NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. 'I'IIE desiring the insertion of (llHplay ad., I or oliHUKtt of .same, mutt Ret their copy lit not Inter thmi Monday evening for Tnesuav'g etiition.or 'ihnrwday evening for Fridays edi tion. 'i'HJi 1JATTKHMJK I'UUU&UINUC'O. NUI'HU. 1. The sum of five eentu per line wilt he elmi-Ked for "eurdH of tlianka," "refiolutiong of res.i-et," listn of weddnm presents and donors, and otjituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall hiinsi'll Kive tiB a matter of news.) and lionet-sol speeia! ineetitiKB for whatever purMise. i:. Noliet's ol church and 8K-iety and all other entertninnientB from w Inch revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. 'I nt-ae rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and uiadekuowt) upon application. Give your business to Heppner peop'e, and therefore assist to build up Hupp tier. 1'aironize those who patronize you. Here and There. T. W. Avers, Jr., fur drnga, 68f , Dr., 13. F. VuukIird, deiitiat. iiivjans Tabtilcs cure headache. ID IT'S PILLS cure constipation and piles. l'hill Uohn was out in the mountains over hiiiiduy. Oscar ShBlVr, of Ehea creek, was in the city btittirdny. Luther Unnitlton, of sawmill fame, was in luwu over fjnuday. Jj. Farmer and wife, of Eight Mile, were in tlie city Saturday. Andy Tillnrd.of Butter creek, was seen on inn 6 rusts Saturday. Ford, the paiuter, still "in it." For any kind of work nee him. 81-tf. When iu Arlington, stop at the Ben nett In. use, near ttie deficit. 01 ft Geo. CoiiHer Huudayed at Camp Cap linger returning yesterday morning. T. J Ciirle, lime's popular postmaster, was seen on our streets Fiiday evening. W. L. Siding spent the week in the niniiLtnios returning Saturday evening. Alias Letlia Parker, dressmaker, will guarantee yuu a good tit. Give her a trial. 4-tf Ptof. T. C. Aubrey bus sold his resi dence property to J. A Patterson, the branch's eugiueer. l ap tiimnns & Son still shoe horses and do general blacksmithiug at the old stand Watiock corner. 65. "The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in the City hotel, west side of Main street. Neatest place in Heppner. sw S. P. Garrigtieai8 making preparations to move into the Jiff Jonea property down near the planing mill. C. A. Khea returned riday evening from Portland, where lie had taken his daughter Ada fur medical treatment. Billy Hum It and family and Lanes Pentiind atid wife left yesterday uiurn iug for the mounlning for a short vacation Z.irti the murderer, was bung in Ptu dieinn last Friday. The onudemed man was cool and Culm until the last, dying bravely. Jobny Keeuey returned Friday from his prospering in the Blues. Found some good prospects, but nothing very Haltering. E. O. : George Clark, of Long Creek, and Alaggie White of Arlington were married at the Uulden Rule Hotel on Monday last. Iliyn ketchum whiskers. Halt & Mathews, at the city barber shopthe place to get a first-class ehave, bair-out or sharapuo. tf. Use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer and yonr thin gray lucka will thicken upand be restored to their youth ful color, vigor, and beauty. Jeff Jones and family went out in the country Saturday where they will visit a few days when they expeot to depart for the valley to luCHte permanently. I; is estimated that the wool orop of Fiisleru Oiegon this year waa about 7, OUU.OOO pounds and less than 1,000,000 pounds will be uiauufactuied in the state Geo. Lutrell was in from Wm. Pen land's much yesterday. Geo. is the head b'acksiuiih out there, and asserts that they have one of the lirst in the oountry." Newer and neater quarters at ttie Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Onn L. Patterson, editor and man ager of Long Creek Eagle, oameover on Sunday evening's BtHge. Orin leaves tomorrow for Pendleton lor a few days stay. TVIro A ATutlinit nml VtAr fathpr ffrntiet. pa Florence, were down from the ranch above town lust tiatutday. Mrs. Mathoit will return to her home ut Walla Walla iu a few days. Geo. William Wright, who is herding sheep nut iu the Blues, sends in another order of oaues, which are ornamented up in fjne artistio style. Geo. displays good tuste in hia work. John D. Hickey and John Turley, tBIue mouutain camptenders, were iu 8-ttiirdiiy looking after the laud contest, Hiokey vs Lawlesa. The boys say that everything H fine in the Blues. H. 0. French has his old run on the bianon, alter a splendid trip to our Blue mountains. "Frenchy" attends to busi ness pretty closely and it is reasonable to expect that he will bold bis pluoe as long as he wants it. The arteMon well waa oleared iu short order by Mr. Gates' men, and the work of reaming out tne bole tor the test is rapidly progtesaiug. The machinery apparently works as well as ever, though having lain idle for over a year. Miss Doha Parsons, who hae spent the summer visiting with her sister, Mrs. O. L. Pettersou, of Long Creek, l ft yester day morning for her eastern borne via San Francisco. Miss Lena Patterson ao compauied her aa far as Portland. Some people are constantly troubled with boils no sooner dues one heal than another makes its Bppearauoe. Athnr i)'h course of Arer's Sarsaparilla, the l.l. ...A a(T.ii,ullu not an end to this annoyance. We reoommend a trial. For a sluggish and torpid liver, noth ing omu surpass A) el's pills. They con tain no calomel, nor any minernl drug, but are composed of the active principles of the best vegetable cathartics and their use alwaja results in marked benefit to the patient. Andrew and Frank Keaney were up from Lexington yesterday. Andrew ex pects to begin hauling the school bouse wood soon, contract tor same, it will be remembeted, wasBwarded him by virtue of the fnct that his bid was the lowest, being H.S1. Mr. Miller, a gentleman from Port land, buiI a Nevada miner of nmny years, experience, came np to Heppner last Friday evening, leaving Saturday morn lLg for the opal mines, where be was Bent by a party of gentlemen to investi gate the mines. Tie invincible Bud Sbnbe came in from the North Folk of the John Day yestetday morning, where he is 'tending shetpcanip for the Ayem Bros. Bud says range is very good aud sheep look ing Cue, though water is getting very scarce. Bud left in the afternnou for 'camp with pack bores well loaded with uppliea. Uncle Jimmy Depuy is on the sick list. Uncle Chi.s. Coahrau spent Sunday in towu. Bev. Shulse returned from Arlington last evening. Felix Johnson waa over Saturday from Butter cnek. Tioe Adkins was over from Dayville early this week. J. H. Piper and wife were up from Alpiue Saturday. W. A. Bi.ldle aud family were in from Gooseberry yesterday. Frank Cramer and wife, of Hardman, were in the city yesterday. Billy Barrett, one of the Sand Hollow boys, was in the city yesterday. D. A. Herren has recently completed the harvest of 2u0 tons of bay. Miss Oli Howard will attend school at The Dalles this fall and winter. Mat Mosgruve, one of the veterans of the grip-sack, came up uu last evening's traiu. Geo. Patterson and A. M. Gnnn spent Saturday iu the mountains with tutor wives. Uncle Billy Gilliam is reported as im piuvitik alowiy from the injuries reoeived some time ago. H. V. Gatea went below yesterday, and hopes to have machiuery here to test tin well late this week. II. S. Simpson, of York, Nebraska, ar rived last evening. He is bere to buy horses. See his ad. Geo. Loid will build a dwelling each lor Alts. Emma Killonp and Jas. AdkiuB, work to commence soon. Dick T'ayleur and T. G. Dundasa will ship iu the near future, to the Eastern market, a oar load of horses. Circuit court convenes ou Moudav, Sept. 5t.o, with the usml am iuut of bus i mess, but few oiiuiinat cases. Henry Scberziuger returned on last eveniny's train from a two weeks' visit with friends aud relatives iu the valley. LaneB Penlaud's one-hoss-shay took a little turn down Main street Sunday but was stopped ere much damage was dune. Leopold Miller, with N. L. Kubison, recently received wurd from Berlin, Uer mauy, auuu'iuciug the death of bis father. J. D Still, an old time Heppnerite, but who bus for several years been looated at Cballis, Idaho, returned last evening. The Gtizette would be pleased to re ceive Borne potatoes iu payment of sub scriptions. Don't wait, but come at once. Miss Elsie Laoy will attend school here this winter while Master Lacy will at tend the Agricultural oollege at Oorval lis. Mr. E Christensen, who lived here a few years ago, fell out of bis wagon at Emmet, Idaho, on Aug. 9th, dyiug ou the 10th lLst. Comeeveiybody, to the Baptist church, next Sunday, and hear the new pastor preaoh on "Angels" and "Hornets," at 11 o'uluok a. ui. Edwards MoCarty and Turner went out to J. B. Spurry 's ranch Friday, to thresh his crop, aud, we are informed, are still at work iu that vicinity. S. I Stratton, who has been clerking for Cofliti & McFarland for a short time, left Saturday morning for Bear valley, Grant cuuuty, where he will visit bis parents. A. E. Powell, who has Bpent nearly a year with brothera over in Galloway, left on yesterday morning's traiu for bis old stamping ground iu Dawson oounty, Montana. Hurry Warren left Saturday morning fur Grant county, where be goes to look after n looatiou for a drug store. While over he will also visit some of the mines of Grant oounty. Carl Crow aud family, of Lexington, passed through Heppner yesterday, en route to Teel springs, where they will re main a few weeks. Miss Maggie Hartley also accompanied them from hers. Bev. Bramblet's disoourse Sunday, on the text entitled "Upon every Btone shall be seven eyes," was a very interesting cue and highly commented upon by all who had the pleasure of he triug it. Last Friday J. W. Allatott, F. M. Our ter. J. L. Bonier and J. W. Backett represented Eight Mile. The Gazette would iudge that these farmers were still succeeding over there, dry season and all. Word comes down from the Blues that Jiff Hayes matched himself agaiust a young lady to wrestle, una was tnrowea the Bret round. Jefl says that though this is true in a measure, be had no fair show. Mrs. Sue Arbogas't, acoompanied by her little son, arrived last eveuiug from her home, Guthrie Oklahoma, to visit with home folks in this county. Mrs. Aiboaast is now with her sister, Mrs. 1'heo. Danner. Dr. B. J. Pilkington arrived on last evening's train from Peudletou. The Dr. is seeking a permanent location, and is very well pleased witb the appearance of Heppner, though baa nut yet fully de cided to remain here. Gen. Mart Davis, of Penn Yan, New York, passed through HeupneryeBterday on his way to the Blues where be will look over that great field of mineral and timber wealth. The general is a oap italistof some note, aud will pehaps in vest some era his returu home. Ii. M. Powell was in yesterday from Galloway. Mr. Powell informs nur re iiurter that hia herder has had some trouble regardiug the moving of hiB Bheep over in the Greenhorn section, aud aa tbreatB were made by certain parties to distribute poison, he thought best to move his camp this way. Mouutaineer: There are indications of a wool scouring establishment being put in noeration at Arlington. Sheep men in that vicinity realize the disadvantage they are under by Bending dirty wool to market, and believe they could sell tbeir wool to a better advantage if it were clean and would not be under the Deoes mty of paying freight on dirt. Goldendale Sentinel : John G. Maddock, the Goldendale banker, departs on next Wednesday, tie 21th, tor California. He goes by way of The Dalles aud takes the boat down the Columbia river to Port land; from there he will go overlaud via. tbe Shasta route. While absent Mr. Mad dock will visit bis mother and sister at DixuD and two brothers iu Sau Franoiaoo. Fredrick Zirn, it is said, had verv muoh the appearance or a gentleman. As evidence of this, tbe following inci dent is related "During Zjru's iutormal reception Friday morning, as he was staudiug iu front of his oell with two or three deputies, a visitor approached Zom and asked in a low tone, 'whioh is the murdeiet?' Zora qtiitely replied, 'I am the man.' The visitor opened wide his eyes turned quickly and departed with out another word." Zs.u BroB.,Feldman & Cole's represent ative, A. S. Baty, returned yecterday moruing from the iuner oountry, having beeu goue nearly a month making a oir cnit through aoutbern Morrow, Grant, Gillinm aud Crook counties during biB absence. Mr. Baty reports trade very fair aud collections mni-u better than be had expected, and although the trip is a very bard one, jet be got along fairly well witb the exception of receiving a very hard kick in tbe left side, just be. low tbe ribs, which laid him up for sev eral dava in Priueville. but after s few days doctoring be struck direotly for Heppner, leaving this morning fur Portland. Son of tbs Dad. Chas. A. Flora, tbe advance man of tbe colored concert oom pany, billed Heppner la-t Saturday, re. lumuiug IU IUO UIIJ uver ouuuny. AuiOj gentleman is the eon of Mr. rlura, the bonse mover of Oakland, C.lif., w ho cre ated so mnoh exoitement, not only iu Oakland, but in many other cities in Cal ifornia last May, a year ago, by finding $50,000 while moviug property. 1 his gold waa in the form of bricks, but just where it was found was never known, for had it been, every day would have brought forth some person to tell how he had seoreted it there years before. Many detectives and newspaper report ers have worried their braiu trying to lo cate the place where the wealth was se creted, but it was never aueomplisbej. m An Exciting- Incident. A friend brings dowu uews fiom the mniiu tains, (Pat Qtniid, we believe, is our informant) that a little black bull broke into JuJge Mallory's camp the other night and rais ed much cousteiuatinu. It was mistaken tor a huge blank bear, and us Put relates the story, the Judge shouted lustily to his sun Will, "Satan islooseiu themonn tains: the day of judgment is at baud. Bring tue gun." Pat further relates thai the judge got almost as active as any body, and hud he secured thu g in before tbe full status of the matter dawned up on him, would havemadeit warm for the invader. With the exception of this ex oeption of this exciting incident, Mr. uud Mrs. Mallory are enjoy iug hugely their outing vacatiou. Tennessbb JuBitiKis MN0.ER3. The Original Tennesaee Jubilee Singers are lulled for Heppner, for one night only, Aug. 31st, aud any one who enjoys such a treat should not lu ins the opportunity to be present. This compuuy is not un ordinary- minstrel troupe, but u lirst class oolored ouueert compuuy, consisting ui oolured ladies und gentlemen. The Ne gro is presented as be appears at his meetings, cabin bume and on the planta tion, and their music is so weird, melodi ous aud bo striking that it always en chants the audience, llemember the date. Doora open at 7:15 o'clock, com mencing at 8 p. in. sharp. Reserved seats 75 cents. Secure tickets at Ayer's & Cu.'s drug store. Expkbtenoe with Beaiis. Bears and blaokberries aud pickmokers are thick iu the Cascades. Last week near oue of the Prineville camps they got too thick and 'he ladies left tbe berries to the tender maroies of tbe bear, which fero cious animal was "howling too fearfully waful." When the men came iu from hunt ing they repaired to the soene and found tbe threaeniug tones to emtiutite from the tops of two trees that were being obafed together by the wind. Priueville News. Pin Eab at Helena Late advices from Helena, Montana, bring tbe news of the sucoess of ' Pin Ear," iu a quarter mile race rnn there August 13th, bis time being seoonds. The race waB wou with ease, muoh to the surprise of every one present. Pools sold very readily, with "Pin Ear" in the field every time, owing to the fact, that for some cause i?) be oould not run the day before. Mntu als paid 872. The Long Creek boys present made it a point to catch every pool, consequently made a neat clean up "Little Joe" also won a three quarter raoe, but due to some technicality, the race was deolared off. Have Inoobporated. The Heppner Water & Light Co., has incorporated, witb H. V. Gates, Jas. D. Hamilton and T. W. Ayero, Sr., as incorporators. These artioles have been fileJ witb Clerk Mor row, and Heppner's light and water pro- jeot is almost a reality. WASCO INDEPENDENT ACADKMY. Tbe next session of Wasco Independ ent Academy will commence on Monday, Sept. 5th. A full faculty of instructors has been secured, with Protebsor Brown, of Chicago, Illinois, as principal. Fur catalogue or particulars, address, S. L. Bitooics, Sec. Ths Dalles, Or. B18 9t I'UliUl! MAhK. I will sell at public auction on the streets of Heppner, on Suturday, Aug. 27tb, a lot of good household furniture, including a dish-wanhiug machine, aud tbe usual paraphernalia of the kitchen. Alsu a cart aud harness. E. L. Matwick, 518-19 Auctioneer. Rncklen's Arnica Sulvf- The best salve iu the world for cuts, bruises, Bores, ulcers Bnlt rnenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, und posi tively cures piles, or no pay reijniren. It is tfuurauteed to Kive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Vnoe 25 cents per box. For sale by Hlooum-Jobnston l)tag Co. Strerjifth and Henlth. If yon are nut feeling strong and healthy, try Electrio Bitters. If la grippe bas left you weak and weary, use Elec tric bitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomaob and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their unctions. If you are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and per manent relief by taking Electric Bitters. Oue trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Larue bottles only 50c at Slocum-Johnson Iirug Go's. NOTICE. The Heppner Light & Water Co. will reoeive bids for masonry and exoavation of two reservoirs; also bids for electrio light pales. For particulars inquire of J. D, Hamilton, 518 It Secretary. U.ST OP LET1EK8 DVEUTI.-KD AT HKI'PNEU I'OSTOFFKJE iV Aug. 21, Beyiiier churlui liavt'lHou J Hall j B Mer 11 A 2 Bmh MIm Mary F Kiilenmii EU Miller I' J hlliitt (J W Young nlieniiaii 2 Flcallc my "AJvertUcd" when falling (or tlieM letier. A. Maujhy. v. ai. SubsoriptionB for all newspHpern, m(f KZiueii Hud periodicals pQblictjed in the wor d tnkeu at tba Gazett nflice. Sub euribo Itr ymir reuditiK matter through 08 and we will iiimre yoo BKuiubt Ions of money in trauBiuiaiiiun tbro.iKb tbe KlUlll. Ketch 'em ere they Fade, llBca a! m Aid Alt f V iwraoispisri To OXFOllD G11ADE BUCKS ! -j i J. 1. SMITH, Bids will be received FOR THE NEST 200 Head Weight not less than "50 pounds, and from S to 0 years old: also 125 Head of Geldiims & Mares, -Not less than 1,-00 T "'hese horses must all be Bound aud reserved to reject any or all bide. SIMPSON k m fi m S9 V .--T,. . . Prevention letter DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND BETTER WOOL n y . . (See Indorsements Connor Dip in used nnd endorKoil by tlie following tlrepon and Montana sheepmen: W. It. DoniildHon, Diivvllle; W. S., Junction Citv; John llnrriBon, .Mntiiey : tieo. (Ii Iib, Aioutolii: Kenneth Melln'e, lmwille: loe Oliver, John liny; J. IV. Dyers, New UhIpoii; I'. .1. Monte, In tend; Cook Chirk, I'hiliu'ook; I'niii'hild i McCruhr, Pniuver; F. It. Warren, t'tien; lluaeh llioa., hewinton: 1'.. 1'. Cliauiller, .Mitioen; J. llirni'iiiH-rir, vnoieuu; u. n. innmnKH, i- oei; jiuul-h i.uie, Dillon; W. Norton, Stewart; A. Hownie, Big Sandy. net in 7111)1.1)1 (UiU I'lOtL'iy 1 Ash Your Merchant for Coopers and Taho no Other. KOtll,ANn M'lOS. Pnrtlnnit, On-enn, Gen. Afrts. ior Oregon, Wusllinyton and Western H. A. Thompson THOMPSON & 15 INNS, PROPKIKTOHS flic Heppner Livery, Feed anil Sale Stable. Below Coltln & MeKarlimd's, Main Street. Good onveyance for Traveling Men. IVauis to hay per day, 75 ots. liny nnd urain per day. $1.2). Meals 25 els. at at O. C. Harifeaut's, ni-xt door to Feed Stable, (irninaud baled hay nlwnvs on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAmSTERS. Coffin & UEALF.RS I ifekris I Farming Implements; ! i Ml Stockmens' AND A Car Load of Mitchell Wagons and I -lacks j just received. Call on them and inspect the same before purchasing elsewhere. NATIONAL !!AXK UUILDIN'O, Change of Ownership 7"K IFAVE TAKKN CUARCJE OF Til 13 LI I'. EI TV MKAT MARKET, IT wbicb we pMpone to romlnct in the moHt Biilitfiictory innaiier. Will kpp on hnnl8 (it nil times the ch"ice.t Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHA.W & Mccarty, S5-tt I'rooi'ietora, B. FOWLER, A VtR IT CLASS A It 1 1ST has jost removed from Milton andln-ated pi'rnmnent Iv in the l.ichtelilhal llnlldiinr. opn site Lily llotul. examine his work means an ord: The undersigned has a noire, knot Wxiord Grade Bucks lor sale at reasonable prices, at his ranch, 7 miles south of Pilot Rock. lilot Rock, Or. orses. TEN DAYS for tbe delivery at Heppner of of Ponies, pounds weight. free from blemifhes The right 518-19. BROTHERS, Care Palace Hotel, Heppner, Or. ! V v IP' T v.i r: s r..j !Si2SA I ' Vt t iT 1 . .....i:i 'r' . .. .1.. ...3 I, .r m sz. r-io s s Y ii J-i WL .i' - - ttviw mo ma vn v 1 hi IIIUAR'. uuiu u Idaho. Props. Win. COOPER k NEPHI'iWS. (ialvcHtnn, Tvxax. McFarland HEri'NF.I'., OKE(it)N. .1" IL'. : 'ii-, . V. . iaii Cure ! IN farmers Supplies j ! 4 HTR! Fo Trade R 71 With the Right Swing and We Propose to 9 (Mcli Tliat Maverick. K3SEEff The Frisky Dollar. Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can . 011111 Like Yours Respectfully. We Rre here for business from the ground up nml propose to let you know it. MINOR BROS., HEPfNEH. OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madb on Shout Notick and at Porci,AR I'hices, J&iF" Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Grain Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. Alllir mo h most of the have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company -Are Htill alive ami kicking fur tnulu with o coiniik-ti line if TOBACCOS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Gnus find A-iTimuiiition, Sewing Mad i i 1 1 os, IP a vi n T mpl on ion Is. Ainu ticiitH' rnnituhliii.' (inntln. nnd tint liirt,'t'st nHhurtrot'nt of It-itH lit KitHtcrii ()ri-K(:i. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our tf. Corner Main ami Willow StrootB, Heppnor Or. JliK Q1.TY HOTEL T ib one of tho most inviting iilnon in with lilin, fni'liric Unit be id nl do to nntvrtnin you in tbe beet of style. r 'irst Class IIousk lie Season For Fruit has Arrived and we are in the business to supply you Uo5 Creom Is about ripo. Wo will let you know about, that in tins iieai' future. V. L. Matlock & Co. ARE Rustlers! at the Head of the Procession In all lines of Sacks HEPPNER DOGS 111 Motto: We Won't Be Undersold. Heppner.' Mr. Leezer invites you to stop Reason ablk Rates. win vv iiuuv;i j