Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 26, 1892, Image 4

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1 14
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Purines tne ulouu, t;nres lini.ii" A.".., ''" '
The Genuine II All BUM TEA is put y in YZLL0 1! JTiU.P.RS
tn'ti Facsimile Signature oj VUIL FRLfib. .
sotiBVAi.i, iiRmifcii-vr ai norms.
cnnon:c & ovous
Dr. G. F.Wcfjb's
lilcclrir Po'ly Polls aud
AciiiiauccKf i.
Sid iticii,
1'r il:ip".in, Chlorosis,
P.ilnhil M'.-iibca,
Seminal V.'tMltnosq,
Effects of 0 iuiut.m,
lVtinit dioti,
ParalyrJ i.
Nervous Deblllty
Bicll Unl.tcllO,
II iniia,
In :n:nnla,
Spinal DiHoaso.
I)y-p -p-ila,
Kldnoy CompWnts
CJfiK'ijiI I") bilii y,
I.0-3 of Memoir,
1,0" -'otor At:i.vin,
l;p:l )pi-7, t ic, cv.:.
Inventor and Patentco, United
and Tcrcisn Countries.
7" Send for Catalogues aud Testimonials
Scientific American
o;;. Agency lor
TDtni: nr A P If
For !nfrrmntion nrd frrc Ilandhoolr write to
MUNN A CO.. ;ti;i li((OAiwY, Nicw YouK.
Oldont tin refill for worurliiB t3jit -nt in Arni'iina.
Kvery pjilffit tu knit out lv un is hront'lit tmt'ore
the public by a not k-c pivv'n fiw of cliae in ttaa
tmft jMncvirau
Larppst rirnitntlon of niiT jwicntitic pnpor in the
worlil. Si'lmuiklly HliitrnU'il. No Intolliyciit
man ntmriU b without it. VVcoklv. ;i.00 a
nr; tlM six mo.it lis. Addrowi MUNN tt CO,
FUilLliiUUUd.util iirouUwuy. Now York,
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
Leuvi'H 1 1 p mer, H n. in. Aniver
li;5u i. iu.
lt.i 1 1 1 i NleetierH,
CulOlllMt Mlfc't'pOI'M.
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
KteamorH Porllnnil t" Sun Frniioiacn
every four iluyn.
rFickcts luiropc.
For rates and Kt'nernl Inforinatlou call on
Ht'pot Ticket Anent,
el. C. I I A. LIT,
lleppiu'r, Ori'Kon.
W. II. IIUHI.lll'ltT. At. Ci'lil. rniia. Agt.
2."l WuMhtllKtlHI St.,
roHTl.ANIt, OltBHON.
T 0
A 'id ill points iu California, via t ho Mt. bluibta
route of tlio
Southern Pacific Co.
Tlut unfit hiuhwity thnuinh Cidifornia to all
puintB l'!at Hiid South, (iritlul Heenie ItoutB
of the I'lieiiic Count. , Pullman Hiitlet
KleeprTM. Hceoiid-t'InHH tdrepern
Altnelied loexprehB tniinc, iitl. rdii'tr HiiittTio1
Bei'i'iiiiiiodat H'ltf lor t-et'oi u-eiit pasM nt iK.
For ratiH, tickets, uleepinn car ihmtvuI ioiih,
0tlV I'all UpoU or inlttierH
It. KidMII.KIi, MaiiHer, K. I1 liOtiKUS. Ami
Lieu, K. . 1. AkL. Conliiml, t'leKoo.
Mr rrvi'ii om C"
'I V i'- ! : : : f - ''' ' i I -l:.' i 1 ' ' i i I II
tie-. I will (a $iu".ui for Hie hi reel nui cou
viuHuti ol auy iyroo Bteuling mj Lotk.
v r .
liilUfilPIIANT 1
The Deaf Made to Hear by Electricity !
Invented tn Apiil, 1SUI, rntctitcil In Jnne,
jct'lliuusamls riuiliiim iu itoutlur.
fill aud forfeit Itcmilta I
Any ono. old or yuimir, whoto car
drum In unljri'lit'Ti ran lie made lo litnr
ami lomwre in onliimry timon, mill he
fund by Dr. 0. F. Wubh's ICIei'Hlciil
Aimiirutiifi nr Trentintr r, uiinas. An
Elri'trt-U'e'llinl llody lliitiory with np
pllttnrcs liivontol espeiiitlly lor treat
lug Ilonf'noss Ui.d tlio discuses which
pp'dueed It.
Se nd 1 1 cents for my Electro-Medical
TUeory and Practice, dosuriljiutf Uoat
:ient. (nitres. Aiiurosa
B. B. BLISS, General Apt.
A new nnrt Pompk-te Trciitmcnt. ronnlHtlMK 01
Support! torU'3. MiitiiKtiiE in CiUtHlilt'H. iilso In Ito:
uml I'IIIh; ii posllivu ; u rt for Kxlt-riiiil, Inter
mil, mind or IWi't-iiiii, itrhliiL.'. ( lironlr, Itcceli
or lUTfilitury I 'lion, ami iniiiiv other iliHciiNc
iitnl I't'iMiilc u fiik Mt'Hrirn; it isnhuiysH tzrvut lien
i:lit to the i if rti I lifiillli. 'I lie lirwt (llhcoveiy n
ii nii'ilii iil cure rv mierii'K itu oii-nitlon u M h tli
knife uiineci'sHiiry h rentier, This n-tneilv lim
never heen known to full. .11 tier Imx. for ?"i
ao lit I iy nmil. Why miller from thitt to nihh' ilif
i w hen h wrlitf ii L'liiirniitef it tfivfii with i
lutxefl, to refund the money if not cured. Hem
rttiunp for free Kuinple. Xi uiiniiitee ishiti-d Ii'
ool.ut!', l-UHKB ii r,t)., WlioleHHlc i Hetal
lniL,'L!iKtH Soli: Audits, i'ortland, tir.
L U M B E 11 !
fE ll.VVU Foil HAI.K Al.l. KINDS (Cf UN
tV drrHHeil I.iiiiiIht, ItiiuilcHol IK'ppnur, h
what Ih know u as Uiu
Kit 1,1X10 FKKT, Ht)I'fill,
- tin a
- 17 .'
1 t i.tiu per I.uimj feet, ailiiillonal.
L HAMILTON, l'rnp.
1 JKm ITrnilltoii Mani
Do you Root
Drink w Beer?
" ' . .n-,'M?
Twoanrrel liorseM. Onoof tliom liranilci
"8" on I tic rilit alumUler, likewise ou Up
riulit Blillo.
t'ha other was linuiiled "8 on Mn
rluht slmiililer, aluo "U" The weilit a
eaoh was about lu50 ponnds
Auvone retiirniiiM iho Batuo to m
raiieh al Kiuht iMile will reeetve n rewnr'
of f 15. BW tf SVLVANl'S WltUllIl
Before Stiii'tiiix an a Jmiratty
A perfot) tiHitally desires lo ain seme in
rornmltot) hh to the most ilesirahle rout
lo lake, and ill piiiehaKe tickets via Hi
one that will atlord him thequiekest him
hest servioe. Uetorw slarlini on a trip t,
Chieaiio or any point KuKt, yo'.i sluuil,
provide yourself wilh a tnnp and tiai
(iililu of the Wiseonsin Central line,
Che trains run on this routo are vesti
haled and equipped with I'll 1 1 111 n ii'h lal
est drawmu room sleepers, elrant du
ooiiohes ami dinini; oars of latest desijjn
liuill expiessly fur this serviee, and no
exquisite in fiirniMtiiis and conveiiii'ti
and eonifortalile in arranenieiit and si
ooniplete in every del.nl that tin y luiv.
no superior in comfort and eleiinei
I'he ditiinn ear sen iee is prnttoiine.-d h
blithe most elej;titit ever iit'innrati'i'
and is operated ill the interest of its pi.
Fast trains via the Wisconsin Cenln.
lines leave M miieap. 'lis dat! at I'-l-lo i
iu and 0 p. in., and St. l'anl at 1 A
p. in. and 7 :'X p. in., niukin favo aha
oonneeMoo utth all tiainsfiom the r,
hihI Soul I'Wesi.
For tickets, tune trditcs. Iie'tli rcservH
'i .l.s, elc. applv tot) I'. McNeill, 1'
" T. A-. Minneapolis. Minn., or lo ,1a,
V. Tond. fc,Mn, r - I p.iseii:er and ticke
Kwent Cliitiiifii 111. 4Mltr
to it o.w.t:.
A tivc jenr old ru i-tered Cljde Jul
stallion, for sale, or will exchange fo
n. ares i r cuttle. For fnrilier paitienlai.
call a' my place on Willow creek, tine.
aides from the mouth, or address ine
A r'inototi, Oregon.
U 17 Jamks Sgrlu'-s.
Xl'W l" KS-UHKMl M - I,. II i Pi .
-.loi lUn M (if, J..,;, .i .. (J,.
kiiid) of dr. 'Kxinak'iu,' in Litest sil,
aud at leusouublo iiius. 4-tl
Popular riatii, Tur Giving SnpiHirt to
Limit uml Other Itulinlng Varieties.
The plan most rtniversally practiced
tor Kivin supiiort to the running varie
tien of beans is getting a pole in the
center of each bill and planting the
beans around it. The objection to this
plan is that it calls for a great many
joles. mid these are not always avail
able. A trellis described in Popular
Uardcning consists of two wires one
stretched over posts four feet hi(;h and
the lower one about nix inches from the
ground, wilh white cotton yarn wound
zigzag around t'.iem. The bean plants
take very readily to thissupport, require
very little coaxing and no tying. This
trellis when covering with thrifty bean
foliage, is as ornamental a feature of
the garden as one would wish to see.
In the illustration here reproduced
from the journal referred to. one pole is
made to serve as a support for four hills.
The pole is set in the c nter of the four
hills, and a string stretched from its top
to hooked peg in center of each hill. It
is a eiuiplo way and answers quite well.
One of the advantages of the trellis for
training beans is that the beans may be
planted in a continuous row and after
ward thinned out. Thorough cultiva
tion and frequent hoeing induce a rapid
and vigorous growth of the young
plants. Uear in mind that the running
or pole beans are tenderer than the bush
varieties, and therefore ought not to be
planted until the weather is settled and
the soil warm. The lima bean requires
lor best results high culture in wet sandy
Turnips as a Second Crop.
"Tho turnip is the only crop I know of
that can be depended on to mature with
late sowing," says a New .Jersey farmer.
"The cool nights of early autumn suit it
well, and unlike most other plants slight
frosts do not injure it or check its
growth. Planted after early maturing
lirst crops it is the most certain second
crop that can bo raised. When a portion
can be sold as vegetables, even at a low
price, and the balance is led out or sold
to others as stock food, 1 look upon the
turnip as a prolitahle crop to be raised,
t produces so abundantly when every
thing is f ivorahle that it would be eay
to overstock the market, hut at the same
lime it is true that the market is not
often greatly overstocked with it. One
of the lulvantngea from sowing turnips
as a late summer and fall crop is the
shading that is given to the laud which
would otherwise be exposed fully to the
sun after a lirst cropof any kind is taken
off. This of itself 1 believe will more
than pay for all the fertility it removes
from the soil. The green leaves of the
crop act as a covering aud mulch until
they are harvested, and no other crop
l eenis to leave the ground iu so good a
condition for a different one to follow it.
Often turnip seed may be scattered be
tween the rows of field corn at the last
cultivation and a good yield obtained. "
Pasturing Kticep.
A correspondent of the New York
World cautions against pasturing sheep
on the same fields with call le and horses.
In the lirst place their manure scattered
over the ground fouls the grass and
makes it offensive to cows and horses,
and then the closer cropping of sheep is
liable to reduce the grass to such pro
portions that the larger animals will fail
to get their fair share. Kheep will live
and thrive on rough and bushy lands
where milk cows will not find a fair
maintenance, and except when they can
be made useful in the cow pastures as
weed destroyers it is better to keep sheep
tn a field by themselves. In the case of
all the grazing animals, more sustenance
will be gained from the same acres,
where it can be divided into two or
more inclosurcs, ill which the animals
can be pastured alternately. Sheep, and
especially tho young of the flock, may
often bo allowed to run in a corn field to
advantage early in the fall while the
stalks are standing erect and before the
maturing of burrs, which would stick to
their wool. They will eat the lower
blades from the cornstalks and crop the
weeds that may bo growing without in
juring the grain, thus cleaning the field
up nicely before the corn is cut and
Sawdimt an Fertilizer,
It is not out of place to give a word of
caution against using much sawdust of
the soft woods or those which sour in
tho process of decomposition, such as
pine, hemlock, basswood and oak. On
most soils an extensive use of these
woods will impart a tendency to cold
ness in the soil and to the growing of
moss if hind is left long in grass. This
has been the result in other parts of the
country where sawdust uf these woods
had been extensively used. The saw
dtist of beech, maple and ash, and other
woods of this character, which decom
pose quickly, has been used to a consid
erable extent in some of the eastern
states with seeming beneficial results,
especially upon clayish soils, their chief
oliico being to lighten tho otherwise
heavy soil. Prairie Fanner.
!ler and There.
The Mark Lane Express proposes a
(praying machine that will deliver the
spray under cover, so that the wind will
not disturb it; aud also one that will
raise up the vines and thus permit the
6pray to reach all sides.
According to the Hatch experiment
station of Massachusetts electricity ap
plied to the roots of plants has given
mote satisfactory results than when ap
plied above.
There i a labile of !!, M laice in Scot
laud. A p: i.'inaTa'.a oi f i 1 u.ion aiao'og
farmers attributes the piv.Mait outbreak
to the scarcity of owls, hawks, weusels
and other vermin.
i If
A FAr.;,;En-3 vvor.Kcucr.
A Convenience That Will Soon Pay for
ItMcIf ill Money Saved.
Tho fanner who has once experienced
the Leucuts of a well fund: bed and
orderly kept workshop would not do
without it for many times its lirst cost,
especially that part which is shown in
one corner of the illustration and called
by its owner a "variety case." lie
writes in the Ohio Farmer as follows
concerning it:
1 became tired of the old way of hav
ing bolts, icrews, nails, rivets, wire,
buckles, etc.. iu boxes standing hero and
I ! t I
a1 V u
there, oftentimes all sizes in the same
box, just because there was nootlier place
for them. The bolher and loss of time
were great, as 1 had to open sometimes
nearly a dozen boxes to find the thing 1
wanted. Thus necessity became the
mother of invention, and the result was
a "case" in which there is a place for
everything, as shown in the cut.
The drawers are made of small, light
boxes (which can be had at the grocery
stores) sawed to the right size, and then
nailing a side, bottom or end to them U3
required. The lower ones are shallow
for nails, etc., two or three inches deep;
those intended for more bulky articles,
as bolts, etc., deeper. For knobs, take
common sewing thread spools and saw
them in two. The half of one spool,
with a wood screw through the holo of
it and into the drawer, makes the knob.
For convenience, drawers for screws,
rivets, small nails, tacks, etc., are parti
tioned into two, three or four parts, and
can also be taken out and carried to
where wanted. A sample of the article
or articles (size and kind) in each drawer
is fastened on the outside of it by a
double pointed carpet tack, and when
anything is wanted, from a quarter inch
tack to a halt inch bolt it is a pleasure
and satisfaction to be ablo to put your
hand on it iu a moment.
Fowls in Small Runs.
Mr. Legetmeir, the well known Eng
lish authority, says concerning the keep
ing of fowls in small runs by suburban
residents: "These attempts are usually
successful in the first instance, the fowls
when bought being young, healthy and
vigorous, but if kept on tho same ground
for any length of time it becomes taint
ed, and the laying falls off very con
siderably. By adopting a more rational
system, even in an area of somewhat
limited size, a few fowls can be kept for
egg production with success. This is to
be accomplished by securing a succes
sion of new pullets; by careful feeding,
with the elimination of all fat bouse
scraps; theabnndance of green food, with
a constant renewal uf fresh earth and of
means to be adopted whereby the fowls
should not pick their food from the
tainted ground. The rearing of chickens
in coniined runs is undesirable, and the
employment of a chanticleer to disturb
the neighbors during the early morning
is a mere useless addition and not at
tended with an increased production of
A Clean Well.
A filthy well is an abomination, and
if you would keep your well clean you
must keep it covered. Here is a sketch
of a cheap but effective covering, repro
duced from The New England Home
stead, and in use in one of Connecticut's
attractive villages.
Observe that the lid is in two pieces,
one hinged on either side. When the
bucket is iu use these are lifted and but-
toned aprainst the posts. Several wells
in one pretty village are neatly framed
in above the curb and the frame covered
with wire cloth. This is mere expensive,
but decidedly ornamentul, especially if
white houses and green blinds prevail.
Lattice work with apertures 1) inches
square looks well and is better than no
protection, but is not so desirable as the
close covers described.
IIer and There.
The state of Illinois is credited with
being the first in the Union to establish
an eflieient bureau of entomology.
According to a recent estimate there
are under ditch in the west lS.ttlUU?
acres. Of this Colorado has 3.00U.U50.
The number of artesian wells in the
west have been reported to be 13,000.
Colorado owning OOO and California
following with ii.500.
A Sau .Jose fruit grower says that
ground squirrels cun be 6inctbered out
by the ute of gasoline in the same in-tn-uer
in which bisulphide of carbon is
Outdoor protection in spring was con
sidered at tho Wiscoitoiu stale beekeep
ers convention. It was thought by the
majority of the members that special
outdoor protection to hives iu spring
would not pay for tho extra expense and
trouble, but that protecting tho yard by
high board fences or otherwise would
Sonthem Gronn Corn.
Conclusions have been reached in tests
wilh corn at the Texas experiment sta
tion that southern grown corn is richer
; in albuminoids and fats with a decrease
of the less mi port art ingredieuts. The
influence of the climate upon the corn
is also dwelt upon, and the same com
grown in two sections of the country is
not the same iu its yield. Kansas and
Kentucky eurn grown in New York in
trea e their albuminoids over the same
ki: d t; ro a :i i.i (Jcu;;,u. but on the whole
it i.i concluded that the corn grown in
the south increases its albuminoids over
that grown iu the north.
iJj I
Tcrrlhlo Mlstnkc.
Queenswaro Merchant What made
that lady go out of the store so hurried
ly? Clerk I don't know. I was showing
her a vase
"Was that what you call It?"
(With a groan) "We have lost her
custom forever. You should have
calle it a vawz. She's from lioston."
Chicago Tribune.
Or Something Like- Them.
Bridget (at the grocer's) The mis
thress i3 afthcr wantin' a bottle av I
think it do bo thricks fur tho biled
mutton sauce.
Scales (tho grocer) Isn't it capers
you want?
Iiridget rhat'3 the odds, capers or
thri-'ko? Sure, their wan au' tho same.
merely a Solicitor.
Sleek Stranger I am hunting for
work, nir. Have you any scrubbing,
washing or cleaning of any kind you I
wish done?
Mr. Morrison Essex You don't look
like a man for that kind of work.
Sleek Stranger 1 am not, sir. It Is
for my wife I am hunting work.
A Hor;cl:ir Dilemma.
A. I am in a hideous picklo.
B. How so?
A. I have not got anything to eat,
and the only thing I've got to pawn is
my false teeth, and if I pawn them and
buy something to eat then I can't eat
it. I never was in su jh a hideous fix in
all my life. Texas Siftings.
A Fcmiaiao Equivalent.
Jack Lever Then you didn't move on
, the first of May?
Mr Lotos No; my wife said that if
she took up all tho carpets and took
down all tho curtains, and turned tho
house upside-down, generally, she
thought wo could get along without
moving this year. Puck.
Its Art Education Ncglcctod.
Dinwiddie (sitting at his friend's
fireside) I don't call this an artistic
Shingiss (who is rather proud of some
exquisite tile work about the mantel)
You don't? What's wrong with it?
Dinwiddic It doesn't draw well.
Pittsburgh Chronicle.
Itnse Ingratitude.
Widower Your bill is something
fearful. After you have doctored my
Wlic lo ueaui you expect urn yu-y juu
an enormous bill.
Doctor That's just what I expected
you to say. Such a thing as gratitude
no longer exists in this world. Texas
ApentB Wanted.
Mr. Oowitt I am going to join the
Society for the Prevention of Crime.
Ueggy Riverside Great Ctnsar! What
Mr. Cowitt So I can paint tho town
and Lave my expenses paid. Puck.
A Happy Man.
"I'm like a woman in one respect,"
remarked the dealer who sells for cash
only. ";
lis :..!. - t .. ic ia iarly,
1 3 unhand L my dear, there is
'".oiiig to bo a very important or elec
tion at my club to-night, and I may
Wife Very well. I'll wait up to hear
tho returns.
"Utn or arc you interested in tho
"Yes, your returns." N. Y. Weekly.
Not ICxactly a Failure.
'Marriage was a failure with them,
"Well, you could hardly call it a fail
ure. Suspension would be the better
"Yes; they mutually agreed to sep
irate." N. Y. Tress.
Ilia Candidate.
i-So you don't believe in the 'logical
nrnlidfito' business, eh?''
.Me? No. I am in for the geological
"And what sort of a candidate is
"The one with the rocks, of course."
-Iudianolis Journal.
Privileges of Friendship.
Yahsloy Now, kludge, you know I
am your friend, or else I should not
speak so plainly to you of your faults.
Sludge IJut, if what you havo been
saying to me is true, I cannot see how
you can be my friend and retain your
elf respect Indianapolis Journal.
A Dinieult 1'rofcsslon.
Miss Antique Do you consider type
writing a good profession for women?
Miss Do l'retty (a successful type
writer) I'm yes, but typewriting is
very difficult to learn, and to make a
iuceess of it a woman should begin
young. Demorest's Magazine.
It Is In tho Future.
TTunkor Hello, Kickctts, when is
your marriage to Miss Munn coming off?
Rieketts It has been indefinitely
"W hat's the trouble?"
"0. she married another fellow."
Uroolilyn Life.
Unmerited Ileproof.
The Rector My dear young lady, I
hope I am mistaken, but I thought I
saw you talking during the sermon yes
terday. Stray Lamb You certainly art mis
taken, doctor. Why, I never talk in my
sleep! Life.
Appropriate Music.
bandmaster Rut how can I play a
wedding mar. h? I have nothing here
but military music.
Manager On, give 'cm the double
quick that's good enough. Puck.
Curl us t Know.
Shawocr What do you think of my
new picture, old man?
Singerly Pretty f;:ir. How many
vijuiw uicbu cigaroUKi you gel wnn
it? Detroit Free Press.
A Hebulte.
Rich Man Ain't you ashamed not to
be earning your bread by hard work in
stead of begging?
Tramp Humph' 'iu dont even beg.
H W did ion ? Wln.p',
P n T'-mrw h A C-t.' etund. hi d the
p re for bsrsius. s
Why go hungry when the City hotel
furnishes you a god meal at living
rates. a
Phofmakkr. Ed Birheek, dhoemnk
er und repiirer of mnv yeiir' fxperi
e P' h s jiwt tnO't". in t h- Abrhm
Mt'k biil'dtinr. dt M iv n r et( w I he
IS plPl'oieil to do evei lllil'L tt' Id llUP.
Mr, Hirliet'k iswop tlj a firwt p'hs wnrfe.
oiHti and warrants all work. Give him a
I call. U-tf
I! s 1 .unii Olliro. Hi. ...oli'n. dr.. June 7. W1.
Complaint having Ih-cii entered at this olliee ,
I L- L-..II ...... I, ... I..ul.i.u I,
Kelt, for failure to comply 1'lt hov hh to 'lini
ner Culture l-.ntrv o 27v.!. dated Nov. 17, 17.
ipontlieU'j sui and V'j,si4 see. 'it, 'I p 2.
? Ii E. In Mnrne eiHiatv, orccen, uitliaview
:r ,). iiiil,',.! Lit ten nt Hufil entrv: miilrStatlt
alh-inc that said -Innliua K. Fell, and Ills hcirM, I
lia,e failed to eoniplv with the Tiaiiier (."allure '
law, lhat he lailcl lobrcak orcattscto he brnken. i
live acres of aid tract w illitn one year utter en- 1
rv. or ia tact hat, done aolhiiii: to comply with
lie icq 'IreiiientH of the 'I iniher Culture lawn,.
lie sain pill llcR are Hereto simiauuien in appear :
at lln. oilice on die Inth day of -eptemher, b'.u,
at in o'clock a. in , lo refiiond and fi.rntsli teti
;no iy en icernl iirsnid alleyeil failure. -tit I'at
erso'i. Notary I'liUh', is a ithnried 'O talie leu
i no .y t , tlii'a oiff, at hit. olliee la lieppaer, nr.,
't ill a", in , Annual 27, 1S2.
..it 1-121 John W. I.kwis. heylster.
Punty of flour, bran, mill feed at-d
lie p aiwnys on hand at the lieppu, r
Flouring Mills. a
U UVKF.NNim. or the I.HU'Of: II A BIT.
1 14 1 I'll H f Until" ill Tell t'r I'J AItlilMH-
l-iin Dr. Il.tim V iioitii n tfi
It c;ni ht- yiveit in h uIhnh "f bepr , h enp
f C'-uVp or ten, or in fond, without the
in'V ledup of the phtient. It is ahuulnle-
i IlilMIliePB. Hlld will ttf-ct H pertDHpHit
tn! ii edy enrf, w bet her tun pntient t
i nnuier:i(e d i inker nr itu jtlcnln'ho w lei-li.
It hup been t'ivHti in th- u-hikIr uf nines,
mil in even inturiee h perfect ou'h h s
fnllnwei. It i. ever f h i Ih I be sMem
nOH impri iMJtited wilh the p citie. it
heei iinen mi in ler iinLi"Bnibtliiy foi the
1 iq n-r Ht'petite f Xtwt Cures mirtni
etil, 48 pnif book of pnrienlnrn fret,
ihirem the Gold UN I'SoiFic Co,18o
It ice Sireet, Cineiniinii, Olin.
W lii If; yuu koepjmtr nubscription paid up yea
mii keep your hrntnl in free of cltfirye.
All. n. T. J . lime. Or. HnrwB G(i on left
linulder; Ciiiile -tune un left hip, under bit on
i lt 1 1 1 car, hihI uppir hit on the left; nuigu, Mm
wwcuui.ty. AniiHininLT, J. , Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
nr i on left shouidur ot hi tinea; cut lie miuie
n lef; lii .
Allien, 0. D., FApM Mile. Or. Cuttle bnind,
ODuii M t Iiil hihI luMMeB Hftme brand on ritrht
liniililer. lifiimc Kitfht Mile.
Adkins, I Pttyville, Or-HtiHinlii murk Hemi
li iIiikIi iiini twit emiih mid it lit m ihu rittht i'iir;
iitiHert. J, upfide down on llip ri'hl HtiouMcr.
.juitfn in (jrjuit eoimiy tttid Hear valk-v. PO
.uldreHH (dsn at Uardui.in.
Adkmts J. J., llttppiier, Or. Hoit-en, ,TA con
nfeteil ih- (e t tlai.k: ('.-title. nnmeon left hip.
Ayers. Johuny, Lena, Or. llurne branded
triangle on leti hip; cattle hhiiih on rinlit hip;
dfo crop of riirM ear and upper Lit on name.
Hiytli. i'erey II,, lleppi.er, tr. Hornet (toman
ton mi riht Hlionldur. limine, in Morrow
lileiikman. (ieo.. Harduiuii, Or. Horn, a tinn
h't'I Miionlder: (wirt lit -ame on riyhl wlioulder
i amiieter, J. W., Ilhniinan, Or. ('utile biiuid
l It nt) left hip and ilnuli: split in each ear.
Hrenner, P.ler, lio. ttehai ry Oreiiou llornes
tirmded Pit on left shoulder. Cattle s.itno on
ulit. Hiue
hurke. M at C, Lfn 1'roftk, Or On cattle,
ilAY connected m left dtp, cijp oil left ear. un
ier half crop off riuht. ilornert, naine brand on
rift ttlioulder. Uuubh in tirunt and Morrow
How-man, A., iMount Vemoi! and Biirnn, Or.
i ail le, A ii on riyhl hip, two crops in each ear;
Hiime on hornen. on r iwln sliouldur. iiuuge in
I rant and Harney coiinliew,
Hromriati, Jerrj, Lena, Or.- Hursen branded 7
u nln shouhh r; calMe H on Hie left side,
.eft eat half crop and riht ear upper tdope.
liarlon. W in., Heppner, Or, -iloieh. J I) on
-t,'iil i!iu.. call it bamt) on rihl iup; split in
aeh ear.
Brown. Iisa, LexinKton, Or. llorso- IB on the
ilit i-titie; cuttle Buiijeoiunyhtiiip; rtiuue, Mor
cow uoumy.
lirown, J .P , Heppuer. Or. -IIorsoH and cattle
'ramled witn ox-yoke above on lft niiouiiier.
Hrown, J. (J., Heppner. Or. llornes. circle
' wnlnloi mi e ter on left hip; call le. xaiiie.
Brown, W, J., Lena. regou, H()r8i'H V bur
ei- it, on the lelt ttlionlder. Cattle tiuino on left
i (oyer, W. 0 Hepp-ier, Or. HorBes, box
iriutii o r hip Willie., sail i h, with (plit in
itch ear.
Moik. F. O., Heppner, Or. HorseB, V B on left
lioiilder; em tie. same on left hiu.
Brow n lee. V. J., Kox.Or-t 'aUle, JB connecied
hi lefl niil't; crop on left ear and two splits and
Middle p.itiffe col out on rilii ear; on hiuwe mime
nai d on the lefl thitdu Jiange in Vox valley.
Joint county,
( ain.ii).. i aleb.Or.- Y I) on horeen on ljft stifle;
U with quarter circle over it, on lefl shoulder,
.nd on let! eiitle on all colts under ft yearn; in
e hhouider only on all horses over ft years. Ail
atme io Urant eounLv,
( lark. Win. IL, Lei a, (Jr. Horse- WHO con
nected, on left t-h(iiilt:er: callle i-anie on rigid
up. ha Lte Morrow and Umatilla counties.
t ale., Chan. It,, ViiiH-in or Lena. Or. Hornet
i 1' tin ritfht sliou'.der; cattle same on light hip.
i (hi me Morrow and Umatilla nuutitied.
I'oclireii, ('has., lone. t)r. Horses, HP eon
uecled on left houlder; cut tie, (' on both lefl
uip tind tiHe. Unnutt in Morrow county.
t in i non, J'. H. , Look 'reek, Ur.--Ton caltleon
- ;ht side, crop oil riuhl ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Kane
in (iraiitcouiiiy.
Cecil, VV in.. UoutrhiH. Or: horses JC on lef
-moulder; cu lie same on let! hip, waddles on
acli jaw and two b.ts in tlio right ear.
Cuii,T. H John Hny, Or. Doub e cross on
tach hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
,u ritfht ear, split in left ear. Bailee in (inn it
onniy. Ou sheep, inverted A nlld speur puim
ill shoulder. Ear marko-i ewes, crop oil left ear,
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop iu
ritdit aul under half crop in left ear. All rang.,
in (irai't couutv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Hornes, 9Uon riKhtshoul
lei Cattle, sameou r ghi tup: ear murk suuare
nopotl left and split in right.
rumn.lt. Iu, Currinsvilie, Or. -tlorses, to un
tett slille.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or HorseB branded
r 1 & A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right
hip swallow fork in richt ear and crop oil I eft.
Cox Ed. B Hardumu, Or. Oaula, U will
le center: tiorsos. Ch- on left ip.
Cochran, H. K Mintuineut, Orant Co, Or.
Horscs bianded circle with bai beneath, on lefl
shoulder, cattle suniu brand on both iiips, murk
under slope both ears and dewlup.
Chapin, H., Harduinn. Or. Horses brandoO
on right hip. ( 'utile brauded the same.
Cross. 8 L, tiayville. Or Cattle branded two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses u
reversed r lft stitie. Also have the following
i riti ui on rattle: VI on lett hip, 7 on right hip,
t on left shoulder, two parallel bars ou lefl
-boulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Dooiian. Win,, TTeppuer. Or. Horses branded
K) with biu over thein, tu left situuidur; un
ite same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M .(ialloway. Or. Cattle, It L'on
eight side, swu low-fork iu each ear; horses, it X)
tu letl hiu.
Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or-Jfon-es TD on
the nglil stifle: cattle Name on right hip.
Uuncau, W . P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle
on right shoulder, boih on horses and etude,
lianne ti rant county.
Dnskell. VV. E.. Hepi,iier, Or. Horses branded
K inside of u ou left shoulder, t aale saute on
teft side ot UecR.
Elj, J. B, in ftons, Douglas, Or. HorseB brand
ed 1-.L1 ot. left shoulder, cattle same on lull
nip hole o right ear.
E Hot , Wash., Heppner, Or. Di'imord on
ilgift choUider.
rleek, Jacuson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 71"
oniiecledoi right shoulder; cattle same on
iiit htp Ear mark, hole iu rigid and crop
.11 left.
fc'iorence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
ight tup; iioi'soi- E with bur under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, fc on
l ight slioi Ide ; cattle, t on rigid hip or thigh.
(ia, Henry, Heppner. Or. UA1 uu left
(itiinan French, Lund and Livestock Co.. Fos--d.
Ur. Hotses, atichor S on lt-fl shiaiidet ; Vent,
Willie on lefl stitie. Callle, same ou both hips;
ear marks, crop oft rigid ear and iinderbit in left.
Itauge iu Oiiltain, Urant, trodt ui d Morrow
tieniri, Elmer, Echo. Or --Horses branded H.
S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stitie
ihuige in Morrow and Luiaulla counties.
tiittwaier, J . ( ., l'norie K iiy. Or.-tn hordes,
U -U on left should' r nnd stitie; callle, ou right
l.l". tijmge II. li I Hill Ci'Ullli.
Hams. James. Hiirdin.oi Or. Horses nliniie. i
ion tef suvuider; cailie sauje on ieit tup. Ucnige
in in it rtiHiut Hiodiuao.
Hajes. .eo.. Lean. Or, Brand JH conntHMtd,
With i tarter circi" tiver it, ou leu i-h..uhier.
tttaii A. B., Bulge, Dr. tattle itUi.d-lop
withquuiter circie uitler it on the. ritdtl tup.
Ilj.nue iu .Hiriuw mid (JiuhIiIIh counties.
itititon it Jenkf, ilaunJton. Ur t tin ie, t wo bars
on either hip; inp in right ear ai.d spht in lelt.
J ou rik'ht thiuh. Kai.gi- in lirant couniv
Hughes, N.inilel, Wagner, Or 1' F Ltat right
inkier on hoi set-: on dttle. on ritrhl hi o and on
left side, swallow fork in ruht ear and sin in left.
Kange in Haystack district. Morr, w county,
ttall Ed win. John L'uj ,lr. Catt ie h H on rigln
iup: horss same on right shoulder- lang.-ii
I r:i in county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded
heart ou the left shoulder, liailge Mortow Co,
Ht;hsaKHT, B . Wugi er. Or. Horsed, on teft
-iiouhn-r. k'm He. Hon left tu. .
Hantisty, Allien, Ne. Oregon -liorsesi, AH
eouincted, m left shomder; (utile on die left
nip, crop -'ti left ear.
ilumphrev. i tl. Uiirdman, Or. Horsee, 1! ov
tf - flank
limit. Win. F... Hid.p, Or Hon brnnded
htu enw-s in lefl shoulder, cattle same ou ief:
Ii.t. .1. M.. Hi'i'te.iT. Or.-tlor-c, wu -cla
if. (. h ), t ,4: a.:.i i i,,.!. -
ltd ou left i'aiige I) liTrtUt
. Ltiih'-r. t U'ht Mile. r.- Hor-e II on
-aw' In
lite left shouideraud heart ou the left stitie Cat-
lie Mime uu left hip. Ung in Atoixuw county.
Jenkins, D. W.,Vt. Ven'im.Or.-.l en hnrHeaon
l,.ft Mlii.iililer: ,, rattle. J mi I, -ft tail, Hl'il two
taaeinli crnpa oa both esrH. lianue ill I'Vl aad
Hear vail
Jiuikui. rj. M hVpenpr. Or. Horses, hine-
hIiom J iu li.fi iiealiler. Cattle. Ilia shiiij.
ilai'irp on I'lihi Mil,'.
Ji,ln:a.iti. helix Lena. Or. !fcaxin. cin-lt' T oil
lell t-l e i: it 1 1-, aaaie ,,n riuht lap. Ulalcr tilr
apil' in riehl and anlil ii' left ear
htniuv. Milo Hei, nner. nr. Hnrrea Inandi d
K.N Y no led top cattle hhiuc and ori.p oft lelt
.-ar: imhI.t -li,i.p ,,r, ihe riuM
Kirk J T.. tleppnor. Or. HorHCB : on left
ale ,n liter: cattle. "V in; lelt hip.
rk. J (', tl.-ppn. f. Or. H,,iwm. 17 nil either
nina, I, 17 ,.n nt.lil -aile.
Kirk Jcwe, Hi-pi n,-r. Or : hnrae 11 on I ft
ill. u del : cal :le t-ulne nn 11,'ht aide, ucil'-rhil on
1 tigi, t,r.
; Ktiinliet lioid.W. fL. Mount Vernon. Or. J L n
1 callle till nglil and led nines. twJiilti'V fork in Ii fl
car and nmler et..p tu rikrhl ei-r Horses wuiih
liiiit d ot. left hh .Ide Ha ue in liru, I . ontily.
Ket.i,-y, I'h. Heppner. Or. Horses .1 L ami
ace of eiiibs on hdt siltle. I.tilige in L mat ilia
anil A iirri'tt oiunties
Lesley. "u" t Uotiiuneut Or- A triui.glejiywith
all hues HXteiuiing pa t t od ot figure or ttor
Hihtiu lell nimuider, on cattle diamond oil left
-hoiiider. split in iigh . u. it iu ieft ear
Ha iye to Oni'H eoiUUi i.l:rj ,. . i,;.,of John Day
Liul ey. J vV . Leppoet Or.- lloiH-s lea. li d L
N on ii it p! ouUlt'i: can e di e o ie;t In;.: iv.
ti ver rht ey thiehlisui Ti gut ear.
Lofleo, Stopneii, I la. ur. L on ieft hip
on calUe. crop and spat ou right ear. liois. s
same brand on left snoul.ljr ia ige (ruM
ijienalleii, John W., L ' Or. Horset
blitlHled hall-ciicle J L connected on lelt shoul
der. Cattle, saiui on Ei hip. Kaugu, near Lex
Lord, (Jeorge. Heppner. t)r.-Horses branded
double H coi necli oiiictliiiOH called tt
swing 11, on lell shoulder.
Max well, M.S. tmoseberiy. Or.- Ilo'set- brand
ed 1 oil: link on lelt shi tilder: entile, hiiiiih mi
I lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in lefl ear.
flliltor, Uscar, lieppner t 'r. at tie,. M L on
ritrhl hip; horse. M on lefl shoulder.
Morgan, . N., Heppuer. Dr. Horses, M )
u leii should- cattle same on left hip.
McCuiuher, Jas A. Echo, Or. Horsea, M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Maun, B. ti , Lena, Or. Horaes old mares ZZ
on right hip; young stuck, small zz on left
Morgan, Thos.. Heppner, Or. Horse, circle
T on left stiou.der and left thiuh; cattle. L on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oxcar. lone. Or. Horses, 77 ou right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
.net -mien, D. (j., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
Figure fi on each slum der. callle, on hu
iMcKerti.W.J. Mount Veruoii. Or XI ou cutMe
ou right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop m l.ft
name brand ou horsis on loft iii. , liatige ill Oram
Alct ur y, David H., bcho.Or. Hort-es bninded
DM Connected, on the lelt shoulder: mill Ih .innu
on lop and h.iIh.
McUirr, l-rank, fox Vnlley, Or. Mule itnoe
with te-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear; hoises name brand ou left stitie.
Ate Haley. O. V ., 1 laiiultou, Or. On HorseB, 8
with hull circle under on left shoulder; on Cuttle,
four bars connected on top ou the right side
Uange in (a run I County.
fseul. Andrew. Lone Hock, Or. Horses A N con
necied on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips,
Nordyke, E Hilverton. Ur. Horses, circle 1 on
left thigl : eH-ue. sauie im teft hiu.
Oliver, Joseph, I an j on ( My, Or. A 3 on cattle
on left hip: ou horses, same on left thigh, Uauge
in (iraiit county
Utter, ferrj, Lexinglon. Or. r O on left
Olp, Herman, Pi a trie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected ou left hip; horses on left stifle
and wanie on nose. Hange in lirant county.
Pearson, Oiuve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, nuur-lel-
circle shield ou ieft shoulder Hud i on left
hip. t aule, forh in let; -jar, right cropped. 'iA
on lefl hip. Hang on Eight Mile.
Parker A Oieuson. Bardiuan.Or, Horses IP oi
I' tt shoulder.
I'iper, J. IE, Lexington. Or. -Horses, JE con
nected n. letl shoulder; cattle, same on loft hip,
under In In each ear.
Patberg. Heury Lexington, Or. Horse, brand
ed wilh a itouuii cross on lett shoulder; cuttle
branded with Itwnuii cross, bur at bottom, on
lell hip.
Pettjs, A. ('..lone, Or.; horses diamond P on
shouider, cdile, J n J conneeieu. on the
lefl hip, upper siope in left earuuu slip in the
Powell, John i'., Dayville, Or Horses, J P con
"ec cd on ielt shoulder. Caitie OK coUitecUnl oU
lefl hip, two uuUtir half crops, oUe on each ear,
wattle under throat. Bu. go in (irantcouniy.
llickard, ii. U., Canyon l lty, Ur.--li t; on left
.-liouidt-r, on horses only. hUuge l!anyoiureult
and Hear vullL-y. Urant county.
hood. Aiidiew, Hanliuau. Ur. Horses, square
ciof wilh quarler-circle over it ou lell aline.
Bellinger, tiiria, Heppner, Or. Horses. (J U on
let l SliollUle. ,
Bice, Dan, llardmtwi, Or.; homes, three panel
worm iei.ee on ielt shoulder; cartle, DAM un
right shoulder. Buttge near llardmuu.
limio, v ui. Long t r.)ek, Or. bnunls horses
K oi right shoulder. Uauge (jiuni find Morrow
coin ties.
Bojse, Aaron. Heppner, Or Hcrses, plain V on
.efj. shomder; cattle, same brand leversed on
right hip and crop ott nghl ear. ttange in MoT
row county,
hush Bros., Heppuer, Or. Horses branded X
ou lite i igh, shouloer; (tattle, 1 ou the left nip
crop oil ielt ear and dewlap ou neck. Bungo if.
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Itusl, William, Penoietoii, Or. Horses B on
leli sliouluor; callle. 11 on left hip, crop otl
right ear, tindeioit on left ear. ahewp. B on
weathers, i ottud crop ott righ ear. Range Oiua
tiiiaaitd Aloiiowc luuties.
Beaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horse
branded A B on right shoulder, veut ijuaitec
circle over brand; cuLtlo stiuie on right lup.
Itai.ge Morrow county.
Boyse, Win. H, Dairy viile. Or HB connected
witii quart er circle over Lop on cattle on right hip
anu crop oil nglil ear aud split in ielt. Horses
same brand on loft shoulder, Itauge in Morrow.
Urant and Gilliam counties.
Jtiiier. j t. Hitler, Or Three parallel hurt
wilit bar over on horses on left lup; on callle, lefl
side, two smooth crops, two spins in each eta.
liunge iu Middle EorK of John Day.
Hector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses. JC ot
left shoulder. Caitie. o on right hip.
Spicknall. J. W., (iooseborry. Or.- Horses
brui.ded 1 on left sh-ulder; muge iu Morrow
opiuj, J. F., Heppner, Or. -Horses brauden ti
ooiinecieu oi iiuln uhoulden cuttle same on bolt
bailing, C 0 Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on leil shoulder; callle sameou left hip.
bwaggar , B. E Lexington. Or.-HorseB 2
with Uusti under it on iuL stitie entile H with
oasn unoer it on right hip. crop oil right ear aud
waodied ou right hind leg. Itauge in Alorrow,
Uiiliutuuud u mat n la coiiuLies.
tewnggart. A L., FAln. Ur. Horses brande 1 2
on lell siiouidur;cettiesume ou ieft hip. Utod
on ear, wattle ou left hind leg.
htraigta W. E., Heppuer, Or. Horses shaded
J fa on lei stifle; callle J b on left hip, swallow
fork in ngh eur, nnderbit in loft.
ftnpp. Thos., Heppuer, Ur. Horses, 8 A P on
tett tup; cam same ou left hip.
Miinz. James, Long t reek. Ur. Hoises. 3 on
lett stitie and over t ou left shoulder,
bl.rier.Joho, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on rigid hip; caitie, same on right hip,
crop otl right ear and under bit m left eur. Bange
in Urant county.
biuith Bios., busmiville, Or. Horf-eP, branded
B. Z. o i shoulder; cu t e, ume ou left aiioulder.
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
ja.-u tetL suoiuoer; cat. la the same, also nose
wm.dle. Bange iu M..rrowuu.l Uiiuainco nties.
bU-phens, V. A., luoduiaij, Or-; horses boon
right Biitle; cuttle It nzontal L ou ihe ught side
oietensoij, Mrs A. J Heppm r, Or. Cuttle, H
uu right In, ; swallow-fork in left eur.
bwaggart, G. W Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left shuuiiit : cattle, 44 on left hip.
btone. lru.Bi-kh tun, Wash.-Borses. keystone
ou lett shuuidor.
biuitii, fc.. ii. L,oue Bock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on lefl shoulder; callle same on.
iettsule. Bange, Oiiiium county.
bperry. E. O., heppner. Or. - Cattle W C on
letl nip, crop olf rigut and underbu in left year,,
Uewiap; horses V ton left shoulder.
IhoiupBOh, J. A., Heppner, Ur. Horses, g oa
tell shouio r; cattle, on left shoulder.
lip, eto.b.'i.,Ln eipiist.Ur. Hoisei. (.'-on left
'turner B. W., Heppner. Or. -Small capital T
lelt shouidei. horses; uaitle sumw ou left hto
wnli split tn boil eurs.
ihirnion, H. M.. lone, Or.-llorses bnindedl
H I connected on lelt stitiej sheep sume brand.
VamlerpiMtl, H. T. Lna, Or;-Horses HV coo
iiectea on right Bhoulder;cattle, ale hq right
Walbridte, Wm . Heppner. Or. Horses. U. L
on ineie;i siiou der; o. tiie same ou ngUt hip
ciop Jt letl ear uud right tar lopped.
Wiison, John Q.. baieni or Heipner Or
ilorses branded Jy on me left shouider. iUuge
Morrow county.
arrt-o. VV B. Cnleb, Or-Catlle. W with ouarter
circle over it. ou jef sine, spin iu right ear.
Hornet ,,iue bru -d on ielt shoiiiJer. lUdgeiO
Oram couuty
Wo,hI, 1. L. Dayville, Or-Heart on horse on
E li ne; on cattle. - n lett side und uuder bit
in lefi ear. lianne in (jranl county
Wright, bilks A lipp,,r. Or Cattle bmnded
b W ou ihe nghl hip. squure crop oa ngiu ear
ttnil pl t in lelt.
Wai.uce. rrancis. Mount Verhori.Or-Squareon
CHIlle on the i.-tl (up. upper sh.pe it, . Jf,
.,. in riKiu ear. b.nie brand
on hordes oi, rithl bhoioder. (Uihm iti Hum...
aj.d liiMiit count v.
j Wad?; Henr, llej pner. Or. Horses biuided
,v. .... Biiiuiiiiiti mm (jr ()Ui
t ait.e bratnlw same on left enie and ieft lup
W eils. A. ., Heppner, Ur Horse. ae on left '
shoulder, cal' e Millie.
Woinnger, John, John nay Cit,Or On hone
in. tt ifunj.n 'lan. oil ien suounier:
bu in Unh ears, Itauge in Urtuit and Mtuhuer
Wo.siward. John, Heppner, Or. Burs 3p
Connefiiit ..n left shouiUrr.
W utkins. Lishe. Heppuer, Or. -Horses branded
LI", eouheete. on ieft stitie.
Wallace, i harie., Portland, Or. -Cattle Won
rigiu Hugh, hoe in lefl ear; horses, w on right
shouloer. win- same on ;t.ft shouider
Wluttier Ur. Drewsj. Hartiej w.uuty. Or -Hor-t
l.rat d.-.. M ,., ..'Im- ,,- .. . .,i,t. f
Wthihf!,. co. Haaiilion.'ir.- i)uWu-r cir
cl" ..-i thre. t.ro' tetl hi p. ts.lh ,-tt p- m.
t- r
- mill- !.
nn l ii nip. cat: n -h,
iHt it- 1 1 I
u 'M.. a. A., eppi.er. iir.-iiorsee nitii.ii g A A
on shoulder; ( attie. same on rtgnt t.m.
loung. J. H.. iowetrry.Or.-HoHBhrn-l'
T H on ti right tteMi'jw.