Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 06, 1892, Image 2

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rJiVfl imnrhvxinfss to Bi i iner i ff file
ana inertjm a. . uuuu
... -1 .-..J 4.. t...;i,t ll i
ner. , Patronize those who patronize
5 jam in Harrison,
of Iadiaua.
of New York.
J. F. CABLES. of Portland.
H. H. MILLEK, or Grout's Pusa.
G. M- IHU IN. oi Cui.m.
P. M. JjUNN E, f P-.i-tl'ind.
ErantitB Norman, lu u reoent a(Wreen,
has Hie following tu m.y of iiaildiiiK tuul
Limn AHHOciatiuus:
"It dofB uoi bt-come this oociwion to
disousH tli political prnhlHiiiH thxt en
viron the breadwinner iu the Hlnnjbtlp f i
lift for IhiiibhII uud for lhonn wbutn lit
loyeH but there is tax Iihh vi'r than
ail oilier XuXrti tbiit be oau himself oblit
erate. It in nut a political Ux; it in h
pmeiy eO'tuoujio tax. TUh heaviest o(
hit bunlt-urt is bis n-Dt li-nt Hborhft
oue-ibnd at the tvinmiitrs of he wurkiny
mau iu the only race lie tan tun la n
possible tu lu tbia bnrdt'U down? Toohp
wbo Uave utudied tbe ultj'ct marvel
that eotue otie has not arisen with a pbiit
by wtnub tbu uniVrrsulity of rent ouuhl
be obliterated, yet u philoHooher, no
pbilHUtnropist, uu fireat tjiiaiicie., ha
attempted the task. Nevertheless, ibnre
Iihh been a Uioveineut, arid a v.iht huJ
gluriuiiM moveuibht, in Una direction, in
ttiia oouniiy. It is kumin hh thf iiuiM- ;
itif Loau AtisnciatiOL -atiaooi'ihou utak- 1
in' lottua to eiiO'inrttye buiUJinif. Tm
Bseioetaiiou la a cremioti of the working-
muu, one tbat id authorized by a uiobi
liberal law f eacb of the unite, into tin
treaaury of wbiob is itonred Ui't only tht
rrntat, but the savings of its lUHiufoerH
With tbia HCtitiiuulittiun of funds a pur
Ohane of ti. men pusmble. which, In
gradual payment, become the pi"pert
of the UJtuioeiH. In Piiil-itlt li-Jiin .iion-'.
lant eir, leu Ihou.-and h"H' H were biiio
by those iihboeiiiiiona. In Uddiiib:, i
K 'Chudier, in all rhw West hi i; I'llirn, ewi
in broi'klu and on SUtu Isl-onJ, tln
Ui'iveuient ha a 'tf-auined ti'tin imp it ttmce
8o lare ttJiH thin ijii-itipHrt imhv bfo in
thia thtt uttpittd employtd in Innhhn.
loan aHHiioUitiona exue da Ide Oapit.d o
the eijtiru Nutiuniil b.inkin aaeu
BruoiiutlUK iu over aeveu IjuihIh d mil
bona of dollara, Iu tll the niue 'tfeco
Lomiu queaiiourt, theie in nothing iiiun
itueiehliiig, uioie helplnl nr nnru iiop
fui tor the country th.tti thiH ihuvhuii'Ii
foe the aequiiemeiit of Iiudi-h. Eiiouoin
1C qiicailuuN like ti UHtH and iioinbuml iu.
Iiku ihti diHhpiK'ni'iinoe ut oouipeiitioii.
like the oi mhimZ liou of UHplttd in kihh
trtiUHporlaliun aeijoiea, Iiko ho ooei Hiiv
Uiuveiuenia all over the ouiiuuy, are f 1 1 1
ol Himiitictmce lu the wi kinnmu. 13n
all thehe qiiMhiiuitH put totjetljer do tio
HHniime an imporianeH po yreftt, bo I'm
ret.ohiuy and ho henelicnd, im that n
volvrdiuibe building Iimm uHoenttioi,
Populations ar tn inn mnde all ovei
the United titati H by ihe puiilio aetiooif
to CrJebiate (Joluuibue Ui.Gct. 21. ii
is likely to he (he lunast 'nemf of any td ,
the centei nuds through w bich we buv
pasHed. There la ua doubt that the j
Anieiicun people, ao a whole, have In
come thoroughly interested in ibe si;
liilioanee ot tbis 4oUlb anm veisary.
OuesiionK reason fortius wide inier
est is tiie public school !-adeiHhip of tin ;
lialioiittl celebialiou. As Bi on ad tin
Sebutd leadeitbip Whh pnpiibt'd, Uie piect '.
of 1 tie country Uenn to c 'lumeiui tln
idea. ll was ivc'eivfd favombly by iln
BupermiendentM of education. Icachcit
tuid ih' UutKlul eitizi'im rut-rally.
ho it emne about ll.al the idea proved
flPCeptable to eVe.-ybody. Then it Wu
fuither promoted by thr ctlicial recoKin
tioiiS It leeeived. The National KouDa
tlollal AsHcCUllloU atlopttd it, and n; -pointed
ad the state HUpei'iiilt-rdeiita a
coiiiuiittee to carry it out; imd a spioiai
((Uinalltee wilb beaoquarteis at tbi
Y. -Illti's CoUipaUiiiU idlioe, Boatoli, L
push the tuoveiuent aud piepatu a mil
f 1 1 1 in ' tlieiul projirant lor us.- in eviy lo
Caliiy. Cniniiiandct ln-chit f Palmer, ol
the Grand Army, saw the upp'-nuuit
Ibe plan ollVied, untl issued uei eial or
ders tbat all the G. A. H. ponta in t Lu
Oountiy link ibeoiaelves with ibebciiooP
iu a Kiand puiiiotio, uupaitisan demon
stratiou on ColumbiiH Day itssiMto. I Lo
schools to raise and salute the Hag. ami
escorting Ibtm in the review.
Tub E O, advocates that the only win
to heat ibe republicans in lhe Ma'e ol
(Hewn is to turn- with the people's p. r
It the contest hits narrowt d down in Un
pi'tni of (anyihiii to wni," ilos is nboni
tlie ittihl thliiK- itut lhe miv Cute i f t
pal i I ha I is hu pi i 'Si ii to have pi inuipit
as oid its J' l!eron, aud hoia-M, as Jack
son, gi.ould not diop down to Micb
plaue, it shoWN too plaltil) that HiIii.-Uj
Las Jtschid Uttk'oii, and that there nu
ll tcv who art) 11 illing lo du an) ihintf lo
beat the repubhCai.s l'lincip'tH hboiiid
Hot be matle MlliM'i vtent lit ineie auincrai
ic holding ot Uice, Mid i.ii piitt r, n nial
teis not w hit h one, that Mneps lo Cuall
t iin uieiely lor I he sake nf (P teal in tint
in I) and bull 1 1' (he ether, a ltd f.-i st I
tih tnds, hhouitl leiiiaiu m dtUnt foi
evir. tltll'tTMui a in I Jackson ni Vt-r nd
Voe.tdeu btioh a plan; in (act were abovt
tm thiiiy i I ibdt kind, so we muat coti
elude ihiit bolKMl toihweiH of tbtse
slnlestueii aie lew und fai between.
PlcorhK w bo are not patrons of a papei
can tiui I'otisn-P nt iy ai-k h r spad ; il
tla y can make t be d. mand without li.n.-h-UH,
wiihoiit ftehnw that ihe aieaekin
jot the properly, the sput'e that atakcN
(in tditur b Itviitir, they have k'all
creiifcli for no ai m td poiilieiaus. lm
hni such a rttposi is made hinl rant
fit, and the enpui nets kiiktd tor Pin
kindness, it is tune to draw Hie line, c
have fpsoe U r our frn ndN. rtaidltss ol
poluuif, rch'oii, or prt vioiis eondniou
ot s i vii nde, hut not a line tor t he man
Vila la-ks hu the eaiih, t'elfs it, and then
kukhhtcaie you uion't Ihtow tn the
moon loo.
It is safe to say that pint st presiht
theie it lliote inti rent cenieied in P-mtir
r.'wV fiylil at New Oi leans, t hau in (he
presldi-utial eanvass. IV' pie who pin
Ut'lince it tiB biulal, are ai xiniin lo loiin
the result, and will read lull telegraphic
rr ports of the m ine. The l hut-Wan pK
ptrnwill this "eek deeounce encii an
ntl'air, style it aa inlnin..iu, baibaioiih
aud eriininal, aud next week ihene s-.ine
pupils will p"me out lib a hr;f repoit
ot ssu e. Of course the) w Hi nn baldy
Dot icpott it by rounds, hut ihe t o not
ovi-rii ek it as a in . 1 1 -r of ni w, for e en
tley know that tl eir p-.pM'H i.re u-ul t y
p it f I ti k who io i i i ! 1 1 tt ted in the tt .-oil.
A'ler nil we Adm'MCM'm un a euiiou -t
of people, lievt r HHftietl m ill w know
all, eVtu thuUfcb wu duu't tike tu bear ut
O. A. tt. i'f.Pt( of
L -xn'iiini, wilt li 'i'l a Miu; fiit i" liHp- I
ll4J, n,.t . l(l,it. vrrvmti., K,
UrP fl ir, llH jvitMl. Ti.m will be
an interrsiintf ever.t for Heppcer a n
will briny tfiyr-ttn-r iiianv eld so!f!n r.
Tb day seleetei H al-o 'he duv of the
pnbhc Hehonra celehrntion of Columbus
Day. Knch beiu thecise they can ) dn
with Ibeccbitol. ufft them iu their pro
era m, eeppeiftlly raibietf Hnd minting the
AmencMn il i, thna tuliinij b"th deinon-
Stratious if ratul, unphriiaan and pi'riotio.
Pi jUTLAVD bus hepn riited bv another
fire. I'iiiM timj h entire hl--ek h..nud-'
ed by Six'h ad Hot, Fifth anil Irvine '
whh VmrMHil. Thin nl.vk w-ts toe pnii-r !
w.o ..la,. mimhpJ Hmo-.u tlP l.ilihliiiH I
hnrncd. Tlie bns w it t likely ex.i ed s
SlOlMHK), with itiiiranoe oovoriutf half j
that amount.
Tub artesian wp)l whin1- nnw h.'i
Riiuk at AthwR, i-4 do'Vi '!) fiu f, tiie w;i t
tnr riHi.ijj i i 'viniiM hV'm f m -f tin u-
f.idH. (Twillht -u'tk hi a h ptit f j
fer t, OiH-, if -oiHi M-nt w-iter i i not of) I
'ained, another t if rt will ho mad.t af an
other Incalion.
Ah it m now a settled fact tbfit a snITi
cietit aiu'iuiit of water dan hf h;vl In-re
for the water .nrks arjtivH up rati o.h
will at linen b'tfin, 'I'ha el"i-trir iiM
plant will be Cum plot -d lu leas tbau two
Thb ononUtinn nf M ir" bv thft
nvm'i, j
hetwHeu 9 ami 10 o'utnnk S iund y uibt
wr- an int' rest nig siyht to many.
CoLUMBrs OaT will h" opprnptiately
oelebrnted lu tieppner by tbo pubh'!
SntiUVAN and C trb'Mt tmn rrow. C"ii
tfratniatioua and sympathies next day.
Tub fall r'ees of P irftfiud nrn m pro
ress Ibis week at 'Jity View Park.
Nutiey Hunks L Him- KiT.ocil on The
Klta Twek t't 2:05 1-4.
iNDKPEN'DESCIfl, I A Hi.'. 31. - N:in
HaiiKH, tne queen of boraedoiu. added
hiuim; stnr fo hnr t-rowu tod, ' hen
-the trotted Mm world f an ih kite track
it tlnp plaoe in the unprecedented time
f 2; ciipoinx Iw i hkcuihN oil her
Ohio tiio niatk, made two weeks aim. rttn
hh hroivnt i)iit at 2:3J. i't'd so t-s
-ibe was leeonized in tne lo p the cheer
ing he,,n. hhe haiked well, and her
-unerior coinliti-tn todav wiih ea-'dv dis.
ieruible. .She took Per fir w -initio I do
idle gently, In'ii.y oaly driven -n a j
Ujoiir. 4 o'clock hIih w. is bnmu'fu oai
mnn ami win leceived woh the h.iiih
loiiiial welcome. At j it i'ulj ruey np
,M'!io-d on ine stieluh .t-dn Tin. time
i he appl iiish was deafen in li and ut
ll lel'i and p K ast U waved, V-ilces Xji Old
d to i heir iii most, ami omiir , :t nil old
out evi-rj body tdieered M,n mov
i'tp'd up the loo'i Miid turned to lace
tie kite he-lore her. The attempt; was
fYui i P ss, ami she came, hadl and nc.oi ed
lawn attain. Futnk viair had Mm run
ner, Abe Lincoln, near her, nluie Wil
i-iius, w itb Ned Cottnu as wiiitint; at
he mat. Vvnen she it ached the wire
dm was ifojay square and inn, and i)
hie nodded for the. word. Fr on i he
a or 1 "iio" Nancy tfiMicd an n dy X incv'
Ciin Irol, us neadj as eh-ekwiik aid
wifuMhma bird, witii iiec uniiuhlc.-.
-i w ii 1 1; iu 14 K'Ot.
She reached the qtt irter-pole in ;;JlP-e'-
iiids. ' Loo fawt," w its i ne verdict id i he
.iMOvd, ami tins w.-s ecoeptt'd liy all ne
rutin The. li ol was leacned i ;hl , anil
In men who w ,dcie tl die hiia-w on i he
oaln f .mi l it mud to heih've. T ie thiol
q no tei ll itf went do.vn .o 1 .'J 1. mul leo
i ii U she wan hUi;1ll, dliamn C nwU Up
t-vvnh lhe niiieer Nei V'ld ton. ITik iii t
was useless. Dohie h..-t'd her no. id and
uitfed her on yentl) " ith the w lop ud
voice. As she daited under lhe ft ire
l lie re was breath lean silence. Waiches
were consulted, and ranged all the wa
from 2:d6 down. Cheeis of euthusiaMii
were sent up as the meat Imi se was df i v
en back to lhe stand, hut a IiiihIi tell uVi r
all as the bell whh lapped ont- r A. o
Oh rimy aiiuouiic-il the (dlieial tune ol
;d&W, and his voice wan dinwned with
VellH. Hie K'mmiH t iSt; the lual'e hiving
eiirtssfrt as they implied tee blaiik- tw.
ami many hhIiiim hand' weie only io"
iiixious to loiiuh the qd-en of tiie n.rl
-o assi-t in ananiiin,' lo r folits. Lild
IJ'dde iXprSMtd hiiuN.lt' as cohU-ieni
i hat the UMh Hlnijjed Hacks were lasier
hull those of the n ulaiimi sha(a, Lml
jdnC huw Uitiub be wniild not I die to .say.
Council cadtd tu t.nier by Mayor Mat
a ck C'dincilun n ppsi in, (iidi'iin, Pai
i ei no it, 1 a 1 1 b or i h and lehU-ni lad
Absent, MorgaU and Uu'l'u.a. (liv
tiuu came in 1 der
Minnies of previous meeting read ami
api noed.
On un turn of Ivchteiithul, seconded by
KaiUMvnrih, committee on liuauc.e itnt
ordered to Imve recorih-d b com t elei k ,
nitlinmiCew 4it, 5l) and i) Also ti llt deetl
of lot and itM'i vi di hid",
Gn m 'linn ol I'arnsvun Ih, set'onded b
IjIcIiu nthai, that bomt be adveitiMt d in
lhe O c'imiari, ami that 0 'Ueciitn m Gil
dam h-.ve eit iiie ol lhe tu. lter, to U
ipcm d on Oct 3td.
(in uioi.u ol p' .riiHworf h, Si Ci'inl d i
Lieldi uiliai. sidew oks leu feel in uinih.
ormitii huilt li- in Alain bt i .ft lo t-cimui
pi"pria J aiSo tlial uiane he eNiuldianed.
Go iiioilou o Aioi wan, ef rondt-d h
P-dtersnl', that lil.a-e uUUS-m Wlm were
ol'iieied to put III aideWalks last fill, hi
"ideietl aain, ami to) the hist time, to
construct aidew til Its-
On motion of Moiyau, sermid-'d bv
PalUaMin, cmnmitleo ' li omi ance weie
iii-mmded todral't oedmauco iieci Muy
int'eln'i" Mhops.
I'.ths allowed: T. W. Ayeis, ,T S2 "H;
l' .us i.e.Mic. rJ ..ii r ,i lv G 1 1 1 v i , ?il-i"i;
t. Z IP, IMP; IV J. Ilalha l., to; -I. W
U Minn-, U; 1'. U . lu a, tmiance on w
ctiutd, fcl i. ad
(.-uuncd adjourned.
F,ii" 'l lio nihi l' 1 1
ut t'inuit t'uurl
T!l( TpIIoW ili' 1H ll l'n o(
I ho ouoiul
cnuit il(K,ltt8 ler the
rllililT trim,
AtliiiU.n Niitiui ai liiuik vs. T A li.m
! Nit i un, i V t uiiU ( rint.
i llciit, , ! t t t .1 ,1. I.. I- ii! i-r
i rivviiitmrni' .ltd N .Iimh'm.
' i hi,. i' Ki, k m, r. o Hnii-K
I V. 1'. Jhi.M. Liu i n I', lil
. L. U
I I 111.
, K. 1' ll.li Mi ll A I',. I !i r, ,1 ni.
I W I''. H v.. I'. i is. I! i.l ..-v.
t i Hi V Ai. Km l.ii il is ,s. w
S in Riiimiiihi in ,1 K. l,f,lv.
j iViiiiii s . . . Imi l,i-r.
li (. lilt tli, Mllllb A Co Vri, tifi. TU
j liin.
H. L. Shmv vs. 0. S, L. tiuil V.
N. i
j U.iilu.iy.
j 1. S SprinliU v. Th.MiiiiH Smiih.
j O. K. Kuiiinuuiili iintl K. Miller.!
I O v . liliiii v. I lent Hindi'. j
j W. II. KIIik vs.. T V Aiilu'vy. I
! I'l liX J,,liblll v. Ivi. 1.V." !
j igi-nv.
! Fuller Ail, mis vs. K lor Ailnm.
i K . li. HiKM's . !. I !i.ii..is ,
I,, in, li. N. ' in s H W. ( .ni. I m::,1
; Ci iliii A- .V! c l-'u r'nlni.
J.-i- A iSiniili vs. l , .ti Sniuii
Un' AtuHiBuu Ailij. Co. v. V. L. Uuti
I likleuu fl ul.
C A U-'ft vs. Ahdrew Gfirt'pr er fll.
Eni;-t.H . 1'hMOf-l w. A' t E CliHcel.
W. O. Miiair vs. G. V. Ubea aud Oar-
H. J Howmd v Farnie Hnwnrd.
G-ti. Ni hie vb. P. Luoiiey dud Margaret
L"oriPV .
Ttit National Bank of Ueppuer va. E.
R. H.viuburue.
Sfnte of Oregon va. R. P. Floreon.
State of Oieyoo vo. Chas. Mackey,
Desorvi:K Praisp.
We desire tn fuy to our cit;ZPnfl, that
for yHHifl wo h'ive b-eii stlinif Dr.
K ny'- New Dis-oovnry lor Ootisnraptiuu,
D' . Kiiiif'a Nhw Life ui tm. buokhit h ht-
"'V Rn,J Hlleenil!
tutt' r-1, and have
nevei tiHndlcil remedies tbat feit as well,
or that h-tVH tivi'ii such uutvraiil antia-facH'-n.
We do not he. it a' e to a tiara u-
tee 'hem every tune, mid m stand ready
to n-fuii'f the mrcuHHe nr.ee, if PHtiaf-to
tn.-y Hiiltn do not toli uv tlieir uwe
Tnefe r-rni'die- bve won thir kh
pi tarit v pn - on th.-i r merits. Cio-
uuiu J-dnislon Dnu C
r.mrkh'it'j Arnica Salve.
j Tlie best falve in the world for cuts.
I bra pea, i-oien, ulcers nalt men in, fever
h"Ich, telter, eli ippeil hands, chilblains,
em ns. and 'ill skin e' options, and posi
' lively curoH piks, or no pay rnjitired. It
Iri yilurantefHi tn yivt1
tn yiVtf perlci't cn 1st aC' ion.
f or money ret'unded.
Pnce 25 ceniM per
lt?;. ftir ailit py Slucum-Jobnst(u
Iji iii Co.
I wish to trade mules or hordes for
oatth-. Addri-ta nw at l.Hxinjtoii, or
Call at my niiich, seven tuiles uorlb
eawf of I hut place,
5:2, vv. P- F. Swaqoakt .
A pockethook cont-dmnif papers on
which was (he name of G'M'jfe VV. Max
vvdi, was picked up tnis morniuK oti
M a.St. No money to the same. Mr.
M"Xweil can procure the property at
'his nJIict.
The latest deniisirj , mown and bridge
work, nmst -.uccef-htuily accomplished li
in-, ii. F. Vaiiiihan Gas admitdt. !'t d
when desired. Thompson building,
Ueppuer, Gr 1 a-w-
Knhi, tiie baker. Buy yonr bread arid
cakes ami save nioiiey. i ry it. a.
The Siudebhker wajon lieadw tberu all.
For wale ai Gilliam & liirdu e's. a
J'iIiii Jenkins advertises his fine kiiii
o brick. Ih-mi inner that t.eppnei bnek
lapial tne Pect. U
line hd
tiot-s. Ai
, have just re
ci iv ni i
of la
nins' kid, button
un micea. a
li till I
Fur cash you can et ritote at the East
en. C'loihinti bonne, Willi Levi on di ok,
lima inv oilier place, to Ueppuer, a
The I'ah.ce is tlie leailiny hotel in the
cit. Well fin ne-lied rooms wtlti plenty
of iinjit nri' provided lor ever.vuue. a
Ivotf. the j.i veler, is the man to fix up
jdiir watch or clock, tie keeps a full
stock ot eVettbinn perlaiuiun to bl
Oiielni'WS" , H
Iou't overlook T. W Aver, Jr., the
leading d ruutst. GhoKa-at Jiei fumeM,
puo ht drUH and the liueot toilet ai tlule
ai w a s on naiid. a
Lhe Ji.uchler beer, 5 cents er pbis, at
the Colliiitiil'i Peer Mail. GUleli
Hughes, . tops , m xt ilia.r to M, Lich
tt iithiil A Co.V shoe Blore. ti
The M, 1.. St'i Co.Hinoe t!-ey havf
muled all ttieir poiitoimt-, have an im
mense iti'iane rapacity . Tins cotnpanv
iinv dealN in urani, luinber and wood, a
Since Shaw & McCutty purchased the
meat market thiy have, ni .vays endeavor
ed to keep oil hand l he I testiest and
i'Li nicest, meat i, sausages and hohiyutis. a
TLminpsou A Piunsowu the buns which
uoes lo and from tl.;c (lily hotel, but wilt
cull for parties liufirmy to iro to tram in
mi) part of the city. Leave orders at
0d hotel. r a
What will perseverance, pluck and en
K"piis avail in this wild west, if you
cannot net hi; haiuains? However, t)e
t'oie is'iv i'ty up euiir. y, visit Minor l3os.
eiupnr inn. a
Gtili. ni Pisbpo, t lie luiidwate nnd
tinwtoe m ichaiit-. eti'ty eVr-iythiny ap
peitainitifc! lo their lines, even arii'til
imal 'iiipieuiMits. Ditu't jou need e
plow this fall? a
h Giant 'a Clonic, the jjrpat dyspepsiH
Cnt-q ieier, w ill positively curt dvspepsi
ami all ds kindred aiiments. Every bot
tle s'rld Under a positive uuaiautee to
-itect it cme or mone rel'mided. 8ee ad
in 1 1 1 is isHiie. a
Don't, ov'io look K'lk A Kastnus foi
bargains . Ttie Ina e pm chased i he lup
in.ssof .f. VV. iVlnMoek & Co but will
null remove to the Mallory Coiner, oppo
i-ite the pjilace hotel. a
liisi Big el jisuppr.
W)l. PKNhANP. Kl. It hlSltOP.
Pre dileat. Cailiier.
WiiiUi du Fnvonbln Terms.
I nTXK.lt.
nr.. Si',l.l. 1r.
sot it-,- i huvM "ii-n I
v iiMsi l Imi l In- loll, ui mir-mim-
i'.I Imllri' til liis hilt'tilliill tn
1 111 si;l,,ol'l 111 llis I'litllll. mill
ill In- it ,ii, U- hfltiii. Ilie I'ltituty
t'iMiim , O'.'., ut lli'iuitii'i', Or,,
ut Mti, I I
1 (H I. I.,, -'
;. I'm Un-
II. liri.lH
mill N1 .,
5 It
ink! N K '4 ul" M-.i
! Hi' n
: . Jin
t lnM In
i Hi,1 fnlliui iui: i llnrHNt'a to prove liin
I'l'si.ti-in'c tioa, niul iMlltlwititm of
. 1. :
.i.l. A. l.n.'IU m. W Illiiim liix anil
', till ol Itiir.llUHli. Out;, ,.
MM H't. V)l' I N I'l'.lN'l'lU.N.
LtiihI iMtii'i-iit l.n lir.i-ult,. Or., Aim ,..",. lsit.'.
I S, lir. is liolvlo mini Unit ,ln- lullutvtiiK
llll' ll-.l M-IIIlT IlllS lll,,l IHtllll'llI llIN illll'lllillll
t, i,T!ik.,l:i.! ,i,,l in siij.:,,!!-! oi IiIm IhIiii, noil
timl s.llil .lt,,,l I ill In' liiii.lt' Kfl'niv lliv r'oiilil y
t H-i'l, ,l MorniM I'O.mti, ul llt-iipi'vi', , uei;,i'.i,
; in, I H-loln-l s. 1M.'. 1 1 .
' .hi. IN r. K ''lil.WH,
11,1 So :,',.l. i,.r Ui,-w ., anil NVti, svi,
,r. '., initl NK ., sh1 , -ii. '-'T, I p. IS, l( Ji, K.
j U , M.
lit- ilium's tlie lolltiw Sin: it It iicssis tn prove hltt
uiiihiiis rt i,u.,it e iiini an,! eiiHiiiillon nl
I ,
roll i,t
i Ho itrv. t'h irles Mmm
ol ill Ili-pputT, Orownll.
A vi e. i v k , KKt.in:K.
nit, I .hum's
1 niul Oillee ut Tlie I'iiIIvk, Or., A;ir. 9, 1S)'.',
Nollt t' is lii'i etiy ni en tli.il the follow luu-iiaiu-tsl
M'lilor litis I'lvil iiotitt in his iiite'ititin to
nntke Inlal prtnil in silt, port oi Ills t Uiini, and
Mini siti.l prottl will i,e nolilt" ln'lotv tile t'nuttly
l li ik ,,l Mtiriotv totntty, or., at Ueppuer. Or.',
on sept. IT is'.ij. vu:
Jt'llV ll.KU.
ilM No io i .-r the ni K 4, N, i S''i, , and
I - I .' !:'. ! p .. -'., !'
!:o !',,'".t s lit. ii'lloiv 101. v, itorSM's to proVv his
.list. o,.s IfvLifOii, Eipon. ll ,, i.lilii atioil Ol,
-u. Ma in-l 1, rr.n
lllilUc tliiti J, l' ioUUt. lil Of
ii-Jo John Y
hinn, SiypluMi 1 j-Uilii-'it'i'.
i Tcou.
U O L 1
r, inn
111 Oil
Opens fit
. 21 and
-Attrnclions far BheHd of h!1
American Band, of Providence, R. I.
Art valued at $350,000.
Gov't models of Battle Ships.
A Magnificent Electrical display
The wonderful Hall of Mystery.
S'arvflonR MwhanicHl EfTnflts- Tiie ' Little Wurld" unci n
Myrind of Kzliibits in Minim.', Eleonioitv. Hurticultnre,
A(rioulture, Woods, llillti nod Macufactures. o20-7tt
mmi mi price
EJk.'KI& For rSES-S?
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. A YJ2RS,
G. D. 'ELL, W. P. FELL
Out for
Cash Bargains Clli
Cash Talks. Trust Busts.
The McFarland Mercantile
See ad. next week.
I Have for Sal
Four Thousand Bucks.
Fifteen huudrpd are Thoroue;hlueil, and 2jU0 Grade TUieks from Wm.
Ross band. For terins and prices add) ess
Charles Cumin idiain,
For T. W. AYE US, Jr., & Co.
cu r hotel.
H. A. Thompson A. E. Blnm
Fie tppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Cotfin MeFarlantl's. Main Street.
Good onveyance for Tiaveling Men.
Teams to bnv per rlny, 75 eta. Hoy ml ifram per ,lnv. Menls '25 cts. at
at C. C. Siirifem t'ii. n Jt iltmr tn Keeil Stiilrle. Grttiu mid
fonleil Iimv nlvi'HVH up hunt!,
Closes Oct. ll
furmpr yeara Tha f.imous-
Sr., Manager.
Etc., Etc.
i v 'k
-. f
look out for some'
tuixg a eh:
Over the Crops being a failure
Or the Roads being dusty
Give" von siieli bircnins fnr onsb.
i Line of Pools and Shots, Trite, Valises,
Hatsaiid ITritioy Goods
A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish
ine Goods to be sold at Cost.
number of summer suits and odd pants
tc be disposed of regardless of cost.
Com early and avoid the rush in
tec u ri 1 1 ba i 'o-ains.
I). A. IIKimivN'S BUILDING, May Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
n - in, i u
DAN ( ISM h: Its.
t Tstn1 i r- ri'f in ,p
Columbia Beer Hall!
IV' EXT DOOR fo Hcjipni'r Camhj Factory on Main
-L Mrrel. Kcfp on. lunul a Fine Line of Liquors,
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
3 Oerats Per Glass,
On difuijlit, fresh nnd cuol. Lunch of nil kinds. Hope
to st e all their old friends and many more.
Footwear i
Thf , nly iTont un,! Iiop i,ch,l,lihmi,et nf rff,T,n"nr hnq
ipoviI rr.,iri tli.. l iisl t,l,.oi' l j. siir,.,... in ilm.r ,.i.w
More .. qui, , ,,yl our to H, H ni'k li r A I 'o
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
M. LICIlTwillAL & CO.,
Mulm srreet, Heppner Or.
Uf Tut
lejpner Park Association !
OCTOBER 19, 20,21,22.
The Diiectors haub taken the utmost pains in preparing
their Programme, and hope that they will be rewarded
by the liberal patronage of the general pub'.io as welt
as the Horsemen.
Programme s
puJMMAY' 'n' w--",""CT-n"'e d"sl,: pi,rse' -oeal saddle horses, 400 yards;
i-,-Z"? ft w. half-mile heat.; purse li'..i0. Catch
r i??n!v', r,' h"ll'"''v hcam; piirso lil.no.
iHSisj -i -iiirev-ilnln.ii.ilviiiisi,; ,, uttgou. Five-eight, mile dash; purse
hl; "!.rlDwX:.t il -V' yard.; purse 175.00. Free for all; hlf.U
as fol'lmvs- yJnlyT,0. 1 C'"" ?' P'Use f"r ?l"" '. All purses will he divided
as tollons. scvti.tj ,r irul to tlie.n inner, t cut) per cent to the second best and ten lo the third.
These races will be sfoivrnM bij the rules of the Pacific
Blood Horse Association,.
WiU inns rouses for l.nrsp. tlmt n.iaht .-ome here who are Dot
quiiiibcil lo ttilpr iu any m the nhi rarcs.
OTIS I'ATl'EESDX Rpjretnrv A. D. MpATEE. Prid-nh
J. N. Bnivvn. T. W. Avers, Jr., E. (. Sp.rry. 517 OicI9.
which uropuRo to r-nmiuet in the moat satisfaotory manner. Will keep
on hacla at all timea the chnicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed. Beef, Etc., Etc.
'u ProDrietors.
ililfl id'
TtelEtflH Mil 01 1ft EM
n Iri
LUU U Mill 11 ILL
Margaret Von Cadow
OSMliUS & HUQIlKsS. Props.
Footwear !