiic lulvuntiiLtP of the mil
vitmiMv "1.inv Ptih's" Hhniihl m-v that their tick
ctH n-iifi via thin "Rnntt," mid Bt'curu their
riU'rpinir ctir accuminixlaiioiiB in advance.
Fur lull particulars mMrfHx
U. F. MeNElLI,, t itv P. nnd T. Afrent
pj Mcolift U(Mi8C Hhtck.
MinncapnliH, Minn.
C. K. HTVXE, Citv P. and T. Ajrent,
U2 Fast Third St., St. Paul, Minn,
Atnte William.
Wnrnnnt Wmiam Have jon a little
sivthin' to cat ma am, for a torvm' man
who can't find wotL?
Mrs. Scrimps No, inJoed, I haven't
Didn't 1 just sec you iLrow away a ualf
a loaf ot bread the woman nei.t door
gave you?
Woniout vumam 1 nssum; juu um.
Odds and Coughs
, 7-.- .7rYT xsyr ri o PHRy.-Jfe,.,
- . r,T- rrrK. yw vawwrf I
ll WWl&t&'jtVl nMi'EEVWs Debility SemiiwV.:-.
Ntl)V ; J- r J'; LosT Manhood. Rheumatism. r.,,;.
uvTTiilUJ Rack KidneV Troubles. ervousmlj
S?Si FFDi FMFS r-hnDMFMf)RY R GFMF lkj. il Lrii''.i !
Aa Eipxrlrnce.1 Canlcarr'a Method! of jjut, ma'am, if you had seen the kind ot
rreventlng Thfir Kavugei. bread that woman mattes you nouiun t
A laru't? nuuiber of siwcies of nit- hev asked a dors to eat it Why -
woniiH nmkf themwlves hitchly obnox- Mrs. Serimp Never mind, my pood
luiiM to the Kardeuer by the impudence man. Just bit djwn in the kit hen
with whirh they attack and cut down while I get tne cake and pie out of the
almost every kind of newly net plants, pantry. Chicago Kews-Eocord.
A nit or nlj,lomcy.
Bridget (applying for situation! Oh,
yis, mumt Ui lived in me last place
free weeks.
Mrs. Van Nobbs And why did you
Bridget Oi couldn't (ft. along wid
her; she was owld an' rmil.y.
Mrs. Van NuOOs But 1 may be old
and ora'aay. too.
Budget Oraukv y miy be. mum. for
faces lb sometimes d aviu'i bat owld!
And Bridget ifnt the place.) ruck.
catclilna a ia.
Miss ilrabim- Mr. Rich'happ re
markl last oia'.t i.nt he IH'I w,i
inan wio Nh"Wil i-jHimilciatinu fur the
aimiiijj them the robin. tlirnsheH. quuil, fe. nngs .r K'in.n.
wren Knd other birds, toads, etc.. wlncn Mrs. ..ir!ii,n,u Vou nmnt. no aome-
toKHtlier keep their numliers down quite tlnnirt.i kuotv Iiimi that you are that
well. Fall plowing serves to bring imni i,t w,.mii.
many of the worms to the surface, and Miss to wnnmn-Yes, I know - but
to expose them to -binlseye view' and wimiv
perhaps to destruction by frost. The Mitu iimiiwr-nw nrnMnymw
fresh effects of their night's work can mg. clow, the wini!...- 1I00.I Newt.
best he noticed hrij,'lit and early ill the
They are mostly clumsy and greasy
looking caterpillars of some dull shade
of color (grayish, brown, greenish), re
main in their hiding places on bright
lays, and come to the surface at night
or in cloudy weather to seek what green
stuff they can devour. The illustration.
from (ireiner's work "How to Make the
(harden Pay." presents both the worm
and the moth of one of the species.
Mr. (ii'einer says: vjFortnnately these
worms have many natural enemies.
rj.ro, t;ti"2atf
b.-crcftitSs, as'.hma,
cr.d hoarseness
cur-3-5 by
Aysrs Cherry Pectoral
til 2 2fe3t
arc' most effective
emergency medicine.
it shou:d b in every
Dr, J. C5. Aycr
Two sorrid h'trses. Oneof them hranrlpd
8" 011 tht1 right shoulder, likewise nu the
iiht stifle.
I he ithr whs branded "8" on the
iVIit slioiihler. nlso "K" Ti c weight "I
i,eh wim till nit ltifiO p'Uinds
A.,V'ine iPturi'lMtf 'he s;illlf rn u
'ti,ol, 111 Kiuht Mile will r.eeivH h rewi.rd
.f ifl,r) m tf Hylvanus Wiunirr
PI, niv of fl"iir, hnin. mill feed and
oh',p iiinnys on hand ut the Heppner
Kloiirinii Mills. a
SUM h BltAN'll.
iiioriiini'. unit they can then lie found
near the place of mischief, hunted np
and killed. Before a piece ot plowed
ground is planted we can often dispose
of the majority of the worms by placing
pieces of sod sprinkled with a poisonous
solution at regular intervals over the
ground. The remedy is simple and may
lie repeated, thus making the way clear
for setting plants. Beans are sometimes
planted for hait. and in advance of the
real crop, whatever that may be. The
field is looked over on several mornings
after the beans are up. and the worms
minted up where plants are seen cut off.
The regular crop is planted after most
of the worms are destroyed.
"A practice often resorted to is to en
circle each plant set out with u piece of
paper which should reach down into the
A new nml foinplt'te Treiilineiit. ennsintliiK ot
KlipilOXlllirU'H. I '! , , t 111 I ill Cll,hlll(,K. lllKII III llll
nml i'IIIn; 11 i,)Hllle Ciiri- ur K v ti-rnii I. IiiU'I
Hill, HIIikI or ItlreiliiiK, IteliiiiK. Clironir, Klti'ii,
or llereilitiiry I'ilcs. ami nmny other illHt'tim'i.
anil leinnk' vti'tikneHMn; it in ill n tiyh 11 yiviil Ihmi
L'lll to Hie Kei.uiul liculili. Ilielirni ilinn er.v of
a lili'illciil elite rentier! K nil oiel'nl Ion v till the
knile iiiiiieeeNHiuy h rentier. IIiIn renietly Inn
neer heeti kmni 11 lo tail. 1 per liox. ti lor f ;
Hent hy nniil. U liy Hiilier I runt thin tori title ili
ettHe tt lien a it ritlen Kiiiti'iuilee It. Kiveu ttlllt ti
ltoe8. to relnnil Ihe tiioney II not enreil. Semi
Htanip lor free Hitinple. Oniinnitee ishneil l,y
W inilt.t If , (l.AltKK iV CO., t liol ( m, ),. Kelll i 1
lrtiiiilntn pole Anenln, I'ortlaml, or.
L U ,M B K ii !
A MuKOllleeot Siei'lineil o' Rn Oltl llllll,
Ii ;4orvetl ftl LloieuKler.
There is in pytjsestiion of tho Heitshue
family of Lancaster, l'a., an edition of the
liiblo, in thrje fttlio volumes, on tho lid o(
the iirst volume of winch, in large gilt let-J
ttira, is this inscription :
lit inileM of Heppner, ill
. f tlresKeil I. tin, Iter,
what lit known an the.
LeaveB Heppner, 8 a. m.
6:5U p. in.
l ctll - nnSleepera,
Colonlat (-4 1 t't-1 c-f.
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Steamers Purl I nnd to Sun Franoisoi
every four days.
I'l'Mt 1,0110 FEKT, Itot'OII,
' " " Cl.EAll,
JIO t'
17 ill
1 9.t.uu per l.ooo feet, aililllional.
I. A,
Ilfimlltoii. iaiiu;
The R . Hon'ble
A Litn. ui.i r.
Juliana Penn was tho wife of Thomas
Penn, Wiiliiim Ponn's son, who was one of
the proprie ors of Pennsylvania in 1770, the
date of the publication nt this copy of tho
liiblo. The Juliana Library was tho third
public library to bo founded in America, It
iiuvine boon chartered in 1703. It was
named in honor of Lady Penn, who was a
laughter of the Karl of Pom tret, and she
recognized the fact by presenting the Bible
to tho library. The volumes are eleven
inches by seventeen and a half inches iu
size. As specimens of the binder's art these
hooks arc magnificent. They are bound in
full Russia leather, and are adorned by
elaborate hand tooling on the backs and
outside and inner margins of the covers.
The edition was printed in London and con
tains the famous Commentaries by William
Dodd, I.L.D.. "Prebendary of Brecon and
Chaplain in Ordinary to Ilia Majesty," who
was executed lor forgery in 1777.
Tho books and property of the Juliana
Library were sold by auction
satisfy claims against it. and the three
A lli.ir.loi, wOh I .life.'.
rtenediet. My won i eit. Nhoppmg
tUf.lty act I a 1 1 1 Ink my l.loeb ut Ute
restittiiiitt wilh y. .11. if y.ttl d "If t object
to my .y.inl.aov'.
Ha. h.'ior i Had to hve yen. But. I
sny. ii inot ,..st. ton Moiitfl hing when
yo.il- ittfi. ..lit. 1.1ns way?
Il.me,ii"t. h. ii t. itt all. She is
only Mtoptitiiif. yon know; Mhe isn't buy
ing. N. Y. !..
A NaK.trwl ftlrtrr.
"John, we must rent another house,"
'.:eiy nijfht I can limr ich.mtly igh
tni; itli.l w l.i.,t linif. It feiiiH t4. I'oine
r,, in mi. ,irf.j4. and 1 lielleve the place
lb tiH.l.lt.t."
"Mi, ml. In t. wonder The former
wiit.'.lri....'1 .letft with the plilinher'e
bill In LlH tiit.l."- Life.
soil, as the worm cannot crawl under it,
and extent! sev!;! inches above the
surface so it cannot crawl over it. Tho
picture shows how this is done and how
the plan works. I often use plant pro
tectors somewhat resembling bottomless
flower pots which I had made for the
purpose, as a mechanical obstacle to tho
cutworm's progress."
Tim Vh..u l limit.
Mr. Any iwhn Iim ,,lM.-rvd his wife
tub. M HH-e tf elolti in... I an envelope
hrtttiifl.t hy iiihiII Is Unit a sample of
lit- .loda for your bathing suit, iny
'lea r?
Mrs. Aiiy iiplacrnlly) No; it ia
ihegtsMla. N. Y. Trews.
A Niir. 1l.
i'ii..ii.1 -Hut,, my .tear sir. the yarns
Vou t.l I ahntit, your t tior..nf htirH.lt are
rotillv iti)irv.,lotis 1 think I'll ask your
yu-Uv alN.nt t hem.
Mr. in,.,hHril oh. dnii't do that: he
enn lie much better than I can. Texaa
Ni flings.
4 -!-,., rti,lh,
Trnmp I .. yon are atlvertisiug. for
ft pilltlM llnisl.Hr.
'l'Htl..rY.'H. hut von hardly l.M.U as
II yon hail tool soy .x)... i.ii..
I'rauip I'A t..oeeI If i tos pair I've
fl-ot on ain't. tint.lieit, I'll IlUe t4l sees
oair what is. ---.hoy.
Cutting anil Curing Clover.
Be sure and cut the clover early, be
fore the seed has formed. Clover is a
biennial, one of those plants that begin
to die when once it has produced seed.
Here is the point: By cutting before the
seed forma yon can cut two crops in one
season and still keep the root alive. At
least it will not die because its purpose
Has been fulfilled. This year we shall
need all the hay we can get. Skillful
management of our clover meadows will
give us a large additional yield of hay
ami have the roots right for the next
season. That wise farmer, the late
H train Smith, once showed ns a held of
medium clover nine years old from
in IS43 to which he had taken that year fully three
tons per acre in three cuttings. But
For ratct and nencriil information call on
Vepat Ticket Altent,
J. C. 1-IA.IIT,
Heppner, Oregon.
W. 11. IIP 111.111' KT, Amt Oenl, I'hss. At.
264 WaahltlKton St.,
Portland. Ohkiion.
2S(i ii Franolsoo
And all points hi t'sliforuia. via Uto Mt. rilianta
rums of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The itnwtt hitrlivmy thwmgh ('Hlifortiin to nil
iniiiiut Ktutt and Stmt 1 1. linimi Ht'inic Itimttt
of tlte TiuMfio Cmi. riilluuui HutTi't
Attnehwl to ixprt'H8 traitiH, utltTtlinn snporior
RccoininoiintitniH ftr HttcontUi.lar-H iiiMi'iit-M.
Fur nilvn, tiokt-itt, HltH-pinn tr rttrtrvutiMin,
to,, call ii pou or tuMrtwit
Ocu. V. & V. AkL. I'orilantl, Oii-non.
Save U to ,tt eeiin- on evtny iloilaf yon -i-entl
Wrltr tor out ni'iininnih i tiliil"i:iie. i.t)i,-nii:e
l..,t, ,, i , Inttn in Inn tlml tritini: lowel llnin-
lllMl'tnieth' ftut'tt, Willi lllittlitl.ntnii h' ill-fnilitlfr
ol . vf ly Ulntl ot Kittulf mill Mii,l,r iiiuinil u'.iiretf
and inlii.trtftl into tin' Untied Mine, t.rnteiiei.,
llnntieliold Uiti.il-, Km nil ii io, I'litillliil!, L-.llto-.
aillU.ellll.' t Inlli llL' lllltl Kllllltt.lIIIL' l tl. mesa
t.o,ul, White U.iotK l',.V If, Ut"'. '-'I".
Hoot" and slme., Idnvw, Nonnns, t. ii-twite,
fiutloiifit. W,inlif, ( lotk. .Iftvelrv. slht'i-vtuie,
lliiunif,' Wliiiw, Am lcnlilli.il liiiiil.in ii . io.
ONI Y f'lUST l'I.As (.il.tltS. i:il.wue M-nt
oil I'C'C.-ll.l ol ftl'tnil" for exin-rssiiao ,10 'ltu
only cimi-rn Willi It t-H ai nintnil .einrei' I't l. e-,
alltmlllL' III" llltyer llw """" l acoutlt la. If
IlilllillliiiHiri'r I'lM'H lo Hie wli.tli-iilu Iniyer.
rilMiinilre llll !.i,"l lel'ii-selilf.l: 11 liol Iniiutl
in nniln V relllinleil. (V - t-enl liy rMtrew or
frriuUt, MiilU tllVlk!0 111 eMiliinnlllon liel.no jlity-
l-.".'Qil!in-y siifffl, 1 lln-ni;o. 111.
yolnines w-ero pnreiiaseu ey vv imam UIH,thergreat advantage in early
Ileus hue. Among other valuable relics of " ... " . ..,
.., n,.!7,. ! ,u ,,mi,i cutting. 'Ihe liny tor milk and butter
Thomas Penn, engraved in U51 hy Martin, purposes is worth double that of the
ono of the pioneer copper plate engravers ol ordinary grade, says as good authority
this country, the drawing of the portrait us Hoard s Dairyman.
A ffllm v of Si l.t $:0 !'' wrelt tn (iOOi) A;
to repn'M'nc uc In fvrv .'..hmiv.hihI -H nr
iw ol .MiTt'h'inili-ein nvoi u t m t -ht i
TlMifK Him WANT 81KAOY l-'-M I'i.oV M e NT
APi'i.Y. 1 ui ii Utvriif tiii't imtilt'tuiirrt t-i'ut ou h
oiaiu..ior.xi.r.w. a k uri:N ,t i n
lSHQiltitcy Mivtl, l lei'tu". Ill
i in
riitlls tirKii'Maiul . HruiHi kcd aliowu aUive.
UurwNB K oil rilit nhouUiVr.
Mv CHltle ranne in Morniw and U urn ilia cu
li. 1 will paj IR.U) for I tie arrtt aud cuu
lotion of any ptrwn vtliii uiy itock.
? A SO S
Imltf pitlon, lUtlt)iime, llvntlnche, Ounaf I
patlun, ltpf'lu. t'hmiik' 1 Ivor TroiibUa
ltUthtomi, Huil Connlcltm, ly it'iit i ry .
IITi'iiaUi Itrciith, ami ult dUrU'irt ol' the
0 (iiitmui'hi l.i.fr ami llttwcl.
? Uiivinn TrtbitlcH ci't.t t'i nit!iirir-tt'ltirliHH to ?
X tin- iiu't ilflit'nii' iMiistitutioii. ri.'iwiiu Ui take, J
2 At', I'tlVi'liietl. illvo inmu-.iiait' l-t'lu 1 .
S,'lil liv ilruirirM. Aiiinl !.tt.v M-iit ly iuu.il 9
0 OH ittt'ipt o( l. ivnts. Atlili t'HB 9
if' Aiicniy for
j a I I I i.i
i v ni
(U.'ft luiri'.m ?,.i t
i:vm' pin-in ti..'ii
l ho pul'O' it; a iimii
O ' ' ' . P A T t N 1
CO-'ViCK CS, utu.
Ulitti'M'l; Wrifl' tri
ii ir iv, Si w oi;K.
, ,x i l-...ik-'.l b.'i...
boinfX by hh artist namoil Davis. This plate
U in llie posBssioii of John l. Schaum, who
xouHf8 all offers to permit impression
to be taken from it, fearing that it may b
kl or injured.
An Ort!nM r nil Diirliras
Fttrthelirst turn- sim-o her convex
sinn t.i tho ortlmUx faith 'imnd
Dnehess Sereins, of Russia, has lieei.
permmilU'd to vl.it her fatlier, the
;;raiid dulve of lJess-i;:rm .hull. TWu
conversion ereat -il a:i ir.imnso sensa
tion all t'.iroirvh l!u'-ope, for it was be
lieved that she had hem forced hy hor
hu: land t i n-nouneo the hit '.ieraii rived
It was only a question of m :n-y whijh
itnhieed the (j-.'.iiid duke toadontthi:
course, th e.ar havhrj issued a ukase
whereby any pr'me "-.s m:u'ried to a
Knssian p'and du'ce is d -h-rred from
rveeivhrr a state all va:i"e if he doet
not bolon;r to tlie (ireek ehuivli, and
Puke Sorbins would have been a lose I
had his wife refused to aha idon her rj
I, u rin'.i i in i'ti u
The new lake, form al in the heart ol
a Colorado desert, s "ins t bo sub
jeet to a sort of periodi -a I ebb and tide
l'p to the middle of .talvitrose at tlu
avera-ro rate of t'.nve huhes a day, then
subsidetl for two weeks at about tlu
same rate, nnd lias sineo slowly re
turned to its hi;;h i' level. A stniilai
phenomenon has Ii.tii now and thot
observed on the shores of Zirknit.'. lakt
iu the An.. trian provinee of ( arniola
A hn;:e eave, situated at the northwest
corner of the lake, forms an outlet foi
the over. low which occurs about onet
in four weeks, and is often followed bj
a decrease of nearly eirUt inches iu tin
Ivwei ol me main laUo.
Thi TlutU'it Are the lI'ipplMt,
The seeiet of success in life U tolcee
busy, to bo persevering, patient and ut
tiring in thtMnu'sUil or oulli"S 'ou ar
folhnviii?. The busy ones now and tho
maUe mistakes, but it is better to ris
these, than to bo kilo and inactive
Keep doinT, whether it bo at work c
sevlunfr recreation. Motion is life, an
tho busiest are the happiest. Hieerfu'
active labor is a hlessinj. An old phi
osophep says: "Tin lire-tlv only shin
when en the winjr; so is it with tb
mind; when onco wo rest wo uarkou."
A 4 i It V. A T TI ItNtU'r.
("hicRtfo Mail.
Nlri ami linttd.
Auiity Do you think this ck( is
I'he thick HteuiH of a rank growth of nie?
clover make it hard to rure by the; l.iMle Nioc (from n.ton) Ye. I
ordinary meant of exposure to the nun. fjwily Voyiii th fact that th propor-
Luiur iwfore theKe utt'ins are dnea unMonni' injirmm-nM ariMwti
That ih why it is jtm!.- Joid
Sbp T knew lnr intiine1y for mev
enil vt'rs and sji w her in evety oondi-
thnmKh the tender, thin leaves will be
Hhnveled np and brokeu off. This
ueeesHitates i-uriiig clover by heating
and with aa little utirrintf as possible,
and that only when freshly cut. Ameri
can Cultivator Maya that the beat way is ljol f nfH. she wnn delight ful
to follow the uutwerwUh the hay tedder t tf0Uitely without pemliariiieR.
with only Uk least interruption. Then . A m1 her she - Is it posslile? What
as stum as the leaveH have dried rake tle ' peculiar person she lmiKt lel Judge.
clover and pnt it in ein-k. It may seem i .
dry because the leaves will rustle, but I vhnwe r.
leaved twenty four hours or. if ueed be, I IMmllnir 1 read in the pnper bout
thirty-sis or flirty-eitflit. Then open and the Hn.ltntf of h culnahledoposttof wteel
it will be found moist inside. The ore in New Mexico.
moisture ha-M-onie from the stems, and ' Lark in-I Narrow- ihe next thin to
wheuthiK has dried off the hay will be he d.soover.si will be a bratw name in
cured snfflcieutly to o into the bara or Chicatfo.-l inry,
stack. The slight heatin which hay lAkt VttMttnM
thus gets not only does not injure it, but ( Husband-W hv do yon buv wicb a lot
ready makes it more palatable to stock. of tra(.h lvorv Vim ont?
Huse i heelcvUsare so polite.
I Wife Hi
They don't, m l h bn liUe you
it.-N. Y. WeeUty.
do about
Hay Cupx.
A Connecticut farmer, writing to
Hoard's Dairyman, saysr "When I think
of the amount of hay my cup have saved
me I do not ak myself whether they
have paid or not. Last year I bought
Home unbleached cotton two yards wide
and made a sheet wide and long enough
to protect a large stack of hay. It more
than paid for itself, and is tfood for
twenty years to come. It is a very
bandy tliimr to throw over a load in an
emergency. It w a gioti iamun m mc house. N. Y. Weekly.
it rather too large than tin) small. This ;
sheet was made with eyelet holes ill the Mainem-tic! itm.
Bides and euds iu which to tie strings Teacher--What is unknown quantity?
and cords. To these cords wetghta are Coal IValer's Son What you pet
attached to bold the sheets in place. when you buy a ten of coal.-Teiaa
Money In lIo. Sifting.
The outlook is that in the long run The outlook at present for money
there is more money in pig raising on making by rearing hor&cs on farm and
this Coast than in any other stock, ranch on this Coast is poor indeed. Es-
! 8emil)1e VmUi.
rerdita Oh. Ten., I'm going to marry
a nobleman.
Penelope That's nothing. I'm going
to marry a man Tmih.
INior ttlfc.
WinkaMinl has been aping Tery
rapidly during the pasi few years.
Jinks 1 es. be must be budding a
r in the
Hf inn niiv srliMittfi 1
Mi.av tHii.iinti' 1. iiiii'liiL.'1'ul
nmil slunil.l u- wirin'ut it. WttU;v, J.IMI
vuur; fl..t n nw, nils. Aditrts MUNN Jb CO,
l'UUUstisHA.1 BruttOwu, fw York.
U ir.are"did "i sh ?
Taere are yet thousands of acres of pecially so with any ot the lighter, more
mountain government land peculiarly common breeds and mongrels. So many;
adapted to pig breeding and growing street car lines run with cable andelec- ;
hogs for market. Of course the locality tricity has closed an immense market
should be carefully selected. The cool fur horses. Therefore nothing but the
mountain aud hill rauges near the coast, very bet should be bred. This raises
covered with oak, manzanita, berry the pertint-nt question, which is best?
plants and bushes, with good spring This depends upon the purpose for
water aud with plowable land euougu which tne horse is to be used. 5x far as
to raise grain to til them for market is the producer is concerned best means
I the one to select. lue t,ssex pig seems thoe that will bring tne most money ou
hv, e 1 to be good for this L oast, also tne ikik- the open market. inese are irotters,
Win lu you kuejtmr Hulmcriptioii jiHid up yei
onn k.'ep your bran J in freeuf clmrKe.
Ml n. T. .1 . Iihib. Or. H(iwh GO on left
hi'iiMcr; CiUli- nnw n b-fi hip, uihIit lut on
mlii fiir, itiiii upper bil on the lefi; raiigo, Mur
mw cuui ty.
Arin.tronti, J. ('.. Alpine, Or. T with hnr nn
ier ii uii left shouldur ol ho rut's; emtio hhiiip
m ltf hip,
Alliwm, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cuttle brand,
Oil on left tii Hinl horses HHine brand on riht
-ihoiiJder. Utilise KikIiI Able.
Adk itm.'IT. DHyville, Or- HtrniKht iiiHrk ncrost
lit thigh mid two cropH and a hJ it in ttierinlit ear;
li ii huh, j, upouie down on the right n1iou1(It.
tiMiige in (intiit uouuty and huar vallev. PU
uddroHH uJeo at HurdiiirUi.
AdkiiiH, J. J., Heppnur, Or, HoriieB, JA con
iivrteo oi ii- t Hnnk; ealtle. Wiinf on left hip.
A yens, Johnny, Luna, Dr. HorwH hraiMied
triangle un Ion hip; cattle Bame on rigln hip;
hIhi crop off rich i ar and uppnr hit on KiutiB.
HJylh, t'erry H., Heppi.ttr, or. Hoihi-b Uoinan
croHH oh righl uhouidor. liano in ftlorrow
I HlHukinmi. (ifo Hard n mi i, Or. Murne, a t)n.
I left pihoiililer: cm tie -tiniu ou right hIhuiIoVi
1 HiiiiiHtHr. J. W.. Ilikniiniin. Or. I'm tin brand-
ifl H on left hip Hiid (high: nnlit in ench nur.
lirt'iitipr. Pfter, tioi wherry Oregon Horses
brntided P H on left Bhouldor. (Jaltla tt.itue uii
right Hiue
liurke. M St C, Lome reek. Or On cattle,
MA Y contiooted on left hip, ciop off loft mr, un
der half crop off right. Uornen, Htntie hrHiid on
letfi shoulder, Umige in Grant and Morrow
count j.
liowHinari, A,, Mount Vernon and Burns, Or.
Cattle, A Hon right hip, two crops in each ear;
HHtne on hortu'8. on right h outlier. Hangy in
(iranl and llan.ey counties.
HroeniHii, Jerry. Itim, Or.- Hornet) branded 7
on righi Bhoulder; cattle B on the left aidt.
Left ear half crop and right ear upper nlop.
Barton, Win., heppner. Or. -ilornen, J B on
right thirf.i catUc oaiue ou right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown. Ina, Lexington, Or. Horse- IB on the
right h-tihe; cattle name on ritjlit nip; ronuu, Mor
niw coiuiiy.
Brown, J .P , Heppner. Or. -Hornet- and cattle
branded S wit1 ox-yoke ahoveou left shoulder.
Brown, J. ()., Heppner, )r. JlorueB, circle
( ' with Ooi in ter on I of l htu: uallle. hhhib.
Brown, W.J. , Lena, "regon. horscH W bur
over it, ou the Icit shoulder. Cattle tiunic on left
ooyer, w. U neppier. ur. norses, ooa
tirauil tc - hip cuttle, same, With split in
each ear.
tiorg, p. O., Heppner, Dr. Horses, r a on lert
shonlitt-r: nintle. wnine on left hip.
Hriiwnlee. W. J., t'ox.Dr- ( Httle, .IH oonnecied
on left side: crop on left ear and two splits and
middle p.ece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Ittmge in Fox valley.
Grant county,
CniD.ti., Caleb.Or.- Y I on hornet on left stifle;
U with uiiarler circle over il.oii lefl Hhouldcr,
and on left Btitic on all colts uialer SjearHjon
left nhouhter only on hIJ horses over ft years. All
range in Orant countv.
Clark, VVm. H. Le a. Or. Horses WHC con
nected. on lelt tliouloer: cattle hunie on right
hip. ha ge Jlorrow and (Jnitililln counties.
t'Htw, ('has. It.. Vinson or Lena Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right liii.
Hange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cochr.-n, Chan,, lone. Or.-Horses, HP con
nectfd ou left shoulder; cattle, C ou both left
hip ami Hlifie. Itnuge m 1M01 row county.
t annoii. J . B. .Long Creek, Or.--Ton cattleoi
right Hide, crop oft right ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on lefl shomder. Bange
in I rant county.
Cecil, VV m bought Or: h'Tws JC on lef
shonUh-r; ca tie same on lei l hip, waddles ou
each jaw and two b.ts in the Fight ear.
Curl, T. II., John buy. Or Itouh e cros- on
each hip tui caille, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear. unlit in left enr. hange iu Grant
county. Ou shutip, 11 verted uiiil hpeur pottii
on rtln.ulder. Ear markit-i ewes, crop ou left ear,
puuehed upper hit tn right. Wethers, crop oi
right and unoer half crop iu left ear All rang.
lit tiraiit couiilv.
Cook, A. J.,bena,Or. Horses. Wtoti rigtitsho.Ji
jei Cattle, same on r ghi hip: ear mark sipiar
ii'p ott left and split in riulit.
Curnn.lt V Currinsvihe, Or. -Horses. 50 on
left sunn.
Cochran, J il Monument. Or Horses branded
I 1 lit A ou iel'1 shoulder. Cattln, same iu righi
hip swallow fork in right ear anil crop ultl eft.
Coi k.d ti.. HarUtUHii, Dr. Cattle, U will
n ceniHi't horses. I 'k, on left 'tip.
Cochran, it. K., Monuiueut. tirant Co, Or.
Uorsef bianded circle with hai benealh, oil let)
-litiuider cattle r-auie brand on hoLh hips, murk
uider bh me both ears ami dewlap.
Cliapin, 11., Hanbuan. Or. Horses brandHti
on right tup. attle liraudetl (he name.
CroHB. b L, bayville. Or t utile branded iwo
erops aud a split in left ear; iii horses a
reversed 7, on left stifle. Also have Hie following
orandn on rattle: Ti on let thin, 7 on right hip,
Vi on left shoulder, two parallel bare on Idft
shoulder, Kar marks, two crupa.
bi'onan. win., ITeppner, Or. Horses branded
UO Willi bar over ttieui, on left shoulder; cut
tle same on left hip.
Douglass, W. ftt .Galloway, Or. Cattle, H Lon
ngiu Hide, sw low-fork in each ear; horses. K i)
on left hiu.
Douglas, O T., Douglas, Or Hurt-en TD on
the i ikIil stifle: cattle saute on right Itip.
Duncan. W .P., John Dsy.Or. Quarter circle
V on riglii shoulaer, buiuon liorses utiu cattle,
liange tirant county.
Driokell. W. fc... Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of u on left tmouidcr. Cattle name on
left side ot neck.
Li, J. B, JSl Huns, Douglas, Or. Horsee brand
ell r.Ll ot. lett shoulder, cattle HrtUie on left
hiu hole it riiflit eir.
E liot , Wasu., Heppner, Or. Diamoi d on
rignt i-hoUidiT.
flwk, Jacuson, Hepiner, Or. Horses, 71
connected o right shoulder; cuttle same on
rignt dip Ear untrk. hole iu right and crop
oil left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; Uoibi- V with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on
right stun Ide ; cattle. F on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Dr. GA1 on left
Gitiuau-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil. Ur. Horses, anchor ts on left shoulder: vent.
same on lefl stifle. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear uiarks. crop on right ear anu underbit in left.
liange in Gill nun. Grant, Crook a. d Mornw
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or --Horbe branded H.
. with a quarter circle over it, on lelt stitie
Bange in .Morrow aud (JuiatlilacuuiilieH.
GiltwHter, J.C., Prairie City, Gr.-On horses,
O -O on left shouldi r and stifle; ftittle, on right
thdf. Kalitf'- in inaot ccunli.
Hams. James. Hard man Ur. Horses shaded
2 on lef shoulder: cat tie same uu left hip. Uuuge
liiai.dahoui Hnnliuau.
Haes. Oeo.. Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
wnh quarter circl ovr it, on lea plmulder.
Hma A. B., Bulge, Or. tattle, rom.d-top
nith quarter circle ut der it on the right hip.
It ante in Morrow and Umatilla noun ties.
Hin ton A Jenkp, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two barb
on either hip: crop in rigdt ear and tplit m left.
Horses. J on right thigh. Bange in Grant county.
Hughes, tiamuel, Wagner, Ur T F L on right
shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear aud slit in left.
Kange in Haj stack district. .Uur. w county.
Hall Edwin. John Daj.Ur. Cattle fc Hon righi
hip; horses same on right shoulder, fangs in
Grant county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horam, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Hauge Morrow t o.
Hunsaker, B , Wagner, Or. Borses, tt on left
shoulder, ch tie, 9 on left hi; .
Hardisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon -ITorew, AH
itinn. cietl. on left shouider; t attle on tbe left
; ip. crop oft left er.
HuuiphrevR. 4 1 hi a rd man, Or.-Horee. H "r
le - nank
Hiatt, Woi. E., Ridge. Or. Hon branded
bur cross ut, lt-f l etiouioer: cat lie suuie ou left
Jenkins. D. W..Mt. Vernon.Or. J on horse on
left shoulder; o cattle. J 00 left hip and two
etwMtih crops on both earn. Bange in Fox aud
Bear vail -jS
Junkin. ti. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse,
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the earn a.
Uange on Eight Mile.
Johiisuu. Felix Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on
left m me; cattle, satne on right hip, under half
crop in rieht and solit in left ear
Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or. Horses hiard.vi
KNY on left hip cattle Burae and crop off Uft
ear: undT hne m ihe right
Kirk J T., Heppner. Or. Horses & on left
ehnulder: calt le, M mi lett hip.
Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either
Ah ok caitk H on right side.
Kirk Jesse, Heppner. Or.; horse 11 on left
eh"U der; cutile same on ight bide, underbit on
ngh: e-ir.
Kuuiberland.W. Q.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 I, on
cattle u right aud left sides, swadow fork in it ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses suuie
brand 01 , left shimlde-'. Kange in Grai t couutv.
Keeuny. bM, Heppner, Ur. - Horses .1 L and
aco of clubs on lett stitie. hange in Umatnia
aud ft orrow oonntiea
liCsley.M C, .Monument, Or A triangle J'witb
all hues extending p 1 1 odj of figure ou f hor
hchiiii lefl flhouldei-, ou cattle diamond ou left
shouhler. split iu righ . 4 . ut. it iu left ear
Ba"ge iti Grant county ar.cl u, . ttrttof Johu Uiu
l.nthey. J W. I'epner Or. Horws bun d -il L
nd A "ii h f' shoulder; ca't e-ameo le-t nip;
Witt r- ver ri.ht ey thit-eslisiu right enr.
Loftpn, Stepnen, 1 vi. Or. o L on letl hip
ou cattle, crop and spat on right ear. Horses
same brand on left shoulder, liange Grunt
LiieiiHHen.John W., I; ! " Or. Horses
branded hull-cucle JL cou nected on lert shoul
der. Cin tie. sain- on lei hip. Bange. near Lex
itmiton. "
Lord. George. Heppner. Or. -Horses branded
double 11 ctu necti oiuelimes called a
swing H. on ieft nhoulder.
Maxwell, M . 8 , Gooneburry Or.-- Ho'-hpb brand
ed loi g Jink on letl uli. uider; cattle, same on
lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in lelt ear.
Minor, Occur, Heppner or. Cattle, fli D on
rudn hip; horse M on lefl shoulder.
Morgan, ti. N., Heppner. Or. Horses. M )
tn h-n nlioiilii1- cuttle same on left hlo.
MeCuinber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. SI with
twr over 011 right shoulder.
ftiaun, B. B , Lena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ
on tight hip; young stuck, small zz uu left
Morgan, Thus., Heppner, Or. horses, circle
'1 on left nhoiuder and left thigh; cuttle, L on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Ocnr. lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; catue. 77 ou right side.
.net mien, D. G Brownsville, Or, Horses,
Figure .'mil each hoi. der. cattle. Wt on hio
McKeru.W.J. Mount Vertioii. Or XI ou ouule
oil right hip, crop iu right ear, half crop iu left
same liiHUij uu horst u oil left hi . Hauge iu Graut
JlcCar y, David Ii., Echo, Or. Horses branded
Du coiinecteil, on the lelt shoulder; cattle rame
on hip aud Hide.
fticGur, Fi'Hi.k, Fox Valley, Or. Mule hoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and undei in
each ear; ton sen Hame braud on left stitie.
Mclluiej, G. V., Hamilton, Ur. On Horses, 8
with hall circle under 011 left shoulder; 011 ('utile,
four bars connected on top uu die right side
Bange 111 Gram Couuiy.
Neal.Andrew, Lone Buck, Or, Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder: cattle same 011 both hips,
NordyKe, E., bilvertou. Or. Horses, circle 1 on
left thigl : ea tlb, same on loft hip.
Oliver, Joseph, i 'any on ity, Or. A 8 on cattle
on lefl hip: on horses, sumo on lefl tliigli. Uuuge
in tirant county
Oiler, I'erry. Lexington. Or. 1 O on lefl
Olp. Herman, t'mirie City, Or. On cattle, 0
Id' conned eu ou left hip; horses on left sulle
and wirueon none. Uunge in Grant county.
I'eai MUi, uiuve. Eight Mile. Or. IIoi'mob, quar
ter circle shielo on left shoulder aud 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in lef; tr. right cropped. 24
on left hip. Bang, on Eight Mile.
Parker Ot Gleason. Harduiuu.Or, Horses IP on
J' ti shoulder.
i iper. J. il., Lexington, Or. Horses, J FJ con
nected o lelt shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip.
under In in each ear.
Putberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand
ed wuha Bouiui cross on left shoulder; cattle
b landed with lb-man cross, bur at bottom, ou
lelt tup.
Pvttjs, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on
shoulder; entile, j it J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in tlie
Powell, John T., Dayville, Or Horses, .1 P con.
uec edoii lett shoulder. Caille OK uouueuted ou
left hip, two under half crops, one ou each ear,
wattle under throat. Uat gem liraiit county.
luckard, G. D., Canyon i ity. Or.--b i. on left
shouider, on horses only. B tUge Cmiyou creek
and Hear valley. Grant county.
Hoou. Andrew, liardinau. Or. Horses, square
cro- wnh quarter-circle over it on lett stitie.
Bellinger, Uiris, Ueppner, Or. Horses, C li on
letl ahuuiiit" .
Uice. l'an, Hurdman, Or.; horseB, three panel
woriufei.ee on lett shoulder; caille, DAM uu
right shoulder. Uuuge near tlttrdinun.
uuuio, v 111. Long i-rrtek, Ot. biaiidt- horses
U 01 right shoulder, hauge Grunt and Morro
com. ties. -
Uojbh, Aaron. Heppner, Or Ht rses, plain V on
.efl snouider; cattle, sauie brand reversed od '
right lop and crop oil righi ear. Uunge. in .Uor
row county.
ttUr.ii Bros,, Heppner, Or. Horses branded X
on Llie righ. shoulder; cattle, IS. ou ihe l.-ti nip
crop otl left ear and dewlap 011 neck. Hange il
.Uorrow and ailjoimng couiitie.
Bust, VSilliam, Penuleton, Or. Horses it on
left bhoiiloer; entile, It ou left hip, crop otl
tight eat, unuerbit on lelt ear. (Sheep. B on
weathers, louud crop ott ngh ear. Uunge Umu
tiliaund Moil owe uu ties,
beaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. lloraei
urunded A B ou right shoulder, vent quartei
circle over braud; cuttle same uu right lap.
Uiu.ge Morrow county.
Boy He, Win. H, Dairyville, Or H B connected
wan quarier cirele over lop on cattle on right hip
anu crop oil right ear and split ui left. Horses
siime brui.d on lefl shoulder. Uunge iu Morrow,
iiiani and tiiliiaiu uoui.tmn.
Uiiter. J F, Hiuer, Or Three parallel ban
wan bur over ou horses ou iell hip; on entile, lefl
niue two HiiiiMitli crops, two splits iu each ebi.
uunge in Middle Fora of Johu Day.
iiucLw. j , VV., Uuppuer, Or. Horses. JC 01
lull shoulder. Cuitie, u 'ti right hip.
M)icknall. J. W.. Gooseherrv. Or. Horses
branded -.1 on left sh uider; lunge iu Morrow
.pmj, J, JJ ., Heppner, Ur. Horses braudou ti
contieciuu 1 nglil shoulder; cuttle same ou bolt
bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on iclt shoulder; cuttle same on left hip
ftwutfgar , l. P., Liexiuglou, Or.-Horses a
wnh dash under il ou lef. stifle cuttle H with
unoer it on right hip, crop on right ear and
wuodied ou right in iid leg. Uuuge 111 Morrow,
(jiiiiumand uiuutiiiu couuites.
fw..ggarl, A u., Ela. Ur. Horses b ramie ' i
u it'll niiouider; ceitle same 011 left hip. Clot
on eat, wattle ou lelt lund leg.
hliuighi VV. L., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
j & uu le. otl llw, cuttle J 9 on left hip, swallow
lork in ngh ear, unuerbit 111 lett.
atipp. ihuo., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on
iell nip; 1'Hin r-umeouietl hip.
Mdilz. James, Long reek. Or. HoiKes. 3 on
Iell sUtle auu over 'L on iell sin ulder.
fthrier.joliu, Fox, Or. NO .onnected on
iiorseson right hip; cattle, same ou right hip,
crop otl right ear and under bit tn left ear. Bange
m lirant county.
Smith Bios.. fcusnvile. Or. Hon-ep, brat ded
H. Z. o 1 so. -ulder; ca t e, atue ou lef t shoulder.
bquires, James, Ailiuniou, Or.; horses branded
JHi-u let! snouioer; cat le the same, also nose
wm.dle. Hiu, ge in Morrow aud oUuam co nties.
tjtephetis. V. A., llsidiuau. Or-; liorses 8d on
ngiiL stifle; cuuleh nzontul L on die 1 ight side
oievenson, Alt A. J,, tieppin r, Or. I, utile, d
ou righi m ; owallow-tork iu left ear.
bwuggart. G. W Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
letl Miomo. : cattle. 44 on left hip.
blone. Ira. Hi-kl. tun, Wash, Horses, keystone
uu lelt shoulder.
ftuiuii, c Lione Buck, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on leb shoulder; cattle same uu
lelt side, liange, Uillium couuty.
bpeiry, L. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
leit nip, crop off rignt and underbu in lefl year,
dewiup; lioises l on let l shoulder.
Ihuuipsoh, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, 5 on
letl nhotiit, r; cattle, L un left shoulder.
lip, eus.Ei.'l.tha eipnse,Or. lioibes, I -on lefl
luiucrK. W Heppner. Or. -Small capital T
lelt shouldei hort.es; cuttle same ou left hip
wnh spin in boil- ears.
Ituruion, H. il.. loue, Or.-florses branded
H I connected 011 lelt stifle; sheep same braud.
Vunderpwd, H.T., Una, Or; Horses HV con
nected on right shouuier;cuitie, same ou rmht
Walbridte, Win.. Heppner. Or. Horses. U. L.
on the leit snou de. j cane same ou . igh hip.
ci op utl left eat and right t ar lOpped.
Wi.son.Johu y,. balein or Heppner, Or.
Huises branded Jy uu llie left shomder. Uuge
Morrow county.
Varrou. W B. Caleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter
circle over it, ou left side, split iu right ear.
lioises same bra-.d ou letl shoulder. BaUgelO
Giuul couuty
Hayes. J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
ti; tfti should" cal ( le. sMiue on right hip.
lv. Alfred. I'UM Crek. Or at Me 1 Don
riifhi hip, cropotl lett ear and hit in right. Homes
same bindid uu left shouider, Bange n Grant
wr P C Tluimna .11 Jfe ti's stand and the nhive Hud Black Poland China, but Ultf ruunvrs, couca aud heavy dluft Uor3, ; Husiou. I.uther. Kihi Mile, !r.-Horse H
" l u " i . ' . ! Urt U hardly w good . huatler. I Lt the rub beeUmin.ted. 1 fc ftE?
place for burgnuis.
Wood, F L, Dayville. Or Heart on horses tm
(eft si die; on cattle. -j on left side auu under bit
in left ear. itange in Urant county.
right, hiluf A Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
b VV uu tne right hip. square crop on right oar
and spl tin lelt.
Wallace. Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Bquareon
cattle on the left hip. upper slope hi he left
ear and under slope iu right ear. a uie brand
in ImrMviiii rinht shoulder, lutlige in Haruef
and Grant countv.
Wade. Henry, Heipner, Or. Horses bianded
ace of sptuies un le.t shoulder and left hip.
t attle brandev' same on left side and left hip.
W ells. A. 8., Heppner, Ur. Hursee. 08 on left
shoulder: can e sauie.
Woitiuger, John, John Hay City Or On horn
three parallel bars ou left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit m both ears. Kange in Grant and Malhaer
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UP
connected on lef t shoulder.
Watkins, Liehe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded!
tr connect) on left ctifle.
Wallace, i liaries, Hortignd, Or. 1 'attle. W om
richt ih.gii, hoi in left ear; horses, W on right
ftionluer. wim saiiieoii left shoulder.
Whlllier Bros.. DtVWMv. Hun.m unnntr I ir -
. Hr-er. hrntideit ft H eoi.n ten o, tvft r.i.-niitT
J Williams. Yhco. Bainiltmi.or. Quarter cir
cle over thret- bai ot left hip, both cat lie uj-d
j Ir r-es. lianee (inuii county.
i W ilitanis. J O. Umg Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three Iwrs on left flip; cattle wwne
noii iii tn o-h r Kamf n OrHiii romv.
I Wtt-rt. A. A., eppner. tr. Horses ruunii.s A A
; on shoulder; Came, same on ruchi hiu.
CuUlioung. J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. HoneabraaM
lie tune o& left tup. Bangs in klorruw oooaiy. T b on fche right klU.