AM tit- 1 ;,,,. liuf and cure ignorance of effects l-iiity wMcii is !st. r S fAii'Mii the elemeiiLS ttius s'l-cnih and vi:;ur will fol cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric after all other treatments testify, and from many of 0i'i&. THE in is i eomnlete galvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and it g'ves soothing, prolonged currents which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5 OOO. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory. Me pre- test boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or pirts, or Irlonov Refunded. -They are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-agei'.. or old men, and will cum the worst cases in two or three months. Address ' SANDEN ELECTKIG CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, PRECOX c;:rd:;:o a Kinraus ctmcD Dr Dr. G, F. Webb's Llorlrfr BimIj IIpMi aui C'nlnrrli, Bll'.M.lHlltfRm, . fciui i;ic;i, Am lurrlifro, biHTiuiiiin'iIi r.a, i'r .ip:;in, Cl.lorOSiB, I.oii'-ori'li'rvi, Hi-minul Wtviknnl, K.iri )df 0 uuiitim, IllffKUilLMlCO, I'.i.'i l :!itn, I'nml.rr.ii. Ni'i-.-tiui Debility, 61 Tii;iy, Imp toncyt Uiiili.'tis, Noui-: il linnlrc, fiic'.t UcilfJilcilOt V.aiicoeulo. II w.iu, In id : n nia, I.umli i",o, hjiiuul Disoago. ly qvpiia, Cuii "Upuli'in, Kiilii'y 'onip'filnti, Ol-ihmjiI D biliiy, I,0''3 of M(ni)()fF, IO- -Motnr Atiixin, ht'A 'pf;y, etc., cii-. DH. G. F. WEBB, Inventor and Patentee, UnilcJ a:d rorcin Countries. t.j Bond for Cataloffuoa and Testimonials. On Sale TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, JSt . L,miis, ANII Al.l. I'OINTB east, pmii m am Leaves IN ppner, 8 a. m. Arrives U:5tl i. m. l'tilliiiiiti sieenera, ColuniMt HleeperM. Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. HteiuncrH l'oribiiid tn Sun FrunoiHtx every four ilnys. '1 ickets TO AND I Lu rope. For nitt'B timl Kt'mTttl iiiforiimtUnmtU on 1H i-ut l U la-l An-1 1 it, J . O. 1 1 . A.KT, Ik'ppiR'r, Orison, W. U. lirUUU'UT, A8Ht tienl. I'ass. Kt. i!."it WashiiiKton St., IV UTI.A N 1i OllKUON. QUICK TXM EJ I - -T O JSf 1 11 Fruuoisoo A'ni ail points in California, via the Mt, HiuihtH route of thy Southern Pacific Co. The ureal liiuhway through ('alifornia to nil pointH KhuI tind South, (iriiud Scenic Koutu of the 1'aritie CouhI, I'ulhiiiiit HutTet HleepiTH. Keeond-iduHM sleeper Attached loexpienH irathH, tilThiinu nuperio1 HCl Kill Hnulltllnllh HH'lliM-ellirt ptirneIlKfl'rt. 1'or inliH, tieki'tf, sleepniK i'ar it'M'i'vatioiiK. etc.. cull upon or ntlitienB K. KoKHI.KIt. Miumirer, K. V. UotiKliS. AkkL lieu. 1. A P. Am., Portland, Orenoii. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCK RAISER ! HKIM'NI U. OKKiON. Cutilp brHiidtHland earttmrkttl iwnliown atve, M 'i 'h V nu rinlit slioulder. Mv entile miurc in Morrow and Umatilla conn tm. I will ay $11.0 i fur 'the arrest ftud con- ilf fill mk TICKETS whit iiRH you wEiiss:? niftra Ev j iTfflr mm V AND SUSPEHSQftY TOR, uf?'M j Vv HO ARE DEBILITATED, AND L!r jT ; . - vi ui i rcnvi NFDvm is Dfrii ity .Sfmima?. v- Jll I J NESS LOSSES,pRA!N5.lMPOT yy?jj Lost Manhood. Rheumai ,rfJJ 2' w 1 : uji.' the effects of abuse1!, excesses, marvelnus invention, which rrnuires nrhimw or exnosure. vou miv have undulv drained your system cf nerve force electricity anu trmscauseu ytnirweaitnessor iaen oi inn. u yu r-"" drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and m a natural way. 1 ins is Send for our Illustrated i'amphlets, tree ; sent ty man, seaiea. ; B"lt is no experiment, aj we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor, : failed, as can be shown hv multireel ot cases throiiehnut tins Mate, who wouia giaoiv whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt. DR. SHNDEN WONDEEFULBUT TEUE! ELECTnO-WEDlCAL SCIENCE STILL lUlUMPIIANT 1 The Deaf Made te Hear ty Electricity ! Imonlcil in April, lHtll, rntcntcd In June, Jvt'iliunsuiiilH rioi'liiiui its iouder ful autl i'orfei't Ut'tiulls 1 THU ONIT BUCCESSPTI, THEAT THaCiX IN TllJi WOULD I Any onn. old or younpr, whoso ear drum Is unbrokon can lie nniilo to hear and convci'so in onliniii'V tonos, mid be cured liy lie. O. F. Wclil)'s liloetrieal Apparatus I or Treating I)' ill in ss. All Elcctro-Mo'lii nl Ilody llutiory with np rliances inventeii cspeeinlly Cor tn;ut lug nearness and the iliseasus wlileb prcdiiecd it. Send I I cents for my Electro-Medical Theory ami Practice, doscribiuu treat States mem. ptiKcs. auuioss B. B. BLISS, General Ant, IOWA FALLS. IOWA, CURE A ntnv ami Complete Trciitiuciit. rotiHinl i hk of SnppiiHitiiriB, olntiiK'iit in Ciinii1i'h, iilHoin IU and 1'illn; n poult i e ',uro for kxtennil, Inti-r nit!, liliml or liliMMlinjf, Itclilnj;, chrniiif, Ktf-u i it or llcri'ditary rik'n, und nniiiy other dist'iiHUh anil ft'iiiiili! WL'iikiH'Hsi'rt; it IhiiIwiivkh Lrrrut bun t?lit ti tin? trim t?rnl in-ultli. 'I I hi limi disi'ovi'rv ot a nicilinil curt; rciKU'i ii-K an opcnilinn w nil ilic knil'i! umii'ci'rSKitry li rcaltcr. 'I'll j h nfiiH'dy Iui8 nevi'r bet'ii known to lail. ?! perbox, li lor $.r; Hen t by until. W hy miller from thin terrible d id ease when a wrltti'ii tiamntei; Ik fven Willi li boxen, to reliinil the money if not en red. Send Htmnp for free Hiimple. Gunnmtee irsKiied bv UodDAHn, n,.vKK .V Co., UboleKale Ai lietail DrtiHLiiHlH Sole Agents, i'orthiiiil, Or. Scientific Amencaa ft(L Agency for B-''J TRADE MARKS, ffV COPYRIGHTS, eta. For information nrd free Ilntulhoob write to Ml'NN k CO., :'rfit HnoMiWAV, Nkw Yokk. Oiliest Imreiiu tor net in nm iiil"iit - in AiUHi trn. llvory i:iterit tiik'n nut hv lis irt hioiitfiit het'oie the public by a notice i:ivi ii free ot cliai'e in tbo Scientific mcricau iitirrat rt renin t lon of iinv Beiontltte paper In the wnrlit. Snleinlidlv illiistrateil. No ntellli.Mnt mini Min'.iM be without it. Week I v. 00 a venr; I..VI mx h. Atliln-iw MllNN CO, I'UULlttLlEiiS. ikil Uroadwuy. Now Vort. E0HE1 SAVED IS KCNEY MACE. Navy if, to .it coin- on evfi ilmliu you -,i:iid Write tm mil munmioih t atnl.iiu', a MH'-piiL,'( book.nnii amine il. tit-trai ion anil i.-n .hi; imvf-l man madmen-' ; iuyn, Willi nnuuit.ii ime ' di-i'iMinlr ot t very kind ol (;oodr-and mhhiIim iiiaiiuf ic. ureil and iinuiii'il iiilo the Uuiii-ii 'taie-. Groceries, Ih.iiM'ImM Ootid , l-'uriiinoe, l lothiiii;. L oiie-' mid iHiith' l loih. tn: aud l-'iiniintiiiiii looiln, l)res (inuiU, While Uoodf, hy t.oo.lrt, llais, .Cap, llnoi.- and Mnet, iloi'c!4, Noinai!", ola-nvji e. titniimifiv, Wjticlirf, I lork, Jewelry, silverxvare, ltu-'L'ies, Winp!, Airi ieiilimal linplein in , eic. OM.V KliihT CI.AS OthiOS. Ciiittloue sein on reretpt ol ..') renir for Bxpresmero We ire 'tit only cniuTin which eelln m nmimt icturem' prices, BbuwiiiL' ih buyer t lie nitnm d.ecoiiul I'.ai tn n.iiiiiilarlinev eVve lo Hie wliole-ale buyer. We pun i nn ire all eootl an repivbented; if tun ttnuul m, imint'V retuuilrd. Onoih i-eni liy exurese or freiiilil, wilb privilege ot exanniiaiioii tietore pay tnK A. KAKPKN A CO. p.Qninoy street, t.bic;iL;o, III. WE WILL PAY A Mlnrvol to SMI per week to OOOl) apa-u to iTni'M'iit us in eviy oiutiy.ttiul sell our ut iiernl line tit Meirh:indise nl in imi t :iei in ern' pncen ( . TOMSK mm WtNT SIIUHY KMI'UiVMi NT NUKl) Ai-i't.Y. I MrtloL'U'' mill pai Ik'Utiiri t-cut on leceip ol 2o cents iur expre:-ane. A. K HPi:N A I'D. Vi"i Qulncy Mrcet, I hicauo, il. L U M 15 K R ! 'K 1IAVK KOH S.M.K Al l. KIM'S OK I'N lint U kuinv u hh the SCOTT BAWMIUIj. I'KR l.IKH) KKKT, ItOfdll, Cl.KAH, I0 & 17 M F IlKl.lVKliKIl IN IIKIM'NKH, WU.l. ADD L f.MiO t'l' l.lKHl l',-t. iiiltlilioiml. L HAMILTON', Prop. I. A, llllllllttlltl. MAIl'UT RECULATE THE S STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, ! ASH f PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indication. lllllnNanrM, lloatlache, Canatl- p Ml ton, l7prpl. Chrontc 1-tver Traubloi, IMitlnrM, Had VomplrilnH, Iytcrj, IVtTcntlvc Iti-rnth, siid all dtMrdvra of tbo tilomaeh, l.lvvr and Hum r It. J ltixtnn Tnhulfn etmt -tn nntliine InluHmn to T the iiuwt itcticHte i'tiiMii(utMii. I'ltftNoato tuku, 2 Z ufi. effi'etiml. i;iv untiK-iliiite n'lu i 2 X Held lv linlnt. A tnnl l'Ui M-nt by mail Z Oiimvirt of l et'iita. AiltliVMt THI RIPAN9 CHEMICAL CO. lOSPRrCG sritKCT, NEW VOUK CITY. ' i.......................,........: NF3 24 R V 4r- nsM, L'i Back. KidneV Troubles. Nervousness worry and exnonre. For such ro'Trrvrr. hit a trial to convince the most skcpncal. i our pian ana ircauncm, auu c 8u.umcc a ELECTRIC BELT THE CUCUMBER BEETLE. A Yellow Strlpril Insect That Injurel Cucumber, Melon and I'uuipkin Vines. Changing location is a plan practiced by Borne for circumventing the garden ers' enemy, the striped encumber beetle, but in home gardens this cannot be done, and some protection placed over the hill before the plants appear above ground will prove most satisfactory in the long run. The fact that such protection often aids materially in pre venting injury from frost is an important point in its favor. Professor Goif advises the protoctor illustrated in tho accompanying sketch from Garden aud Forest as being strong, light, durable and economical of stor age, as well as being entirely efficient and cheap. It is made of cj-inch un dressed pine lumber, covered over the top with ordinary wire mosquito net ting. The frame may be made sixteen inches square at the top, and the sec tions are cut so that the bottom is slight ly larger, giving llaro enough to admit of nesting the' boxes together for con venient storage. By cutting the boards in the manner shown in the drawing tlioy may be "double nailed," which greatly adds to the strength of the frame without increasing the weight or cost. The cucumber beetle first eats the young leaves a few days after the plants have come up, and later in the season the larva of the beetle descends WOllK OF CnCUMIlKR BKETI.B LARVA. PLANT PROTECTOR. and attacks the root, causing the plant to wither and die. In the cut already re ferred to is shown the root of a plant irregularly eaten in spots, and where these spots occur the larva will be found hidden within it. The female deposits her eggs on the stem near the surface of the ground, and from this egg the young larva when hatched eats its way down to the center of the stem. When full grown tho larva is nearly half an inch long, and almost as slender us a com mon pin. One of the simplest methods is to cover the hills w.ith a piece of thin cheese cloth two or three feet stpiare and held up in the center by means of a half barrel hoop or bent wire in form of a croquet arch, fastening the edges down with loose earth. Another method is to pro tect the plants by keeping them well cov ered with plaster or bone dust. Treat ment must begin in advanc e of the in sects' first appearance, or from the day that the plant appears above ground. The period of danger is while the plants are young. Transferring llcv. Tho best time to transfer bees from box hives to movable frame hives, says The American Bee Journal, is just be fore tho fruit blooms, when thero is lit tle honey in them. Tho drumming method, as advised by Mr. James Bed don, is as follows: After getting the new hives ready and every frame nicely fitted up with foun dation, proceed to 1 ho box hive and give the bees a little smoke. Next turn the box hive upside down and place an emp ty box on the top of it, large enough to hold a good sized swarm of bees. With u stick or a hammer drum on the hive for fifteen or twenty minutes, when the greater portion of the bees, including the queen, will bo iii tho upjier box. Take oil' the upper box and dump the bees at the entrance of the new hive and they will all rush in. The old hive should be removed a short distance away and the new hive placed where the old one stood. In a few days the comb foundation in the new hive will all be drawn out, and a good sized colony of bees will be start ed. Leave the box hive where it is for twenty-one days (generally enough bees remain at home after the others are taken out to take care of the brood). After twenty-one days every bee ia hatched, including all the queen cells, and as no laying queen is in the hive, it is entirely destitute of brood. To re move the remaining bees proceed as be fore, and then split up the box hive and melt or save the combs, whichever you choose. One experienced live stock breeder says he considers a good crop of clover worth more than a c rop of com for feed ing any kind of stock, particularly hogs. A first class pair of draft horses sells for from fiitK) to $st'0 in the New York horse market. There is always good de mand for them, but stylish carriage horc Mill still hotter. POTATOES AND CORN. Am linportsnt Point In the Cultivation or These Two Crop,. Early planted crops, or ground that was tarly worked, may have become more I or lees crusted on the surface. With a good steel rake pulverize this surface and change it to a finely mellowed top soil. This will hasten growth, and any foul seeds just starting will be destroyed, according to Country Gentleman, which illustrates as follows another important point in the cultivation of potatoes and corn: In cultivating potatoes, avoid the Common practice of drawing the earth In hills around the plants, because in doing so you scrape the earth away from the roots between the rows, and pile It up needlessly high against the plants. The hill, with the natural level and the mass of soil piled above it. is shown by one of the figures of the cut. The ef fects of the two methods may be easily tested by experiment. Cultivate ten rows level and ten in heaps, and the level hills, when the crop is nieasiiml. will have from 10 tn 21) per cent, more potatoes. There will be a difference be tween slight hills and steep hills, and there will lo a difference in soils. Try both ways and compare the results. i. ERROR IN HII.l.ING POTATOES AND CORN Take the same care in cultivating corn, the roots of which are nearer the , surface than potato roots and more easi- ly injured. Both corn and potatoes send out roots from the young plants two or three times as long as the height of the plants. Avoid cutting the corn roots, therefore, near the plants. In the cut is also represented a hilled young corn plant, the dotted lines showing how the roots are cut off when working deep and near. Kentucky lllue Grass. The most noted and most widely dis tributed of American pasture grasses is the Kentucky blue grass or June grass (poa pratipses). Very few of the many who own aud have been reared amid blue grass pastures are aware of the wide difference in quality between such pastures. They know that some pastures are richer than others that is, grow more luxuriant grass butnot that many pastures produce a grass that yields more aud better flavored butter than others that bear heavier crops of ranker grass. In other words, it is not the rankest crop that makes the most butter, or butter of the highest quality. There is another grass (poa compressa) which is really more entitled to be called blue grass than the Kentucky grass. It will grow anywhere that the Kentucky grass will and flourishes on some soils where the other will scarcely live. On favorable soils it makes a butter grass equal to tho best Kentucky and is highly deserving of more general cultivation. Jersey Bul letin. Coop for Young Turkeys. A fanner's daughter, writing to The Country Gentleman, says: "The most satisfactory coops 1 have ever had for young turkeys was box shaped, 3 by 8 feet, tall enough for the hen to stand upright, and while sufficiently close near the bottom to confine the young poults, yet well ventilated under the eaves, over which the inclined board roof projects on every side to keep the rain from beating in. tn the front and rear two of the slats extend out as handles, for the coop is light enough to be easily lifted to a clean spot every day. Short, thick grass makes the best of floors, but care must be taken to se lect ground that drains itself naturally, lest water should collect after a hard shower. Turkey hens give the keeper less trouble if they come off in pairs, for being company for one another they are less restless and wandering, und therefore take better care of their little Water for Bees. When bees have formed the habit of going to any place for water it is a diffi cult matter to prevent their continuing to go to the same place, aud hence they should be provided with water at horn j early in the spring, and be "enticed" there for their regular supply. The ed itor of The American Bee Journal sug gests that a little salt in the water at the home trough will make it inviting to the bees, and at the same time to give the sides of your neighbor's trough a coat of kerosene oil would help to culti vate a liking for the h jme trough, which should be placed in a sunny spot. Treatment of Celery Plants. Celery plants should be transplanted in beds two or three inches apart as soon as they are large enough to handle. Orchard and Garden says that a good place to put them is a cold frame from which the sashes have been removed. Screens made' of laths tacked an inch apart will give shade needed. This transplanting will cause the develop ment of fibrous roots and make them more easy to transplant to their final quarters in late summer. Here and There. Sixty ponuds of potatoes are a legal bushel in New York state. Many of New Jersey's muck meadows are being reclaimed and devoted to onion and celery growing. There will be at the World's fair not only a live stock exhibit, but in connec tion with the same a fat stock show. California, Florida and Texas threaten to make it unnecessary soon to purchase Mediterranean fruits and nuts. A dairy club of deaf mutes has been organized in South Dakota, with Charles H. Loucka as president and H. McP. Hofsteater. secretary. Increasing favor ia ahown by British tockmen for cotton oil a a fattening Ingredient tn stock rations. The Clover Hay Worm. The clover hay worm is frequently re ported from Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and the more southern states. The eggs are laid by a small moth in stacks of hay. These worms hatch from the eggs and feed upon the dry hay. transforming to moths again in June or July. New hay ought never to be stacked in contact with old. and the worst infected stacks are thoso which have been placed upon the same sites for successive years. When practicable it is well to build the stack on good rail ventilators with an air jwssage uuderneath. It is also weil to salt tiie hay two or three feet from the bottom. Ami !! Kept on Wallil.nj tao 1-1 .. "What did vou name vour baby?" "Well, at first sho was as good as gold never whimpered hair all worn off the bi -li of hr head with lvin on I ou uu, 0.1..11 ui u. r ncaa uu ijrtu. uu it and we called her Serena. "Well?'1 "Well, sin"e the began eryin? all night with toethinj wo changed her name to Tus?arora." Chijago Tribune. A SIItM I)l-rereneo Miss Elder Did you hear Mr. flunker pay me that nijo compUment when he looked at my new photograph? lie called mo beautiful. Miss Flypi I heard him, but I was under the impression it was the photo graph he called beautiful. Photograph ers are so smart nowadays. Truth. A Sure l'lan. Lonely Walker I'd like to nave my life insured. Agent Well, there's the tontine ton year plan, endowment Han, mutual benefit, old-time life, and Lonely Walker Well, isn't there a plan by which I could get fifteen cents to-day in advance on account ? Judge. A:i Anxious Husband. Day Mrs. Knpcc has had the doctor every day thin week; she has lost her voice. Weeks Isn't her husband anxious about it? Day I should say he was; working night aud day to throv the doctor off the secnt. X. Y. Herald. lo to Father, and Faro Worse. It almost spoils my digestion TUat jus;, hi rc I cannot stop. But now, ns I've popped the question, I'm obliged to question pop. Truth awaking a l'urchuse. Mrs. Shoppell (after the entire con tents of the store have been shown her) Well, you don't appear to have exact ly what 1 want; but as you have gone to so much trouble, I feel that I should buy something give me three one-cent stamps. Puck. V.'liy She Lldn't Bow. Rowne do Uout Miss Donde didn't bow to you. Perhaps she didn't recog nize you. Tom Vanderastor Oh, yes; she did. She recognized both of us. That's the reason. Puck. Lost All Confidence. "You believe all men are sneaks or rascals, do you? What are you a man hater, a pessimist, or a soured poli tician?" "None of the three. I'm a railroad conductor." Chicago Tribune. An I'liw.irraated Assumption. Editor (to humorist) Do you expect pay for this j ike? Humorist Certainly. You didn't think I was in the funny business for fun, did yon? Brooklyn Life. At Old I'oiut. She IIow thoughtful ho is of his wife. He Yes; he never takes a drink with out eating a clove on her account. Jury. A Happy "I'm glad we're going to move," re marked Louis, "because mamma will be so busy packing that she won't have time to know what I do." Harper's Young People. Or tho IJuyers. Dulle Granger looks disappointed. De Witt He is; nothing has happened to ruin the fruit crop in his section. N. Y. Truth. AN INCONVENIENT. IXXttRY. a ." J 4ii3s.-.Tij(J', ' ,. Mr. Cailuua WliaJjor '.t yS pipe hang1 down lailt dat for? Mr. Clay De stem's a triClo short, en when I gits it 'tween mah tecf I done burns mah lips agin d' bowl. -Jndie. An It 13 Observed. Justice Flynn What's theeharjre, of ficer? O'llourkc Breakin' the Sunday law, yer 'anner. Justice Flynn IIow's that? O'Rourke Sure, he wuz trym' to g-it into Cassidy's saloon by de frmtdure instead of de family entrance. Puck. Making Acquiilntance. Marvin (to strange boy) Are you the new boy who lives next door? Strange ISoy Xo; the new boy's only three months old. I'm the old one. Harper's Young People. A Viiln Attempt. Father That eat made an awful noise on back fence last niht. Arnold iVs, sir. I guess that since he ate the canary li thinks he ean sing, Harper's Young People. ' Tho Hoom Whs Over. Capitalist How is that town you spoke t i me about a few nvonths ao? Is it hud out yet? The Iloomer Yes, indeed; stiller than a mackerel. Life. You:i America. lie (about to graduate) In the bright lexicon of vouth there's no such word as fail. She (a little older) No. It isn't a slang word. Life. Tiio sorrttw of It. He Farewell. She Farewell. Will you ever call again? He To-morrow night. Jury, Au Epltuph. A martyr to (Uitv lienctuh this stone lies. A loving voung husband who ale his wife's pies. Hardware" did vnn h ? W by. in i iininps m cc b t!i huh, it mi i ne I.I.-.C i..r o.iu.ui.. . Whv tfo hni'tfry vbnn Ibe Cit liotel fnrtneheS )oii a good tueal at livn g rati P. ft noFMAKEH - E l TCt'bePk, h pbiVIll:k- i ami lep'iier ot tu .n vears ixperi ei C", b s j'lsMi-c tted in (he Abr;:btm Kii'l; bui'ibiitf. '-li M'v P'rtpt, bfe he n t i'p"i-d tn ib- " e ' ho-:' iti l i line. i r III' b i k s u t i a firvi i'hk- ( k man an I w .'r uiL- a-1 w rk. G ve I ra a call. H It in. rt?r ,n a lift ft ft. NOTICE-TIMBER Cl'LTl'RE. V. 8. l and Ollici'. TW imilt. r.. June 7. 1R02. Complitiiit liming l,-eli entered at till .iltioe by 'I heron E. Fell. Hiralnst heiiB if Joshua li. K,'ll ti.r ftiilurp to enmnlv ill! law 118 to '1 illl- her t:ultnre Knirv No liT'U. lnteil Nov. 17, iss7, "I""1 ,he " N" 14 su'4 s,''', s , . j, rroK. .. lrPBn. 1th a view 10 tile eaiieellalion ot Baht entry: eonteslant alleiiioc that said .lohlma K. Fell, ami Ilia heira, hHe tailed loeotnply unn the llnmer 1 niinn; law, that he tailed 10 ureal; or eanse to he hroken, rive aerea fll said truet wiihln one year alter en try, or in laet has done nolliinu to eom(i!y i it h the ie.;ireinents of Hie 'liinher ("nltnre laws, the said parties are hereby siiinliioned to appear at tins olliee on the liith day ol September, 1ML', at 10 o'eloek a. m , In respond and furnish testi- tnonv eo:ieeridiiL'Said alleaeo lallnre .lis I'at. terko'n, Notary I'ni.iie, i auilioriert to take tea- tiino iv in this ease, at his olhec in lleppner, nr., at Ilia, in., August "J", 1S1'2. 511-121 ' John W. Lkwis, Register. Plenty of flour, bran, mill feed ami nli'-p aiwHys on hand at the Heppner Flniiriiiu Mills. a D UNKF.NNI SS. or the l.lQl'OIi H AESIT. Cured at Itolii" in Ti n hus Uy AdiiiiniK. ti l ing Dr. IlatiiiV (joltirli .-(m i (lit-. It can br iiiven in a hIhhs of beef, " enp of effee or tea, or in food, without th knowledge p'dipnt. It jo atolnte- ly harmless, and will ffct a pn inanent and sp edy ear1, w liether thf patient a nuidfratf d' iiiker or hu alrnlinho w reck . It liaft bnen yivn in In- u-Hnds if i-hsch ami in t'Ven inidaree a perfect cute h h ff.ilnwei. h newr t'aila I lie HHtem hoe imprf yuatt-d w it!) the up cirir, M hce'iniPK an mtfr-r in pi Nihility fo tl e liqti r appetite t Xit Cimhh wuhihii 'et', 4o nu b'Mtk in pHr KMihirn f '. (iipsh the GoLDKN Sparine Co , Xi H;.ee Street. Cu-eiiuiHli, Ol.w. STOCK BItAXIfv Whilo you kwp .mir Hubscriptiori paid up y c an k.Bp your bruiiJ in freeuf eliHrpe. Albn. T. J . lone. Or. rlnrsew GO on U-ft houlder; f.itllf an if on left liin. under hit on ti'lil ear, upper bit on the led; rai ge. Mor row coui.ty. Armntrontr, J. t. Alpine, Or.T with bar an ler . ou lefl rthouliier itl borees: t;mtlt) sumo in lef: hip. Allison, O. D.. Kiirht Mile, Or. Cattle brand. O D on left bie kjkJ hortteH name brand ou riht i-ilionbler. Kaime. Eight .Mile. AdkinB. I V.. Dayville. Or- Straight murk arrow the iIukI) ami two e.i'opo and h ulii in t he ritfht ear; hoi Hen. J, upMiie down on the riht kIihu liter. tiHiiire in iiraiil t'uuuly and Hwir v.dlev. I'D addreHH uIho ut Hardinnii. AdkuiB, J. J., Huppuer, Or. Horbe-H, JA con n"'iMO itf t tttti.k; ealtle. HHineon h'fi hip. Ayera. Johnny. Lena, Or. Hoi-bhh branded triHiit-ieoii ii'ii hip; cattle H.inie on riuht biu: aim i crop off Huh' ear and upper hit on name. Hiyili. ferny H., Ileppi.or.or. Hornet) Human eroHH on right tmotiluer. itaiiue in Morrow county. lileakinan, (ieo., Ilarflinaii, Or. llorneH, a Hae. I left nliotdder: cattiw -ttllie on riM nhnillii.T I Hiininter, J. W., Hhntnmn, Or. Cuttle, brand ed K on left hip and itnuli: split in each ear. lireimer. P'ter, ion Hebei ry Oreon Ho rues hr mdeit P li ou lei t shoulder. CalLlu H.iiuu on ntflit Biue Burke. M St C. Lonff Creek, Or (In cattle, MAY connected on left hip, ciopotf left ear. un der half crop oft ritdil. Hornet, name brand on 1ft ft rihoniikr. HaiiKH in Uraut and Morrow count. liow-uiHii, A., Mount Vernoi and HtiniP, Or. i 'aide, A U on ritfhl hip, two crops m encb ear; wiiiie on hornet, on rijdu nhoiiider. Itaui;e in ( iran I and llan.ej couniier. Hrommij,, .Jerrj. Lena, Or - llorweh braidei 7 m ritftn uhouldi-r; caltle H on the left nide. Left eai half crop and riht ear upper slop". Hailon, Wm., lleppner, Or. -lioihet, J H on : .tflit thu.i canh hhiim uu right hip; nplit in ach ear. Hrown. Ish, Lexington, ( r. borne-- 111 on the ritilit etitle: cattle Bame on riylit hip; ranuu. .Mor row county. Hrowii.J .P , lleppner. Or. -II;rtie and cattle branded H wit " ox-yoke above on left Hhoulder. Brown, J, C, Heppner. Or. liorneB. circle ' ' wit h iloi m. tfr on le f i hip; call In, same. Brou n, W. J., Lena. Oregon. HorseB W bar over it, ou the leit hhoulder. UHlle bunie on left hip. lioyer, VV, G., lleppner. Or. IIorweH, box (nana o " hip callie, shjiih, With split in ach ear. Born. P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, V li on left 4nnldw: cattle, name on left hil. Bmwnlee. W. J., Fox.Or - Cattle, J H cor.necied on Jeft Hide; crop on left ear and two Hpiitn and middle p.ece cut out on ritfht ear; ou hornet same brand on the left thih; linage in Fox valley, tirant county, ( 'aiti. Km aleb.Or.- Y I) on horses on left stifle; U With quarter circle over it, on lefl shoulder, and on lett mi He on till colts under f yearw; on left ehonlder only on ail horses over ft years. All raime in Uraut eountv. Clark, Win. II.. Lei a. Or. H orach Will' con nected, on left hhouloer: cattle Mime on riht nip. nu ge :uoitow ami Umatilla counties, Cate, Chas. It., Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses H I on riht shoulder; cattle name on tight hip. Kan go Morrow and Umatilla counties, Couhreii. ('has., lone. Or. IlorseH. IIP con uected on left shoulder; cattle, l! on both left mptum siine. tviinge in lMoitow county. Cannon, i R.Lung Creek, Or.--Ton cuttle on rijrht side, crop oft right car and Blit in left ear. Our horses same brand on left Hhoulder. Kange in tirantcounty. Cecil, V ni.. i)ou(ilii. Or; hraes JC on lef nhotildt-r; ca tie same on lell hip, waduleH on each jaw und two b.ts in tin ritflil ear. Curl, T. tl,. John Day, Or. Ooub e cross on each Inp on cattle, swallow fork und under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Hange in Grant county. On sheep, irverted A umt spear point ou shoulder. Ear niarko.i uwes, crop on left ear, puuehed upper bit in right. Welhera. crop in right and under half crop in loft ear. All rang" in (irant eountv. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses. 90on riKhtshoji iei Cattle, Bamcon r ghtliip: ear mark square ciop tiff left and split in right. V., Curniibvilie, Or. -Horses, go on left Mil flu. Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded I I Jt A ou left shoulder. Cal tie, same on right hip swallow fork in right ear and crop oil I eft. Cox Ed. B., HHiUtnan, Or. Cattle, C will n center: horses. ( 'k, on left "up. Cochran, It. li.. Monument, lirant Co , Or. Hornes branded circle with btti beneath, on lefl shoulder: caltlesamu brand tin both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., (lurdman. Or. rlorweB branded ".on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Cross. 8 L, iJayville, Or t atile branded two crops and a split in left ear; on horses u reversed f, on left stitie. Also have the following brands on rattle: 72 on lett tup. 7 ou right hip, VI ou left shoulder, (wo parallel burs uu Idfl shoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Ooouan. VV m,, neppner, Or. Ilurfes branded OO Willi btu over them, on left shoulder; cat tle same on lefl hip. Douglass, W. M .lialloWHy. Or. Cattle, It Lon right side, swa low-fork in each ear; horses. It 1) on left Inn. Douglas. O T., DoiikIhs, Or -Hon-ea TD ou the i ight titie; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, VV . P., John Daj , Or. Quarter circle V on right shoulder, boihou horses and cuttle, hauue tirant county. Dnskeil. W. E.. Hept-ner, Or. Horses branded K inside of u on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side ot neck. Ei, J. B. Jt &ons. Douglas, Or. Horses brand ed LLl oii lefl shoulder, cattle name on left hip hole I' right ear. LMiot , Wasn., lleppner. Or. Di,imoi;d on ngnt phou.dt-r. tleek. JacKsou, Heppner, Or. Horse. 7F '.'onuected o, right shoulder: caltie same on riwni nip Far mark, bole in right and crop off left. r lorence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, l.F right hip; horott- v wiin shoulder. bur under on right Hoieiice, H. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on right shoi Hi- ; cattle, t on right tup or thigh. tiu, Hetirj, Heppner, Or. OAi tm left elmuktei. Oilman-French, Land and Livi Stock Co.. Fos sil, ur. Itoisfi-, anchor & on l fl shuhie ; Vent, satllf mii left stdlf. Call If, same on both hips; ear marks, crop ott rigid ear md unih rbit iu u-ft. Kange in (iiiliHiu, lirant, ( rook a. d Morrow Counties. tientrj, 1 liner, Fcho, Or -Hlre tiraudwl H. 8. with a quarler cirtie over it, on left stitie Kangf in Morrow and Umatillucoiuities. lull water. J . I ., i raine I ny. Or.-On horsfs, O -u on left should, r anil stdle; cattle, on right Bid.-. Kunge in Otanl cum. Hams, -lames Hard man Or. Horses shaded aim iff shoulder; call. e sHiue on lell hip. Hange in ai d aboul Haitiman, ttMes. i.eo.. Lena. Or, Brand J H connected, " " !'"- - . "." r-ifuivit-i . tliau A. It., Itidge. 'r.-iatlle vii''tl-t"P .1.. i ... wilhuinnter ciicie in tier il on it Kniikf iu Mtirrowand L matillri count ie. i.i-i.i. mr Hiii ton A Jenkf, Hamilton, Or t ait le, two bars on either htp: crop in right ear and spjit in left. Horses. J on nghi thigh. KangMi drain county. Hughes, S'ttnuel, Wagner, Or T F L on right hiulder on horsec; on cattle, tm right hip and on left side, swallow fork in rittht ear and slit in letl. Kange in Haj stack districi. Moir w county. Hll h.iiu-in Julii. Omv t )r. 1 ntl h h H..n riln ; tup; norses same ou rigui nuoumer. t angj in !"V ' , (,rn,., , Hiik'hfs, Mat. Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left einmider. Kange .Morrow ( o. ' Hunsaker, li t , agi er. Or. Horses, V on left Shoulder, ca tie. Hot! left III. . Hardisty, Altiert, Nye, Oregoo -Horses, AH Count citti. on left shoulder; t utile ou the left hip, crop oft left ear, HumphrevR.i U Uardman, Or. Horses, li o le ' tiniik Hiait. Wm. K., Itidtre, Or. Horses branded bar enw ti. lefl shoulder: cattie same ou Lef: hi il;ir, J. M., Heppner. Or. HorseN wn.eiu'latw Oi it'll -f,.,tiHl- cntl t . -aloe on nli! hip. Iv. Alfre,!. t.n: Or tttt 1 Dun rikrhi h p. ell ie:t eai and bit n. right. II. r-t chiii' hn'tid on It-it shi'U.der. Hange. u Cont tiu-'i'i-. I nit" r. r tL'hf M He. ' ir.- Hor-e II hq the jef i ler ami h. a:t on the :: el ifte l at. U iwuiie on ielt iiip. Kange ia iiorruw county. Jpnkitip, D. W..Mt. Vemon.Or. J on hnrwwon left uhonhler; o- cattle. .1 on h-ft hip and two sinmtili crops on both ears. Hange in Fox aud Hear vail 'ja Juiikiu.ti. M., Heppner, Or. Hordes, horHP nhutt J on lefi shoulder. Caltie, the Bams, ltanLre on Kiirhi Mi in. Johnson. I'eln Li'tm. Or. Ho rues, circle!' on left Mil e; cattle, same on right hit, under half cron in rirla and solit in left ear henny, fthke. llfppncr, Or.IlorsHS branded KNY on pft bip cattle HaineTuid crop oil left ttrr nndiT -lMieoi ihn rhv'ht Kirh. J T., Heppner, Or. Horses W on left shonidfr: cnilie, nH on Ifit hip, Kii k. J C, Keppui-r. Or. Horses. 17 ou either tin nk i -j i t I - - '. on nyht Hide. Kirk Jphhc, II. -pi ner; Or.: horwe II mi left slnu dfi : cat lie same on . ight side, underbil on i igh: enr. Kimtb.'rhind.W. 0.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 I, on caltie on right and lelt sulfa, hwhiIow fork in It ft ear and u-uter ciop in right enr. Horses same tinind oi. le ft shonldei , tta ge in (irant roiintv. Keeney. Kli, lit pjmer. Or.- Hori-es J L and ace of clubs on leli siiflu. hange ill Umatilla and it orriw counln-B Leslfj.M C, AI((nument Or A triangleSTjiwilli all lines extending pa tl odj of ngure on L2i ,or Heson lefi sIiouIiIhi-, oii cattle oiainond on left .heiilder. split iu righ ... u . jt in left hii ila'.gf in tindit coimij ni.(j i .r..U.of John iy I .i ahey, J W . Henimer Or. Hotm h biai ih d L nd oii li li si, (Milder: ca i ie 'tune oii Ie;t iilp; W 'tt .ver riKlit ey tloee sliis in right ear. Loften, Stephen, lA.Or. n Lou hit hip on catile. erop and split on right ear. HorHes same brand on left shoulder. Kange luuid county. ijieuallen, John V L -: ' Or. -Horses brimileii hall-cn cle J I. connected on lell shoui der. aiile. nam- on h-.J lap. Hangs, neai u-x in til uu. Lord, tieorge. Heppner. Or. -Horses branded double II coi necn oiuetiiiiea cubed a swing li. on lelt shoulder. l ax weil, M S , lioowberry tr.- Ho-sesbnind-ed loi g Jink on lett sh. alder; entile, same on lef hi. lun mark, tinder bit in hdl ear. Minor, Oscar, jieppuer dr.-Caitie, M I) on ruiht Inp; horse M on left shoulder. .tornan, ti. S., Ileppnt-r. Or. Ilnrses. l ) on Ifti tioiil ratlin same on If tl hi. McCumher, Jas A. Kclio, Or.- I loi w. M .. ti bai over on rigid sbouiuer. .H;mii. II. K , t.ei.a, r. Horses-old mares ''I oi nghi hip; youn btck. rmali zz on lyfi shnnl'Jer Moigiui, TIios.. Heppner, Or. Iloies. circle 1 on lufl fhi.i,dei and M'l Lhiiih; callie. L ki rigiit ilnuh. .Milcla-ll. 0citr. lone. Or. Horses, "i on nghi hip; cuttle. 77 ou right side. .ii mien, D. O., lirownsville. Or, Horses, t igurt' fion nach hon oer, callie. Mli on hm MeKerH,W..J. Mouni Vermm.Or Xlou cattle on iigm nip, crop iu ru;i, ear, half crop ia Ifll sanie brand uu horsts oh lefl Id . iiatige iu Oram county. Jlcitiry, Oavid lt.,Kcho,Or. Horses braudid D coui.ected, on the lelt slioiilder; cattle same on Inp ai.d siile. Inclinr, tra. k. Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe Willi toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in eacli ear; homes same brand ou lefl stifle. iMcHah-y. (J. V., Itaimlioii, Or. On llorseB, 8 with halt circle under on left shouIder;on Cuttle , four bars connected on lop on the right side Hange in lirani County. Ni-ai. Andrew. Eone 1 lock, Or, Dorses A N con nected on left shoulder; cattle same on bolh hips, Nordjke, L., Hilverion. Or. Ilorsoe, cirulel uu lefl lugl: ca lie. same on left bin. Oliver, Joseph, ( anion t itv. )r. A 2 on eattlfl on lefl hip; on horses, same ou lefl thigh, Hange iu mam county Oiler, Purrj. Lexington, Or. I O on left rilioU.'le . Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, 0 LI' connected on left Inp; horses on left stille und wanie on nose. Hange in liiunt county. Pearson, Olnve, Kight ,Uile. l lr. Horses, iptHr lur circle shield ou icft shoulder aud ou left hip. Caitle, forh m lei; mt, right cropped. :IA ou lefl Inp. Kangt ou Eight Mile. Parker A, Oleason. llardmaii.Or, liorsns IP on I- fi shoulder. 1 ipcr, J. 11., Lexington, Or. Horses, J E con. iiecied o Jelt shoulder; callie, same on left hip. under hi in each ear. I'at berg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand ed wuli u Hoiuai croso on lefl shoulder; callie branded Willi Roman cross, bar at bottom, on lelt lop. IMijs, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on shoulder, c.ilik J it J conne.-ieu, ou th left lup, upper slope in left ear and slip in the ngnt. F.mell, John T., Dayville, Or Horses, JP coti iiHc eit oil lell shoulder. ( 'aille OK connected oil lell hip, two under half crops, one on each ear, wattle uuuer throat. Ha. ge in O rant county. hiukani. li. D., Canyon City, Or.--b C ou left diotiiuYr, ou liorses only. H inge Canyon creok atio hear valley, lirant county. Hood, Anuiew. llardinan. Or. Horses, square urn wah iptarler-circle over it on loll stitie. Heninger, i,bns, Heppner, Or. Horses, 0 It on letl sliollltlt;. . liice. hau, llaribimn, Or.; horseB, three panel worn) lenue ou lii shoulder; callie, DAW on nghi shoulder. Kange near llardmuu. imam, ), hi. Long Creek, Ot.-Jjiands liorHBS It oi ngnt shoulder. Kange Oram and Morrow cnunties. Uojse, Aaron. IIeppnnr. Or Hcrses, plain V on .efl siiouider; calile, same brand reversed i.i: right l.ipumi crop oil right ear. Kange in Jlor row county. hush liios., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 3i on the nglt. shoulder; cattle, IX ou Iho left tup crop oil ielt ear and dewlap on neck. Kunge ir Morrow and adjoining counties. HusL, William, I'uu.iletou, Or. Horses It on lefi Bhnuhier; caLlle, K on left hip, crop oft right ear, underhn on lufl oar. ttheep, It ou went hers, round crop oft rigli ear. Kunge Uma tilla and Mon owe million, heaiifV. Andrew. l.f xinirtmi. Or ll.itHi.i branded A K on right shoulder, vent quarlei circle over brand; cattle same ou right Inu. Ka Hoyse, Win. Il, Dairyvillo, fr HK cotineclc1 with quarter circle over top on calile on nghi hip and crop olt right ear aud split in lelt. Horses sui ue brand on lett shoulder. Hange iu Jlorrow. brai 1 1 und liilliam counties. Kilter, J F, Kilter, Or-Three parallel bur Willi bar over on horses on letl hip; on calile, lelt side, two smooth crops, two spills iu eacl' eat. image m Audi lie Fork of John Day. Hector. J . W., Heppner, Or.-liorsHs. JC oi leushouider. Caitle, u on rigid hip. Spicki.nll. J. W-, Gooseberry, Or.- HorsPB branded 1 ou loft sh uldyr ; lunge lU .MoitoW uouidy. Gpraj, J. F., Heppner, Or.-Horses braudeu fcl connecieu o. l ight shoulder: cuttle suiue on bulL hips, Hailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A on ielt shoulder; calile same on left hip. Swaggar., K. b Lexingiou, Or.-Horses 2 wuh Uftsh under il on ie(, st.tle cattle II wdh uasn unuer it on right hip, crop oil ngnt ear aud wandied ou right land leg. Hange iu Almruw, luiliuiiiand uiiiutula counties. Swuggurl. A L., Ella. Or.-lhirses lirandp ' 2 on lell hhoulder; cettlesuine on left hip. Ciol on eai, waitie on left hind leg. hlraighl W . E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J to on lei stitie; cattie J uu loft hip, swallow fork in rigb ear, underbil in left. hupp. Itios., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A H on letl hip; cadi raiue on lelt hip. Munz. James, Long ( nek. or.-Horses. 1) on hit slide anil over t on leli shoulder. tjl.rier.John, Fox, Or.-NO connecied on homes on right hip; came, same on right hip crop ..11 nghi eurand under bum lelt ear. Kange in lirant county. tMuith Bios , teusimville, Or. Horces, brai ded II. o .sn.mldei; ciM e, ameoulelt shoioder. fquires, James. Arliugtmi, Or.; horses brund.'d Jo '-il it!' i snouiuer; cal le the stuue, al-o no.-o wm.uiv. iwo.Ke in Jionowaud uiliiamuo ntiei olepiiens. v. A.. iiHidiiiHii. iir. i uuu riglu snfte; catlleh ruontttl L on i lie tight side oievenson, airs a, j., Heppm r, Or. Cuttle, ti on right m ; swallow-fork tn left ear. Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses. 44 on lett minimi. :eutlJe. 44 on left hip. btone. Ira. Bikh ton, Wash.-Uorses. keystone on lell shoulder. btuun, E. jl. Lone Hock, Or. Horses branded a crossed seven ou lefi shoulder; caltie sains on lelt side, hange, Oiluam county. Sperry.E. O.. iieppner. Or. - Cattle W C on lett tup, crop u0 ngnt and underbil iu left iear. dfWiap; horhes Con h-M shouluer. lliumpBoii, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on lett siiouio r; cattle, Z on lefl stioulder. lip, eu).a.T.,Ln eipiist,Or. Hoises, C-on left shoulder. luiUer K. W . HentniHr Oi- Wmull m 1 shoulder hoes; cuttle same on left hip 111. mum, II. .L. lone, Or.-llorses branded HI connect don leltsliUe; shetisuuie brand. Vantleipool. li. T.. Lena. Or;-Horses 11 V con necieu uu right shoulderjcuttle, same ua right WulhridfcO, Wm . Heppner. Or. Horses. U. L, .... n.i. .i anon , u. iiie same on ci op t,tt left eai and right tar lOpped. ugh., hip. ni.soii.Jobn O,. balem or Heppner, Or.' or.- 0 quai VI y uu ine ion, snuuider. liai Warren, W H. Caleb, Or CHitle, VV with ;.u ie liver u, ou ,ell sule, split oc-rigni e.. M .V1"-; ura..d ou lelt shoulder. Kahgo URl"1 j WimkI, F L, Dayville. Or Heart on horses on Ml die; on caitle. z on lett side and under hit j in lefi ear. Kange in Urant county. ! Wright, bilas A Heppner. Or. Cuttle branded , u ..u vi ic iium uip. eouare cnin (.n rilil ur 1 anil upl t in lelt, a U..i L- ti - w in. L.n. ,.iomu veruoij.Ur Nniare on e.'ii nip. upper slime in l. n.n 1 ear and under slope in right ear. brand . n hi.rseson riKhi shoulder. Hange in Harney and tirant eountv. "aruty Wade, Henry, tlej pner. Or.-Horses bianded : aee ot epaoet on ie.t shoulder and left ill0. I H'tle brandei- same on left miisi.,.,1 ift t.... WJi. X si i. r rt'iiri, ur. norses, , on left piii'iuofr: rn e same. oinnger, John, Jtmn May City, Or On horses ',T. : . """"".-r! '"'.'"p. unio. IMUIKB 11' II Dill I Ulill li.i i'ountles. WmKiwanI, John, Heppner, Or.-Horw Hp run nect el ej, left shoulder. W atkms, Lishe. Heppner, Or. -Horses branded Lr t'oiinwtei on left stifle. Wallace. Charit. PortUmd, Or.-t attle Won rutin in left ear, horse-., W (in' -.-i. shouhiei. -..-it tytnieou h-ft r.l(.uJ,lt.r -uuuer nios.. rews. Mantel M.nnrt Hp H THi i ted H ,r .(-te-i . ...f, -,,1.1 W iJhanio. V .r-C". Hamiiiuii. Or. - 'uat tt-r ... ,in .11 If I I III p. ) i tr'r-i".. Lai if Omni 'at lie and W,! ;uns. .1 O n-ek. Or lli.rses ter fif ie ,,vei 1 hrf bats n I fl hip cMlf ' "'i' ' iH o iin.i , WIT. . A.. eppi er. li -it on c'.onli er; ' i,t ., wnpK ,lt r rs. r: 1.1 1, K a A 1 ',tti. J i--rrj,nr, 1 0 ou Uie right iiuiUac. 11 blJUuilV