Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. VALUABLE RELICS. Cnpt A. J. Coffw, oily eleotrician of Portland, lifts in liis possession several Yalaable auJ highly prized souvenirs, which hnve beeD in bis family for years. One of these is a sword whicb was be queathed to Mr. Coffee's father, who was R gruud nephew of General Jac k.iou, and two uutoxraph letters from General Jack ou to CaptHiu A. J. Coffee, Sr. Besides these two relics, there is an old fashion ed nud quaint brsoelet ma e of human hair. The clasps of the bracelet nre ol gold, of plain but unique workmauBhip. In one of the clasps iB a small elliptical shaped hollow oovered with Klass. Inside of this narrow space is a lock of General Jacksou's hair, which can be seen verj plainly through the kIiiss. The sword, when presented in New Orleans by the oonupany of Captain Beal, was a remark able Bud catly piece of workmanship. Its value lit that time was 80OOO, which, it is estimated, would be less than hall its actual cost at the present time. It was the stj le known as tbeHomau ord, with a peifcolly straight blade aud scab bard. The bundle then was surmounted With a hue cock's head, composed, at was the handle, of solid gold. Toolarxi diamoLds represented the eyes. The arms of the various states were wrought upon the cross piece aud nlleuoriciil sketches represt ntiui; the various battles participated ill by the general were gra ven on the handle. The steel composing the blade is of the finest quality. Cap tain Coffee is very proud of tbtBe relics and regards them of priceless vulue. Hiii Pointer has reduced the pacing reoord from 2:C6J4 to 2.05. This feat was accomplished at Washington Park, Chicago, ou the 18ib hist. The Fremont Saturday Review is a new weekly paper, of which A. B. ttrnat Is editor and proprietor. It is well print ed, well edited and has for its motto: ''Fremont First the World Afterward Heaven Next." In this issue of the Gazette appears a letter from one of our alliance friends. As it is beaded ''Liter I.," we judge we shall bear from him ngain. We assure Mr. Nasby that the Gazette is not so ni.rrow-minded but what it will give rep resentation to a'l, ro yon have the assur ance that all your letters will be pub lished. A very interesting prngrnm baa been arranged by the Bovereiiiu Grand Lodge. I. O O F., which meets in Portland next month from the 17th to the 23rd indue ive. Among the speoial features might be mentioned the excursion to tbemoiith oi the Columbia, the grand parade, com plimentary entortaiumout at the Mur qnam Graud opera house, where the nov el nielo drama "The Ensign," will he presented, recent ion at the Portland tendered the visiting Indies by the Daughters of Kebekah, Past Grand Rep reseutatives' reunion, excursion by rail through the Willamette Vinloy, Compet itive drill, Oild Fellows' evening at the F.xposition, local excursions, carriage drives, eto. Altogether the program is n very interesting one, especially to O.ld Fellows. Preparations are being made to entertain a very large crowd during the Hussion. FlllcllUltK'K ZOrtN liANOEU. The Coiiileaiaril Man lilns I'pnn the BialTiiliI for II in Ci-iaie. Pendleton, Or., Aug. 19. Frederick Z on has answered with his life for the oriinu he oomiuiltcd, and the laws of man are satisfied. The execution took pluo iu Pendleton at 2 o'clock this ufteruoon and was prompt and thorough in every detail. In October of last year Zorn oimmii'- ted Ihe clinic for which be died. Th. paillculais are familiar to every oue, alio there is no need for auythiog but a brinl review of ihe tragedy. He shot his wife, fiom whom be bad been Beparaied, in the bteasl, his mother iu-law iu tin shoulder and himself iu the mouth. Hit wife died from her wound iu thirty days. His mother-in law lived for a feu months, d lug from old age and thtuiiVi'ti of the bullet. Z no hud for some Hint been drinking heavily, and Was gieally under Ihe lnlueiice of liquor at the tilue lle was tfied aud convicted, the so pi erne court sustained the decree of death, the governor would not interfere, and he has now followed bis victims to the grave. Piomptly i.t 2 o'clock Zoru was led forth f mill Ihe jail. He was allowed to hid goodbye to Mis. J. il. Stuhl ol Walla Walla (by telephone), and oou Virsid with her iu Ootuinu. "1'cllhei good-bye, Fred," said the lunriff, shortly after the tower oloukhad knelled the hour of death. Z ru was handcuffed while being tak en dowu the basement Btairs, hut the haiuhuills weie theu removed. He step ped tiruily and never faltered. lie was seated free ou the platform, and tiller i H' Furnish read the death iir r ; nt in a clear voice. The sheriff asked Zoru if he had anything to say. The re ply was "No; I bid you all good bye. 1 hope we may meet some time iu a heller place." The otlloers near then shook hands with him, and be turned to Ihe sheriff with the remark: "I am well sat itdied w it It your treatiueut." His bands were then fastened behind him, straps placid around his body, knees and ankles and the noose adjusted. As Sheriff Fur-m-li was tighleuiiiK the straps Zorn said to him in n low voice, but w ithout a tre mor, "Well liiilie, this is a pretty tough way to tlie, isn't il?" The black cap was then placed upon his head, ooveiing his face. Immediately afterward be was h' i r 1 tn niHimnr some indistinct words to the i ffect that he gave his soul to Je sus. At 2:11 Sheriff Furnish said, "Fred crick Z o;n, prepare to meet your God," the hver w as pulled by some one sta tioned iu an aitj ining room, ami the body shot dowuwaid. Zjru died with- out a struggle, not even a quiver of the limbs beiDg perceptible. The fall was six feet. The trap fell at 2:11 o'clock. Drs. Vincent and Guyon, the official physicians, assisted by other pbysicianB present, timed the pulse. For nine minutes the pulse could be counted, then it beoame imperceptible, and after a few seconds Frederick Zorn was pro oounced dead. The body was cut down and turned over to the undertakers. It will be shipped to friends at Walla Walla. The twelve witnesses signed the certifi cate of execntion, and the tragedy was complete. Zirn bad said be would meet his death bravely, and be kept his word He was cool aud game to the last. Even while standing with the noose around his neck, there was a smile upon bis face. OBITUAItY. Died Auirust llib 1892, at E'gbt Mi'c, at the residence of bis parents, Marion U., son of Henry E. aud Mary L.War ren, niied 2!) years, 9 months aud 17 days, of consumption, after an illness of seven mouths. Medical skill, careful nursing, everything wim done for his comfort that could be done, but the ravages of the disease could not be arretted. Marion had many friends, bU face will be seen oo more amoug them; bis plaoe is vacant at home, at Hahbath school and at church. Many of his aesociates will re member him as a hvoly boy, always full it fun when In health, and that Was not lontf ago, as his doath was caused by quick consumption. It was a greit com- lort to bis parents that be was able to get home. He took sick iu Washington, aud his father brought him home. Theie lie was nursed by loving parents, broth ers and sisters. Some of lliefimiily were iu Washington aud could not reach home in time fur the funeral. Marion did not realize tl at death was so near. When pokeu to on the subject, he always said he would soon regiuu his strength, and then he would get well. Any one ac quainted with thedieense, (consumption) would not be surprised at bis belief, i s it is a flattering disease. But on the morning of Atij. 11th, at 4 o'clock a. m., death claimed him. For (tenth is unheeding Of Hue, time or pluea, tireciilly feeiling On uweetneBS am! grace; Momently BtveepiliK HlflHcytlic hereiLOO there, ileedlenH of weenliiK And uulliiiK and prayer. Oh, while to an lile'B warm iliiyllnlit Ih fdven, May we Insure uuuleBs miiinlilue la heaven. His mother is a delicate lady, has been in poor health for years, and is scarcely able to bear up under this heavy nlllio lion, but she knows in whom she trusts for salvation, and the God she trusts in will not leave her or forsake her iu tlrii great trial. It is a oomfort to know that she was able to administer to his wants iu bis last days. He was laid to rest in the beautiful cemetry, (the Odd Fellows) which sitna lion is so beautiful, and looks so quiet, and is so Biiggestiie of rest that ue can scarcely visit it without sajing, ''How appropriate." The funeral was largely atteuded. The pareuts, brothers and sis ters and relatives of the deceased, bave ihd sympathy of Hie eutiro community. May this affliction he the means of draw ing (hem nearer to their Havior's side. "In the midst of life wo nro ill death." Fiiomi afler friend depaits; W hu lias not liml a friend ? Tin-re Ib mi union here ol heiirtu 'I hat limit! not here an end ; Were llOH Irnil world our only rest, l.iviui; or dyniK. none w ere hlcnt. There 1b n wot Id nhove, W here iiillinii is unknown, A whole ttlcl'nlly of love Afntiiid lliid'B heavenly throne; And lint h In (hid n plHiitlH on here. And ihea tratiHliues im to that happy sphere. The Poisonous Aeiils In the blood should be taken up and re moved by the Liver anil K'diies, bin i hese oriftuis jp't out of ordei iail to do their work, and the resuli is ltln-iiniiiliniii. there are a thousand remedies for the Liver and Kidneys, loll there is only one lire for Klieuuinhsin, mid that is I)r. I)i iiiiimnnd's I j i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u' remedy. A lai)e inittle may be tiad at the ilme. tists, or ill he sent by exprt si to any nlilreaa on receipt of $5. That is tilt oi ioe of a dure, and env one who is hav ing an nrujinieut with the Klteunintisn will eel fully lepa ill b the tirsi dose. Hi nuinioiid Meilieine Co , 4.S 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. Mr. Edilor:- As we have not Been eny thiiitf fruiii this part ol the oountry we will try and keep things a "ntuieu"(tlint is we peple's party meii, wiuieu an' childuru.) We a ant to keep all ov our peple posted on all ov the poliliole issus ov the day. "We air the peple, aud the peple must be re specktid," Our motto is, "iquil rites to all, mid speahul privilifl'S In nuu." I think the politiole outlook for us is fa vurahle this fall, but e tbot we wuz nil rite away down iu Alulianiy iu the state elecshun, and we nnz until the eleoshnn, but after the eleoshuu we wuz all rout;, Aud the old dinioerats name out abed hy Hbnut '25,0110. lint next November we will carry about 10 or a uVzeti states. Iu Kaunas we have already fused with dim oerats, and we nir yoiu' to fuse iu ev'iy other state that we kin so as to beet the 'pnhlieans. We think that we will (jit n workiu' majority in conris this w inter (that is "hut our teuehiirs 'ell lis and e blieve ev'ry word they say). And this Fall when we carry Kansas, Nehrasky. Iwn, Iiiiliiioy, llinoy, Californv, North ami South llakotv and Arizony, there is others tlmt will think so two. limtliei Hi y Hiit made a Rood speech to thetiaz t man, an' k'lv lino n nt.od sett in down ahout the way him nn' hiz party wuz a diiin', an' Hie way that the 'publican party upholds tlie 1'inks in shootin the labor union men ; we have a rite toset our own wanes an' we will com pell the maitnfae tors to hiv us audi aires as we sav they must. Yours respiotahlv, V. Xasiiv. I.vxiniitox Xii'.uts (which wuz Hill Peulaiid's Hack 1! nieh.) Wlirn tlie Heart i A fTected. Hy llhenmatisin. or any of the nniRCles near that orau, it ia ItUe tantperii u witti an eleetrie wire, for tboith may come nt I any moment. If life i nurth $5, un to ! itte dnij.'t?Mt anil et IV Drnmmond'n 1,'ijhinioK Uemetlv, or m-od tn the Drum-1 niootl Meilieine Oo , 48 fa) .Mtdtleu Lane, Nmw Yitrk, nntl they will send you a buee 1 hottlt by itrepiiid extrpRH, It in not an qtiiek a eh ctruMty, hut it will nave your life if you take it iu tune. Amenta waut ed. READ PUREE'S ! G01G0 : 0IL. Marvelous Cures Effected by its Use. wonderful medicine is the wonder of the nineteenth century, cfitcting a cine when all other CD remedies fail. It is distilled from plants growing upon the bunks of the Congo ltiver, in South Africa. The first knowledge we possess of this wonderful oil is found in some of the writings of Covilham, a Portuguese navigator and African explorer, who was sent out by the King of Abyssinia about the year 1488. He speaks of a wonderful penetrating oil that was in use by the Zimbos, a remnant of a once powerful African uation, and in somo recent cyphers found upon some ruins in a very ancient city called Zitnboe (meaning a royal house,) more evidence hits been produced of this wonderful oil, or rather of the plants from which it is distilled, thus proving conclusively that the secret was sacredly guarded by these ancient inhabitants of the Dark Continent. As the world has progressed more pxploratioiiB have been made into Equatorial Africa, and suffering humanity hai been greatly benefitted, as well as medical science being advanced by the rediscovery of this wonderful Congo Oil. It was first brought into civilized Europe by a member of the expedition sent out from L in ljuiu 1833, uuddr the command of Captain Speke, whose explorations reached far up the Congo River, The secret of its production was jealously guarded until upon the death of the party in whose possession it whs, whou it was given to a party named Ilattee, who formed a company, kiimvu as the Congo Oil Company, having its headquarters at Zanzibar, South Africa, with a branch iu New York City, and thus placing upou the market this most wonderful of all remedies. By its use all pain disappears, but it is particularly recommended in Sciatica, Kheumatism, Neuralgia, Sc. It is wonderfully penetrating, aud to use it once is to become a friend to it always. By its use, thousands who nre suffering can be relieved. It is the cheapest because it is the best, and one bottle of it will go further than a dozen of the many so-called cures for these ills. It is purely for external use. Full and explicit directions ate priuted ou each bottle. If you are afflicted, try a bottle; and before you have used it your aches and pains will disappear, and there will be no more use for crutches or canes. It is for sale by all druggists aud dealers in patent medicines, or can be supplied by the undersigned, who are the sole Pacifio Coast Agents for this wonderful oil. Prepared by THE CONGO OIL CO., Zanzibar, South, Africa, and New York 0. II. 1 Hull MAI Pacific Coast Agents. POW HAIIC. T T AKNKMS-9IIOP. stork and fixturoB. Good f 1 burliness; estnlilihlicd in the midst of a trood tnrmintr mid stork-nufdntr country Also for sale a good house and iwo lots with or without tlie business property. For further In formation address (Juzctte, Ileppuer, Or. 48H tf NOTICE OF INTENTION. I.nnct Office at ha Grande. Or., June 1, Ntitiee is htM'ebv (riven that the follow imr- named settler bus tiled uotieu of his intention to make llnal proof iu support of bin claim, and Hint said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, tit lleppncr, Oregon, ou ept 3, IH'.iii, viz.: 1'ATIOCK CHI All;. Md No. 4SD7, for the N2 of NKfc, Sec 21, and W1-.; of N V4. See Si, T 3 S. K 27 K. V M. lie mimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and culth a tiou of bill' l lamt, vi: John N. Elder, A. J. MrKenzie, Hiehard Nev ille, I). A. Ilerren. all of Hemtuer. Oretrou. Allen Wallace aud 1'ardon Williamson take notice. 511-21 A. CLEAVER, IlegiHtur NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. VTOTICE IS IIEiiEB Y GIVEN THAT TH1: 1 Board of Equalization for .Morrow Coiintv, im'tfon, will meet lu the omce ot ttic Oouuty Clerk, in HeppntT, (Jregoit, Aug. I'it, 1K!I2, and con t i ii lie in SL'sslon one w eek, or until the eqital liilfon of the HHhenKinent is coinpk'ted. Any taxpayer disMitfstlcd with their Hsseswinent are hereby requewteit to appear oetore mm o'ara and make their grievances known. If you have complaint to make, make it known to tlie hoard at the proper time and have the mutter adjusted, lion't wait till it's too late and then blame the assessor or sheriit'. J.J. MtvtH Assessor Morrow County Oregon. Hkim'NEk, or , Aug ti, 'H2. 511-w-w WM. PENl.ANI), Kl. It. BISHOP. PresliU'iit. Cashier. COLLKOTIONS Made on Favoruble Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD, durrNEa tf oRRnox AUlHIIilNAL I.UI Al... Kubl, the baker. Buy your bread nud cakea and save mouey. try it. a. John Jenkins advertises bia tine kiln of brick. Itemcmher that Heppuer brick e(Ual toe Peet. u For cash yon oan get more nt the East cm ClolhiiiK bonne, with Levi ou deck, ttiau any otlier place In xteppner. t The l'ahioe is the leadini; hotel in the city. Well furnished roouia with plenty of liubt are provided for everyoue. a Don't overlook T. W. Avera, Jr., the IciolliiH dniKKiet. Choieeet peifumeH, liurest druu'9 and the tiuest toilet articles al way h on band. a The Uiichler beer, 5 cents per Khiss, ut the Columbia Hear Hall, Gamers & Hughes, mops., next door to M. Lioli tent hal & Co.'s Bhne store. a Since Shaw & McCarty purchased the meat market they have nays endeavor etl to keep on hand the freshest aud choioest nieati. sanaatics and bnlouuna. a The M. I,. AT. Co. since thev have roofed nil their platforms, have an itu mcnae atnrnne l ainicity. This coinpauy now deals lu jirain, lumber ami wood, a Henry lleppner's warehouse is one of the largest and most capacious in East em Oregon. Henry is now prepared to do a general forwarding business, linlt'8 reasonable. Thompson A liinnson u the buss which Koes to aud from the City hotel, but will call for parlies desiring to go to train iu any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a What will perseverance, pluck and en lerpris avail iu this wild west, if you cannot net bit! buriiaiiis? However, be fore Kiviuir up eutirt ly, visit Minor liros.' cinpor u ni. a Dr. Grant's Clonic, the great dyspepsia CtUHinerer, will positively cure dispepsja anil all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to etfect t cure or money refunded. See d. in this issue. a My dear, let's go around lo the saloon this eve, aud Lane Matlock's ice cream saloon, I mean, where vou can get ice oresm that will make your mouth water; also tind in stock the freshest fruits snd finest confectionnries. a Don't overlook Kuk A Kiismus for bargains. They have purchased I he bus iness of J. W. Matlock & Ci".. but will soon remove to the Mallory corner, oppo site the l'alaoe hotel. a rfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier is Hi great ctmqnerer of Ihllionsness slid Liv er oomplaint. Kelirf certain iu every oase. bold at Oue Dollar a bottle. Try it AND PONDER! era mi price Flour Exchanged for Wheat IIEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. W. AYERS.Sr., Manager. 448 FALL Ni OF OCTOBER The Directors have taken the their Programme, and hope by the liberal patronage of as the Horsemen. FIRST PAY, Oct. 19. Qunrtcr-mlle dash; punt'. HO on. Beeper' Part Association ! s-KCliNO MY, Oct. 20. Free for nil; best two In three, half-mile lients weight pony nice; best two in three, null-mile hoots: nttrsf I Hi 1(1) HAY, Oct L'l.-lliree-eiglUH mile 1'J5 no KH'Kiii DAY. Oct. 22. For defeated horses; heats; purse I-Ive to enter, three to start: 10 per cent nt poise for entrance fees. All purses will be divided us follows: Seventy percent to tlie w Inner, twenty percent to the second bust and ten to the third. These races will be governed blood Horse dissociation. Will bnng purses for horses that might come here who are not qualified to enter iu nuy of the above races. DIKKCTOH.Sl OTIS PATTERSON, Secretary. A. D. McATEE, President. J. N. Brown, T. W. Avers, Jr., E. (. Sprrry. 517 Otcl9. ci 1 1 ,i 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BOllO THE .1F.WKLEK Is "iu it" yet. H 1 1 HI 1 1 II I II 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 II I 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 V XOTH'K OF INTENTION. Isml ji.''!'! Noil, I-t 'feat The Dalles, Or., An sr. ti. PW. erehv Riven time tlie foMinvtitiMmm ss liltni notice of his intention to 1 set 1 m f ntHke l.K,i tllHt SS'ifB I'lerk i.. I",ir roof tn support of his rtttitn. stul of will tte uirttle Wfore the t'ouniv rrtiw coulltv. Or., at Heiumer. llr . opaept. 17. ISirJ, vi,; JOHN II.FR, (llii. No. for the N'j N K 1 , , N Kl . NVi..sml Ut 1 ot .- 111. I'p. a S It 211 K. , He nanit'stlte follow tntt witnesses to prove his continuous residence lllaul, ami cultivation ot, sai.l land. ts: MlonKni Mavfteld, Orus Shtnn, Stephen I.a Unde HUi J. F. Voant. all of Ileppuer. Oregon. s-2 Jons V. Lewis, Kesister. lli! Ilil 10. ML. . ilMs Tits Leaffino Hotel ol lis Oils THE 19, 20,21,22. utmost pains in preparing that they will be rewarded the general public as well puree, J100.00. Local saddle horses, 400 yards purse J12V00. Catch; purse IHIOU'J. Fivc-eiglite mile dash purse 700 yards; purse $75.00. Free for all half-mile by ilie rides of the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 1, iuiauti Wl'.LL FURNISHED ROOMS. NOT1CK OF INTENTION. Land Otllcc at I.a Orande. Or.. July as, 1S92. Nortec is lierehy v'iven ttiat the 'folloivtnir named settler has tiled notieeof his intention to make titml proof In supptrt of his claim, snd thtit ssi.l prof will he tmide hefttre the t'ounty i t'lerk of Morrow Citoitv, or., at Heppaer, or!, i on Seltelnler t iz: I'll Mil. Ks It. MYERS, i lid. No. Mil, for the V See. 2J, Tp. 2 S R 2S E w M. ' He naines tlie followine witnesses to prove his civituoiu'ts residence niton atui cultivation of I Kaid Isttd. Vlf : ! J.neph l.'iekman J M. Wad, tell. B. Veerfcamp l aud A. E. tuiith, at! of Lena, Oregon. 1 A. CLK-IVER, U-21. Beglster fill For T. W. AYEIiS, Jr., & Co. .V THEIR NEW H TORE, NEXT ddor TO t'YJT HOTEL. STATE NORMAL MONMourn, oitiiaoN Tlie lpadi nx "Normal School of the Nortliwefst, BOUtD OF ItEOKNTH. nenJamtiiSch.ifielil. Pres.. J. B. V. Bntler. bw;. Lx-OHloio.-Hn Klcell. cvllovernorpMt,noJer. Hon. K. II. M. Klmy. Stipe-lite. d-'t,t ,.f Pohl c In irttetio, ; lion. . VV. JlcDride, S'fretarj- of State; A. Noltner, J. C. White, lion. W II. Holmes. AITred Lhc.v. Hon. P. W. U ley. Hon. J. J. My. TH14 8TATE NOIIM AL is a Live Nciioot,. r.i idly Brmvinc rd rapidly addinn to its facilities for the special i rainiiiK of teachers. Its Kottlaatcs are in deal nil In fill uiod positions. A Rain of 811 erce it.inatomd.i.ifRWiis Insi year. An eurrtllimnt of 5(l is anticipated fo Ihe neit year. New memhers Ititre liw-t- a ded lo lite faculty and itdoitiomd upparatns sopplietl. A diploma entitles one to leach in any county in thestute without further examination. if 1 1 Ul 11111 ill! I ItilUi. uj I 1 til -4111 . 1 1 . 1 I II Special A dvantaohs in Vocal and Instrumental Music. A Year in School for One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. TUITION HFTIUCED to n.' S for Niirmnl. md f S.00 for 8nh Normal per term of ten weeks. Board at Normal Hal . il.rm .e week. Vnitiislied moras $ tier week. Board and lodg ing with private iunnlies per week. Beautiful and healthial locatotn. No saloons. First Term Opens September 20. 1892. For Catalozne address P- 1 CAMPBFI.I,. K B.. I'l-s. or J. JL POWLLh. Vice Pres. 509-16 bw Jloaiatialll, tlreKOd. Tli.r Worry Over the Crops being a failure Or the Roads being dusty WEEEN THE EASTERN Given yon such Big Line of Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Yalises, Hxits and Panoy Goods AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! A Large Stock of Gents' and Ladies' Furnish ing Goods to be sold at Cost. A number of summer suits and odd pants to be disposed of regardless of cost. Come) eai'ly and avoid the rush in s e c ti i i n o- b a r a ins. IX A. -IIKHl-iKN'S BUILDING, May Street, Heppner, Oregon. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP A. W. I'ATTEIiSON, MNT SHEEP MEN ATTENTION ! I Have f oi- Sale Four Thousand Bucks. Fifteen hundred are Thoroughbred, and 2uU0 Grade Bucks from Wm. Ross band. For terms and prices addiees Charles Cumiiimiiam, CARE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, DAN ORMERS. Columbia r tfEXT DOOR to 21. Lichlenthal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main Sired. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, r: n: ttj. nr i j i i Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to r Cents Per Glass, On draught, freeh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and ninny more. OSMEK8 & HUGHES, Props. Footwear v. piny-H fr-'TTI 1ha Knit widni.r Pfiirp ror-m, xt ' nnr r. There you will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Mnl Street, Ilf ppner Oi. CP D i LLlLiLi DJj liiUVO, Gazette Off ice 41: i i-SOii ;"' -If LOOK OUT FOR SOME THING NEW. jjiii.jiiivi.ioi. II MM 1AV NOTARY PUBLIC CAI A. CONVEYANCER oc CLOTHING HOUSE bargains for eaub. E.XUIvAICD "Jje Beat In the World PENDLETON, OREOOK MAT HUGHES. Beer Hall! Footwear ! l-jn Stfn'. to TIipt ''W H. H Hi'lcn r A I'n 'q. Jl'V Plentv of them at thp