Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 30, 1892, Image 2

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Give your business to Heppner people
and" therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
"01 HI
I. M. Cummins has resigned the edito
rial tripod of tb Wasco News, being
ancoeeded by Frank M. Bixy, a yonng
man of some experience in the newspaper
Tuk branch railroad from the Union
Punifli Una tn Ihn town nf Union is at
"""wonipleted, bringing Union in direct
tiun willi the outside world. The
of this is due J W. Sueltnn, oue
jii'h lending cnuncilraen. ireaitleut
Uniou Eleitiio Liiilit Co., owiihi
depot telegraph line, a ruHMniK lit
, and iu fHOt one uf the must euter-
g men iu Union.
A J. Hickb, in his so-long a-to r
issue of the Record, pompon!
to that paper as the leading journal
rrow oounty. We refer the public
to the various newspaper annuals pub
lished in the United States, ns to thecon
sistenoy of the statement. Foreign ad
vertieeis do not agree with Mr. Hicks
but if be takes Buy pleasure iu this harm,
less balluoiuation, the Guzette is perfect
y willing that be should enjoy it.
The Heppner Becord has changed
hands again. Since its birth, less tlmu
two years ago, it baa changed ownership
three times. This is not altogether com
plimentary to a would-be leading paper,
yet we wiBh the present proprietor, Mr.
Vawter Crawford, success iu the venture.
However, we shall take the privilege ot
our position to criticise his efforts when
in our opinion tbey are not for the best
interests of the publio, yet we bope that
nothing will appear which will mar the
friendly feeling which lias always existed
between the present proprietor of the
Becord and the management of the Ga
Tub Gazette receutlyreoeived a notioe
of an appeal to the public to institute re
form societies everywhere for the better
ment or Humanity, now wuile many
kinds cf reform movements are commend
able, yet too many of the reformatory
efforts, thus for inaugurated, have been
mainly devoted to trying to eliminate
evils In others, by external appeals in
the form of speeches and arguments to
prove the tffionoy of certain methods or
theories to reform the race, while th se
advancing them do not seem to under
stand that reform oomes from within,
and must be evolved for one's self. In fact
it is almost wholly through self-reform
that anyone oau ever hope lo make any
great degree of sucoess in the reforma
tion of the world at large. Kesoliition
and reform are closely allied, for without
the first nothing can be accomplished in
the way of reform. Ho let those who art
anxious to inaugurate this movement,
stand boldly out with resolute will and
determined purpose and closely guard
their own thoughts, that they only evolve
good ones; tuut they neither think nor
speak ill of another, no matter bow great
the provocation; and that they strive
persistently to be the embodiment of love
and good-will. Then wheii you have
brought about this complete s 'lf-reform,
you may congratulate yaiirself upon tin
inauguration of a wonderful reform up
on the human race, i.ud consider that the
milleuium is near at hand.
Let Ther b
a Fall Attendance of the
Over the Crops being a failure
Or the Roads being dusty
Unofficial and unauthorized notice has
been heretofore publinhed to the tftVci
that the Oregon I'ress Association wmihl
meet on the 26ih of bepiemlier, and had
it not been fur varum and iiupnruui
reaS'.UH biob Ii;iV- o -ine t the Knuwl
etlgtMil the pieeident nf the iinmujihiioii
Hinoe Una HnnoiiMceuieni, he would hav.
ncqim FOed in this date. But h liud-
ut ui-iiiy of the counties will have then
fairs during the preceding and same
weeks; and, ns a rule, nearly all the
schools take up about this time, in which
many of the editors and publishers have
a local pride and desire to be at home-
It whs also the wish to accommodate the
Portland exposition, as the management
had designated September 21th hi the
time for '-Press Day." Iu order that the
members outside of Poitlitnd could make
oue trip, this date seemed tha best that
could have been selected, but the other
considerations, fur the good of the Pi ess
Association and securing a full attend
ance maKe it necessary to select some
day that will not conflict with local in
terests, and notioe is hereby given thai
the time for holding the next meeting ol
the Oregon Press Association will be on
Tuesday, Octobor 4th, at The Dulles.
We believe the date eeleoted for the
meeting of the association will prove sat
isfaotory to all members and not inter
fere with any previous or more import
ant engagements. It is also denirable
that all newspapers in the Stute be rep
resented at the meeting of the aRsocia
ciatiou, and those who have heretofore
been members snail consider themselves
suob uutil the future action of tne amo
tion, whether they have complied with
all the requirements of the constitution
or not. Let ns have a full representa
tion of the publishers of Oregon. It will
do us all good to meet together, ami we
also bope that this session, while wo do
not propose that it shall be exempt from
pleasure, will be one of busiuess as well-
A. NoL'i.NEn,
AlukhT ToziEH, President.
Alarvelous Cures JCiTectecl by it.s Use.
,T7niS wonderful uipdicine is the wondpr of the nineteenth century, effecting n cure when all other
(3 remedies fail. It is distilled from jjlnnta growing upon the banks of the Congo River, iu South
All ien. Tlif fiit knowledge we, possei-H of this wonderful oil is found iu some of the writing of
Cuvilham, n Portuguese "navigator mid African explorer, who was sent out by the King of Abyssinia
uliout the year 1488. He spunks of ft wonderful penetrating oil that was Hi use by the Zimbos, a reiuuaut
of n once powerful African nation, and in some recent cyphers found upon some ruins iu a very ancient
city culled Zimboe (meaning a royal house,) more evidence has beeu produced of this wonderful oil, or
rather of the plants from which it is distilled, thus proving conclusively that the secret was sacredly
guarded by these ancient inhabitants of the Dark Continent. As the world has progressed more
explorations have been made into Equatorial Africa, and suffering humanity ha been greatly benefitted,
as well as medical science being advanced by the rediscovery of this wonderful Congo Oil. It was hrst
brought into civilized Europe by a member of the expedition sent out from London in 18G0, under the
command of Captain Speke, whose explorations reached far up the Congo River, The secret of its
production was jealously guarded until upon the death of the party in whose possession it was, when
it was given to a party named Hattee, who formed a company, known as the Congo Oil Company, having
its headquarters at Zanzibar, South Africa, with a branch in New York City, and thus placing upon
the market this most wonderful of all remedies. By its use all pain disappears, but it h particularly
recommended in Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, &c. It is wonderfully penetrating, and to use it
once is to become a friend to it always. By its use, thousands who are suffering can be relieved. It
is the cheapest because it is the best, and one bottle of it will go further than a dozen of the many
so-called cures for these ills. It is purely for external use. Full and explicit directions are printed on
each bottle. If you are afflicted, try a bottle; and before you have used it your aches and pains will
disappear, and there will be no more use for crutches or canes. It is for sale by all druggists and
dealers iu patent medicines, or can be supplied by the undersigned, who are the sole Pacific Coast
Agents for this wonderful oil.
Prepared by THE CONGO OIL CO.,
Zanzibar, South Africa, and New York.
Given yon such bargains for oasli.
Biir Lineof Poots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises
i mi
Hats and Fancy Goods
A Little Girl's Kiiierifuve In u Light-house.
Mr. mid Mrs. Loreu Trosoot are keep
ers of the Uuv. lighthouse utSiiml Uuutli
Mich. Bud are blessed wnb u Uuiiulitui
lour yenrg ulil. Last April she whs tok
en tlowu wnb mouaels, iullowed witli u
dreadful coiikIi und I liming into u (ever.
JJuotura at home mill ut Detroit treated
her, but iu vum, she xiew worse rapidlj
until site wan a mere "Uaudful ot buues."
Ttieu she tried Dr. Kiuk'h Mew Discov
ery, mid after the use of two and tt bull
bottles, whs completely cured. Tbey biij
Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its
weight iu gold, yet you limy get a triiil
buttle free at Slocuui-JoliiiHtou Diug
Co.'b store.
Tlii MnprcuiA Luilitu KifctN autl MoMn hii In
tei'mlluK ScMHlun.
Twonorrel homes. Oneof thorn branded
"8" on the right shoulder, likewise nu the
right st f la.
The other wus brnnded "8" on the
rlht shoulder, also "li." The weight ol
euoti was ubout 1050 pouuda.
Auvone returning the same to my
riinoh at Eight Mile will receive a rewnnl
Of $15. BW tt HVLVANUS WllKlHT.
(). A. It. MEETING.
There will be a cull meeting of linw
lins Post ot Heppner, Suturduy next, ai
1 p. iu. The object of the meeting is to
confer with the citizens' committee to
arrange for campflre iu October.
G. VV. Smith, P C.
0. 0. 13oon, Adj.
A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish
ing Goods to be sold at Cost.
A number of summer suits and odd pants
to be disposed of regardless of cost.
Come early and avoid the rush in
securing bargains.
Pacific Coast Agents.
Stroulll ami Health.
If you are not feeliug atroug and
bmillhy, try Electric Iiittera. If la grippe
bus left you weiik and weary, use Eleo
trio bitters. This remedy acts directly
on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently
Hiding those organs to perform their
functions. If yon are nillicted witb sick
headache, you will tind speedy and per
manent relief hy taking Electric Bitters.
One trial will convince you that this is
the remedy you need. Large bottles
onlv Mle at Slooiim-Johnsou Drug Oo's.
Iiiasmuoh as uint Sunday is Bio. Bell's
last services iu Heppner, and his quarter,
ly conference, we withdraw our evening
service uext Suhbath, consequently there
will be uo preaching iu our church either
morning or evening. However, all our
uiemberf ure urged to be present at our
regular prayer meeting on Thursday eve
aing. Evening services to tliis date lll
begin at 7:311 p.m. Sunday school at
10 a. in. J. M. Siiulsk, Pastor.
The supreme lodge Kuigbts of Pythias
were iu session at Kansas City lust week,
from the 2'2nd tu the Mill inclusive, with
fully 70,000 Knights iu attendance. Oue
of the moBt important things that oiime
before tbe Bession, and one iu which the
entire Pytbiuu world is interested, was
the revision ot tlx ritual which was
adopted by tbe supreme lodge.
The following are the ollicors selected
for tbe ensuing year:
Supreme chancellor, W. V. Uliu kwell,
of Kentucky; supreme vice-chancellor.
Walter B. Kitobie, of Ohio; supreme pre.
lute, . T. lllacknier, ot California; su
preme master of exchequer, F. J. Willey,
of Delaware; supreme keeper of reoords
and Heal, li. L. C. White, of Tennessee;
supreme uiustur-at aritis, J. II. Lyons, of
Kansas; supreme inner guard, A. 0,
Gardiner, of New York; supreme outer
guard, Jobu II. Thompson, of Washing
ton, D. C.
The supreme temple of Pythian sisters
also held a very interesting session at the
same city. The records of this order
now show a membership of 18,00(1, an In
crease of 7, (KM iu the last nine months
The ollk'ers chuaeu by the Pythian sis
ters were bs follows:
Supreme obief, Mrs. llattie A. Uobiu-
son ; supreme senior, Mrs. Sarah J. Gnff,
Center Falls, K. I.; supreme junior, Mrs.
11. W. Dodd, Fort Madison, In.; supreme
mistress of recouls and seals, Mrs. M. D
Woods, KanBos City ; supreme mistress
of finance, Mrs. Emma Bacon, Dayton,
O.; supreme guard, JtlrB. Emma Ham
mond; supreme protectress, Mrs. Sarah
Wolf, San Frauoisco. Tbe supreme trus
tees arc )et to be selected.
Like a Ureut Hallway
With its branches running in ever direc
tion, are arteries Bad veins which convey
I lie blood to every part of the human sys
tern. A coli, sudden change or exposure,
may oause poisonous acids to olog the
circulation, and then comes Itheuma
tism. liewarel If you value life re
move this obstruction with Dr. Drnni
nioud's Lightning Remedy. Yuu can
get a large bottle at the druggist lor $5,
or it will bo sent tu yon by prepaid express
if you send to Hie Drnmiuoiid Medicine
0o., 4H-60 Maiden Lane, New York.
Agents wanted.
There is tilimt Kxclteiat-iit
Among Kheumatie sulTerers over
new remedy that is being put up iu New
York City. It isclaitned there has never
been a case where it has failed to cure
It is called Dr. Dinmuiond's Lightning
Hemedy for lUienmntism, and is sold for
85 per bottle. The remedy is certainly
making for itself a world wide reputation
as the country is full ot Khenmatism.
This wonderful preparation does nut ef
fect a euro uext week, but relieves at
once, and almost miraculously. Kent by
express prepaid on receipt of price.
DrummonJ Medicine Co., -IN-M Maiden
Lane, New York. Agents wanted.
Kuhl, tbe baker. Buy your bread and
cakes and save money. Try it. n.
John Jenkins advertises bis tine kiin
of brick. Itemember tbut Heppner brick
equal the best. a
For cash you can get more at tbe East
ern Clothiug house, with Levi on deok,
than any other place iu Heppner. a
The Palace is the leadiug hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone. n
Don't overlook T. W. Avers, Jr., the
leading druggist. Choicest perfumes,
purest drugs and the finest toilet articles
always on hand. a
The Bnehler beer, 5 cents per glass, at
the Colinuhia Beer Hall, Gamers S
Hughes, mops., next door to M. Lioh
tent hid & Co.'s shoe store. u
Since Shaw & McCarty purchased the
meat market they have always endeavor
ed to keep on baud the freshest aud
choicest mean, Bausages aud bolognas.
The M. h. & T. Co , since they bave
roofed all their platlorms, have an im
meiise storage capacity. Tins company
now deals iu grain, lumber and wood.
Henry Heppner's warehouse is one of
the largest aud most capacious in East
eru Oregon. Henry is now prepared to
do a general forwarding business. Hates
Thompson & Binnsown the buss which
goes to and from the City hotel, but wil
call for parlies desiring to go to train in
any part of the city. Leave orders at
City hotel. a
What will perseverance, pluok and en
terprise Bvail in this wild west, if you
cannot get big bargains'? However, be-
lore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros,
eiuporuin. a
Dr. Grant's Claalo, the great dyspepsia
oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia
and all its kiudred ailments. Every bot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
effect a cure or inouey refunded. See ad.
in this issue. a
My dear, let's go around to tbe saloon
this eve, and Lane Matlock's ice
cream saloon, 1 mean, where you can get
ice cream that will make your month
water; nlsn tind in stock the freshest
fruits and liuest confeotionnries. a
Don't overlook Kirk & Knsruus for
bargains. They have purchased the buR
iness of J. W. Matlock A Co., but will
soon remove to the Mallory corner, oppo
site the Palace hotel, a
TI8 LaJinii IM Ot 153 Gil!
Heppner, Oregon.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
i. W. PATTERSON, AGENT ..o ti ot i t. wr.tt
Columbia Beer Hall!
lfSX2' DOOR to M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main
y Street. Keep on hand a. Fine Line of Liquors,
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
& Cents Per Olasss,
On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope
to ee nil their old friends and many more.
Mrs. Margaret Von Mow
M l I I li il I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I r Hill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 Mil I IHiltMiM I M l 1 1 1 1 1 M i a
Ir "iu it" yet.
H I M l 1 1 till III 1 1 1 M I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 M l 1 1 1 1 in Mil , 1 1 in ,, Hi
I Have f oi- Slolo
Four Thousand Bucks.
Fifteen liuudrsd are Thoroughbred, and 2500 Grade Bucks from Win.
Ross band. For terms and prices address
Charles Cmiiiinc;liam,
Footwear !
ThA r.nly htiof htuT "Tinp pstnhliBhnipnf of fTonrinprhftB
mnyod frtim t hf I' nst nili'oi! M'tiii Htrno-. tothfir pt'w
storp room, npxt ''nor tn H. Hinokin n ft Co.'h.
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
Jtvialn. Ntreeti Heppner Ox
For T. W. AYEHS, Jr., & Co.
uiul lmlimi
I in-
Rurklfirn Ai'llti'a HhIvp
The best aiilvu in the worlil for cuts.
tiruiwD, Koim, uloi-m milt niriim, ti-vrr
Hiirt'H, tetter, rbiipeil IoiiuIh. utiiitiiutim,
Horns, Hint nil .Mil tt UtioiiH, Hint i"ro
tivi'l curtw nilm. nr uo y tt-iiireil. ll
H Kimrniiteit to yivn peiii-ct .ittfHOiion,
or motley rt-tumlt-J. 1'noe '25 ct-niH (ut
box. For Bute by Hiooum-Joliuntou
llriij; Co.
LobT. Somewhere on t tie roml be
tween lienjiner Hint W'Huer, n wtiel lo
tt buby unrrntite. Fiiutor will oonfer n
favor by roturniuu it to tbin utlice. 18-2)
Hupplyhm the Army, Nuvy
imri ment.
Chloiitio Inter OiYim.
Tbe imri'lmsititf nui'iits ot Hie United
States Governnient Imve or'tereii tiourlv
one hundred tlioiisiiiul pounds of Dr.
I'rioe's linking l'owder iu the tlrnt live
mouth ot this year, 18iV.
The government exereines (jivst euro
in noleotinif its supplies of all kimls, re
jivtiiiK everything tlmt is not ot the best,
nuil I lie very fuel that it lias adopted Dr.
I'rioe's IinkiuK l'owder is proof that it
lias foiiud it tbe best of all the baking
powders. Dr. Friee's is peculiarly ndapt
eil for export, us neither loiiif sea voyages
nor oliiuate ebances nlfeet it, this brand
keeping fresh and sweet for years while
other baking powders deteriorate rapidly.
It is guaranteed to the government to
tie ft pure oreiini of tartar powder free
from miioniii, ilium, or oilier harmful
sutiHtanoes, and it is also tha only ha
king power prepared by a plosii'iiiu of
bigh stHnditig.
Nkw Diiksshakkb Mis Ij-ths Tur
ker, j'lM flolllllie K el. ll'.K opi'lled drea-
ni'ikit g parlii-H ovi r .Mis V. A John-sIoi-'h,
where she is prepttred to do all
kinds of dresNimikoiK Hi latest sriles
aud at leasxindile uites. 4-lf
The latest ib ntis'n , erown and lirid-.-e
work. iim'P -iieee4!.riilly iiee.imi'livlied hv
Dr. li. V. VaiikMuin tt-is sdmini-it red
when desired. Thouipeoti huihliiig,
Uepi uer, Or. l a w-
, PKN'l.ANI),
Made on Favorable Terms.
lIEriWEH. tf OREGON, j
MjYU. 1)1 IVIP
)l UTI
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
KOK W A 1,1-:.
AUNKSS SIMM'. Ktot'k Hint tixturcs. (.Jotnl
litiNini'ss; 0Hititiiinhel in the mitlst of tt
tood tanniiiK Hiitl Btork-ralttt; I'tMintrv.
Also fni naif ti KtMxi luium- hihI i o totn uith or
itlmiit I lu tuislni'se imipiTty. For fnittu'r in
kiriimtUin Hiltlivtm i.HetU1, Hoppuer, Or. -ksl if.
Untl OttH'O Ht a Cramlo. Or, June 1,182.
Notiiv in herein- iveu thrtt tlie following
nn.imt1 8fi tier hits 'filed notiee of bis intetitiou
to iiiiike tiinil proof in support of hieelulm, and
that ttuiii proof will e made before the
eoiiiity elerk m' Morrow county, Oregon, at
Heppner, Oregon, on sept 3, sti, viz.:
i'ATHH K QUAll).
U.l No. 4S07. for the Nl of N K , fee '2, aud WJj
Ol S4, See -.-J. TpHH, K '21 K, W M.
He unmet) the following wltm-snei to prove nil
coutlmiouB rendenco upon, aud cultiva tion of
salt! laud, vi.:
John N. F.lder, A. J. MeKenzie, Richard Nev
ille, h. A. Herron, all of Heppner. Oregon.
Allen SSallaeo aud Tardou Williamson take
fU -Jl J A. CLEAVER, Register
Land Otnoe at La irande, Or., Aug 25. 1W2.
Notiee is hereby j-lven mat the following
named settler has tiled notiee of hit intention
to make Unal prool in support of his claim, and
that said prool will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppi'er, Oregon,
ou iiotober S. Iv' vi:
j Hd. No. S.-XZ, for the W SW'i4 and MV SW4
: see. A, aud NK KW sec. 27, Tp. 3d, K , K.
I U. M.
I lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence uooti and cultivation of
" ; : ; i said laud, :
VwmuMimker. one the best hvation in i Loreu Oeutrv. Austin Gentry. Charles Mann
.4 MurroH county. Must have a Mttte capital. I ami jtnitM A. Wi-t.- .ilnf unniwr. tr,.o..n
' i "It 0K h ho are Interested In the Kight Mile
j country and Morrow eountv to know that
welmuMi ivw extra copies lett. nliiehcun
be seemed eillier ut lieo. Thornton's lie" s stand
or ut the vmeUe uthei. ii-sw.
CmMK to the 1'ithue otel bar for Champagne
( ov.ktiiilb. I litt'iipiigue on tup, ii:'-sv
Mi lot ol (.loosi'lierrv it ii iiiIhtb of the da
cite that ouulit to Ite sent avuy. Cut) in,
in ost iiud lietp jour country. sv tf
'i KNOW that I.. IV Moved is Heppner's
I leadiMKcoitlriietor atid bnltder. Kstiniates
gi e-i m all kinds of work, witue at resi
dence, lleppticr, or. 71-sw.
iAiid Office at The Dalles, Or., Aug. 9. IS'f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow comity, Or., at Heppimr, Or
OU bept. 17, ISW, viz:
(Hd. No. 4021) for the N'S N El, NEli KWU, and
Lot 1 of Sec. 19, Tp. a H K M E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation oi,
said land, viz:
fcolomon MayfieW, Cyrns Shlnn, Stephen La
lande and J. F. Vuuut. ail of Heppner, Dregon.
John W. Lkwi, Kegister.
Call ou or writeOuettcoUice for iiarticuiars. sw t
Land Offlee at La Grande, Or., Julv 25, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the 'following
named settler has tiled notiee of his intention to
make 11 Hal proof iu support of his claim, aud
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, or., at Heppuer, or.,
ou September x, ixy2, via:
Hd. No. W, fortheSWSec, -23, Tp. 2 9 R 28
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous ivsideuce upon aud cultivation of
said land, vu:
Joseph Luckman, J. M. Waddell B. Veerkamp
and A. E, sua it b, all of Lena, Oregon.
11-21. Kegister
OCTOBER 19, 20,21,22.
The Directors have taken the utmost pains in preparing
their Programme, and hope that they will be rewarded
by the liberal patronage of the general public as well
as the Horsemen.
FIRST DAY, Oct. 19.-Quarter-mile dash; purse, 1100.00.
ourse. MO 00.
SECOND DAY, Oct. 20. Free for all ; best two in throe, hall-mile heats
weight pony race; best two In three, half-mile heats; purse tJO.00.
oe iiAi. Oct. il. Ihree-eights mile dash; purse fluU.UO. Ftve-eightB mile dash
Local saddle horses, 400 yards;
purse $125.00. Catch
FOURTH DAY. Oct. 22. For defeated horses: TOO varria-
heats; purse f'200.00.
purse J75.00. Free for all; half-mile
Five to enter, three to start; 10 per cent of purse for entrance fees, All purses will be divided
as follows: Seventy per cent to the w inner, twenty per cent to the second best and ten to the third.
These races will be governed hy the rides of the Pacific
Blood Horse Association.
Will hnrjg purses for horses that niijjht come here who are not
qualified to enter in any of the above races.
OTIS PATTERSON, Secretary, A. D. MoATEE, Freaideut.
J. . Brown, T. V. Ayers, Jr., E. O. Sperry. 517-Otol9.
Cha n geofjOwn e rsh i p
T which wa propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands nt all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
sha.av & Mccarty,
' Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. V. AYERS. Sr, Manager. 448