Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 26, 1892, Image 2

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    Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hrpp
ner. Patronize those u-ho patronize
Some incredulous people are wont to
BBjert that HeppDL-r will uot gro-v to be
a larger uioce thaD it is now; than it bas
teeu its beat iluja. A short review of lt
min' aiivunUKen oiinlit to convince au
one that Ibis is far trim what oau be
reasonably expected.
Ueppuer is so situated tbut it cannot
(ail beiiin, (or jours to come, the ijiiuci
pal uppl iiniiit uf Eastern Uie,(ou, uuo
tbererore will rank, as it does now, one
of the niiwaiy snipping poiuts in the
stale, for live stock, wool tic. It today
taps a larger Bcope of coiiutiy thau nu,
torn la Eastern Clietjou, pnuiaiily, with,
peiliaps, tlie txuenilim ol Tub DaiKn
Willi ivuiuu.it' it dues not equal, is a oiosa
Second. 1'Voui the nature of the oouuU)
it eauaot lull to hold its otvu iu luia le
- Bpeoi, and even fure unead u tevv hunt
eveiy jear.
Ueppuer bus, without duubf, a public
EChuul seuund to none in the olate uf 1U
klud, auii uuu wearing uoaiplellou, uu tie
(f.iiii, trauje school U.juoe, wmch Ucisiiiet,
luviug eltjhl well lighted and Veuulattu
ruuuii, oilier uiodeiu iuipiovenjonts auu
conveniences, coating lu all nearly Hit,
uUU. Laut year under lUe lullluu uf
A. VV. VVier, UBSislud by a cuuipeteul
corps of teuoheiu, the school made i apiu
prutjiess, und tiuiu now tiencelorlb villi
take loo place, where it deserves, lu the
front rauk. This is nroviujr lu be a wiu
mugoaid lu Ueppner's lavor, aud Uiuuj
are tne lauiiiiea tuat will beieafier be
come permaueut residents here iu ordei
tj suhool their children.
Dm there hue been u great slurnbliuk
block ueieiofure iu the way uf ttiose woo
weie desiious uf locating here peruia
Ueullj. TUougb Heppner is mure Ihau
an average tuwu uf lis sizd iu must re
Specis, us water lor driuklutf purposes it
Villuiuous, beiu btruuly inipienaleu
Willi ulka.i, us well us laiuted by tht
over-uhuuduuue uf cups pools and pnvj
Vaults. Now ibat lieppiicr will liuve li.
the course uf u lew inuoiliuuspleudid ays
tein of watcrwuiks, this ularuuug cuu
diiion of utl'airs will be materially
And too, it is difficult to understand
bow uuyuue ouu expect people to iuvesi
fheir money iu property and build with
out adequate protection from lire. This
aud hum the fact that Kiiod drinking
was uot to be bad here, bus kept uiuu)
from OAUitife their own property. Auu
fuitlicr, is It reasonable that people wil
be so uubusiuess-jike as to invest thei
money iu property that from luck ol
water, cannot be heuiililied and therefore
made dumi able? Hiieu properly oauuol
invreuse iu value, but siuee it became an
assured fact that ileppuer will soul,
have water for ull inn poses, thinks bavt
unideafiieut chune, liuildiugs ale yoiui
up here and thre, hecuiise tneir owueit
know Ibat y eul by year they will tfioi
more attractive uud tberelore luoie val
liable. i'.I.OUlU I iK I ' I ' W will ulso In
liiriiibbed ut uiale lower thau uoul 01 t
tind eveiynue knows that it isinuch milei.
'Ihe slieuta will uot he "duiker thai.
Kkj pt," but lihltd thoroughly aud n
a uiodeiu way. Alhmether, ileppuei
prexents fur the fultiie a miioh biiuhlt i
prospect thau ut any liuiu dining iu
ixiateuce, und it will not full to ut.raci
the tttieuiioii uf people who arc dtBiioii?
of inking uJvuulnijo of inoiteru conven
iences, lu better the cuuditiuu uf tlmu
selves and families.
At u fipi'uml meeting ut Ileppuer conn
Oil ltit.1 buUlf vln) uVelJliiji, iVjiljol Aliitluutt
piebiiitU; A. A . liulieiln, uuutiiur. Ai.
OiiUiiUiluueii preaetil txeept iitterbuu.
Vim luliuwiny niueuuintul tu UitttuiiUOt
Nu. uU ptibht'd, uud i ktiuwu UbUiUl
Uiiuuc Nu. b'J :
Ol.UINANtJIi NO. 62.
All unluimier iitutiidniy btotiou 10 ul1
Bud miuitiK bcuiiuu 20 lu, Uuliimnce Mu'
6J, Ui punx'il AitKUL 6, Wl, tuittleU,
"Au uiUinuiiue piuvuliiig lur tim Hiipplj
ot tlio tun u ut lU'i'iiiier, Ort ijuu, titiu
ita nihnbiiuiitd wnh wder lur pnulio utiu
privutu piUiUbtB, uud KlttullliK 11. V
liidt-H uu txuluuivu tiuuchittti uud liceubt
tu Uulitl llCl HLli UpC'lulU U HHlCIll tif Wit-
lei' woikti in ihu tuwu ot llcppULi', Ore
yuu, coniiuuiiii with the uuiU 11, V.
UaU-b1 tur lliu nii'til uL Ilia liytlruula fui
Bupplyiug tiit) luwu u( Ht ppiitr, Uit'iiou,
MUi wait-1, uuUyiviiig ihuiuwuut llepp
ini, On gun, uu I'piiuu to puiuliabtt ibt
Biild wtttur Works uud providing fur pii
mint lii Haul 11. V. Units ot lilu-en lb.uu
h.u it dotluih (K),UUU.0d) utl tl tif at po .
iu ut uu bum i'piiuu tu pin eliut-e tuna
w ilvr Wuiba tiiiii tor rrutuls ot li tlrautb
f i tho luwu ut llrppuer, Unyuu."
Itte luwu uf iitpi'uer dvv urduiu ns
tuduwrt :
Miction 1. Tbut biTtiou 10 of Ordi"
u.inoo No. 60 of thy tuwu uf UoppntM-,
Ujipnivi'd A. 5ili, IS',12, eimtlt il, "Au
oiMuaii.i'e iauVidiuu fur the tmppbuiK ul
t if tuwu ul Hi pputT, On k'ji), and iu
h.liiiuhiM, wuli wttti'i lui pulmo uud pri
v.ttu puipt btH, ami ftininlnitf 11. X. thttis
a i txdubive tiiiiiiliiHtt ii. d liocuutj tu
C iihuui'l uud opirittfi ti .wtt iu uf wali'i
w.nkbin tbe luwu ot lit ppnt r, Ort'K"U
Ouiiliaiiiiig w itb I tit.' hiiul tl. V, lintiH fui
the n nuil ul lii o jduiniH lur t upui in
ti.e lort tl il tlfpi'iit'i, Ori'iiun, wil b wnttn ,
tiiul iiivui the luwu ut llepputw, Ori'iiun,
a i option to puM'hiiisu ih H ud WiiUr
w.iUmd piuvidiiiii Utr tbo ptni ut lu
Biul II. Y Clntt'H uf lilticii ibotisiind did
l,i i h (15,000 00J uh a lirst puyinout on
8iuloUttii lo pufi'luiPti 8'dd Water woiKh
g id for it-Hula (if lidmnlH tor Ihu town
Of tlt'l pUtT, U't'S-'U,'' llU mid lliH HUlUf
ber In unieuded tn as to read as PdUiwe:
'Ho ''l"U 10. Ah a I'oii.Hklerution fur Hum
iim hy Paul tuu fur thu term uf
tVtHi'U vcmi-m of tit' 8nid twi'lvo liy"
diaiils, and Hit hti phicif ul t;od t
dnrmtf said term willi wnur for the tx
tiiiuil.in uf linn, ihu drdl pna'lh'e,
U.(t,iiii)H ul M'wi'ib and walcMn ttuulto,
l,i nr.irca-ti 1, aud llif lil -'ins thcit'by pn.
h.'d f--r !mUotiitg Ihrt t.iU'u H.uiiNt
Uii', und the inomotiou uf tbe publiu
health nut cleanliopfts of tbe town, which
will result from sid water supply and
une of said wuter, aud for tbe purpose of
ii.duuiug tbe said krautee to Ooustrucl
auii to maintain aud oneruie Stid water
wurks uuriug suiU time, uud supply said
tuwu witu w.tter, und the aalU tuwu ut
ileppuer hereby ugrees to pay unto the
aaia li. V. Gales, bis bens, executors,
administrators und ubsigntt, uot uf tbe
uroueys huiruwed by said tuwu by tne
isauunce uud sale ut tne utieeu thousauu
dulium ($10 .UilouUj of us bouils us pu-
viUed lor lu Ordinance rto. ui ut sa.u
ioivu, approved Juiy 2uu, 16112, enuUeu,
An oroiuance providing lor lue lsuanui-.
uf nou.u lu bun. ly inu luwu of lie, puei
Auu wuur, und uutnuiiKuif toe ouic
nere.d, uud hxiuk; tne nine uud uiaunei
ol paying lue same,' (wuicU sai l oiul-
nance was Uul buUa;iUeU lu Cue laxp.y
era ut sai.l luvu and duly appruveii oy a
njtijjllly ot tao-tnlid ol said lXpaeri.
utn.g;, uud out of any uuier uiuutVa he
longing lu Bald town aud lu us lieasuij
uol oluei wise sol aside ur api opnau-o,
no sum ul tllleeu lUoUsaud duUla fliiu,-
oOo.Uo; iu gold colu ol ihe- United buub
bu paid as follows: i' ive tuuusauu
dullais iiiereul un thu auivul ul s.ud tuvn
tl iii-ppuer ul ILe pipes, bulier, pumps
ud engine, uud tne renjalulug leu lUuu-
oaud d-llars (.eio.UUO.UU; lUeieof, ur tui
jumpieiiuu ul lue waier Wuraa as beieiu
piuvided, foi lue reset vuirs, well-puuip,
.nib uapaouyuf HjU,oUd gulluua, ll.UUU
uet ol mains and engiue house, and wUen
(.lie saeae lias stood lue tests us lurclubc
lure provided, uud also pruvided Ibutsaiu
d. V. Uales, his successors, und ussignb
oliall Bulislauiuniy shuw lUe euld town ul
ileppuer that said wuiks ure fiee fium
alt Ileus, uud that luhor uud muieriai
used aud furuisbed for said wurks have
oeeu paid for."
tiectiou 2. fjeclioo 2o shall read as
follows : "The grantee shull furnish wa
ter free during the life of this coutraci
mr supply ul two public driuking troughs
r basins; said water to be uaed only foi
rtateiiug stock, l'ruvided that uu livery
r feed stuhle shall use the same, auu
lurlher pruvided that the tuwu uf litpp
aer shall ereut aud maiulaiu said truugi
it basius, so that there shall be no "libit
of water through leaky pipes, uiaiuB, fit
tings or ovoi Hows, uud tbe oust und ex
peuse of erecting uud inaiutaiuiu suui
iiuugns ur basius shall be burue by sain
iowu uf Ileppuer.
Attest X. J. M.U'l'juk,
A. A. HoBiJUTH, Mayor.
Dated this 2dth day of August, 1HU2
footed August 2oth, ls'J2.
1 hereby uocept uf tue terms and cou
ditiona of ubove urdiuauce Mo. 52.
H. V. Uates.
UeppDer, (Jr., Aug. 22, 1'J2.
All quiet ou thu I'ui.iiuac. Urasa ami !
aioi ttbuniiuuf, bbet tut hnO Uuu.
.oUiiijy uccuia tu UiniUtU luo Uinuuluu
j uui uueVtuutii uVuOttliuu, tietpt I in.
5tuii ucuuHtumil Visiia ul uiir uiiftn.
j. imp Icuiiui , MiiU tiUutit t Vui itlieruuti
iia lit) im lue biiuuniig i t-uiieut ul out
,tcnl Up 01 iUj tin tbo, lur uui giving u.
jijil-'r aiaii ftfivne.
One ut Nela Juuta' herders, ''dulu Ju
.a) ," Is iniitUO lu lUu UlbllUUUi'U ui
.iClUlUti- lUtJ liltlUPt flibfp HU liUVu jt-Ji
ji uu. V o wifili wo L'uitiii oay luuuu ui
jur uwu cUaigi, Out "xiutiur lu wuuu.
uuuur lo duu."
S u are hid to hear that Traw l'luppN,
niif ul V aoh i'iihud'b UeiOt i.s, m nolo n.
bbUUiU t lb umitb uaiu. lie wab blub
- Vci'iii Uaa. X Lit ao uiuuu-u U Uuu v
Onllipa Ul v UuL Vtrt' culiiloi luOlu Ijvupll-
4ia iur ibu bUhoLtil,
W e buu Vi.ijtiuiou from the Burnt rivt i
:utjuliy t uucubiuuuiiy. iuuj lupui t ila
u.o oiup veiy liKtil, and Vt-yblnUitt aim
aiatii uuuu. "uiuuia."
rulcbus uf tlio ' b. autiful'1 Htill udoru
lit) Uui IU blupeb ul JJ.Xie iiullc unit llult
.UullUlUlIlt luiUJIll U IxVciy CUUllHHl WUli
,ue Vi Unut inuuuurtb Hun uuutiii't;; an
ul uui li y bi litf piauf, ' A UiLu unit ieuu,
a nil buobliug biuuh beiwcuu."
Mnj. Mahouts of iVintfouu L;ike, iu wuli
n bu way iu (Jniunu, beiu utar Iht
ilitiitaiHi liiiu Ihu IttHi we lirarU ul Uui.
uuiu ntuu aifu lUe util Keuiiuuiau hiat iru
.u walk u Ihu Uuiiu'ti fair, a lalUui
iiiiu undirrliikuig lur a uiau uVui 80 yuitib
ul agu.
I'at O'Fhiht'rty and Ilury Si'hwab art
oikiiitf Hit ir uluiui uu i'uiuupuit) met k,
.i tMOuiary ol liuiiii i ivtr. ut nm uu
L auketl Unuk it he had htiuea. "pay UJil'1
j tit. liu uaul : "Welinii uu guoM t,
out wu haa muua tiuu rupeca," and bt
tXhibitud buvoial Hpumiueua. A hey wutt
ulaiiKillur iu Hhiipe, about thu hZj ul
ttuall puaM, and uf a luddiab biuwucolur.
lint wu mo nut "up" uu ruhyH, aud knuw
ijnihiu uf ihe value ot Uuuk't Hpuui-
Son e time nyo the Walla Walla Union
Join nal hhhI ol Mr. lit-id's iitiiuiuntion :
"ll ih ihu lit Ht time in Ihu Imtory ut l Lit
unliun tbut a neuspaper man baa been
iiuiMiiiitfit fur us luU au ullloo hh thai
viufl prcbHieiit." lU)- atti.ut a fofiui
fi.itor ut tbe Tribune, uue Mr, Givele)!
The politic ul 01120 Una reaoht d ov u
thin remule a etiuu, autl the rmiKe pull
1 101 nn" in as nuinerniia in piopurtiou tu
the uiitnlter ut aheopherdert, aa the "bar
room ditto'' in lo ihe number of loafers
Not lun no we were present at a polit
ical iliM-iiHiun around a eheerfnl rainu
lire. T. J. Cannon ioid dap tirilliih were
the ondnrH nu tlii oouaaiun, aud ''pro
it-olion," "free trade," "reel pruoity," "bee
coinage, " tti, w ere diaHeetett in a uiaunei
Hint w,.uWt tui ve made Blaine, Mclunle)
and MiUa tura aputted with disk'uul,
coiihl I hey liuve heard theae- amaieui
Ih.eruH buti lier their pet themi-a ai reek
lewaiv. T'ney hcenuh) an enlhnad ami
so eloipit'iit tia lo Huuthe the audieiuv
tl. V.tuih'rpoul -.lulu a deep slumber lon
before the iifiial bed time Kinally the
nodieuee awoke aud a wore in aeveu dit
leient IniiytiHk'ea at the "eternal until
ueaa f tliluV arotimt aheepeatnia1. ou!
miiioui eed Iiim lutentiuu 01 pei formine
Home feitta in puv'ilum if the ruek. t wan
not htnppetl, !iml furt her iIih.1iinhiiii w as
iiuli lini'elv puf-lpiitiej lHxiK.
ArariN, Or. An a f), 1SI2
j Debility, iiiul lor liuiu) kin, lied uiliueiits
A Little lliil'i tvperieiiee in u l.ilit-lioup. ! tiieie in probably iiiitlnuif equal to ebo
Mr. nml Mi8. Ijoreii Treseot mo keen i trioity, und I Oi.usider tha Webb lilt
era of ihe '.luv
lik'htlioitse ut s.ind Bem h
H,,M " "'" ' """ "'' , ou.re.it of electrioity o .n bs adapted
fuiir itira old. I.tial April hu wns t ti - ,
t'ii ihiwn wnh n.uasels, ft-lluwed witli H to tbe nei'ila Hud r. q-uruiuujta of tlid pn
difmltul oixiijh and lurni'tL' mm n frwr. j tlfiit. I wultid I oouuiuu'Utl it lo nil the
Dt'ittiuH nt liniiie ami nt Detroit trmtrd
j in r, uu i iu vain, kuu if'OW Mirsi t:imii
Hltlli Ullll U II IIIHU' II ll 111 1 111 I tif Itlll.KD
! l'lien sl.e tile 1 IV. King's New DlsiMV-
er'. unit nliei tin uo-.f two aii'l a lu,!!
hull !os, nn couplet' ! cur, il. ' suv J I .o;. r . - Souit n here on the road be
ll.. King's .Ni ii D..-.W. i.v is w.imIi us m, en Ueppm r mid Warier, a wheel to
; ncii;ni in guni, lei ion oi iv .-t a ni
Ivoiih fue nt Saic.iui JuiiUstou
t.'4 6(jie.
$100 Ilewaril tlOO.
The renders of ibis paprr will be pleas
ed to learn that there is at least one
dreided disease that ecience ban been
able to cure in all its slimes, and Ilia' is
Oatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure iH theonly
positive cure known to medical fraterni
ty. Calarrb being a ouustitutioi.nl dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iute-oully,
acting rii'eetly upou tbe blood and mil
onus sin f ices of the sj Btem, thereby de
stroying the fouud iti'D of the disease,
snd giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and sssistinr tin
tuie in doii.g its woi k. The proprietors
have so mn.-ii fniib in its curative pow
ers, they nff r Une Hundred Dollars for
anv rase that it fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonial.
Ad.lres, F. J. Cheney k Co., To
t-dr,. ().
jr"tioUI by DrugKists, 75o.
Wi'UbD'S FA 111 NOTES.
A Creole kitchen, with native cooks
anil waiters, and dishes prepared in Cre
ole style, will be a strikii g adjunct to
tli exhibit which Lousiaiin will make at
the W'uild's Fair,
In the Minnesota building at the
World's Fair will be exhibited the old
printing press upon which tbe first news
paper printed iu the state the Miuue
s.itu Pioneer was run off iu 1819.
The Miner's Association of Nevada
county, C ilifori'ia, is arranging to have
nsmallstHmp mill in full operation at
ihe World's Fair as a part of its miuerul
An effort is being made to secura for
exhibition in the Horticultural Depart
ment of the World's Fair a Bpeoimen of
;hu t cactus from the desert, region of
HoutbeaBt California. These cactus grows
it times to tbe height of seventy feet.
A specimen when boxed ready for ship
ment will weigh eight tons, aud it will
require an expenditure of something like
$2,oli0 to deliver it iu good condition in
A model of ooeim currents is to be ex
hibited at the World's Fair which will
possess iireat practical value. This
model which is a huge scientific tank, is
undo to represent the surface of the
arih spread out on un area oT about 30
feet square, the ocean and seas being
howu by actual water. Small streams
of water are ejected through pipes un
der the model so that tbe whole body of
wuter moves exactly as tbe ocenu cur
rents move. Tbe direction of tbe cur
rents is shown distinctly by a white pow
der on the surface of the water. Near
i he model will be placed a large map
giving the fullest details of the force
volume aud directions uf the various cur
rents. Strength ami Ibalth,
If you are uot feeliug strong und
buulihy, try felectrio Bittern. If lu grippe
una left you weak and weary, uae Kleo
iric hilters. This remedy acta directly
in liver, Btomaob aud kldueya, nuily
iidin ihuse uraua to perform their
iinouona. if you are idll.cied witb Rick
iii-ad-clie, you will tind Hpeedy ami per--uuent
relief by tartinK Klecliio Bitiera.
Jue trial ill L'uuvjnue yuii thiiC this ia
diu mmedy oii need. Lare but I lea
nly 60u ut Hluoum-Johuaou Drag Co'a.
A UArtK CI1AN'13.
tin' Only riot are Ever Tainted Hy The Picf-i-ih'iit'i
Wile To Hi rreariiU-d To The
It may not lie kuuwu to everyone that
Ura. Bei j imiu Harriuou ia one of tbe
beat Aiuttiinau H iwer paiutera. ainee
she baa utr 11 pied ber poailiuu of lady uf
the White Uouae, however, ber public
duties have largely prevented the exr
uiae ut hjr artiatie entiia; but iu thai
period she has found leiaiire to paint one
uf tbe loveliest repreai utatious uf Uower
Id'e (hat ever u.uuu from auartist'H bruab,
-a maKnilioeut roup uf urobiilB uu a
porcelain panel. Witb that broad and
kindly apirit which baa marked ber career
Am has presented thia tinule pruductiou
f her ao mt leisure to the publio, and
DKMOitksr's M agazini haa the honor of
hein the medium though which this
painting ia oilVred to the mothers, wives,
.uid daughters ui America, to whom it ia
lovingly dedicated.
There ia uo taint of politics iu it; it ir
singly the tribute of a good wumauV
love for the women uf bijrnntiou, superb
ly expiet-fed iu color and foi 111, the
foremost woman O! the Republic oemeut
inw', bv means of her art, ber aiaterbood
with all others uf ber aex iu be land .
Mrs. llnrrisun's painting baa beeu re
produced in the highest style of art, of
the aame size aa the original (Il$'xl5
inchea), aud is au abaidutely perfect
eourterpart, in every particular, to tbe
fain teat tint of. color aud eveu to tbe
peculiar texture uf th prootdain,
With each copy of DEMoui:ara Maua
ztsii for Ootobor one if theae woudorful
reproductions of 'A Wiutk Hoi 8k
OuouiD," I'aintkd Hy Thu Fhksidknt's
Wivk. in the White House, from au
orchid (grown in the White llonae, ia tu
be jnrschtcd fukk
I'liey are llie lle.st.
W. V. Umii e is proprietor of the Iowu
1'iiIIh linlh House iiiul bHiiilurium mid
lias lutil lone expcrit'tioe Rtul miooess
in the luullUK of iliKMiet'8 liy nioiuis of
liHtlis Miul lmiunt'lio Irentint-tit.
Towa Falls Bath thirsis t S anit.vhil m
Iuwa Falls, Iowa, F. b. 24,
I Imvo nllon of line liail inquiries hk
lo t lie merits of the Webb Eleotrio Belt,
elo. In niv tuiuil I here oun be no qneg-
I tiou us to lis curative, pmveis for ull nerv
j mis iliseiiHes iiiul i-speei.illy for piirulys'.s
j iu any stue. For Neiii-Hluin, HhentuH
1 tisin Nervous rrosirutinn timl (leneriil
gnuerior to nil others from the f.iet that
: autYui inn, V. V. UrscK, V
i n p.
Biiss, Lick liox 70t-
J 1 F"i,a Io,V'1-
a b,.l"
Fiuder will ooufer a
' i favor by ruluiuiug it to Ibis uliioe. IS 21
OCTOBER 19, 20,21,22.
The Diiectors haue taken the
their Programme, and hops
by the liberal patronage of
as the Horsemen.
FIRST DAY, Oct. 19. Qutirter-mily diiBh; purse, IflOO.OO. I ocul saddle horses, 100 yunU;
puifif, $10 (Ml.
hECOND DAY, Ort. 20. Free for nil; bent two In throe, hah'-mile heats; purse $121.10. Catch
weight puny race; best two In three, hulf-mile heats; rv in.i).
I lllul) Da V, uet Jl.-Three-ulyhis mile dash; purse $hiuuu. Five-eights mile dash; purse
$125 UU
KOr iiTH DAY, Oct. 22. -For defeated horses; 700 yards; purse ?75.00. Free for all; half-mile
heats; purse lJuu.uu.
l ive to enter, three to start: 10 ner cent nf muse
an follow b: Seventy per cent to the winner, twenty
These races will be governed by the rules of Ihe Facific
Blood Horse Association,.
Will hang purses for borBen that might come here who are not
qualified to enter lu any of the ubove racea.
rireucroi-iss t
OTI3 1'ATTEKSON. fieorelary. A. D. MeATEE, President.
J. N. Brown. T. W. Ayers, Jr., E. (. Sperry. 517 Old!).
New Warehouse.
Is ready to receive wool on storag-e for
sale or shipment, and also to do a gen
eral forwarding business.
Ship care of
HAKNKSS-8IIOP, Btnek and fixtures. Gond
biiBiness; CHtablinhed in the inhlst ut a
Koo.l I'ariniiiK and muek-misiug wnintry.
Also for mde a K)ud house and mo Iota with ur
without the bnsineKs property. For Enrther in
foriuaUoa uddretw Uazetilleppner, Or. 4;t tl.
'-pIIOaE who are liiterenieJ lu the EishtMile
country and Morrow coiimy iu kikih mm
we have a lew extra eouiea left, which ean
be eecuml either at Uco. Thornton's uew atanU
or at the Gazette oilice: .tVHVV -
J CiickliiUs. t'lliuiUmKiiu 011 ll.
Alilli lot of OoOHoltcrrv uilinhers of tile Uii
xetle Hint imitlit to be ifiit uwuy. Cull in,
liivi-st nninidj) yiiiiruiiiiitry. tl
'i-O KXW Hint "L E Boi-ed It lloppiicr'i
1 lcntliimcoiilrm'tor tliul bulkier. l-.linmtes
f,'i eu on all kilnlu ol
deuce, llepiMier. or
Olliee at rehi-
one the beBt locutions in
A Morrow i-onntv. Must have a little capital.
. l nirnnimiL-i.r
Cull on or write Uuzette ollli-e for .h rtii-uln rt. iw
HuUI, the bilker. Etiy yonr breml find
OHkes and save money, try it. a.
John Jenkins advertises hia fine kim
of brick. Uemeiiiber tbut Kcppner brick
equal the best. 11
For cash yon can get more at Ihe East
ern Clolhiiiu lionse, wiih Levi on deck,
thau any other pliiee iu Heppoer. a
The Hahioe is the lemliiin hotel in the
citv. Well fninisbfd rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyoue. a
Don't overlook T. W. Aver", Jr., the
leadiii( druggist. Choicest perfumes,
purest drugs and tbe finest toilet articles
always ou hand. a
The Biichler beer, 5 oents per glass, at,
the Columbia Beer Hall, Osuiers &
Hughes, inops., next door to M. Lioh
tenthal & Co.'s shoe 8tore. a
Since Shnw & ileCnrty purchaseil the
meat market they have always endeavor
ed to keep on baud tbe freshest and
oboioeat menu, sausages aud bolognas, a
The M. k. & T. Co., siuoe tbey have
roofed nil their platforms, have an im
mense storage capacity. This company
now deals lu gram, lumber and wood, a
Ileury Heppuer's warehouse is one of
ihu lin-.rt.at und most caunoious in East
ern Oregon. Henry is now prepared lo
do a general to IW a riling business, nines
Thompson & Uinimnwn the buss which
goes to aud from tlie City hoiel, but will
call for parlies desiriug to go to tram iu
any part of the city. Leave orders at
City hotel. 8
What will perseverance, pluok and en -terurisd
avail iu this wild west, if yon
cannot get big baraiue? However, be
fore giving tip eulirely, visit Minor lit os.
empor um. a
Dr. Grant's Cloal.', Hip Rre,lt ilyspepsia
Oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia
and all its kindred ailments. Every hot
tie sold under u positive guarantee to
effect a oure or money refunded. See ad.
iu this issue. a
My dear, let's go arotnd to the saloon
this eve, nn I Lme Matlock's ice
cream saloon, I mean, f here von cm get
ice cream that will mnke your ufiilh
water: also tind in Uok the freshes'
fruits and finest confeoltumries.
Don't overlook Kirk
bargains. They have P
iness of J. W. iSlatloek
& Hnsmus for
i chased I helm
& Co. but wil!
soon remove to ihe Mallfry comer, oppo
site, tbe l'aluce hotel.
rfnnder's Oregon Bl"l Flintier is the
great eonquerer ol Billntisness hui! Jjiv-
Ooruplaint. Helief ofTlaia m ever)
oase. Hold at Due lhilliirja Ooliie. irv it.
Dklmoxiw B. F. l'ekiu h is lately
opened up Ihe reslauraiitni the i.ichien-
thal building, whioli lie I 'S niiineii ine
lleluiouieo. N one tint 'fine cooki are
employeil, and the pub'iJ cati then fine
ret a good, old fai-bioiiel meal, oo' ki d
in the binst of at e. iee, U) een
beds. 25 ceuts. 6U9 l-tf
M. Li. htenlliHl A C hive jnt re
oeived a Hue lot of litis km, button
and tie sh. us. At tioltojn prices. a
Coffin A MeFnrlnnd
car loud ot Mi'ohe
e j;i-t rnviv-d
:l,,ois, H:.e'-.,
etc , and have also a h"
sin ply ol farm-
lug iujplemeutt ut ttll kids.
utmost pains in preparing
that they will be rewarded
the general public as well
for entrance fees. All nurses will he divided
per cent to the second best and ten to the third.
Lainl Office nt The Dulles, Or., Aug. 0. 1:I2.
Notice is hereby uiven time the t'ollmviiiL'-nuni
eil Pettier him tiled notice ol liin intention to
inuke lliinl prool in support of ills cluim.und
that Hniil iroof will he niude before the County
Clerlt of Morrow county, Dr., ut ileppuer, Or',
on Sept. 17, 1.SIIJ. viz:
J 1 1 ! I N II.EIi,
(IM. No. 4021) for the SK SK'i, NE',; NW'i.nnrl
Lot 1 ol ?ee. Ill, Tp. y ri It mi li.
He uuniew the iollowiuir witnesses to prove his
continuous resilience upon, und eultivulioti ol,
suiil lainl, viz:
.-oloinou Mayfiehl, Cyrus sliinn, Steptien T,n
luiiile uml J. E. Vouiit.'iill ot lleppuel-, Oregon.
io-2it John V. I.kwi, i',eKi8er.
Lund Office nt I.n Urinific, Or., July 2 , 1S02.
Notice is hereby irivon that the ' following
luuueil settler has tiled notice of his intention lo
inuke Ihiul proof iu support of his claim, ami
that said proof w ill be tnadebefore the futility
Clerk ol Morrow County, ur., ut Ileppuer, ur.,
on cepleuiber :l, l'.'J. vi.:
CI!.l;I.K.-i II. MYEltS,
IM. No. 6111. for the SWI See. 'il, 'ip.2 S i ai
K W .M.
He mimes the followiuLT witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon und cultivation ol'
said land, vl:
Joseph Luckman. J. M. Waddell. B. Veerkunip
ami A. t, pniitli, uli of Lena, urcuon.
11-21. Henister
Land Office fit Ln Grande. Or.. June 1, 18'.V2.
Nuiice in iKTL'by jriven that the followlng
niiun'il settk'i-has lilcd notice nf his intention
to muke linal proof in snjport nf his claim, tuul
that said proof will be made before the
comity clerk of Morrow comity, Oregon, ut
Ileppuer, Oregon, on sept X, sv viz.:
i'ATUiL'K Qr.WI).
lid No -1807. for Ihe M2 of NK!4, ee 21, find V'
of .i W '. Sec --, 'I p :i li 27 li, M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and enlli a lion of
tm id laud, vi;
John N. Khler. A. J. MrKenzle, liichard Nev
ille. I). A. Uerren, all of Ileppuer. Oregon.
Allen Wulluuo uud i'ardou Willhimsuu take
A. CLEAVHR, Register
It Board ol" Etpiali.aiion tor Monow ('onnt,
Oregon, will meet In ihe oiiice of the County
Clerk, in Ileppuer, Oregon. 11. .1. 1 :)., and
eoiilinue iu session one eek.or until the enual
1atitiu of the tiRs-essim-nt is completed. Anv
tax payer Us!n tin tied with their aspens 'tent are
hereby requested to afipear before said b'mrd
and make their grievances known. If you have
complaint In make, make it know n to the board
at 1 lu- proper tiuu? and have ihe matter ail justed.
Iion't wait till it's too hue. and then Maine, the
assessor or sheriil. J.J, Mt (.i k-;,
A KHCKSor Morrow County Oregon.
IIkitnkh, i r , Aug S, 'ii. 511-lii-w
aiioaai n$ of 3r.
WM. 1
H. lltSHUP.
Miuie on Favorable Terms.
VI. K.
I will soli nt iublio nnolion on the
treet nf Heppiier, on. Siitiinlay, Autf.
L'Tth, n lot nf mij liiiiHcLiolJ furniture,
inoliiilins n diili-wnsliinir ru ii'liin, nml
llm nsii il i,iiiiiiHniiili 1 o( lbs kitolu-u.
Also 11 rhit ithil LiuraeRs.
E. L. Matmck,
CIS-19 AuiMiutirvr.
Tasti RAOE.-li..t) Siiaii-lias a fine lot
"f 1'iisi urn, Hlliiir mill wild tr iRS, nut on
Butter O.k uliieli lie mil rent ieiinn
Mhle f.ir sillier hotst-ij or (ViiiIh Se Mr.
SIik', at neither, or U. P. B" nmu,
Butter creek 513 tf
The In'est ikniiK'r , ormiti am) tiri.ltp
irk. iin.8' Mici-efully iieeomi'li.-lieil .y
I'r B. F. V iittrtiuii U.-I8 HitmiiiiatiTed
when ilemrnl. TIlulupsou liiilltliny,
lleppmr. Or. law.
Snlwcriptiiina for ul! newpPMpor. nine,
i.zines ri i.Ii,.;iU ,ii,l;-li, m tl,,.
w..r l taken nl tlie liaZrlte i lii, e. Sllll
-iTlli- r .r y. iir ti.n.,u nialtrr tlironiill
""'i wtil i:mi' u ui." 11. st loss nl
nn. in y iu U..Liiiiii5siuu tljro..ijh the
Uluilo. (f.
aj' n a
u r
Why KVoirry
Over the Crops beinq a failure
Or ihe Roads being dusty
Given yon iich
Bis Line of Poots and
Hats and lfiiic Goods
A Lame Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish-
ine Goods to
A numb r of summer
to be disposed of
Come early and
seen id n a
D. A. IIEKREN'S BUIL101NO, May Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W. 1'ATTEIiSON, ACEXT o op. o t '? J wora
i jy wil liy aij.. j.Jiim.
direct. Keep on hand
Wines, Cigurs, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
Cents PerGlnss,
On dianglit, fresh nntl cool. Lunch of nil kinds. Hope
to see all their old friend unci ninny more.
Th py hunt nrifl f
puiyi.t) rpim Hi" i" J3 -t
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
IV I ui 11 street, 1 1 1 1 n o r 0.
You will catch
At the Mallory Corner.
Buy your Groceries and . . .
. . . Read their new ad. soon.
See For
I have just finished burning a kiln
of brick which are equal
to the best made.
Lpnve orders with J. W. Cowins.
T rb,cb we Pfopime to pomluct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hanils Bt all times the cbuicent
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
lilHES! CiSH PRICE " "
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYEKS.Sr., Manager.
bargains f'T ewli.
Slices, Trunks, Valises
be sold at Cost.
suits and odd pants
regardless of cost.
avoid the rush in
bai'aai n s.
Beer Hall!
ii i ,n it I.C iiy. o jiiw ift i r,, iu uiu
a Fine. Line of Liquors,
- ihlighnTit rf TTnnnfr hnn
rj.i -'iiviv , id ti,nr new
Yourself !
& Mccarty,