Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 26, 1892, Image 3

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    ' t
TH'1 desiring the liisfition of display adi.,
I orohuiiyt; 01 Mime, must get their copy In
im! KiltiT Hum MiMiiluy evening for Tut'siiny'i
edition, or ihumlny evening lor Fridays edi
tion. 'iilK i'ATTliKSUN I'UJtMblllNUCO.
1. The iiiiii of five cents per line will be
churjri'd fur "cards of thanks." "resolutUiiig of
ri-.ict," lists 01 w fddinn prfBeiits ai d donors,
aim i.liirmtry uouct-B, (m)ier linui tliooe the etlit
01 phidl hiiiM-lr tiiw as a mutter of uuua,) and
liuiKi sim cper ml ii.ut'tinjiB fur whatever purpose.
2. Noureh ut chunli and society una all other
eniertiiii.il via inmi whirh reenuv is to be de
rivi'd, Bliuli be charKed fur ut the rate of live
ci'intt a line. I ht-se rnlcB will be stiiclly adher
ed m ii eu-ry ii.fiiiin-e.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon Hni'lieuiiou.
U'Ve your luisiuvssto Heppuer peop e
and thert'foi e assist to build' vp Hepp
net: tat i onize those who patronize
Here and There.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drugs. 68 sw
Dr. 13. 1''. Vunubmi, dentist.
Ripans Tubules cure headache.
W. H . Hull wiib iu tbe tnty Wednes
day. J U IT'S PILLS euro eoustipation and
pi It s.
it. J. Hill, of Lexington, was iu tbe
Cii yisterdiiy.
C. B. Cnl)l), of John Duy, is ovjr tbis
ivei-k ou bueiueBs.
Mr. kiicI Mra. Geo. D. Fell returned
buuie Inst evening.
Ci'Qimisaiouer Brenner was in Ileppuer
tlii- lirul ut tbe week.
V. (.i. buyer uud wife were iu from
the riuicli Weduesdity.
Ford, tbe pniuter, Btill ''in it." For
any kind of work see biui. 81-tf.
Wheu in Arlington, stop at the Ben
nett bouse, near Ibe dejot. ul-lt
J. h Howard aud Ike Vincent were in
fivm (Julluway Wedueeduy.
- -Mis. Jnrfue Moxey and Mr. Hepton
e'lil, ot John Duy, are seriously ill.
iis Letbu P.nker, dressmaker, will
Kmirnulee yon a good tit. Uive her a
triul. 4-tf
Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Winner left yester
day nioruiujr for a few days viBit at Tbe
I up liimous & Son still shoe horses
and ilo general bliickamitbmg at tbe old
Htiiiul iSiatioek corner. 65.
"The Parlor," W. F. Kuiiik, prop., in
Hie City hotel, west side of Alaiu Btreet.
Nt'itlesl place in Heppuer. sw
Mrs. J. W Biisraiis and children and
Mrs. tito. AiUeu letnrued from t heir out
ini; trip iu the Blues, Weduesday eve
iuiii;. V. Endio arrived yesterday from
Ld ng Cn ck, accompanied by hismother
in law, Mrs. Jane Craven, of Dayton,
.1. 1). Sihaiff, the genial reprenputative
of the Oref on Grlove Factory, of Portland,
was with bis miuv cu.itomers here Wed
nesday. Hiyu lsetchiini whiskers. Halt &
Miiibens, at the oity barber ehop--the
plane In i't't a first class shave, Lair-cut
or hiinipoo. tf.
Geo. Phipps, 13 1 Dav's genial sheep
herder, was over from the Blues a few
diijs Ibis week. George reports sheep
dointr very well over there.
Ve Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re
new er and your thin gray locks will
thicken up and be restored to their youth
ful eoior, vigor, aud beauty.
Mrs. Marjjaret Barrett, accompanied by
her 8-iu Master tiarrv, arrived last eve
ning from Ore-roii City, to remain in
Heppuer aud vicinity a tew daj'B.
Vr. A. L Fox made a trip out toOatnp
Ciiilini!r 'l'lni i s lay. Our reporter was
informed that all will have returned
from there by the last, of the week.
Newer aud neater quarters at the
Pahn-e HoiuI'h uorlh business room.
Charley Jones, tbe baher, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths iu connec
tion. Harry Wnrren got back Friday eve
ning; Irmii Prairie City, Grant comity,
where he ihinka of sliirlinea drutf store.
Harry is favorably impressed with that
The boys wouder why tbe gentle "In
jnii" maiden of the Columbia should
think Gen. Conser a "callus Boston
man.'' He Btands A 1 atnoutf his own
Mis. L Cohn, mother of Phil and Jer
ry Cohn, aud Bister of Mrs. ti. Blackmail
and Henry Heppuer, arrived Saturday
from Snu Francisco, on her wuy to her
Boise home.
K. Hart and eon. Bob, returned Wed
ni'wlay from John Day, where they bad
been outing for a few days. They pink
ed lip ou Pnttamus creek, some good
specimens of mineral.
Master (Jlay French now has the agen
cy, in He pner, for the Oregoniau, and
Bulls that the people do not overlook him
la wiviniT their orders. Papers will also
he on sale at tSlocum & Johnson's drug
Miss Beatrice Dennis; who has been
visiting friends and relatives at H ird
man. came in on lust evening's stage
leaving ibis morning for Salem to visit
liir brother. While there she will also
visit the sea coast.
Senator W. F. Matlock came over Tues
day from Pendleton, leaving today for
Porilaml. While here he visited the
Jlallock breeding farm up ou Hintou
creek, and waB well pleased with the ap
pearance of the stock.
Seme people a.e constantly troubled
with boils no sooner does one heal than
another makes its appearance. A thor
ough course of Aver's SaiBaparilla, the
best of blood pnrifiers, effectually put an
end to this annoyance. We recommend
a trial.
Judge Mallnry and wife returned yes
terdny from tbe" monntaius, where tl.ey
bad a very pleasant time. Tbe judge
relates a very strange story iu which
our friend, p..t Quaid.culs quite a figure
Lack of space prevents further tnentioD
this time.
For a sluggish and torpid liver, noth
ing c in surpass Ayer's pills. They con
tain no calomel, nor any mineral drug,
bin nie composed of the active principles
of the best vegetable cathartics, aud their
n.-e always results in marked beuetit to
the patient.
A. Abrahnmsick returned from his
inner country tour Wednesday, after an
aluence of about three weeks Abi says
he, nd a good business, disposiug of a
goon iiiithy suits; also taking about S100
wi.riL of orders. Abe thinks be will
go over tbe same ruiltd again ilfabout a
Wliei recorder Roberts came np to
his i ill !e vesterday morning be found
tha' Im brother "Jack" had co.ne to bis
reseiie as ns-ostant recorder, aud soi-ord-ingly
was di.iii! up everything in shape.
Bill as Al. thought him rather too famil
iar ! nske.l biintostep down and out,
which he did without protest.
S.-ine sympathetic friend kindly led
"Mise'' R lierts' cnjnsB to the shop re
c-.itiy and had him shod up in style.
Whiv Mike dnl re.t ohj-ot to tbis, yet
h... riinily nl'j -cted to having a twenty
thre i;,cii H0i pot on a three ioc'n foot,
ami he als i ilioiigld from th wav it whs
h.srnf 'i-t with paint, that tbe Mlow
who d.J a was nut very familiar with a
See Beu Hunsaker's "lost" looal, this
issue. .
F. Kirkendall was in from Hardman
Bruce Haines was iu from Eight Mile
Ji ff Jones and family left Wednesday
morning for the valley, intending to lo
cate iu ClHOkanias county.
Died Wife of Joe Ward, of Eight Mile,
Tuesday, August 23rd. Interment took
place ut Ailingtou, Wednesday.
D. S. Sprinkle came up from Arling
ton Tuesday evening, returning ou Wed-
uesdny morning's train.
Oscar Minor lias kil ed four ante'ope(?)
since bis l ist visit to the niniintnii s
0.car i9 a good shot and a lucky hunter.
Mrs. A. .1. Stevenson ia prepared to do
all kiudH of nursing. Call at her borne
iu north Heppuer, or address her at this
place. 518 tf
Butter Creek was represented iu Hepp
ner yesteiday by .1. N. Green, H. C
Thompson, Jerry Brosnau and A. G.
T. C. Aubrey expects to move out on
his homeBtead, near Khea creek, soon,
Mr. Aubrey will teach at tue Gooseberry
district 'hn wiuler.
G. L. Thompson departed Wednesday
for Olathe, Kansas, where ho will visit
his little daughter whom he has not seen
for some years.
Tiiwub Mathews nud wife were in
from Galloway Weduesday. Towns had
just reoently returned from tbe Teei
springs, where ho reports n good time.
J. K. Ferguson, speoial agent for the
Equitable Life ABiiranoe Co, returned
Tuesday from a month's stay iu Granl
cuuuty, leaving lor Poitlnud this morn
ing. Mrs. Z. M. Parvin, mother of Mrs. J.
N. Browu, departed Wednesday for her
Salem home. Mrs Brown is much bet
ter and it is hoped that her complete res
toration to health will not be far distant.
Tim Connelly, of Condon, a prominent
sheepman over there, was in town Wed
uesday for supplies. He ie ranging his
sheep tins summer in tho vicinity of
Peter's Butte, aud says they are finding
igood rune iu that neighborhood.
E. O. : Charles Cuuniugbnm is in town
from a trip to the Birch Creek uiouutaius.
He found range drv and water scarce.
Sheep are at present in good condition,
but the frosty nights and poor grass will
soon cause them tu fall off in tiesh.
Leet Greenwood, an old-timer of the
Heppuer country, but more recently ol
Wallowa county, is visiting bis children
aud relatives here. Leet is still engaged
in the sheep business, aud is doing very
well, though be says crops were short tip
there thiB season us well as elsewhere in
Eastern Oregon.
M. Evans, who lives five miles north
east of Lexington, has finished his thresh
ing, and reports that he bad 2J acres lhat
avereged over 18 bushels per acre, and
that bis entire crop averaged nearly 10
bushels per acre. Mr. Evans summer
fallows and rarely ever misses raising a
Mrs. A N.Crockett and little daugh
ter, and Mis Alice Morrow drove over
from Long Creek in private conveyance,
arriving; y esterday to meet Mrs. Crook
et's mother who arrived from the EhsI
last, evening. All started for Long Creek
this morning.
Dr. Barber and wife, formerly of Can
yon City, came over from Echo Wednes
day, leaving for Canyou Thursday morn
ing. The doctor, f r more than a year
past, bus been traveliuj; through the
East for his wife's health, though now
intends to coutinuc his practice at Can
yon City.
Vi;BY FoitTUNATK Geo. A. Craw, rep
resenting Van Sonny ver & Co., w as in
Heppner Wednesday. Many will remem
ber Mr. Craw as the gentleman who, while
standing standing on the platform of an
up train from Portland, emokiug, was
suddenly thrown from the platform as it
was rounding a sharp turn. After re
covering from the fright, Mr. Craw found
that he was not injured, with the excep
tion of being badly skinned aud bruised
up, though aa it was very dark, he was
completely lost, but nfter wandering
along the track for some distance, he
came across some fishermen at the river's
edge, who, after hearing his story, took
him into their boat, rowing him to the
nearest station, where he fonud lodgiug
over night, returning to Portland on
next morning's train.
Cokbectios E l Day informs our re
porter that the correspondent from But
ter Creek, in tbe issue of Aug. 17, who
made the Btatemeut that he was having
a lime at Teel springs while bis wife
was visiting relatives, was very badly
mistaken, as bis wife, in company with
some of the neighbors had goue over on
the John Day, and aB he was going over
to join them, be stopped a few days at
Mi DnfKe Bpriugs, but was not at Teel at
all. In tbis connection we desire to say
that tbe Gazette publishes all corre
spondence in good faith, consequently we
desire that all correspondents should be
very careful that they Bend in nothing
but facts.
Sad Death. On the 6th inst., Ross
Eininttt, tbe baby sou of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Bannister, wus called away from this
earthly sphere. Tbe littie fellow was
uearly two years of age, tbe pride of the
family, and bis demise fulls as a deep
iiflliciieui upon tbe parents, as well as his
live little Bisters. Oue does not appre
ciate 'he sorrow brought about by the
sudden cutting off of a bright and much
cber-slied branch of the family tree, till
it is experienced personally. In their
h ur of affliction, their friends tender
their sympathies
Another Change. J. R. Dooley and
A. T. McNuy have purchased the Padgett
stable down near the planing mill, so
Mr. Dooley informed our reporter recent
ly, and both intend moving to Heppuer
in the bear future. These geutlemeu
were paitiahy iuduced to make tbis
change iu order to tke advaukge of
Heppner's excellent schools, though
they wid still continue to look after
residences down near Ioue.
Head Mit TuoCbles Fill. When
Autone Abrahamaick arrived home Wed
nesday eveuijg and learned that oue ut
his f.ivorite dogs bad gone "where tbe
wood-bine twmeth uot," he was very in
dignant and was heard to say, ' Veo a
m.m pays taxes mit his dog on, aud some
body him kids, de town shootl de data
ages pay." If Abe enn convince the peo
ple tout tuis is right aud ju-t, the mat.
ter will likely be taken under uJvite-ment.
Bio Shipment of Cattlb Wednesday
Thos. A. Rhea and Sain Kinsman brought
in about 300 head of beef cattle for sup.
ment to the American Dressed Meat Co.
ofTroutdale. The Hardman seolion fur
nished about 10J head, Joe Bannister iu
charge, while Emmett Cochran brough
iu from the Johu Div about 75 bead.
Other bunches came iu from various
parts of the oouutry, in ull aggregating
the number above-meulioned. They ship
below today.
A Painfi. Acoioent. Freddie Eoyse,
young sou of Anion Royse, met with quite
a painful accident while working iu the
timber up iu tbe mountains the first ui
the week. While assisting in felling
trees, his ax slipped, striking his foot,
cutting a deep gush iu the big toe join.
aud across tbe foot. Tbe cut was baud
aged np by his father, and Freddie is
now getting along very well, though will
be lamd for several weeks.
A Ills Story for a Ulan Who Nevur lnili'tics
Aiiyillintf blroupr 'lllun ftulfr.
Mr. Harry V.Gates was down at Link
ville a short time ago, and tells a veiy
strange "loud and euake" story. It Mr.
Gates did not sluud way above par in the
matter of truth and veracity, the Gazette
would hardly take the time tu repeat the
All know that Linkville is situated just
betweeu Upper and Lower Klumuthluke
While walking along the streets of Liuk
ville, wooden Bidewaiks, ot course, ht
was soi prised to see darling hither au.
thither, snakes, little, big, old uud young,
creeping, crawling every where, iuto the
hotels, dwellings, Btores, etc. Every
Knothole presented a living head play
ing peek-a boo, or a disappeariug liu
doing the "wbipcrueker" act. People ilo
uot kill them v. beu they ii.ya ;e then
premises, only kick them uut iuto
ihe street us they would a stray dug
or cat. Mr. Gates says there are mil
lions of them, aud has u pholugraph to
substantiate his story. Ha saw rolleu
uiiu one mass, u bundle of reptiles us bit.
as a Huter-buukel. Old soaks (from oth
er authority ) never have the "jiiua" down
there uut that the whisky is uuylbiUk
uut villainous, but tbey ure so used to tm
spectacle of seeing myriads of snukee
tbul tbe fanciful Ireaks of bug juice have
uu effect on them.
Every year the toads, by the hundreds
of millions, hop along up from Lower to
Upper Ktamuih lake. Tuey uau be seen
everywhere, uud Llukville's snakes gort
ihemselves from early springtime lib
"holing up" Beasuu iu the fall. Mi
Gates Bays thut if you turu oue of then,
back lowurda Lower Kiumatb he wn
make oue ur two Utile, half-hearted bopn
aud resume his pilgrimage towards Upuei
Klamath. Tbis occurs year after year,
uud is another proof that Oregon's won
ders are without end.
Denial-ruts Alive
Portland Oreuouiau : The democratic
party of Oregon has begun its prepara
tions fur an notive oampuign. But the
lepublicnn pai ty makes no sign. It is
tired. It bus beeu ridden so hard by tin
bosses that it wants to rest awhile, auu
it is doubtful whether tbe interval he
tween now and November will give it a
sufficiently long vucation. But perhaps
(he senators aud representatives in con
gress, with tbe collector of customs at
Portland, ouu carry tbe state.
Poi'lland KxpuKldoi!.
East Oregoniau : While the manage
ment of the Tucoma exposition is taking
space iu Eastern Washington papers iu
advertising its fair, the mauagemeut ot
the Porllaud exposition oonteuts iteell
with cuiryiug ou a send-idiotic contro
versy in the Oregoniau concerning a
"christening," which is to be u fake, and
the naming of a small statiou ou the
Uuion Pacific above Peudleton, in this
way bopiug to advertise its fair before
the people. This is the method of the
bigbwuy robber a scheme to secure
something fur nothing.
Gau't tliilil 'I'ln-in Down.
Memphis Appeal Avalanche (dcm.):
The free trader has grasped the equity
and the principle of the tbiug and be
kuows thut this kind of taxatiou is im
moral and wrong. The protectionist
however, is never too much ashamed to
change partners. He will declare, tor in
stance, that the t..iiff is uot a tax. The
free trader shows that it is.' Dues the
protectionist coutiuue the debate on that
line? Not at all. He will a lout that
the tariff is a tax, but claim that the for
eiguer nays it. The free trader proves
that this would be impossible, aud tbe
piotectiouist's ar.swer is that the tariff
raises wages and lowers prices. Tbe fal
lacy of this is shown by the free truder,
and the protectionist hurlequiu doggedly
declares that the tariff is not a tax, any
The fourth special full edition of tbe
''Chicago Dry Goods Reporter" has been
received at this oflico. Tbis paper is iu
its tweuty-second year, aud this issue
contains a spcciul-wnte up of Colorado'
Wyoming and doutaua, which is pro
fuBely illustrated,
Racklfii'a Aroica Hulvf-
The best salve in tbe world for cuts,
bruisea, sores, uloers salt rtienm, fever
Bores, tetter, chapped bauds, cluililains,
corns, aud all Bkiu eruptious, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to giro perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Pnoe 25 cents per
bn;:. For sale by Blooiim-Ji'ihnston
Drug Co.
Snlem, Oregon
The ronrie most complete and tbe hlirheit
(trudeof any munic wlnKd in the Northuest.
, B'l.aiHl iie.vest nifcnmis hi learnintc- r-itmri;-I
ed lacilltiL-R aud new (dan lor itmtnictioii ' f
: btr-'Lint-rs fur ibe rmi nr diod ear. I I
' pjo.niM Kra'iicd o.i eompliiliou ui course. N'.'Xt
lt?r::i bvtfi il -f it. -Mo, IsJi.
i te..d i.,r caubvue. Z. M. PARVIN,
f fcU-Ju-w. iluiicml tiiroctor.
ConsLTvatorv of Music
Ketch 'em ere they Fade.
I ki
I ' I h.ia
ly in
I3.C kman& Co.,
General Merchandise !
TK ARE STIJ.I, SKLL1XG OUT ottr Ptm-k of Gpner-
sil meicliu.iilisi', but to mitke it more complete, we have
purchusprf a stock consiHting of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn
ishing Apparel, Etc.,
Tlint will be sold tit fjrently reduced priefs for cash only. Cull
and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you. No
trouble lo show ood.-t.
Pisp Brim Store - ifiaia siroei, Keppasr.
Bids will be reoeivedFOU THE NEXT TEX DAYS for the delivery Ht Heppuer ol
200 Head of Ponies,
Weight nut less than 700 pounds, and from H to li yvtxva tdd; 11U0
125 Head of Geldings & Mares,
-Not loss than 1209
These horses must all be sound und free from blemishes. The right is
reserved to reject any or all bids, 618-10.
Care Palace Hold, Heppuer, Or.
N3c33 I inlorenientM s
Cooper Dip is used and cndorHed by the following: Oregon mid Montiina fiheermien: W. 1(.
Donaldson, Dayville; W. H. Ijt'L'i .liiiictiiiii City; .lolm Ilnnirtnii, Miitncy; (ieo. ochu, Atiitindu;
Kenneth McKup, Utivville; Jne i diver, John lav; J. W. liver, New UhI.oii; I'. Moult', licsviill;
Cook it Chirk, J'liilniiHik; Fnirchild ti McCmiv, Diipuver; R H. Wnrren, Ulieiv, Hunch Urn.,
Lewlston; E. I3. Chuuiller, Mtiltlen; J. ilirmdiherg, Chotuuu; ). H. IhtHtiugs, l.'liet; Jujui-b Edie,
Dillon; W. Norton, Stuwurt; A. Uowniu, Uig sandy.
Ash Your Merchant for
KOy HfiAND It'tlW. Pf-tl:uMl, Oititoh,
Gen. Agts. for Oregon, WuHhintiton ami WuM:;n
The Great Female
Successfully used In the
general treatment ol
wouiau'f) discus I.
PRICE, $1.00.
Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure,
For the cure of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, P.iliousness, Sick-Headache, and all
Kidney Troubles.
Prfoo, CJX.0.
315 Front St , Portland, Oregon.
fzi"'- r"' ? ' 'fxX
ffn f, t ; i-.f ;, :j
W'jf ia'rl$ j
, , .,,1,.. ,,, ...ui.,.
170 1 1 1)1 IV lA? Plenty of them at the!
n r-Ai r- r afirst-
d. ruvvL.cn,
ii.at t.i.si.-a,1 fm.m Milt,.!, noil lrtr.utn.1 11 . r 1 1 1 .1 11 f 11 f .
Hie Lb-htenthul It lildwij. opposite Uly Hotel.
pounds weight.
t i
ho Pi
iiaut. nui!i i
i it'll
Coopers and Take 10 Other.
imps. Win Cflflrtn i NFPIINYS.
tulrc8lmt, Texan.
Dr. Grant's
The Kinq
T Sold under s
PRICE, $1.00.
Tl'.C lind('rsirnC(l h-'lS a
choice iot of Oxford
r;u ie 15 ucks tor s: i le
at reasonable i;n:es,
at his ranch, 7 miles
south of Pilot Rock.
"1 TD 825
PIIotKook,Or.L re .runeous.ness tosupply you
..,1,1.1 i in. i. I,... , .ii JjL i-' Mtou. m;.- Ja. JLM.
For Trade at the Head of ihe Procession
With the Right Swing and
We Propose to
n i i mi
The Frisluj Dollar.
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
iioillll lip lillll
Likf. Yours liefipi'clfiill v. W'o m e here for business from th
grouml np niul propose to lot on know it.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
'Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Maui: on H.h.hit Ni-tkic and at Poiti.ak Pricks.
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L.
Althouoh most of the HEPI'NER DOGS
have ieen killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Comjany
Ail' -.tiil iilivt; iiii'l M-'kii i; I'M' tr; 'te tith a i'uiii)iloti' Hih- n
UnilJll'iltit I IMU'tlUA ihiWilHIAlt I Vlllfli'lllAllAllir
r Ut ' M ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I i I I V
Itll U I 1 11 i V' 1 111 will V
Guns and A.ninnuiii ion, Sowing
Alacvliines, Iarni Implements.
Also (ii'ii!ti' FiirnSf Iili.p (icu'lB, iiml Hip liirpffnt iiKHOrttnpnt
nl i'-tiu in J-iiiHti-iu On;on.
Special Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto: We Won't Be Undersold.
tf. (Jonwr M.'lin mid Willow Streets Ilcppnor Or.
V. J. T.ICI-.
P'" '"'''ll'-'-'!:,J' ' l.r-t-tiTKO and rKPt;NWHKD thmnKhout, mid now
I 'H ' r "' ,""Ht inviliiii.' i!uce-Hri Heppuer. Mr. I.eezer invited you to stop
'. f-"" "-
I'lil Cl..S i IoUS
Rustlers !
l X
In all lines of
& T. CO.
'fllUHilH'l!) VyUIUVlllHVI I
I, 1 ..!.
IXtli I VI 1 viij i
entertiiin you in tbe beet of (ttyle.
Reason Ain.E Rates.
For Fruit has Arrived and we
L. Matlock & Co.