Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 02, 1892, Image 3

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'l'MI'K doIriiiff the iuititrtlon of .lifnlav hi8.,
1 or rliuunit ot .-nine, must at.-t their copy In
not hiit'r than Monthly evening for TueH.lay'B
edition, or 'Uniiwitiy eveitiliK lor Kritlava edi
tion. Till; I'ATTK UnoN l'l'IlLlflUNIitJO.
1, IOC noio oi me i-cihi pvr HOC Will De j
respei't," liBtB of weditlnc presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall liiii-Hell ie as a matter of news,) and
notices ot special meetings for whatever purpose,
l Notices ol church and society and all other
entertiiiiiii.elits iroin which reenueisto he de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live
ceiasulioe. 'Ihese rules will be stiielly adher
ed to in vvery Instance.
Adverlisiuj! rates reasonable and made known
upon appliculiou.
Give your busi liens to Heppner peop e,
and tlieiejoie umiU to build vp Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
T. W. AjerR, Jr., fur drugs, 68 sw
Dr. 13. F. YiiiikLhiIj dentist.
lii!iins Tubules cure headache.
C Utile) is i. lilt- to be around dnHin.
Hfa Purlluud ExpoBitiuu ad. in tbi
A. Iliind whs in tie oity several daje
tllla wut-k.
Ed. Day and wife were iD the city Bar
unliiy liiBt
Ben. l'tiipen, of Hardman, was down
llnloloy Oil llUHIUeSS.
ClmrlfB Burnett is reported to be quite
sick in tlm mountains.
Frank Teiupleiou, a Wagner rancher,
wss in tieivncr Tueadav,
Joseph CI or H, of Condon, was register
ed nt the Palace Tuesday.
J. f Spray was over Trom his Wagner
ranch tlie tout ol the week.
Foul, the painter, still "in it." For
any kind of wink see him. 81-tf.
When iu Arlington, stop at the Ben
nett bouse, near Hie depot. til 11
Dan. Omars' baby wan reported quite
sidk last, week, but is better.
J. F. Miller and wife, of Monument)
were in lleppuer Wednesday.
Andrew Neal's ouildruu, of Lone Rook,
Sundiiyed wilh their lenitives here.
Win. Uoug as and wife, of Builer creek.
Were in tlieeliy several days this Week.
.1 O. WiIlimiiB and K. A. Farrens were
in Tin bdti mui liiik in m Spunn Hollow.
Ike Larue and Jnhuuy Kirk rested
their steeU a few hours with us Wedues
Miss Let ba I'arker, dieastjiaker, will
guarantee you a good tit. Cive her a
trial. 4tf
frauk Sloan retnrned last Friday from
a tup through Uraut, Baker and Union
Case Ollloer, of Waterman Flat, Grant
count, una iu lleppuer several dayslasi
wtek .
Lilly Gordon has returned from Teel
spnniis, and is again at his post us tie
livei i uit.li.
Mis. Annie Gilliam moved back l
Hi i pnei jesleulay fiotu her i?pi nig Unl
low tat ch.
Wis. Walter A. Hunt is here from El
l-n e h ti 1 1! Ii, W iioUlngtou, lu visit relative
iu Huh vicinity.
Bei j Miles, from the land of ,-H osier
dom," visited his nephew, 0. S. Van
JJn.vn, last week.
Joe Hayes. Jr., retnrned from Lone
Bock Kiiiinriiiy. joe has spent the sum
mer over there.
I ap tiimous & Son still shoe horses
rand do general blncksmituiug at the old
At ii ml Mntiock corner. 55.
Allen Evans got in from Greenhorn
last Sitindtiy, where he reports range
good and water plenty.
"The Parlor," W. F. Rnark, prop., iu
the t!it hotel, west side of Main street.
NenieM place in Heppner. sw
R. iln it Large departed Thursday foi
H innlioldt connly, Calif , where he will
likf ly leinain tiver the winter.
M'S. Kite Pnrsell, the lady nntnrj
public from Alpine, iioaompnnied by hei
Uiiuuhlei', was in the city Wednesday.
As intimated ill a recent issue, A M
iSlucniii puiehastd the planing mill of
H P. (Jairigues, taking possession Aug
M li.
Wes. Bfannon, of Eiiiht Mile, will have
eonie 6uU or 700 hushels nf giain this yea'
to difpose of, legardless of the shori
Bob Shaw returned frr.m Pendleton
Tuesday evening. While away hf also
made a lour thioiigh Grunt and Union
W. Si. Davis, onp of the Portland
knights of ihe gnpsnek, was waiting up
on the Heppner merchants Ihe first of
the week.
Uncle Nut. Webb csma up from Port
land Moiiilnj, where he has been for son
wet ks past-, iind ltft this morning for
Walla Walla.
The follow ing is the theme for next
'HuioIhv morning at the Baptist church:
'Tutting the gospel minor on the Chris
iimi soldier "
Mrs. Jlexwell, mother nf M S. Max
well, ol tiooseberr, is reported as dan
gerously ill, doubts being entertained us
to her lecovery.
Hivn ketchntn whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at Ihe oity barber shop the
place to get a tirst-class shave, bair-ont
or shampoo.
A.J Hunt and wife, who have been
.spending several weeks in the mountains,
returned Inst tuturda, but went back
to Ihe Blues early this week.
Sullivan will do Corhett np in a very
few rouiidi, because Oorbett. baa been
saying that ihe City hotel shaving par
lots was Ihe - bum" shop of Heppue tf
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, aooompa
Tiled by their urand-daughter, Miss Li I lie
Bwbee. left Tuesdity morning for a visil
with friends at Culnmhus. Washington.
Pf uniler'i Oregon Blood Purifier is the
grenl conqnerer of Hilliousiiess and Liv
er 0! mplHIUt. XVnei ueiinu, iu .-.-..
case. Hold at One Dollar a bottle. Trv it.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hon-I's north business room.
Charley Jones, ihe baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in oonuec-
"'j'he Ontwell Bros, recently purchased
the house moving otl'tit formerly owned
by O. W. Lord, aud aie now prepared to
do all woik in that line. Bee ad, in this
Ike Large put bis three-year-old mare
tnnle on the hay scales Wednesday, and
it tipped I be beam at J-3J pounds. She
wns sired by Johnny Kuk's Kentucky
Jack, which he advertisul in the GnZutte
through the season of 18H'2.
Fied Baifpapp, a railroad man, una a
' number of the U. P.'s wrecking crew.
Came up to Beppuer on Tuesday eve
mug's train, to r. pair the passenger coach
outi'6 Heppner branch. Mr. Halfpapp
is also a member of Hie h.. r s, ami wniie
here did inn forget tu visit the b s Tues
day pvening.
p.,t Kelh bar was in from Jerry Bros
nuV, Monday, -nd wants the foUs in
"OM Iieliind.'' who get the OaZ-tte, to
know thai be is in good health aud fl mr
isbmg. i g'eat admirer of Pat
rick Egnn, that noble representative of
the Coiled States in Chili, who bo admir
ably coudncted our attain during the re
cent crisia there.
A Mihtakb "Just about the time of
Pot (Juaid's visit to Ihe Blues recently,"
says our fiieud, Judge Mullory, "a horse
was missed, and the owner, who thought
it had been stoleu, begau to luoka'leetle
oud.' He noticed the presenoe of Put in
the mountains, and uut kuowing him.
Spotted him for a horsethief, aud bud it
not been for the kindly intervention of
friends, would have gone after Pat any
how." We will say for P.it that along
iu the good old days, like some others ol
us, he might have taken cure of a "slick
em," just to keep him from starving to
death. That ie right, and shows a kind
ly and humane feeliug for dumb animals,
but he was uever convicted of anything
more criminal than being a good Amer
icau citiz-u, with pleuly of Irish blood
in his veius, and if he isn't proud of thui
he ought tu be.1
Fall Races. 'Ihe full races of the
Heppner Bulk Association will ocelli
Out..ber 111, 2j, 21 aud '22. The ussuuia
lion will endeavor to make this the bem
seiies ot ruoeB ever aeeu in Heppner.
Tuh total pulses amuuut to mure thai
friuU.UO, while txirn purses will be hung
lur all nortes tuut come here not quail
tied lu enter any of Ihe scheduled ruoes
i.s given in the ad. on uuutner page, lie
member also thai all races are lu be gov
erned by the Pacific Blood Hurse Asso
ciation. Alt uuinemeu ure invited lu b
pres. lit wnu lUeir luuuers aud assist in
making thtse ihe beat luces ever witness
ed lu Heppner.
Whonoly Infokmkd. In a reeeui
issue lue vi..Zdne staled tuut uur mutuui
mend uud tellow towuumuu, UoV. ltet.
was "heidlug hugs" over uu the Joui.
Day, iu tue viciuity uf lUoUullid suiiugK
ihal we were iu serious error, we uiusi
admit, our infotuiutinn belug of tLe
"oeaisaj" churacter. Upon invesiigatum
we find thul tue Guv. was ouly herding
one P-l-g g, uud lu that capacity ouly us
he ussistuut of the well kuuwn inuyoi
ut Suduville, Geo. B. Tedruwe. Sucl
ueiug the ouse, Air. Hen should be, anu
is hereby exuuerated uf tue ohurge.
Ketukned. Dr. J Puul Grant and
Arou Vusey, U. H. Dodo's muu, relurueti
irom uu inner Oouutry trip Weduesda)
afternoon, leaving for beluw jesleidav
morning. Dook Bays while out the)
made a complete tour tlnough Gillian,
Lit ant, Crook uud Hainey ouunlies, i.uo
back to Heppuer in eighteen days, the
quickest time on record, though us both
of these gentlemen have made this ttip
ieveral times, they have the roule com
plelely mapped uut, aud know just ex
actly where they will lodge eaou night,
veu luuugh it is in a haystack, by tin
uadaide, ur in some stock burn.
Dan Lewis stabbed Dau Lewis, th.
colored banjo in Hat and variety man,
was stabbed lust Mui day by another col
ored man, namd Bailey, a member ol
be troupe, in a saloon quarrel iu Prndle
ton. Bailey had beeu engaged by the
Lewis "oombiuath.n," in a town out ol
Portland, but wbeu Pendleton was reach
ed, wus dropped, when a quarrel ensued
with the above result. Many here will
remember Dau Lewis as lli6 colored sing
er and "banjo kinu" who gave several
entertainments in Heppner last winter
Delmonico. B. F. Pei kins bns lately
opened np me restaurant in the ijchten
ihal building, which he baa named tin
Deluioiih o. None hut white conks un
employed, and the public cau therefore
ret a good, old-fai-hioned meal, cookiri
in Ihe best of style. Prioe, 25 cents;
beds, 25 cents. 509-t-tf
New Dkessmakeb. .Mies Lt-tha Par
Iter, just from Hie E st. has opened dress
making parlors over Mrs. W. A John
ston's, where she is prepared to do all
kinds of dressmaking in lutest styles
tud ut leusonable rates. 4-tf
Lost. Somewhere ou the road be
tween Heppuer Hud WHgner, a wheel tu
i baby carriage. Fluder will confer a
'uvur by returning it to this ultioe. 18-21
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, )
Li'Oas ( odnty
Frank .). Cheney makes oath lli.it he
is tue senior partner uf the firm of F.J
t HKNEY & Co., ooing business iu the
Cb o( Toledo, Countv and htate ufore
aid, and that Bald fiini will pay the sum
and eviry c. s of Catarrh lhat cannot be
oiited by the use of Hall's Catahkh
tjimru to before me uud subscribed iu
my i resence, tine 6tU day ol December,
A. D 1886.
) Notary Public.
dab's Catarrh Cure is takeu internally
ami acts directly ou the blood and mu
cous surfaces ot the system. Send for
lestimeuials, tree.
1". J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
tSTSoid by Diuggiois, 75o.
Jellirr, J tins, -nd Preserves.
What lu preserve? and how to do i.?
are questions eatisfactorilv answered iu
"Ayer's Presei ve Book " Keoeipts for
the newest, most delicious, and at the
same time, ecouomio.il jams, jellies, ami
pieseivea uie ooulained iu this hook.
AH praatioal, have been tested by one of
the most uoled culinary authorities uud
Uousekeepeis of the day. Ayer's Pre
serve Book mailed to any address on re
ceipt uf a two-oeut stump by J. C. Ayer
Co , Lowell, Muss.
A Bare Opportunity.
The "Otld Fellows' Grand Maroh"
and the "Air Ship Waltz" are two of tue
latest compositions of Isao Doles, India
napoliB, Ind. Both are musical gems.
They comprise five paget each, sheet
music size, besides illustrated itle pai.es,
not difficult iu exeoutiou, but beautiful
in composition, uud sell at 40cis. eaoh.
Bv wav of introduction' Mr. Doles will
mail them to auv address on receipt of
ten cents per copy, when uccompauied
hv this notice.
Address, Isaac Doles, Indianapolis, Ind,
U. 5. A.
A Billion Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
aud not less than one million people have
found just such a friend iu Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption, cougha
and colds. If you have uever msed this
great cough medicine, one trial will con
vince you luat it has wouilerlnl curative
powers in all diseases of throat, chest
ami lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to
do all lhat is claimed or tuotiey will I
refm deil. Trial bottles free ut Sloonm-
Johnston Drug Co.'s. Large bottles 6uo
and fl.
Dan Bee, of Hardtnun, was si en on!
our streets yesterday.
The Gem aud Palace saloons for fine '
liquors, McAtee Bros., Piops. sw
Bill Ingram, of Eight Mile fame, was
in Heppner a short time yesterday.
Chan and Rpnh Sperry wpre upfrom
lone cmntry several days this week
J. A. Thomas, Ihe Arlington banker,
was registered ut the Palace Mouday eve
uing. John Kirk retnrned from Teel springs
last week, where ho reports a general
good tune.
C.E. Veil and wife left last Monday
lor Grant oountv, to visit their eon Hur
ley, ut Prairie City.
Aaron Vinson, of the Nile & Vinson
marble ehops, of Walla Walla, was in
the city last evening.
Mrs. Hamilton, of Cascade Locks.
came up on Tuesday evening's train, aud
is now visiting with her brother, Ueorge
Mrs. Chas. Wagner, Rocompanied by
her cousin. Miss Lenn McAtee. nf Peu
lleton, returned from The Dalles, Mon
day evening.
H. M. Thornton was up from lone
Wednesday, Mr. Thornton informs us
hat he is making preniirations for put
ting in his fall grain.
Ed. Long returned the latter part of
last week from an eighteen days' trip in
he inner country with D. Jacob, Fleiscb
uer, Mayer & Co.'s man.
L. Miller, N. Bobisnn's genial clerk,
returned from Portland Wednesday eve
ning, wiiere he had been spending a f-w
lays' vaoation, ulso ordering the full sup
ply. G. D. and W. P. Fell, the enterprising
uroprietors of the May street millinery
nd dry goods store, are getting ready
for business. See spaoe for ad. iu this
While playing on the porch, the little
ion of James Khea fell oH. striking bis
boulder with snob force thai for a time
he muscles of the arm were completely
The latest dentistry, orown and bridge
work, most successfully accomplished by
Dr. B. F. Vutighau. Gas administered
vhen desired. Thompson building,
Heppner, Or lu
lu conversation with Henry Guy a few
lays since he infoimed us that his wheat
crop averaged 35 bushels per uore, which,
dousideriug lite year, he thinks an ex
ceedingly good crop.
S. I. Stratton returned from a week's
visit w ith his parents over in Bear valley,
llraiit county, last Wednesday, and is
again behind the counters at Collin ,v
ucFarlaud'u establishment.
J. P. Cypert, one of our Lexington
friends called ou us the first uf the week.
Mr. Cypert aud family, tor some time
puBt, have been cainpiug in the itiutiu
laius ueur the Colwell grade.
A team driven by Fiank Jones ran
uwuy with bim up at tbe farm lust Tues
day morning, rather disfiguring the wag
on, but Frank luckily escaped with noth
ing worse than a few bruises.
H. V. Gates returned Wednesday eve
ning from Portland, bringing np with
nni a six-inch Cook pnmi , wi'h ucapso
ty ol 20(1,0,10 gillons per da v, with which
oe lll test the uitcsinU wll ut uu eat I
Dalles Chronicle: Congressman Elli
held a reoeption in his oht today as he
passed through for Heppuer. He still
has bis broken leg in a case, but is eveiy
other way in flue physical and mental
Tbe Tennessee Jubilee Singers mad.
heir appearance at the opera home
Wednesday evening, and were greeted by
in exceptionally large and orderly house.
Their entertainment was veiy good, and
much like tbe original plantation lite.
Subscriptions for all newspapers, mag
zines aud periodicals published in the
word takeu at the Gazette oflii-e. Sub
cribe for your reading mutter throiiuh
us aud we will insure vou against loss of
money in trausmissi'un tbro..gh the
mails. tf.
Bob, Albert and Ben Mattcson were
town from tbe mountains recently.
These pioneers are null wbuuking awuy
on the old KIhoK Butte tunnel, wheu op
porl unity offers, iu the seuioh for coal.
And tbey are still strong iu the fuitb that
they will fiud it, ton.
James Rovse, of Gooseberry, was in
Heppner yesterday. In conversation
ilh Mr Eoyee he informed our reporter
that be had just disposed of one of his
ranches o Oavidaon Bros., whoso farm
adjoins it. Mr. Bo) se thinks of leaving
lorrow oounty as soon us he can dispose
of bis property, us the alkali water bete
does not agree with bim.
E l. Ashhaugh was iu tbe city yester
day eviuing- Ed. has been with the
thresher of Ed. Asbbaugh et M., and
reports some very good crops threshed
so far, among which might be meulioned
G. D. Coats' barley, 21 bushels; aud one
piece of E. B. Stanton's wheat whiob av
eraged 20 bushels. Many yields uie
small, though graiu very good.
J. F. iVliller, of Monum- nt, Grant Co.,
oalletl on the Gazette yesterdav. In oou
versaliou with Mr. Miller be inform us
that in his opinion rain would do very
little good now, aside from laving the
duet. On the oilier baud it would start
tbe grass again, which would be entirely
euteu dowu before winter, thus making
pasturage very close for winter aud
spring rauges.
E. Waldman, representing Neustadter
Bros , of Portland, was with tbe Heppner
inert-hauls several days this week, leav
ing this morning on an np oouutry trip,
expeoting to go us far east as Pooatello
ere returning. Mr Waldman also visit
ed the Knights Tuesday evening, and)
was very much surprised to see that tbe
Heppner b ys haye sncb an elegant lodge
room, aud ttiii ks there is no doubt but that
Heppuer could eutertaiu the grand lodge
next year in royal style, iu the event
that we can get ti bere.
The near approach of the Wqrjd's
Fair awakeus increased interest iu Chi
cago and her wonderful history. Today
Chicago Is pmbably the finest oity iu
tbe world architecturally, and all practi
cally built within twenty years. Tbe
most thrilling and wonderful chapter in
the city's history is the one telling of
the great fire and the subsequent re
building. It reads like a tale from
Fairy Land. Tbe new and magnifloeut
Cyclorama of the Chicago Fire just
opened iu tbat oity shows in the most
Baptising manner tbe oity during the
great fire, with its thousands of acres
of red-hot rains, thousands more uf
a surging sea ot dime, aud countless
thousands of panic-stricken people flee
ing for their lives, is the most grand,
awe inspiring, and realistic; eoene eer
pnaluced by m'in. Tbe whole affect is
greatly intensified by the introduction
of novel mechanical and electrical de
vices, making the whole situation seem
liki a reality. This remarkable exhi
bition ia located upon Vliohigan Ave.,
near Madison St., and will remain as a
prominent attraction during the World's
Fair. Our readers should make a note
of this great work and not fail to visit it.
Ketch 'em
To y
General Merchandise !
" al nierciiiiiulisB, but to iimke it more complete, we have
puichaHfid a stuck consisting of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn
ishing Apparel, Etc.,
Tlifit will he sold at greatly tedticprl priefs for cash only. Call
and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you. No
trouble to show goods.
PiOHBBr BricR store - mi street, hbububl
Wanted to trade for Sheep.
rpwt'lve ii ml one-half acres of Splendid Fruit ami
J- (iimkMi Imul, ithoul ci;lit or nine ucri'B of
name iu bearing imit treett, straw her ru-ti, hlaek
berries, etc.: (iliiiiuliiiico of water fur irrigation
and luiusc use in all senoits; of a ndle j rout
court house in Walla Walla i lly; an excelh'iit in
vestment and splendid place lor a home. I lace is
eplendidtv unproved and in highest state of culti
vation ; also would trade for sheep In) acres w heat
farm in l inatill.i couuly, ureKon; is heavy, black
loam soil, abundance of pood water; capable of
producing ;0 bushels of wheat per acre; ell im
proved, one mile irom railroad station ami easily
acfcssit.le to Aihena. Or will trade to i.tidii
acres improved farm land ou Ktireka Flat, iu
any case will pay cash diilcrcnce ii due. Apply
lu person or by letter. Address
H. S. Jackson, Walla Walla.
Box 527. II
The Great Female
Successfully used in the
jeitrral treatment ol
woman's disease.
PRICE, $1.00
Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure,
For the cure ol Briglit'e Disease, Dialiftes, I'.iliousnesa, Sick-Headache, and all
Kidney Troubles.
Frlco, Sl.OO.
315 Front St , Portland, Oregon.
M W . W a V m mum t I k I JUI'l-lTltl Tlllllnl
Hee InrlortnementM I
Cooper Dip U used and enriornerl by the following irei,'ii i'l Montana Bh.-eprrifr
inaldson, Ihiy villi; W. Lt!i( Junction City; John llnrilHon, Mutin-v; (Jeo. Orlm,
Donaldson, Ihiyvllli; W. Lt!i( Junction City;
Kmineth McKhp. Uavville: Ion tfivur, John liav;
Cook Nt Clnrk, t'hilbrook; Ktitrchltd & Alf: raiir, Diifuiyur; K. It. Vnrnm, Utfca; IIuhhIi Ilros.,
vviton; E. F. Chandler, .Maldon; J. liirnchbcrj,'p ;iioti;nu; I). H. HahtitiH, l.'het; Januttt Kdlo,
Union; w. iNortou, siuwari; a. uowine. iJiKsanuy
anu wioiuij;
Ask Your Merchant for
KOIHiAVO H'toa. PnrtUnil, nrpieon,
Gen. AgtH. lor Oregon, Wtu-hliintou and Wi;t':,n
V. z - f. f J ii i
ere they Fade,
A K 1 1T
has jut renmvt'tl from Milton aiullnr-Hted permanent
ly in the i.trhteiiilml i-tiiiltliiitr. otmosiie Citv Hotel.
- SHiftiiie his work iik'u-is an unitr.
Dr. Grant's
The King
SFSo!d under a
PRICE, $1.00.
John IfarrlKon, Mutin-v; (Jeo. Orlm, Amanda;
J. , livern, Now UhIhiii; V. .1. Mcmlu. U'wall;
nil uiauu mm u
Coopers and Take m Other.
Props. Win. COOPER 4 NEI'IWS,
tin'riKton. Trrnit.
The undersigned has a
choice lot of Oxford
Grade Bucks for sale
at reasonable prices,
at his ranch, 7 miles
south of Pilot Rock.
Jllot Rock, Or.
For Trade at the Head of the Procession
With the Right Swing and '
We Propose to
h Mi That Maverick, 8
The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
I Round up Bargains :-
Like Yours Respectfully. We are here for busiinees from the
grouud up ami propose to let you know it,
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
SUiik on dHOHT Notice and at ronu.AH I'ku.kb.
86" Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. .
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L.
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
Arc mill nllve mui kicking for tratlo Willi a completo line ol
Han ware, iiiwm. mmn mMmm
Guns and Ammunition, Sewing
Machines, Farm Implements.
. AIo Oenti' FurnlBhlnu (loniln. and the lament HHOrtrnent
ol Teiis la iLHHtern Urugou.
Special Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto: We Won't Be Undersold.
tf. Corner Main aud Willow
vv. J. IICICXICW, lroi.
rpIIS HOSTELRY h heon IiKFirrKn aad liuKuwMini) tlirnaitbout, aud now
ia one of tbe most inviting plnceg iu Hnppoer. Mr. I,ee,er iovites you to Hop
with him, fmling tbat hu ia ulle to entertain yon in tbe best of ntyle.
First Class House. Reasonable Rates.
Ixo Season
For Fruit has Arrived and we
are in the business to supply you
Ice Cream
Is about ripe. Wt, will let you
know about that iu 11m near future.
- H
Rustlers !
& T. CO.
fl (I
Streets, Heppner Or.
L. Matlock & Co.