Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 02, 1892, Image 4

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    CHftCKlC & HS3Y0US
cured nr
Klectrle Hotlf Brits aud
Aliuliauce ri.
ainliil -Mr us o,
oil .on lrjon.
Seminal Vc;i!cww,
E.ToeMnf 0 lauihiD,
P.tlpit :liuii
Nervous Debility,
imp-it cucy,
6(c!f Ilctdacuo,
II ;-:iia,
I:i ovinia,
Lumb t;:r,
Spinal Disease.
Kidney Omp'fi'nts,
General f) -b.li.y,
I,Dsa oT Menmi-v,
1,0'' i-'Tnlor Atavh,
E;i;i jpsy, etc, oi;?.
liivcn'.ar end Patentee, L':;ilod
c::J fcrciin Countries.
LT" Soud for Catalogues and IcBtimoniala.
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
east, mm P SOOTH.
LeHVea Hepimpr, 8 ft. m. Arrives
0:50 p. m.
Pullman t4ieepera
Colonist Sleeper.
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Steamers PorMiind to Hun Frnnoisco
every fnur ilnyo.
For rates and general Informnllon call on
Depot Ticket Aicuitt.
Heppner, Oregon.
W. It. lIUKl.RIMtT. AMt. (lent. l'uR. Alt.
2.1I WanhliiBtoii St.,
I'l'ltTI.ANII. OllKlillN.
QUICIt TI 3VI 13 !
ISi no isoo
A'ld fill points in California, viu the lit Muifti
route of the
Southern Pacific Co :
Tli (treat hitrhwuy through Catifoinia t nil
ptiintH 1'Jint and South, drinid Hcenif Itnute
of tlie I'ai'ifir Count. PtilliiiHii linnet
Hleepers. Hi'tHHid-clHNH bleepert
Atlaehtwl to exprer-H trainn, nlb rding nnp rio
ncuoniinodatiiiiiH fur Micoiul-iiarH piihHi'iiei.
Knr riiti'H, tifketH, nln-piiiK ear rti-ervatioiih, i
tn. cull upon nr iiililreHH
II. KOKIll.KH, Malinger, K. V. IKMJKllH, AnhI
Oen. K. tt I Agt.. PorHiiud. Oregon.
L U MU K H !
'K I1AVK Knli S.M.F A 1.1. KINIW OK I1 N
V dri'MHi'il LiitnliiT. Itliiiik'Hul lli-ppiifr. at
what It limm ii us (lie
reit t.ooo fkkt, uonm,
" " ' i:l.EAU,
- J10 on
i; so
L l.i.iKi pur l,uuu tt'i'l, addltluiiuL
V. A., Iliiiiilltnii. Mnn'cr
Cutile branded niul car mar kit) iih shown iiImito.
Hoi'ae K un right blumliler.
Mv cuttle rangt in Morrow and Umatilla t'oun
tiw, 1 will pay $Uf00 for arro-t ami em.
Tictimi of any pirn:in Mealing mj lnk.
Scientific American
Agency for
At trade marks,
design patent
for Information ard free llanilNioli write to
Mi ss 4 ru., ;r.i Puoaow av, ni-.w youk.
Olitent IxirfHU for neeiiiinu pHt-nt- In Amenm,
Kverv wniit takon out ly us irt li"iivtil Ik Ioib
llie publit: by a uotiee jtivt-n free of eliui't:t in lh
cinitiftc mrricau
ljarvput nrenlntlnii of miit wlenicte jviiwr ' ti
oiltl, Spleinlttllv Hliinlnile l Sn m rUu-eat
niun shiniM t.? witlMlit tt. Werklv. ;i.tMI
jeaij $l.:e mi iiio.it ha. Adiirew MtiN A CW,
rUJUiUiKHA. Ail UrutMiwitf, w Yurk.
The Doaf RIaifo to Hear bj E!ec!rTclSy !
Invrnlc.I hi Apill, 1SU1, Tntrntcd In Jnno,
vt lliuuriuiiflM I'turlaitu lis U under
fulftml A crlt:. t Kcbulls I
Any cmo. or yonnpr. whno rar
drum is unbroken enn be nmdn to In nr
ami onvoipo in ordinm-y tones, in id be
cured by Dr. G. F. Webb's Lleeiiicul
AppiuuttiP i r 'I reiting- ! ufiu b. Ati
Lleetro-ye-Mml Hody lindeiy wiih iip
rliunces invetite I especniliy.for treat
ii iff iH'aCnosa ui-d the riiacn.si.-s vuicb
produced it.
Send 1 1 cents for my Electro-Medical
Theory mid Practice, describing treat
sent. W piijros. Address
B. B. BLISS, General AtjU
A llfiW HnH Prttnrilritn Tn ........ . r..i ..
-Siiji,..m it..i-i,-B. i..,i,ii(.miI i( nir.uk's.nlsci.i Hi,
ami I In; ih ixwiilvi. i-iin- fur KmitimiI, i,u,i
liul. K fin nr III I i i i.r it, .i.i 1 ..
ir Hm-ilitiuy I'M, ami miiuv otlit-r ilisi'iutc
and iKiiiale iii-ukm-ssi-; It in nn-ai Ia-i.
ellt tn tin- Kfi.ornl hralih. Hie lir.il illsi-o. f rv n
a mi'du'iil mre renili-rl on nin-nuioii iMih'ih
mure iiniim-Miiry h rw.ncr. Ilii rt-mi-ilv Im
lievur Im'I'ii kiiiiu ii to full. (I piTlmx li for 1 1
i-iil liy iiinil. U,y Htnu-r iriiin ihis liTilhlf ,lif
eae lu-n a u tIIIimi mniraiilci' l Kivi-n illli
Ijiim'h. In rcriind Ihu uioin-v II nut curi'd s
stamp fur frte Hninpli!. 'Uiinrnntct' Ikunt'd !
. ,1 , ,...RKK A C,l.. Hli,.,le.V I. (.-Tin
UrilJKlt .-nil' Avt'lilH. I'nrtln .1 i r
Oil TO WMSiUt!
Grand Army of the licpuijlir,
Washmgton, D. C. S nt- mber 20th to 26th
The Wisconsin Central
Lines and
Baltimore & Ohio Rail
Koad llavi1 hi'iMi pcli'Cti'il iif tin1 '-(inii iiil Itiniti'" In
twi'i'll M. I'ulll, Mililli'iipiiliK iiixl iishliiL'h.n.
I). ('.
All di'i-irniiH of tiikini: nihtuiti L'O of tin' niii
i iTMilly "l.ini' !;nli't" nIiiiiiI.I mi-i Dint tli-'ir I i- It
i'Ik ri'nil vlu tliln "Miititi'," iini' hi'ciiic llit-ir
m('('iIiiu I'nr liri-oilllnndil'liinti l i laU lllH't!.
Fur full I'll rtirn In ri 11 . 1 . 1 r.'Hw
(I. f. SloMill.l., t Itv I', mid T. A-nl
111 Nii'iilli't 11 (in kc nlni'k,
MiiiiirnpnliK, Ml mi
C. K. STt'NK, I'ltv I', mid I . A (.'' 1 .
ua f.iiBt 'l lilrd St.. it I" ,"l i i -n
the Aira S!ie Ar:i on ttio i;ouiiliti
I j-li o I l.t. i.
Tho summer biKtrdor i i tibroa-l In ill
her giorv. Ono usra 'iu-r" mlviscdly
tor soinIioiv t'lri m:iL adult rarolj
poses ns V.n suinm t ''.. 1 1.1 st:indf
It over Sunday, p.'rh.ip i, liut ;i cunstHMt
tiVG foi'tlli;J'!it of U.ldilul :d fVilllMU'l
board in ? liouno lift; would, n". he VAU
his nei tIiImu i:i t'ie smo!ci:i r e;ir us tfnyj
are Umii;; whi.U'd from t!io city or
Saturday, put him i:i Il )ml:rrd.il'.! at
the end of it and his ih'iihnr aree;
with him. So Vac sumnu't- it jarder lia:
come to bo a 11011:1 of V.u Lmukuir' cii
dor. The jenua is the same, the speeioe
Is fipveral.
Perhaps, says the Xew York Times
the nKKt interest i:i;r as a stu.ly is tin
woman of f irty or t'.iereah at., who, uc
houseUoepcr all the re:t of the year, bo
comes for six or oi.ht weeks in the
summer n boarder. At li-un she is n
simple, more or l.ss praeti.-al woman'
in her new enviro.im.'iit she Ikvmies
quite a diiTerent bei:i;r. She finds lu-r-self
on her arrival invest ,d with tho
transient halo of the l.ist-eomer, iindslu
feebi that t i this eii'Li of si,r in rers s!ie
may present whnt.'vur icrsoTi.ilit she
desires. No she t i!:.-s 0:1 a f. w little
mrinnerif.ms and alTectntion-; w!ue!i she
has some time adinir.sl ia anotliei
woman. S!ie d v.-s not n .u:d!y say
"ealmt" or '"ither;" sh s ivs b now.
She wears her b.vit wrapper t break
fast 11 nd puts up her h lir every m ri 11:13
in the way she put i it u i ev ry at'te.r
nion nt home. The ehil livn have al
way ealled her "ma;" she t aeh's tliem
vO say "m unma" here, and they do
when they think of it. They, like her
self, enj iy the inrnrt i.iee of rnoo
clothes all day, and Uy in -tiuelively, at
iirst at least, t live up t it.
Me;intinv th nr m it her p;ots ao
quainte'.l with the pia,:'.i ladies, reads
their books, admires tlieir faney work,
imitates some of it, perliaps. learns all
they know of one another, talks glibly
to them of her home and surroundings,
d remembers every time to speak of
her one servant as a "ami 1," 1 1 eall tho
sit t in f-ro mi, with t
books and the one-
ic e'nildn'n's :.ehool
elop 1 :ia in it, the
m t t!ie somewhat
library, ami to e; :
serubuy yard about
the house into u
la wii.
And slie has a beautiful time, un
'ess, as occasionally happens, somebodj
om her t .vn s uncbody wlio kno;
dl about her arrives. Tlien s'.ie ih
jruMied. It ii not that she has aetaally
.aid or aeted anyt iin j nhtrmin rly un
rue. Ii p lint of fa -t, she h is imposed
upon n h 1 ty. 1! at sh t ii;ih '. s ic bus.
It i i IV ten h n own e i r rerat 1 hci rht,
the p I.- .t d u; m w u -h i 1 f m y sho
uis plaeed herself in the eyes of other
hat s'ac fills. And il" tne neweomei
innoun.'es a st iy of any length, oui
u-roine, if pt .!d, m i'is;i e ianr ol
ibode. She i 1 'k h n tru n';s, li 1 lim
bri"f enn ,ol :ti :i in the d: -tinetion 01
oinin : d -p lrtare. an I wiih her etui
ben m ihes li r tit, t re .u n 1 on ail
thor st i c till I'.ie reason i.- done Uc
of '..iinmer boarder.
The p.-nple of r,.-,,y were the first
to break horses for servi v in wt,r, aiu'
their pr.ili ien.'v a, eq.t - .i. i.ris proba
bly first gave ri - hi the ancient myth
that their country was originally in
habited by centaurs, fabulous crea
tures, supposed to be half horse and half
A Now Sort oi litriooii Itotljl
The "rodono;i!une," invented by M
I.aeape, and now employed i:i place o
a cai'ill.:i ticl' . at I he i'..ri .iv i s.vms
to coil .i. t ef the holluv ni.l.iv.t tabes
u hi h licvc f T ;.. r.w t .::t .: N v:i in
use i.i thi . c i a it.'y, I at u . ; h ia 1 ..lis
are nuw i !.:, .l b ei '. ,i a heyhoard
un.l !i..:;i.a r i.i , a Yho v..ult
ftttid to oo tioiuw ...j butuuejUiry.
Kltraton, Wood AnlteH nl Other SpeclSo
Irtili7.r Employed by Cttrriulicra.
Kt other single iiuimirial element
gives to the jjurtlener tlie opjxirtuTiitiea
ami possibilities that lie (imlsin nitrates,
especially in the fonn of nitrate of wnl:i.
nays (Jreiner, in Lis "llmv to Make the
lianlen Pay." The effects of this salt
on many garden crops is remarictilile unil
can generally lie observed within it few
days after its application in the darker
folia;;e and thrifty growth. It is readily
soluble and its nitrogen is in right form
for immediate absorption by the roots
of plants. The natural process of con
verting unavailable nitrogenous mat
ter into soluble nitrates is very slow in
early spring. In nil rates we have just
the element of plant food needed, and by
applying it in small nuantitte:'.. as fast
us the plants can utilize it, wo can stim
ulate thrifty growth of foliage at a
small cost.
Nitrate of soda contains about 18 01
1? per cent, of nitrogen, but tins in a
most soluble form,, so that it would not
be safe to use it in large quantities at u
time, for what is not nt once converted
into plant structure will gradually sink
through the soil and be lost. The most
economical method is the application of
not over 101) pounds to MO pounds per
acre, repeatetl at intervals of about two
weeks. If lumpy, pound Hue before ap
plying it. Scatter- it over the ground
when the foliage of plants is dry, us it is
apt to scorch the leaves otherwise, or
still better, apply just before or during a
rain, when it will be dissolved and car
ried into the soil at once. Sprinkling
over the land in solution is a safe but
generally less convenient mode of appli
cation. Sulphate of ammonia is slower, but
more lasting in its ell'ects, and it can be
applied in larger quantities or in single
w ,t?v-( "r-ni 1 viJ
applications without fear of loss. It
may take the place of nitrate of soda
during the warmer part of the season
with gratifying results, and in combina
tion with that Mlt at any time, the lat
ter for immediate effect, the former ns
a mom gradual source of supply. The
price of sulphate of ammonia is a trifle
higher than thai of uilrateof sotla. lien
manure, which is especially rich in ni
trogen, (Ireiner composts with loam,
muck, leaves, etc., and applies after
plowing broadcast, and stirs into the
mrl'ace soil by means of harrow, culti
vator and rake. I:i the cut is shown
spinach grown on r, round manured with
one ton per acre of high grade complete
fertilizer and a good lopdressing of
composted hen manure, with frequent
but very light applications of nitrate of
soda, also spinach, led in the usual way
with stable compost.
In cotton seed meal we haveanotherni
Lrogenous manure of special value for the
market gardener, bul us yet very little
appreciated. A ton contains about 14o
pounds of nitrogen, 11!) pounds of phos
phoric acid, and 40 pounds of potash.
When mixed and contposlcd with stable
manure it increases tho comparative
amount of nitrogen of the hitter, and
therefore its effectiveness. Uardeneru
who keep t-toek should feed cotum seed
meal. It then gives double return,
namely, in increase of flesh and im
provement of manure. Where nitrate
of soda, on account of distance from
source of supply and consequent high
cost, cannot be used udvanlageonsly.
cotton seed meal can often be laid ut a
comparatively low price, and shouM
then ho used in place of the nitiogeu
Potash in any special form is hardly
ever needed for the crops on common
garden land, since stable compost and
the average high grade complete fertil
izer supply an abundance, and often an
excess of it, to the crops already. A dif
ferent thing it. is with peaty and mucky
soils. These have already an abundance
of the nitrogenous clement, although
mostly in iixed combinations, and hence
in an unavailable form. On the other
hand the mineral elements are scantily
supplied. Stable manure would add a
comparatively large amount of nitrogen
at great expense to the already vast
store, and but small quantities of phos
phoric acid and potash. Such lauds, for
that reason, can be made productive in
the cheapest and quickest way by appli
cations of phosphoric acid and potash
in the form of a plain superphosphate or
lioneini"! in combination with wood
Coiirerntng Kilos.
It has been demonstrated over and
over again, says Hoard's Dairyman:
First That there has been no way yet
discovered whereby any man. be he rich
or poor, can harvest, shelter and keep
from waste fodder for cows, whether
few or many, so cheaply, expeditiously
and certainly as by storing same in a
silo. Idle the preponderance of testi
mony is decidedly in favor of cutting
the corn or clover or whatever may bo
put in the silo, it is nevertheless true
that not a few farmers prefer to put it
in whule. In the latter case it will be
unnecessary to tmy or hire a cutter and
power to run it. and this item of expense
may be deterred. Second-One acre of
corn will yield more and better feed
when put in silo than '.wo acres of
meadow or three acres of pasture.
Third -tlood, sweet silage, in quantities
from forty to sixty pounds per day, may
be fed to any healthy cow without in
juring her milk for any purpose what-
vcr. Fourth The poor man, of all
oi tiers, is the one who caruot afford to
do w iihout a sib
Gill. 'o;ltPd tlrapp.
F.nst they spray grapes with the Bor
deaux mixture n kind of whitewash
slulf. One farmer found it didnotsticn
to the fruit well so he added glue Hint
t,lutd it on so t.ue'.y that no one woulo
buy his graps.
Note the growing demand for good
bacon, liangy breeds, with tender, lean,
juicy meat, will till the Dill.
A horse has a small stomach and ac
live digestion. The food tluTotoreshouid
lie of the highest nutritive quality, with
ns little waste matter as may be.
'i he milk value of shade trees in pas
turn is couwiUed by till progresisiv
arirtte, Trlcil Lait K'iuon anil Reported
I' poll Uy Tll llurul Now Yorker.
Tile varieties tested were Shropshire
riero. Heroine. Mayor. Admiral. New
Dwarf Prolilic and Knit's Excelsior. All
were planted April 1. Following are
notes made concerning them:
Shropshire lleto Vines S by 8 feet:
rigorous like those of Stratagem: large
leaves: extra large pods: about eight
large seeds to the pod. Prolilic, inter
mediate. Heroine Vines not quite so tall us
Shropshire Hero: same foliage: matures
name time: jkkIs as large: belter tilled;
Heeds large: equally prolilic. It is of
the Stratagem order.
Mayor-Vines t!l feet: ripens after
Heroine and Shropshire Hero two or
three days; pods uiedittui sized, not well
Admiral It may be said fortius that
it bears for a long time, the later pods
being exceptionally well lillcd. so that
the pod is crowded as the catalogue il
lustrations are often made to appear:
the pods, though under size, often hold
eight small sizetl seeds: vines five feet
tall, branching and thrifty. It may fur-
BimorsmrtH hep.o mayor ut.roine.
ther be said that the pods are all uni
form in shape and size. The variety
seems to he thoroughly fixed and care
fully selected.
New Dwarf Prolific is a smooth late
dwarf pea. Vines very bushy and branch
ing eighteen inches tall. It was at its
fullest bearing July 1!). Vines full of
peas, pods medium to small, generally
well filled, about six to a pod. Seeuo
vary from small to medium, and large.
Vines uniform as to size no rogues. Tne
most prolilic dwarf we have seen. For
a second planting or fall pea it may
prove valuable.
Notts Excelsior is reported as the best
of the early dwarf wrinkled peas. Vines
eighteen inches, more productive than
Wonder or Little (le.n. As early as
Alaska or very uearly. Pods fair Bize.
averaging six seedsof fair size.
To give lneasureable values to the tri
uls of new peas it is of course necessary
to cultivate standard varieties under the
same conditions for comparison. Nout
teinpt of this kind was made last sum
mer, but it is stated, as a mattes of judg
ment, that the preference is given to
Heroine and Shropshire Hero over any
similar intermediate wrinkled pea previ
ously tried, while Mayor, for a some
what later pea. is worthy of trial.
To Rid Poultry of Lies.
Kerosene ointment is often recom
mended in the poultry journals as a
remedy lor lice. As many readers do
not know just what kerosene ointment
is. we give the following abstract from
a report of the Michigan state board of
Kerosene ointment may be made by
simply mixing kerosene and lard or. bet
ter, kerosene and sulphur. This oint
ment is excellent to rid poultry of lice.
It should be kept in a closed can in a
poultry house, and in the summer the
roost poles should often he rubbed with
the ointment. An old rubber or leather
glove makes this un easy and not un
pleasant task. After the poultry are on
the roosts some of this ointment should
be placed under the wings, about the
breast and legs, once ill four or five
weeks ill the late summer. If, in addi
tion to this, you frequently spray the
house and yard when the fowls are out
with diluted crude carbolic acid, and
whitewash the house once a year, you
will not only have a neat house but
healthy birds, if the other requisites are
provided. Chickens ought to be a very
prolitubleadjunet to every farm anil will
lie if the above suggestions are carried
out and the birds well housed and fed.
Thliic Salt) ami Done.
The freiieral tlrift tf opinion lately ex
pressed nppeara to be thut Ihe practice
of hurruwiijtf t-oni. both before and after
It is up. is increasing in poimlarity.
Professor Uobertt commends the plan
of usiiitf land planter in HtableK instead
of siireadiii; it directly on the clover.
I'he piaster is just as elective in the
clover Held, ami it has arrested much
that would otherwise have been lost in
the stable manure.
A company has been organized in New
Jersey for makuur cranberries into jam
ami rannuitf them.
"lK iety of the Frienda of Trees" i?
the imme of an oryatiizatiou in France,
its object belli the restoration of the
The New England Homestead sug
gests that animals awarded first pre
muimsat ov.r agricultural fairs should be
placed on aplatform. and judges made
to give their re;istms for such actum to
the public. This is what ex-Uovernor
Hoard, of Wiscunsin. advocated utBouie
of the Farmers' institutes last winter.
A hop picking machine luts lee u
vented iti Australia.
The largest ranch devoted to blooded
horses is said to be at Ureeley. Colo.,
where there is tt grass range of ovr
(.U0O acres.
A Now York World correspondent
saya: It is the practice among many
good farmers to change the seed of oats,
wheat and other small grains, as it is
found that grain which has been raised
ami sowed on the same land year after
year has less vitality in it to produce a
generous crop than seed procured from
another locality, even if the change haa
been only the distance of a few miles.
Usually if a change of any distance is
made it is better to bring the seed grain
from the north of the location where it
is to lie used, ieeils from the south
carried further north do uot mature as
well as though raised in the sair.e or a
ortheru lunnde. Tap same role applies
.o corn and fruit trees.
A rula lr.fvrnnce. 1
Dal'ftV-l hear that you proposed ti
Miss lesly his), nigl.t and got a refusal? j
nil. .nK- Well a3 to tl ut. sho didn't '
t.liii.llv rcfi-sn rre; sl.r woubhi t wound
ti. V f' bn?s by iV.irjf that, y t tho in-f.-i.
i re ' f I t enai K war.p'ain rnoagh. j
Dal'as Vt') at leply did tho make to j
jour pr-nxwal? '
nallors r-he sM if I was tho last
man on can)' she milit coumder it.--Uoaton
imui if r. , f
Tl.ut Hor.irnntit Fu.,d.
Will Drf-NScl lrr,'eutin I to tiul.pt
nrll.-r at elrvai. d Mi.tio.i) I if ru.. long
cl.anoe. will voo r0 lril ei yb to
ifivo r.ie live ..opper M-iiit mislead of the
ui- i?
Tl liet S.tl.r lTnurild Tlcre's an
other v.nil'V N"v Y-ilier C"il,6r 1o
c'li.t i ib, ite to tl-o ijia".t monument.
The 1r t for the ' Oiitiibu' ions is light
over tl.ere, sir.- 1eas Sittings.
Kclcnre l tle Kfftcne.
I TlouseUopper lias any wnv been dis
covrro.1 to kill the pests that destroy
fr-at Siientist Yes. madam. Talco
up tl.o -a. pets, luing them on a- line and
War ibern won aliea.y sib k.
I Will tliaO.01 the insects?" '
"Ves. madam, if yon hit them." N.
i-Y. Weekly.
Iltisl-aml --Vn'ir jt-nlonsvof thatwom
! Kit im wholly )ititi-asoiial1ti. 1 haven't
tMit her fui a moni ii.
J WifH I h:if"'Ti to know that you
' writi' t. lii'r ivii v 'lav. thi.iiyah.
J Ihistutihl ,j i n t 1 1 I r I hi iiH-rcly do
cliniiiK her inviiatn'iis - .Imle
Ai.Ttiitinf lint Tlmt.
Ho fwiviiytl y ) Miiuv Mir!
Sh if u fiisi- yon wilt marry that
II.- I
SIm (hotly) -Then I'll many you.
4iMMl Ml1t.
Shpi-TbHt t m 1 1 him Mi't. Nowriteh
HtMMiis to Hunk iiiuiu of her do than of
IIm -l)h, well, the do ban a pivligree.
4fMtii lflti.
"Mow is your vtfi- yet ' i tijf fn?"
".sIih'h iiniitviiti: slowly so, is not
WkII iminili tn nil I to Iter l.imftehold
itiitttw yet, hut yesterday hhe was out
bhopptiijf." I'uek. '
AiiidiKiiif FU-rgiWHivH hrti,
Keil in love nun .vt inft Ait;i'jDu
vvnti . veil a. nt a wimnn
He t Of I in' I'ltmf SUn.O
Juitt aliea.i if her papa'A ni.vnti.
-H..r..i.ivn Life.
AUruvai the U'nv.
"Tbrit xvhh n t"ent rulnpy nf tho mnr
riafp lust it ulioii t hni Ihnl.ley mmlo in
bin Hl'icr diiiner spvo h lust evoninff,
wttMi'l it V
"t'H lutt h lorely domestie: life ho
imiM have.'
"No! unit h llinl.h'y's a sworn lneh
olor." Chiriio News.
Tttnc to I nvi.
Mth. Witheily Mow long did Mr.
Puny le stay Lin- nilit that I wasn't at
j Witherbv- l!nlil liulf pap- ton.
Mm Witheil v- Hnif pat ten! Why
didn't be May Inntfet
Withcihy- He. no so I held four aces.
I Htt-tl Itit.l 411 h Tittf.
Mr. Snoih (tn Min rnMrrni, who has
hren lelhii loin hKihi hoc non bouse)
I MipiM.M yttii u Hi bate tli.tnlvw aMurs
in tbe In Mist'?
Mr. I' - No. I shan't! 1 hnd n deaf
cook once, and I ii-ned t hen never to
hve anolher ei lpplpd s'rvant. Jury.
Mrs. ITenpeo tpbu full v I- 1 don't see
why a bitf tbg hl.c ih.tt should be afraid
of a little gn I liht yon
I .it lie i irl e's been together so
long. I iuss he links I'm bis wife.
CmkmI News.
(jmre f I'ontrtiry.
I Terwillier Mis I'luvne doesn't lihe
you, old feii.ov. Mie eays ytu'roa con-
eeittst iS'piniiiv.
.teroiomoti - I he reason Miss IMayne
doesi t Hl.e me in hecn.ise I uin not a
popt110' Jay- 1 'lK arpo I'rihutie.
Nn win. on ii.iCTfii.
"I w teih yon voni.i rt un a couple of
packets nf igm'ei te.. " saitl the con
demned iiinnlerf" h the put warden.
'Van i do ii." n piieo iheutticer. "The
law must tie allow tu to lake us course."
Uroviklyu Life.
I lipIUIt.
Cutllin I wiMi the man on the corner
wht grinds lh.il leas-i I v hand-organ
would lake up hi ijiittrtcrs idsewherc.
Sapley lie can t. Mor fellow, lie
talk's up only iikkett. and pennies.
The I'rniirt tint There.
Mr Citimann- Where in creation is
that furnished collage I rented for the
Kurat Carman Riiiht over yonder,
sir. behind your wiles trunk. N. Y.
A in o.
Ethel (Jeorge. you remind me of au
(Jeorge In what rospect?
E'.hei The cor? t.me given yon. the
le.. vand ycu eerx. u have Truth.
HsrdwareM did vnn srv? Why. ve
at P.C Thnmps'-n A Cosatand, and Ibe
plce for bargains. a
Whv gr hnnffry when the City bote
furnishes you a ii"od meal at living
rates. a
Fhoemaker. E1 BirbeeK. a shoemsk
er and rep tirer of niHny years' xperi
enee, hn jnt lood-, in the Abrhm
pick bnildmff, on Mav strHitt where b
ia prepared tn r1i evpiyihirtiif in bis line,
Mr Biilwk i s'ni My n first. class trorfc,
djhii aud warrunU all Hurk. Give hire h
ieall. 14-tf
and other
bcwcl complaints
cured and prevented
by tho prompt
use of
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
regulate the liver,
cleanse the stomach,
and greatly assist
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Every Dose Effective.
H lit A V Kl.
Twnflorrfllp.rse. Oneof Ihem brindel
' 8" on ihe right shoulder, likewise on the
iiiilil sntl
The other was brnnded '8M on the
lijilll imiiiii IIIIT. III".. i i ntr wt'tnui OI
eaeh whs shunt lti50 piuiuds
AiiViiiip returoiiii ihe ssme to ni
rsneb at Eiwbt Mile will receive a ipwurd
(lf!H5 SW tf HYLVANtTS WltlGHT
Plenlv of flour, bran, mill feed and
ob"p Hluays on liantl at ihe Heppner
FliniriiiK Mills. a
While yon ki-t'p jour Mnlwciiptioii pnirt up yei
can k.'Bp yuur bran J in free of clmrKe.
Alb n. T. J . Ioi e. Or. Ilnrw G(i on lef
himhlt'i; cj.iiIh iinu-on It-ft hip, under bit on
MKliI far, ai.o upper liil on the left; rai:e, Mor
row cuut ty.
Amirstroin.', J. t. Alpine, Or. T with har un
.ei mi U'fi hhouldej- ol liun-en: cat tie naine
m lef hip.
Allison, O. D., Kiflit Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O I) mi left tii and hornet name brand on rirl t
In Milder. Kkiiirf Kilit Mile.
Adkinn, T Hiiyville, Or- StraiKht mark aoroHB
i lie tliitfli ami two cropb and a ulit in the riKlit ear;
hoiwer.. J, upr-ulH (hiwn on the rilit nhouldfr.
l.iuiKe in Hrant county and Hear vullev. PO
addreHu hIho at Ibtnluidii.
Adkiiio, J. J., tleppuer, Or. llorbee, ,IA con
iiecifo m in t tlai.k; cattle, name on left hip.
Ayem. Johnny, Lena, Or. JIoren hrai'ded
trmiitfieoii Uti lup; cattle Maine on riuhi liin:
i airtii crop on rich i t-ar anu upper Pit on mhuih.
Hlyth. I'ercy H., tleppi.er.ur. Huihi'b H.miihii
.mom- un riylii nhoulder. Itane in ftlorrcw
-oii! ty.
liiHiikmati. ihi Marilinan, Or. MorHeH, h tlai
in M'l rthiMiltler: cattle -aine on riKlit Mhould.-i
1 iti.tiieter, .f . W., lihrihimii. Or. t'aitle brand
ed K on left hip and iIiikIi: hplit in each ear.
Hrvtnier. P.ler, loi-neheiry Oreuon JlorHes
br;tiidd F H ou telt shoulder. t'uLtle 8. me on
ntdit hi (to
burke. M Ht C, Lotik t nk. Or On cattle,
MAY connected un left hip. ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off riulit. Hornets, twine brand un
letft shoulder, liaue in Uranl and Morrow
Howr-man, A., douut Veriiui and Bunin, Or.
Cattle, A It on riht hi, (wo cropH in each ear;
same on hurnen. on rifjln houlder. Itanife in
(irant and tlan.ey counties,
hrnmnai., Jerri, Lena. Or.- Hothch branded 7
on ritflh Hhould. r; caltln H on ihe left Hide.
Left em hall crop ami riKlit ear upper rtlop".
barton. Win., rleppner, Or. -JluiHeH. J B on
riK.it tlo . cat li- Milne on right hip; nplit i a
each ear.
Hruwn, Inn, ijexinutoii, t 'r. Horan- IB un the
riKht i-title. faille name on nuhthip; ranue. Mor
row coumy.
is. .. ... J V . I
leppnur. up, - li irse- and iiatth
iix-jokeaiioveon left -.houldt r.
Heppner. Or. Hurheh, cirrh
i-rtiii h'fi tiii; cattle, -ame.
Inaiidt'd H wit'
Brown, J. I'.,
i ' W II I. .no '
llrmvn, w. .1.,
l.pna. "ri'Kou. I orKCB W hur
over It, ! the Jell hhoi.lder. Cuttle tame on lefi
lioier. W
lll'ltllll O'
each ear.
li., Ib'.p er. Or. Hornet, InPj
hip callle, nUllie. Willi uphl II'
Born. V.U., Heppner, Or. HorHeH. i B
i lefi
tttoiHil.-r; eiiOle. millie un Iff I llll.
iiriiViiilee. V. J., b'ox.Or t attK J H coi.nec.eo
un left Hide; crop un left ear and two Hpliiwin.o
uitdulf p.ece cut out on riKhl ear; on hornet hiiiiii
brai.d on the lefi thiKti; Uiuik in Fox valley,
tirnnt county,
t iiiti.l!., ( aleli.t r.- V I) on l-.uraes m left Mi tie;
U will, tpiarler circle over it, on left rhuiilitei ,
and on l.-ri hi ilie on all unllM under 5 yearn; ui
lefi r-hoiilih-r taily mi all horheH tiver Ii yearn. All
n in He ii. Urant ciuntv.
Cinrk, Vui. II. Le a. Or. HurHet- Will enn
tii'clid. on lelt hhtmli er: cattle naiie on riwla
nip. I. a ye .Morrow and Uaiat ila cout.tie.
( ale, ClniH. U Vin'in or Lei u Or. Ilurrini
tl C un riKht Hlioii.der; cattle name on I'lglil hi. .
liHime Morrow anl (jinatlda n mi tier.
I ochr. n, Cliar.,' lot e. Or. -llnrMee, 111" cot,
uec.trd on lett fhouldi-r; cuttle, C ou both lefi
lupaiiil ft i tie. Uiu;te m Moirow county.
Caiiium, J'. It., Loi. t reek. Or.--' nn' cattle iii
ntfht Mde, crop off ridii ear anil Hi it in left em.
uur lioittenHHine bia'.il ou left tshouider. iiaiiKe
i (iraul ciituay.
(Vcii, v m.. Uimtilas Or: h thah Jl' on lef
"lioi.Jdrr; ea tie eaine on leh hip, witdtlleti oi
ach jaw and two b.trt in the right ear,
t un, 1. n.. John iJny. tf. --! ub e croni- oi
each hip on cailli., fWHllnw fork and under bit
j. i ifjht ear, dplit in left ear. Banne in tirnnt
. uuiity. tii eiiuep, i i verted A and -pejtr poiiu
ai nln.uJder. Kar marko.i ewew, crop oti h-fi tmr.
piiuchetl uiMter tut in right. Wt-thtTrt, crop p.
right and unoer half crop in iefi ear All rang
ii liraiit couiilv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or. llorHes. Whin ritrht hU j jj
tei Cattle, ttaineon r glil hip: ear murk aipiui
p oil left and Mpht in right.
i un til, it 1., CurriUbVihe, Or. -Ho'rdet. m
efi so tie.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or HorBen hraudei.
' I ii A on ieft Hlmulder. I 'attle, anie on rigm
nip hwallow fork in right ear and crop nlL eft.
Co Ld S.. liaiiliiian, Or. (iHilta, O win
1 ceninr: hornoK. CK on lefi. 'Up.
Cochran, K. K iMonunieul, til-ant Co, Ur.
lloreb bianded circle with but beneath, on lei.
-houtiler. caltle i-ainu brand on both hips, marl
.inler nlope both earn and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardinan. Or. Horwen brauileii
" on right hiti. cHlile (raudeil Ihe Mime.
( rot.., h L, Oayvilie. i.)r i at tie t nan tied twi.
nip Hhd a split in left r-ar; un horneb a
reversei i y, on left utitle, Ainu have ihe fuiluwiiin
.minis oi. t attle: 71! on h-it hip, J on light hip,
ou left tthoulder, two parallel bars on i-fi
lioiilder. bar uiHikrt, two cropn.
Ootinan. Win., "fppner Or. INirnec bramleu
ou with bai over Uieui, uu left afiouitler; mu
le rtauie on left hip.
UtiugiHr., W. M .(ialloway. Or. Cattle, H Hoi.
,gm BKk'.oWii low-torn in oach ear: liorheti. H it
I lelt hip.
Duimliir.. O T, Dmiiflas. Or -Horm TlJ on
he lgh( ft itlu; c title rtame iu right hip.
Oui.en. V . I'., tlohi. ny,tjr. yiiHiter circh
a oi. right rtlioul'ier, boilion horeti and caltle.
atiate ( i rant cou..ty.
Urickeh. V. L.. Iiepiner, Or. Hornet branded
uinitle of - on lefi wiotilder. i uille ttauie on
eft fide ul uecK.
Mj, J. 11. Jt rtoiih. IJouglai, Or- Hornet brand
.1 M.1 oi lell Khouliter. caltle Mitne ou lell
ip hole i right ear.
K hot . W a-ji.. iit ppn r. Or, Di mm d ou
gut !-um di r.
i leek, Jat Kmiii, Heppner. Or. Horxew. Tr
wi.utn-ieti i. nghi rtf.tailtjf r: cm tie Maine oi
iuiiI Hie Kar mark, hole in riglil aud crop
Jl left.
Ktoretice, L. A.. Heppner. Or. Caltle, LF on
ight tup. hurt"- b wuli bar under on rigid
HorencM, S. P. Heppner. Or Hurte, F oi
nihi lnl uii ; cattle, t nn right hip nr llitgh.
i. a). Henry, llut.piier. Or. tiAJ on leh
.oiiitlei .
l olinim-French, Ijind Hhd L:vr stuck Co.. Fuh
I. ui . Inn M'l-, ai;i iiiir !5 on left rli.ml.tei ; virn,
iii" "h lell tl'. t itliln, name on bold hlpr;
..r uiarkr, cn.p oil right i-ar anil uhderbit tn u tl.
i.mge in liikliaiu, tiiaut, t rook a U Morrow
in-iarj. Huter, r.cho. Or llre tiramled H
. wiih a quarter circle ov-r it. on lelt .title
.ai.ge in iorrowat:d t :umtll lu cniint ie.
loltwaler, J.t .. i'rainei ii, Or.-Oi. Imrxeu,
i -dull lett fiiwiild r and Mille; cut I le, on rtulil
it-. luthjir- ii. IllJtl I C Ui i.
Hani!, -i miih w H.inim ,i. Or. H.irhtf hade i
...li ,t f shoal. It r: !-h.Ilc Htil.e on left hip. Uitl.ge
iie.. eo . Lei . Or. Hr .nd JH
.i l art- r dree o r il, un le i -h
-oui.. A ii IfuU. , -i. -i at lie r
ll. uiaiti-r I'liiie u, tier il on th.-
u d-ioii V
ri-ht hip.
.m ut- in Mori ow at tl L mat ilbt onini ieu.
0 ii. tin. A Jen k", I bouillon. Or i ai lie, two I mo
mi ettner hip: cr p in right ear ai tl pi t in left.
' iui p.1 k, jiiu nth i thikTh. Kai.gc i:. Oram conuty .
Ibighi'N Pvonuel, Ytaguer, Or 1' F L on right
.Ii.inliler tu Iiitwc; 'in CJ.tlle. on rik'ln liipuidori
i-ft' rinie. nwatiow fork m right ear ai d nlti in lelt,
'(aiiue ii Hiijciack di-tric.. Jlorr. vr county,
and Ktlwiii. Join 1'aj ,1 tr. t ai l ie t. Ii on rigfi
tip: lii rr-t-t. Maine un nghi abouhler. I Hug it.
.r.no county.
llugh-f. .Uat. Heppner, dr. H inner., shntled
Jiearl on the left chuiihler. Bailge .Muriow Co.
HuiiMtiLer, li .' . Wat i tr. Or. Hon, V on left
t.milder. t: tie. Won left hi. .
haidifiy, Albert, Nje, OreK'n - Hornet, AH
. mint eied. on left nhoulder; CatUu on (im left
ip, crop tiff left ear,
HumphrevN. . bUrdmiui. Or. Hnrsee, H n"
Hiatt, Wm. K., Kidge, Or. Hfirwn branded
ht en iff m left shoulder; cattle saine im lef!
llaje. .1. M., He;. pner. tr. Horse., wit.eiTlasn '
. tt-o .-i.'.i.nt- t-KiOe. aiiif on right nut.
Wj. Alfrnl. Lt-UK Crtvk. Or Cattif 1 H ,n '
Ifhl l.ip. crt'pett iell I Hi lUJtl bit i right. lluref
Mtne b unit on lett shou.der. Bange n (jrunt
''"t ..,,,.. n .,
Hu-O'i.. l-iith-r. ruin Mile, r. Hup II hd
die left almu.dei anj heed on the left at i tie Cau
tie Muneun leit hip. Uauge ia Morrow ooanVj.
Ji'nkinp, D. W..Mt. Vpmnn.Or. J on homwnn
li'ft hIimiiIiIit; i eaillw. J tm It-ft hipHrnitwo
Himxtili eriipa oa txtlli tsartj. ItaiiKf iu t us and
llewr vmI j h
Junkiu. 8. SI., Hi'pimpr, Or. Horwes, hurse
Hhim .1 mt Icti -liuuldHr. ('Bttle. the mms.
Itnntf "ti l-.iirhi Vliln.
Jm)iiinih(. I'hIi lif.'iH. r.-llnrsH, circle T oh
lh so1 c; CHttlc, waiHf un rirlit in i. uii(lr tmlf
; crttp in r t .' 1 1 1 mm! hiuiI iti ivft Hr
j KtMiu. lik II. tn.iuT, Or. JlnrwM bninI.-d
, KNV nit Ifft hip nitli rwitiir anil cmp rt lft
I iirK J T, lb-(ipn'r, Or. HurBfB ri(i 4m left
hIi'iii liter: chiiIh, i.H IhM hip.
Kirk. J I', Heiiiirr, Or. Horrwe. 17 on either
rl-"- . 1 1 ( " ! riaht id.
Kirk Ji'mhc, H 'pi u r. dr.; horm 11 nn I. ft
pji u it.M ; CHtiU- Mime nn ilit hhIh, umlerbil on
i ati. etr.
KiiiiilM'rltiiai.W. O.. Mount VHrnnn. Or. 1 L on
i cti l on riKht Hii'l lufi hhIhh. rtwHilnw fork 111 II ft
Kiir Hint n'.lr cmp iti liulit wr lloroeh rtt.iue
tintco! o. it ft -tin life Ita t in lirn I oimiv.
Kmhuhj. (-li. ft. ppm r. t r. Hun j I. hii.I
HCI' ll chilli OH lt-11 Blitlt.. tiHI(Kt) in I UMltil.M
hihI . orr"w c"itiili-B
ti-hh-j.V r. Muiuinii'iit Or A trim flo with
hI) ItiiHh fxti'ii(iii" pa i im! ut timin-on tS imr-fif-oii
h'ti Mh..ni.ttr, m caitie malm-mi nil i(ft
-hmiiofr. -p. it ui ri'h . . t. n m i,.fi ,.r
liji -jf.' - tt i in. nt t-uimti iiui . 1l0f jujtU (iUi
l.ml c. J VV. Peppircr Or. Huimh In fl-(i- ii I,
ml A, oi. lift Hl.oulilcr: cum e-nnieo. le't iilp;
w-'M verHw,tiy thiee bliih in rtwlit oar.
Loftfli. HtftlllHll. I.,.. nr. f, I ufi h.ii
n entile, crop and nphl on riirlit ear. HorHeB
I sni'" nrand on left alumidor. UHie Urant
, rn;,j;,;t),PI1 w . . , -u,,
hmijiii tl liall-eiu-ic jf ccmmVteil nn It'll nhuu.
di r. ( a He. nam un 1. (up. limine tl(m Lp
t.onl. (iMortft'.
Hummer. Or. -tliirmi- lineideil
uoithli- II
I BWlliK ll. Of U'l. Hiioiuiler.
ftlHXWeil, M . S , Ooor-ebcrry. Or.- M.- -branded
long link on left nlmulder; cav..Vt earn e on
lef hut. Far mark, under tat tn lef i ear.
flli nor, Ot.ear, Heppner. dr.-Cattle. M Don
righi hip; hoi-He AI oti left HhouliiHr.
.Morgan, ti. N.. Heppner. Or. HoraeB. M )
on h-i" nhuiii.i" cattle same on left hip.
Mcrutnlier. Jau A, Echo, Or. Hutww. 31 wiih
har tver on right Bhuuliier.
Aiaun, H. li , Lena, Or. HorNeH-oltJ marea ZZ
or nght hip; youiiK Uck, Miuall zz on left
Morgan, Thiw.. Heppner, Or. Hortes. circle
I on itsft Hlitm-der ai.U left tliiub; callle. L on
right thigh.
Milt-hen. 0car. lone, Or. iltreH. 11 on riuht
hip; callle. 77 on right nnle.
Mv mien. b. (j., lirowtmville. Or, ilurbeo,
rignre ;mmi each mIh.m :er. catlle, .M2imi bin
iMcKerii.VV.J. Mount Vei uoti. Or XI ou cattle
ou rigid hip, crup iu right ear. half crop ui h-ft
name brand ou Itorwi e oh lefi hi . Katigt pi UralM
McCnr y, Havid 11., Kchi,Or. Iloren branded
i u coni.eeteii, un the lell bln-ulder; cattle -auie
fii h-p ui.U side.
AicUitr, l ia, k, Fo Valley, Or.-M.de nhue
with loe-cork on cattle ou nlw and ui.dui in
each ear; hoiMe. Hume brand ou lett an tie.
fllcliabj. O. V., iiiui.iiiun,or. On horMn, 8
with hail uncle uuiier on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four barn connected on Lop on the right aide
liange in Oram County.
INeai. Andrew. Lone liock.Or. Hornet. A N eon
liecied uu left ahouliler; caltiu name on bolhhips,
Nonijke, fc,., hilvernm. Or. Horaee. circle 3 on
lelt tlugl,: ea lie. same on toft hiij,
Oliver, JtiHt-ph, ( anjon i uy. Or. A 2on cattle
on left lup: on horae, iamo un left thigh. Bangs
in (irai.t county
Oiler, ieiry. Lexiiigtuti. Or.-P O on left
eht'ii.di- .
Olp. Heruiat., Piairie Ciiy, Or. On cattle, O
Ll cuunecleu ou ief'l hip; hon-ea on left elilte
and wuroe on nose. Uunge in (irant county.
n-aiMin, ulnve, Kight .uile. Or. Horaea, quar
ter circle shieh. ou iefl ahoiuder and M on left
hip. t aitlo, forh in lei; ear. right cropped. 'Z4
on left tup. Bang Light .Mile.
t'ai ker Oieuaon. Harilumn,Or. lluraea IP on
I tl shoiatler.
l iper, J. il., Lexington. Or. Iloraea, JK con
necied let! ahouider; cattle, auuie on left hip.
under In in eacli ear,
l'allerg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horaea brand
euwuba Uoinai crona on left ahouider; callle
branded with lb muii cruaa. bar at bottom, on
lell hip.
Pcttya, A. C, lone, Or.: horBea diamond P on
shouider. Untile, J o J ctamecled. on the
lt fl hip. upper aiopc in lft ear and alip ui the
foweli, tlotm T liayville, Ol Horaea, J F coii
uec edoii left ah.mhlor. Callle Oh counseled ou
iefl hip, two under half cropa, utie on each ear,
iiltie uuuer Uiroiii. Uu. gem lininlcounty.
locKard. li. 1)., Canyon lly, Ur.--r C ou left
-hou.d. r, on burses uiily. K .uge Canyon creek
;u ti near valley tirnnt county.
lioou. Andrew, llarilmau. Or. Horaea, square
i"' wiih quaner-ciiTie over it oh lett atille.
henu gtu, l hrin, lle pner. Or. iloraea, C U on
Jell rhmtiili .
nice, ban, Haiduiiui, Or ; horaea, three pane)
worm tei.ee on ten shouluei ; cuMIe, i) A IN on
iigiu nhtiuiuer. Ituiign ileal' llaniiiian.
uiiiie., g.rek, Oi.-brands horaea
h o. ngi.t ahtiuuier. Uange Oram and Alorrof
i-oiii ties.
ilnjse, Aann. Heppner, Or Ht raea, plain V on
efi ai.ouider; came, same brantl leveraed oo
right hip ami crop oil right ear.' liange in .Uur
row county.
liudi Ifios., Heppuer, Or. Horaea brnuded X
up Uie i igh ahoul.ior; caltle, IX on ihe ieft nip
crop oil iefl em and ilewlap on neck, liange it
tlurruw anu adjoining uounlie-..
luisi, WiJim.n, i'on..leluii, Or Horaea It on
.eh aiiwuioer; cattle, U on left tup, crop oil
light eai , untleruit on left ear. aheep. it on
weaibfif, luund crop olt ngU ear. Uangu Lliiia.
iiiiii tti.il .Uoiinw ti unities.
bciuiey, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Hoiaei
lauded It on right shoulder, veul quartet
circle tver bnu d; (aute wuue on nghi kip.
uiu.ge Morrow coui.l).
Buyse, Vvm. ll. Uauyvillu, Or II B counetrtec'
Aith tpiuru i elicit- over top on catiieou rigut hit
tnu crop ult right ear and split in left. Horses
iiue tirai.u on iefl nhuu.Uer. Bauge in Morrow,
iiiuhl and (illiuiiu Cum. Men.
Bluer. J F, i.iiitr. Or Three iiurallel bare
A nn bar over on iimaes tin letl hip; on catiie, iefl
ioe two auniulh crops, iw'o apiua in eacl- eat
iiange iu .uidoie tork oij.ihn Uay.
Mecini.J. v.. Iluppuer, Or. Morses, JC Ol
.ell shuultUT. I a. lie, nun right hip.
.-picki.all. J. W., (iooaelerry, Or.-Ibiraee
bra. dtnl il on lett ah uider ; tango .a Morrow
0. m..iy.
opi..j, J. F., Heppner, Or. -Iloraes braudeu 1 1
v-uiincitiu t. tiKhl oluutder. catlie aauio on buiL
fcHiinng, C V. Heppner, Or-Horaea brandeti S &
un iell sutiiuuer; cuttle name on letl hip
ftwuKgar , li. t.. Lexington. Or.IL.raea 2
won Uaoii under a on let. at. lie cuttle tl with
01. Hn UL.iei .i un right tup, crop oti rigid ear aud
witud.eU ou right hind leg liange in Morrow,
uimniii und uuiiililia cuuiitiea.
Aw..gKiu-i.A L., nil... or. Huraes brande 2
ou iell sliouider; cuttle same on left lup, (nn
on eai, waltie ou lell hiad leg.
hliaigm tt. 11., Ueppuor, tr. Ihtrsea shaded
j & ou te. Btitle;catUoJ ti uu left hip, awailow
auk iu righ ear. uudnrbu in lett.
upp, inoo., Heppner, Or. iloraea, 8 A P im
.eit hip. mm t-niue ou iell hip.
Whirls!. J..uiea, Lung t n ek. Or. - liuiaea. 3 on
t It otjtle anu over t on iell ain-ulder.
Ohrter.Johu, Fox, or. Si) .oiinected on
Iinrsua tu. right hip; came, same on right hip,
crop fit i iuh i ear and untier bit in left ear. liange
in Mm. t cntiniy.
biiiitb Bios . buad.viilc Or, Ilort-fi-, bra ded
ll. Z. o mioul.io,; ca l e, nuieouieit Mi iu.d.T.
Miuiren, lames, .Mlin.lon, Or.: uorees biai.dd
Jiy u ieli aoou.uer; cat lu Uie aume. rtiao none
a. die. lia. ge .u Mera w ana ml, tain eo ntiea.
OU-pliei.B. V . A., iiHidin.oj, Or-; i.orsea Oooil
rigut hiitte; cahiuh rutn.tal L on he . ight aide
oievunsuu, .itia A, J., tleppu- r. Or. I aitu. i
n, rigfu iu ; -wuuow-ioik in left ear.
ftwaggart. ti. W Heppner, Or. Homes. 41 uu
iell niittu.ii. : caltle. 44 un telt hip.
Clone. Ira. Bi ki, tun, Waah,-horses, keyatune
ou ult Bhuulder.
ftuiuh, t.. c. L.une Bock. Or. Horaea branded
a cruseeu seven on leti shoulder; catlie aatuw uo
iell nine, hange. Uiinaiu county.
hperry. L. U.. I.eppner, Or. - Catlie V C nn
leil lop. crop nil rigut and undeibil in left year,
dew lap; holies ,tU Jen ulMHiidtjr.
1 nuinpsui., J A Heppner, Or. iiuraea. g ud
iell niinuJt. r; caltle. j. on iefl .h adder.
lipi eus.ft.1,,1 n erpihH.Or. hoiaea. t -un left
nhouulttl .
luinerB. W .Heppi.er. Or. -.small capital T
ie.lf. nhuuidei. Imrses; cattle aauie on Iefl hip
wiih sphi in hot I ears.
lb. ruion. II, M lone. Or. -Horaea branded
tl I ctnuecud on iell siitle; ahe. p mtine braud.
Vui.deii.ool, U.T. Lena, Or; Horaea HV cod
necietl on right siiouitier;caille, -ame ou ruriit
Wuibr.d.e, Wm . Hepp: er. Or. Horaea. U. L.
nineie.i aiiou lie. ; c (lie san-e on .tgn lup.
ciop ,,tt leil eai aud right , ar iOptxi.
W iotM,, John y,. isiuem or Heppner, Or.
i.oirH-n bruntieil -Jy on ihe left ahou.der. lUiuge
.iiuinm ctui.ty.
Warreii.W B. Caleb, Or Cattle. W with quarter
c.n ie over it.ou ,eti side, spin iu right ear,
liorr-t-n s.iiue bttt U on letl Hhoiiider. liaUgciD
liiatit couuty
VViwhI, F L. LH)villo. Or Heart on horst on
n It Mibe; on cattle, ion hit fide anu under bit
in ii'n ear. iwtuge tn urunt coiutiy,
I W right. Miaa A Heppner. Or. Cattle bran-led
j i VV i-n ine nghi hip. npiure crop ,.u nghi oar
a. l pl I in lelt.
Val.ace. 1-ranciri. Mount Vernon, Or -Square on
Cltiue uU l lie leu liip. llppr slop. jn nt. p f (
eaiai.duidei alopt- in right ear. time nruitd
on Ihiim un riuhl ahotifiler luuiue in llurn
Hi d ImtUt rountv
Vad.. tlenr). Heipner. Or.-Horae. bianded
ace oi r-paiif.- on ie t shoulder and iefl bin.
I aitle hralitfe .name oi. Iefl nine Hi t! left hip
tt ells. A. .S., Heppin-r, Or. Hor. 0-o on left
I turn ger, John, John May Cit,Or On horHe
! thrte p-rai el nar on iefl -hnuhiei: 7 nn hin4.i. "
uitit-r. im twtinv.
bit in tMiik ears, Bange ,i. i.runi tud Maihutr
tttMrdward. John, Heppner. Or. Hon
itiMlecltHl I. left nliniiUitr.
Watkina. Liahe. Heppner, Or. - Huraea brtmded
Ut ct im.ee te, on left slide.
W mince, 'barn. Portland, (Jr. OtUe. W on
nghi ih igh, hoi in left ar; horaea, VV on right
flioulner, wm wnieon lel shoulder.
tt luttter Hron., Orvway. Harney MiuutJ', Or -
i liMtrii.. ,isr... IlMinib.ii. lir ..h..u,.ur
. n ft.i.1.. i-tm.. hi. H-t, on lifer
t ie .ei thrt- tiN oi lelt hiti. both iil1h mi..4
: Ir. r-e!.. t'.MMi, (train eunntv.
V illmuif. J u. Umg Cree(. (r linrMet. quar
U-r tin'lr iVei (lifw lMnv uii i'fi hint. u.iU "a,,,,
j u n -tn m -n. . -. Km, n t.rnitt r...nm,
' tt A- eppj er, tM -Horses nipi.tiB A A.
on siu.ulder; i ame aame r.gtt' i. ...
i Imiiik, J iiiNw-irr,Or. lionw brautiatf
T 8 on the nahl tvauakler.