Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 23, 1892, Image 4

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    iLrnr - IN1 AND SUSPi
. ''1,11 ..) Xfc
a m n csfcosra ansa v
"v- - vv
7 a.
W5 A
from Nervous Debility Seminal u
Lost Manhood. Rheumatism, :
KV1,h DAv.l. ImUNLT IKUUDLWvlk v.w-j
x oLEEPLESSNESS.rOOR mEMORY & (jtNtrtAU lLLhr.rv.! i
; ymM;h the effects of abuses, excesses, worry and exposure. 1-or m& ni!
In our marvelous invention, which requires cut a irui iu ....... . - .
Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free; sent by mail, sealed.
a3 we have restored mousami. .. ,7
35 failed, as can I
.... l,T-c a relief and cure
i-i yo'ir ignorance of eflcct3
and vitality which is
fvstera the elements thus ,
strength and vigor will fol- v
cure or money refunded.
Dr. Sanden's Electric g
after all other treatment
testify, and from many oi
. T '
1 HE
. T u into a belt so as to be easily wom durin? work or at rest, ami it By" J"1'1"''"; ' the
,T. 7ot cases in two or three months. Address
B-lt is no experiment, u wc "r who .ould e-ta.llv
an be shown hv nunnreiis oi casrs ui..m,,;, ....... ..... , - -
. - . . h..tr rpmvprv after us nff our ueit.
whom we have strong letters Dearing icsimiui.j i
A. Few Knots That Will Stay Tied and
That Are Easily Intieil.
The knots represented in the annexed
cut appeared originally in h little pam
phlet entitled "Manilla Hope." In this
pamphlet the following information is
These knots are known by name as
hero indicated: A. bight of a rope: is.
simple or overhand knot: C, ii;,mre
knot; D. double knot: E. boat knot: F.
bowline, first step: U. bowline, second
Step: II, bowline, completed: 1, square .
or reef knot: J, sheet bend or weaver's
knot: K, sheet bend with a toggle: L. I
Carrick bend: 11. stevedore knot com
pleted: N, stevedore knot cmiiiiienced ;
O, slip knot: P. Flemish loop: Q. chain
knot with toggle; R. half hitch: S. tim
ber hitch: T, clove hitch: U, rolling
hitch: V. timber hitch and half hitch
V. Dlackwall hitch: X. tislu-nnairs
bend: Y. round turn and half hitch: Z.
wall knot commenced: AA. wall knot
completed; DB, wall knot crown com
menced: CC. wall knot crown com
pleted. The principle of a knot is that no two
parts, which would move- in the same
direction if the rope were Id slip, should
lie alongside of and touching each other.
i The bowline is one of the most useful
knots: it will not slip, and after being
! strained is easily untied. It should tie
tied with facility by every one who
handles rope. Commence by making a
bight in the rope, then put the end
through the bight and under the staml-
aiemory Refreshed. j
"Grindstone, do you believe all these
stories about hailstones falling out west
as big as walnuts?"
"As bijr as walnuts? Why, Kiljirdan,
on my own farm out in the Spring
Creek neighborhood I pblced up one
day in 'S:S a bushel basliet full of hail
stones half an hour after they
fell, and the smallest of them
were bigger than hen's' becom
ing suddenly conseious that Mrs.
Grindstone is looking at him "bigger
than hen's teeth!" Chi. ago Tribune.
Comlu;; t- a tusl:ie6 Casts.
Banker S.'adds Xo, sir! Emphatically
no! I consider your request for per
mission ti pay your addresses to my
daughter an act of unpardonaKe. pre
sumption, sir. For a young physician
on a starvitbn pra:-tbe to aspire to the j
hand of an heiress of millions is, I re
peat, presumptuous, sir. It is a piece
of unparalleled impudence!
Young rhysi.ian Yes, sir. Any of
the family want vaccinating? No?
Then good morning. Chicago Tribune.
U. S. T.nnd Ofllre. The i...Uf, Or June 7.
Com,.!alut liiivlns I n entered ut t his otlioc
hv Uhtmii E. K.-ll, limit ist heu of J"h"",
K'.-ll. fur failure ti comply tin lnw as to I im-
luTChltun- Kntrv No dated Nov. 1., , ,
iijon tl,e i tis 4 and W, -(. '-, n -, ,
S It ":l K in Morroi eonntv. ore'.'on, Willi hmcw
to tlu- eaiieelhilion of enlry: eonlestnlit
Hlle--ihB Hint Raid JoKhmi H. F.-ll. and Ins lieirl,
hint lulled tneiniii.lv wllh the liniher ul ure ,
law, thai he railed to break or cause to he broken,
rive acres of said Iraet within one yenr ' en-
iry. or in fact has done nothing to eo. ,,.! ' un
the leunlrenieiitsof the 'limber Culri;re '"iM
the said purtlel are hereby summoned ! ,
at this oiliee on the huh day of Sci.tenii.er. iM., :
at 111 o'clock a. in , to resoond and lnriilt.li teMl-
monv co leemlncsiiid alleiieo lailure. I. is I at
teiso'n, Notary I'ublie. is aulhorl'.cd !o take lea
tiinony tn this ease, at hisollice in lleppncr, ur.,
at in a', in., August T, Is'.rJ.
511-U1 Jons W. Lewis, Uejilsier.
Jenkins D. W-.M!. Venion.Or.-J on hor!ion
left snoulder; ,. caltle. J or.- left hip ana two
sn"o.h erol on holt, ea. Kiu.e.n k'oxand
bill's. M., Heppner. Or.-IIorses. horse
sl,,." J "..f .let. -I'.ul.le,-. Ca.tl... the -1
luome on .iL-e.. ..r. ;-iToii
,luler half
oil left
Plenty of flour, bran, mill feed and
oliop niwnys on hand at the Heppner
Flouriun Mills.
Johnson, lelil Lena. r. liors'-s.
left sin e: callle. sliraeon rlKtu nip.
nini in rudit and "l.lil in left oar
k . MikH. liepimer. Or.-IIlTsm
KV on luft liip c.Httle same and .
uar- nniler HloiontbM rliiht
Kirk J T.. Heppner. Or.-Hor,e ffi on left
Bl.,.l.ier; CIO I l.l. "H oil loll hip.
Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or.-Horses. 17 on either
flatis: entile 11 on rmlit side.
Kirk Jesse, Heppner. Or : horse 'V'":,1""
shouider: cullle same on light side, underUl on
j " kmoI.erla.id.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I L on
.....i.t ..nd Ihft aid. s.vntlow fork ill U ft
ear and under c.iop in rinht ear. Horses same
biamlon left sli.innier. iuo.koo ..
lieenoy. Kli. Heppner, Or.-Horses .1 L imd
aeo of clnlw on lett stifle. Kange in Umatilla
and ft orrow eo.iuueB r..
Leslej.iu I , .uonuineut,. vr n i,.. s"-jr-j "
1 hues exteiidli'K pa t Cody ot fiirureoii 11
I ii i eil at H
li-i int
. nr Hie LKJlOlt HABIT.
- In Ten Pny s by Adiniius-llaiiii-s'
l.oblell .--pel itle-
Dr. 6. F.Webb's
tlcrtrlcIliHlr B"Ils aud
AlipliaucBi, fU.
I'rohipsin, Clilororjifl,
Homiiml Wu:iknoM,
EirucUof 0:umiBia,
Norvous Debility,
fitcli liciuliicbe,
II iniitt,
In miimia,
BpilKll DiHOfVSO.
Cm itipntinn.
VMnay Complaints,
Gi'WMul D lulily.
Los of Mmnorv,
Lo" i-'IoLor Ai:ixla,
Ed:1 -jpsy, cu;., etc.
CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON
The Deaf IHade to Hear bj Electricity 1
Inrenteil in April, 181)1, Talented In June,
jet iliuusululs rioi'luini its t oullor
fulniidl'urltttltn.ult. I
F'-'iZ-. .3ire.W.
' K 1
Inventor and Patentee, United States
and Foreign Countries,
3T Send for Catalogues and SoBtimoniaU.
Anv one. old or yonnir, whose, ear
drum Is unliroken enn he innde, lo hear
and onveiMi in ordlnnry tones , nd e
cured liv Dr. O. I. Welilis tleclrlcul
Appiuuiiis lorTi-eittlim- In illness- An
KlVoiro-Modb al Ilody llntieiy wi li ap
nluinooB Invented espeeiiilly tor treat
Fi'b i iwiriiess and the .llaeusea winch
P8i'nd i'i cents for my Electro-Medical
Theory and l'raotieo, describing ueai
nicnt. i.s puttee, auuiush
B. B. BLISS, General Agt,
A Portable Poultry House Adapted to a
Vlllugo YardA Hopper for lry Feed.
The illustration hero given , shows a
small 'portable poultry house and run,
well nduptvd to the small quarters oi a
lown lot. A few nice hens or a ilock of
bantams may be kept in such quarters
to consume the table waste of the family
mid to furnish in return fresh eggs or a
toothsome potpie.
While sun and air are provided for by
the inclosed run, the roof and the apart
ment underneath the roojting room
afford shelter from storms in the day
time. The door F is divided so tnat tne
8 c " i
y. Y ,2 ns cc
5 fit T
all hues exteiidlUB pa t body ol nk'ureon Ibor-
sesoil lell stiouiuer, on riiiiw uwunn..
shoulder, split iu rii;h ,v. - u. , it in left ear
Kai'ge in (, rant eooi.li and v., ;r.rtbiif Join. Uiur
l.i aliey. J W. Heppner Or. Horses hrai d-d U
N on 1. ii si ouljer: can e -ameo- lell liip; Wat
te ver Hutu ej tin. e sll-s ill riKlil ear.
Lofl en. Stephen, U, br.-o Lou left hip
It can be liiveu in u ulnas of beer, a onp j "n eanie. crop i;''tn n nf ji ""'
i.iei.a on. Jonn w., u - v..
of o.'lTee or tea, or in food, without the!
knowledge of the patient. If ia absolute- j
ly liiirnileBS, uinl will i ff.'Ot H permiuient
and sp.edy cure, whether !Iih patient is
a ini.iler.iie diiiilieriir mi alciilmlic wrpi k.
It, has been iiiven in Ih -nsnnds of ctiHes.
hi.. I in every instance. a perfect cure I) .a
fnllowel. It never fnila. I lip system
mice, iinprcuuiiti'd wilh the specific, it
becomes un niler tinp.iHsibilily Hit t lie
liquor Hupetife t'. i-xist Cures Kiinriiu
tee.l. 4S pnifo ln.ok of par'imilnrH fine.
Address the Golden Si-boifio Co, 185
Itoe Mireet, Cinciniiuii, Ohi".
1 ' litU&riol," M 4
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
AN1 A Lb I'OIN'J'8
A iipw ii ii ii f!o)mlfl(,' Trt'iitinpnt, rnnslBtiiiff of
SiippiwItorK'S, oiuiiiK'iit tu Ciipmih'H, tilHuiu Uux
ami I'IIIh; h positivu Chiv feir Kxti-ruiil, Inter
mil, llliml or HIcifliiiK. Mi'liiiiK. flinmit!, Keceut
or llert'iiltiiry mul imuty other dim-HHeH
ami teuuile vveiikiiesnt'ri; it lKiilinynimri'iit ben
efit to the LTeneral lu-altli. 'I hi! firnt illneovery of
a inedieul cure remiertnn an operation with the
kuifu uniK'eeHKaiy Ii rentier. Thin remedy Iihh
ver lieen known to titll. i periiox.a jor t-;
Bent by mail. Why miller from thin terrible iltn
naHu when n written tfintnuitee Ik K'veu with tl
boxen, to return! the money it nol eureu. 'im
Htauip for free, H-implu. (.iiiarantee ismieu ny
OOlAllO, l.'I.rl KiV K l. " IHIK'MVlt; Ui. UVlflll
UniHuiHlM Holu Aueuts, t'ortlano:, ur.
. uJuai.Mi. l..lWi. Fti.
attendant may open the upper part and
put feed and water in the vessels D and
C without entering the run. The roost
ing room seen at A contains the nest
boxes, 15 E B. The whole structure
should bo made of light material to ren
der it easily movable by two persons of
ing part, as shown in G: then pass the
end again through the bight and haul
tight. The square, or reef knot, must
not be mistaken for the 'granny" knot,
that slips under a strain. Knots H. K
and M are easily untied after being un
der strain. The knot M is useful when
the rone passes through an eyo and is
held by the knot, as it will not slip and
is easily untied after being strained.
The timber hitch S looks as though it
would give way. but it will not: the
greater the strain the tighter it will
hold. The wall knot looks complicated,
but is easily made by proceeding as fol-
lows: Form a bight with strand 1. and
' pass the strand 2 around the end of it.
and the strand 3 around the end of 2,
and then through the bight of 1, as
shown in the engraving Z: haul the ends
taut, when the appearance is as shown
in the engraving AA. The end of the
strand 1 is now laid over the center of
I the knot, strand 3 laid over 1 and 3 over
fol. Iloozer suddenly loecomes involved
with one of the latest spring bonnets,
and its ribbons scare him into rlei'""
tremens. Chisago Mail.
An aged Baptist elder, who was noted
for his"intellci;tual vigur, was convers
ing one evening with a number of the
brethren when the subject of old age
was touched upon. One of his friends
ventured to ask if he found that his in
creasing years had in anyway impaired
his memory.
The good old man pondered for
awhile.and then replied: "Well.I cannot
jITOCh r.llAMls..
While, you keep jour subseripiion paid up yea
can keep your bran J in free of charge.
All.vn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses GU on left
tli,.i,lei-; ei.nle -Hiiie on left bin. under bit on
riirlit ear, and upper bit on the left; runtfe. Mor
row county.
Armatronu, J. t'., Alpine, Or. T with har un
der ii on left Bhoulder oi liorseb-, cultte same
on le.fi liip.
Allison, O. I)., Eiaht Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O 1J on loft htp and horses same brand on riiilit
shoulder. IfatiKe. .n.rlit .Hue.
Adkins.T C, Dayville, Or- !trait!lit mark ncross
the Ihik'l. and two crops and a slit m Ilia riiflil ear;
iioises. .1, upside down on the riirlit sliould'-r.
Ipuikb in (iriuit eounly uud Knur vallcv. FU
address also at llurdm..n.
Adkins, J. J., lleppuer, Or. Horses, JA eon
u..i..,i .... ie t hank: cattle. SHineon left liip.
Ayers. Johnny. Lena, Or. Horses branded
triaiis-ieon lell liip; cattle same on riirlit liip;
also crop off riain ear and upper hit on same.
Hljtli, l'ercy H.. Heppner. or. -iioises liotnan
cross ou l-ialit shoulder. Halite in Morrow
county. ,,
P.leakman, Goo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a Hue
oi left shoulder: cuttle Mime on rinld shoulder.
I similiter, J. V., Ifarilmaii, Or. t'atlle brand
ed Hon lefl hip and ilnch: split in each ear.
Hreimer. Peter, iiieaeherry Oretrou Horses
branded V 11 on left shoulder. Cattle flaiae on
r...l,r sioe
at the nrcsent moment remember any- : Mm-ke. M Ht 0, l,onK creek, Or-Or, cattle,
at tne P"--11" fimrntten " i MAY conneoled on lell hip. ciop oft left ear un
tiling that I have ever forgotten. I ,l,.r half crop off rik-ht. Horses, same brand on
I letfl shoulder. Mange in liruut and Morrow
Leaves lleppuer, 8 a. tu.
G:5i) p. m.
PulliiiKii Sleenerw,
Coloiiltit Mlt?'Hfcr,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to Him
every tour days.
l"or rate, and general liifornuillon cull on
Depot Ticket Aueiit,
J. C. 1 I AHrl
Heppner, Orcyoll.
Sclcntiflo Americas
' Aijcrsy for
For Information aril free lhiTitVnook write to
MIINN CO., Mil llll.noWAV, HKW Volirt.
Ol.U'St l.nreau tin-seenrlim pal-ill-1 In ui'i' lc
livery pal.nil taken nut by n is liionyl.t neturj
the piinllc by a not lee inven l i ce ol cliarae lu Iba
cicutifw mrt'iam
linreest eirenlntlon of anv splentttle pnpor In the
world. Splendidly mummied. No l'U."Mf;n
man shonld bo wUlioiit It. .Woekly. ;
yi-ir; SI. VI siv mn.-ttiH. Ad.lreMS MllNN & CO,
I'liliLlsllBus. aiil lliviJwuY. New York.
nri'iinm-v Rtrenc-t.h,
A Vermont fanner who advocates tne 2, When the end ot d is passeu iniougu
feeding of dry ground feed, both for the bight of I, as shown in the engrav-
fowls and chicks, describes his plan for jug JJB; haul all the strands taut, as
feeding tho Bauio. This hopper is shown shown in the engraving CC.
in tho second cut, and it is represented
with tho lid let down to pour the meal Fallow Crops,
in. The originator says: One fact of enormous value u h-uo of
hm.. nmnnni fni- fooilinn- noultrv must, fallow crorjs. savs Stover, viz., that
is very simple, requiring no more time
to feed fifty hens than to give a horse, a
cow or a pig its regular meal. 1 have
twenty feet of feed box, but I find half
of it sufficient for nil practical purposes,
and have devoted tho other half to special
foods, such as oyster shells, etc. The
box is luado fast to the wall ceiling
boards, which constitute tho back. It is
5 inches wide, with 2! inch slats in
front and a narrow board in front of that
upon which the fowls stand, Tho cover
is nn inch board which, when shut, leans
against the wall at so high a Blant that
no fowl can stand upon it. A little
wooden handle at the middle, near the
top edge, is the only thing about it ex
cept the plain smooth board. The ends
Ssve 'Jf. to .Hi wills on every oooa. ,u ..-.
Wrlic lor our niinnniolli l,alaloKue, a li-ilie
... . , ...el. m.tmitui line h ' (11-collllH
01 every kind ol l-o'oiIk ami supplies iiimiutuciured
ami 11,1,.,.1-lcd iiuolliellniled s'',,'r'2'":
Household Oood-, Furniture, clolhiilR, Lul e
mill l.cins' lolll llltliml KailllBhllll! cniale, l)i" 1
i:,u. w oic llnoilH, i.iy ..I...US, -'-e-i
Hoots and Shoes, l.lnvrs, Notions,
c....;.... v..i.-l,sH clocks. .Icwelrv.
c-iniiwii, 'J . J..,,..... l.,,l,.m..HH. BtO.
llllL'i'lPs. Minis, niin. -- - :
l.stY Kllih'l' Cl.AsS no,. US. Ca,a ,w . wul
oo receipt ol .It for eipressa-M tte.ireina
"l, concern whicli sells l manufacture . urlce..
showlne Ihe buyer Ills same d.scoilii l-.ai 'he
manidii.-lurei- elves to the wholes,. '": -
f i ri h i ;
r1 &
of tho cover rest upon the ends of the
box. Otherwise it does not touch the
box at all.
"Now when the cover is opened toward
tho front it slides back upon its rests
W. H Hl'Itl.HCltT. Asst. (lenl. l'uss. At.
'2.VI Washinuton St.,
IVuti.anp. ClIlKOON.
Sim lT'i'jiiieljsoo
(le'iBin, with privilege oi exnaiuiaj on 'I' J""- and becomes a hopper, with a space 24
li-iQnincy Mreei, i hiciii!.., 111. inches wide next the wall
Ami all points In California, via the lt.
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The areat hitfhway through California to all
points Knst and Moulh. tiraml Scenic Uoule
of the 1'aeifio Ciaist. Pulhnan llutlet
tileelH're. Becolid-cliws Hlcepers
PAllaclied toeii.ress trains, affordniK superior
aei' nnuiodalions for second-class vnisseliKei's.
K,.r rales, tickels, sleeping car rorervutions,
to., call upou or addresa
R. k'OKIll.KK, Mananer, K. 1'. ROCKliS, Asst.
tleu. K. .V. I'. AkC I'oriland. OrcK.in.
lias ol MeiThali.lUeal in inaliii liuers' prices. ONI.T
trn T I alalia.',.,' ami parliculara sent mi recelpl
iauUIorex.we, K -KIKN A CO.
liaQuliicy Slreel, cliicsno, 111.
l u m n k n !
WR 11 1
t dressed Lumber, li. inilcs of lleppuer, at
what is kiiou u us the
i aaiv . . ..s tbs v3rs
1'Kii 1,0m) fkk r, Kiii'iai,
1 le.iHi per l.niM icct, addUioual.
- fill l)U
17 Ml
I). A,
iliimlltiMi. Mau'ttr
: aw
Cattle branileiland earni8ikl as showu above.
Hons F on riht shoulder.
11 V cattle m.iKB in Mon-ow ami Uma'illn couu
lie", I will pay SlO".ti for Ihe arrest and con
tlodon of auy persnn sleaiiau my sua-k.
Iroltce.tloa, lllllawsnesft. Headache, Consti
pation. Dyspepsia, Chrunlc Liver Trunblcs,
IHsilncu, Uud Complexion. Dysentery.
(luYnstve Ttrealh, and all disorder or tho
Hlomach. l.tver and llowrl.
Kl.vtns Tshutes rout iln nethlne lahirieus to
the inest .lelu-ale cn-tlMitien. I'l.-.i.-ml n take,
ssfe. eit.-eucil. (live nume.llHIC r.-h.-t
Sold t.v ,lrus-i.-iu. Aln.-il !.'U,e seat l.y umil
Da ns-cipt of 1 1 cents. AiMic
10 si'Rt'cr sntLET. XEW YORK city.
for delivering
tho food into the back side of the box.
Jly fifty fowls have not wasted a pound
of food in the five years Biuco 1 recon
structed my feed boxes. 1 feed my
chickens in Hut open boxes G inches deep,
on the ground, without waste." Thanks
are due to tho Philadelphia Farm Jour
nal for the foregoing cuts and descrip
tions. rhosphatle Fertilizers on Wheat.
In response to iv request from the Salem
fM -I hoard of floriculture, ei-
porimonta were planned by the director out swannin
of tho New Jersey Agricultural station
to tost tho relative value of like amounts
of phosphoric acid in tho form of bone-
black or South L arolina rock, and wheat
was selected as the crop. The experi
ments were carried out on four farms in
Salem county and on tho college farm.
The farma in Salem county are all under
laid by marl beds. From six to nine
tenth-acre plots were used in each ex
periment. A mixture furnishiivj rifteen
pounds of uitroen and twenty pounds
of potash per acre was applied on all the
plots. In addition to this, Jj;.0 pounds of
bonehlaek (containing 19.6 per cent. I
available phosphoric acid) or 440 pounds
of dissolved South Carolina rock (con
taining 111.49 per cent, available phos
phoric acid) were applied ou all the plots
except two or three, which received uo
phosphate. The yields and financial re
sults ure tabulated for each experiment.
The v.ilue of crops on those plots fertil
ized with phosphoric acid from either
boueblack or South Carolina rock were
practically identical. The widest differ
ence in value of crops. f.48 per acre, is
shown on the college farm.
besides the refuse they leave i:i end upon
the land in the form of root or leaves or
stubble, a far larger proportion uf the
crop proper commonly goea b-ick to the
land in the form of manure than is the
case with the grain crops. The s'rawof
tho grain, it is true, is usually mturncd
to the soil in the manuro, bat according
to the authority quoted, exp'.iug as re
gards potash, straw has comparatively
little fertilizing power, and the grid a is
usaallysold off the farm. Actop of tur- 1
nips or of clover, on the cn r.r.-y , is con- j
sunied upon the farm, so hnt the great
er part of the nitrogen and Uio whole of
the mineral constituent-, aro .etu.ned to
the soil.
Shallow Cultivation for Coru.
Corn is a native of a warm climate,
and the roots grow near the surface iu
search of heat. Deep rooting dot;s as
sist in warding off the ill effects of dry
weather, but an inch or two of tine earth
mulch is very effective. This is gotten
by repeated stirrings of the smface. Jt
retards the evaporation of moUiuro by
breaking up the capillaries in the -arth,
and holds the water iu the soil. All in
jury to the roots of a plant retards the
growth of the top, and it is only by
shallow cultivation that this can be pre
vented. On most soils we are learning,
says Field and Farm, to let com roots
feed in the warm ground near the sur
face, watching to keep them protected
by an earth mulch.
-Harpers Bazar.
Not a Foolish Virgin.
The Boston Aunt He may be a little
older than you, but remember his posi
tion in the university.
The Frivolous Girl If s no use talk
ing, auntie. There is too much learn
ing and experience.
The li. A. Good heavens, child! What
do vou prefer to marry, Folly?
The F. G. Yes; Folly and Youth. The
wisdom and experience are sure to over
take us. Life.
.nil i.t'-i - i.n ' ' :
Culnrit Yes. sah, I tuck do chicken.
I was gwine tor make some chicken
pie, and I tuck de cook-book and read
do direo ihuns and hit say: "Take one
chicken.' Hit don't say buy one chick
en, or borrv one chicken. Hit say take
one chijkon. Hit don't say whose
chi-jken ter tuke, so I just took the fust
one I could lay han's on. I follered
de direcshuns in de book, sah. Judge.
A Daniel Como to-.ludmpnt.
"Your honor, my client admits that
he did wrons, but consider the tempta
tions of city life, sir; were they not too
great?'' haid the lawyer in conclusion.
"It seems they were. We'll give him
ten years in the country near Sing
Kino-'." rnt.urncd his honor. "He'll not be
exposed to temptation there. "
lyn Life. . ..
Bee Notes.
Full sheets of foundation in sections
are preferred by nineteen out of twenty
three correspondents iu The American
Bee Journal.
It is told in Gleanings in Bee Culture
that a colony of bees may exist for fifty
years or longer. In garrets they have
been known to live for many years with
out it should be ur.der-
ator .1 that the individual bees and queens
live no longer than the average the
continuance of the colony expending
upon the infusion oi new blood.
At the Ohio beekeepers convention,
composing the different kinds of comb
honey as to toughness of comb, Mr.
Muth said linden comb is very tender,
hence liable to be broken in shipment:
clover not so teuder, and alfalfa very
Cost of producing honey was discussed
at the Colorado state convention. One
member said four cents per pound, but
others said eight cents, and yet another
member put the costatlOJ cents per
now no i:m it.
"Withcrbv Your wife told me yester
day that you had given her two new
summer gowns. I don't see now you
could afford it.
j Plankinton Easy enough. I put my
money on the horse you said wouldn't
win. Cloak Review.
Not a Pleasant Heanrt.
Esmeralda Are you going to take us
to Saratoga this summer, pa?
Ta No, my dear: there is a place in
Pennsylvania called Economy, and if
we go anvwhere it will bo there.
Texas Siftings.
O.i tho Honeymoon Trip.
Bride (on shipboard at seal I foe-1 so
sick, my dear, and if I should die ana
they bury me hero, you'll sometimes
come and' plant flowers on my grave,
won't you? Demorcst's Magazine.
Hovo'er tmckuuru the Imsincss season,
It sur. ly to reason stands,
Tho undertaker Uas never
Uis poods thrown back on his hands.
So It Was.
4tMe Watty wasn't elected, was he?
THs campaign seemed to be struck by
'Wcl!. it was. There was a big bolt."
Detroit Free Tress.
A western cattle breeder reports that
iu the cast "dairymen fevm to think
that a cow can do great work on noth
ing tocat." This is rough. We commend
the consideration of this statement to
dairymen everywhere.
An r:iusul Miimma.
Daughter Mamma, shall I marry the
millionaire I don't love or the poor man
I do love?
Mamma By all means, dear, marry
tho man you love. Detroit Free Press.
Ilard-up Painter (to Old Friend)
Yes. Chaitee. 1 am wedded to my art.
Old Friend Confound you, d'Auber;
I always told you that you would some
day marry a poor girl! Puck.
Isn't Thli nroadTid?
She If I shouldn't marry you
vou think vou would miss me?
lie Of course not: a man only Mrs.
' the woman he marries. Detroit Free
j .) Very Likely.
I "Do you kuow Mr. Thankington can
trace his ancestry ba.k to the Hood?"
; "So? 1 presume he has inherited his
I fear of water, then!" Truth.
Agricultural items.
It is claimed for Buqwe's extra early
potato that it U uot only very early in
maturing, but immensely productive of
fine quality tubers.
For the first early crop many garden
era plant the Alaska pea; for a wrinkled
pea, the American Wonder; others like
McLean's Little Gem.
News from various parts of tho cotton
belt indicate a decreased acreage in cot
ton and an increased acreage in oilier
The most noted and widely distributed
of Americau pasture grasses is the Ken
tucky blue grass, or June grass (poapra-tuise).
fcjTH WFO.
Twofiirrel hnrsea. 0enf thera branded
"8" ou the right shoulder, likewise on the
Held BtihV.
The other was lirnn.lPd "S on ine
riL'ht shoulder, hUo 'R" The weight of
each wh lvnt ItCtf) pounds
Auvone returning the same to my
ranch at Eiht Mile wilt receive n rewHrd
of $15. sw tf SYLVAsrs Wkioht.
HoWfiimn, A., Mount Vernon and Bnrtifi, Or.
t'liitle. A U on riht hip. twn ct-iipB in hcn eitr;
rtMiiio on hurrieH. tin rinht Bhoulder. Kan ye in
I'rliltl U II J II II PI. UV (111(11 1MN.
Hnjumiiii, Jerry, l.enti. Or.-HorHeB branded 1
on ritfhi Hliunliii-r; came u on me ien muo
l. ..ft u.n liult (run and nnht ear linuer ttloUH.
Uarton, Win., Heppner, Ur. -hoi-sen, j B on
riKiit Uu.i cntth . BHine on right hip; unlit in
Hntwn. Ihh. Lexiniiton, Or. Horaon IB on the
right r-iitle: caule twtine on right hip; range, Mor-
Brown, J .P , Heppner. Or. -Htiraen and cattle
KruMili.il h will, ox-vokft nhovn on left rmonldi
Brown. J. C Henimer. Or. Homea. circle
r a.iri..o.t ii. n tumii lufi hio: Rattle, ha me,
" Brown, W.J. , Lena. oreRon. Howes W bar
over it, on the leit ulioulder. Cattle same, on left
liover, W. ft., Heppner, Or. HorsHB, box
brand o c nh hip cuttle, same, with split in
eHBl.rK.rp. O., Heppner, Or. IIoraeB. V B ou left
J.,,.l,uP. ..uiflu 4..irm.,li left hitl.
Bniwniee, W. J., t'ox.Or- 'attle, JB connected
u.ft .-mi. on htft ear unil two enliltt anil
middle p.ece rut out on rilit ear; ou norueB muuv
Imtnu on llie toil iniKii; uhuko iu r vm-j,
( a in. lli., ( .aleiM 'r. i l) on r.orsen on ien sumi;
II will. nniirii'P i'i rule over it. on left ulioulder,
and on ler't Btitie on all col tn under rt yeara; oit
left nhoulderunly on all horua over t yeurB. ah
nniKe in Oraut eountv.
Clark, Wm. li., Lei a. ur. tiorBPh mu. eou
neeUid, on left fchouloer: cattle mmo on rUilit
hip. Un e Morrow and Umatilla counties,
fate. ('has. it.. Vinson or Lena. Or. HoraeR
If (' on right tthoulder; cuttle name on riKUX hip.
Uani:e Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Oochnm, Ctuu., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
oeet'-d on left shoulder; cattle, (! on both luft
hip and tt,itie. limine in Morrow county.
'aiinon, J'. U..Ijoiik I 'reek. Or.--Ton cattle on
ripht wide, crop off right oar and slit in left ear.
Utir horses name brand ou left shoulder, itnuge
in (.4 rant county,
Cecil, W in,. Douglas. Or; horses Jt. on lef
shouldi'r; ca tie snme on left hip, waddlea on
each jaw and two b.tw in the right ear.
Curl, T. ri.. Jidin hay. Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in ngliLear, Spill 111 leu Bur. umigu in uimit
county. Oo tttieep, inverted A and spear point
nil shoulder. Ear niarko.i ewes, crop on left ear,
punched upper bit in right. VVetliurs, crop in
right and under half crop iu left ear. All CHgn
iu (iiiuit couiilv.
Cook, A. J.,Loiia.Or. Horses, (K)on riglitPlionl
iei t'attle, Hiimeun r.ghthip: ear mark Bguare
m,,r. i,tT luft nmt riolit iii ritrht.
Currin. U. i!., CurmiBVille, Or. -Horses, on
luftstitle. , ,
Cochran, J H Monument, Or HonwB branded
I 1 it A on leit. shoulder, i auie, same ou ngui
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off I eft.
Cox Ed 8., Hardman, Or. Oaitla, 0 will-
in center: horses. CIl on left Sio.
Cochran, It. E Monument, lirant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bai beneath, on left
shoulder: cattlesHmo brand on both hips, mars
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Ctiapin, H., HardniHii. Or. Horses branded
ton right hip. Cattle brauded the same.
Cross, L, Dayville, Or l aide branded two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed Z on left stifle. Also have the following
Uranus on rauie: tc on ieit i "mi u,
Vi, on left shoulder, two parallel barB on iaii
bhoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Uoomin. Win., iieppner. ur. nomes uranueu
OU with bur over them, on left shoulder; cat
tie same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M , liaiioway, ur. v auie, n l-uii
riiiUK side.swa low-fork iu each ear; horses. U D
on left hip. ,
OoughiS, li. I.. JJouKiRs, w nori-oB iu ou
il, . i.ri.t aiiUrt- nutt In HuiiiH on rmht hit).
Duncan, VV. f., John idy,ur. quarter ciruie
ft on right shoulder, both on horses ami oatue.
Kange lirant county.
Drn-keli, W. i... iieppner, tir-iiorses nnmueu
K inside of O on lefl shoulder, tlaitie same on
left side ot lieeH.
Ely, J. B. A Bona. Douftlas, Or. Horses brand
ed tAA ou left houlder, catde nuoie ou loft
hip. hole ir right ear.
Elliot' , vv ash., iieppner, ur. uiamonu ou
rigid shoulder.
Meek. JacKson, Heppner, Or. Hornea. 71
coiiiiecttnl oi. right shoulder; caltle same ou
rigid hip Earmark, hole in right aud crop
ott left. n ,
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. I flttle, LF on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence, H. P. Heppner. Or Horses, t on
right shot Ide ; cattle, r ou right hip or thigh,
day, Henry, Heppner. Or. tiAx on left
6 bd man-French, I-and and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil. Or. Horses, anchor 8 on left shuuldet ; yent,
same on left stitle. Cat I If, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop oft right ear and nnderhit in left.
Kange iu Oilliiim, Uraiit, Crook ai.d Morrow
C'uei'try. Elmer, Echo, Or. Horsea branded H.
8 with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Liahgein Morrow and Uniatillftcounties.
i.iifwiopr. J.t:.. rrairie Ci:y, Or.-On norths.
O-O on left shouUU-r and stitie; cattle, on right j
side. Bange u. Oiai.t counil.
Hama. James. Hardman Or. Homes hadel
ion lef Bhoulder; caitte same on left lop. Uange
in and about HHiOiuan.
Hajea. let.. L.ena, ur, nrniui n i umuru,
wilh iniarter circi" over it, on lea shoulder.
limn A. U., liidge, Or.-tattte. round-top
with quarter circle under it ou the right hip.
Kante in Morrow and C malilla counties.
Huiton A Jenkft, Hamilton. Ur Cattle, two bars
on either hip; cn-piu right ear and split in left.
Horsea Jou rigid thigh. Uangein (irant county.
Hughes, fcwuiiuel, Wagner, Or T F L on right
shoulder on horses; on c tile, on right lnpai.d on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left
Kange in Haystack district. Morvw county.
Mall. t-llWlll. JOIin fU,wr. v m ir i-. jmu iiim
hip; horses same on right shoulder, tang in
brant county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co.
HtuiHitkHr. H . Wao:er. Or. Horses, U un left
Shoulder, iw tie. Won left 111; .
Hanlisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon-Horses, AH
I connected, on left shoulder; tattle on the left
I hip. cnp off left ear.
I BumphrwvH. al Hardaian, Or.-Hurse. H o
! Hjult', Wm. K., Ridge, Or.-Horses branded
I har cross ol left shoulder: cattle same on left
1 hn
'H:ir.lwnre ' did ym nay? Why. ve,
nr Y, C. Thorn pi- ii A Co.'sstaud, and the
pi ce fur bnitfiiitif.
Why go hungry when thi City hotel , mmntv
fnrnisbt's you u jrood meal ai
i rattrS. lie same ou left hip. Kantfe ia iiorruw county.
lhUv.- J M.. Heonner. Ot. Horw. wineglass
ot. lert fh-mhlei caul. aine on nght hip.
Alfml. Long Creek, tr-Caltte 1 D on
riu-lti hm. crootill leftearand bit in right. Hordes
same bitoid ou lett hoinder. hange
ll'loR : tl, ltlf, -k.-nui-rand heart ou the left Btitie CaU i
branded lia'lf-cocle JL connected on leftshoul
der. Caulo. aam. on lef. iiip. liauge. near Lex-
in tft "n. ., r, j
Lord, George. Heppner. Ur. Horsea branded
double 11 coi.liecli ouietliie8 called a
awing It. on leu shoulder.
Miixweil. M.S .booseberry.Or.- Hoaes brand-
i ed long link on lett eh.uider; cattle, Bauio ou
lief hip. Ear mark, under bit in lefl ear.
all nor, Oscar, Heppner. ur.i aiuo, iu u ou
right hip; hm-se, M on left shoulder.
Morgun, W. N., Heppner. Ur. Horeea. M)
(n leti slioniil'" cattle saine on left hip.
McCuuiber, Jaa A. Echo, Or. Horse. M with
bar over ou right shoulder.
ftiaun, H. U , Lena, Or. Horaes old maroe Li
on tight hip; young stock, amall Ll ou lett
MorgHii, Thoa.. Heppner, Or. Houses, circle
T on iufi lioi.idw and lell thiuh; cattle. L un
right utigli. ,
Mitchell. Onear. lone, Or. Horses, )7 ou right
hip; cattle. Ti on right side.
.m-Ciuieii, D. b., Hn.wnsville. Or, HorseB,
Future fton each shoulder, cattle, M2 on hio
iMcKern.W. J. Mount Veriioii. Ui XI oU cattle
on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop in left
same brand on horttta on left hi, . i tango iiiOraUt
uct:ar.y, David H., Echo, Or. Horsea branded
Dm connected, on the lett Bhoulder; cattle baine
on hip and aide.
IhcUiir, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear; Iioises same brand on left stifle,
Mcllaley, 0. V., Hamilton, Or. On lioiseB, 8
with hull circle under on loft shoulder; on Cuttle ,
four bars connected on lop on the right aide
Kange in (irani County.
IN eul. Andrew. Lone flock, Or. Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder: cattle same ou both hips.
iSordyke, E., Wilverton. Ur. Horses, circle 1 on
left thigh: cai tie. same on Left hio.
Oliver, Joseph, t any on City, Ur. A 3 on cattle
on left hip: un horses, same oulefttlugh, iiango
iu brant county.
Oiler, 1'urry, Lexington, ur. r u on ieu
Olp, Herman, Piaine City, Or. Un cattle, y
LP conneciou on left hip; horaes un left atille
and warileon noae. Ituuge in brant county.
iViuson, Ohive, Eight Alile. Or, Horsea, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder ami -i ou loft
hip. ( attle, torh in lett ear, right cropped -t
on left hip. liangt ou Eight Mite.
Carker iV Uieaaou. Jiardman.ur, noraes i.r on
) It shoulder.
riper, J. 11., Lexington, Or. --Horses, Jii- con
nected o. left Bhoulder; cattle, same on lett nip.
under hi in each ear.
fatberg, Henry bextngton, ur. norsca oraiui-
edwiUia liomat cna on left shoulder; cattle
brauded with Uoman croaa. bar at bottom, on
leit hut. . . ,,
IMtya, A. t ., lone, Or.; horses oiamona r on
Hiionlder. cullle. J 11 J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear uud alip in the
light. , fti
i'owell, Jotin 1 ., Uuyvilte, ur nurses, j r uo
tc ed ou leit shoulder. Cattle Uli couiiected ou
lefl hip, two under half crops, o"e ou each ear,
wattle under throat, litu ge in brantcounty.
hickanl, li. D., Canyun lily,Ur.--a uon lerx
shoulder, on horsea only. lUugo Canyon creek
and Hear valley, brantcounty.
Hood. Andrew, Hardman, Ur. HorBeB, square
cn-f witti quarter-circle over it on left stitie.
Henii'ger, Chna, Heppner, Or. Horsea, 0 li on
lefl shotildui .
Bice. Han, Hardman, Or.; horseB, three panel
worm fence ou letl shoulder; cattle, DAN on
right shoulder. Ituuge near Hardman.
Uudio, Long Creek, Or.-brands horses
It oi right ahouluer. Kange brant aud Morrow
ltojse, Aantn, Iieppner. Or Heroes, plain V on
.eft sliouider; cattle, same brand reversed oil
right hip and crop off right ear, liauge in Mor
row county,
liush liios., Heppner, Or. Horaes branded X
on the rigln shoulder; cattle, IX ou the left tup. w
crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck, itauge IE
Morrow and adjoin ing counties.
llust. William. Pendleton, Or. Horses K oh
left shoulder; cattle, it on left hip, crop on
right ear, underbit ou left ear. bheep. K on
weathers, round crop off righ ear. Kange Uma
tilla ui.d Morrow c uiiues.
Ueaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horsei
branded A K on right shoulder, vent quartos
circle over brand; cattle aame ou right hip.
Uiinge Morrow county.
Hoyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or Hit connected
with (juarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
aud crop oil right ear aud split iu left. Horses
same brand on left shoulder, liauge ill Morrow.
brant unu btlliaiu counties.
iimer, J F, Hitler, Or Three parallel bars
wilii bar over on horses on left hip; on cattle, left
side, two smooth cropa, two splits in each eat,
Uuiige m Middle Fork of John Day.
liector. J. W., Huppner, Or. HorseB, JO ok
left shouidbr. Caitlu, O on right hip.
Spicknall, J. W., Oooseberry, Or. Horsea
brundedlou left sh.-uldor; lauge in Morrow
aptay, J. F., Heppner, Or, Horsea brandea fcl
competed oi right shoulder; cuttle same on both
Bailing, C 0 Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on left ahouider; cattle same un left hip.
bwuggar., H. F'., Lexington, Or. Horses 2
with dush under il ou left, stitlu cattle H with
uuah under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waodicd on right hind leg. Kutiga in Morrow,
bi ilium and u main la counties.
tiw.iugarl. A. L.. Klla. Or. Horses branue '
on lell shoulder; eel tie sainu On left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
htrtoght w . t?i.. Heppner, or, Horaes shaded
J b on lei atille; cattle J on left hip, swallow
fork in righ ear, underbit in leit.
frapp. Thus., lleppuer, Ur. Horsea, ti A P on
lett tup; ualtl name on left hip.
hhiitz. Jumes, Long I reek, Ur. HorseB. 3 on
leit atille and over 2 on left ahuulder.
Bliriur.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right bip; came, same on right tup,
crop nil rigid ear and under bit in left ear. JjU'-'ge
in brantcounty.
tiniith Hi os., CSuannville, Or. Hordes, brant
II. Z. o i shoulder; ca t.e, ameonlelt .shouidft'.'
b.cpiires, James, Arlington, Ur,; horaes branded
JS.-ultlL suouioer; cut. Is the same, also noae
wat.dte. Kange in SI orrow and biliiam co nties,
totephena. V. A., llardiurui, Ur-; horses Us ou
right auhe; tat de h. rizontal L on the tight side
ateveiison, Airs A, J ., Heppner, Ur. Cuttle, ti
un light hi) ; BwaHow-fork in left ear,
Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
lefl snouifli : cattle, 44 ou loft hip.
btone. Ira, Hinklt.-tou, Waah, Horses, keystone
on lell shoulder.
buiitn, Hj. F.. Lone Kocn. ur. HorseB branded
a ciiwsed seven on left ahuulder; cattle aauie on
left aide, Hange, Gilliam ct.uuty.
Hterry, E. O., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
Itjtt hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dew lap; boraes W 0 on left ahouider.
'Ihouipaoii, J. A., Heppner, Ur. Horses, g on
left should, r; cattle, t on left shoulder.
lipeuj.Ej.'iEuierpriBtUr. Horaes. C-on left
Turner H. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
leit ahouldet. horses; cullle samti on left hip
wilh split in bod. ears.
Ihtrnton, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
H I connected on left slide; sheep aame brand.
Vanderpool, H. T., LeDa, Or; Horses HV con
necied on right shouldur;caitle, aauie on right
Walbridce, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L.
onttieiett aliou der; cattle same on liup.
ciop off left ear aud right tar lopped.
Wilson, John y,, tialem or Heppner, Or.
HorsL-a branded Jy on the left shoulder, ituuge
Morrow county.
W arren, W B. Cnleb, Or Cattle. W with quarter
, circle over it. oQ left aide, split iu right ear.
Hoi-Mw same brad on left shoulder. Kaugeiu
Wood, F L, Dayville. Or Heart on horse on
left atiBe; on cattle. 'I on left side and wider bit
in left ear. Kange iu brant county.
Wright. Hilaa A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
B ou the right hip. aquare crop oil right ear
and splitin lett,
Wallace. Francis, Mount Vernon.Or 8quareon
cattle ou the left hip. upper slope in he left
ear and under slope in right ear. tinme brand
on horses ou right ahouider. Hatige in Harney
and brant countv.
Wade, Heury, Heppner, Or. Horses b landed
ace of spader on leit shoulder and left hip.
Caltle brain ed same on left aide and left hip.
W ells. A. b., "Heppner, Or. Horses, ew8 on left
! Bhoulder: can e aame.
Woihnger, John, John Day City, Or On horses
' three parallel bant on left shoulder; 7 on aheep,
bit iu both ears. Kange in brant and Malhuer
j Counties.
WiMRiward, John, Heppner, Or. Hurt, UP
t conneeied on lef t shoulder.
W atkihB, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
j TJE uonnectet on left atitie,
I W aiiace, I 'hariee. Portland, Or. Cattle. W on
I righ) ih.gh, hoi. in Left ear; horses, V on right
j shoulder, w-m. aauieon left shoulder.
I Whimer Bn., Dreway. Harney ttounty, Or. -j
Hup tirnnde! w B. eonnMneo on Iffi .Siulder,
! Williams. Vaaco, Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir
' cle onr three bars on lefl hip, both cattle and
; h-joea. ttange brant county.
Williams. J U. l-.uf Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bars ou left hip; eat! it name
ai it p.lil lit Hiu-h wr ruthtf in brnid enot v."
i W t n. A. A., eppner. Ur. Horaes runuiiig A A
on lnulder; t'aiiie. same ot rigtn hio.
b'uiitt. J. S.. b(Mierr,Ur. Hon branded
X ti on the right shoulder.