Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 06, 1892, Image 3

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npH'WK desiring the insertion of display arts.,
1 ur change ot' --ame, must et their copy in
not hvicr limit Monday evening for Tllestlay'B
edition, or 'lhurlay eveniiiK for Fridays edi
tion, illfi ATTkHSON PUULicHlNtiCO.
Nothing L'CTA 'ocbb. As our down
town reinrier tins oocul itiug Hiomid on
oueof his uootitniHl tnUM recently, be
whs greatly BlaMled by bearing nnenrilily
B(trtHtn "f "Fir!" ''Vlnnli-r !" "Jiini'i!"
"iiun !" etc, mm the home be happeued
to lie (jaFBiuif. laiHiiioe Lib nurpriMe on
rueliititf iuto the boune to fee two femin-
1. The sum of five cents ter line will be inn tnrnia hiia mnw-rl with n hro m and
charged for "cards of tbanks. ' "resolutions of , n .1 a hi niakinir handsome
rraiwt,".Hsuof neddlne presents and donors, ",e 'er 8 nremoVel. IllHItlliK nanusouie
and obitnarj notices, (other than those the editr Beveu font leHpe fl(im I'batta to Kettee,
or st all liin. sell Kie as a matter of nes.) and thence to the bed, and then attain around
noncesot special meetings or wnaiever purpose. , , . )n HKkinu ..,.. it mHllnt. t,Pv
exclaimed, "Mnniei I"' "Murder!" StT'
Mud thru bin atteuliiin w8 attracted b
Notices ol chnreh and Bocietv and all other
ciiivi iiMiui.eius iioni w lurii icenue in lu ue ue-
rived, binill lie cliHryed for at the rate of live '
ceiiiB a line, llase n.les will be sliiclly adher
ed lo in ecry iiistance.
Ad enisinii rales reasonable and made known
upon application
Give your business to Heppnerpeop e,
and tlicrejore ussist to build vp Hep
iter, fatronize those wlio patronize
Here ana There.
08 aw
T. W Aprt Jr., for ilms.
Di. ti. F. VhukIihh, deiitiht.
Iiiya s Tabulcs : for torpid liver.
, lUl'TS PILLS buuiBh biliousness.
Al. Lnveureu wan iu Iroin Einbt Mile
Ford, the painter, still "ia it." For
hiiv titud of win k Bee biiii. 81 -t f.
61 It
Whi n in Arlington, stop at
liett house, near Ihedeiot.
J. W. Bannister and E. A Chapel
iteie Unttti Iriiui Huidmiui cjnndiiv.
Lee Kilhnnnit) and Jake J o ti t.ei ill were
in Iroui the lioom-berry uountry jeater
day. Mi Letui Parker, dressmaker, will
BiiiiiHiitee yon a guod fit liive her a
trial. 4 tt
George Sperry, James Depuy aid Joe
Willn.uia are bailiffs tor the pteseut term
ol com t.
Flunk Holland, the well known farmer
wbo lit us heluw Lexiugtuu, was iu town
Bob' Shaw is out in GraDt lookinsr up
some catile wbtcb be will deliver at Feu
dlelou ibis (all,
i up . ltniiUH & Bun still sbne hursts
and do general blackswithiug at the old
sianil iViiit.ouk corner. &.
' The Parlor,'' W. F. Ruark, prop., in
tlit City hotel, west aide ot Mam street.
NeateM place in tleppner. sw
J.W. t-pii knall, i f Oombi berry, is ii
utlei dii'k! uniiit . He will sow '2UU uoies
of rnu.tuel'llilli w ibis tall.
In Ibis mane we take pleasure in eiv-
ina space to the m w ad. of Uilliam &
jbihlii e. I lie hard wale tnetobauts.
Mih, Jndj M.tchell leaves tomorrow
for Unzvilie, where she will viait her sou
ami Mile, Air. and Mis. Cuas. iVlilobell.
Mr. J. F. Miller and wife, ol Motm
meni, uiio speut BeVeral das laat wetk
iu llipuei, letumed borne Saturday
lliyn ketclium whiskers. Hatt &
Mailietts, at the city barber shop the
place to uel u tirtst-ciauB ubave, hair-out
oi hhtinipou. tf.
F. K. Seeley, special agent of the
Home ai.d I'Loei.ix luhurauoi Gompainew,
ret mil tt la VV alia Walla, was in Hepp
lier early this week.
Piosecutiui; Aituruey W. H. Wilson
and Auotuey U.S. W tlaoli, both ot The
Diu'Ifb, ci me up laat uiijbt, in look alter
Circuit com t mailers.
Charles Wnguer returned from The
Dalles Friday tVeiiit g, accompanied by
Cbailta beeier. ol Monm'UtU, who will
rotuniu with bun a lew dius.
J rrj Kuuau, editor of the Rogue Riv
(r d uller, lb uoing well dowu iu that
stciiou So report Monow conutyiteg
who vitiied Graui's Pass reomtly.
Win. Blair departed S-tturday for La
Qihiide, wueie be has a position with
Ihe Pui-itlo Const JiitVutoi Co. He will
likeii li.cute in thai section of country.
Sullivan ill do Coibett up in a very
few toiind", beCnue Co i belt baa been
say mis tli..t ibe City hotel sbaviuu par
Iuib hub I lie " bum" shop ol Hi ppuer, tf
Ptunder'i Oregon Blood Puiltier iB the
gtenl lonqueiei ol Billiousuess aud Liv
er Oi mph.mt. Relief eeitiuti in eveiy
Onoe. hold at One Dollar a bottle. Trv it.
Alki) Crablree and little daughters,
Mitres Euoh and Elbel, were In Heppuer
Bniindny. Mits Ktbel is speudiug this
wetk wiiu ber Dialer, Mrs. J. V. Hamil
JJewer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Joues, the baber, wants to see
his old mends (here. Batbs iu connec
tion. All humors of the scalp, tetter sores,
Bi audi off cured, i.ud talliug bun
ehi ck it; hence, baldness pieeuted by
using Uuii'it Vegetable Sioiliuu Hair Ke
nt Wer.
Ciuiil. a fl. M;ers, of Vinson, waa iu
Bhiuiiiny toDitiki fiusl proi fidihis I ome
Siend neai Lena. .1. e Luckman and
Jul in. y Waddell accompanied lira as
Turner. EdwanTs and MoCarty made a
twenl rtHs' inn with then threi-her this
...r. I nt nl cea they charged
the j l), 8 the yield was too light to have
done otherwise.
Mr. and rs. Haivey Rust, and Mrp.
H. Miwr, "I Bl" mingf t., Illinois, arnved
uu-i.iiiu on a visit tu relatives here.
Al th Rust and Mis. HoUi-er tire sisters ot
Airs. Mini', ol this place.
R.'v. Hmmblet left veslprday for B
Blunt Bta iiii Ins lnmil.at Ein. Or.
Howivir", he ltiieiuls reitirtiiiig Stan,
v hen he will liKelj remain permanently
wiih in-; in this event be will brtua his
fniily wi'h h.m.
B h Shaw had killed beluw Pendleton,
laat Fehruar, by the eais, a lot of stall
fed beeves, and being uniible to get a set
tlement he b ought suit ncenlly. The
rail 'o n! compauy "anted". up immediately
8-137 Git, mid it "ti" dismissed..
Conductor French is "kicking." No
one d. nbts his tiwht to rxeroiae- Ibis
gieat Aiueiicati pnvilege His comiiany
baa given him a h. i car for bis bagage
Hud express, aim ue is miming mr m
car built for the road at any rate it
looks like it.
Jnn. F. Davis, who tnnaht in this
OuniitJ la-r winter Hud spring, returned
finiu a visit witli his parents, in Mnon
oollnl, last Fndav evening, leaviagHat
nrr.ny tilteitioou for Suford canyon,
wheie lie had secured a positii as teach
er of the Sauford oauyou school.
EiiBt O'egnuian: A. Vinson, of Niles &
Vmson. ihe successful stone cutters of
V..iIh, Walls, IB in the city in the inter
ea' nf his firm. Mr. Vinson sayr there is
now being completed at the marblesbops
a InrKe aud beautiful monument for the
late J-mes H Turner ot Pendleton.
Among he old veterans, visitors tn
Flf ppner last Saturday, onr reporter no
ticed thf presence of J. F. Willis, George
Smith. J. L. Dimpman, Foster Adams,
I-aHrown. See Diiskell. W. C. Owens,
Mr. McMillan. C. U Bonne, A. G Bar
tholomew, A. J. Stevenson and Dau Gal
Sim'Worgan ard Clyde Snling r-nme
down fro n the niountiitus o iiurn
,..r,o he- tltev havp la en mHim
f.ifiiirtug cord wood by tbe wholesale.
Knni hb ihey are bating many dances
,. ii,rV. al.l.-n he and Clvde always at
in, .nuh thev iteneraily take a b ck
a tittle mouse, half suared to death from
fright, tailing i ver himst If to get across
the tl Hir as Ihongli he waa tiytng to beat
the lime made by Nancy Hanks. Aifain
these ladies started around tbe room,
five screams tu the leap, and then, oar re
p rter cnnndenlially whispered toustbal
exactly folly tivcleet of pure Bilk hosieiy,
by ue as lire, was exhibited. Of course
our in it questions were, ho was V V
and "tt htr- was h?" Out nothing would
tempt h.m lo reveal this part of it Alter
calmly dispatching tbe in use be pro
ceeded on his round, congratulating him
self oc bis bravery.
O range Blossoms. .Married n the
resnlmoei'f VV. J. UicAtee, Suuday, Sept.
4, 1892. Bt IjjU p. m , iVir. Charles Wheel
er, ot Monmniiih, Or , and Miss Lena
MeAtee, ot P. udieloti. Or., Father La
May i ilieiatiuu. Shortly alter the wed
ding ceremonies:, which weie very appro
piiMe, the bride aud groom, togetiier
with the relatives of the family, who
were present, weie invited out to an ele
gant diuuer prepared hi d served under
tbe supervision of Mrs. W . J McA'ee, to
which all did credit. The bnoe hag
many acqii-.tutaiices iu tbis otty, having
resided here for several years, tin. null
for some time siuce h real lei t of Pendle
ton. The groom, Mr. Wneeler. iB in tbe
mercantile business iu tVioumouth, Or,
where be is well and favorably known,
i lie happy couple lelt yesle'day mnru
ing for Mo mouth, where they will re
side. The Uizette extends congratula
tions mid wishes them a long and pros
perous life.
Ketch 'em ere they Fade.
Wounded in The Ritrht Arm,"
While Huntiinj.
. t'l.AM
hns j'ist removed from Milton and located permanent
ly in the t.irlm'iuhiil Hnihiing, opiauite City ilolel.
To examine ii is nor means an order.
What a JiFifuitKNOB 1 J ust to see w bat
a difference papering and painting will
make, one should no over lo the court
House aud carefully look around, and
nine chances to leu you'll forget where
you ure. Or should you be taken iu
thtre bliiidlolded, tbeie is no question
hut lhat )i.u would be Completely lost
1 he hni'hiiig loucb on this building, in
tbe way ol pupeiiiig, painting and grain
ing, is the ai italic wink m MeseiS. Dasey
& html mini. These gentlemen ale artiste
vnl) the tun -I), as one can plainly see b
closely examining their gunning at tbe
conn house and n eir woi k at Ayers &
Cohu's drug stole, ooiibi quetitly the Ga
zette baa no In Bittii.t y in recommending
them tu ail who desire strtully first grade
work. In the event that you desire any
woik iu this line, it would be to junr in
brest to ei lis ii 1 1 with these gentlemen
before cujtrnotnig.
Tbr Abtfma.1 VVn,n Tested. The ar
tesian wed, liom which it was thought a
snUicient suppiy of w aler for the watet
winks could be gotten, was given a tbor
i.ngh test Sunday afternoon. A six inch
pump, with a capacity of 250,0tl0 gallons
per day, was pnl in the well, atcet its be
ing easeo 60 feet down, and started at a
72 ObO gallons-a day rate. Standing this
test, it whs increased tn a Hl uOOgnlliiua
rate, aud last to a 216.UL0 gallons rate,
which fist it stood to the surprise of
many of tbe doubtful persous. Tins test
convinced the company that the supply
of water there is sufficient for Heppui r's
d. maud, though another well may be
sui k to insuie a supply tqnal tunny
tmergenoy. The test on the well prov
ing saltslactory, ivir. Gates left yeBterday
uioiuing fur Portland, w here he will at
once place the orders for material for the
ebo ric lights and wateiworks.
G. A R. Loings ou last Saturday
the G. A- R hoys and the citizens ap
point! d to confer with then), met in the
law i Itii e of Fiank Kelh gg tn complete
he preliminary arraugemeuis for holding
a osm fiie, the date of which wis set
lor Out. 21, 'W2, and hicb will without
diiubt, be in conjunction with the Ou
luinbiHU school cih biation which takes
pi. oe on that date. The iollowing com
uiillee was sppoi ted with instructions
lo appoint all other necessary commit
tees: Frauk Kellogg, Ed. R Bishop, Gen.
Couser, H' nier McFnrland aud Ons Pat
terson. Tbe oamptire will likely last two
days or moie, snd with the aid ot the
sohools, should have an interesting pro
gram. 'Ihe races taking plaoe at ibis
juncture, we will certainly have attractions
enough for one time. Other posts of
Eastern Oregon are expected here on
that occasion.
Wedding Bulls On Sunday evening,
Sept, 2aih, at the Bi ker HutiRe parlors,
Mr A. F. MoCnweii.tif Portland, and
Miss Oairie W no X, of C.iirriusvtlle, were
married. Hie Rev. J. F. Stewatt perform
mg tbe ceremony. Mr. McCoweu has
been engaged iu the mercantile business
on the Easi Side, sud hue a host ol friends.
The lianp) couple bave gone to house
keepii g in the riioins over the store on
Ea t Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
Donald H. Smith, w ho is connected
Willi ihe C. B. and Q ftice iu Puitland,
was shot last Thtiisiiay uight by Fred
Baidie. Smith, who is a married man,
wa very attentive tn Baldie's nineteen-year-old
sister, which was quite ohjec
iiimable to Fred, as it was to the whole
family, and led toihe shooting. Smith
whs shot iu tbe head, but will likely re
cover. Another Accident. A young fellow '.
hy ihe name of M.ick Smith, while work
ii g in the limber up in th-1 mountains:
last w, ek, met wiih an accident which
though uot serious, is quite ptinful.
W hile assisting iu felling trees, bis axe
caught on a limb above bis head, throw
ing it in such a way that it struck his
knee, cutting a slight gash, laming him
for some lime.
Supposed Inckndiahihm. A week ago
last Saturday tnubt, tne granary and
sheds ailj u eut, belonging to Fiank Hoi
land weie entirely destroyed bv fire. A
lot of machinery and a few hundred bush
els of Inst yeai's wheat went up in smoke,
on which there was no insurance. Loss.
BtUO. It is so pi need tu be a case of in
cendiarism. Dei.mowco. B. F. Pei kins has lately
opened up the restaurant in tbe i.ichten
thnl building, which he has named tbe
llelmnniio. None but white cooks are
employed, and the public can therefore
ret a good, old fashioned meal, cooked
in the best nf style. Prioe, 25 cents;
beds, 25 cenf. 509-t-tf
Nsw Dressmakkb. Miss Letha Par
tor inat from the St. ha opened dress
mnkii.i? narlors over Mrs. W. A John-
Special to the Gazette.
Arlington, Sept, 6 While hunting
witb a paity six miles east of Willows
this mointug, A. A. Jayne, the well
kunwu attorney, of Arlington, acciden
tally shot himself tbrnugb the right fore
arm. He was oarriad to Willows by his
companions, and was conveyed from
thence home bv the Heppner train. Pr.
Geiaend .rfer is iu attendance, and is do
ing all be can for the sufferer, wLo will
likely lose bis arm.
A Andrews was dowu from Alpine
Joe Luckman, of Lena, was in Hepp
ner Saturday.
Gilbert D. Coats, of Eight Mile, was in
Heppner Saturday.
A. G. Bartholomew is again able to be
out witb tbe fruit waguu.
Geo. Conser and wife spent Sunday
wttii 1. Ilea creek relatives.
Uncle TniiniBs Sott has resigned as
postmaster over at Galloway.
Ex Representative J. 0. Thomson was
up from Ijexingtou Saturday.
Staucy Roberts and E. B Stanton
were in fiotn Eight Mile yesterday.
Frank MoFarland left Saturday mum
ing for Portland aud Hood River.
August Almo, a tailor from Port'and,
ia now working for A. Abrahamsick.
When you want a nurse yon want a
good one. Get Mrs. A. J. Stevenson.
ChI Robinson was over Sunday from
Lone Rock for freight, returuiug yester
day. las. U. Hamilton returned from a few
days' trip in the oonntry last Friday
Low TillBtd. brother of Will and Andy
Titian, of this couuty, was over from
Pendleton Saturday.
Mrs. Anna Crump moved In from her
ranch Saturdav, iu order to place ber
cbildieti in school bete.
The looal ad of Mrs. A.J. Stevenson,
one nf Morrow county's most expeii
snced nurses, appears in this issue.
Antelope Her . Id: Oir friend T. K.
Roberts and J. B. Manning, of Heppner,
are sojourning at Antelupe tbis week.
Dan Osmers whs with bin family iid iu
Ihe muiiuiaitis sevetal da.ta last week,
where be reports them having a pleasant
Mrs. A. J. Stevensnn is prepared to d"
all kinds of nuising. Call at tier hon e
in north Heppner, or address her at this
place. 0I it
J. W Vimghan came up Sunday from
Lexington, wheie he is located in the
merchandising establishment of Wm.
Mrs. W. B. Letoher, of Portland,
OHtne no FiidBy evening and is uow
visiting her brother, Hick Matthews, of
this oity
W. B. Fowler and Andrew Pedernon
leae soou for Grant ooutuy on a plmto-
uraphio tour. They also intend travel
iug on east.
Mrs. James McHaley and her niece,
Miss Pearl Hobsou, left this morning tor
an extended visit with relatives in Man.
on couuty.
Dave McAfee left Saturday morning
for Portland to attend the fall races a'
the City View park, which are in prog
tess this week.
Billy Barrett was in Heppner Saturday.
Billy reports bis sheep as doing very
well in the ninnntniiis, though the range
is getting rather close.
Judge W. L. Bradehaw onme up from
The Dalles Saturday eveniug, to take
charge of the circuit court which con
vened yesterday morning.
Miss Belle Thomas returned from her
visit in Ihe valley last Friday evening.
(Miss Thomas will soon begin teaching
school over in Sand Hollow.
Hon. John T. Fogarty, surveyor of the
port of San Franoisoo during Cleveland's
administration, Hiid a leading democratic
polttioan of California, is in tbe citv.
Towns Matthews oame down from his
sheep camp in tbe Blues last week, where
he reports range very scarce indeed; in
faot closer than has been experienced for
some years.
Arch-bishop Gross came up to Hepp
ner Saturday evening, assisting the
priet in the services at the Catholic
church Sunday. The sermon delivered
bv the Arch-bishop wns a very interest
ing one.
Wasco Sun: Mr. Charles Wagner ami
wife, of Hepiiner, visited The L) dies las'
wek. Mr. Wagner was formerly a
km. ht of the brahewheel on Third dis
Iricf but gave up train work to take a
position at Heppner,
T.J Carl, the lone posimaster. came
up on Friday evening's trtuu, returiiin.
Saturday morning. While here, Mr
Carl tells us that lone will soon bave
their new school house completed. This
is quite au addition to lone.
Many people, not aw are nf the dangers-
ii constipation, negieot t tie proper rent-
edv till the habit lieoomes chronic, m
liiflamation or stoppage results. A dose
i .1 two of AVer's Pills in the begiuuing
would have prevented all this.
The only radical cure for rheumatism
is to eliminate from the blood the HCid
that causes the disease. This is thor
oughly i ffi'cted by Ihe perseveiing use of
Acer's SarBaparilla. Persist until cared,
l iie process may be slow, but the result
is . tire.
C.mdon Globe: John C. Meek and
sister, Miss Emma Meek, went over to
Heppner Thursday to visit their sister,
Mrs. Wm. S'Tivner. Miss Meek will
leave next week for Quiticy, III., where
she exnects to take a course in tbe Gem
City Business College.
Rev. P. M. Bell preached a very in
teresting farewell sermou las Sunday
evening Mr. Bell leaves tin orrow
morning for Dayton, where he will visit
a short time, lining from there to Palouse
oity to attend oimferetice After this Mr.
Bell leaves for iff, old home at Lynch
bnig, Virginia, wbere he will visit for
a year. W hile here Rev. Bell has made
a hot nf friends who will regret bis de
parture. T. R- Howard sceompanied his daugh
ter Ollte. and Miss Kaln Quatd down to
The Dalles Friday morning, returning
Saturday evening The young ladies
will remain iu school there for a year.
Tom thinks business is comparatively
kffer their Enlire Stock, consisting of Remnants of Dry Goods,
Clolhinn, Hats and Cups, Boots. Shoes, Grnceriis, r'snoy
GoiUs, Hardware, etc. , S riot ly for CASH ONLY, and at prioes that
willO EN 0'JR EYES. C 11 early and avoid the rush Thi8
stock of tiooi'e miia' be positively sold by December 15'h, 1892, as
we will then retire from business. No goods will be exehnuged.
V ' v ' if
Rustlers !
ijsx s sr. r jr
For Trade at the Head of the Procession
With the Right Swing and
We Propose to
Catch That Maverick, 0
PionEBi Briss: stars - Ii street law.
stoi.'s, where she is prepared to do all j M,er jrj TnB parg tbau in Heppner.
kinds of dressmaking in latest
aud at teasonable rates.
a MilliciD Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
and not less ihsn one million people bave
found just snob a friend in Dr. King's
n...u,an.v (,., n,,nalimntil)R. ConirltS
and did- -If von have t ever used this fteffer, than anv 81 0(1 map yet made; 7
there being three times tba population.
while be ns-erts that there is five times
as much business transacted there as in
Pocket map of Washington, Oregon,
Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming five
States in one cover handaomertbandier
nme ' trreat cough medicine, one trial "ill con-1 colors; in strong cover; aH connues. riv
'.lav ! vines on liiat it has womterful cti'alive !ers, railnud", post ofhos. Correct to
i power's in all di-ease nf throat, chest date. AIo maps of all Hmtes in bhiiib
and lungs Each b. ttle is gnarau'eerl tn at) le. Anenis wanie.i. r.i'n "' nu
do all that w claimed or nioiiev will he ! girls make money Tast. We mail "gents
refin ried Trial bottles free at Sloonm-1 any sample wanted on rec-tpt of 2o cents
Johnston Iug Co.'a- Large bot lies 5uo i each. Address Tbe Mattuews-inortbtip
leno, iiiimjk" ' , ,. I t si i Uo,. HnriaiO, 21. X. s w
eat, much to toe regret ot the ladle J and $1. I
I) 101)
in 11
P. riv
Hardwares linware
Heppner, Or.
Wanted to trade
for Sheep.
The Frishy Dollar, In all lines of
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
Round up Bargains
Like Yours Respectfully. We are here for buBi'neHa from the
grouud up and propose to let j ou know it.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on Short Notice and at Pophlar Phickb.
BfcaF Bread 22 Loaves for $1,00.
riwelvt3! and one-half neres of Splendid Fniltnnd
J. Gjmlen laud, about fiicl.t or nirm hitch uf
same In bearing fruit trees, ernnvljen'ii'H. black
berricH, etc. ; nhniidniice of warr fur lii'intiini
and lunific ii8e in all schhihih; of a mile from
court house in Wtilla U& eil'y; an excellent in
. vestment iind Hpleinlid place for a home. I lure ifi
", Bplcndidlv improved ami in higlit'ht state of culti
vation ; alsn would trade lor fshceii ISO acres wheat
farm In I ' mati) l.t conn ty. Oregon ; in heavy, black
loam Kitil. itliuipilance nt' fiood water; enpnble of
producing :i0 bushel of wheat jut acre; ell im
proved, one mile irom railroad station and eanilv
aecessii h; to Ailiena. Or will trade ItJt) to 1,1.00
acres improved farm land on Kurt ka Flat . in
Any rune will pay cash dillVrenee If due. Apply
in person or by letter. Acidivss
H. S. Jackson, Walla Walla.
Box 527. J8
isi innisMnsui - - .
Prevention better than Cure !
n y
InilorfiieiiientM i
Cooper Dip is nflcd and endorsed by the following Oregon and Montana nhecprnrm: W. B.
PnriHldnon, I)(tvville; VV. s. jfe, .luiictinn City; John IlarrlKon, Matucy; (ico, Och, Ainnnda;
Kenneth Mcliae, havville: Joe ' diver. Joho hay; J. W, Hvcr, c.w l-inbou; I'. f. Moult?, Hen-ail;
Cook A Clark. Phllhmok; Kairdiild & Me.rraig, lup(iyer; K. It. Warren, i'tlca; HuhcIi Hn.,
(jew intoii ; K. '.Chandler. Mitidcf; ,1 ii i ruchberg, (diutcau ; II. h. IIai.ings, Ubet; James Kdie,
Olllon; W. Norton, Stewart; A. Oo.vuie. iiig wiiidy.
Grain Sacks
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
Aiv Htill alive and Mdiing for trade w ith a complete line of
riv ... fl
ii ii
Guns and Aniiminition, Sewing
Mael lines, lAirm I mplemeiits.
. 1
i f i.i ii ii ii. 1 1 1 1 1 ii ii ii 1 1 1 lit i ii 1 1 ii i ii it i iu i i,i i
SllAI X 1 1 Wt Vt, 1 J Ii 1 1 V
The Cheapest and I'd Dip ever made. Soli Everywhere
uiiu iiwi m) it ii iiiuuu v
Ash Your Merchant for Coopers and Jake to Other.
Gen. AgtH. fur Oregon, WaHjiimfton and Weht';i u Idalio.
The undersigned has a
choice lot of Oxford
Grade Bucks for sale
at reasonable prices,
at his ranch, 7 miles
of Pilot Rock.
Also GentH' FunilMhlnp (ionds, iind the lniKent UHHOrtmcut
of Tens In KaMturti Urcgou,
Special Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto: We Won't Be Undersold,
tf. Corner Main and Willow HtreciU, Heppner Or.
VV. J. L,y.KH, Prop,
rilHIS HOSTELIiY hns been Rkfittsd and Kkfoniwiku tlirnnghnnt, bdc! now
is one of the most inviliiiK jliicea in lii'ppner. Mr. Lepzer invites you to stop
with bin), feelirjg tbat he is able lo enlertnin yon in the best of style.
First Class House. Reasonable Rates.
J. JE. SAXIXII, JLilot Roolc, Or.
For Fruit has Arrived and we
are in the business to supply you
ICO C3x20uXO.
I about ripe. We will let you
know about that in tho near future.
Y. L. Matlock & Co.